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No. 286]
Rare and Valuable Books
Orders of £1 to £100
7 .
„ £101 „ £350
„ £351 „ £500
„ £501 upwards
7 .
Americana .
Association Book*
Astronomy .
Autograph Lrtters .
Catalogues of Art Collkc
English Books printed in
the XVth, XVTth, and
XVTIth Centuries
English Books printed in
the XVIIIth and XIX ih
European History
European Philoloqt .
French Literature .
Genealogy and Heraldry
Italian Literature .
Mathematics and Phtsics
Militant Matters
Music ....
Naval Affairs .
Numismata .
Occult Sciences
Political Economy
332 336
BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton St., New Bond St.
London, March, 1910
Telegrams: QUARITCH, London
Telephone: Qerraro 6473
Original from
of £1 to £100
£101 „ £350
124 %
£351 „ £500
15 %
£501 upwards
20 %
These terms apply only to direct orders, no further
allowance can be made to Agents
The large increase of my stock during the
last few years has compelled me to erect a
new Warehouse at 30 Charing Cross Road; the
building will shortly be finished. This will
necessitate a re-arrangement of my stock and a
removal of certain sections to the new building.
To lighten the moving operations as much
as possible I now issue this Catalogue, hoping
that Librarians will seize my offer of most
favourable terms to make large selections
from it.
The descriptions in this Catalogue are neces¬
sarily brief, but full descriptions can be',
furnished if desired.
The terms of this Catalogue remain effective
until the Sid ^IvJune. university of Michigan
No. 286
London, March , 1910
Rare and Valuable Books
2 5
0 16
0 18
0 10
1 4
1 10
3 3
0 5
1 0
0 6
£ ». d.
0 5 0
0 15 0
15 0
1 Aborigines. Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Aboriginal
Tribes (British Settlements). 8vo., ad. 1837
2 African Company. The Importance of effectually supporting the Royal
African Company of England impartially considered. Second Edition.
Sm. 4to., with map ; half blue morocco; rare 1745
3 Andersson (C. J.). Lake Ngami. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1856
4 Angas (George French). The Kafirs illustrated. Impl. folio, with por¬
traits, 30 coloured plates, and 11 woodcuts; half morocco neat 1849 20 0 0
5 Balnea (Thomas). Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa. 8?o., with
portrait, map in pocket, 4 plates, and a facsimile of a Utter; cloth 1877
6 Baker (Sir Samuel W.). The Albert N’Yanza. 2 vols., 8vo., hf morocco
7 -the same. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1867
8 Baldwin (Wm. Cbas.). African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi.
8vo., cloth 1863
9 Barrow (John). Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa . . 1797-98.
2 vols., 4to., with maps; half calf 1801-4
10 -the same. 2 vols., 4to., a fine copy in calf 1801-4
11 -the same. Second Edition. 2 vols., 4to., with maps and 9 coloured
plates; russia 1806
12 - the same. 2 vols., 4to., o fine copy, with a folding coloured plate,
“ View of the Entrance into Cape Town from Qreen Point ” from the first
edition, added; calf extra, uncut 1806
13 Llleek (W. H. I.). Reynard the Fox in South Africa. 8vo., cloth 1864
14 Boyce (W. B.). Notes on South African Affairs from 1834 to 1838.
8vo., bd. Graham's Town, 1838
15 Brooks (H.). Natal. Edited by Dr. R. T. Mann. 8vo., with 2 maps, and
14 pi at es, 6 of which are coloured; calf gilt 1876
16 Bruce (James). Travels to discover the Source of the Nile . . . 1768-73.
5 vols., 4to., with numerous plates ; bd. Edinburgh, 1790
17 Bryce (James). Impressions of South Africa. 8vo., Library Edition,
4 with 3 maps; cloth 1898
18 Burton (R. F.). First Footsteps in East Africa. 2 vols., 8vo., with
coloured plates ; doth (pub. 12 s') 1894
19 Callaway. The Religious System of the Amazulu. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo.,
sewed ^ i ^ Original from 18684)
20 Cameron (V. L*)* vAtabs^mca. 2 vols., 8vo., i c<c</^ RS | T Y 0 p
2 5 0
0 15 0
0 18 0
18 0
0 8 6
0 6 0
Canary Islands:
21 [Abreu de Galineo (Juan de)]. History of the Discovery and
Conquest of the Canary Islands, by George Glas. 4to., bd. 1764
22 - N oticias de la Historia general de las Islas Canarias. 4 vols.,
roy. 8vo., half bound Santa Cruz, 1858-63
23 Bethencourt. The Canarian, by Jean de Befchencourt, translated and
edited by R. H. Major. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1872
24 5tone (Olivia M.). Tenerife and its six satellites. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
25 Cape of Good Hope. State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822. 8vo.,
with Plan of the Country between Graham's Town and the Mouth of the
Great Fish River; bds., uncut 1823
26 Capetown (Bishop of). Three Months’ Visitation, by the Bishop of
Capetown in 1855. Post 8vo., with sketches printed in colours; cloth 1856
27 Cape Town. Waarheid en onpartydigheid, of De Meditator in het klein.
Eerste band, bevattende de 35 eerste nommers. 8vo., cloth
Cape Town, 1838
28 Carter (G.). A Narrative of the loss of the Grosvenor. 8vo., with a
folding frontispiece ; bds., uncut 1791
29 Castanhoso. The Portuguese Expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-3. Trans¬
lated and edited by R. S. White way. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Society, 1902
30 Chase (J. C.). The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of
Algoa Bay. Post 8vo., cloth 1843
31 Daniell. Sketches representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery
of Southern Africa. Oblong roy. 4to., 48 plates, proofs on India Paper,
half morocco 1820
32 Davis (N.). Carthage and her remains. 8vo., cloth 1861
33 Dimotheos (Le R. P.). Deux ans de sejour en Abyssinie. 2 vols.
in 1, 8vo., bds. • 1871
34 Dufton (H.). Narrative of a Journey through Abyssinia in 1862-3.
Post 8vo., cloth 1867
35 Fisher (W. E. Garrett). The Transvaal and the Boers. 8vo., cloth 1900
36 Fitzpatrick (J. P.). The Transvaal from Within. 8vo ., cloth 1899
37 Frejus (Roland). The Relation of a Vo j age made into Mauritania
in Afriok. 16mo., old calf 1671
38 Frere (Sir H. Bartle E.). Eastern Africa as a field for Missionary
Labour. Po6t 8vo., doth 1874
39 Gobat (5.). Journal of a three years’ residence in Abyssinia. 8vo., doth
40 Hall (H.). Map (coloured) of South Africa to 16° S. Lat. Mounted on
linen , and folded in 8 vo. size, in a cloth case Cape Town, 1857
41 Hamilton (J.). Wanderings in North Africa. 8vo., doth 1856
42 Harris (W. Cornwallis). Narrative of an Expedition into Southern
Africa, 1836-37. 8vo., calf neat Bombay, 1838
43 Hinde (S. L. and H.). The Last of the Masai. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1901
44 Holden (W. C.). The Past and Future of the Kaffir Races. 8vo., cloth
45 Jameson (J. S.). Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief
Expedition. 8vo., cloth 1890
46 Johnston (H. H.). The River Congo, from ils mouth to Bolobo. Second
Edition. 8vo., doth 1884
47 -the same. Post 8vo., cloth 1895
48 Kaffir War. Narrative of the Irruption of the Kafir Hordes into the
Eastern Provinces of the Cape of Good Hope, 1834-5. 8vo., half calf
Graham'8 Town, 1836
49 Kay (Stephen). Travels and Researches in Caffraria. Post 8vo., half
morocco neat 1833
50 Keatinge (Col. Maurice). Travels through France and Spain to
Morocco. vbls.ria Wp 4to., bds. uncut 0ri 9 inal from 18 L7
yiLsro* grc • university of Michigan
£ s. d.
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 14 0
C 7 6
1 1 0
0 8 0
2 2 0
0 12 C
0-18 0
0 6 0
5 5 0
0 3 6
0 2 6
0 3 6
0 4 6
0 3 6
0 1 6
0 3 0
0 10 0
0 2 0
0 17 6
0 2 6
0 12 6
0 7 0
0 6 0
0 3 6
3 7 6
14 0
0 12 0
51 Kolbe. Description da Cap de Bonne-Esperance. YoIp. I—II, 12mo., calf
Amsterdam, 1741
52 Latrobe (C. I.). Journal of a visit to Sooth Africa in 1815 and 1816.
4to., bds., uncut 1818
53 Levaillant (F.). Second Voyage dans lTnt 6 rieur de l’Afriqae. 3 vols.,
8 vo. f half bound Paris, Van 3 (1794)
54 -— Travels into the interior parts of Africa. 3 vols., 8 vo. ( map
missing ) bds., uncut 1796
-the same. 2 nd edition. 2 vols., 8 vo., old calf 1796
56 Lindley (Capt. A. F.). Adamantia. 8 vo., cloth 1873
57 Little (W. J. K.). Sketches and Studies in South Africa. Roy. 8 vo.,
cloth 1899
58 Livingstone (David). Missionary Travels and Researches in South
Africa. 8 vo., bd. 1857
59 Lucas (Capt. Thomas). Pen and Pencil Reminiscences of a Campaign
in South Africa. 4to., 21 beautiful coloured plates; cloth 1861
60 Ludolfus. Historia ^Ethiopica. 1681-91—Lvdolfi Relatio Nova de
hodierno Habessini© statu . . 1693—3 vols. in 2, sm. folio, calf gilt
' Francofurti, i68l-93
61 Lugard (Capt. F. D.). The Rise of our East African Empire. 2 vols.,
roy. 8 vo., cloth 1893
62 McDermott (P. L.). British East Africa. 8 vo., cloth 1893
63 Macdonald (Duff). Africana. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1882
64 MacKinnon (James). South African Traits. 8 vo., cloth 1887
65 Descartes (M. Mac^). Histoire et Geographic de Madagascar. 8 vo.,
half calf 1846
66 Flacourt (Etienne de). Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar. Sm.
4to., vellum, or old calf 1661
67 Knight (E. F.). Madagascar in War Time. 8 vo,, cloth 1896
68 Lloyd (R. B. and Francis). Discovery or Description of the most
famous Island of Madagascar. Second edition. Sm. 4to.< title-page
slightly defective ; unbound 1647
69 Mann (R. J.). The Colony of Natal. 8 vo., cloth [1859]
70 Map of Southern Rhodesia. A large sheet folded 8vo. size 1900
71 Matthews (J. W.). Incwadi Yami. 8 vo., cloth 1887
72 Backhouse (James). A Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius and
South Africa. 8 vo., cloth 1844
73 Bonaparte (Prince Roland). Le Premier Etablissement des Neer-
landais a Maurice. 4to., sewed 1890
74 D’Unienville (M. le Baron). Statistique de I’ll© Maurice et ses
D4pendances. 3 vols., 8 vo., sd. 8s; or, half morocco Maurice, 1885-6
75 Journal of Five Months’ Residence in the Mauritius. By a
Bengal Civilian. 8 vo., cloth Calcutta, 1838
76 Mauritius Almanac and Colonial Register for 1870 . 8 vo., bds.
Mauritius , 1870
77 Pridham (C.). Account of Mauritius and its Dependencies. 8 vo.,
cloth 1849
78 [Sainte-Pierre (Bemardin)]. Voyage h l’lsle de France. 2 vols.,
8 vo., hf. bd. Amsterdam (Paris), 1773
79 Methuen (H. H.). Life in the Wilderness. 8 vo., cloth 1846
89 Murray (R. W.). South Africa from Arab Domination to British Rule.
8 vo., doth 1891
81 Noble (J.). South Africa. Post 8 vo., doth 1877
82 Park (Mungo). Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, 1795-7.
4to., rutria gilt , with coat of arms on side _ _ 1799
83 - the same. Second Edition, 1799.—Journal of a Mission to the
Interior of Africa, 4to., old calf iVERSITYjfi?!^^
£ • e. d.
0 12 0
14 0
0 15 0
0 16 0
1 S 0
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 3 6
3 10 0
1 16 0
0 15 0
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 3 6
0 2 6
2 2 0
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 3 6
0 3 ,0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 12 6
0 4 0
0 3 6
0 3 6
0 12 6
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 2 0
0 12 6
0 18 0
84 Parkyns (Mansfield). Life in Abyssinia. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1853
85 Pringle (T.). African Sketches. 12mo., cloth 1834
86 Renshaw (R.). Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and up the Red Sea.
Post 8vo., Ids. 1804
87 Robertson (John). Six Tears on the Road. 12mo cloth 1856
88 Saint Olon. Estat present de l’Empire de Maroc. 16mo., old gilt calf 1694
89 Santa Cruz. True and Particular narrative of the late Strange revolu¬
tions at Santa Cruz, in South-West Barbary. Sm. 4to., half calf 1737
90 Santarem. Recherches sur la priorite de la Deoouverte des pays situes
sur la cote occidentale d’Afrique. 8vo., hf. morocco Paris, 1842
91 Scoble (John) and H. R. Abercrombie. The Rise and Fall of
Kmgerism. 8vo., cloth 1900
92 Shaw (Barnabas). Memorials of South Africa. 12mo., cloth 1841
93 5hoberl (Frederic). The World in Miniature; Africa. 4 vols., 12mo.,
neatly bound B. Ackermann, 1821
94 Simpson (W.). A Private Journal kept during the Niger Expedition
[1841-2], 8vo cloth 1843
95 Slavery. Berriman (W.). Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of
St. Paul, before the Captives redeemed by the late Treaty with the
Emperor of Morocco. 8vo., half bound 1722
96 Soyaux (H.). Ans West-Afrika, 1873-6. 2 vols., 8vo., sewed Leipaig, 1879
97 Sparrman (Andr6). Voyage an Cap de Bonne Esplrance. 2 vols., 4to.,
half bound Paris , 1787
98 - A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols., 4to., a fine copy in
calf gilt ... 1785
99 -the same. 2 vols., 4to., a tall copy in the original bds., uncut 1785
100 Stanley (H. M.). The Congo. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1886
101 Stern (H.). The Captive Missionary. 8vo., cloth (1868)
102 Sykes (F. W.). With Plumer in Matabeleland. 8vo., cloth 1897
103 Thruston (Brevet-Major A. B.). African Incidents. 8vo., cloth 1900
104 Tissot (Charles). Exploration Scientifiquo de la Tunisie. Tome I. 4to.,
sd. Paris, 1884
105 Tuckey (Capt, J. K.). Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River
Zaire. 4to., bound 1818
106 Vues d’Afrique M£ridionale. Oblong folio, 4 beautifully coloured
plates, with a leaf of descriptions; a very fine clean copy, sewed (1803 ?)
107 Waddington (G.). Journal of a visit to some parts of Ethiopia.
4to., bds. . 1822
108 Wellby (M. S.). ’Twixt Sirdar and Menelik. 8vo., cloth 1901
109 Wilcocks (Sir James). From Kabul to Kumassi. 8vo., cloth 1904
110 Wills (W. A.) and L. T. Collingridge. The Downfall of Lobengula.
Sm. 4to., half calf (1894)
111 Windus (John). A Journey to Mequinez. 8vo., large paper, calf, neatly
rebacked 1725
112 Wyld (J.). A coloured map of the Transvaal. Mounted on linen and
folded to 8 vo. size ; cloth 1881
113 Younghusband (Capt. F.). South Africa of to-day. 8vo., cloth 1898
114 Akra. Barth’s Bible Stories in Akra. 12mo., cloth Galw, 1854
115 -Zimmermann (J.). A Grammatical Sketch of the Akra- or
Ga-Language. 8vo., cloth Stuttgart, 1858
116 Ashanti. Bible. Translated by J. G. Christaller. 8vo., bd. 1871
117 -Christaller (J. G.). Grammar of theAsanteand Fante Language.
8vo., bds. 1875
*18-Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language. 8vo.,
half bound hv r*nnol p 0riginal ffbm 1881
£ *. rf.
0 15 0
0 10 0
1 10 0
0 2 6
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 7 6
0 3 6
0 3 6
1 10 0
0 2 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
1 12 0
2 10 0
3 3 0
0 9 0
0 10 6
0 4 6
0 2 6
0 10 0
0 10 6
17 17 0
0 3 6
0 6 0
0 12 6
0 6 0
1 12 0
0 2 6
0 2 6
0 2 0
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 4 6
0 7 6
119 Angolan. Cannecattim (Bern. Maria de). Colleccao de Observances
grammaticaes sobre a lingua Bunda. Sm. 4to., sd., 8s ; or, cloth (title
mounted) 1805
120 Bantu. Torrend (J.). Comparative Grammar of the South-African
Bantu Languages. 4to., cloth 1891
121 Bobangi. Whitehead (J.). Grammar and Dictionary of the Bobangi
Language. Post 8vo., cloth 1899
122 Bullom. Nylander (G. B.). Select Portions of the Common Prayer.
12mo., hf. bd. 1816
123 Dualla. Epistles and Revelations. 8vo., cloth 1861
124 Galla. Tutschek (L.). Dictionary of the Galla Language. Part I.
Galla-English-German. 8vo., half morocco 1844
125 Hauaa. Robinson (C. H.). Dictionary of the Hausa Language. Vol. I.
Hausa-English. 8vo., cloth 1906
126 -Schon (J. F.). Grammar of the Hausa Language. 8 vo., cloth 1862
127 Krapf (J. L.). Vocabulary of Six East-African Languages. Roy. 4to.,
doth • 1850
128 Libyan. Newman (F. W.). Libyan Vocabulary. 8vo., doth 1882
129 Malagasy. Dictionnaire Frannais-Malgache. 12mo., sewed
He Bourbon , 1855
130 -Kessler (Julius). An introduction to the Language and Litera¬
ture of Madagascar. Poet 8vo., cloth 1872
131 Mandingo. MacBair (R. M.). Grammar of the Mandingo Language.
8vo., hf. bd. (about 1839)
132 Nubian. Lepsius (R.). Nubisohe Grammatik [und Worterbuoh]. 8vo.,
cloth 1880
133 Sechuana. Casalis (Eugene). Etudes sur la langue Sechuana. 8vo.,
sewed 1841
131 Somali. Kirk (J. W. C.). A Grammar of the Somali Language. 8vo.,
cloth . 1905
135 Swahili. Madan (A. C.). English-Swahili Dictionary. Cr. 8vo., cloth
136 Vei. Copy of a MS. brought from the Vai Country. 12mo., tewed [1851]
137 - Koelle (S. W.). Outlines of a Grammar of the Vei Language.
8vo., cloth 1854
138 Wolof. Dard (J.). Dictionnaire Fran 9 ais-Wolof. 8vo., sd. 1825
139 Yoruba. Crowther (S.). Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language. 8vo.,
doth 1843
140 -•-the same, with introductory remarks by Rev. 0. E. Vidal.
8vo., cloth 1852
141 -Vocabulary. 8vo., hf. calf [1856]
142 -Luke, Acts, and Epistles, in Yoruba. 12mo., calf 1856
143 Zulu and Kafir. Bible, in Zulu. 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., bd. 1883
144 -
145 -
146 -
147 -
148 -
Boyce (W. B.). Grammar of the Kafir Language. 4to , doth
Graham's Toum, 1834
-the same. Second Edition, by William J. Davis. 8vo.,
hf. calf 1844
-Grout (Lewis). The Isizulu. A Grammar. 8vo , half calf
Natal, 1859
■ Izindatyana Zabantu. 8vo., doth ib., 1859
-Dohne (J. L.). A Zulu-Kaffir Dictionary. 8vo., sewed
Cape Town , 1857
149 Abbeville. Histoire de la mission des Peres Cnpucins en l’Isle de
Maragnan et terres circonnoifines [Brasil] . . . Par le B. P. Claude
d’Abbeville. l2mo., bound in 2 vols. red morocco , gilt edges Paris , 1614
150 African Trade, the great Pillar and Support of the British Plantation
Trade in AmericfT'’ hf- morocco Original from 1745
£ t. d.
0 6 0
0 14 0
0 6 0
0 16
0 2 0
0 3 6
0 8 0
0 2 6
0 4 6
0 5 0
0 15 0
0 2 0
0 2 6
0 16 0
0 2 6
0 7 6
0 7 6
0 2 0
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 2 6
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 2 0
0 6 0
1 1 0
0 3 0
0 10 0
0 2 6
0 16 0
6 0 0
2 2 0
£ t. d.
5 15 0
2 2
0 6
0 5
Arctic Regions:
171 Baffin. Voyages of William Baffio, 1612-22. 8vo., cloth
Hakluyt Soc., 1880
172 Barents. The Three Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic
Regions (1504-6), by Gerritt de Veer. 8vo., cloth ib., 1876
173 -Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi . . . et un Paese nell’
Ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia. Sm. 4to., vellum
Original Venetia, 1599
Digitized by
3- --
0 16 0
4 8 0
2 16 0
6 6 0
5 5 0 -
151 Alaman (Lucas). Historia de Mejico 1808 hasta la epoca presente.
5 vols., 8vo., calf Mejico, 1849-52
152 Alegre (Francisco Javier). Historia de la Compania de Jesus en
Nneva-Espana. 3 vols., sm. 4to., hf. bd. 1841-42
153 Alexander (J. E.). L’Acadie. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1849
154 Alvarado (Pedro de). Proceso de Residencia contra Pedro de Alvarado
notas y noticias biograficas por D. Jose Fernando Ramirez. Sm. 4to.,
hf. bd. Mexico, 1847
155 Alzate Ramirez (Jose Antonio). Gacetas de Literatnra de Mexico.
4 vols., sm. 4to., bd. (veil. 4 not uniform) Puebla, 1831
156 American Almanac (The). Vol. I—XXIV and XXVI—XXXII;—
together 31 vols., cr. 8vo., half calf Boston, Mass., 1830-61
157 American Antiquarian Society. Archaaologia Americana. Vol.
I—VII, with a Catalogue of the Library;—together 8 vols., 8vo., five
vols. half blue morocco, and three vols. in cloth 1820-85
158 American Railroads. A volume containing 48 pamphlets relating to
Early American Railways, Canals, etc., the majority printed in
America. 8vo., hf. morocco 1825-40
159 Ampere (J. J.). Promenade en Amerique. 2 vols., 8vo., hf. morocco
160 Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico. Vol. I in 7 parts, and Vol. II
parts 1-6. Impl. 4to., sd. 1877-82
161 Andr£ (John). Monody on Major Andre. By Miss Seward. 12mo.,
brown levant morocco Philadelphia, Enoch Story (1782)
162 • Andre; a tragedy in five acts [by William Dunlap]. 8vo., broivn
levant morocco New York, T. fy J. Swords, 1798
163 -Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of
Major Andre. By Joshua Hett Smith. 8vo., calf 1808
164 Andrews (J.). A Collection of Plans of the most Capital Cities of every
Empire. 4to., with 43 plates ; old calf 1772
Including plans ot Quebec, and Lima.
165 Andrews’ Illustrations of the West Indies. 2 vols., oblong folio, 58
plates ; cloth ' Sidmouth and London, 1860
166 Anglerius (Petrus Martyr). De Nouo Orbe, or the Historic of the West
Indies. Sm. 4to., fine copy in old rutsia 1612
Rare ; first complete edition of the work in English.
167 -Extraict ov Recveil Des Isles nonuellemet trounees en la grand
mer Oceane . . . faict premierement en latin par Pierre Martyr de
Millan. Sm. 4to., large and fine copy in old russia, gilt edges Paris, 1532 105 0 0
This excessively rare volume is a kind of Collection of Voyages, which is not only
the first in the French language, but is also antecedent to all other collections of the
kind, with the one exception of the famous Paesi. It consists of l’cter Martyr’s first
three Decades reduced to French ; followed by three Narrations, the first being a version
of the Dc Insulin neviter repertis of Basle, 1521, which was the pirated first edition of
Peter Martyr’s fourth Decade ; and the second and third are derived from the two
letters of Cortes printed at Nurnberg in 1524.
168 Anson (George). Voyage round the World in . . (1740-44) compiled
by Richard Walter. 4to., large paper; old calf, rebacked 1748
169 Arber (Edward). The First Three English Books on America 1511-
1555. 4to., cloth 1895 0 18 0
170 -The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1623 a.d. Edited by
Edward Arber. Post 8vo., cloth 1897
1 10 0
3 17 6
5 0 0
2 12 (»
0 15 O
2 2 0
12 0 0
15 0
0 7 6
0 14 0
1 11 6
1 16 0
Arctic Regions, continued: —
174 Back (Captain). Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the
Month of the Great Fish River, 1833-35. 8vo., cloth 1836
175 -Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. Terror on the Arctic
Shores. 1836-37. 8vo., calf 1838
176 Coats. Geography of Hudson’s Bay. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1851
177 Crantz (David). The History of Greenland. 2 vols., 8vo., bds. 1767
178 Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to 1630 . 2 vols, 8 vo., cloth
Hakluyt Soc., 1897
179 Davis. Voyages and Works of John Davis, the Navigator. 8vo., with
facsimile of the “ Mollineux Map"; cloth ' ib., 1878-80
180 Ellis (Henry). Voyage to Hudson’s Bay. 8vo., old calf 1748
181 Foxe (Luke). North-west Fox, or, Fox from the North-weet Passage.
By Captaiuo Lvke Foxe, of Kingstone vpon Hull. Sm. 4to., with a fine
and perfect impression, mounted on linen, of the very rare map; a few
letters on 2 leaves in facsimile, but a fine and large copy in green morocco
gilt, gilt edges 1635
The rare first edition.
182 -the same. Sm. 4to., lacking the map; half bound 1635
183 Foxe and James. Voyages of Capt. Luke Foxe and Capt. Thomas
James in search of a North-West Passage, in 1631-32. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1894
184 Franklin. Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John
Franklin. By Captain M’CIintock. 8vo., cloth 1859
185 - Richardson (Sir John). Arctic Searching Expedition. 2 voIb ,
8vo., cloth 1851
186 -Snow (W. P.). Voyage of the Prince Albert in search of Sir
John Franklin. 8vo., cloth 1851
187 Frobisher. Historia Navigations Martini Forbisseri . . . A. C. 1577.
Sm. 4to., bds. Hamburg, 1675
188 Greely (A. W.). Three Years of Arctic Service. 1881-84. 2 vols.,
roy. 8vo., cloth 1886
189 Hall (Charles F.). Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition, 1864-
69. 4to., cloth 1879
190 Hudson (Henry), the Navigator. The original Documents in which
his career is recorded. 8vo., doth Hakluyt Soc., 1860
191 Jackson (F. G.). A thousand days in the Arctic. 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1899
192 Koldewey (Captain). The German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70.
8vo., cloth 1874
193 (La Peyrere). Relation dv Greenland. 12mo., morocco gilt Paris, 1647
194 - Relation dv Greenland.—Relation de L'lslande;—in 1 vol.,
12mo., morocco extra a Paris, Chez Thomas lolly, 1663
195 M’Cormick (R.). Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic
Seas. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1884
196 Manby (G. W.). Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, 1821. 8vo., half
calf 1823
197 Markham (Albert H.). A Polar Reconnaissance, 1879. 8vo., cloth
198 Martin (R. M.). The Hudson’s Bay Territories and Vancouver’s Island.
8vo., cloth 1849
199 Nansen (F.). Farthest North. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half vellum 1897
200 Nordenskiold (A. E.). The Voyage of the Vega. 2 vols., 8vo., newly
bound in half calf 1881
201 Osborn (Sherard). Discovery of the North West Passage by H.M.S.
Investigator, 1860-54. 8vo., doth 1856
202 Parry (W. E.). Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west
passage, 1819-20. Roy. 4to calf gilt 1821
203 -- Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west
passage, 1821-22-23., R.ojj.Ato., hf. calf gilt Original from 1824
£ *.
0 5
0 10
0 12
0 12
1 8
1 11
1 1
40 0 0
9 9 0
2 0 0
0 5 0
0 17 6
0 5 0
1 16 0
1 1 0
0 15 0
1 11 6
-1 10 0
0 9 0
2 16 0
2 16 0
0 12 G
0 8 0
0 6 0
2 2 0
1 1 0
0 18 0
0 7 0
0 15 0
0 12 0
Arctic Regions, continued :—
204 Payer (Julius). New Lands within the Arctic Cirole. 2 vols., 8vo.,
doth 1876
205 Robson (Joseph). Account of Six Years’ Residence in Hudson’s Bay,
1733-36 and 1744-47. 8vo., calf, £3. 10s; or in hf. mor. 1/62
206 Ross (Sir John). A Voyage of Discovery . . for the purpose of
exploring Baffin’s Bay. 4to , hf. calf 1819
207 -Narrative of a Second Voyage in search of a N. W. Passage,
1829-33. Roy. 4to., cloth 1835
208 Stsehlin (J. von). An account of the new northern archipelago
lately discovered by the Russians in the seas of Kamtschatka and
Anadir. 1774.—Le Roy (P. L.). Narrative of the singular adventures
of four Russian sailors.—2 works in 1 vol., 8vo., hf. bd. 1774
209 White (Adam). Collection of Early Documents on Spitzbergen and
Greenland. 8vo., cloth ' Hakluyt 8oc., 1855
210 Arfwedson (C. D.). The United States and Canada in 1832-4. 2 vols.,
8vo., hf. calf 1834
211 Ashe (Thomas). Carolina. Sm. 4to., a few plain portions mended a
little ; red morocco extra , gilt edges , by Riviere 1682
212 - Travels in Amerioa. 3 vols., 12mo., bds., uncut 1808
213 Atkins (John). A Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the West Indies.
8vo., old calf 1735
214 - the same. Second Edition. 8vo., old calf gilt 1737
215 Bagg (M. M.). The Pioneers of Utica. 8vo., cloth 1877
216 [Bannerman (Anne)]. Epistle from the Marquis de la Fayette to
General Washington. Sm. 8vo., sewed, uncut 1800
217 Baptist Associations in America. A rare and interesting collection of
minntes of meetings of different Baptist Associations in America.
11 vols., sm. 4to., dark purple morocco extra, gilt edges 1770-1818
218 Baptista de Lagunas (Juan). [Sermones en lengua Mexicans.] Sm.
4to., title and two leaves of text missing, vellum Mexico , 1607
219 Barclay. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. Written in
Latin and English by Robert Barclay. Newport, Rhode-lsland.
Printed by James Franklin. 1729. 8vo., mottled calf extra, yellow
edges, by Bedford 1729
220 Barlsei (Casparis) Rervm per Octennivm in Brasilia et alibi nuper
gestarum . . Historia. Large folio, with engraved title-page, portrait,
and 59 fine large coloured plates; a fine copy in old gilt vellum, gilt
edges 1647
221 Bates (H. W.). The Naturalist on the River Amazons. 2 vols, cr.
8vo., doth 1863
222 -the same. With a Memoir of the Author. 8vo., cloth 1892
223 Beamish (N. L.). The Discovery of America by the Northmen. 8vo.,
cloth 1841
224 Beatty (Charles). Journal of a two months’ Tour among the frontier
inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco 1768
225 Beauclerk. Lithographic Views of Military Operations in Canada
daring the late Insurrection. Impl. 4to., with map and 6 coloured
plates i sewed 1840
226 Beaufoy (Mark). Mexican Illustrations. 8vo., morocco extra 1828
227 Beaujour (F. de). Sketch of the United States of North America,
1800 to 1810. Translated by William Walton. 8vo., bds. 1814
228 Becher (H. C. R.). Trip to Mexico. 8vo., cloth Toronto, 1880
229 [Belknap (Jeremy)]. The Foresters, an American Tale. 12mo., green
levant morocco, by the Olub Bindery
Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1792
The first American novel bj an American author.
230 Bemls (G.). American Neutrality. 8vo., sd. Boston, 1866
231 Benjamin (L. N.). The St. Albans Raid, 19th .October 1864. 8vo.,
._ j Qrj Montreal, 1865
£ $• d.
0 10 0
3 16 O
0 16 O
0 9 0
0 18 0
0 10 O
1 1 0
10 10 0
6 6 0
1 12 0
15 0
0 16 O
2 2 0
36 -0 0
15 0
5 0 0
9 9 0
16 0
0 8 0
0 3 6
2 10 O
5 5 0
2 5 0
0 9 0
5 0 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
232 Benzoni (Girolamo). History of the New World. 8ro., doth
Hakluyt Soc., 1857 I
233 [Bergeron (Pierre)]. Traicte de la navigation et des voyages de des-
covverte & Conqueste modernes, & principalement des Francis.—
Histoire de la premiere descovverte et Conqueste des Canaries. Par
F. Pierre Bontier ... & lean le Verrier;—2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo., a fine copy
in red morocco, silk linings 1629-30 5
1 ■ another oopy, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo.; without the slip of Errata;
old calf 1629-30 3
Beristain. Biblioteca Hispana Americana Setentrional. 3 vols.,
sm. 8vo., sewed Amecameca ( Central Mexico), 1883 2
Bermuda. History of the Bermudas or the Somer Islands. 8vo., cloth
Hakluyt Soc., 1881 0
Bemaldez (Andres). Historia de los Reyes Catolicos D. Fernando y
D? Isabela. 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., hf. morocco Oranada, 1856 0
Bernard (Jean Fr&teric). Recueil de Voyages au Nord. 8 vols.,
12mo., calf 1724-32 2
[Beverley (R.)]. The History and Present State of Virginia, in Four
Parts. 8vo., a fine copy in the original calf binding 1705
Bibliotheca Americana. 4to., bds., uncut 1789
Biblioteca Boliviana. Catalogo del Archivo de Mojos y Chiqnitos.
8vo., sewed Santiago, 1888
Bickham (George). The British Monarchy. Sm. folio, calf 1748
On page 164 begins : A Short Description of the American Colonies.
Biet (Antoine). Voyage de la France Equinoriale l’isle de Cayenne.
Sm. 4to., tit atly bound 1664 2
Bigelow (J.). The life of Samuel J. Tilden. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1895 0
Billaud-Varennea. M6moires de Billand-Varennes, contenant la relation
de ses voyages et aventnres dans le Mexiqne, depnis 1805 jusqu’en 1817.
2 vols., 8vo., hf. calf 1821 0
246 Biolley (P.). Costa Rica et son avenir. 8vo., sewed 1889 0
247 Birkbeck (Morris). Letters from Illinois—Notes on a Journey in
America from . . Virginia to . . Illinois;—2 works in 1 vol., 8vo.,
half bound 1818 0
248 Bishop (George). New England Judged. Sm. 4to., a fine, sound copy
in the original sheep binding, rebacked 1661 10
249 Blaeu’s Great Atlas. Geographia, qvae est Cosmographies Blavianee
pars prima [et reliquas]. 11 vols., roy. folio, hundreds of coloured waps
and views; mottled calf gilt, sprinkled edges 1662-65 42
250 Blome (Richard). A Description of the Island of Jamaica. 12mo., a
very fine copy in the original sheep 1672 12
First edition. Pp. 1-124 are devoted to the West Indian islands and pp. 125-192
to Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, and New England.
251 Bo ban (E.). Table analytique g6n6rale des matidres oontenues dans les
denx volumes des Documents pour servir h l’Histoire du Mexiqne.
Roy. 4to., sd. 1891 0
252 [Bollan (William)]. The Importance and Advantage of Cape Breton,
truly stated, and impartially considered. 8vo., unbd. 1746 5
253 Bonnycastle (R. H.). The Canadas in 1841. 2 vols., post 8vo,
cloth 1841 0
254 Bonoeil (John). His Maiesties graciovs Letter to the Earle of Sovth-
hampton, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere: com¬
manding the prelent fetting vp of Silke works, and planting of vines
in Virginia. Sm. 4to., green levant morocco extra, by Bedford, enclosed
in a red levant slip-case Felix Kyngston, 1622 90
255 Borland (F.). The History of Darien. 8vo., calf 1779 1
256 Boucher (Jonathan). View of the causes and consequences of the
American Revolution. 8vo., bds. 1797 0
257 Boulton (d’Arcy). Sketch of his Majesty’s Province of Upper Canada.
4to., bds. » Hrinin^l frnm 1805 *
Digitized by
Original from
s. d.
11 6
0 0
3 0
0 0
14 0
10 0
0 0
7 0
12 0
2 0
6 0
2 0
10 0
3 6
2 G
15 0
0 0
0 0
12 0
2 G
10 0
6 0
0 0
10 0
16 0
16 0
Bourinot (J. G.). Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness. 4to.,
hf. bd. 1893
Boyd (John). Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn. 8vo.,
cloth 1873
Boyer (Paul). Veritable Relation de tovt ce qui s’est fait et pass6 an
voyage que Monsieur deBretigny fit a l’Amerique Occidentale. 12mo ,
first 188 uc ; red morocco extra, yilt edg's Paris, 1654
-the same. Sm. 8vo., the second issue; red morocco, gilt edges,
£5. 15s ; or, a very fine copy in polished red morocco extra, gilt inside
dentelles ib., 1654
the same. Sm. 8vo, a very tall copnj in the original calf ib., 1654
Bozman (J. L). The History of Marylaud, from 1633 to 1660. 2 vols.,
8 vo.. sheep Baltimore , 1837
Bradford (Alexander W.). American Antiquities. 8vo., cloth 1841
-the same, with the title reprinted. 8vo., cloth 1843
Bradford. Narrative of an Attempt made by the French of Canada
upon the Mohaque’s Country. Reproduced in Facsimile from the
First Edition printed by William Bradford, 1693. Folio, cloth 1903
-Bradford’s History “ of Plimoth Plantation." Roy. 8vo., cloth
Boston, 1898
-Journal of the House of Representatives for His Majtstie’s
Province of New York in America. Reproduced in Facsimile from
the First Edition. Folio, cloth ib., 1903
Brainerd (David). Account of the Life of . . David Brainerd . .
Missionary to the Indians. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo., calf 1765
Brereton (John). Briefe and Trne Relation of the Discouerie of the
North Part of Virginia. Reproduced in facsimile from the First
Edition of 1602. Sm. 4to., cloth New York, 1903
Brinsley (John). A Consolation for ovr Grammar Schooles. Sm. 4to.,
red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1622
Extremely rare. The book is of especial interest to Americans as it was intended
to further the cause of education in Virginia and the Sommer Islands.
Brown (A.). Genealogical history of the early settlers of West Simsbury,
now Canton, Conn. 8vo ., half morocco 1856
Browne (J. R.). Reisen und Abenteur im Apachenlande. 8vo., half
bound 1871
Budd (Thomas). Good Order Established in Pennsylvania & New-
Jersey, in America. Sm. 4to., very fine uncut copy, two leaves (A« s ) in
facsimile, title mended; crimson crushed levant morocco, by F. Bedford,
gilt top [ Philadelphia, William Bradford ] 1685
Buenos Ayres. Relation of Mr. R. M’s Voyage to Buenos Ayres.
12mo., calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1716
Bulkeley (John) and J. Cummins. Voyage to the South-Seas, 1740-1.
Post 8 vo., calf 1743
Bullock (William). Virginia Impartially examined. Sm. 4to., red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford 1649
-the same. Sm. 4to., a larger copy, with unde fore-margins; red
morocco extra, by Riviere 1649
-Six Months’ Residence and Travels in Mexico. 8vo, calf
gilt 1824
[Burke (Edmund)]. Account of the European Settlements in America.
2 vols., 8vo., calf 1758
-Letter from Edmund BurTce to John Farr. 8vo., hf. bd. 1777
■ the same. Answer to Burke’s Letter;—in 1 vol., post 8vo.,
bds. 1777
-Speech, March 22, 1775—Speech, April 19,1774—Letter to John
Farr, 1777—Speech, Dec. 1, 1783:—4 pieces in 1 vol., post 8vo., hf. bd.
Burnaby (Andrew). Travels through the Middle Settlements in North
America, 1759^60. 4tpl. Jialf calf Original from 1775
£ s. <L
0 4 0
0 18 0
3 16 0
6 0 0
6 6 0
1 8 0
0 10 0
0 9 0
0 17 0
0 15 0
0 17 0
0 10 0
0 10 6
16 16 0
0 18 0
0 3 6
155 0 0
2 10 0
1 10 0
10 10 0
35 0 0
0 12 0
1 5 0
0 6 0
0 7 0
1 1 0
18 0
285 Bustamante (C. M. de). Historia del descubrimiento de la America
septentrional por Christobal Coldn. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco Mexico, 1826
286 -El nnevo Bernal Diaz del Castillo. 2 vols., 8vo., sewed ib , 1847
287 Byfield (Nathaniel). An Account of the Late Revolution in New-
England. Sm. 4to., red morocco extra , gilt edges, by Riviere 1689
288 -the same. Sm. 4to., five uncut copy; brown calf, gilt top, by
F. Bedford Ric. Chistcell, 1689
A very rare pamphlet on the crisis which ended with the accomplishment of the
English Revolution.
289 Byron. Narrative of the Hon. John Byron, an Account of the Great
Distresses suffered by himself and bis Companions on the Coast of
Patagonia. 8vo., calf 1768
290 Cabot. Dawson (S. E.). The Discovery of America by John Cabot in
1497. 3 parts 8vo., sewed 1896-7
291 -The Voyages of the Cabots. Hvo., sewed 1897
292 -Harrisse (Henry). John Cabot the discoverer of North-America
and Sebastian his son. 8vo., cloth 1896
One of 25 copies on hand-made paper.
293 -Wiftehip (G. P.). Cabot Bibliography. 8vo., cloth 1900
294 Cabot Roll (The). Customs Roll of the Port of Bristol 1496-1499
translated from the original MS. Roy. folio Bristol, 1897
295 Calef (Robert). More Wonders of the Invisible World. Collefted by
Robert Calef, Merchant, of Boston in New-England. Sm. 4to., without
the leaf of Errata (as usual) ; dark brown morocco extra 1700
296 -the same. Sm. 4to., a finer and larger copy ; old sheep binding 1700
296*- the same. Sm. 4to., with the rare leaf of Errata, inlaid; brown
crushed levant morocco super-extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1700
Excessively rare. "This contains the only copy of the ‘ Errata ’ that has ever come
under my observation—from collations given, it was not in Brinley, Ivis or Menzics
copies.”— Kote by Mr. Lefftrts.
297 California: its past history; its fntnre prospects. 8vo., half morocco
298 Calleja. Campanas del General D. Felix Maria Calleja, 1828.—Con¬
tinuation del cnadro historico. 1846.—2 works in 1 vol., 8vo., bd.
Mexico, 1828-46
299 Cancelada (Juan Lopez). Vida de J. J. Dessalines, gefe do los Negros
de S. Domingo. 8vo., hf. morocco Mexico, 1806
300 Cape Breton. An accurate Description of Cape Breton. 8vo., red
morocco, by Riviere, uncut; rare 1755
301 -Genuine Letters and Memoirs, Relating to Cape Breton. By an
Impartial Frenchman. 8vo old calf 1760
302 Carolina. [A Collection of Charters, Acts, Letters, etc., relating to
Carolina.] Sm. 4to., portion of a work only (pp. 1-67) ; vnld. [1706]
303 Casselman (A. C.). Richardson’s War of 1812. 8vo ., cloth Toronto, 1902
304 Castell (William). A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of
America. Sm. 4to., a fine copy in red levant morocco gilt extra, inside
den telle borders, gilt edges by Bedford 1644
305 Catechisme du Diocese de Quebec. Par Monseigneur . . . Jean de
la Croix de saint Valier. 12mo., vellum 1702
306 Catherwood (F.). Views of Ancient. Monuments in Central America,
Chiapas, and Yucatan. Roy. folio, hf. bd. 1844
307 ■ the same. Roy. folio, the plates mounted and coloured to repre¬
sent water-colour drawings ; in a half-morocco portfolio (1844)
308 Catlin (G.). Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of
the North American Indians. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1841
309 Chalkley. Collection of the Works of Thomas Chalkley. 8vo., old
sheepskin Bhiladelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and J). Hall, 1749
310 Chappe d’Auteroche. A Voyage to California. 8vo., sd. 1778
JeanChapped’Anteroche wasian astronomer, and undertook this voyage to observe a
truuit oi Yeasw, tjCK 'gU? UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
£ t. d.
0 6 0
0 6 0
10 0 0
18 18 0
0 10 0
0 6 0
0 3 0
1 10 0
0 15 0
0 12 6
25 0 0
3L 10 0
45 0 0
1 1 0
0 6 0
4 4 0
8 8 0
3 10 0
1 15 O
0 12 6
36 0 O
7 0 0
3 16 0
24 0 O
1 1 0
2 16 0
5 5 0
£ s. d.
Champlain. Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, 1599-1602. 8yo.,
doth Hakluyt Soc., 1859 1
Charlestown. An Exact Prospect of Charlestown, South Carolina. An
engraving , 20 x 6f inches (1780 ?) 0
Charlevoix (P. F. Xavier de). Histoire de lisle Espagnole on de S.
Domingue. 4 vols., 12mo., sprinkled calf 1733 0
-Histoire et Description generate de la Nouvelle France. 6 vols.,
12mo., calf 1744 3
-Histoire du Paraguay. 3 vols., 4to., calf gilt 1756 2
-the same. 6 vols., 12mo., veaufauve extra 1757 2
Chile. Estadistica comercial de la republica de Chile 1907. Folio,
sewed 1908 0
Christian History (The), Containing accounts of the revival and
propagation of religion in Great-Britain «fe America 1743 (and 1744).
2 vols., 8vo., original calf Boston , N. E., 1744-45 2
Cieza de Leon. La Chronica del Perv, nvevamente escrita. 8m. 8vo.
(12mo.), purple morocco extra 1554 3
- Travels, a.d. 1532-50, the first part of his Chronicle of Pern.
8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 'l864 1
-Second Part. 8vo., cloth ib ., 1883 0
Cladera (Christobal). Investigaciones histdricas sobre los principales
Descubrimientos de los Espanoles. Sm. 4to., hf. bd. 1794 1
Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy. An exact Reprint of Six rare
Pamphlets. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1888 l
Cobbet (Thomas). The Civil Magistrates Power in Matters of Religion,
together with a Brief Answer to Ill News from New-England. By
John Clark of Road-Iland. 2 parts, 1653; with 2 other Tracts in
1 vol., sm. 4to., contemporary calf 1625-53 14
Cobbett (W.). Porcupine’s Works. 12 vols., 8vo., calf (rebacked) 1801 3
- A Letter to the infamous Tom Paine. By Peter Porcupine.
8 vo., sd. 1797 0
-Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley. 8vo.,
sd. 1798 0
- A Tear’s Residence in the United States of America. 8vo.,
hf calf 1818 0
Cockbura. Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great
South Sea. 8vo., bd. 1735 1
Codigo fundamental de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos. Sm. 8vo.,
calf 1847 0
Colonise Anglican® Illustrate?. Part. I. 4to., unbound 1762 1
Columbus. The Spanish Letter of Columbus. Reduced Facsimile,
with Translation. The Latin Columbus Letter. Reproduced in
Facsimile.—Vespucci. First Four Voyages. Reproduced in Facsimile.
—Hariot. Narrative of the First Plantation of Virginia, reprinted.
4 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., cloth 1893 0
-Primera Epistola del Almirante . . . precede la noticia . . por el
editor D. Genaro H. de Volafan [».e., Vamhagen]. 8vo., sewed 1858 0
-The First Printed Letter of Columbus, in Spanish, reproduced in
Facsimile. Folio, hf. morocco (pub. £2. 2«) 1891 0
-Select Letters of Christopher Columbus. 8vo., second edition;
cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1870 1
-Journal of Christopher Columbus during his first voyage (1492-93).
8vo., cloth ib. t 1893 0
- Christopher Columbus. His own Book of Privileges, 1502.
Photographic facsimile of Sm. folio, boards half covered with pigskin ,
anchor clasps 1893 4
- Cancellieri (Francesco). Notizie storiche e bibliografiche di
Cristoforo Colombo. 8vo., citron morocco extra 1809 1
--Helps (Arthur). Life of Columbus. Post 8vo., half calf 1869 0
———Histoire de,Christophe Colomb. 8vo., mottled calf fron 1824 0
5 0
6 0
18 0
16 0
5 0
16 0
5 0
2 0
15 0
11 6
14 0
0 0
10 0
14 0
3 0
3 6
3 6
7 6
16 0
3 6
16 0
9 6
4 0
15 0
11 6
14 0
0 0
5 0
6 0
15 0
Columbus. Irving (Washington). Columbus his life and voyages.
Sm. 8vo., doth 1896
Lorgaes (Roselly de). Historia de Christobal Colon. 2 vols.,
8vo., half bound Cadiz, 1858
-Los Restos de Colon. 12mo., cloth, 6s ; or, hf. morocco 1879
-Thacher (J. B.). Christopher Columbus. 3 vols. in 6 and 1 vol.
of documents in facsimile, sm. folio, half morocco gilt New York, 1903
- the same. 3 vols., sm. folio, buckram, vellum backs ib., 1903
-— Vita di Cristoforo Colombo. Scritta e corredata dal Cavaliere
Luigi Bossi. 8vo., mottled calf 1818
--— Young (Filson). Christopher Coiambus and the New World of
his discovery. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1906
Combier (C.). Voyage an golfe de Californie. 8vo., sd. (1863)
Constitutions of the several Independent States of America.
12mo., original sheepskin Philadelphia, 1781
-the same. 8vo., hf. bd. Dublin, 1783
-the same. 12mo., calf New York, 1786
Cooke (Captain Edward). Voyage to the South Sea, 1708-11. 8vo.,
calf 1712
Cortes. Correspondence de Fernand Cortes avec l’Empereur Charles-
Quint. 8vo., bds. 1779
Costa Rica. Memoria de la Secretaria de Gobernacion, Policia, y
Fomento. 1891. Roy. 8vo., sewed San Jose de Costa Rica, 1891
Cotton (John). Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revela-
lation. 1655—An Abstract of Laws and Government. 1655.—with
6 other tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1630-55
-The Powring out of the Seven Vials. 8ra. 4to., old calf 1642
-another copy, 1642—The Churohes Resurrection—with 10 other
Tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1642-47
- Christ the Fonntaine of Life. 1651—Willan (Edw.). Six
Sermons, 1651;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1651
-A Briefe Exposition upon The Whole Book of Ecclesiastes. By
Anthony Tuckney. 1654—Brief Exposition Upon the whole Book of
Canticles. By Mr. John Cotton. 1655. 2 works in 1 vol., sm. 8vo.,
old sheep 1654-5
An Abstract or the Lawes of New England. Sm. 4to., o fine copy
£ t. d.
0 4 0
0 10
0 7
6 6
4 4
0 7
0 4
2 2
0 15
1 0
7 0
0 16
Judicially Astrologers Totally Ronted, 1659;—with 4 other Tracts in
1 vol., 12mo., old calf 1618-60
Crespel (Emmanuel). Voiages . . . dans le Canada. 12mo., in the
original gilt binding 1742
Cuba* (A. G.). Etude g£ographique des Etats Unis Mexicains. 8vo.,
sd. Mexico, 1889
-the same, in Spanish. 8vo., sd. Is fid; or, half morocco gilt 1885
Dampier’s Voyages. Edited by John Masefield. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1906
Dana (R. H., Jr.). Enemy’s Territory and alien enemies. 8vo., sd.
Boston, 1864
Davenport (John). The Knowledge of Christ. By John Davenport,
Pastor to the Church of Christ at New-Haven. 1653;—with 3 other
Tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1631-53
Davies (John). History of the Caribby-Islands. Sm. folio, old calf 1666
Deane. Papers appertaining to the Silas Deane Claim. Folio, photo¬
graphic facsimile; half morocco n. d.
Defensa del Fuero Eclesiastico contra varios articulos del periodico
titulado El Zapoteco. Oaxaco, 1833 with other tracts in 1 vol., sm.
4*0., old mfced by Go gfe Ongmal from ,
0 1
0 2
0 12
3 10
1 10
wi.yinal from y y
0 15 0
1 12 0
0 5 0
0 3 6
l 10 0
0 16 0
1 1 0
in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, from the Lefferts
collection 1641 45 0 0
-The Way of Life. 1641—Gods Mercie mixed with His Ivstice.
1641;—in 1 vol. sm. 4to., old calf 1641
Owen (John). A Defence of Mr. John Cotton. 1658—Allen (John).
2 6 0
10 0
4 10 0
0 2 6
0 7 6
0 5 0
De Bry’s Collection of Voyages. Parts I—IX (of 13) of the Grands
Voyages, and Parts I — X (rf 12) of the Petits Voyages; in Latin, mostly
First Editions; uniformly bound in 6 vo’s., folio, vellum, morocco gilt
backs 1598-1613 32
. Another Set comprising Parts I—IX (of 13) of the Grands Voyages,
and Parts I — VIII (of 12) of the Petits Voyages ; in Latin, all First
Editions; uniformly bound in old English red morocco extra, full gilt
backs and ornamental borders on sides, gilt edges 1590-1607 30
Dellenbaugh (F. S.). The Romance of the Colorado River. 8vo.,
cloth 1902 0
Dellon. Nouvelle Relation d’un Voyage Fait aux Indes Orientates.
1699—Froger. Relation d’un Voyage Fait en 1695. 1696. & 1697.
Par M. de Gennea. 1699—2 vols. in 1, 12mo., calf gilt 1699 1
Del Rio. Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near
Palenqne, Guatemala. 4to., boards 1822 1
De Valois (A.). Mexiqne, Havane, et Guatemala. Post 8vo., half
morocco (1861)
De Verteuil (L. A. A.). Trinidad. 8vo., cloth 1858
De Warville (J. P. Brissot). New Travels in the United States of
Amerioa. 1788. 8vo., bds. 1792
De Windt (H.). Through the Gold-Fields of Alaska to Bering Straits.
8vo., cloth 1898
Diary (A) of the Wreck of H.M.S. "Challenger/’ May 1835. 8vo.,
half calf 1836
Dibble (S.). History and general views of the Sandwich Islands’
Mission. Sm. 8vo., cloth 1839
Diserio (Breve). Critico de la Emancipacion y Libertad de la Nacion
Mexicans. 16mo., calf 1827
Dixon (Capt. Geo.). Voyage round the World. 4to., calf 1789
Domenech. Histoire du Mexique. 3 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1868
Drake. Sir Francis Drake revived. Sm. 4to., original edition, morocco
extra, gilt edges 1626
-The World EncompaH'ed, by Sir Francis Drake. Sm. 4to., green
morocco extra, gilt edges by Riviere 1628
-Fletcher (Francis). World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake.
8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1854
-Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595. 8vo., cloth ib ., 1849
Drake (3. G.). Biography and History of the Indians of North
America. 8vo half calf 1851 1
Dreadful Wreck of the brig St. Lawrence, from Quebec to New-
York, 1780. Sm. 8vo hf. bd. (1820?) 0
Duch£ (Jacob). Human Life a Pilgrimage: a Sermon, Occasioned by
the Death of the Hon. Richard Penn. Sm. 4to., original wrapper
Philadelphia, Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, 1771 2
Du Jarric. R. P. Petri Iarrici Thesavrvs rervm indic&rvm. 4 divisions
in 3 vols. 12mo., vellum 1615 3
Dupaix. Monuments of New Spain—Specimens of Mexican Sculpture—
Plates copies from the Giro del Mondo of Gemelli Careri—Specimens
of Peruvian Quipus—in 1 vol., impl. folio, with 147 plates; bds. 1831 6
Forming the foarth, and a portion of the sixth, volume of Kingsborough’s Mexico.
Duran (Diego). Hiatoria de las Indias de Nueva-Espaha. 3 vols., am.
folio, sd. Mexico, 1867-80 6
Eaton (Hon. Lilley). Genealogical History of the town of Reading,
Mass. 8vo., half morocco 1874 1
Edwards (Bryan). An historical survey of the French colony in the
island of St. Domingo. 4to., mottled calf gilt 1797 0
-History of the West Indies. 3 vols., 8vo., calf 1801 1
Eguiara y Eguren. Bibliotheca Mexicana. Tomas primus exhibens
litterar. A. B C
iren. Bibliotl
sm. folio, bound
S. if.
0 0
0 0
17 6
1 0
l G
6 0
17 6
4 6
9 0
3 6
3 0
1 0
7 6
5 0
10 0
15 0
10 0
6 0
15 0
5 0
3 0
10 0
0 0
5 0
10 0
10 0
10 0
£ a.
0 15 0
0 7 6
0 2 0
0 2 6
35 0 0
2 2 0
18 18 0
0 2 0
18 IS 0
5 0 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
400 Emmerton (J. A.). Eighteenth Century Baptisms in Salem, Massa¬
chusetts. Copied from the original records. 8to., vellum neat 1886
401 Emory (W. H.). Notes of a Military Reconnoissance. from Fort
Leavenworth, Miss., to San Diego. 8vo., cloth 1848
402 Escalera (E.) and Manuel G. Liana. Mejioo historico. Sm. 4to., hf.
calf 1862
403 Escudero (J. A. de). Noticias Estadisticas del Estado de Chihuahua.
8vo., hf. bd. 1834
404 Esquemeling (John). Bucaniers of America. 1684.—Bucaniers of
America. The second Volume. 1685.—In one volume, sm. 4to.,
beautifully clean and crisp copy, bound in dark yellow pigskin 1684-85
405 Evangeliarium, Epistolarium et Lectionarium Aztecum ex antiquo
codice ed Biondelli, in Mexican and Latin. Imp. 4to., facsimile; bds. 1858
406 Evans (Lewis). Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophical and
Mechanical Essays. 4to., with a large folding map; calf
Philadelphia, printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1755
First Edition ; a second was published in the same year.
407 Falkland Islands. Mackinnon (L. B.). Some Account of the
Falkland Islands. 8vo., limp cloth 1840
408 Ferguson (T.). A complete History of the present Civil War between
Great Britain and America. 8vo., calf 1779
409 Fernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc. Cronica Mexicana—Historia
Chichimeca—Relaciones de Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxocbitl—Ritos
Antiguos, Sacrifioios 6 Idolatrias de los Indios de la Nueva Espana—in
1 vol., impl. folio, bds. 1848
Forming the ninth volume of Kingsborongh’s Mexico.
410 Field (D. D.). Centennial Address, with historical sketches of Crom-
• well, Portland, etc. 8vo., cloth Middletown, Conn., 1853
411 Finley (John P.). Certain Climatic Features of the two Dakotas. 4to.,
cloth 1893
412 Fischer (J.). Discoveries of the Norsemen in America. Translated by
Basil H. Soulsby. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1903
413 Fiske (A. M.). The West Indies. 8vo., cloth 1902
414 Fitz Gerald (E. A.). The Highest Andes. 8vo., oloth 1899
415 Fossey (M. de). Le Mexique. 8vo ., half calf 1857
416 Fox (George). Epistle to all Professors in New England, and other
parta of the called Christian World. Sm. 4to., blue morocco 1673
417 Franklin (B.). Benjamin Franklin’s Life and Writings, by Henry
Stevens. Roy. 8vo., doth 1881
418 Frezier. Voyage to the South-Sea, 1712-14. 4to., calf 1717
419 - the same. 4to ., calf rebacked 1717
420 Gage (Thomas). Survey of the Spanish West-Indies. 8vo., calf 1702
421 -Nouvelle Relation, contenant les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans
la nouvelle Espagne. 2 vols., sm. 8vo., old calf 1721
422 Gesner (A.). New Brunswick. 8vo., cloth 1847
423 Garcia de Palacio (Diego). Carta dirijida al Rey . . 1576. Being
a description of the anoient Provinces of Guazacapan, Izaloo. Sm.
4to., vellum gilt 1860
424 Gibson (James). Journal of the late Siege by the Troops from North
America against the Frenoh at Cape Breton, the City of Louisbourg.
8vo., red morocco extra, by Bedford J. Newbery, 1745 16 0 0
425 Gonzalez de Eslava (Feman). Coloquois Espirituales . . . segunda
edicion conforme & la primera hecba en Mexioo en 1610. Sm. 4to., hf.
morocco # Mexico, 1877
426 Gorges (Sir Ferdinando). America Painted to the Life. Sm. 4to.,
maroon morocco gilt
427 Greenleaf (M.). A statistical view of the district of Maine. 8vo., bds.
Boston, 1816
428 —_Atlas accompanying G-reenleaf’s map and statistical survey of
Maine. Sm. folio, 6V- Portland,
0 7
0 4
0 5
0 2
0 6
2 12
2 5
2 16
1 1
0 7
6 6 0
1 10 0
0 18 0
7 10 0
15 0
5 5 0
429 Grant. Badeau (Adam). Military History of UlyBses S. Grant. 3 vole.,
8vo., cloth
430 Gregory (W.). Journal of a captured Missionary, designatec
half calf
to the
voyages touching the discouerie of America, and the Hands adiacent.
With two mappes annexed heere-unto. 8m. 4to., the two maps in
facsimile; a fine and large copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by
Bedford 1582 ^ 0 0
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiqves and Discove-
* W * # W r &
ries of the English. 3 vols. in 2, sm. folio, straight-grained blue morocco
giU 1599-99-1600 42 0 O'
With the seven suppressed leaves of the Voyage to Cadiz in 1896 (pp. 607-619
of Vol. I).
-Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, 1582. Edited
by J. Winter Jones. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1850
-Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida by Don Ferdinando de
Soto, 1611. 8vo., cloth ib., 1851
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries
., 8vo., cloth
4 4 0*
4 14 6
of the English Nation. 12 vols., 8vo., cloth Qlasgow, 1903[-1905]
437 Hall (Captain Basil). Forty Etchings, from sketches made with the
Camera Lucida in North America. Roy. 4to., bds. or hf. calf 1829
438 Hamilton (W.). An Historical & Geographical Description of the
Great Country & River of the Amazones in America. 12mo., old
calf 1661
439 Harcourt (Robert). A Relation of a Voyage to Gviana. Sm. 4to., the
last leaf slightly defective; unbd. 1613
440 Hardman (F.). Scenes and adventures in Central America. 8vo.,
cloth 1852
441 Hariot (Thomas). A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land
of Virginia . . . Reproduced in facsimile from the First Edition.
Sm. 4to., cloth 1903
Stevens (Henry). Thomas Hariot. 16mo., bds. 1900
7 10 0
2 2 0
7 7 0
26 0 0
0 5 0
0 10 6
0 15 O
Harper (R. Goodloe). Observations on the Dispute between the United
States and Franoe. 1798;—with 5 other Tracts, in 1 vol., 8vo. half
calf 1771-98
-the same. 8vo., sd. 1798
-the same. 8vo., sd., uncut Dublin, reprinted, 1798
Harris (A.). Biographical history of Lancaster County. 8vo., bds. 1872
- (John). Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols., large folio,
old calf 1744
448 Harrisse (H.). Notes pour servir h l’Histoire, & la Bibliographic, et h la
Cartographic de la Nouvelle-France, 1545-1700. 8vo., large vellum
paper edition, half morocco neat 1872
Hart (A. B.). American History told by Contemporaries. 1492-1900.
4 vols., 8vo., cloth New York, 1898-1901
Harvard. Catalogue senatus academici collegii harvardiani. 8vo., half
green morocco 1875
Hawkins (Sir Richd.). Observations on his Voyage into the South
Sea in 1593. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1847
-Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins on his Voyage into the South
Sea in 1593. 8vo., cloth ib., 1877
H[ayman (R[obert]). Qvodlibets, lately come over from New
Britaniola, Old Newfovndland. Sm. 4to., a very fine copy in the original
limp vellum gilt, preserved in a morocco slip case E. Allde, 1628
454 [Henry (D.)].^ An historical account of all the voyages round the
world, perfoi^ng^y (Finish navigators. 4 vola., bvo., calf 1773-4
9 0
5 0
5 0
7 6
1 10 0
2 2 0
1 1 0
0 18 0
1 10 0
10 0
63 0 0
14 0
455 Hellier (Thomas). The Vain Prodigal Life, and Tragical Penitent
Death of Thomas Hellier: Who for Murdering his Master, Mistress,
and a Maid, was Executed according to Law at Westover in Charles
City, Virginia. Sm. 4to., morocco extra, gilt edges 1680
456 Hennepin. A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. 2 vols. in
1, 8vo., some leaves soiled and a map mended a little in the folds; red
morocco extra 1698
457 Heriot (George). Travels through the Canadas. 4to., calf 1807
458 -the same. 4to., 17 coloured plates bound in a separate folio volume;
half morocco 1807
459 Herndon (W. L.) and L. Gibbon. Exploration of the’ valloy of the
Amazon. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1854
460 Herrera. Histoire Generale des Voyages et Conqvestes des Castilians
dans les Isles A Terre-ferme des Indes Occidentals. 3 vols., 4to.,
calf Pam, 1660
461 - Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales de Antonio de Herreia.
9 parts in 4 vols., sm. folio, old calf Madrid, 1726-30
462 - The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of
America, commonly call’d the West Indies. 6 vols., 8vo., a fine clean
copy in the original calf 1725-6
Hervey. Journals of the Hon. William Hervey, in North America »nd
Europe, from 1755 to 1814. 4to., cloth 1906
Hickeringill (Edm.). Jamaica Viewed. Second edition. 12mo.,
original sheep binding 1661
Hills (G. M.). History of the Church in Burlington, New Jersey. 8vo.,
cloth 1876
Hines (G.). Oregon. 8vo., cloth Buffalo, 1851
Historia delle Indie Occidentali (The Collection of Voyages made by
Nicolini da Sabbio). 3 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., calf Venice, 1534
The large map 41 Carta universale " is miming from this copy.
Holmes (Isaac). An Account of the United States of Amerioa. 8vo.,
half calf (1823)
Honterus. Rvdimenta Cosmographica. 12mo polished brown morocco
extra, broad gilt inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Duru
Zurich, Froschoverus, 1546
The excessively rare first edition.
470 Horsford (E. N.). The Defences of Norumbega. Roy. 4to., cloth 1891
471 - The Landfall of Leif Erikson, A.D. 1000. Roy. 4to., cloth 1892
472 Hubbard (William). Narrative of the Iudian Wars in New-England
from . . . 1607 to the year 1677. 8vo , calf Stockbridge, Mass., 1803
473 Huit (Ephraim). The whole prophecie of Daniel explained. By
Ephraim Huit . . . now Pastor to the Church at Windsor in New-
England. Sm. 4to., old calf 1643
474 Humboldt (Alexandre de). Essai politique sur le Royaume de la Non-
velle Espagne. 2 vols., impl. 4to., with roy. folio Atlas ; hf. calf 1811
475 - the same. 2 t4me edition. 4 vols., 8vo., hf. morocco 1827
476 - Selections from the Works of Baton de Humboldt, relating to
Mexico. 8vo ., half calf 1824
477 Hunter (J.). Collections concerning tbe church formed at Sorooby in
North Nottinghamshire, the foundersof New-Plymouth. 8vo ., cloth 1854
478 [Huske (John)]. The Present State of North America, Ac. Part I.
(all published). 4to., unbound 1755
479 Hutchinson (Thomas). The History of the Colony of Massachusets-
Bay. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1765-1768
480 - (Thomas J.). Two Years in Peru. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1873
481 Imlay (G.). Topographical Description of the Western Territory of
North America. 8vo., original wrapper, uncut 1792
482 Indians. The New Laws of the Indies. A Facsimile Reprint of the
Original Spanish Edition together with a literal Translation. By the
late Henry SteVen^of ($fcrihbo£and Fred W. Lucas. Sm.fo!.i o,bde.
«. d.
0 0
15 0
15 0
7 0
1 0
10 0
10 0
12 0
12 6
2 0
16 0
6 0
8 0
7 6
0 0
10 0
10 0
12 0
10 G
15 0
10 0
3 6
7 6
10 0
12 6
9 0
7 0
9 0
483 Ives (J. C.). Report upon the Colorado River of the West. Roy. 4to.,
cloth Washington, 1861
484 Jackson. The life of Andrew Jackson, Major General. By John Reid.
8vo., sheep Philadelphia, 1817
485 Jamaica. The new Jamaica Almanack, and Register . . . for . . . 1789.
Sm. 8vo., old sheepskin Kingston, W.l. (1789)
486 Jameson (E. O.). Biographical Sketches and genealogical records of
many early and other families in Medway, Mass. 1713-1886. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1886
487 Jefferson (T.). Notes on the State of Virginia. 8vo., half calf, 25*;
or, tree calf 1787
488 - The life of Thomas Jefferson. By George Tncker. 2 vols., 8vo.,
sprinkled calf 1837
489 [Johnson (5am)]. Taxation no Tyranny. 8vo., Ids., uncut 1775
490 Journal of the House of Representatives of New York. Reproduced in
facsimile from the First Edition printed by William Bradford, 1695.
Sm. folio, cloth 1903
491 Juan (George) and Antonio de Ulloa. Voyage to South America.
£ *. d.
1 8 0
1 1 0
0 18 0
0 14 0
18 0
7 6
16 0
0 17 0
2 vols. 8vo., calf neat
- the same. 2 vols., 8vo., old calf
- the same. Second edition. 2 vols., 8vo., hd.
- the same. Third edition. 2 vols., 8vo., hf. hd.
the same. Fifth edition. 2 vols., 8vo., bds.
Dublin, 1758
0 0
15 0
18 .0
12 0
10 0
496 [Junius]. A letter to an Honourable Brigadier General [Lord Towns-
hend].—A refutation of the letter to an Honble. Brigadier-General;
—2 pamphlets in 1 vol., 8vo., bds. 1760 0
497 -the same. Second edition of the Refutation. 8vo ., half bound 1760 0
498 Keating. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter’s
River, Lake Winnepeek, 1823. 2 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut 1825 2
499 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1825 1
500 Ker (John). Memoirs of John Ker of Kersland in North Britain. 2
vols., post 8vo., a sound copy in old calf 1726
501 King (J. A.). Twenty-four years in the Argentine Republic. 8vo.,
calf • 1846
502 Kingsborough (Lord). Antiquities of Mexico: comprising Facsimiles
of ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics. 9 vols. impl. folio,
' with upwards of 1000 large coloured plates ; half green morocco 1831-48 100
503 Kohl (J. G.). History of the discovery of Maine. 8vo., doth 1860 0
504 La Barre (Le Febvre de). Description de la France eqvinootiale,
cy-devant appellee gvyanne. Sm. 4to., with the large folding map ;
vellum wrapper 1666
505 Labat. Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l’Amerique. 8 vols., 12mo.,,
calf 1742 2
506 Laet (Joannes de). Nows Orbis. Small folio, bds., uncut 1633 4
507 Laferrifcre (J.). De Paris a Guatemala. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1877 5 0
508 Lafitau (J. F.). Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais
dans le Nouveau Monde. 2 vols., 4to., half calf 1733
509 Lambert (John). Travels through Canada and the United States.
Second edition. 2 vols., 8vo., bds., uncut 1813
510 La Plata. The Conquest of La Plata, 1535-55. 8vo., cloth
Hakluyt Soc., 1891
511 - Revista del Museo de La Plata. Tomo VII. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1896
512 La Salle (Robert, Sieur de). An Account of Monsieur de la Salle’s
last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. Sm. 8vo., red
morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere 1698
513 Lasor a Varea (Alphonsi) Universus Terrarnm Orbis. 2 vols., sm.
folio, calf ■ 1713
513*-another copy. 2 vols., hf. morocco, uncut 1713
514 Lempiriere (@Q Mexico in oft W '3AP 1862
10 0
5 0
2 0
12 0
2 2 0
0 9 0
0 0
16 0
10 0 0
2 0
4 0
7 6
1 10 o
1 15 o
o 0
5 0
12 12 0
16 0
12 6
1 6
515 Las Casas (Bartolom£ de). Den V"ermeerderden Spieghel der
Spaensche Tierannije geschiet in Westindien. 2 parts in 1 vol., sm.
4to., vellum Amsterdam , 1627-8 3
516 -Istoria 6 brevissima relatione della distrattione dell* Indie Occi¬
dentals 1630.—II Supplice Sohiavo Indiano. 1636. In one vol., am.
4to., calf 1630-1636 1
Lawrence-Archer (J. H.). Monumental Inscriptions of the British
West Indies. 4to., roxburghe 1875 1
Lederer (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer, in three several
marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina and other parts of the
Continent. Sm. 4to. f with the map, but lacking the leaf of License;
crimson crushed Levant morocco, gilt edges , by F. Bedford
J. C. for Sam. Heyrick, 1672 -75
Ledru (A. P.). Voyage aux ilea de Teneriffe, La Trinity Saint-Thomas,
Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco. 2 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1810
Leon y Gama (Antonio de). Descripcion histories y cronologica de
las dos Piedras que . . en la Plaza principal de Mexioo se hallaron . .
1790. 8vo sewed 1832
Le Page du Pratz. History of Louisiana. 2 vols., 12mo.’, contemporary
calf 1763
Lery (Jean). Histoired’an Voyage faict en la Terre de Bresil. 12mo.,
red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford 1585
Lescarbot. Histoire de la novvelle France . . . Les Mvses de la
novvelle France;—2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo. (12mo.), green morocco, gilt
edges, by Ohambolle-Duru 1618
524 Lewis and Clarke. Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke, 1804, 1805, <fc
1806. 8vo., bds., uncut 1809
525 -the same, 1809.—Miohaux (F. A.). Travels to the West of the
Alleghany Mountains, 1805;—in 1 vol., 8vo., half russia 1805-9
Leyes y Ordenan^as 1543 . The New Laws of the Indies for the good
treatment and preservation of the Indians promulgated 1542-1543. A
facsimile Reprint of the original Spanish. Sm. folio, bds. 1893 9
Ligon (Rich.). A true and exact History of the Island of Barbados.
Sm. folio, old calf 1673 1
Lima. A true and particular Relation of the dreadful Earthquake which
happened at Lima ... 28 Oct. 1746. Post 8vo., old calf 1748 0
Lisbon Academy of Science. Collects de Noticias para a Historia e
Geographia das Na$oes Ultramarinas que vivem nos dominios portu-
guezes. 7 vols., sm. 4to., sd. 1812-1856 1
Lopez de Gomara. Historia de las Conquistas de Hernando Cortes.
2 vols. and Supplement3 vols. in 2, sm. 4to., 1 vol., calf, the other
sewed 1826-27 1
-Conquista de Mexico, segunda parte de la Cronica General.
2 vols., 8vo., hf. calf 1870 0
Lowenstern (I.). Le Mexique. 8vo., sewed 1843 0
Lucas (C. P.). Historical geography of the British Colonies. The
West Indies. Post 8vo., cloth 1905 0
M’Gauran (E.). Memoirs of Major Edward M’Gauran, a Lieutenant in
the British army in America. 2 vols., 12mo., sprinkled calf 1786 3
Mackay (A.). The western world. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1849 0
M’ Kenney (T. L.). Sketches of a toar to the lakes [and] of the character
and customs of the Chippeway Indians. 8vo., calf gilt Baltimore, 1827 4
- and James Hall. History of tho Indian Tribes of North
America. 3 vols., roy. folio, with 120 coloured plates; half morocco,
gilt edges Bhiladelphia (n. d.) 19
- the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., with 120 coloured plates bound in
2 vols., roy. folio; half morocco, gilt edges ib. (». d.) 14
Mackenzie f Alex.). (Voyaged fj»m Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific
Oceans. 4to.ffcL UNIVERSITY OF M189LAN2
' n *
«. d.
16 0
16 0
0 0
0 0
7 6
8 0
5 0
9 0
0 0
10 0
10 0
9 0
16 0
18 0
l 0
7 6
8 0
1 6
4 0
3 0
8 0
n 6
19 0
14 0
0 0
Maillefert (E.). Directorio del comercio del Imperio Mexicano. 8vo.,
sd. 1865
Major (R. H.). The True Date of the English Discovery of the
American Continent under Cabot. Roy. 4to., sewed 1870
Marcy (R. B.) and S. B. McClellan. Exploration of the Red River of
Louisiana. 8vo., doth 1854
Markham (C. R.). Cuzco. 8vo., cloth 1856
-Travels in Peru and India. 8vo., doth • 1862
£ *. d.
0 3 0
0 5 0
1 16
0 4
0 12
24 0
21 0
[Mauduit (I.)]. A short view of the history of the colony of Massa¬
chusetts Bay. 8vo., hf. bd. 1769
■ ■■ the same. Second edition. 8vo., Ids. 1774
Maximilian. Travels in Brazil, 1815-17. By Prince Maximilian, of
Wied-Neuwied. 4to., calf'neat 1820
-M4moires de Maximilian. 2 vols., 8vo. t sewed 1868
1 8
0 3
2 10
0 7
0 6
1 1
9 9 0
Martyn (Benjamin). An Acoount shewing the Progress of the Colony
of Georgia. Folio, red morocco extra, by Riviere ' 1741
Mason and Slidell. A legal view of the seizure of Messrs. Mason and
Slidell. 8vo., sd. New York, 1861 0 2 6
Massachusetts, or the first Planters of New England. 12mo., crimson
crushed levant morocco extra Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1696 30 0 0
Massachusetts-Bay Charter and Laws. Sm. folio, old calf; fine copy
Boston, B. Green and J. Draper, 1726-38 66 0 0
Massachusetts-Bay Charter and Laws. Sm. folio, original binding;
fine copy
Boston, S. Kneeland, R. and 8. Draper, and Green and Russell, 1759-68 12 0 0
Massachusetts Register and United States Calendar for 1812 .
12mo., hf. bd. Boston (1811-12) 1 16 0
Mather (Cotton). The Wonders of the Invisible World. Sm. 4to„ one
or two foremargins sliahtly cut into; calf gilt; rare 1693 17 17 0
Thia is the tint (and only complete) Knglish edition.
(Increase). A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-
England Witches. Sm. 4to., two headlines very slightly defective, but a
fine copy with uncut lower margins; half brown morocco 1693
-the same. Sm. 4to., blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1693
- (Nath.). Pietas in Patriam: the Life of His Excellency Sir
William Phips. 12mo., in the original sheepskin 1697 10 10 0
- (Richard). Church-Government and Church-Covenant Dis-
ovssed. Sm. 4to., morocco extra, gilt edges 1643
-A Reply to Mr. Rutherford, with 13 other Tracts in 1 vol., sm.
4to., old calf 1644-50
6 6 0
4 4 0
Menendez. Yiajes de Fray Francisco Menendez a Nahuelhuapi. 8vo.,
sewed Valparaiso, 1900 0 8 0
Mercator. Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas or A Geographicke description,
of the Regions, Countries and Kingdomes of the World. 2 vols., impl.
folio, old calf Amsterdam, H. Eondius, 1636-8 21 0 0
Among the maps are fifteen American ones, which include maps of New England and
-the same. The second volume. Impl. folio, half brown morocco
gilt ib., 1636 6 6 0
Meye. The Stone Sculptures of Copdn and Quiriqua, with text by
Dr. Julius Schmidt. Roy. folio, 21 plates; cloth 1883
Milford. The memorial in honour of the founders of the town of Milford.
8vo., half morocco Milford, U.S.A., 1889
Minot (George Richards). Continuation of the History of the
Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1748 [to 1765]. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., calf
extra Boston, 1798-1803
Mitten (W.). Musci Austro-Americani. 8vo., doth 1869
Monroe (J.). View of the conduct of the executive in the foreign
affairs of thp United States, 1794, 5, and 6. 8vo.. sewed 1798
Monte y Tej4d Historia do Santo Domingo^p8vo.,J>*L 1853
2 12 6
0 5 0
1 10 0
2 10 0
5 15 0
£ s. d.
570 Moore (Q. H.). Prytaneum Bostoniense. Examination of Mr. William
Whitmore’s Old State House Memorial. Boy. 8vo., hf. bd. Boston, 1887 0 12 0
57L Morelet (A.). Reisen in Central-Amerika. 8vo., hf. bd. 1872 0 2 0
572 Morisot. Orbis Maritimi sive Rervm in mari et littoribvs gestarvm
generalis historia Authore Clavdio Barthol. Morisoto Divione. Folio,
vellum 1643
573 -the same. Folio, Large Paper; fine copy in old French red 'morocco
1643 4 4 0
574 Morse. American Geography. 8vo., bds., uncut 1792 0 15 0
575 -A report to the Secretary of War on Indian Affairs. 8vo., bds.,
uncut Newhaven, 1822
576 Morton (Nathaniel). New-England’s Memorial; or . . . the Providence
of God manifested to the Planters of New-England in America. 12mo.,
original sheep binding 1721
577 Murray (Hon. C. A.). Travels in North America 1834-6. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1839 0 7 6
578 -(J. H.). Travels in Umgnay. Post 8vo., cloth 1871 0 4 0
579 - (Hugh). Historical Account of discoveries and travels in North
America. 2 vols., 8vo., bds. 1829 0 6 0
580 Narborough. Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the
South and North. 8vo., old calf 1711 2 2 0
581 -the same. 8vo ., a fine copy s calf 1711 2 12 6
582 Narrative of an Attempt made by the French of Canada upon the
Mohaque’s Country. Reproduced in facsimile. Sm. folio, cloth 1903
583 Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of United States officers and
soldiers while prisoners of war. 8vo., sd. (1864)
584 Nason (E.). A history of the town of Dunstable, Massachusetts. 8vo.,
hf. bd. 1877
585 National Almanac and Annual Record. Vols. I and H. Post 8vo.,
half calf 1863-4
586 Neal (Daniel). History of New England. 2 vols., post 8vo., calf 1720
587 Nehiro-Iriniui Aiamihe Massinahigan. 12mo., very fine large copy
in the original sheep
Uabistiguiatsh [Quebec] Massinahitsetuau, Broun gaie Oilmor, 1767
A most interesting volume and of extraordinary rarity.
588 New England (The) Historical and Genealogical Register. Vols. .
I—IV. 8vo ., cloth 1847-51
589 New England. A brief relation of the state of New England. Sm. 4to.,
red morocco extra, by Riviere 1689
txtremely rare and interesting.
590 New York. Manual of the Corporation of tho City of New York. 8vo.,
cloth _ 1870
591 -Records of the Corporation of the Reformed Dutch Church in the
Town of Brooklyn, 1814 to 1836. Ecclesiastical Records of the Con¬
sistory of the same church, 1846 to 1847. Manuscript of 76 -pages in
1 vol., 4to., rough calf 1814, etc.
592 Niagara. The Falls of Niagara. 6 splendid views (26£ X 17-J ins.) from
drawings by Lieut.-Col. Cockburn, engraved by C. Hunt, beautifully
coloured Aclcermann, 1833 18 18 0
593 Nordenskiold (A. E.). [Vol. I.] Facsimile Atlas to the early History
of Cartography. Roy. folio, half morocco Stockholm, 1899
594 -[ Vol. II.] PeripluB, an Essay on the early History of Charts and
Sailing-Directions. Roy. folio, half morocco ib ., 1897
595 Norton (John). The Orthodox Evangelist. 1657—Allen (T.). A
Chain of Scripture Chronology. 1659 ;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old
V 1657-9
0 17 0
0 7 6
0 14 0
0 6
2 16
Nova Scotia:
596 A Fair Represe
Acadie. 8vo., 61
is Majesty’s Right to Nova
19 0 0
2 10 0
52 10 0
0 6 0
10 10 0
5 5 0
5 5 0
2 10 0
2 10 0
Nova Scotia, continued :—
697 [Hollingsworth (S.)]. The Present State of Nova Scotia. 8vo.,
original bds. Edinburgh, 1787
598 Little (Otis). The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies con¬
sidered. 8vo., sd., uncut 1748
599 -the same. 8vo., red morocco by Riviere, uncut 1748
600 Moorsom (W.). Letters from Nova Scotia. 8vo., bds. 1830
601 The Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia. 8vo.,
sd., uncut 1754
602 -the same. 8vo , red morocco by Riviere, uncut 1754
603 Nuttall (Zelia). The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World
Civilizations. 8vo., sewed Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1901
-The Book of the Life of the Ancient Mexicans, An anonymons
Hispano-Mexican manuscript, reproduced in facsimile. Oblong 4to.,
leathtr 1903
- Codex Nuttall: Facsimile of an ancient Mexican Codex belonging
to Lord Zonche of Harynworth. Oblong 4to., vellum
Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1904
606 Ober (F. A.). Oar West Indian Neighbors. 8vo cloth 1907
607 Observations on a late state of the Nation. 8vo., bds., uncut 1769
608 Oliphant (L.). Minnesota and the far west. 8vo., cloth 1855
609 -the same. 8vo., half calf gilt 1855
610 Ouseley (W. G.). Views in South America. Roy. folio, hf. bd. (1850 ?)
611 Ovalle. Histories Reiacion Del Reyno de Chile. Tomo II. Roy. 8vo.,
sewed 1888
612 Oviedo (F. de) with Xerez. Coronica delas Indias. 1547. 2 vols. in 1,
sm. folio, Gothic letter; olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford
Salamanca , 1547
613 Paige (L. R.). History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877. 8vo.,
vellum 1877
614 Paine (T.). Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the affairs of
North-America. Post 8vo half calf 1783
615 Palfrey (John Gorham). History of New England during the Stuart
dynasty. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1858-75
616 Pascual de Angoya. Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias
Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1865
617 Peacock (Capt. G.). Notes on the Isthmus of Panama and Darien.
8vo., blue morocco gilt 1879
618 Penafiel (Antonio). Nombres Geograficos de Mexico. Sm. folio, atlas
of 39 coloured plates, bound in 1 vol., half morocco 1885
619 Penn Family Bible. The Holy Bible. Sm. 4to., old calf binding
This Bible belonged to the Penns of Buckinghamshire, a branch of the family of
William Penn the founder of Pennsylvania.
620 Pennsylvania. Historical Register: Notes and Queries, relating to
interior Pennsylvania. Vol. II. Roy. 8vo., hf. bd. 1884
621 -Laws made and past by William Penn,^ Absolute Proprietary
and Governour in Cheif (sic) of f Province of Pennsylvania and
Territorys thereunto Belonging. Folio, Original MS .. hf. bd. 1700-1701
This interesting historical documeut is one of the very few original copies of Penn’s
Laws as at first passed in 1700 and as revised and extended in tbc following year.
622 - The Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. Sm. folio, in the original calf Philadelphia, 1782
623 - A Brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania, for the year 1755.
8vo., morocco extra 1756
624 Pennsylvania Laws. The Acts of Assembly of the Province of
Pennsylvania. Folio, calf Philadelphia, 1775
625 Pernety. Journal Historiqne d’nn Voyage fait aux lies Malouines en
1763 & 1764. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., calf 1770
7 6 Philadelphia. Paxton .(John Adorns). The Stranger's Guide. 12mo.,
wanting ike gie uN , VE ^
t. d.
10 0
5 0
6 0
12 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
5 0
.3 0
6 0
12 6
0 0
1 0
12 0
10 0
0 0
10 0
18 0
10 0
14 0
3 6
l 0
6 0
14 0
0 0
0 0
5 0
5 0
12 6
10 0
• £ s. d.
627 Peru. Reports on the Discovery of Pern. 8vo., doth Hakluyt Soc., 1872 0 14 0
Philippine Islands:
628 Bowring (Sir John). Visit to the Philippine Islands. 8vo., doth
(worn) ' 1859 0 10 0
629 Jagor (F.). Travels in the Philippines. 8vo., cloth 1875 1 11 6
630 Mailat (J.). Les Philippines. 2 vols., 8vo., with folding Atlas;
hf. morocco 1846 3 10 0
631 Martinez de Zuniga (Joaqin). Historia de las Islas Philipinas.
Sm.4to., the title supplied in M8. facsimile; calf Sampaloe, 1803 0 15 0
632 Morga (Antonio de). Philippine Islands, Moluccas, and China at
the close of the 16th century. Translated by the Hon. H. Stanley.
8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1868 1 5 0
633 Retana (W. E.). Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino. 4 vols., 12mo. f
served 1898 1 0 0
634 — Catalogo abreviado de la Biblioteca Filipina. Sm. 8vo., sewed
1898 0 15 0
635 Santos (O. de ios). Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala. Sm. folio,
vellum [Manila], 1835 5 10 0
636 Totanes (S. de). Arte de la lengua Tagala. Sm. 4to., vellum
Manila, 1850 2 10 0
637 Phillipps (Sir Thomas). Historia de los Yndios Mexicanos por Juan
de Tovar. Sm. folio, pp. 12; bds. Typis Medio-Montanis, 1860 0 10 0
638 [Pichon (T.)]. Genuine letters and memoirs relating to Cape Breton,
and Saint John. 8vo., calf 1760 3 3 0
639 Pigafetta. Magellan’s Firat Voyage round the World, 1518-1521.
8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1874 3 3 0
640 Pike (Zebulon Montgomery). Explanatory Travels through the
Western Territories of North America. 4to., cloth
( reprinted Denver, 1889) 0 10 0
641 Pilgrim Fathers. Winters (W.). Memorials of tho Pilgrim Fathers.
Post 8vo., hf. morocco 1882 0 5 0
642 Pinkerton (John). A general Collection of the best and most interest¬
ing Voyages and Travels. 17 vols., roy. 4to., russia gilt • 1803-14 - 4 4 0
643 Pittman (Phillip). Present State of the European Settlements on the
Mississippi. 4to., calf 1770 11 14 0
644 Playing Cards. A pack of 52 curious engraved Playing Cards,
satirising various Undertakings, including American Trade. In an
album circa 1720 8 8 0
645 [Ponce (N.) et Godefroy]. Recueil d’Estampes repr6sentant les
differents Evenemens de la Guerre qui a procure l’lndlpendance aux
Etats Unis. Oblong 4to., 16 plates; bds. (1785?) 7 10 0
646 Porter (J.). Topographical description and historical sketch of Plain-
field, Massachusetts. 8vo., hf. bd. Greenfield [2fo*».], 1834 1 0 0
647 Pontanus. Rerum et Urbis A mstelodamensium Historia . . Auctore
Ioh. lsacio Pontano. Sm. folio, vellum 1611 2 10 0
The author mentions all the noteworthy maritime expeditions which had started
from Amsterdam, and gives maps of the results. Among these is a world-map with
the North-East passage.
648 Portlock (Nathaniel). Voyage round the World. 4to., half bound 1798 1 1 0
619 Portraits. Thirteen Portraits of American Legislators, Patriots, and
Soldiers. Drawn from the life by Du Simitiere. 13 plates in stipple ,
W. Richardson , May 10, 1783. Bound in 1 vol., half calf 1783 32 0 0
650 Price (Richard). Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the
war with America . . . 8vo., sewed 1776 0 5 0
651 -the same. Fourth edition. 8vo., sewed 1776 0 5 0
652 Prichard (h. Hesketh). Through the Heart of Patagonia. Roy. 8vo.,
doth 1902 0 16 0
653 Prince (Thomas). ^ Sermon Deliver’d at tho South Church in Boston,
New-Eaglacd, Ax<g6StL4. > '^ 746. 8vo., half grt en motoocor OF MIcW^&N ^ ®
654 Princeton College. History of the Work of Redemption. By the late
Rev. Jonathan Edwards, President of the College of New Jersey.
8vo., calf 1774
655 Proud (Robert). The History of Pennsylvania. 2 vola., 8vo., calf
Philadelphia , 1797-S8
656 -the same. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., hf. calf ib. t 1797-98
657 Ptolemy. Clavdii Ptole-m®i Alexandrini Geographic® Enarrationis
Libri Octo. Folio, with 50 woodcut maps; half brown morocco
Lyons, 1535
- Geographia Ptolemaei. Sm. 4to., with 64 copperplate maps;
original vellum h Venetiis, 1562
- Tbeatri Geographies veteris. 2 vols. in 1, large folio, original
issue; russia extra, gilt edges Amsterdam, 1618
the same. Large folio, a very clean and tall copy in russia extra 1618
s. d.
0 7 6
2 1G
2 10
6 6
8 8
663 Quakers. A Collect ; on of Memorials concerning Quakers in Pennsylvania.
8vo., half calf Philadelphia , 1787
664 Railways of America (The). By various Writers. 8vo., half levaht
morocco 1890
665 Raleigh (Sir Walter). A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage
of Sir Walter Raleigh. Sm. 4to., crimson morocco 1618
666 - Discovery of Guiana in 1595. Edited by Sir R. N. Schom-
burgk. 8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1848
667 Ramirez (J.). Via Lactea. Sm. 4to., original vellum Mexico, 1698
668 Ramusio’s Collection of Voyages. 3 vols., sm. folio, vellum
Venice, 1588-83-65
669 Rand* (S. T.). Legends of the Micmacs. 8vo., cloth 1894
670 R[athband] (W[illiam]). A Briefe Narration of some Church Courses
Held in the Churches lately erected in New England;—with 9 other
Tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4 to., old calf 1643-6
671 Rau (Charles). The Palenque Tablet in the National Museum. 4to.,
id. ’ Washington, 1879
672 Reales Ordenanzas para la Direccion, Regimen y Gobierno del
importante cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva Espana. Sm. 4to., calf 1845
673 Reasons why the British Colonies, in America, should not^be
charged with Internal Taxes. Cr. 8vo., half calf New-Haven, 1764
674 Relations des Jesuites. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du
Gonvernement Canadien. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., hf. calf 1858
675 Rivero (Manuel Eduardo de) y Juan Diego de Tschudi. Anti-
giiedades Pernanas. 4to., with oblong impl. folio atlas; bds. 1851
676 - Peruvian Antiquities, translated from the Spanish by F. L.
Hawke. 8vo , with folio Atlas of plates 1851-4
677 Roberts (William). An Account of the First Discovery, and Natural
History of Florida. 4to., calf 1763
678 -the same. 4to., hf. bd. 1763
679 Rutherfurd (Samuel). A Survey of the Survey of that Summe of
Church-Discipline penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker. Sm. 4-bo., old calf 1658
6S0 Sacrobosco. Sphera volgare novamente tradotta. Sm. 4to., limp
vellum Venetia, 1537
681 Sahagun (B. de). Historia Universal de las Cosas de Nueva Espana.
Impl. folio, bds. 1831
^-Forming the seveuth volume of Kingsborough’s Mexico
4 4
3 3
0 10
5 5
6 f»
6 0
St. L-uscku E«ig%Oi'x^w2lonie de Sainte-Lncie.
13 13 0
4 14 6
Purchas (Samuel). Haklvytvs Posthumus or Pvrchas his Pilgrimes.
5 vols., folio, the plain margins of the engraved title to Vol. I and
portions of the map of Virginia in Vol. IV restored ; red morocco extra, by
W. Pratt, gill edges 1625-26 81 0 0
A fine and perfect copy of this rare and important collection of travels. It is a book
most difficult to obtain in a perfect state.
- Hakluytus Posthumus. 20 vols., 8vo., cloth Glasgow, 1905-7 12 10 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
4 4 0
4 16 0
0 3 0
0 3 6
7 7 0
3 0 0
4 4 0
3 0 0
2 10 0
1779 0 18 0
683 St. John (J. Hector). Letters from an American Farmer. 8vo., calf
684 Salazar y Olarte (Ignacio de). Historia de la Conqnista de Mexico,
segnnda parte. 8m. folio, limp vellum (1741)
685 Salem. The Salem Book. 8vo., cloth 1896
686 Santa Cruz. Map of the World by the Spanish cosmographer, Alonzo
de Santa Cruz, 1542. Reproduction in phototypic facsimile. Five
large sheets in impl. folio, with a roy. 8vo. text; bds. 1892
687 Sarmiento de Gamboa (Pedro). Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes.
Sm. 4to., hound 1768
688 -the same. Large Paper, sm. 4to., calf 1768
689 -Voyage of Pedro Sarmiento to the Straits of Magellan, 1579-80.
8vo., cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1895
690 Seler. Eine Altmexikanische Bilderschrift der Vatikanischen Bibliothek.
2 vols., folio, sexoed Berlin, 1902
691 Selkirk. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk’s Settlement upon
the Red River in North America. 8vo., bds. 1817
692 Shepard (Thomas). Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in
New England. The Sincere Convert. 12mo., old calf 1649-50
693 -Theses Sabbatica). 4 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1649
694 -The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Sm. folio, calf 1660
695 Shipley (J. B. and M. A.). The English Rediscovery and Colonization
of America. 12mo., cloth (1890)
696 Sibley (J. L.). Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard.
Volume I. 1642-1658. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1873
697 Skinner (J.). The Present State of Pern. 4to., calf 1805
698 Smith’s Virginia. The General Historic of Virginia, New-England,
and the Summer Isles: with the names of the Adventurers, Planters,
and Governours from their first beginning An: 1584. to this present
1624. Sm. folio, the title mounted, and a modern plate of Matoaka
inserted; fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf 1624
699 -The Generali Historic ... to this present 1626. Sm. folio, the
portrait of the Duchess of Richmond and the 4 maps, in facsimile;
calf 1626
700 Smith (Samuel). The History of the Colony of Nova-Ceosaria, or New
Jersey. 8vo., mottled calf extra Burlington, 1765
701 - (William). The History of the Province of New York. Second
edition. 8vo., old sheep Philadelphia, 1792
702 - (W. H.). Canada. 2 vols., 8vo., half bound Toronto (1851)
703 Smyth (W.) and F. Lowe. Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para.
8vo., maroon morocco 1836
704 Soci£t£ de G^ographie: Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires. 6 vols.
in 5, 4to., half calf 1824-40
705 Solinus. C. Ivlii Solini Polyhistor . . Pomponii Melae de sitv orbis
libros tres . . adiunximus. 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, original pigskin 1538
706 Solis (Antonio de). Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. Sm. folio,
original limp vellum 1684
707 -the same. 2 vols., 4to., mottled calf 1783-84
708 -The History of the Conquest of Mexico. Folio, calf gilt 1724
709 -the same. Folio, a very fine copy in panelled calf extra 1724
710 Speed (John). Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain. Large folio,
old panelled calf 1676
711 Squier (E. G.). Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York.
4to., half bouml 1849
712 -Travels in Central America. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1853
713 Stedman (Capt. J. G.). Narrative of a 5 years’ expedition against
the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana. 2 vols., 4to., calf 1796
714 Stevenson (W. B.). Historical and Descriptive Narrative of a Twenty
Years’ Residenco-ra South jAmerica. 3 vols , 8vo., hf. calf \ f rom 1825
716 -the same/ bds. UNIVERSITY OF MICE 18 * 9
£ s.
1 16
0 15
0 10
0 15
0 7
0 10
0 14
4 15
2 7
0 16
1 1
2 2
0 10
0 10
2 2
110 0
24 0
8 8
1 11
0 9
0 12
5 0
1 16
1 8
1 0
2 12
3 13
7 10
0 IS
1 5
2 2
1 1
0 18
716 Stephens (J. L.). Incidents of travel in Central America. 2 vols.,
8 vo. 1841
717 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1841
718 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth, 14s; or hf. calf 1842
719 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo calf 1843
720 -the same. 8vo., cloth or hf. bd., 7 s 6d; tree calf extra 1854
721 -Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1843
722 Stevens (B. F.). Facsimiles of Manuscripts in European Archives
relating to America, 1773-83. Vol. I. Sm. folio, in a portfolio 1889
723 -Memoir of Benjamin Franklin Stevens. By G. Mauville Fenn.
8vo., buckram 1903
724 Stiles. History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. By President
Stiles. 12mo., calf neat Hartford, 1794
725 Stilld (C. J.). Northern Interests and Southern Independence. 8vo.,
$d. 1863
726 Stith (W.). History of the first Discovery and Settlement of Virginia.
8vo., original calf 1753
727 Stork (William). An Account of East-Florida. 8vo half-bound [1766]
728 Strachey (Wm.). Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. 8vo.,
cloth Hakluyt Soc., 1849
729 Straits of Magellan. Relacion del ultimo viage al estrecho de Magal-
lanes de la fragata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabesa, 1785 y 1786.
Sm. 4to., bds. 1788
730 Sutcliff (R.). Travels in some parts of North America, 1804, 1805,
and 1806. 12mo., calf 1811
731 Talleyrand. Official Correspondence between the Envoys of the
American States and Mons. Talleyrand. 8vo., sewed 1798
732 Tarleton (Banastre). History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781.
Roy. 4to., calf gilt 1787
733 Tennent (Gilbert). Sermons on important subjects, lately preached in
Philadelphia. Post 8vo., calf gilt Philadelphia, 1758
734 Thiery de Menonville. Traits de la Culture du Nopal dans les Colonies
FranfaiseB de l’Amerique. 8vo., hf. morocco 1837
735 Thorowgood (Thomas). Moderation Justified: a Sermon preached
Dec. 25. 1644;—with 26 other Sermons, in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf
736 ■■ Jewes in America, or, Probabilities that the Americans are of
that Race, 1650;—with three other Tracts in l vol., sm. 4to., old calf
Titcomb (Sarah E.). Early New England People. 8vo., doth 1882
Torfseus. Gronlandia Antiqva, 1715—Historia Vinlandi® Antiqv®, 1715
—Historia Hrolfii Krakii . . Havniee, 1715;—3 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo.
(12mo.), vellum 1715
739 Tour (A) through the United States and Canada. By a British Officer.
8vo .,hf.bd. . 1827
740 Tovar (Juan de). Historia de los Yndios Mexicanos. Cura et impensis
Dni. Thom® Phillippe, Bart. Folio, 12 pp., bds. Middlehill, I860
741 Tower. The Charlemagne Tower Collection of American Colonial Laws.
4to., cloth 1890
742 Trevelyan (Sir George Otto). The American Revolution. Parts
I—III. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1899-1907
743 Treves (Sir Frederick). The Cradle of the Deep. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1908
744 Trumbull (Benjamin). History of Connecticut. 2 vols., 8vo. ( map
missing) ; old calf Hartford, 1797— New Haven, 1818
745 Tucker (Josiah). The respective Pleas and Arguments of the Mother
Country, and of the Colonies, distinctly set. 8vo., bds. 1775
746 Tylor (E. B.). Anahnac. 8vo., cloth 1861
747 Ulloa (AntoaiA^lQt ^Nccicias Ajnericnnaa.
e «. d.
0 15 O
0 19 O
0 16 O
1 0 O
0 10 O
0 18 0
3 0 0
0 6 0
8 8 0
0 3 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
3 10 0
0 9 6
0 10 6
0 7 6
5 5 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
2 2 0
2 2 0
0 7 0
7 7 0
0 9 0
0 10 0
1 1 0
1 10 0
0 7 0
l 16 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
0 7 6
(J.5. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere,
1849 - 53 . 4to., bound Washington
748 Vol. I.—Chile. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliaa 1855
749 Vol. IV.—Observations to determine the Solar Parallax 1856
750 Vol. VI.—Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 1856
751 Supplementary Papers [Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Plants, etc.]. (1856)
The paper on Bird*, by John Ctuuin, is illustrated with 14 coloured plates.
752 (Jsselinx (Willem). UthfOrligh Fdrklaring ofwer Handels Contractet
angaondes thot SOlre Compagniet vthi Konungarijket i Swerighe.
Sm. 4to., vnbd. Stockholm, 1626
Excessively rare. It is either the first or second Swedish book relating to
and is the original edition translated from Usselinx's Dutch MS. one year
before the Dutch edition.
753 Valdes. Poenaa Heroyco Hispano-Latino Panegyrico de la Fundacion,
y Grandezas de la muy Noble, y Leal Ciudad de Lima. Sm. 4to., olive
morocco extra , gilt edges 1687
754 Valladares de Sotomayor (Antonio). Historia de la Isla de . .
Puerto Rico. Sm. 4to., calf 1788
755 Vega (Manuel de la). Historia del Descubrimiento de la America
Septentrional por Cristobal Colon. 8 vo., bd. Mexico , 1826
756 Veracruz. Estadistica del Estado libre y soberano de Veracruz.
2 parts. 8 vo., hf. bd. . Jalapa, 1831
757 Vespucci. The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. Translated
from the rare original edition. Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1885
758 - Amerigo Vespucci, son caractere, ses Merits . . par F. A. de
Varnhagen.—Le Premier Voyage.—Nouvelles recherches sur les
derniers voyages3 vols. in 1, sm. folio, hf. morocco 1865-70
759 Vicuna (C. M.). Estudio historico sobre el descubrimiento de la
Patagonia y de la Tierra del Fuego. 8 vo., cloth 1903
760 Vidal (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte
Video. Roy. 4to., half morocco 1820
761 -the same. Roy. 4to., newly bound in half green morocco , uncut 1820
762 -the same. Itnpl. 4to., Large Paper , half morocco, gilt edges 1820
763 Virginia (The) Almanack, for . . . 1815. 12mo., scarce (1814)
764 Virginia : The New Life of Virginea. Sm. 4to., blue Levant morocco,
gilt edges, by Riviere 1612
A few headlines slightly shaved, otherwise a fine, fresh copy.
765 - A Declaration of the State of the Colonie and Affaires in Virginia:
£ i> d.
0 10
0 5
0 5
0 15
Seoond edition enlarged. 2 vols., 8 vo.,
768 Wallace (Alfred R.). Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio
Negro. 8 vo., cloth 1853
769 War of Independence. The Regulations lately made concerning the
Colonies considered. 8 vo., unbd. 1765
770 Ward (H. G.). Mexico.
771 — - (Nathaniel). The Simple Coblcr of Aggavvam in America, 1647;
—with 19 other Tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1643-51
772 Warren (George). An Impartial description of Surinam npon the
Continent of Guiana in America. Sm. 4to., calf extra 1667
773 -the same. Sm. 4to., brown levant morocco, entirely uncut 1667
774 Waterton (Charles). Wanderings in South America. 8 vo ., cloth 1879
775 Weddell (J.). Voyage towards the South Pole, 1822-24. 8 vo., calf
gilt 1825
776 Weekly Register [of Baltimore] (The). H. Niles, editor. 2 vols.
Roy. 8 ?p., coy (jQ gle . ^Baltimore, IW 1-12
2 8
5 10
6 6
0 2
31 10 0
5 5 0
1 0 0
0 7 6
0 8 G
2 2 0
2 15 0
0 5 0
10 0 0
10 10 0
12 12 0
1 10 0
45 0 0
with the Names of the Aduenturors, and summes aduentured in that
Action. Sm. 4to., blue morocco extra, gilt edges Printed by T. S., 1620 21 0 0
Wafer (Lionel). New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of
America. Sm. 8 vo., old calf neat 1699 2 16
-another copy. Sm. 8 vo., panelled calf, rebacked 1699
2 10 0
0 10 0
2 10 0
8 8 0
0 18 0
3 10 0
£ 9 . d.
777 Welde. An Answer to W[illiam] Rfathband]. By Thomas Welde,
Pastour of the Church of Roxborough in Nevv-England, 1644— Mather
(Richard). Church-Government and Church-Covenant discussed,
1643 ;—with 9 other Tracts in 1 vol., am. 4to., old calf 1643-50
778 Wheeler (J. H.). Historical Sketches of North Carolina. 2 vols. in 1,
8 vo., cloth 1851
779 Whitbourne. A Discovrse and Discovery of Newfovnd-land, 1620—
A Discovrse containing a loving invitation both honourable, and pro¬
fitable to all such as shall be Aduenturers, 1622—A Letter from
Captaine Edward Wynne;—3 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., red morocco
A complete set of the parts, in their first editions.
780 Whitfield (Henry). Strength out of Weakness. 4to., a few headlines
and marginal notes shared; calf 1652
The sixth of Klioi’s Indian Tracts, covering his work in 1651.
781 Whitmore (W. H.). Register of Families settled at the town of
Medford, Mass. 8 vo., hf. bd. Boston, 1855
782 Wilson (Samuel). An Account of the Province of Carolina in America.
Sm. 4to., the plain inner margins skilfully mended; red morocco extra 1682
783 - (Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man). Knowledge and practice
of Christianity . . . instruction for the Indians. Post 8 vo., bound 1747
784 -the same. Seventh edition. Post 8 vo., sheep 1751
785 Winthrop (R. C.). Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Governor of
the Massachusetts-Bay Company. 3vo., cloth Boston , 1864
786 --the same. Second edition, 2 vols., 8 vo., vellum 1869
787 Wright (John). Early Bibles of America. Sm. 4to., cloth 1892
788 -Early Prayer Books of America. 8 vo., hf. bd. 1896
789 Yarrow (H. L.). Introduction to the Study of Mortuary Customs
among the North American Indians. 4to., sewed 1880
790 Young (Arthur). Observations on the Present State of the Waste
Lands of Great Britain. Published on Occasion of the Establishment
of a new Colony on the Ohio, 1773—Votes and Proceedings of Free¬
holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Boston, 1773;—6 pieces
in 1 vol., 8 vo., old calf 1772
791 - (Thomas). Narrative of a residence on the Mosquito shore.
8 vo., doth 1842
792 Yucatan. Newe Zeittung von dem Lande das die Sponier funden haben
ym 1521 jare genant Jucatan. Sm. 4to., cloth (Berlin, 1905)
793 Zarate. Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquetc du Perou. 2 vols ,
12mo., calf 1742
794 Zeni. Lucas (F. W.). Annals of the Voyages of the Brothers Nicolo
and Antonio Zeno in the North Atlantic. Roy. 4to., hf. bd. 1898
Aztec, Nahuatl:
795 Arenas (Pedro de). Vocabulario manual de las Lenguas Castcllana,
y Mexicana. 12mo., unbound Mexico, 172S
796 Catecismo. Clara y sucinta Exposicion del Pequeno Catecismo im-
preso en el Idioma Mexicano. 12mo., vellum Puebla, 1819
797 Perez (Manuel). Farol Indiaco, y Guia de Curas de Indios;—Arte
de el Idioma Mexicano.—2 vols. in I, sm. 4to., vellum Mexico, 1713
798 -Cathecismo Romano traducido al Castellano y Mexicano. Sm.
4to somewhat wormed; bd. ib., 1723
799 Biinton (D. G.). Studies of South American Native Languages. 8 vo.,
bds. 1892
the same. 8 vo., bds. 1892
Bound up in the same volume is “ Observations on the Chinantec Language of
Mexico and on t^ie-Mssatec Ijanguage and its affinities”, 1892.hy,the same anthor.
801 Cegiha, z Dorsey ,(SJ) C^lfiChe Cegiha Language, z doth
12 12 0
0 7 6
28 0 0
9 9 0
0 15 0
15 15 0
0 8 0
0 8 0
0 12 0
2 2 0
0 6 0
1 0 0
0 3 0
14 14 0
0 7 6
0 2 6
0 10 0
2 2 0
0 12 6
0 18 0
2 2 0
0 IS 0
0 4 0
0 8 0
0 12 0
802 Carlbi, Qalibi. Breton (Raymond). Dictionaire Francois-Caraibe,
M.D.C.LXVI.—Dictionaire Caraibe-Francois, M.D.C.LXV.—Petit
Catechisme, M.D.C.LXIV ;—3 vols. in 2, 12mo., blue morocco extra
Atixerre, 1664-66
803 Testament. Die Nywe Testament ... in die Creols Tae). 2 vols.,
post 8 vo., calf Copenhagen , 1781
804 -the same. Post 8 vo., calf ibid., 1818
805 Fabrlcius (Otho). Forsog til en forbedret Gronlandsk Grammatica
8 vo., id., uncut Kiobenhavn, 1791
806 Testamente Nutak Kaladlin okanzeennnt nuktersimarsok, nar’kiu-
lingocenniglo sukuiareimarsok. 8 vo., uncut 1799
807 liuasteca. Tapia Zenteno (Carlos de). Noticia de la Lengoa Huasteca.
Sm. 4to., silk binding Mexico, 1757
808 Ludewig (Herman E.). Literature of American Aboriginal Languages.
8 vo., sewed 1858
809 Micmac. Rand (S. T.). Dictionary of the language of the Micmac
Indians. 4to., bds. Halifax, N.S., 1888
810 Mixteco. Catecismo en Idioraa Mixteco—Manuel en Lengua Mixteca;—
in 1 vol., sm. 4to., sewed Puebla, 1837
811 Mohawk. Saint John. The Gospel acoording to Saint John, trans¬
lated into the Mohawk Tongue. 16mo., morocco (1804)
812 Mosca, or Chibcha (Bogota). Lugo (Beruardo de). Gramatica en la
Lengva General del Nvevo Reyno, llamada Mosca. Sm. 8 vo., water -
stained at beginning and end but a good copy; hf. bd. 1619
813 Mo xa (in Bolivia). Marban (Pedro). Arte de la Lengva Moxa, con
su Yooabulario, y Cathecismo. 12mo neatly bound (1701-2)
814 Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Cristiana en Lengna Otomi,
compuesto por Joaquin Lopez Yepes. Sm. 4to., hf. bd. Mexico, 1826
815 Neve y Molina (Luis de). Reglas de Orthographia, Diooionario, y
Arte del idioma Othomi. 12mo., limp vellum ih., 1767
816 Pilling (James Constantine). Series of Bibliographies of Indian
languages. 6 vols., large 8 vo., sd. Washington, 1888-93
Algonquian Language*, 3s, 1891 ; Athaspascan Languages, Is 6d, 1892; Iroquoian
Languages, ‘is, 1888 ; Mushkhogean Languages, Is fid, 1889 ; Saliahan Languages, Is 6 d,
1893 ; Siouan Languages, Is 6 d, 1887
817 Ellis (Robert). Peruvia Scythica: the Quiohua Language, its deriva¬
tion from Central Asia. 8 vo., cloth 1875
818 [Gonzalez Holguin]. Arte, y Vocabvlario en la lengva Genoral del
Perv llamada Quichua, y en la lengua Esponola. 12mo , limp vellum
Lima, 1614
819 Markham (C. R.). Contributions towards a grammar and dictionary
of Quichua. 8 vo., cloth 1864
820 Ollanto o sea la Severidad de un Padre, y la Clemoncia du nn Rey,
drama traducido del Quichua por Barranca. 8 vo., sd. Lima, 1868
821 Torres Rubio. Arte, y Vocabulario de la lengua Quichua general do
lo 8 Indios del el Peni. Sm. 4to. (l2mo.), bound 1754
822 Zegarra (P.). Ollanta'i, drame en vers quechuas du temps des Incas.
Roy. 8 vo., td. Paris, 1878
823 Gilberti (Maturino). Diccionario de la lengua Tarasoa <5 de
Michoao&n . . . impreso en Mexico el ano de 1559. Reimpreso. Roy.
4to., sewed 1901
One of the rarest books printed in Mexico in the 16th century.
824 Serra (Angel). .^Manuali de adrainistrar los Santos Saoramentos.
Sm. Mg., fins copyJtQim&Mlnm UNIVERSITY^**^
£ s. d.
10 0 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
1 1 0
0 5 0
1 10 0
0 8 6
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 15 0
15 15 0
4 10 0
0 9 0
1 1 0
0 0 0
0 5 0
9 0 0
0 3 6
0 2 0
3 10 0
0 8 0
1 10 0
3 3 0
Angas (G. F.). South Australia illustrated. Impl. folio, 60 coloured
plates; half morocco 1847
— The New Zealanders illustrated. Impl. folio, 60 coloured plates;
half morocco 1847
Bailliere’s Queensland Gazetteer. By R. P. Whitworth. 8vo., cloth
Barrington (George). Voyage to Botany Bay. 8vo., sd. 1796
-Account of a Voyage. [Second edition.] 1810(-11)—The History
of New South Wales. [Second edition.] 1810;—2 vols., 8vo., half calf,
uniform 1810(-ll)
Barton (G. B.). Poets and Prose Writers of New South Wales. 8vo.,
half bound 1866
-and A. Britton. History of New South Wales from the Records.
Vols. I—II. 8vo., half morocco 1889
Bathgate (J.). New Zealand. 8vo., sd. 1884
Bell (F. D.) and F. Young. Reasons for promoting the cultivation of
the New Zealand Flax. 8vo., sd. 1842
Bennett (George). Wanderings iu New South Wales. 2 vols., 8vo.,
half calf 1834
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., bds. 1834
Binney (Thomas). Lights and Shadows of Churoh-Life in Australia.
Sm. 8vo., hf. morocco 1860
Bischoff (J.). Sketch of the History of Van Diemen’s Land. 8vo., bds.
BUgh (William)^. Voyage to the South Sea. Roy. 4to., bd. 1792
• ■ the same. Roy. 4to., russia, gilt edges 1792
Bracken (T.). The New Zealand Tourist. 8vo., sd. 1879
Braim (T. H.). History of New South Wales. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1846
Brown (George A.). Sheep Breeding in Australia. 8vo., cloth 1880
Burney (James). Chronological History of the Discoveries in the
South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols., roy. 4to., half calf 1803-17
Burton (W. Westbrooke). State of Religion and Education in New
South Wales. 8vo., cloth 1840
Calvert. Expedition into the interior of N.W. Australia by Alb. Fred.
Calvert, 1892—Wallace. Jottings referring to the early discovery of
Gold in Australia, 1890—2 8vo. tracts 1890-92
Canterbury Papers. Information concerning the principles of the
founders of the settlement of Canterbury. Parts 1-3, 8vo. 1850
Capper (Henry). South Australia. Post 8vo., cloth 1838
-the same. Third Edition. 12mo., cloth (1839)
Clayden (A.). The England of tho Pacific. 8vo., seu>ed 1879
Clutterbuck (James Bennett). Port Phillip in 1849. 12mo., cloth 1850
Coghlan (T. A.). Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Aus¬
tralasia. 8vo., cloth 1891
Collingridge (George). The Discovery of Australia. Roy. 4to., cloth
Collins (David). Accoant of the English Colony in New South Wales.
2 vols., 4to., calf 1798-1802
- .. the same. 2 vols., 4to., calf gilt 1798-1802
- - Second edition. 4 to., half calf 1804
-the same. 4to., calf gilt 1804
Cooper (F. de B.). Wild Adventures in Australia. 8vo., doth 1857
Cruise (R. A.). Journal of a 10 months’ residence in New Zealand.
8 vo., bd. ’ 1823
-the same. Second edition. 8vo., bds., uncut 1824
Cunningham (IV)* Two Years in New South Wales. 2 vole.,post 8vo.,
half morocco nJattO glC UNIVERSITY OF MICHIcM^'
£ s. d.
9 0 0
15 0 0
0 3 0
15 0
1 12 0
0 3 6
10 0
0 2 0
0 3 0
0 15 0
0 10 6
0 3 6
0 8 0
1 5 0
1 10 0
0 2 6
15 0
0 10 0
7 7 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 16
0 3 6
0 2 0
0 3 0
0 3 0
0 7 G
5 15 0
6 10 0
2 10 0
2 17 6
0 3 6
0 7 6
0 9 0
0 9 0
Cook's First Voyage. Journal of a voyage round the world, 1768-1771.
Sm. 4to., unbound 1771
-Illustrations of the Botany of Captain Cook’s Voyage Round the
World in H.M.S. “ Endeavour” in 1768-71. Part I, Australian Plants.
Roy. folio, bds. British Museum, 1900
1 -the same. Part II. Australian Plants. Roy. folio, bds. ibid., 1901
-the same. Part III. Australian Plants. Roy. folio, bds. ibid., 1905
Voyages, the three series. 8 vols., roy. 4to., 1 vol. roy. folio (the
if # «f \
large plates to the account of the second voyage being bound in a separate
volume ) and 1 vol. impl. folio. 1773-85—Forster (George). A Voyage
round the World. 2 vols. 1777—Forster (J. R.). Observations on
Physical Geography, Natural History, etc. 1778;—together 11 vols.,
roy. 4to., full russia gilt; and 2 vols., roy. folio and impl. folio, half
russia gilt 1773-85
-the same. 8 vols., roy. 4to., and 1 vol. impl. folio—Kippis (A.).
The Life of James Cook. 2 vols., roy. 4to., extra illustrated with
portraits and other illustrations ;—together 10 vols., roy. 4to., full russia
gilt , and 1 vol. impl. folio, russia 1773-88
[Dalrymple (A.)]. A Serious Admonition to the Publick, on the
Intended Thief-Colony at Botany Bay. Post 8 vo., unbound 1786
The map mentioned by the author in bis preface is not in this copy.
Davis (John). Tracks of McKinlay and party across Australia, edited
by William Westgarth. 8 vo., cloth 1863
Davison (Simpson). Gold Deposits in Australia. 8 vo., oloth 1861
De Harven (E.). La Nouvelle Zelande. 8 vo., sd. 1883
Dutton (Francis). South Australia and its Mines. 8 vo., doth 1846
Earl (G. Windsor). Enterprise in Tropical Australia. 8 vo., cloth 1846
[Eden (William) afterwards Lord Auckland]. History of New Holland.
8 vo., hf. bd. 1787
Erskine (J. E.). Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western
Pacific. 8 vo., cloth 1853
Evans (G. W.). Description of Van Diemen’s Land. Second Edition.
8 vo., bds. 1824
Eyre (Edward John). Journals of Expeditions of Discovery in Central
Australia, 1840-1. 2 vols, 8 vo., cloth 1845
Field (Barron). Geographical Memoirs on New South Wales. 8 vo.,
bds., uncut 1825
-the same. Second Edition. 8 vo., bds., uncut 1828
Fitton (E. B.). New Zealand. Sm. 8 vo., cloth 1856
Flanagan (Roderick). History of New South Wales. 2 vols., 8 vo.,
half morocco 1862
-the same. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1862
[Fleurieu (C. P. Claret, Comte de).] Discoveries of the French in
1768 and 1769 to the South-East of New Guinea. Roy. 4to., bds.,
uncut * 1791
Flinders (Matthew). Voyage to Terra Australis . . 1801, 1802, and
1803. 2 vols., roy. 4to., and a super-impl. folio atlas ; the text in cloth
boards, atlas in half russia 1814
-the same. 2 vols., impl. 4to., Large Paper , and roy. folio atlas;
fine copy uniformly bound in half red morocco gilt 1814
-the same. 2 vols., impl. 4to., Large Paper, and roy. folio atlas;
beautiful copy bound in russia gilt, by Hering 1814
Fox (W.). Colonization and New Zealand. Sm. 8 vo., sewed 1842
Gougpr (Robert). South Australia in 1837. l2mo., cloth 1838
-the same. Second edition, enlarged. 12mo., cloth n. d.
Grey (George). Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in North-
West and Western Australia, 1837-39. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1841
Guide lor Excursionists from the mainland to Tasmania. 12mo.,
208 ©»., sewed f^OOoIp Melbourne, 1869
«. d,
10 0
5 0
15 0
5 0
14 0
0 0
16 0
18 0
3 6
3 0
9 o
4 0
10 0
7 6
15 0
2 0
7 6
7 6
4 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
9 0
12 0
13 0
5 0
5 0
6 0
12 0
4 0
Harris (J. C.). Southern Gnide to the Hot Lake District of the north
island of New Zealand. 8vo., sd. Dunedin , 1878
Haydon (O. H.). Five Years’ Experience in Australia Felix. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth. % 1846
Heale (T.). New Zealand and the New Zealand Company. 8vo.,
sd. 1842
Heaton (J. Henniker). Australian Dictionary of Dates. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1879
-the same. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1879
Hector (J.)* Handbook of New Zealand. 8vo., sd. 1880
Hobart Town Almanack and Yan Diemen’s Land Annual for 1835.
12mo., with 1 (of 2) plates; cloth (1835)
Hobart Town Gazette, issued weekly from Tuesday March 16 to
Tuesday May 25, 1858. 1 vol., sm. folio, hf. bd. 1858
Hodgkinson (Clement). Australia. 8vo., half morocco 1845
Holgate (C. W.). Account of the chief libraries of New Zealand.
8 vo., ad. 1886
Hood (John). Australia and the East. 8vo., half morocco 1843
Hunter (John). Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port
Jackson and Norfolk Island. Roy. 4to., calf 1793
-the same. Roy. 4to., a larger copy in russia 1793
-the same. Roy. 4to., hf. calf, gilt top, uncut, a fine copy 1793
-the same (abridged from the 4 to. edition). 8vo., vnth engraved
title, portrait, map, and plates; bds. uncut 1793
Jameson (R. G.). New Zealand, South Australia, and New South
Wales. Post 8vo., cloth 1842
Jessop (Will. R. H.). Flindersland and Sturtland. 2 vols., post 8vo..
half morocco
-the same. 2 vols., post 8vo , o fine copy in crimson calf gilt 1862
Jobson (F. J.). Australia. 8vo., cloth 1862
[Kerr (J. H.)]. Glimpses of Life in Victoria. 8vo., half morocco
Edinburgh, 1872
Kerry-Nichols (J. H.). The King-Country. 8vo., cloth 1884
Lang (John Dunmore). Aooount of New South Wales. 2 vols., post
8 vo., bound 1834
-the same. Second edition. 2 vols., post 8vo., half calf 1837
- the same. Third edition. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1852
-Queensland, Australia. Post 8vo., cloth 1861
Landsborough (W.). Journal of Landsborough’s Expedition from
Carpentaria, in search of Burke and Wills. 8vo., bds. 1862
La P^rouse (J. F. G. de). Voyage de La Perouse autour du Monde.
4 vols., roy. 4to., half blue morocco gilt, 1 roy. folio atlas, half calf 1797
Lycett (J.). Views in Australia. Oblong folio, 48 beautifully coloured
plates; original half binding 1825
[Macarthur (James)]. New South Wales. 8vo - , cloth 1837
Major (R. H.). Early Voyages to Terra Australis. 8vo., Large Paper;
green morocco, gilt edges Hakluyt Soc., 1859
Mangles (R. D.). How to Colonize. 8 vo., sd. 1842
Martin (Sir W.). The Taranaki Question. 8vo., sd. 1861
Mathew (John). Eaglehawk and Crow. 8vo., cloth 1899
Melbourne Directory for 1858 . 8 vo., cloth 1858
TMelville (Henry)l. Australasia and Prison Discipline. 8vo., cloth
-The Present State of Australia. Post 8vo., half morocco 1851
Mitchell (Major T. L.). Three Expeditions into the Interior of
Eastern Australia. 2 vols, 8vo., half calf . 1838
-the same. Second edition. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1839
-Journal of an Expedition into the interior of Tropical Australia.
8 vo ., calf gilt~^ . 1848
Mudie (Jamdsio felonry of New South W^les. gp^j 1837
£ 8. d .
0 2 0
0 7 6
0 2 6
0 5 0
0 6 t
0 2 G
0 G 0
1 16 0
0 16 0
0 1 C
0 8 0
2 0 0
2 10 0
3 3 0
1 1 0
0 4 0
0 4 </
0 G 0
U 3 0
0 5 (
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 10 0
0 12 0
0 3 0
0 3 0
5 5 0
14 14 <
0 G 0
l 1 <
0 2 1
0 3 0
0 10 <>
0 2 0
0 5 0
0 3 0
1 12 0
18 0
1 1 0
1 4 U
31 Meredith (Louisa Anne). My Home in Tasmania. 2 vols., post 8 vo.,
half calf F 1852
t 32 -Over the Straits. Post 8 vo., half morocco 1861
933 Mossman (S.) and Thomas Banister. Australia visited and rdtdsited.
* 8 vo., cloth 1853
•34 Mundy (Lt. Col. G. C.). Oar Antipodes. 3 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1852
935 -the same. Third edition. 8 vo., half red morocco 1855
36 National Australasian Convention. Official Report, parts 1-15, 8 vo.,
•d. 1891
'37 New South Wales Calendar. For the year 1633. Post 8 vo., cloth
938 New South Wales. Official Record of the Debates of the Australasian
Federal Convention. Second Session. 8 vo., half bound 1897
939 -New South Wales : its progress and resources. 8 vo. 1886
940 New Zealand Handbook. 12mo., several leaves mended; cloth (1859)
941 Ogle (N.). The Colony of Western Australia. 8 vo., without the map;
half morocco 1839
942 [O’Hara (J.)]. The History of New South Wales. 8 vo., bdt. 1818
943 Oxley (John). Journals of two Expeditions into the interior of New
South Wales 1817-18, 2 parts in 1 vol., 4to., hf calf 1820
944 Parkinson (Sydney). Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas. 4to.,
calf 1773
945 -the same. Impl. 4to., Large Paper; hf. calf 1773
946 - the same. With an Appendix. Impl. 4to., Large Paper; hf.
russia 1784
947 Phillip (A.). Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. 4to.,
bds. 1789
948 -the same. 4to., a fine tall copy in russia, gilt top, umut 1789
949 -Voyage du Gouverneur Phillip k Botany Bay. 8 vo., old calf 1791
950 Picture of Australia. Post 8 vo., bds. uncut 1829
'51 Polack (J. S.). New Zealand. 2 vols., 8 vo., bd. 1838
•)52 Prince of Wales’s Island. A short Account of the Prince of Wales’s
Island, or Palo Peenang, in the East Indies; given to Capt. Light, by
the King of Quedah. Post 8 vo., with a View of the North Point, taken
by Elisha Trapaud, and a folding map of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
(including New Holland) ; unbound 1788
953 [Puseley (D.)]. Rise and Progress of Australia. Post 8 vo., half mor¬
occo 1857
£ *• d.
0 5 0
0 4 0
0 3 6
0 15 0
0 8 6
0 5 0
1 10 0
0 12 0
0 2 0
0 18 0
0 7 0
0 15 0
2 10 0
1 0 0
1 10 0
2 0 0
0 15 0
2 2 0
0 15 0
0 7 6
1 1 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
954 Quiros. Terra Australis incognita, or A new Southerns Discoverie,
containing a fifth part of the World. Sm. 4to., the pagination numbers
cut off, but the text not affected, otherwise a fine copy in dark blue morocco
extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1617
Very rare. Thia tract is of the highest interest and importance aa being the first
edition of the first book in Eoglish on the discovery of Australia.
.>55 Read (C. R.). What I heard, saw, and did at the Australian Gold
Fields. 8 vo., cloth 1853
•56 Reid (G. H.). Essay on New South Wales. 8 vo., cloth 1876
J57 Roberts (J.). Two Years at Sea: a Voyage to the Swan River and
Van Diemen’s Land. 8 vo., half calf 1834
958 Rusden (G. W.). History of New Zealand. 3 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1883
959 -History of Australia. 3 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1897
960 Saundera (Treiawny). The Asiatic Mediterranean. 8 vo., cloth 1853
961 Savage (John). Some Account of New Zealand. 8 vo ., half calf 1807
962 Scratchley (Sir Peter). Australian Defences and New Guinea. 8 vo.,
cloth 1887
963 [Shaw (W.)]. The Land of Promise. Post 8 vo., half morocco 1854
»64 Smyth (R. B.). Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Viotoria. Impl.
8 vo., cloth 1869
965 Stanford’s Compendium of Geography: Australasia. 8 vo., cloth 1879
966 Stokes (J. Lort). I^isb^en^i jia Australia. 2 vols., 8 vo., doth fr 1846
65 0 0
968 Stephens (John). History of the Rise and Progress of the New British
Province of South Australia. 8vo., cloth 1839
969 Stoney (h. B.). A Residence in Tasmania. 8vo., cloth 1856
970 — — - the same. 8vo., green calf giU 1866
971 Strzelecki (P. E. de). Physical Description of New South Wales and
Van Dieman’s Land. 8vo., doth 1845
972 Sturt (Charles). Two Expeditions into the interior of Southern Aus¬
tralia, 1828-31. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1834
973 Swainson (W.). New Zealand and its colonization. 8vo., doth 1859
974 Sydney. Landscape Scenery, illustrating Sydney, Paramatta, Maitland,
etc. Oblong 4to., 39 steel engravings; cloth Sydney, 1855
975 Sydney Gazette (The). Vol. I, March 5th, 1803—February 26th, 1804,
comprising 52 numbers. Reproduced [by photo-lithography]. Folio,
half morocco Sydney, 1899
976 Taylor (Richard). TelkaaMaui. Second edition. 8vo doth 1870
977 -The Past and Present of New Zealand. 8vo., doth 1868
978 Tench. Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay. 8vo., sewed 1789
the same. 8vo., sd., entirely uncut
Townsend (J. P.). Rambles and Observations in N. S. Wales. Post
8vo., cloth 1849
Tuckey (J. H.). Account of a Voyage to establish a colony at Port
Philip in Bass's Strait. 8vo., hds. 1805
- the same. 8vo., old sprinkled calf 1805
ece by Blake; hf. bd. 1805
the same. 8vo., with an inserted frontispi
States Exploring Expedition, 1838-18
United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842. Ethnology and Philo¬
logy. By Horatio Hale. Impl. 4to., half morocco Philadelphia, 1846
In Ihe first part of this volume all the races of Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia,
Australia, and north-west America Are described ; in the second part the languages of
all these races are examined and vocabularies given of most of them.
985 Van Diemen’s Land Royal Kalendar. 10mo., hds. 1847
986 Vogel (Julius). Handbook of New Zealand. Post 8 vo., cloth 1875
937 Walker (J. B.). The Settlement of Tasmania. 8 vo., sewed 1890
988 Wallis. Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales;
in illustration of 12 Views, engraved by W. Preston, a convict, from
Drawings by Captain Wallis. Folio, with map, 6 large folding plates,
and 6 full-page plates; half morocco 1821
989 -the same. Folio, in the original half binding, uncut 1821
990 Wawn (W. T.). The South Sea Islanders. Roy. 8 vo., doth 1893
991 Webber (James). Views in the South Seas. Impl. folio, 16 plates ,
coloured by hand ; half morocco 1808
992 -the same. Impl. folio, 15 ( of 16) plates; half morocco 1808
993 Wells (W. H.). Geographical Dictionary or Gazetteer of the Australian
Colonies. 8 vo., doth Sydney, 1848
994 Wentworth (W. C.). Statistical Account of the British Settlements
in Australasia. 2 vols., 8 vo., bds. 1824
91-5 West (John). The History of Tasmania. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1852
996 West Australian Year-Book for 1890 . 8 vo., seiced 1891
997 Westall (W.). Views of Australian Scenery. Oblong 4to., with
- brilliant impressions of the 9 plates; original wrappers 1814
998 . - the same. Oblong 4to., half red morocco 1814
999 Westgarth (William). Half a Century of Australasian Progress. 8 vo.,
doth 1889
1000 White (John). Illustrations prepared for White’s Ancient History of
the Maori. 8 vo., 124 leaves of illustrations; sd. Wellington, 1891
1001 -Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales . . . 4to., with 65
coloured plates ; half calf 1790
1002 Widowson (Henry). Present State of Van Diemen’s Land. 8 vo., no
map; bds. 1829
L003 Worksnop (Thom a?).. History of the City of Adelaide. Svo ., cloth 1878
Mi v. 1 a— 1
8. d.
15 0
7 0
10 O
7 0
5 0
9 O
10 0
15 0
15 0
6 0
5 0
ll» 0
3 0
15 0
14 0
0 0
15 0
10 0
5 0
3 6
10 0
12 0
4 6
14 0
10 0
7 6
12 0
0 0
1 6
16 0
10 0
4 0
2 0
r> 0
6 0
3 6
£ k. d
100i Wilkinson (G. B.). South Australia. Post 870., cloth, 2s 6d; or, half
morocco 1848 0 4 G
1005 Williams (John). A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South
Sea Islands. 8vo., hf. calf 1837 0 7 6
1006 Wills (W. J.). Successful Exploration through the Interior of
Australia. 8vo., cloth 1863 0 6 0
1007 Wilson (Captain Henry). Account of the Pelew Islands situated
in the Western . . Pacific. Roy. 4to., calf gilt 1788 0 6 0
1008 Woods (J. D.). The Provinoe of South Australia. 8vo., sewed 1894 0 2 6
1009 -(J. E.). Geological Observations in South Australia. 8vo.,
cloth 1862 0 4 0
1010 Yate (William). Aocount of New Zealand. Post 8vo., half morocco
1835 0 3 6
1011 Macdonald (D.). Asiatic Origin of the Oceanic Languages. Post
8vo cloth 1894 0 2 0
1012 Morris (E. E.). Austral English. A Dictionary of Australasian
Words, Phrases, and Usages. 8vo., cloth 1898 0 4 6
1013 Ridley (W.). Karnilaroi, and other Australian languages, and songs,
of the Australian race. Sm. 4to., morocco Sydney, 1875 1 5 0
1014 Teichelmann (C. G.) and C. W. Schiirmann. Outlines of a •
Grammar, Vocabulary and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of
South Australia. 8vo., ad. 1840 0 7 6
I.—Autograph Letters and Documents
1015 Aide (Hamilton), Novelist. A. L. s. to George Crabbe, grandson of
'the Poet, relative to Fitzgerald’s Works Aug. 15 (1885-7?)
1016 Ainsworth (W. Harrison). A. L. s. to T. Crofton Croker. 3| pp.,
4to., Aix La Chapelle, 8th Sept., 1828
1017 Albemarle (George Monk, Duke of). Signature to Official Report
of the Movement of the Fleet, etc., with autograph corrections by the
Duke. A full account of the battle with the combined Dntoh and
French fleets nnder the commands of Van Tromp and De Buy ter,
June 1 to 4, 1666. 4: pages, folio
1018 Anglesey (Marquis of). Copy of “ Lord Melbourne’s Instructions for
the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 18 Deo. 183C.” 13 pp., fcap. folio
1019 Arnold (Matthew). A. L. s., 1 page, 8vo., to Dr. C. Cook, March 28th,
1020 Bacon (Sir Francis). A Note of 10 lines in the autograph of, and
signed by, Thomas Flemyng, Solicitor General, by Sir Francis Bacon
thus: “ Fr. Bacon ”, a very rare form of this scarce signature, also
a note signed by Robert Cecyll, 1st. Earl of Salisbury, 25 Sept., 1597.
0 2 6
1 5 0
21 0 0
0 5 0
1 10 0
52 10 0
1(»21 Balliol (John). Letter of John King of Scotland, by which he gives
his consent, that Marguerite, the daughter of Guy Comte de Flandre,
should take and receive the juncture granted to her by his predecessor
on the revenue of the town of Berwick. Official crpy (in Latin), issued
at Edinburgh, February, 1300, with seal. On vellum; in excellent preser¬
vation. Folio * 1300 16 0 0
1022 Barham (Rev. R.H.). A. L. s. “ Thomas Ingoldsby ”. 2 pp., 8vo.
Amen Corner, JanjQO®
Barry (Comtesse Du), Mistress of Louis XV. Autograph Order for
payment of money, with signature, juillet, 1782. 5 lines, l2mo.
Barton (Bernard), “the Quaker Poet.” 3 pp., 12mo. A. L. s. to
George Crabbe, accompanying a set of verses
Benson (The Rt. Rev. Edward White). A. L. s., 3 pp., to Rev.
W. Maskell, 16 June, 1885
Benwell (William). Original holograph MS. entitled “ In what Arts
have the Moderns excelled the Ancients.” 31 pp., 4to.
Trinity College, June, 1787
Blackmore (R. D.). A most interesting collection of twenty Auto¬
graph Letters to Dr. J. M. Winn, the medical man attacked by Mrs.
Weldon of law-suit notoriety 1881-97
Blake (A. R.). A holograph letter to the Marquis Wellesley, dated
Dublin, 3 January, 1835. 6 pp., 8vo.
Brisbane (Sir Thos. McDougall), 6th Governor of New South Wales.
A. L. s., pp., 4to., from Brisbane, Greenock, 21 Nov. 1810, ordering
astronomical and scientific books; also L. signed 5th Nov., 1811
Bronte (Charlotte). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., to Miss Ellen Nussey,
written while governess to Mrs. White’s children. (Mar. 41)
-A. L. 8. “ C. B.” 4 pp., 12mo., to Ellen Nussey, unpublished n. d.
-3 A. Ls. s., 5| pp. 8vo., li pp. 12mo., and 1 page 12mo., to Mr.
W. Smith Williams, all referring to her sister Anne’s illness. January,
Mch., May, 1849
Brooke (Rev. Stopford A.). A. L. s. to Rev. J. M. Capes. 2\ pp.,
8vo , on his book n. d. (1879-80)
Browning (E. B.). A 4to. copy book containing 17 pp. in the holo¬
graph of Miss Barrett, being a translation from the Greek by Hugh
Stuart Boyd of S. Basil’s Homily on Paradise. March 23rd, 1833. An
important and highly interesting series of twenty-one A. Ls. s. cover¬
ing about 19 pp. 4to., 15 pp. 8vo., and 16 pp. 12mo., being her corre¬
spondence with Hugh Stuart Boyd ; the letters date from 1828-37
- A. L. s., 11 pp., 12mo., to Robert Browning (?), on literary
matters and referring to her own ill-health. June 17, 1842
A. L. s., 2 pp., 12mo., 50, Wimpole Street, September 9, 1842
Burghley (William Cecil, Baron). Signature with holograph note,
1 page , 4to., pay bearer the sum of 5s for “ ryding with treasure in hast
from his home in Arane.” Feb. 22, 1582
■■ Signature to an Indenture with remains of seal. 8 June, 1575
-Signature to a letter to Robert Petre, sent with her Majesty’s
order for the payment of certain sums to Sir Horatio Palavicino,
March 9th, 1589
Burke (Rt. Hon. Edmund). Rough draft of a portion of a speech,
probably on the subject of the Nabob of Arcot’s debts. 4 pp., folio n. d.
Burns (Robert). A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to John Richmond, whose
lodgings he had shared on his arrival in Edinburgh in 1786. The letter
is full of interest, as he mentions having been “ through the heart of
the Highlands so far as Inverness ” . . learning Highland tunes, Scotch
Songs and Jacobite anecdotes. Ed in™ 25** Oct. 1787
Byron (Lord). A. L. a. with initial “ B,” 3 pp., 4to., to J. Bankes.
Dec. 26, 1818
-Part of A. L. incomplete, probably to W. J. Bankes, 2 pp., 4to. n. d.
With this letter are two sheet* of paper covered with rough draft* of poems and
sketches in the supposed autograph of the poet.
A. L. s. to W. J. Bankes, thanking him for his criticism of
Juvenilia. 4 pp., 4to., Southwell, March 6th, 1807
Campbell (T.). 2 lines in the poet'e autograph signed. n.d.
Carlyle (Thomas). A. L. s , & pp., 12mo., to Edward Fitzgerald. A
characteristic letter, referring to Tennyson, and the publication of
“ Cromwell’s Letters "*$]Ftby, 1845 Original from
£ «. rf.
3 0 0
0 10 0
0 7 (i
0 5 0
12 12 0
0 7 G
5 0 0
10 10 0
10 10 0
10 10 0
0 7 0
63 0 0
7 10 0
4 4 0
2 2 0
1 4 0
1 10 0
28 0 0
90 0 0
10 10 0
8 8 0
10 10 0
0 7 0
21 0 0
1047 Charles I. Warrant for Payments in relation to a Masque performed
before the Queene, ioourred between Michaelmas 1626 and Michaelmas
1627, directed to William, Earle of Denbigh, Master of the Wardrobe,
Signed “ Charles R.” countersigned Willm. Georges, with seal. An
interesting document on vellum. Large folio 1636
1018 Charles IX, King of France. Signature to a page of instructions, 1 page,
folio, 24 June , 1567
1049 Charles XII, King of Sweden. Letter, 4 pp., 4to., with signature and
“ aus Neuchatel ” in the autograph of Charles XII, 28 Jan., 1708
1050 Coleridge (John Duke, Lord Chief Justice). Letter of acknowledge¬
ment of a book to Rev. W. Maskell, 1 page , 8vo., 19th March , 1872
1051 Collins (Wilkie). Holograph MS. of the dramatized version of “A
New Magdalen.” Also fair copies of the Prologue and Act II with
copious corrections in the writing of Wilkie Collins
1052 Constant (Benjamin), French Author and publicist. A. L. s. to Mme.
Recamier. | p. 8vo. Paris ce 29 Mars, 1828
1053 Cook (Capt. James). 1 page, 4to., taken from his Journal, consisting
of 18 lines in autograph, on his second voyage of discovery, written on
the Island of Tongataboo, one of the Friendly Islands
1054 -Signature to a certificate of service, as Master of His M.S.
“ Pembroke,” dated 16 Augst., 1758.—A Leaf taken from Capt. Cook’s
Book, kept by him, specially for the copying of all letters and orders,
addressed to him by the Admiralty and Navy Office, etc., dated March,
1766;—together 2 pieces
1055 -Signature on a seaman's Certificate of discharge on board 'the
“Northumberland”, dated 31«< January, 1762
1056 Coutts (Baroness Burdett). A. L. s., 3 pp., 12mo., to Mr. Barnes,
acknowledging the receipt of a seal. Stratton Street, June, 11/60
1057 Crabbe (Rev. George). A. L. s , 3 J pp , folio, to his son George,[telling
him of the illness and approaching death of Mrs. Whitehead
3 d June, 1827
1058 -A. L. s., to his son George, with reference to the latter’s appoint¬
ment as Rector of Pucklechurch. 2 pp., 4to. Triubridge, 3 Dec r 1827
1059 -A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to his son George, describing a clever dancing
toy which he had seen Trowbridge, 24** Jan* 1828
li GO -A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to his son George, respecting a parcel
addressed in mistake to Trowbridge instead of to Pucklechurch
14 Dec? 1828
1061 - A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to his son George, enclosing the second
half of notes, and referring to family affairs. Trowbridge, 18 Ih Dec., 1829
1062 -A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to his son George, arranging to start for
Pucklechurch in a few days’ time. Trowbridge, 14 th May, 1830
1063 -A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to his son George referring to a proposed
journey to London and Hastings Trowbridge, 2C Sept., 1830
1064 -A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to his son George, on the subject of Livings.
Mentious also the subject of Church Reform. Trowbridge, 7th March,
Crawford (F. Marion). Original holograph MS., complete, of a short
tale entitled “ The Doll's Ghost,” published. 7{ pp., large 4 to. n.d.
Cromwell (Oliver). An interesting document relating to money due
to the Marshall General for the keep of Dutch and Scotch prisoners,
from January 1652 to February, 1653, signed by the Protector. 1 page,
folio, 5 th of May, 1654
Crowfoot (W. Henchman). A. L. s., 4 pp., 8vo., to George Crabbe
the Younger Beccles, July 8
Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). A. L. s. to Robert Southey, 3\ pp., 8 vo.,
on bibliographical matters. Althorp t Jan. 7th, 1823
Dugdaie (Sir Wjlliam). |A. L. s., 1 page, folio. Most interesting
letter on the Fed 1
olt family
19 th April. 1652
0 0
2 0
10 0
5 0
5 0
5 0
0 0
10 0
3 0
2 6
7 6
1 0
7 6
5 0
7 6
7 G
5 0
7 6
3 0
0 0
2 0
15 0
10 c
1070 Dickens (Charles). A. L. a., pp. 8vo., to Mr. Serjeant Talfourd.
Doughty Street , December 28 th, 1838
1071 -A. L. a., 3 pp., 8vo., to Serjeant Talfourd, referring to a notice in
the Quarterly Review. Doughty Street, Wednesday night (1838 ?)
1072 ■ ■ A. L. a., 2 pp ., 8vo., to Serjeant Talfourd, referring to his acting
as steward at a Dinner for the Deaf and Dumb Charity, and mentioning
the visit of “ one Dr. Hone from America.” Devonshire Terrace,
Twentieth May, 1843
1073 -A. L. s., 2 pp., 8vo.,to Mrs. Talfourd. Devonshire Terrace, Twenty
Seventh April, 1844
1074 - ■■ A. L. s., 2 pp., 8vo., to Serjeant Talfourd. Devonshire Terrace,
Sunday Fifth May , 1844
1075 -A. L. 8 ., 2 pp., 8vo., to Thomas Cooper, Esq., dated Devonshire
Terrace, Seventh October, 1845
1076 A. L. s., 4 pp., 8vo., to Serjeant Talfourd referring to the Soiree
given by Manchester Athenaeum, at which Talfourd made one of his
moat celebrated speeches. Twenty Second October, 1845
1077 -A. L. s., “ C. D.”, to Serjeant Talfourd, 3 pp., 4to. Geneva,
Wednesday, October Twenty First, 1846
1078 — A. L. s., 1 \ pp-, 8vo., giving instructions as to tickets and passes
of a concert. Twenty Sirth February, 1851
1079 -A. L. s., to Mr. Edward Brewster, 1 page, 8vo., accompanying
remittance. Devonshire Terrace, Sixth March, 1851
1080 -A. L. s., 2 pp. 8vo., written from the Office of Household Words
to Benjamin Webster, Manager of the Aldephi, alluding to“ The Perils
of certain English Prisoners.” Tuesday, Twenty Fourth November, 1857
1081 - A. L. s., £ page, 8vo , from the Office of All the Year Round with
envelope addressed to J. H. Le Fanu bearing Autograph signature,
Thursday, Seventh April, 1870
1082 Documents. A very interesting collection of documents relating to
levies of soldiers in various districts in the last years of Elizabeth’s
reign, bearing the signatures of Robert Cecyll, the Earls of Nottingham,
Worcester & Shrewsbury, and Lord Buckhurst 1598-1626
£ *• (t -
5 5 0
5 0 0
5 5 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
2 2 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
2 2 0
2 2 0
10 10 0
2 10 0
3 10 0
1083 Dodd (Dr. William). Copy of part of Archbishop Tillotson’s sermon,
with notes, in the autograph of Dr. Dodd. 7pp., 4to. ». d. 4 4 0
1084 -A. L. s. to Thomas Hull, the dramatist, asking him to purchase a
tragedy written by a fellow clergyman. 2 pp., 4to., Hockliffe
Augst. 10. 1774 4 4 0
1085 Drake (Sir Francis). A most interesting document dated shortly after
the defeat of the Armada, being Drake’s copy of the original contract
for the shipment of war materials to the Low Countries Oct. 12, 1588 42 0 0
The signature of Drake is undoubtedly in Drake’s writing, and the whole of the
second page has been declared by experts, after a careful examination and comparison
with Drake’s Armada letter in the Kecord Office, to be also in the autograph of Drake.
1086 Dryden (John). The original Receipt given by Dryden for Subscrip¬
tions for “ my Translation of Virgil’s Works ” in Large and Small
Paper, bearing his autograph signature in three places, dated 4th of
January and 9th November, 169f. 2 pages, 8vo\ 25 0 0
1087 Edgeworth (Maria). A. L. s.,3 pp., 4to., and a postscript on outside
sheet, closely written to Madame de Pastoret; also on the same sheet
A. L. s., 3£ pp., 4to., written by her father, Richard Lovell Edgeworth,
to M. de Pastoret. Edgeworth's Town, Octr. lOf/i, 1814 8 8 0
1088 -A. L. 8 ., pp., 8vo., to Madame de Pastoret, a very interesting
letter, referring to her “ Life ” of her father. Edgeworth's Town,
April 8th, 1818 _ 8 8 0
1089 - - A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to Madame de Pastoret. On the third page
is a note from her father Richard Lovell Edgeworth to M. de Pastoret.
Dover, Monday Morning 5 0 0
1090 Eliot (George). . A. L. s., 1 page, 8vo., to Mr. Simpson. The Priory,
North B*»k, dm®, Fel. 22,74 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2 2 0
1091 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Signature and seal to a document
accompanying “certaine billes together with our Comission to be
sente into our realme of Ireland.” 11 August, 1570. Polio
1092 Ellicott (Rt. Rev. C. J.). Series of 11 Autograph Letters to Dr. Winn
respecting the latter’s articles and publications dealing with the
Huxley-Darwin controversy. Aug. 11, 1875-Apr. 29, 87.
1093 Fitzgerald (Edward). A. L. s., 2£ pp., 8vo., -to the Rev. George
Crabbe. An interesting letter of criticism of Bassano’s “ Vulcan
Forging Arms of Venns ” n. d. (1852)
1094 - ■ A. L. s. (initials), 4 pp., 8vo., being the second sheet of a letter
to his skipper “ Posh ”, on the subject of borrowing money ». d.
** I never ceaae hammering into every body’s head, Remember yonr Debts, Remember
your Debts. I have scarcely ever (Imoum) any one that was not more or less the worae
for getting into debt—which is one reason why I scarce ever lent money to any one—”
A. L. s., IJ pp., 8vo., to the same, saying he will pay for work done
£ r. d.
on his boats, and will make over his rights to the Nets on condition that
they are used in other boats for the Herring fishing Jan. 19/74
1096 Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, grand nephew of Frederick tho
Great. Signature to a letter to Major v. Kunbel promising a commission
to his son when a vacancy occurs. Rheinzuber, 28 Juni 1815
1097 Garrick (David). A. L. s., 2$ pp., 4to., in reference to a young lady who
wishes to appear on the stage, but who in his opinion has little genius
for it. Hampton, June 22, 1761
1098 Gissing (George). Original holograph MS. of a short story entitled
“ A Honeymoon ,” complete ». d.
1099 Gladstone (W. E.). A most interesting series of thirty-one auto¬
graph letters from the statesman to William Dyce, the artist employed
to paint frescoes at Buckingham Palace, All Saints’, Margaret Street,
and in the Houses of Parliament. The letters cover a period of nearly
eighteen years (Nov. 12th, 1841—Aug. 8th, 1859)
1100 -A. L. s. to Rov. W. Maskell, 3 pp., 8vo., sent with a book on the
life of Mrs. Godolphin. 13 Carlton H. Terrace, May 26, 47
6 pp., 8vo. An interesting letter to the Rev. W. Maskell on his
mm ~
book on Absolution. Fasque , Jany. 7, 1849
First View of the Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture. The
25 0 0
0 10 0
7 7 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
0 10 0
8 8 0
5 5 0
8 8 0
1 1 0
2 10 0
original proof-sheets consisting of 115 leaves in galley form, with
numerous autograph corrections and additions by the author; brown
morocco extra, by Kiciere (1890)
1103 Gordon (General). Report in hiB autograph, initialled, to the effect
that Prout had governed Equatorial Provinces for 6 months with
great ability, but had finally to leave Sudan owing to ill health n. d.
1104 Gosford (Archibald, 2 nd Earl of). A holograph letter to the MarquiB
Wellesley, dated 3 Dec. 1834. 4 pp., 4to.
1105 Grey (Sir George, K.C.B.). A. L. s., 1£ pp., 4to., from Rouen,
Wednesday, Aug. 6th, 1834, to R. Nairne, asking him to call and sec him
at Maurice’s Hotel, Paris
1106 Guizot (Monsieur). A. L. s. to Lady Catherine Boileau enclosing
autographs of Mme. de Stael and Benjamin Constant, 14 pp., 8vo.,
6 Octobre, 1861
1107 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Signature and seal to a docu¬
ment giving certain rights and privileges to the town of Halberstadt.
16 March, 1632
1108 Hamilton (Emma, Lady). A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to Mr. Haslewood. A
very interesting letter, respecting the acquisition of Merton Lodge,
asking to be allowed to enter into possession as soon as possible owing
to the state of Lord Nelson’s health. A fine specimen. 6th Oct., 1801
1109 Hastings (Warren). A. L. s., 14 pp., 4to , to Sir Isaac Heard, written
from Daylesford house, 1 6th June, 1818 (two months before his death)
1110 Hawker (Robert^Stephen). A. L.‘s. to the Rev. W. Maskell
acknowledging a(bq^. 8vo., Mww. ( Mor wens tow)
12 12 0
0 15 0
0 7 6
3 3 0
0 7 6
6 6 0
14 14 0
2 8 0
15 0
Halifax (Lord). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., to Mrs. Thrale’s father, John
Salusbury, thanking him for his congratulations on his appointment as
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Downing Street , March 30 th, 1761
Harte (Bret). The original holograph manuscript of the popular novel
entitled “ Susy.” Complete on 151 pp., 4to., signed in full; enclosed in
a green cloth pull-off case
-The original holograph manuscript of a short tale entitled “ The
Devotion of Enriquez.” Complete on 27 pp., 4to., signed in full;
enclosed in a green cloth pull-off case
The original holograph manuscript of a short tale entitled
£ t. d.
“ Barker s Luck ”, appearing as Title Story in a volume of short tales
in 1896. Complete on 17 pp., 4to., signed in full and dated May 16th,
’95 ; enclosed in a green cloth pull-off case
The above three MSS. are written on ordinary notepaper opened out and naed in 4to.
form. They are all in perfect condition, the uniform size and quality of the paper
giving them an nnnsually neat appearance.
Hawkins (Sir John). An order signed for victualling four vessels
(The Drednoughte, the Foresights , the Victorie, and Baineborce ) for the
4 last days of May, 1594. 1 page, 4to., ultimo Maijj, 1594
Henry II, King of France. Signature to a letter to the citizens of Paris
for money for the fortifications. March 27, 1559
Henry IV, King of France. Signature and date to an order for certain
payments to be made. February 20, 1600
Hone (William). A collection of 13 Autograph Letters, signed, to Dr.
Charles West, from August 1840—September 1841
Howe (Sir William). A. L. s., 1 page, folio, to Major General Barton
respecting leave of absence. Seymour Place, 14 th March, 1798
-Two letters signed relative to a misunderstanding between Major
General Burton and Brigade Major Ramsay. Sept, and October, 1798
Hunt (Leigh). A. L. s. to his son-in-law Charles Cheltnam, 1 page,
small notepaper, with envelope. August 11/A (1859 ?)
- A. L. s. to Charles Cheltnam, 1 page, on small notepaper with
' envelope. Augt. 18 (1859 ?)
Hunter (John), second Governor of New South Wales. A. L. s., 1| pp.,
4to., to Sir Joseph Banks, July 3l«/, 1781
Huntingdon (Lady), founder of the religious sect named after her.
A. L. s. . to Mrs. Adams. Spa Feilds, Debr. 22, 1799
Irving (Washington). A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to his nephew Irving
Paris, written during the time when lie was U.S. Ambassador at
Madrid Madrid, April 19 th, 1845
James II. Signature to an order of payment for 457 supernumerary
men employed for one day on H.M.S. “ Lark." The document is also
signed by Samuel Pepys. 2 pp., folio, Whitehall, 28th Febry. 168f
James Edward Stuart, the “ Old Pretender,” Letter subscribed and
signed, “ Vostre tres affectione Cousin, Jacques R.", to the Due de
Bourbon returning thanks for the Duke’s sympathy on the death of
his wife, here called “ la Reine.” 1 page, 4to., A Rome le 16 Mars, 1735
Jefferson (Thomas), President of the United States. A very interesting
letter on literary topics and politics to General de Lafayette, Monticello,
May 17, 1816, 3 pp., 4to.
Jowett (Dr. Benjamin). A. L, to Rev. J. M. Capes, and a letter to
Mrs. Capes. Jan. 3 & Feb. 13 (1879?). 8vo.
King (Dr. Richard), assistant surgeon on board the 11 Resolute" during
the Franklin Belief Expedition. An interesting collection of letters
consisting of a series of letters dealing with Dr. King’s liability in the
Bankruptcy of Baron Guttenberg, and twelve letters addressed to Capt.
Bedford Pirn v. d.
Kingsley (Charles). A. L. s., in reply to a request for his Autograph.
Eversley RectorffrJim* 23 rd, 1862 Original from
0 10 0
72 0 0
31 10 0
21 0 0
12 12 0
6 6 0
3 3 0
3 3 0
10 0
0 18 0
0 10 6
0 10 6
5 15 0
1 10 0
5 5 0
2 10 0
5 5 0
22 10 0
0 7 6
0 10 0
0 12 0
£ s. d.
1132 Lamb (Charles). A remarkably fine and characteristic A. L. s., 4 pp.,
folio, addressed to Robert Sonthey. 10 Aug., (18)25
1133 -Holograph Poem of 12 lines, 1 page, folio, written in memory of
four sons and two daughters of John and Ann Rigg, of York, drowned
in the Ouse, Aug. 19, 1830, with a note to V. Novello signed
1134 Laud (William, Archbishop of Canterbury). A. L. s., to Dr. Pinke,
Warden of New College, Oxford, 1 page, folio. Fulham House,
Oetob. 15, 1630. A very fine specimen
1135 -L. s., 1 page, folio, to Dr. Pinke on the subject of Chaplains
Lend, house, Febr. 15/ h, 1632
1136 -L. s.,a letter to Dr. Pinke, on the subject of the Vice Chancellor¬
ship, 1 page, folio. Lambeth, Feb. 7th 1633(4). Seal intact
1137 -L. s., 1 page, folio, to Dr. Pinke thanking him for acting as deputy
during the absence through illness of the Yioe Chanoellor. ffulham
house, Sept. 6, 1633
1138 -Petition from Laud when Archbishop of Canterbury requesting
the King to settle a dispute regarding the visitation of the two Uni¬
versities. 1 page, 4to. May 22nd, 1636
1139 Lever (Charles James). A. L. s., 8 pp., 8vo., Florence, n. d. (c. 1856-60)
114U Lockhart (J. G.). A. L. s. to Robert Southey, asking him to contri¬
bute to an annual produced by W. Harrison Ainsworth. October 27th,
63 0 0
52 10 0
16 16 0
5 5 0
5 5 0
5 5 0
3 3 0
1 16 U
15 0
1141 Lockyer (Frederick). A. L. s., 1 page, 8vo., to Rev. W. Maskell,
91, Victoria Street, 5 Jan., 1872
1142 Logan (William), attorney to the Penn Family. Three A. Ls. s. to
Jonah Thompson of Bristol. 2 9th May, 1758—2 Sept., 1760
1143 Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord). A. L. s. to Mr. W. Davidson (author
of a Philosophical Work dealing with the origins of religious belief and
Christian charity). 1 page, 4to. Knebworth, June 11. 1845
1144 Marie Antoinette. Sign Manual on a warrant for payment of certain
salaries for Jnly, August and September, 1783. 2 signatures. Ver¬
sailles, October 1*/, 1783. Bare and fine
1145 -- Signature to a warrant on vellum granting an appointment at
Court to Sr. Nicolas Louis Trufer. The document is also signed by
several of the officials and the seal is in good condition. Versailles,
15. Juillet, 1785
1146 Marie de Medicis, Queen of Henry IV of France. A remarkably
fine holographjletter “a monfrere le Duo de Savoye”, signed, 1 page,
folio, with seals and silk, (1618)
1147 Marie of Guise, Queen Regent of Scotland. Letter, with Autograph
signature, to M. de Noailles. Dumfries, 28 Juillet, 1555. It refers to
a reported landing of the Danish army in Scotland, and to renewed
protestations of friendship on the part of Elizabeth, and explains her
presence on the frontier for the purpose of punishing raiders
1148 Marryat (Captain F.). Original holograph Manuscript of “Master-
man Ready.” Folio, bound in half red morocco by Biviere, 1840-41
1149 -A small portion of the original holograph manuscript of “ The
Poacher,” from the middle of Chapter 43 to the end of Chapter 44
1150 Mazarin (Cardinal). A. L. s. in Italian, 1 page, folio, to Monsieur de
Chanvigny, informing him of the King’s approval of the wish to place
Mademoiselle de Chanvigny in the Carmelite Convent. 28 febro.
1151 Memorandum for Ministers relative to a Company formed for the
purpose of establishing Steam Navigation to America from Valentia on
the S.W. coast of Ireland. 4 pp., fcap. folio (1822?)
1152 Memorial to His Excellency the Marquis Wellesley . . . sheweth “ That
the line of Road between the City of Cork through Glanworth, Mitchels-
town, and so on to Limerick, and Tipperary, is very steep and hilly,
and that a road level and easy might be made ...” 1 ka/, fcap*
folio ... PoooIp 0riginal fr* 4821 *)
1 1 0
2 10 0
0 15 0
9 9 0
9 9 0
21 0 0
84 0 0
120 0 0
5 0 0
4 10 0
0 6 0
Digitized by
o 10 o
£ s. d.
Metastasio (Pietro Bonaventura), Italian Poet, 1698-1782. A. L. 8.,
4>pp., 4to. Extremely fine and rare. Vienna 30 .7ta. 1762
Meyerbeer, Donizetti, etc. An interesting collection of autographs
and portraits of distinguished musicians, in a morocco Album. 4to.
Millet (Frank), Correspondent of the “Daily News” during Russo-
Turkish War. A. L. s. regretting inability to write a short memoir of
Forbes, War Correspondent. April 6 (1900)
Moore (Edward). Five autograph letters addressed to Edward Moore,
Banckhall, nr. Liverpool. London, 14 ih April, 1668
--(Sir John) 1761-1809. Letter to the Secretary at War, signed
“John Moore Lt-Gnl. Colonel 52nd Reg.” York Street, 3d. April, 1808
-(Thomas). The original autograph MS. of two poems entitled
“ Eveleen’s Bower ” and “ The Legacy.” 2 pp., 4to. Oct. 19th , 1836
Morley (John). Three A. Ls. s., 1J, 1 and 2£ pp., 8vo., to Mr. G. H.
Mulock (Miss, afterwards Mrs. Craik). A. L. s. D. M. Mulock to Mrs.
West, 1 page, 12mo. A. L. s. “ D. M. Craik ” to Dr. West, 3 pp., 12mo.
Napoleon 1. Document signed “ Bonaparte ” with three words in his
autograph, respecting the inability of a soldier to continue service owing
to the condition of his horse. (Oct. 1797)
- Signature on Medical Report of Surgeon-Major Bousquet, as to
the cause of the sudden death of a Bedouin suspected to have been
poisoned. 1 page, 4to., Mansoura (12 November, 1798)
Document signed “ Bonaparte,” 1 page, 4to., le 4 Stimose an 8 de
la Republique (23. January 1800)
-Report from the Due de Feltre. In the margin is the word
“ accorde ” in Napoleon’s autograph and the letter “ N ". The docu¬
ment is also signed by the Due de Feltre. 2 pp., folio, 6 Decembre, 1809
Signature on an Inquiry signed by the Due de Feltre, relative
a w w
to a soldier lying in the hospital at Strasburg claimed by the Grand
Duke of Baden. 1 page, folio, Nov. 27, 1811
Nelson (Lord). A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to Lady Hamilton written shortly
after his promotion to the rank of vice-admiral. In the letter he
mentions having received orders to join Lord St. Vinoent in Torbay,
and also being under treatment for his eye
Plymouth Dock, January twenty-eight, 1801
Nicol Correspondence. Collection of letters addressed to George
Nicol and his son William, Bookseller to H.M. George III, from
various members of the nobility. 1819-1840
Note respecting the Marquis Wellesley’s Policy towards the Roman
Catholics of Ireland during his late Government. 11 pp. (1837)
Owen (Sir Richard). Three A. Ls. s.
Paley (Frederick Apthorp). Two A. Ls. s. 1885-7
Palliser (Sir Hugh), Admiral. A. L. s., to his solicitor. 1£ pp., 4to.,
Bagshot, 20 th Augst., 1769
Paton (Sir Joseph Noel). A. L. s., to Messrs. Dalziel, approving proofs
of engravings, 37 Drummond Place, Edinburgh, April 27, 1859
Payne (James). A. L. s., 1 page, 12mo., to Oswald Robinson, son of
editor of the Daily News, 43 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, n. d.
- (Roger), Bookbinder. Epigram in bis autograph 8 . 1 page folio.
Characteristic specimen of a very rare autograph
Penn Family. Deed on Vellum, dated 29 th March, 1727, between
W. Aubrey and Letitia his wife on the one part, and John Penn,
administrator of Hannah Penn his mother, also administrator of the
will of William Penn (of Pennsylvania) his father
Pepys (Samuel). Signature to an order for the payment of certain
sums to the garrison of Tangier for harbour works. 3 December, 1666
Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de), 1721-1764.
A. L.
rare, de Verslles a Paris 24 fevrr. 1761
2 2 0
21 <) 0
0 2 6
0 10 0
3 O 0
1 H> n
0 7 6
0 7 6
8 8 0
7 7 0
6 6 0
6 6 0
5 5 0
36 0 0
4 4 0
0 6 0
C 5 0
0 3 6
3 10 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
15 15 0
10 10 0
5 5 0
2 12 6
4 3
Pemberton (John), Quaker Preacher. A. L. b. to Jonah Thompson of
Bristol asking him to look ont for two young men of good character to
go out to the plantations. Philadelphia, 10 th mo. 7th. 1755 1795
Piozzi (Mrs.). “ Retrospection,” three folio volumes containing
studies in History from the reign of Tiberius to the taking of Con¬
stantinople in 1454, written entirely in the autograph of Mrs. Piozzi
Pope (Alexander). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., to Jabez Hughes on the
death of his brother. Feb. 26, 174$
" ■ ■ A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., datod Twitenham, Feb. 1 7th, 1726, to William
Fortescue, with seal. Two portraits
A. L. s., 3pp., 4to., to Jacob Tonson, with reference to the “Man
£ s. a.
1 10 0
9 9 0
11 11 0
11 11 0
* A 0 * ' *
of Ross ” immortalized in an epistle on the Use of Riches. Tioitenham,
June 7th, 1732
A. L. s., 1 page, 8vo., Wensday, to Mr. Cole (damaged), with
15 15 0
irtrait, n. d. (1741)
A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., to Dr. Oliver, Bath, dated Friday ye lltfA
5 0
(1741-2 ?), unpublished
A. L. s , 1 page, sm. 8vo., to the Master of the Rolls. Twitnam,
16 16 0
_ 9 JL + W W
Wednesday. (Endorsed by the Master of the Rolls “ Mr. Pope, Apr.
1743 ”)
Raleigh (Sir Walter). Holograph Letter signed, 1 page, folio, con¬
cerning the surrendering of copies of certain depositions relating to a
tin-mine in dispute between his relative Thomas Prince, and others.
The letter iB addressed “ To my louing frends Thomas Prynce esquior,
and to Ch? and Robert hamlyn or to anie of them. And likewise to
M r . John Sweete to whom y® Ire is first to be delivered.”
from Sherborn y* first off September 1600 105
The letter, which is a rerj fine specimen, was long an heirloom in the Prince
familj and is enclosed in a copy of John Prince's Worthies of Devon, 1701.
Reade (Charles). 208 sheets of various sizes in the autograph of
Reade, being portions of “ The Eighth Commandment,” rough drafts of
other portions with corrections, and three sheets of fair copy with
autograph corrections by Reade. Sq. folio, hf. red morocco, 1800
-Original Holograph Manuscript of “ Griffith Gaunt,” incomplete,
several pages wanting in various parts of the Btory. Large folio, hf.
8 8 0
0 0
7 7 0
red morocco, 1865
A Hero and a Martyr, Original Holograph Manuscript of a
35 0 0
Of * w w m • 9
portion of a biographical Memoir of James Lambert. Oblong folio, hf.
red levant morocco, 1873-4
- Original Holograph Manuscript of “The Woman Hater,”
incomplete, pages wanting in various parts of the story. Large folio,
hf. red morocco, 1876-77
- “ The Doable Marriage,” revised and partly re-written for the
new edition issued in 1868. Incomplete, several pages missing. Folio,
hf. red morocco, 18' 8
-The Original Holograph Manuscript of “ The Wandering
originally written as the Christmas number of the “ Graphic,” 1872,
and afterwards dramatised. Oblong folio, hf. red morocco, 1872
Original Holograph Manuscript of “ Singleheart and Double-
7 7 0
35 0 0
16 16 0
10 10 0
face,” with Reade’s autograph signature at the end. The first chapter
and one sheet from about the middle are missing. Large folio, hf. red
morocco, 1883
- Original Manuscript of “ The Perilous Secret,” a large portion
having apparently been written from dictation, with corrections and
occasional additions to Reade’s autograph. The MS. is incomplete.
Large 4to., half red morocco, 1883-4
Original Holograph Manuscript of a short story entitled “ The
10 10 0
25 0 0
i 4 w
Pictnre,” together wjth 12 sheets , of fair copy with corrections in the
anthor’s writing.
{large folio, hf. red *• a -
7 7 0
R£n6 D’Anjou, called The Good (Father of Margaret of Anjou, wife of
Henry VI). Signature to a Mandate to the Syndics and Council of
Toulon. 1 page, sm. folio, June, 1453
Richards (George), a schoolfellow of Charles Lamb. Original Auto¬
graph MS. signed of the Latin poem, “ Rex, a violenta Regicide manu
ereptus.” 12 pp., 4to., 1787
Robespierre (Maximilian). Warrant signed by him to furnish
couriers in charge of despatches with the necessary funds. The
warrant is also signed by Billaud Yarenne. 8th Nivose, year 2 of the
Roe (Peter, Minister of St. Mary's, Kilkenny). Copy of a private letter
to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, 27 Feb. 1822. 3 pp. 4to.
Roman Catholic Army and Navy Service Bill. Introduced on
March 5, 1807, by Lord Howick. Copies of Letters from Lord Gren¬
ville, Lord Howick, and George III (2 Feb.—18 March, 1807). 36 pp.,
fcap. folio
Ross (Sir John), Arctio Explorer, 1777-1856. An interesting collection
of Documents and Autograph Letters relating to his Expeditions,
addressed to Sir John, some of them being docketed in the hand¬
writing of the recipient
Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). A. L. s., 3 pp., 8vo., to the executor of Mr.
Plint, in which he says that all piotures finished and unfinished had
been paid for by Mr. Plint. 14, Chatham Place, 29 July, 1861
Ruskin (John). Modern Painters. A collection of the Master’s
corrected Proof Sheets; in a box n. d.
This collection is an item of much interest to the Rnskin collector.
■ ■■ Part of Original Holograph manuscript of Letter 82 of Fors
Clavigera. 11 foolscap pages, in portfolio
-Five of original proof sheets of Letter 67 of Fors Clavigera with
corrections in the autograph of Ruskin, in portfolio
Sandwich (John Montague, Earl of), Sandwich Islands named after
him by Captain Cook. A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., H inching brook, Dec. 30, 1775
Scott (Sir Walter). Original Manuscript of “ The History of Scot¬
land ” specially written for Dr. Dionysius Lardner for publication in
his Cabinet Cyclopaedia. The first volume has on its fly-leaf an
inscription in the autograph of Dr. Lardner: “ As Editor of the
Cabinet Cyclopaedia I have preserved this and the accompanying
volumes, the latter dictated by Scott to Laid law. Phila. 5 Nov. 1842.
Dion. Lardner.” 3 vols., 4to. and folio. 1828-29
The manuscript is in one 4to. and two folio volumes enclosed in manve morocco
leather case, the first volume only, as stated by Dr. Lardner, being in the autograph
of Sir Walter, the other two havii,g been dictated, but contain varions additions and
corrections in the author’s autograph.
Several pages of part one are missing, having evidently been cut ont after the
volnme was bound np.
-A. L. s., 4 pp., 4to., to Lady Anne Hamilton. A most interesting
letter in which he gives his reasons for believing that one bred to the
legal profession is not the one most capable of revising the laws of a
country. Edinr 17 Jan * , 1802
Assignments of the Copyright of the Border Minstrelsy, the Lay
W W w W
of the Last Minstrel, and Ballads and Lyrical Poems to Longmans,
2 pp., folio, signed by Sir Walter. 3rd June, 1805
-A. L. s. Unpublished, 3 pp., 4to., to Robert Southey, thanking
him for sending a copy of the “ Cid.” The letter bears only the day
and month, no year, but in the Life and Letters of Robert Southey is
a letter to Sir Walter Scott dated Nov. 6, 1808, referring directly to
this suggestion. Ashestiel, Selkirk, 30 th October (1808)
-A. L. s. to Mr. Bailey, 1 page, 4to., Letter of thanks for a Latin
poem, Edinf 22d, iforU> 1812 OngmaTTPom
t. d
16 0
15 0
5 0
6 0
9 0
0 0
10 0
0 0
8 0
4 0
10 0
0 0
7 0
15 0
8 0
6 0
Scott (Sir Walter). A. L. s., 3| pp., 4to., Interesting letter to Miss
Smith mentioning a Twelfth Night party given by the Duke of
Bncclench. Seal intact, nndated ( Postmark Ja. 13, 1814)
- - A. L. s., 2 pp., 4to., to John Gull, regretting his inability to comply
with a request of the Highland Society to write a dedicatory poem on
acoount of illness in his family. Edin., 15 January, 1815
Memorandum of agreement between Sir Walter and Messrs.
• # _
Constable relating to the copyrights of Waverley, Guy Mannering, The
Antiquary, Tales of my Landlord (first 3 series), Bridal of Trier-
main, etc. Holograph of Sir Walter Scott, 3 full pp ., 4to., and memo¬
randa on the reverse of the last page, each of the fint three pages signed.
2nd Febr., 1819
Holograph manuscript, being extracts from Ascensisus' Latin
A 4 ' W ^
edition of Geffrey of Monmouth (1517) with English translation,
18 closely written pages, folio, bound in broum calf gilt (L820 ?)
Letter missive to Messrs. Constable, accepting the sum of five
thousand two hundred and fifty pounds “ for the entire copyright of The
Pirate, The Fortunes of Nigel, Peveril of the Peak, and Quentin
Durward.” 1 page, 4to., signed Walter Scott. Abbotsford, 19 th April,
A. L. s. to Mr. Bailey, relative to the publication of a work of the
latter, l£ pp., 4to., Abbotsford, 3rd May (1825)
- A. L. s., 1 page, 8vo., to James Gibson Craig asking for the
return of a letter sent in error. Abbotsford, Melroee, 4 March, 1831
Bond and Assignation in Security ; the Testamentary Trustees
of Sir Walter Scott Baronet to Robert Cadell, 14 pp., folio, each page
signed by Sir Walter Scott, Charles Scott, and J. O. Lookhart. 2 docu¬
ments. (6 February) 1834
Agreement between J. G. Lockhart <fc Messrs. Cadell in re
Abbotsford and Copyrights, 6 May, 1847, and Assignation by
J. G. Lockhart to R. Cadell in re Abbotsford and Copyrights in favour
of Mrs. A. F. Mylne or Cadell and others, 1850
Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Part of Canto 9 of the Revolt of| Islam in
the poet’s holograph. 2 pp., 4to.
-A. L. s., 1 page, sm. 4to., to Mr. Ollier, his publisher. Naples,
Feb. 27, 1818
-A. L. s. Unpublished, 2 pp., 4to., to Mr. Hume, under whose
charge were the two children of Shelley’s first wife. A very
interesting letter showing Shelley’s attachment to his children, and
expressing his gratitude for the kindness and attention shown to them
by Mr. & Mrs. Hume. Pisa, Feby. 17. 1820
-A. L. s., 1 \ pp., 4to., to Mr. Vincent Novello. Unpublished
Pisa, Jan. 20, 1821
(Mary Woolstonecraft). A. L. s. with initials, 3 pp., 8vo., to
X W r ' A # v r
Charles Cowden Clarke, enclosing a most interesting letter, 2| pp.,
4to., in defence of Velluti the Italian Soprano Singer. Kentish Town,
23 June
Siddons (Mrs.). A. L. s., 4 pp., 4to., to Mrs. Thrale. A most interest¬
ing letter, mentioning her success in Edinburgh ; on the last page
is a long postscript with reference to a bust of John Kemble which
Mrs. Siddons was to present to the Green Room of the Theatre at
Edinburgh, asking Mrs. Piozzi to write “ two pretty lines for an inscrip¬
tion to it.” Edinburgh, May Ihth, 1795
Sidney (Mary, Countess of Pembroke). Letter subscribed and signed,
with autograph postscript of five lines, 1 page, 4to., dated April 2ith,
1574. Excessively rare
Southey (Robert). A. L. s. Unpublished. 8£ pp., 4te., to the Rev.
Dr. Bell. This letter thanks Dr. Bell for a copy of his work on the
“Elements of Tuitiefi?’^ Kqs&icjt, 27. July, 1814 Original from
£ #.
10 10
8 8
67 10
36 0
21 0
6 6
2 12
4 4
2 2
42 0
12 12
31 10
42 0
3 3
21 0
52 10
5 5
Shenstone (William). A very interesting MS. volume containing
50 Poems, Sonnets and Verses, many of them unpublished, all in the
autograph of the Poet and illustrated by him with a number of sketches
and water-colour drawings, of his house and grounds at Leasowes.
870 ., original green vellum binding e. 1753-4
-Ode in his autograph to William Somerville of Edston. 3 pp.,
8 vo. Temple Bar, March, 1741
A. L. s., to Lady Luxborough, 4 pp., 4to. f The Leasotcs , April ye
20th, 1748
A very long and highly interesting letter, 10 pp., 4to., to Lady
Luxborough, describing, among other matters, a visit of Dean Lyttel¬
ton. The Leasotcs, July ye Sixth, 1749
A. L. s., to Lady Luxborough, 4 pp., 4to., The Leasotcs, October ye
14th, 1752
A. L. s., to Lady Luxborough, 12 pp., 4to, The Leasotcs, June
21th, 1750. A very interesting letter
-Part of A. L. s., to Lady Luxborough, 4 pp., 8 vo.
(Dolman, M., Aunt of Shenstone). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., Letter
^ * w / — w M
of thanks for a Letter-case. Broom, Novr. ye 6th, 1748
Smollett (Tobias). Portion of Autograph Poem, 22 lines, to J. Arm¬
strong, inscribed “ Tobie Smalet to Jo n . Armstrong,” written soon
after his entering on his apprenticeship as medical student. Nov. 24,
-MS. in his autograph, 1 page, 4to., with a note by William
Upcott: “Written by Dr. Smollett for bis edition of the History of
England, 1838.” .
Manuscripts in the autograph of Smollett are extremely rare.
Solander (Daniel Ch&s.). A. L. s. to Sir Joseph Banks, 3 pp., 4to.
London, Feb. 16, 1773
-First sheet of A. L. to Sir Joseph Banks, 4 pp., 4to., signature
missing, mentions an acoount of tho electric eel. Nov. 10, 1774
-A. L. s. in 3rd person to Mrs. Lind. Br. Museum, Saturday
Mom., Dec. 19, 1778
Stael (Madame de). A. L. unsigned, undated, to Mine. Recamier.
J page, 8 vo. “Domain soir j’irai me donner une fete chez vous ”
Stanley (A. P. t Dean of Westminster). A short note to the Rev. J. M.
Capes enclosing cheque for two tickets for a concert. Jan. 24, 73
State Accounts. 16g$-82. An Original Entry-Book containing details
of business in the office of the Secretary of State. The items are many
of them of great interest, being warrants for Peerages, Commissions,
Bills for Inventions, and Petitions, but probably the most interesting
entries are those dealing with William Penn. The first one dated
“ffeb. 27 th 16f$ ” iB “ A Warrant ffor M* Will: Pen being Proprietor
of a ( new erased) Tract of Land in America joyning to Mary Land by
the name of the Province of Pensilvania ” £6. 00. 00. On March 30th
of the same year are two further entries. “A letter to the Ld. Balti¬
more in the behalfe of M 1 ; Pen concer(n)ing his Plantation in
Pensilvania, £ 6 . 00. 00,” and “ A letter to the present inhabitants of
Pensilvania on the behalfe of M 1 ; Pen, £ 6 . 00. 00.” “ Au. 18th 1682 ”
is an entry “ A letter to the Ld. Baltimore in the behalfe of Will:™ Pen
to agree the limitts & bounds between Maryland and Pensilvania and
admeasure 220 miles from the Watkins Point, £6. 00. 00.” Folio,
74 leaves, vellum, 11th Gent.
Sterne (Lawrence). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to. Coxwould, Munday (1761)
Stuart. (Charles II and the later Stuarts.) A folio volume containing
22 original letters and documents relating to affairs of State
Swinburne (A. C.). A. L. s., 2 pp., 8vo., to Miss Jones, thanking her
for returning a volume long missing from his shelves. TAe Pines,
Putnev Hill, &.W>. DtoJ13, 83 Original from
£ *. < 1 .
5 0 0
8 8 0
6 6 V
10 10 0
6 6 0
12 12 0
4 4 0
2 8 0
7 7
4 10 0
0 10 0
0 7 c
0 7 6
1 16 0
0 7 0
0 0
0 0
3 0 0
4 4 0
13 13
1218 Swift (Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick’*, Dublin), and Alexander Pope.
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 4 vols., old calf 1727-32 18 4 0
A fifth volume, absent from this collection, And entirely by Swift, profeasing to con¬
tain all that was new in the Dublin edition, was published in 1735.
In the first and the last two volumes are nnmcrons slight corrections in Dean Swift's
writing. Towards the end of Vol. Ill (dated 1732) is a poem entitled “The Lady’s
Judgment on a Soldier and a Scholar," and at p. 88 of this poem is inserted a fonr-line
stanza in Swift’s writing—
“ He caught me one morning correcting (?) his wife,
But he maul'd me I ne’er was so mauled in my life,
So I too* to the road and what’s very odd
The first man I robb’d was a Parson by Q—
This was undoubtedly Swift’s own copy, and now comes from the library of Yisconnt
Powerscourt,of Powerscourt Castle, Co. Wicklow, whose ex-libris is at the back of each
1249 -Memorial in his autograph about the First-fruits of Ireland,
2 pp., 4to., dated Oct. 1710 13 13
1250 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). A. L. s., 1 page, 8ro., to E. Butler of
Leeds, in reply to a letter enclosing outlines of a lecture on the “ Idylls.”
Freshwater, Feb. 8th, 1873 8 8
1251 -A. L. s. to the same, 1 page, 8vo., On receipt of a copy of Mr.
Butler’s volume of essays “ For Further Consideration." Freshwater,
May 7th, 1887 8 8
1252 Thackeray (W. M.). “ Two Ballads from Goethe, The King of Thule,
Mephistopheles Song from Faust,” entirely in the early autograph of
Thackeray c. 1835 42 0
The writing is a very fine specimen of Thackeray’s early caligraphy.
1253 Vane (Sir Henry, the Younger). An order for the payment of £50
voted by the House of Commons for the relief of the poor of the
“Parrish of Martins in y* (fields,” signed by the younger Vane. The
document is signed by the Earls of Northumberland and Pembroke
and Cornelius Holland. 2 pp., folio. Dated at ye Committee of Lords,
and Commons for his Ma tu * Revenew, sitting at Westm r ye xxvij ** day of
Augubt 1647 (5 6
1254 Vicence (Duchesse de). A. L. s., \\pp., 8vo., 3 Nov. 1820 0 2
1255 Viollet le Due (E. G.) Architect, superintended work of Restoration of
Notre Dame. Three Letters * 0 5
1256 Voltaire (Francois M. A. de). A. L. s. “ V ”, 1 page, 4to., to M.
Montcriffe, Reader to the Queen, with 5 lines of poetry, a Versailles
le Mardy au soir (Hi de Mars 1745) <> 6
1257 -A. L. s., 3 pp., 4to., to Monsieur Heron, in reply to a mandate
requiring him to surrender the power of administering justice in the
estate of De la Perri&re Aux delxoes 10. x b . 1760 4 4
1258 -A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., femay le 31 juillet 1767 5 5
1259 -A. L. s. “ V ”, 1 page, 8vo., o ferney 26 novb 1770 4 4
1260 -A. L. s. “ Vol ”, 1 page, 8vo., n. d. 4 4
1261 Walpole (Horace) and Thomas Gray. Four exceptionally interesting
letters, typically representing the Quadruple Alliance of friendship
commenced as boys at Eton between Thomas Gray, Horace Walpole,
Richard West, and Thomas Ashton. 4to. 65 0
(o) A long three-page holograph letter from Horace Walpole to Thomas Ashton
(afterwards Rector of S. Botolph. Bishopsgate).
(b) A very characteristic holograph letter from Gray to Ashton written on the
occasion of their visit to Paris in 1739.
(e) A holograph letter from Richard West to Mr. Ashton, unsigned dated Paris,
May 8. N.t. (1741 ?)
(d) A holograph letter from Ashton to West, Dooming Street, June 3d, 1742. .
1262 Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of). A. L. s., 6 pp., 4to., to
J. H. Piele, on the subject of Futteh Alley, imbecile nephew of Ibrahim
Sahib. Seringapatam, July 1 2th, 1801 4- 4
1263 --A. L. in 3rd person to Mr. Jenkins, pp., 4to., London, Feb. 14,
1838 f'' Original from *■ *
Washington (George). Autograph Letter signed to his nephew,
George Lewis, dated Mount Vernon, 27 June, 1796. 18 lines on 1 page,
8vo., of domestic interest; a very fine specimen, with cover and seal com¬
plete. 27. June 1796
Watt (James), Engineer. A. L. s., 3$ pp., large 4to., to-Mr. James
McGrigor, respecting the offer to superintend the Engineering works
of Caledonian Canal. Birmm. Octr. 3 Oth, 1784
Wesley (Mrs. Charles, nee Sarah Gwynne, wife of Rev. Charles Wesley).
MS. Book of Psalms in her autograph. 12mo., beautifully written in
minute characters ; sheepskin binding 1748
- (Charles and Sarah, children of the Rev. Charles Wesley).
Memoirs of the Wesley Family. By Adam Clarke. 8vo., formerly the
property of Charles and Sarah Wesley; calf 1823
- (Rev. John). A. L. s., 1 page , 4to., Leeds, August 15, 1776, to
Mrs. Woodhouse, referring mainly to the Christian Life, with addressed
A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., London, Nov. 17,1780, to the same, a curious
16 16 0
12 12 0
10 10 0
2 2 0
4 4 0
* JL ^ 9 9 9 9 9
letter, beginning with the remark, “ In Gentlefolks there is very little
sincerity: in plain folks there is much: I believe never so much as
there is now, cut and mended
- (Sarah, daughter of Charles Wesley). Sermons. By William
Jay. 8vo., presentation copy to Miss Sarah Wesley; hf.bd. 1803
4 4 0
0 10 0
Whitefield (George). Original Holograph MS. entitled “ A General
account of the first part^of my life, begun Augst. 1739 on board the Elisa¬
beth Captain Stevenson bound from England to Philadelphia, after having
prayed for freedom of spirit to write it for above three years successively.”
The narrative ends with bis Ordination and was twioe published.
129 pp., 8vo., half bound, 1739 210 0 0
Whitefield apparently left the MS. with the Orphan-houae, as inside the front cover
is an inscription dated 1769 to the effect that the MS. was given to the writer by the ■
Schoolmaster of that institution.
Wilde (Oscar). Autograph MS. of some part of “The Sphinx,” rough
draft, 6 pp., 4to.; (2) Headings for part of “ Impressions of America,”
1 page, 4to.; (3) Abstract from Act V of The Dnchess of Padua, 2 pp.,
4to., unpublished; (4) Commencement of letter, unsigned, 1 page, 4to.,
with photograph of the author when a young man 30
Wiseman (Cardinal). A. L. s., 3$ pp., 8vo., The Pages, Bexhill, June 28 0
-A. L. s., 1£ pp., 8vo., London, May 13 0
Wood (Sir Evelyn). A. L. a., 1 page, 8vo., to Editor of “ Daily News ”
enclosing a brief notioe of Forbes, War Correspondent. n. d. (1900 ?)
Wren (Sir Christopher). A. L. s., 1 page, 4to., to Henry Carrington,
Whitehall, Sep. 6, 1705
Wright (Prof. E. P.), Sowerby, etc. A Collection of 28 autograph
letters from celebrated men of science, etc. 1845-84
Wylde (John). A document signed twioe “ Jadge Advocate, N.S.W.,”
dated Sydney, 3 Moh., 1818. With seal
0 5 0
12 12 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
II.—Association Books and Autographed
presentation copies
1279 [Arnold (Mathew)]. The Strayed Reveller, and other Poems. By A.
12mo.. First Edition, original cloth 1849
Presentation copy with an inscription on the flyleaf “From the Author.'’
1280 Beckford. Piozzi (Hester Lynoh) Journey through France, Italy and
Germany. 2 vols., tree-marbled calf extra, by C. Kalthoeber 1789
On the flyleaves are 8 pages of manuscript notes by William Beckford.
1281 Bowdler. Bowdler’s Shakespeare. 8 vols. in 4, 18mo., half calf
Berwick, 1800
This copy wasjQrmerly in the possession of Dr. Thomas Bowdler and contains the
excisions and ‘ e. p; 6 de by him in preparing his ‘Family Shakespeare ’.
4 15 0
6 15 0
21 0 0
Burton (Sir Richard). The Khaaidah (couplets) of Haji AbdCi al-
Yazdi. 4to., presentation copy from Lady Burton with an autograph
inscription “ F. F. Arbuthnot, In Memoriam, Isabel Burton, 12 th April,
1894”; doth 1894
Campbell (Thomas). Antient and Modem Scotish Songs, Heroic
Ballads, <fco. Yol. I (of 2 vols.). 12mo., old calf Edinburgh, 1791
On the fly-leaf is a manuscript Poem in the autograph of Thomas Campbell “ To
Maria Sinclair ”. Campbell married Matilda Sinclair.
Carlyle (Thomas). Shooting Niagara: and afterP Post 8vo., First
Edition; vellum, gilt edges 1867
Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription “ To Miss Davenport
Bromley, with many regards, T. C., (Chelsea 1867)
s. d.
4 0
5 0
5 0
Conway (Moncure Daniel). The Earthward Pilgrimage. 8vo., brown
doth gilt 1870 0 10 0
Presentation copy from the Author to Karl Blind with an autograph inscription on
the flyleaf: “Karl Blind, Etq. from his friend M. D. Conway, 61 Notting HiU Square
London Dee. 22, 1870.”
Cranmer (Archbishop) and John Poxe. Reformatio Legum Eccle-
siasticarnm, ex anthoritate primum Regis Henrici 8. inchoata . .. Sm.
4to., a fine copy in the original calf 1640 21 0 0
This book bears the following inscription on flyleaf: “ Eb dono D. Jo. Milton hunc
Itbrum poseidet T. Y. D.D.” These initials stand for Dr. Thos. Young, Master of Jeans
College, Cambridge, and Private Tutor to John Milton in London. An extremely
interesting Milton relic.
Dickens (Charles). Oliver Twist. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition
(second issue ); half blue morocco, by Hayday 1838 52 10 0
Presentation copy from the author to M&cready the famous actor, with an inscription
on the title-page of the first volume “ IF. C. Macreaiy Esquire From hie sinoere friend
and admirer Charles Dickens ” in the author’s autograph.
-A Christmas Carol, in Prose. First Edition, earliest issue; pre¬
sentation copy, with inscription “ Thomas Beard, from his old friend
Charles Dickens, Nineteenth December, 1847 ”, 1843—The Crioket on
the Hearth. First Edition; presentation copy, with inscription: “Thomas
Beard, Esqre. from his old friend, Charles Dickens, I8ffc December, 1845”,
1846—The Haunted Man, and the Ghost’s Bargain. First Edition ;
presentation copy, with inscription: “ Daniel Madise, from his friend,
Charles Dickens, Fourteenth December, 1848 ”, 1848;—the three works
together. 3 vols., 12mo., fine copies in the original cloth, gilt edges, each
vol. in a morocco case, by Riviere 1843-48 150 0 0
Emerson (R. W.). Nature. Post 8vo., First Edition, original cloth,
enclosed in a morocco case, by Riviere Sr Son Boston, 1836 20 0 0
A signed autograph poem (6 11.) is inserted.
Evelyn (John). Le Retrait des Dix Mille de Xenophon. De la Tra¬
duction de Nicolas Perrot. 16mo., hf. bd. Paris, 1665 3 3 0
With antograph signature “ John Evelyn ” on the title-page.
Fitzgerald (Edward). Maonaghten’s Arabian Nights. 4 vols., roy.
8vo., hf. calf 1839-42 10 10 0
Presentation copy with antograph inscription In vol. I, U E. B. Cowel from Edward
FiUgerald, March 19/56 ” ; and there is also the inscription “ Given to Stanley Lrathes
by his friend E. B. Cowell, Cambridge, Dec. 20, 1887.”
Garnett (Dr. R.). Poets and the Poetry of the Century. 12mo.,
cloth (1894) 1 1 0
The late Dr. Garnett’s copy with three alterations of his own poems, and an original
sonnet (14 lines) on the flyleaf in his antograph.
Gray. Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par le Comte Antoine
Hamilton. Post 8vo., morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford 1741 21 0 0
Thomas Gray’s copy, with interesting MS. notes by him.
-D’Anville (T. B. B.). Notice de l’Ancienne Gaule, tir6e des
Monument Romains. 4to ., polished calf gilt Paris, 1760 12 12 0
The modern equivalents cf the ancient Roman names of places usd districts in the
Index have been neaMy^feksagMy Thomas Gray. UNIVERSITY OF NjlCHIGAN
Hamilton. Nelson and Lady Hamilton: Molifere t Works. Yol. Y,
16mo., old calf, with autograph on title , “ Ellis Cornelia Knight ,” and
initials on cover “ E. O. K." Glasgow, 1751
On the fly-leaves is the following memorandum, written by Lady Hamilton : “ Given
to me by Miss Knight, whom I thought good and sincere, we succoured, cherished and
protected her and her mother Lady Knight, and brought them off from Naples to Sicily,
and when Ly. K. died my dear mother took Miss Knight to our Home, Sir Wm. and
self being there at the retaking of Naples with Nelson. We gave shelter to Miss K. for
near 2 years, we brought her free of expense to England, what has she done in Return,
ingratitude, God forgive her, for nltho she is clever and learned, she is dirty, ill bred,
ungrateful, bad manard, false and deceiving. But my heart takes a nobler venjeance,
I forgive her.—Emma Hamilton.”
Hastings (Warren). Essays on Picturesque Beauty by William
Gilpin. With Warren Hastings' signature on the title page, and,
bound up in the same volume, nine pages of commentary on part of
Gilpin’s book in the autograph of Hastings
With the volume is a certificate to the effect that the manuscript has been examined
by Thomas Henry Gurrin, r.n.o.s., Expert in Handwriting to the Treasuty and Scotland
Yard authorities. .About 1794.
Hugo. Oeuvres. Notes et prefaces par l’auteur. Impl. 8vo., morooco,
gilt edges Paris, 1857
Presentation copy, with autograph inscription, “ Offert d la criche pour lei petiti
enfant! pauvrei de Guernsey. Victor Hugo, Guernsey, juin I860.”
Jonaon (Ben). [Mabbe (James).] The Spanish Bawd represented in
Celestina. Sm. folio, First Edition; a beautiful copy, sound, dean, and
crisp, in the original calf binding 1631
A most interesting cony, having on the top margin of the title the autograph of Ben.
Jonson, and also that of his friend Francis Cornwall below.
[Keble (John)]. The Christian Year. 2 vols., 12mo., First Edition;
green levant morocco extra, entirely uncut, by Riviere Oxford, 1827
Presentation copy from the author, with an inscription in his autograph “ diaries
and Elina Dyson from an obliged and affectionate friend. June 24. 1827.”
Locke (John). Beauplan. Description d’Ukranie, qui sont plusieurs
Provinces du Royaume de Pologne . . . 4to., a fine copy in the original
vellum, uncut Rouen, 1660
With the signature “ J. Locke ” on the front end-paper.
Locker (Frederick). London Lyrics. 12mo., presentation copy with a
signed inscription in the author's autograph; doth 1874
Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord). The New Timon. 8vo., First
Edition; cloth 1846
Presentation copy to Samnel Rogers, the Poet, with inscription on title : “From one
who amongst the pleasures of memory reckons that which excuses intrusion.”
Marshall (Emma). Christabel Kingscote ; or, The Patience of Hope.
Post 8vo ., half calf 1780
Presentation copy with an inscription in the author’s autograph “With the
Author’s kind regards.”
Milman (H. H.). Poetical Works. 3 vols., 12mo., vellum, gilt edges
Presentation copy from the author to Catherine Vaughan. Later in the collection
of Augustus J. C. Hare, with a note on the flyleaf in his autograph.
More (Hannah). An Essay on the Character and practical Writings
of Saint Paul. 2 vols., post 8vo., First Edition, half calf 1815
Presentation copy with an inscription in the author’s autograph on the half-title
“ From the Author.”
Rogers (S.). Poems of Mr. Gray. With Notes by Gilbert Wakefield.
8vo., mottled calf extra, uncut, by F. Bedford 1786
This copy formerly belonged to Samnel Rogers, the poet, who has corrected several
errors, and pointed oat plagiarisms from Milton, Dryden, Shakespeare, etc.
Swinburne (A. C.). Poems and Ballads, Three Series. 2 vols., 12mo.,
and 1 vol., 8va, in the original cloth bindings, uncut 1866-1889
On the flyleaf of the first volume is the ex-libris of W. B. Tegetmeier with a small
slip inserted below with the inscription “ from A. O. Swinburne.”
-The Tale of B&lcn. Post 8vo., First Edition, with the autograph
and bookplate^ (JL'S fCuigie (“ John Oliver llobbe? ”) j cloth 1896
£ s. d.
45 0 0
5 5 0
3 5 0
75 0 0
15 15 0
3 10 0
1 16 0
3 3 0
0 8 0
15 0
1 1 0
8 0 0
31 10 0
0 7 G
1310 Traver# (Julien). Gerbes Glances. 3 vole., 12mo., half bound 1859 0 7 6
Presentation copy from the author with an autograph inscription.
1311 Trench (Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin). Poems from
Eastern Sources, Genoveva, and other Poems. 12mo., cloth 1851 0 9 0
Presentation copy with an inscription in the author's autograph “Miss Phoebe
Chambers from the Author.”
1312 -Story of Justin Martyr: and other Poems. .12mo. t cloth 1857 0 8 0
Presentation copy with inscription iu the author’s handwriting “Miss Phoebe
Chambers from the Author.”
1313 Victoria (Queen). The Andalusian Annual for MDCCCXXXVII.
Edited by Michael Burke Honan. Roy. 4to., original cloth 1836 8 8 0
Presentation copy from her late Majesty Queen Victoria with her autograph inscription
“ To Mrs. Conolly, from her very sincere friend, Victoria.— Claremont, 8 th December, 1836.”
1314 -Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands from
1848-61. 8vo., cloth 1868 9 9 0
Presentation copy, with inscription in the Queen’s autograph, “ To Mr. P. Kidd,
from Victoria R., Balmoral, Nov. 18, 1873.”
1315 -the same. Presentation copy, with inscription signed “ Victoria
R ,” to the Prince Consort’s Library, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor
Great Park 1868 8 8 0
1316 -the same. Illustrated edition. 4to., Presentation copy to
Colonel McNeill with inscription in Queen Victoria’s autograph : “ To
Colonel MacNeill, V.C.-C.M.G. In recollection of his Visit to Osborne,
Jan. 20, 1874, from Victoria R.” 10 10 0
1317 [Walpole (Horace)]. A Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, etc.
Belonging to King James the Second. 4 to., polished calf gilt,
gilt edges London , 1758 40 0 0
Horace Walpole’s copy, with numerous corrections and notes in his autograph.
Mauy of the notes refer to changes in the placiug of the pictures, but there are also
.many explanations as to the identity of the persons portrayed.
1318 Walton (Isaac). The Life of John Donne. The second impression
corrected anti enlarged. 16mo., bound in olive morocco, g. e., by Clarke
J. O. for B. Marriott , 1658 55 0 0
On the title-page is an inscription in the author’s handwriting, “ Unns ex libris
Edmi. Pytt ex Dono Authoris Isaaci Walto ’’ (the “ n ” has been cut away in binding).
1319 -The Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker. 12mo., First Edition ; crushed
olive morocco, g. e. t by Clarke J. O. for Rich. Marriott, 1665 31 10 0
On the leaf of Imprimatur is an inscription, *' For My Sister Beacham,” probably in
the hand of Walton’s amanuensis, the signature “ Iz. Wa.” being Walton’s own.
1320 -The Lives of Mr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Hooker,.
Mr. George Herbert. First collected Edition. Sm. 8vo., bound in
olive morocco by Clarke Tho. Newcomb for Richard Marriott, 1670 36 0 0
On the flyleaf is an inscription in Walton’s handwriting : “ ffbr Mr. ffitzWilliam Iz.
Wa.” and underneath a second inscription:—“Libor Johan Fitz William Magdalen.
Ex Dono amici colendissimi Isaaci Walton qui horn vitas Scripsit," probably in the
. handwriting of John Fitzwilliam, D.D., Walton’s brother-in-law.
1321 -the same. The Fourth Edition. 12mo., contemporary sheepskin
binding Tho. Roy croft for Richard Marriott, 1675 36 0 0
The first portrait mounted and title slightly mended and slightly affected by damp
on inner margins, otherwise a clean, good copy. On the title-page is an inscription by
Walton to Mr. Jark or Lark Markham, the errata crossed through and one or two textual
corrections by the author.
1322 -thetame. 12mo., a very sound and dean copy in contemporary calf 1675 30 0 0
On the title is inscribed in Walton’s handwriting “ffor Mr. Baynes. Iz. Wa.—” and
there are corrections in the text made by him and Errata crossed out.
1323 -the same. l2mo., with 3 (of 4) portraits, wanting the portrait of
Donne; contemporary calf 1675 21 0 0
On the title-jrage is an inscription “ Ex libris Elizabeth Chug- (cut away) Ex Dono
Author”. Dr. Gott has added a note on the cover to the effect that after comparison
with other writing of Walton, be certifies that the inscription is his autograph.
1324 -Tho Life of Dr. Sanderson. Sm. 8vo ., First Edition; in olive
morocco, g. e., by Clarke Richard Marriott, 1678 36 0 0
An exceptionally fine large copy, measuring 178 X 111 mm., in perfect condition.
Additional intciest is given to this volume by an inscription on the title-page to the
second Earl of Clarendon in the handwriting of Isaac Walton and by a MS. note in a
£ 8. d.
1325 Walton (Isaac). Wotton (Sir Henry). Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, a
Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with characters of sundry Person¬
ages. 16mo., First Edition, old sprinkled ealf
Thomas Maxley, for B. Marriott, 0. Bedel and T. Oarihwaite, 1651
This volume is especially interesting as containing the following inscription in the
autograph of Sir Isaac Walton :—" To my most worthy and Honord ffriend Mrs.
Digbte be this presented from her moat humble servant Isaak Walton ” (said to be one
of the finest autographs of Walton extant), and also corrections in the text in the
imhia hand.
1326 Warren (Samuel). Ten Thousand a Year. 3 vols., 12mo., half green
calf 1845
Presentation copy with an inscription in author’s handwriting “ Mrs. Coekbum
from the author Samuel Warren."
1327 -The Lily and the Bee. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1851
Presentation copy to Dr. Edward Smith, with autograph inscription.
1328 — ■ The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Present Age.
Cr. 8vo., cloth . 1854
Presentation copy to Dr. Edward Young, with antograph inscription and signature.
1Toy 15, 1865.
1329 ■■ Speech on the Resolutions of Lord John Russell, relating to a
System of National Education. 8vo., with inscription on the title
“ Edward Smith Esquire The Maiden Speech of his old friend Samuel
Warren MB," sewed 1856
1330 Wilde (Oscar). Vera; or. The Nihilists. A Drama in a Prologue and
Four Acts. Post 8vo., original edition, half green levant morocco, with
the front portion of the tinted wrapper hound in Strictly private, 1882
Very Scarce. Only a very few copies were printed for presentation to friends.
This copy has some small corrections on pages 29, 48 and 50 in the Author’s Autograph
which have not been made in any edition subsequently published.
1331 -The Pioture of Dorian Gray. Post 8vo., First Edition; original
hoards Ward, Lock Sf Co., n. d. (1891)
Presentation copy from the author with a signed inscription in his autogfaph on the
1332 -An Ideal Husband. Sm. 4to., First Edition; cloth 1899
With an interesting Autograph Letter of the author inserted.
63 0 0
1 16 0
0 7 6
0 10 6
0 10 6
2L 0 0
4 15 0
4 14 6
1333 Acta Apostolorum (Block Book), ciroa 1400. Facsimile reproduction,
42 plates, 4to., roxhurghe 1840
1334 Alciat. Andreae Alciati Emblematnm Fontes Quatuor; Photo-lith.
facsimiles of the editions, Augsburg 1531, Paris 1534, and Venice 1546.
4to., cloth Holbein Soc., 1870
1335 -Andreae Alciati Emblematnm Flumen abnndans. A photo-lith.
facsimile reprint of the Lyons edition of 1551, eto. 4to., cloth ib., 1871
1336 ■ Grimaldi’s Funeral Oration for Andrea Alciati; in photo-lith.
facsimile. Sm. 4to., cloth ib., 1871
1337 Aldine Press. Catalogue of an extensive Assemblage of the Pro¬
ductions of the Aldine Press. 12mo., half morocco J. Toovey, 1880
1338 Aldis (H. G.). List of Books printed in Scotland before 1700. 4to.,
hds. / 1904
1339 Al&s (Anatole). Description des Livres de Liturgie imprimes aux
XV® et XVI® Sidcles. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1878
1340 AUlbone (S. Austin). Critical Dictionary of English Literature and
British and American Authors. 3 vols.—Supplement. 2 vols.—
together, 5 vols., impl. 8vo., bound 1859-91
1341 Almack (Edward). Bibliography of the King’s Book or Eikon
Basilike. 4to., cloth 1896
1342 Altdorfer. The Fall cf Man. By Albrecht Altdorfsr.oi 4to., with
facsimiles of tnsfhny i^pA-engravings; cloth UNIVERS Hotftsin Sac.. 1876
1 4 0
0 7 0
0 7 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 12 6
1 10 0
5 5 0
3 0 0
0 6 0
13 55
Ames (Joseph). Typographical Antiquities. 4to., with plates; calf
-the same. Considerably augmented by William Herbert. 3 vols.,
4to., portraits and plates; old calf 1785-90
Ammon. Gynmceum; or, the Theatre of Women, by Jobst Ammon,
1586. Sm. 4to., with facsimiles; doth 1872
Analectes du Bibliophile. Directeur, M. Jules Gay. Livr. I—III.
12mo., half red morocco 1876
Anderson (Christopher). Annals of the English Bible. 2 vols.,
8 vo., cloth 12 # ; or, calf 1845
-(John P.). The Book of British Topography.- Catalogue of the
Topographical Works in the British Museum. 8 vo., cloth 1881
Arber (E.). The English Scholar’s Library of Old and Modern Works.
Parts I—XV. Sm. 4to., sewed 1878-82
Ars Morendi, |Editio Princeps, circa 1450. A reproduction of the
copy in the British Museum. 4to., cloth 1881
Barbier. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes com¬
poses, traduits on publics en Franfais et en Latin. 4 vols., 8 vo., half
hound 1822-7
-the same. 4 vols., 8 vo., vellum paper; half morocco 1822-7
Baret (Eug&ne). Lea Troubadours et leur influence sur la Literature
du Midi de l’Europe. Cr. 8 vo., half morocco 1867
Beauchamps (J. de) et Ed. Rouveyre. Guide du Libraire-Anti-
quaire et du Bibliophile. 8 vo., half calf (1884)
Bemmelen (J. A. van). Repertorium annuum Literature Botanic®
Periodic®. Vol. I. 8 vo., hf. bd. 1873
[Beresford (Jas.)]. Bibliosophia; or, Book-Wisdom. 12mo.,6d#. 1810
JSerger (S.). Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers si^cles du
Moyen Age. 8 vo., sewed 1893
Berjeau. Geschiedenis van het heylighe Crnys. Reproduced in
facsimile from the edition of 1483. Sm. 4to., doth 1863
Bibles in the C ax ton Exhibition, 1877 . Special edition revised by
Henry Stevens. 8 vo., cloth 1878
Biblia Pauperum. Reproduced in facsimile, from one of the copies
in the British Museum. By J. Ph. Berjeau. Atlas 4to., roxburghe 1859
-Nach dem Original in der Lyceumsbibliothek su Constanz, von
Pfarrer Laib uud Decan Dr. Schwarz. Impl. 4to., half blue morocco
Zurich, 1867
Bibliographica. 12 parts, oomplete, forming 3 vols., impl. 8 vo., in
wrappers 1893-97
Bibliographical Society. A set of the Works issued to Members by
this Society. 4to., 16 vols. in half morocco , the rest in parts as issued
Bibliographic Cl£rico-Galante. Ouvrages galants ou singuliers sur
1’Amour, etc. Eorits par des Abb4s, Pr&tres, Chanoines. 8 vo., half
morocco 1879
Bibliographic 'des Ouvrages relatifs h 1’ Amour, etc.par
M. le C. d’l***. 4me Edition. 4 vols., 8 vo., sewed 1894*1900
Bibliomanie (La) en 1878 . Par Philomneste jun. Cr. 8 vo., doth 1878
Bigarrures : or, tho pleasant and witlesse and simple speeches of the
Lord Gaulard of Burgundy. From a MS. ca. 1660. Sm. 4to., sewed 1884
Bigmore (E. C.) and C. W. H. Wyman. Bibliography of Printing.
3 vols., sm. 4to., half morocco 1880-6
-the same. 3 vols. in 5, 4to., Large Paper, interleaved throughout;
half morocco 1880-86
Only six copies were printed on Large Paper.
The memoirs of individuals and of printing firms hare, in all cases where possible,
been submitted to and corrected by the person most competent to perform the task in
an authoritative manner. 1 Original from
Blades (WMHan^iQEhfiB&mies of Books. Postil VP*, sd. z M|CH
£ «. i.
0 16 O
2 2 0
0 7 0
15 0
0 14 0
0 8 0
1 10 0
0 9 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
0 5 0
14 0
0 3 6
0 6 0
0 7 6
1 10 0
0 6 0
2 2 0
14 0
3 3 0
9 9 0
0 16 0
0 10 6
0 7 6
5 5 0
10 0 0
0 5 0
1372 Boase (G. C.)> and William Prideaux Courtney. Bibliotheca
Cornabieneis. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., cloth 1874-82
1373 Boccaccio. Facsimiles of Designs from engraved Copperplates illus¬
trating Le Linre de la Ruyne des Nobles Homines et Femmes, par Jehan
Bocace de Certald: Imprim6 a Brnges par Colard Mansion. Folio,
cloth Edinburgh, 1878
1374 Book Prices Current : Dec. 1890 to Nov. 1891. 8vo., cloth 1892
1375 -the same. Oct. 1900 to July 1901. 8vo., cloth 190L
1376 Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art
Library, S. Kensington. II.—Catalogue. 8vo., sewed 1894
1377 Bouchot (Henri). Les Reliures d’Art h la Biblioth&que Nationals.
Roy. 8vo., with SO plates; half red morocco 1888
1378 Burlington Fine Arts Club: Exhibition of Bookbindings. Atlas
4to., Large Paper, with 113 plates, buckram, £14; or, beautifully bound
in red morocco extra by Zaehnsdorf 1891
1379 Craig. Facsimiles of Old Bookbindings in the collection of James
Gibson Craig. Folio, 1.9 coloured plates; half morocco 1882
25 copies privately printed.
1380 Davenport (C.). English Embioidered Bookbindings. Sm. 4to.,
buckram 1899
1381 Fletcher (William Younger). English Bookbindings in the British
Museum. Roy. 4to , cloth 1895
1382 -Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum. Roy. 4to.,
cloth 1895
1383 Gruel (LAon). Manuel historique et bibliographiqne de 1’Amateur
de Reliures. 4to., sewed Paris , 1887
1384 Holmes (R. R.). Specimens of Royal, Fine, and Historical Book¬
binding, selected from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. Impl. 4to.,
152 coloured plates; cloth gilt 1893
1385 -the same. Impl. 4to., o fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt
edges , enclosed in a padded cloth case 1893
1386 Mearne. Samuel Mearne, binder to King Charles II. By Cyril
Davenport. 4to., bds. Chicago, 1906
1387 Michel (Marius). La Reliure Fran^aise depuis 1 invention de
rimprimcrie. Impl. 4to., red morocco extra 1880
1388 Quaritch (Bernard). Collection of Facsimiles from Examples of
Historic or Artistic Bookbindings. Impl. 8vo., with 103 plates in gold
and colours ; red morocco extra 1889
1389 -another copy. Impl. 8vo., 100 plates of 103; Boxburghe 1889
1390 -another copy. Impl. 8vo., with 98 plates ; Boxburghe 1889
1391 -another copy. Impl. 8vo., with 96 plates ; Boxburghe 1889
1392 -another copy. Impl. 8vo., with 93 plates ; Boxburghe 1889
1393 Rubbings. A Collection of 80 Rubbings from Royal Armorial
Bindings in various Libraries, with MS. descriptions by Dr. Joseph
Jackson Howard. Roy. 4to., half red morocco (1859)
1394 Techener. Histoire de la Bibliophile: Reliures. 10 parts (all
published), impl. folio, unbound 1861-4
1395 British Museum. Franks Bequest. Catalogue of British and
American Book Plates bequeathed to the Trustees of the British
Museum by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks. 3 vols., roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1903-4
1396 Carlander (C. M.). Svenska Bibliotek och Ex-Libris. 3 vols., 8vo.,
half morocco Stockholm, 1889-94
1397 Castle (E.). English Book-Plates. Sm. 4to., cloth 1892
1398 De Tabley (J. B. Leicester Warren, Lord). Guide to the Study
of Book-Plates. 8vo., cloth 1900
1399 Fincham (IL, W.). Artists and Engravers of British and American
Bort9®«kf.Q@^iate u NIVE s - 1897
£ t. d.
2 15 0
9 0
0 16
0 16
0 1
1 11
16 0
2 2
0 6
3 10
3 0
2 10
3 3
6 6
3 3
2 16
9 9
4 10
4 4
4 0
3 16
7 0 0
10 0
0 0
8 0
3 6
4 0
7 6
ikplates, continued: —
1400 [Griggs]. Examples of [British] Armorial Bookplates. First
Series consisting of 6 parts 4to., containing 83 examples reproduced in
facsimile by W. Origgs ; in parts ; extremely rare 1884
1401 Guthrie (J.). Little Book of Book-Plates. Containing 40 Designs.
Sm. 4to., sewed Harting, Pear Tree Press , 1905
1402 Hardy (W. J.). Book-Plates. Post 8vo., cloth 1893
1403 Howard. The Wardour Press Series of Armorial Bookplates.
Baronets. 4to., 1Q0 facsimiles; cloth 1895
1404 Leipzig. Borsenvereins der Dentschen Bach handler. Aus der
ex-libris-Sammlung der Bibliothek des Borsenvereins der Denteohen
Bnchbandler. 4to., in portfolio 1897
1405 The Book of Book-Plates. Edited by J. W. Simpson. Vol. I,
nos. 2-4, and Vols. II—V. Sm. 4to., cloth 1900-5
1406 Vinycomb (J.). On the Processes for the Production of Ex Libris.
Cr. 8vo., cloth 1894
1407 Botfleld (Beriah). Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek
and Roman Classics, and of the Sacred Scriptures. 4to., Eoxburghe
1408 Bradshaw (Henry) Society, for editing rare Liturgical Texts. Vols.
I—XIV, 2 vols., roy. 4to., and 12 vols., 8vo., cloth 1891-97
1409 Bradshaw (Henry). A Memoir. By G. W. Prothero. 8vo., cloth 1888
1410 -Collected Papers. 8vo., cloth 1889
1411 Breitkopf (I. G. I.). Versuch, den Ursprung der Spielkarten, die
Einfiihrung des Leinenpapieres, zu erforschen. Erster Theil. 4to.,
with 14 plates; half morocco 1784
1412 British Museum. Catalogue of Additions to MSS. in the British
Museum, 1783-1905. A complete set, forming 12 vols. 8vo., and 1 vol.
folio, doth and bds. as issued 1849-1907
Very scarce, 9 of the volf. being out of print
1413 — 1 Catalogue of the Arundel MSS. in the British Museum. With
8 coloured plates, 1834—Catalogue of the Burney MSS. With 4 coloured
plates, 1840—Index, 1840;—together 3 vols., folio, bds. (j>ub. £8.12# 6d)
1414 -Catalogue of the Printed Maps, Plans, and Charts in the British
Museum. 2 vols., roy. 4to., cloth (pub. £6. 6s) 1885
1415 Brito. L’Oeuvre de Jean Brito, Prototypographe Brngeois. Par L.
Gilliodtsvan Severen. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1897
1416 Brown (H. F.). The Venetian Printing Press. 4to., buckram 1891
1417 Browning. Bibliography of the writings in Prose and Verse of Robert
Browning. By Thomas J. Wise. 8 parts, sm. 4to., sewed 1896-7
1418 Brunet. Manuel du Libraire. 5fcme Edition. 6 vols., large 8vo.;
Supplement. 2 vols., 1878-80;—8 vols., large 8vo., half morocco
1419 Brydges (Sir Egerton). Censura Literaria. Second (and best)
edition. 10 vols., 8vo., bds. 1815
1420 -Restituta ; or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in
English Literature revived. 4 vols., 8vo., bds., uncut 1815
1421 - The Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of
Sir Egerton Brydges. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., morocco 1834
1422 Burton (J. H.). The Book-Hunter, etc. New Edition. Cr. 4to.,
buckram 1892
1423 Camus (A. G.). Notice d’an livre imprim6 h Bamberg en 1462, par
Albert Pfister. 4to., half morocco [Port#] An 7 (1799)
1424 Canticum Canticorum. Reproduced in facsimile from the Scriverius
(block-printed) copy in the British Mnseum, by J. Ph. Berjeau. Atlas
4to., vellum I860
1425 Carlyle. Bibliography of Carlyle. By R. H. Shepherd. Sm. 4to.,
ctol\ Digitized by VjOOgLC UNIVERSITY OF MlClWSfc
i. d .
6 0
2 6
3 6
14 0
0 0
16 0
3 6
12 0
0 0
5 0
16 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
10 0
6 0
4 0
5 0
12 0
7 0
3 0
14 0
12 6
5 0
8 0
5 0
1426 Catalogue des Ouvrages Condamnls. Depuis 1814 jusqu’A ce jour
(l er Sept., 1827). 16mo., half calf Forte, 1827
1427 Catalogue of the most esteemed Modern Books that have been published
for 50 years past. 8vo., sewed; scarce 1751
1428 Advocates Library, Edinburgh. Catalogue. 7 vols., 4to., cloth
(jpub. £8. 8s) Edinburgh, 1867-79
1429 Alchorne. Catalogue of portion of the library of Stanesby
Alchome, of the Mint. 8vo , with prices and purchasers' names in MS.;
russia Evans, 1813
1430 Allen. Catalogue of the library of Thomas Allen. Roy. 8vo., Large
Paper, with prices in MS.; hf. bd. Leigh and Botheby, 1795
1431 Amherst. A Hand-List of a Collection of Books and Manuscripts
belonging to the Rt. Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney. Compiled by
Seymour de Ricci. 4to., bds. Cambridge, for private circulation, 1905
1432 Arundel MSS. Catalogue of the Arundel Manuscripts in the library
of the College of Arms. 8vo., cloth 1829
1433 Ashburnham. Catalogue of the portion of the famous Collection
of Manuscripts known as the Barrois Collection. Roy. 8vo., sewed
Sotheby's, June , 1901
1434 Baker. Catalogue of the Library of George Baker, Historian of
Northamptonshire. With prices in MS., 1842—-Berwick. Catalogue,
1843—Brockett. Catalogue, 1843 ;—in 1 vol., 8vo., half morocco neat
Sotheby's , 1842-3
1435 Barlow. Catalogue of the American Library of the late Samuel
Latham Mitchell Barlow. Roy. 8vo., with prices; half morocco 1889
1436 Beauclerk. Catalogue of the Library of the late Hon. Topham Beau-
clerk. 3 parts in 1 vol., 8vo., with prices in MS., bds. 1781
1437 Beckford. Catalogue of the Library (of 20,000 volumes), Books of
Prints, Furniture, etc., Pictures and Miniatures :—in 1 vol., 8vo., half
the same. 8vo., with prices in MS.; hf. bd.
1439 Bibliotheca Typographica. Sale-Catalogue of a Bibliotheca Typo-
graphica. 8vo., half green morocco Sotheby's, 1870
1440 Blandford. Catalogue Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiensi,
reperiuntur. 9 parts in 1 vol., 4to., half morocco 1812
1441 Bliss. Catalogue of the Library formed by Rev. Philip Bliss.
2 parts—Autograph Letters, etc.—Engravings;—together 4 parts in
1 vol., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, prices and purchasers' names in MS.; half
morocco Sotheby’s, 1858
1442 Bodleian Library. Catalogue Librorum impressorum ... 3 vols.,
1843—Catalogue impressorum Librorum quibus aucta est Bibl. Bodl.
annis 1835-47, 1851;—together 4 vols., folio, cloth 1843-51
1443 Bonaparte. Attempt at a Catalogue of the library of the late Prince
Louis-Lucien Bonapaite. By Victor Collins. Cr. 4to., bds. 1894
1444 Boncompagni. Cat&logo di Manoscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldas-
sarre Boncompagni. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1862
1445 Bright. Catalogue of the Library of Benjamin Heywood Bright.
8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in MS.; half morocco . . 1845
1416 Broadsides. Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the
possession of the Society of Antiquaries. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1866
1447 Brooke. • Catalogue of the Manuscripts and printed Books collected
by Thomas Brooke. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., bds. 1891
1448 Brunswick. Die Herzogliche Bibliothek zu Wolfenbiittel. 8vo.,
half morocco _ 1894
1449 Cardiff Free Libraries. Catalogue of Printed Literature in the
Welsh Department. By J. Ballinger and J. I. Jones. Roy. 8vo.,
doth 1898
1450 Chandler (H. W.). Catalogue of the Aristotelian and Philosophical
portions of thATibnpr'^afl the late H. W. Chandler. Sm. 4to., sewed 1891
£ s. i.
0 7 6
0 9 0
4 4 0
1 1 0
0 15 0
0 18 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 7 6
1 16 0
0 16 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 14 0
1 16 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
1 10 0
0 3 0
6 6 0
0 6 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
Catalogues, continued
1451 Cambridge. Catalogue of the MSS. in the library of Gonville and
Cains College. By J. J. Smith. 8 vo., cloth 1849
1452 -James (M. R.). The Western Mannscripte in the Library of
Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume IV. Roy. 8yo., cloth 1904
1453 — - -Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the
Library of Trinity Hall. Roy. 8 vo., cloth 1907
1454 - Sinker (R.). The Library of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1891
1455 -Early English Printed Books in the University Library,
Cambridge (1475 to 1640). By C. E. S[ayle]. 2 vols., 8 vo., doth
' . 1900-1902
1456 Catalogus Librorum ... in gratiam et commodnm Doctissimorum
per Auctionem Vcndendorum . . . Londini , 29 Martii, 1680, per Edw.
Millingtonum. Sm. 4to., half morocco 1680
1457 Caxton Celebration, 1877 . Catalogue of the Loan Collection of
Antiquities, connected with the Art of Printing, South Kensington.
8 vo., cloth 1877
1458 -the same. 4to., Large Paper; cloth 1877
1459 Christie-Miller. List of Black Letter Ballads and Broadsides, known
as the Heber Collection. In the possession of Christie-Miller. Roy.
8 vo., half vellum 1872
1460 Cochran. Catalogue of MSS., many of them upon vellum . . . now
selling at the prices affixed, by John Cochran. 8 vo., half morocco 1829
1461 Colbert. Bibliotheca Colbertina. 3 vols., 12mo., old calf 1728
1462 Corser. [Sale] Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Thos. Corser.
Parts 1-8 in 1 vol., impl. 8 vo., half morocco 1868-73
1463 Crawford. Catalogue of the Library of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of
Crawford. First portion. Roy. 8 vo., t cith printed list of prices; cloth
Sotheby’s, 1887
1464 — - Catalogue of a Collection of English Ballads of the XVH tt
and XVIII th Centuries. 4to., half parchment 1890
1465 - Hand List of a Collection of Broadside Proclamations issued
by authority of the Kings and Queens of Great Britain and Ireland.
8 vo., sewed 1886
1466 -List of Manuscripts and Examples of Metal and Ivory Bindings.
Exhibited to the Bibliographical Society, 1898. 8 vo., sewed 1898
1467 -Catalogue of English Broadsides, 1505-1897. 4to., cloth 1898
1468 Crevenna. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu Mr. Pierre Antoine
Bolongaro Crevenna. Cr. 8 vo., with prices in MS.; half calf Nov. 1793
1469 Currer. Catalogue of the Library collected by Miss Riohardson
Currer. Roy. 8 vo., half green morocco 1833
1470 Daniel. Catalogue of the Library of the late George Daniel. Ro^.
8 vo., with prices and purchasers' names in MS.; bd. Sotheby's , 1864
1471 Dent. Catalogue of the . . . Library of John Dent. 2 parts in 1 vol.,
8 vo., with prices in MS.; bds. Evans, 1827
Including a fine collection of Shakcapeare Qnartoe, and the four folio edition!.
1172 De Sacy. Bibliotheque de M. Le'Baron Silvestre de Sacy (Cata¬
logue), 3 vols., 8 vo., boards 1842
1473 Devonshire (Duke of). Catalogue of the Library at Chatsworth
[Compiled by Sir J. P. Lacaita]. 4 vols., impl. 4to., Large Paper,
cloth Chiswick Press, 1879
1473 # Didot. Catalogue Illustr 6 des Livres Precieux, manuscrits et im-
primes faisant partie de la Bibliothfeque de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot.
Parts I and II, 1878-9—Payne. Catalogue, Sotheby’s, 1878;—in 2 vols.,
impl. 8 vo., half morocco 1878-9
1474 Dodd. Catalogue of the Library of James William Dodd, of the
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. * 8 vo., with many prices in MS. ; hf. bd.
Leigh Sotheby, 1797
1475 D’Orleans. Catalogue des livres de feu M. l'Abbe d’Orleans de
Rotheliij ] i Par GlQ^iig |*ost 8 vo., prices in M8.j ? ^ealf 1746
£ s. d.
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
1 10 0
3 10 0
0 7 6
0 15 0
0 5 6
0 8 0
3 10 0
0 16 0
0 5 0
5 5 0
0 7 6
0 3 6
3 16 0
0 10 0
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 12 0
1 8 0
7 10 0
1 11 6
1 10 0
0 7 6
Catalogues, continued :—
1476 Donnadieu. Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical MSS.,
the collection of M. A. Donnadieu. 4to., Large Paper, with prices and
names in US.; half morocco 1851
1477 Drury. Catalogue of the Library of the Rer. Henry Drury. 8vo.,
calf extra Evans, 1827
1478 -the same. 8vo., with prices and purchasers’ names in M8.;
half morocco 1827
1479 Dulwich College. Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Muniments of
Alleyn’s College of God’s Gift at Dulwich. 8vo., doth 1881
1480 Edwards. Catalogue of the Library of James Edwards, 1815—
Goldsmid. Catalogue (1815) ;—in 1 vol., 8vo., with prices in MS.; calf
Evans, 1815
1481 Egerton. Collier (J. P.). Catalogue of Early English Literature at
Bridgewater House. 4to., cloth 1837
1482 Ellis. Catalogue of the library of a gentleman (Mr. Ellis), 1813—
Madden. Catalogue, 1813—Heathcote. Catalogue, 1813—Stace.
Catalogue, 1813;—4 Catalogues, with prices in MS., in 1 vol., 8vo.,
calf m 1812-13
1483 Essex. An Account of all ye Books of ye right Hon.ie Arthur Earle of
Essex’s Library at Cassiobury taken An. 1681, 1682, 1683. Folio,
MS. of 400 pp. in the autograph of Bryan Fairfax , with Index , sm. 4to.;
vellum 1681-83
1484 -Catalogue of the library in the possession of the Earl of Essex
at Cassiobury Park. 4to., buckram 1896
1485 Eyton. Catalogue of the library of Joseph Walter King Eyton.
8m. 4to., Large Paper; roxburghe 1848
1486 -the same. Sm. 4to., Large Paper, with prices and purchasers'
names in neat MS.; roxburghe 1848
1487 Farmer. Catalogue of the library of the late Rev. Richard Farmer.
Roy. 8vo., Large Paper, with prices in MS.; half morocco King, May, 1798
•8—Tooke. Catalogue, 1813—Moseley.
Catalogue, 1814—Towneley. Ca
r . bd.
Catalog ne, 1791
logue, 1814—Hodges.
Part I, 1814;—in 1 vol., 8vo., hf
1489 Field. Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of
- - 1827
John Field. 8vo., half bound
the same. 8vo., with prices in MS. ; half bound
1491 Forrest. Catalogue of the library of Edwin Forrest. Compiled by
J. Sabin. Roy. 8vo., half morocco
~ Ca
Philadelphia, 1861
1492 Forster. Catalogue of the library of Richard Forster. 8vo., Large
Paper, partly priced in MS. ; hf. bd., uncut King and Lochee, 1806
1493 French Protestant Hospital. Catalogue of the library of the French
Protestant Hospital, Victoria Park Road. By R. S. Faber. 8vo.,
sewed 1887
1494 Galitzin. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheqne du Prince Michel
Galitzin. 8vo., half bound Moscow, 1866
1495 Gardner. Catalogue of the principal portion of the library of John
Dunn Gardner. Roy. 8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in MS.;
brown morocco extra Sotheby's, 1854
1496 Garrick. Sale-Catalogue of the library of David Garrick. 8vo.,
with printed list of prices ; hf. bd. 1828
1497 Goeze. Johann Melchior Goezens Verzeiohnis einer Samlung
seltener und merkwurdiger Bibeln in verschiedenen sprachen . . . 4to.,
hf. bd. 1777
1498 Gordon of Gordonstoun (Sir Robert). Sale Catalogue of his
Library, March and April, 1816. Cr. 8vo., with prices and purchasers'
names in MS. ; half bound; scarce 1816
1499jQosford Library. Catalogue of the lihrary of the Earl^of Gosford.
■ viuaioru uorary. catalogue or tne uDrary oi tue jawi
Bor.8ro „withprinttd MofyM^M'h
£ t. d.
0 18 0
0 6 0
0 9 0
0 6 0
0 16 0
2 2 0
0 10 6
2 0 0
0 6 0
0 7 6
0 16 0
0 9 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 15 0
0 5 0
0 15 0
0 3 6
0 15 0
1 10 0
0 18 0
0 8 0
0 12 0
0 10 0
Catalogues, continued :—
1500 Grenville Catalogue. Bibliographical Notioea of rare and coriouB
Books forming the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, by
Payne and Foss. 3 parts in 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1842-72
1501 - the same. 3 parts in 4 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper; Rox-
hurghe 1842-72
1502 Halliwell. Catalogue of Chap-Books, Garlands, and Popular
Histories in the possession of James Orchard Halliwell. Cr. 8vo.,
morocco extra 1849
1503 -Brief list of some of the rarer and curious Book Rarities in
the library of J. O. Halliwell. Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1862
1504 Hamilton Palace Libraries. Catalogue of the Beckford Library. 4
parts, with printed list of prices. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1882-3
1505 -the same. 4 portions, impl. 8vo., Large and fine Paper; sewed
1506 -the same. 4 parts, 1882-3—Catalogue of the Hamilton Library,
8 .
IflUOO/O , IUI J yivi, kjui-nc l/T
1508 Hawtrey. Catalogue of the library of the Rev. Dr. Hawtrey.
in 1 vol., 8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in MS.; half n
3 0 0
3 16 0
1884;—together 5 parts, roy. 8vo., Large and fine Paper; se>oed 1882-4
1507 -Catalogue of the Hamilton Library. 8vo., with prices and pur¬
chasers' names ± calf gilt Sotheby's, 1884
3 parts
1509 Heath. Catalogue of Books. 8vo., prices and names in MS.; half
bound 1810
1510 Heathcote. Catalogue of Books belonging to Sir William Heathcote,
Bart., at Hursley Park. 4to., doth 1834
1511 Hodgkin. The Manuscripts of J. Eliot Hodgkin, of Richmond,
Surrey. Folio, half vellum Historical MSS. Commission, 1897
1512 Holmes. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of John Holmes.
4 vols. and 2 Supplements. 8vo., bds. 1828-40
1513 Hoskier. Catalogue of a portion of the valuable library of H. C.
Hoskier. Roy. 8vo., sewed Sotheby's, 1908
1514 Hutchinson. A Catalogue of Books belonging to J. H. Hutchinson.
Impl. 8vo., bds. privately printed, 1882
1515 Huth. Catalogue of the printed books, Manuscripts, Autograph
Letters, and Engravings, collected by the late Mr. Henry Huth. 5
vols., impl. 8vo., half brown morocco extra, by S. Kaufmann 1881
1516 Hutton. Sale-Catalogue of the Mathematical Library of Charles
. Hutton. 8vo., with prices in MS., half bouni Sotheby's, 1816
1517 [Inglis (J. B.)]. Catalogue of a small Collection of the rarest old
plays in the English Drama. 8vo., unbound Sotheby's, April, 1826
1518 Jablonowski (Josephus). Museum Polonnm, seu Collectionem in
Regno Poloniffi et Magno Ducatu Litvani®. Scriptorum editorum et
edentorum . . . Tomus 1 (all pub.). Sm. 4to., hf. bd. 1752
1519 Kirkup. Sale-Catalogne of the Library of Baron Seymour Kirkup
of Florence. Roy. 8vo., half green morocco Sotheby's, 1871
1520 Knowsley Hall. Catalogue of the Library at Knowsley Hall, Lan¬
cashire. 4 vols., impl. 8vo., half bound Privately printed, 1893
1521*Libri. Catalogue of the Splendid Manuscripts of M. Guglielmo
Libri. Roy. 8vo., half morocco Sotheby's, 1859
1522 -the same. Roy. 8vo., prices and purchasers' names in MS.; half
morocco 1859
1523 -the same, 1859—Catalogue of the choicer portion of the
Librarytogether 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half morocco 1859
1524 -Sale-Catalogue of the Mathematical, Historical, and Miscel¬
laneous portion of the Library. 2 parts, roy. 8vo., half morocco 1861
1525 Littledale. Catalogue, 1837—Catalogue of the Library of Sir Joseph
Littledale. 2 parts, 1843—Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Maitland,
1851. and others;—in 1 vol., 8vo., with prices in MS.; half morocco
i- • Original 1837-68
10 0
0 7 6
0 12 0
0 16 0
0 6 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 10 6
0 18 0
0 2 6
0 2 0
8 18 6
0 6 0
0 7 6
2 2 0
0 6 0
2 10 0
0 4 0
0 10 6
0 16 0
0 18 0
0 16 0
Catalogues, continued: —
1526 Lamy. Catalogue dee Livres Manuscrits et Imprimis, du Cabinet
de M. L . . . 8vo., Large Taper, red morocco extra 1807
1527 Lilly (Joseph). 7 Catalogues of Books and MSS. offered for sale,
in 1 vol., 8vo., half morocco 1863-66
1528 -Catalogue of Books in Early English Literature. 8vo., half
morocco 1869
1529 -Sale-Catalogue of the stock of Books and Manuscripts of the
late Joseph Lilly. 2 parts, 8vo., half morocco Sotheby’s, 1871
1530 Lincoln’s Inn. Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law presented by
Charles Purton Cooper to the Society of Lincoln’s Inn. Vol. I.
Roy. 8vo., half bound 1849
1581 Locker-Lampson. The Rowfant Library. Roy. 8vo., roxburghe 1886
1532 -An Appendix to the Rowfant Library. Roy. 8vo., roxburghe
1533 Mackenzie. Catalogue of the Dramatic and General Library of John
Mansfield Mackenzie. Roy. 8vo., sewed Sotheby’s, 1889
1534 Manuscrits Francis (Les), de la Biblioth&que du Roi. Par M.
Paulin, Paris. 7 vols., 8vo., two vols. half calf, the rest sewed 1836-48
1535 Mead. Bibliotheca Meadiana; sive Catalogue librorum Richardi
Mead. 8vo., with prices in MS.; old calf Samuel Baker, 1754-5
1536 Mocatta. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts forming
the library of Frederick David Mocatta. Sm. 4to., hf. bd. 1904
1537 Murgatroyd. Catalogue of the Library of John Mnrgatroyd, of
Heslington, Yorks. 8vo., half bound York, 1773
1538 Overstone. Catalogue of the Library, Overstone Park. Roy. 8vo.,
printed on thick paper ; half green morocco, neat 1867
1539 Paris. Bibliotheca Parisiana. A Catalogue of Books formed by a
gentleman in France. Post 8vo., with prices in MS.; bds.
Edwards , 1791
1540 -the same Catalogue in French. 8vo., with prices in MS.;
half morocco 1791
1541 Parr. Catalogue of the Library of . . Samuel Parr. 8vo., neatly
half bound 1827
1542 Payne. Catalogue of a choice collection of Books and Miniatures
formed by J. T. Payne. Roy. 8vo., sewed Sotheby's, 1878
1543 -the same. Roy. 8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in
MS.; sewed, 7s 6 d; or, half red morocco neat 1878
1544 Pegge. Sale-Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Samuel Pegge.
8 vo., sewed Legh 4' Soiheby, March, 1798
1545 Perkins. Catalogue of the Library formed by the late Henry
Perkins. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1873
1546 -the same. Roy. 8vo., prices in MS.; bds. 1873
1547 Philippe le Bon. Inventaire de la “ Librairie ” de Philippe le Bon.
Publie par G. Doutrepont. Post 8vo , sewed 1906
1548 Pichon. Catalogue des Livres rares et pr6cieux, de la Bibliotheque
de M. le Baron J. P**** # . Roy. 8vo., with prices and purchasers’ names
in MS.; half morocco 1869
1549 Pinelli. Catalogue of the Library of Maffei PiDelli. 8vo., half
bound 1789
1550 -another copy. 8vo., with prices in MS. ; half morocco 1789
1551 Pulleine. Catalogue of the Library of Mrs. Pulleine, at Clifton
Castle, Mashamshire. 8vo., half morocco 1883
1552 Ratcliffe. Catalogue of the Library of John Ratcliffe. 8vo., with
prices and names in MS.; half bound, scarce Christie's, 1776
1553 Rftver. Bibliotheca Roveriana, sive Catalogue Librorum, qui studiis
inservierunt Matthiae Roveri ... 2 parts in 1 vol., 8vo., half morocco
1554 Ruble. Catalogue des Livres rares et pr6cieux oomposant le Cabinet
de fen M. ]e Par oiX^Rable. Roy. 8vo. ; sewed
g i. d.
0 14 0
0 12 0
0 5 0
0 8 0
0 5 0
6 6 0
1 10 0
0 12 6
1 12 0
0 9 0
0 9 0
0 6 0
14 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 12 6
0 5 0
0 12 0
0 16 0
0 3 6
0 7 6
0 4 0
0 7 6
0 10 0
2 2 0
0 G 0
0 4 0
Catalogues, continued :—
1555 Rossetti. Sale Catalogue of the contents of 16 Cheyne Walk
[including the library of books], 1882—Catalogue of the remaining
. Works of Dante G. Rossetti, Christies’ 1883 ;—in 1 vol., roy. 8vo., half
morocco 1882-3
1556 Rutherfurd. Catalogue of the library of the Rt. Hon. Lord
Rutherfurd. Roy. 8vo., printed list of prices; half morocco 1855
1557 Rylands. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the
John Rylands Library, Manchester. 3 vols., 4to., buckram 1899
1558 Salisbury Cathedral. Catalogue of the Library of the Cathedral
Church of Salisbury. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1880
1559 Scott (Sir Walter). Catalogue of the original Manuscripts of the
Waverley Novels, and Tales of my Landlord. With prices and purchasers'
names , 1831;—bound up with 5 other Catalogues in 1 vol., 8vo., half
calf 1824-31
1560 -Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford. 4to., roxburghe 1838
1561 Seilliere. Catalogue of a portion of the library of the late Baron.
Roy. 8vo., with prices and names in MS.; cloth Sotheby's, 1887
1562 Smith. Bibliotheca Smithiana: sive Catalogns Librorum . . . quos
. . . multo H3re sibi comparavit . . . Richardns Smith. Horum
Auctio habebitur Londini, in Area vulgo dicta Great St. Bartholomew’s
Close . . . Maii die 15 . 1682. Per Richardum Chiswell. 4to., the
auctioneer's copy with prices and names ; old calf 1682
1563 -Catalogue of the Library formed by George Smith. Roy. 8vo.,
with prices and purchasers' names in MS.; roxburghe 1867
1564 - (Joseph, British Consul at Venice). Bibliotheca Smithiana,
sen Catalogns Librorum Jos. Smithii Angli. Sm. 4to., half 6oundJ1755
1565 Sobolewski. Catalogue de la Collection pr£cieusc de Livres formant
la Bibliotheque de feu M. Serge Sobolewski. 8vo., with printed list of
prices; half morocco 1878
1566 Soleinne. Bibliotheque Dramatique de M. De Soleinne. Catalogue
r£dige par P. L. Jacob. 6 vols. in. 3, 8vo., half bound Paris , 1843-4
1567 Sotheby. List of the Original Catalogues of the principal Libraries,
sold by Baker, Leigh and Sotheby from 1741 to 1818. 8vo., bds. 1818
1568 -the same, 1744-1828. 8vo., bds. 1828
1569 Stanley. A splendid selection of rare Books from the Library of
Stanley. 8vo., with prices in MS.; calf extra Evans , 1813
1570 -the same. 8vo., with prices and names in MS.; half morocco
The Catalogue of the Library of St&netby Alchorne is included in the volume.
1571 Statistical Society. Catalogue of the library of the Statistical
Society. With Index. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1884-6
1572 Steevens. Catalogue of the library of George Steevens. 8vo., large
paper, with prices in MS.; bds., uncut May, 1800
1573 Stevens (Henry). Sale-Catalogue of Books relating to the History
and Literature of America. 8vo., cloth Patrick's, 1861
1574 -Sale-Catalogue of a Collection of Books and Pamphlets
relating to the History and Literature of America. 8vo., half morocco
ib., 1870
1575 -Catalogue of a 9 days’ sale of Books, Maps, Charts, MSS.,
illustrative of Historical Geography. 8vo., half morocco ib., 1872
1576 [Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.)]. Essay towards a Collection of Books
relating to Proverbs, Emblems, Apophthegms, Epitaphs and Ana.
8vo. Roxburghe 1860
1577 Stowe. Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis. By Charles O’Conor. 2 vols.
and Appendix; 3 vols. in 2, 4to., half calf, £3.; or, half blue morocco
extra, gilt tops 1818-19
1578 -Catalogue of the Collection of Manuscripts from Stowe. 8vo.,
with 2 facsimiles; sewed Sotheby's, 1849
1579 Syon Monastery^ Islewtnfth, Catalogue of the Library. Edited by
Maiy Bateson. ^ UNIVE Oamfa-uige, 189SAr
e s. d.
0 10 6
0 5 0
1 10 0
0 6 0
1 10 0
15 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 6 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 8 0
1 l 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
0 6 0
0 16 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 7 6
1 10 0
3 10 0
0 10 0
0 9 0
Catalogue*, continued :—
1580 Sunderland. Catalogue of the Books in the library at Blenheim
Palace. 4to., red morocco extra, by F. Bedford Oxford, 1872
50 copies printed, not published.
1581 -Bibliotheca Snnderlandiana. Sale-Catalogue. With the
printed list of prices and purchasers. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half red
morocco 1881-3
1582 -the same. 5 parts, with printed lists of prioes to parts 2-5 ;—
in 1 vol., roy. 8vo., half calf 1881-3
1583 -the same. Parts I—V. Roy. 8vo., bds. (pub. 25s) 1881-3
1584 -the same. Parts I—III, impl. 8vo., Large and fine Taper,with
printed list of prices and purchasers' names; sewed 1881-2
1585 Sydney. Catalogue of the Free Public Library, 1869-87. 1895.—
Supplement, 1888-95. 1895-7 ;—together 3 vols., 4to., doth and bds.
1586 Sykes. Catalogue of the Library of the late Sir Mark Masterman
Sykes. 3 parts in 1 vol., 8vo., with prices , and purchasers' names in
MS.; half bound Evans, 1824
1587 -Sale Catalogues of the Collections of Prints, Books, Coins and
Medals, Pictures, etc., formed by Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart.
2 vols., 4to., with the prices and purchasers' names in MS. ; green morocco
extra Sotheby, Evans, and Christie, 1824
1588 Taylor. Catalogue of the London Library of G. W. Taylor. 2 parte,
1823—Nassau. Catalogue. 2 parts, 1824;—in 1 vol., 8vo ., hf. calf
1589 TeLsser. Catalogue Auctorum qui Librorum Catalogs, Indices,
Bibliothecas . . . Scriptis consign&runt: ab Antonio Teisserio. Sm.
4to., old calf 1686
1590 Tite. Catalogue of the Collection of Books, MSS., Autograph
Letters of the late Sir William Tite. Roy. 8vo., half morocco
Sotheby's, 1874
1591 Upcott. Catalogue of the Library of the late William Upcott.
3 parts in 1 vol., 8vo., half calf Evans', 1846
1592 Van Praet. Catalogue des Livres imprimes sur v61in de la Biblio-
th6que du Roi. 5 vols. in 4, 1822 : Supplement, 1828—Catalogue
des Livres imprimes sur velin . . . 3 vols., 1824: Supplement, 1828;
—together 10 vols. in 9, 8vo.,hf. bd. 1822-28
1593 Willett. Merly Library. Catalogue of the Library of Ralph Willett.
8vo., with prices and purchasers' names ; half calf 1813
1594 Williams. Bibliothecae quam . . . Daniel Williams . . . bono publico
legavit, Catalogue. 8vo., blue morocco Londini, 1727
1595 -Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Theodore Williams.
Roy. 8vo., with prices in MS., half bound 1827
1596 Winkton. Catalogue of Books . . sold on the Premises at Winkton,
near Christchurch. 8vo., half calf 1827
1597 Wlassoff. Catalogue des Livres raree et preoieux de la Bibliotheque
de M. de Wlassoff. 2 lin,e edition. 8vo ., calf neat Moscow, 1821
1598 Wrangham. The English Portion of the Library of the Ven. Francis
Wrangham. 8vo., cloth; scarce Malton, 1826
1599 Woodhouse. Catalogue of tbe Collection of Prints, Drawings,
Portraits, end Library of John Woodhouse. Roy. 8vo., Large Taper,
with prices in MS., hf. bd.; scarce 1801
1600 York. Catalogue of tbe Library of H.R.H. the Duke of York. Roy.
8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in MS. ; red morocco Sotheby's, 1827
1601 Chantilly. Le Cabinet des Livres. Imprimis anterieurs an milieu du
XVI 8 s&cle. Introduction. 4to., sewed 1905
1602 Chatto (W. A.). Origin and History of Playing Cards. 8vo., cloth
1603 Claudln (A.L^ The first Psria Press, 1470-72. 4fco., tewed
Digitized by LjO Qle B^ipgrap^cal-Soc. h ^3
£ s. d.
4 4 0
1 10 0
0 10 0
0 6 0
0 10 0
1 10 0
0 9 0
4 10 0
0 9 0
0 8 0
0 5 0
0 3 G
2 10 0
0 16 0
0 8 6
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 5 0
0 15 0
1 11 6
10 0
0 4 0
0 9 0
Caxton. Here begynneth a lityll treatise shorte and abredged spekynge
of the arte and crafte to knowe well to dye (1490). Sm. folio. Rodd's
facsimile reprint; sewed ». d.
. . the same. Sm. folio, calf neat n. d.
Statutes of Henry VII. in exact facsimile, from the original
Caxton, 1489. Edited by John Rae. 4to., Large Paper , roxburghe 1869
-* Life and Typography of William Caxton. Compiled by W.
Blades. 2 toIs., 4to., roxburghe 1861
Clarke (William). Repertorium Bibliographicum. 2 vols. in 1, impl.
8vo., Large Paper , with frontispiece and India proof portraits; calf neatly
rebacked with morocco . 1819
This volume also contains “ A Dialogue in the Shades,” “ A Ballad entitled Bare
doings at Roxburghe Hall,” and “ The Diary of Roger Payne.”
Clavel (Robert). The General Catalogue of Books printed in England,
1666, to the End of Trinity Term, 1674—Catalogue of Books oontinued
. . . 1674-76. 8 numbers —General Catalogue of Books ... to the
End of Trinity Term, 1680—Catalogue of Books oontinued ... 1680-5.
22 numbers— Catalogue Librorum Latinorum in diversis Europe parti boa
impressorum . . 1670-80;—in 1 vol., folio, calf neat; uncut
the same. 1666, to the End of Trinity Term, 1674.
Sm. folio,
pp. 1-120 ; half morocco
This copy has at the end, “ A Catalogue of Books continued,” 6 numbers.
-— the same. 1666, to the End of Trinity Term, 1680.—A Catalogue
of Books continued, Nos. 1-15, 17-22, 24-27, 1680-7.—Catalogue
Librorum Latinorum . . . 1670-80;—in 1 vol., folio, old calf 1680-87
Collier. Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in
the English language. 2 vols., 8vo., half bound 1865
Conner and Cooke. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments, from
the Foundry of Conner and Cooke, New York. 8vo., half calf 1836
Copinger (W. A.). Incunabula Biblica; or, the First Half Century
of the Latin Bible. Impl. 4to., with 54 plates; cloth 1892
-Catalogue of the Copinger Collection of Editions of the Latin
Bible. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1893
Danse Macabre. Chorea ab eximio Macabro versibus alemanicis edita.
et a Petro Desrey treoacio quodam oratore nuper emendata. Parisius
. . . 1490. 4to., morocco extra Pilinskis facsimile , (Paris, 1868)
De Bure. Musarom Typographioum . . . accurate Recensentur. a
Guillelmo-Francisco Rebude. 12mo., old French red morocco 1755
Only 12 copies printed.
-Bibliographic Instructive, avec Supplement. 10 vols., sm. 4to.,
Large Paper ; calf extra 1763-82
Delepierre (Octave). Macaroneana, ou Melanges de Literature
Macaronique des differents peuples de l’Europe. 8vo., sewed Paris , 1852
-Sketch of the History of Flemish Literature and its oelebrated
authors from the XHth century. 8vo., half calf 1860
Delisle (L.). Melanges de Pal6ographie et de Bibliographic. 8vo.,
sewed 1880 0
Denis (Michael). Wiens Buohdruoker-Geschicht bis 1560. 4to., oalf
1786 0
De Vinne (T. L.). The Practice of Typography. Post 8vo., cloth
New York, 1900 0
Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). Some Account of the First Printed
Psalters at Mentz, 1457, 1459, 1490. 8vo., green morocco, presentation
copy m m (1807) 0
- - The Bibliomania ; or, Book-Madness; containing some Account
of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this Fatal Disease. A fine
copy, inlaid to impl. 8vo. size, and extra illustrated by the insertion of
upwards of 150 portraits, Winding many proofs on India paper; red
morocco e*trd zed UNIVERSITY OF I i 1809 AfI2
5 0
11 6
10 6
5 0
4 0
0 0
4 0
10 0
10 0
7 6
5 0
5 0
6 0
10 0
4 0
4 0
7 6
6 0
8 0
6 0
18 0
0 0
£ i. d.
Dibdin (Thomas Prog nail). The Bibliomania. Seoond edition. A
fine copy, inlaid to irapl. 870. size, extended to 3 vols. by the insertion
of 250 portraits, including many proofs on India paper, and several fine
mezzotints; red morocco extra, by Holloway 1811 42 0 0
- the same. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, with portrait by
Freeman, an additional portrait (a proof before Utters on India paper),
and a song “ Rational Madness ,” inserted ; russia extra 1811 18 0 0
The rarest of all Dr. Dibdin’s works on Large Paper, only 18 copies haring been
printed. This copy sold for £56. at the Perkins^sale.
-the same. New edition. Roy. 8vo., half bound 1876
-Ames (J.). Typographical Antiquities. Greatly enlarged, by
Thomas Frognall Dibdin. 4 vols., 4to., half blue morocco 1810-19
-the same. 4 vols., 4to., red morocco extra, by J. Wright 1810-19
Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vols.—Aedes Althorpianeo. 2 vols.
0 10 6
9 0
11 11
12 0
12 0
7 7
8 8
~ 1 * 1/ 4 '
copy, illustrated with some additional private plates and etchings and
duplicate India Proofs before Letters ; red morocco extra 1821
-The Library Companion. 8vo., neatly bound 1824
- - the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, olive morocco extra 1824
- Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of
the Greek and Latin Classics. Fourth edition. 2 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1827
■ the same. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper; olive morocco, super-
extra, by F. Bedford 1827
-the same. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, a fine copy in tree-
marbled calf extra, g. e., by Iiiviere, in open cases 1827
Only 250 copies printed.
- Bibliophobia. Roy. 8vo., Large J Paper, extra-illustrated by the
insertion of 400 portraits, views, sketches, etc., many being proofs on
Paper ; bound in 2 volt., green morocco extra, gilt edges 1832
- Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 vols., 8vo., with
interesting Autograph Letter of the author to Thos. Pickering inserted;
half morocco 1836
-the same. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, blue morocco extra, by
Holloway 1836
- Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the
Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
morocco extra, a fine copy 1838
-the same. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, many of the illustra-
r 4 9 # 4 ' *
tions on India Paper; a very fine copy in spotless condition; bds., uncut 1838
- the same. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper; olive morocco,
super-extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1838
1649 Dickson (Robert). • Introduction of the Art of Printing into Scotland.
8vo., cloth Aberdeen, 1885
1650 -and John Phil o Edmond. Annals of Scottish Printing. 4to..
18 18 0
4 4
—A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth
Century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano
Serra;—together 7 vols., impl. 8vo., four voU. blue morocco extra, gilt
edges, and three vols. olive morocco extra 1814-23 24 0 0
-the same. 7 vols., roy. 4to., Large Pater, morocco extra, gilt edges
-The Bibliographical Decameron. 3 vole., roy. 8vo., morocco extra
-the same. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., half russia neat, uncut 1817
-A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France
and Germany. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., green morocco 1821
-the same. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., russia extra 1821
-the same. 3 vols., irapl. 8vo., with the private plate of Diane de
Poictiers, by Thomson; morocco extra 1821
the same. 3 vols., impl. fivo., Large Paper, Dawson Turner's
18 0 0
25 0 0
0 7 6
2 10 0
1 1 0
5 5 0
2 10 0
16 16 0
0 14 0
7 7 0
6 6 0
21 0 0
21 0 0
0 2 6
1651 Dickens. Bibliography of Dickens. By R. H. Shepherd. Post 8vo.,
doth 1880
1652 Dictionary of English Book-Collectors. Parts I—XIII. 8vo., with
portraits, facsimiles, etc.; sd., each part 1* 6d 1892-99
1653 Didot (Ambroise Firmin). Essai snr la Typographic. 8 vo.,hf.cf. 1851
1654 -Aide Manuce et THelleoisme h Venise. 8vo., sewed 1875
1655 Dobell (B.). Catalogue of Books printed for private circulation. 8vo.,
doth 1906
1656 Dobson (Austin). A Bibliography of Austin Dobson, by Francis
Edward Murray. Oblong 8vo., Large Paper, half parchment 1900
1657 Documentos para a Historia da Typographia Portugueza nos seculos
XVIe—XVII. Sm. 4to., half moro'xo Lisbon, 1881
1659 Dore (J .R.). Old Bibles. Second edition. Post 8vo., cloth 1888
1659 Dome. A Half-Century of Notes on the Day-Book of John Dome,
Bookseller in Oxford, A.D. 1520. Sm. folio, cloth 1886
1660 Drujon (Fernand). Catalogue des Outrages, supprimea ou condamnes
depuis le 21 Oct. 1814 jusqu’au 3L Juil. 1877. Impl. 8vo., half
morocco 1879
1661 Duff. Early English Printing. Folio, with 40 plates containing 64
facsimiles; in a portfolio 1896
1662 Dunlop (J.). History of Fiction: from the earliest Greek Romances.
Third edition. Roy. 8vo., roxburghe 1845
1663 Dziatzko (Karl). Gutenbergs fruheste Druckerpraxis. 8vo., with
8 plates of facsimiles ; sewed Berlin, 1890
1664 Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, Publications of. Vols. I—V,
1890-1901. 4to., half morocco extra 1896-1901
1665 Edwards (Edward). Memoirs of Libraries. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth;
scarce 1859
1666 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., tree calf, marbled edges 1859
1667 English Catalogue of Books. January, 1835 to Jan. 1863. Compiled
by Sampson Low. Roy. 8vo., half bound 1864
1668 F.rnesti (J. H. G.). Die wol-eingeriohtete Biiohdriiokerev, mit Alpha-
beten, eto. Oblong 4to., vellum A timberg, 1721
1669 -the same. Another edition. Oblong 4to., bound ib., 1733
1670 Eve (G. W.). Decorative Heraldry: a practical Handbook of its
Artistic Treatment. Sm. 4to., cloth 1897
1671 Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorura. Some acoonnt
of the edition printed at Oxford in 1468. By S. W. Singer. 8vo., with
3 plates; morocco extra . 1812
1672 Facsimiles of rare XVth Century Printed Books in the Cambridge
University Library. 12 vols., roy. 8vo., bds., veUum backs (jpub. £7.) 1905
1673 Faulmann (Carl). Das Buch der Schrift, enth<end die Schrift-
zeichen und Alphabets aller Zeiten. Impl. 8vo., cloth 1880
1674 -Illu8trirte Geschichte der Buchdruokerkunst. 8vo., cloth 1882
1675 Fertel (Martin Dominique). La Science pratique de lTmprimerie.
Sm. 4to., half morocco 8t. Omer, 1723
1676 Fertiault (F.). Les Amoureux du Livre. 8vo., with 16 etchings by
Jules Chevrier; half morocco Paris, 1877
1677 Figgins. Specimen of Printing Types, by Vincent Figgins, letter
founder, West Smithfield. 8vo., hf. bd. 1833
1678 Fischer (Theobald). Sammlung Mittelalterlicher Welt- und Seekarten
Italienischen Ursprungs . . 8vo., sewed Venice, 1886
1679 Fishwick (Lt.-Col. H.). The Lancashire Library : a Bibliographical
Account of Books relating to the County. 4to., Large Paper; cloth
£ s. d.
0 7 6
0 19 6
0 5 0
0 15 0
0 2 6
0 10 6
0 16 0
0 2 6
0 6 0
1 12 0
2 2 0
0 9 0
0 9 0
26 0 0
1 1 ) 0
1 16 0
1 10 0
10 0
0 18 0
0 4 0
l 1 0
5 5 0
0 12 0
0 10 0
0 9 0
0 15 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 8 0
1680 Fors (Luis Ricardo). Indice Cronologico de los trabajos ejecutadoe en
la Impreuta de los Ninos Expositos de Buenos Aires durante los siglos
XVIII y XIX en la Biblioteca Publica Provincial de La Plata. 8vo.,
0 5 0
C 6
1681 Fletcher (W. Y.). English Book Collectors. Sm. 4to., buckram 1902
1682 - the same. Sm. 4to., Japanese Paper edition; vellum 1902
16?3 Fry (Francis). A Description of the Great Bible, 1539, and the six
Editions of Cranmer’s Bible, 1540 and 1541: also the Authorised Version,
1611, 1613, 1617, 1634, 1640. Folio, with an original leaf of each of the
editions described; rozburghe 1865
1684 - the samo. Folio, the letterpress printed on vellum, and the
plates on thick paper; half morocco ( pub. £20) 1865
1685 Garnett. Three Hundred Notable Books added to the Library of the
British Museum. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1899
1686 Gerring (C.). Notes on Printers and Booksellers. 8ro., bds. 1900
1687 Gibson-Craig. Catalogue of the Library of the late James Gibson-
Craig. Roy. 4to., Large Paper, with coloured facsimiles; half morocco
1688 Glass (H. A.). The Story of the Psalters, from 1549 to 1885. Cr.
8 vo., doth 1888
1689 Gowans (W.). A Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry and Kindred
subjects. Cr. 8vo., cloth ; scarce New York, 1858
1690 Graesse (J. G. T.). Die grossen Sagenkreise des Mittelalters. 8vo.,
bds. 1842
1691 - Tresor de Livres rares et pr6cieux, avec Supplement. 7 vole, in
8, roy. 4to., half bound Lresde, 1859-69
1692 Greswell. View of the Early Parisian Greek Press. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1833
1693 [Griffith (A. F.)]. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. 8vo., bound 1815
1694 - the same. Irnpl. 8vo., Large Paper , calf gilt 1815
1695 Grolier. Recherches sur Jean Grolier. Par le Roux de Lincy. Roy.
8vo., Large Paper, half morocco 1866
Grolier Club:
1696 Ricardi de Bury Philobiblon ex optimis Codioibus recensuit
Versione Anglica necnon et Prolegomenis Adnobationibusque auxit
Andreas Fleming West. 3 vols., sm. 4to., vellum 1889
1697 Catalogue of an Exhibition of selected works of the Poets
Laureate of England. 8vo., bds. 1901
1698 Dryden. Catalogue of an Exhibition of first and other editions of
the works of John Dryden. 8vo., bds. 1900
1699 The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Translated by
Robert Copland from the French version published in Paris in 1504.
A literal reprint in the types of Wynkyn de Worde after the unique
copy printed by. him upon parchment in London MCCCCCXII. 4to.,
pigskin, with brass clasps 1901
1700 Growoll (A.). Three Centuries of English Book Trade Bibliography.
8vo., half bound New York , 1903
1701 Guigard (J.). Armorial du Bibliophile. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., half
morocco 1870-73
1702 - the same. 2 iiina edition. 2 vols., roy., 8vo., half morocco 1890
1703 Haebler (Conrad). Typographic IWriqne du Quinzieme Siecle:
Reproduction en facsimile de tous les Caracteres typographiquoa em¬
ployes cn Espagne et en Portugal. Impl. 4to., half niger morocco 1902
1701 Hansard (T. C.). Typograpkia. Roy. 8vo., old russia 1825
1705 -The Art of Printing. 8vo., cloth 1851
1706 Harting (James Edmund). Bibliotheca Accipitraria; Catalogue of
Books relating to Falconry. 8vo., rozburghe 1891
1707 Hazlitt (W. Carew). Bibliographical Works. 8 vols., 8vo.. includ¬
ing General Index ; scarce 1867-1903
Contents (priced separately) :—Handbook to tho Literature of Qreat Britain, from
the Invention of Printing to the liestoration, 1867, £1. 8s; Collections and Notes (First
Series) 1876, £1. 10s; Second Series, 1474-1700, 1882; Third Series, 1474-1700, 1887;
Supplement to the Third Series, 1880, 10s; Second Supplement to the Third Series,
1892, 7s (id; General Index to the Handbook and Collections (1867-1889), by J. G. Gray,
1893, 20*; Fonrth {Serif** l?,05tL£i. 16s. Original from
s. d.
6 0
1 0
5 0
11 0
2 O
7 0
10 0
3 0
6 0
10 0
11 O
12 0
1 (»
2 0
16 0
15 0
10 0
10 0
6 0
10 6
16 O
10 0
6 0
14 0
3 6
0 0
17 6
£ t. d.
Heckethom (C. W.). The Printers of Basle in the X Vth and XYIth
centuries. Impl. 8vo., buckram 1897
[Heineken (C. H. de)]. Idee Generate d’une Collection Complette
D’Estampes, aveo une Dissertation snr l’origine de la Gravnre et snr
lea premiers Livres d’I mages. 8vo., neatly bound Leipsic, 1771
Hessels (J. H.). Gntenbarg: was he the Inventor of Printing? 8vo.,
bound 1882
-Haarlem the birth-place of Printing, not Mentz. Roj. 8vo.,
cloth ' 1887
Hodgkin (J. E.). Rariora: being Notes of some of the Printed Books,
Manuscripts, Cnriosa of all sorts, collected (1858-1900) by John Eliot
Hodgkin. 3 vole., demy 4to., Art canvas 1902
Hofmann (Carl). Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Paper in
all its branches. 4to., cloth 1873
Holbein Society’s Facsimile Reprints. A Series of the publications of
the Holbein Society, from the Beginning in 1869 to 1892. 18 vols,
4to., and folio, cloth 1869-92
-the same. A series from the beginning to 1888. 16 vols., 4to.,
and folio, cloth 1869-1888
Holbein’s leones Historiarnm Yeteris Testamenti. A photo-lith. fac-
reprint from the Lyons edition of 1547. 4to., doth
Holbein Soc , 1869
Les Simulachres et Historiees Faoes de la Mort. A photo-lith.
reprint of the Lyons edition of 1538, etc. 4to., cloth ib., 1869
Holtrop. Catalogue Librorum Steculo XY° impressorum, quotquot in
Bibliotheca Regia Hagana asservantur. 8vo., half morocco 1856
- Monuments Typographies des Pays-Bas an XYrae Sidcle.
Folio, 131 plates of facsimiles; bds. 1868
Hornbook. Tuer (Andrew W.). History of the Horn-Book. 2 vols.,
4to , best edition , with 7 examples of Hornbooks ; vellum 1896
Houdoy (Jules). Les Imprimeurs Lillois. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1879
Howleglass. Edited by F. Ouvry. Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1867
Hoym. Vie de Charles-Henry Comte de Hoym. 2 vols., 8vo., with
portrait and facsimiles ; half red morocco neat 1880
-The Life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, translated into English
for the Grolier Clnb. Impl. 8vo., with 10 plates ; half morocco
Qrolier Club, 1889
Humphreys (H. N.). History of the Art of Printing. Impl. 4to.,
with over 100 plates; cloth 1868
-Masterpieces of the Early Printers and Engravers. A series of
facsimiles. Folio, Large Paper; half morocco 1870
Hyett (Francis A.) and W. Bazeley. Bibliographer’s Manual of
Gloucestershire Literature. 3 vols., 4to., Large Paper; buckram 1895-7
Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum . . . Bernardi de
Sandoual et Roxas. 8vo., stamped pigskin binding 1620
-Benedicti XIV. 8vo., bds. 1764
Indice Ultimo de los Libros prohibidos y Mandadoe expurgar . . .
eon tie ne en re s u men tod os los Libros puestoe en el Indice Exporgatorio
del ano 1747 asta fin de 1789. 4to., calf 1790
Ireland (Alexander). List of the Writings of William Hazlitt and
Leigh Hunt. 8vo., half bound 1868
Jacobi (C. T.). Some Notes on Books and .Printing. A Guide for
authors and others. 8vo., buckram 1892
Johnson (J.). Typographia, or the Printers’ Instructor, including an
account of the Origin of Printing. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., half calf • 1824
Knight (Charles). Shadows of the old Booksellers. Post 8 vo_
doth ' 1865
Kristeller (Paul). Early Florentine Woodcuts. 2 vols, impl, 8vo.,
with illu.rfratior^jfttytt ^^123 plates; roxburghe ^ ^ 1897
12 6
8 0
18 0
3 6
4 0
10 0
10 0
7 6
9 0
2 0
16 6
10 0
10 0
5 0
3 0
16 6
3 0
3 0
2 0
10 0
5 0
4 0
5 0
3 0
6 0
4 0
16 0
Laire. Specimen Historionm Typographies Romance XV Saecnli opera
et Studio P. Francisci Xaver. Laire . . Sm. 4to., bds. Rome , 1778
Lawler (John). Book Auctions in England in the Seventeenth
Century (1676-1700). 12mo cloth 1898
Lefevre (Th£otiste). Guide Pratique du Compositeur d’Imprimerie.
2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1873
LAv&que (Eugene). Iconographie des Fables de La Fontaine, Li
Motte, Dor at, Florian. 8vo., half morocco 1893
Libri. Monuments Iu6dits ou pen connns, faisant partie du Cabinet de
Guillaume Libri. Roy. folio, 65 plates , the majority of which are in gold
and colours; morccco extra , gilt edges 1864
-Pamphlets relative to the accusation brought against him by
“ L® Moniteur ” and other Journals. 15 pieces, 8vo. 1848-51
Lichtenberger (J. F.). Histoire de l’lnvention de lTmprimerie . . .
Preface de J. G. Schvreighseuser. 8vo., calf Strasburg , 1825
Lippmann (F.). nnd R. Dohme. Dmckschriften des I5 ten bis IS 1 ®"
Jahrhunderts in getreuen Nachbildungen . . Folio, 100 plates; half
morocco 1884-87
Linde (Antonius von der). Das Breviarinm Mognntinum. 8vo.,
•etced 1884
[London]. Catalogue of The moat vendible Books in England. (By
William London). Sm. 4to., old calf 1658
A copy sold for £6. lft* at Sotheby’s, December. 1900.
London Catalogue of Books. 18u0 to Ootober, 1822. 8vo., half
calf W. Bent , 1822
Lowe (R. W.). Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical
Literature from the earliest times. 8vo., buckram 1888
Lowndes (W. T.). Bibliographer’s Manual. New edition, by H. G.
Bohn. 6 vole, in 11 parts. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1857-64
the same. 4 vols., cr. 8vo., half morocco (1857*64)
Macray (W. D.). Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Second
edition. 8vo., roxburghe 1890
M'Culloch. Catalogue of Books, the property of a Political Economist;
with Notices. Roy. 8vo., roxburghe 1862
Madan (Falconer). A Chart of Oxford Printing 4 1468 ’-1900. 4to.,
bds. Oxford , 1903
Maitland (S. R.). List of some of the Early Printed Books in the
Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. 8vo., calf 1843
Maittaire (M.). Annales Typographic . . 3 vols., 1719-25—Tomi
S ninti (i.e. quarti) Partes II Indicem continentes, 2 vols., 1741—Tomi I
Iditio nova auctior, 1733—Supplementum, adomavit Michael Denis,
1789 ;—together 7 vols., 4to., calf 1719-89
Mallinkrot. de Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographic® Dissertatio
HiBtorica ... a Bernardo a Mallinkrot. Sm. 4to., ccdf 1640
Manzoni (Giacomo). Annali Tipografici dei Soncino. Tome III.
Secolo XVI. 3 pts., 8vo., with 6 plates; leiced Bologna, 1883
[Marston (John) or Nicholas Breton]. No VVhippinge, nor
trippinge . but a kinde friendly Snippinge. Sm. 4to., a facsimile of the
unique original (1601), printed on vellum ; half morocco ». d.
Martens. Biographie de Tbierry Martens d’Alost, premier Imprimeur
de la Belgique. Par A. F. Van Iseghem. 8vo., half morocco 1852
Martin (John). Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Privately Printed;
including Private Presses. 8vo., cloth 1834
- another copy, in 2 vols., 8vo., inbrleaved, morocco 1834
Mendez (Francisco). Typographia Espahola. Tomo I. 8vo., bound
Menestrier. Recherches sur la vie et snr lea cBuvres du P. Claude-
Fran^ois Menestrier. Par Paul Allut. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1856
Mirrour of Maiestie. A Photo-lith. Facsimile reprint of the edition
of 1618. 4to., fiotk\ , o 1P Holbein Nor., 1870
£ *.
0 7
0 3
0 12
0 li
7 7 0
1 0 0
0 8 0
4 4 0
0 3 6
6 0 0
0 6
0 7
1 8
1 12
0 8
3 3
0 12
0 1G
10 10 0
0 18 0
0 6 0
1 10
0 5
0 10
1 1
0 7
1 1
0 7
£ s. d.
1761 Modern Catalogue of Books, 1792-1802. 8vo., sew d 1801 0 6 0
1765 MoliAre. Bibliographie Moliiresque par Paul Lacroix. 8vo., doth 1875 0 18 0
1768 Newton. Bibliography of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton. With
notes by G. J. Gray. Second edition. Sm. 4to., bdf , lin n buck 1907 0 5 0
1767 Nicolson (W.). The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries.
New edition, corrected. 4to half calf 1776 0 9 0
1768 Nisard (C.). Histoire des Livres populaires, on de la LittArature du
Colportage depnis l’origine de lTmprimerie. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., half
morocco 1864 0 15 0
1769 — Des Chansons Populaires chez les anciens et chez les Franfais. •
2 vols., cr. 8vo., half morocco 1867 0 12 0
1770 Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliothdque Imperials et
autres Bibliothbquee. Yol. I—XIV, XVI—XVIII;—together 17 vols.,
4to ., calf gilt 1787-1858 4 4 0
1771 O’Callaghan (E. B.). List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, printed
in America, previous to 1860. Impl. 8vo., Large Paper; half morocco 1861 1 16 0
1772 [Oldys (J.)]. The British Librarian. 8vo., hound 1738 0 6 0
1773 j-the same. 8vo., very dean uncut copy in bds. 1738 1 0 0
1774 Origin of Printing. In 2 Essays. [Edited by W. Bowyer]. Second
edition. 8vo ., calf 1776 0 7 6
1775 -the same, 1776—Peignot (G.). Essai sur l’Histoire dn Parohemin
et dn V61in, 1812;—in 1 vol., 8vo., half caf 1776-1812 0 12 0
1776 Ottley (W. Y.). Inquiry into tho Origin and Early History of
Engraving, upon Copper and Wood. 2 vols., 4to., bds., £2. 8s; or, half
blue morocco neat 1816 3 0 0
1777 ——— the same. 2 vols., atlas 4to., Large paper; proof impressions of the
plates, some of which are on India paper; crushed red morocco, broad
inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Holloway 1816 13 13 0
Only 60 copies were issued in this sutte. All the copperplates are India proofs.
1 778 Panizzi. Letters ad Antonio Panizzi di nomini illnstri e di amici
italiani (1823-70). Vol. I. 8vo., sewed 1880 0 3 6
1779 -MArimee (Prosper). Lettres a M. Panizzi, 1850-70. 2 vols.,
8vo., sewed 1881 0 6 0
1780 Panzer (G. W.). Versnoh einer knrzen Gescbichte der romisch-
catholischen dentschen Bibelubersetzung. 4to., sd. Nurnberg, 1781 0 4 0
1781 Peignot (G.). Dictionnaire des principaux Livres condamn£s au Fen,
Supprimds ou Censures. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf lt,06 .0 7 6
1782 Pellechet. Notes sur les Livres Liturgiques des dioceses d’Autun,
Chalon et Macon. 8vo., sewed 1883 0 15 0
1783 Pene du Bois (Henri). Four Private Libraries of New York. First
Series. 8vo., printed on Japanese Paper; cloth New York, 1892 0 16 0
1784 Philippe (Jules). Origins de 1'Imprimerie k Paris d’apiAs des Docu¬
ments inedits. 8vo., half morocco 1885 0 15 0
1785 Pieters (Charles). Annales de 1’Imprimerie des Elsevier. Secondo
Edition. 8vo., half morocco 1858 0 10 6
1786 Plan tin. Index Librorum qui ex Typographia Piantiniana prodierunt.
12mo., vellum Antverpiee, ex Officina Piantiniana , 1615 0 18 0
1787 -Annales Plantiniennes, 1555-1589. Par C. Rnelens et A. de
Backer. 8vo., half calf 1866 . 0 5 0
1788 Plomer (H. R.). A Short History of English Printing, 1476-1898.
Sm. 4to., buckram 1900 0 6 0
1789 Pollard (Alfred W.). Early illustrated Books. 8vo doth 1893 0 6 0
1790 [Proctor (R.)]. Tracts on early printing. I. 8 vo., sewed 1895
1791 ■ ■ ■ - - The Printing of Greek in the fifteenth Century. 4to., sewed
Bibliugraph. Society, 1900
1792 -Bibliographical Essays. 8vo., Jioxburghe
Printed for Subscribers, 1905
93 Puckle’s Club. Bibliographical Notes on a collection of editions of
the book knownas M Puckle’s Club.” Roy. 8-^v., doth
Digitized by Google I IMl\/F$^ * f
Eoujant Club, 1899
0 16 C
1 15 0
2 2 0
2 2 '
1794 Quaritch (Bernard). A General Catalogue of Books. 8vo., half
morocco 1868
1795 -the same. 8vo., pp. 1889, including Index; half morocco 1874
1796 -the same. Supplement, 1875-7. 8?o., half morocco 1877
1797 —— the same. 8vo., pp. 2395, including Index; half morocco 1880
1798 -Monuments of Typography and Xylography. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1897
1799 Recherche* sur les Imprimeries imaginaires, clandestine* et
particnlieres. Publiees par les soins de Philomneste jnn. Cr. 8vo.,
cloth 1879
1800 Retrospective Review. 16 vols., complete, comprising both Series.
8vo., hound in 9 vole., half calf 1820-8
1801 Rouveyre (Edouard). Connaissances Necessaires h un Bibliophile.
Cinquieme Edition. 10 vols., 8vo., half olive morocco neat, gilt tops 1899
1802 Schaab (E. A.). Goschichte der Erfindung der Bnchdrncker—Kunst
dnrch Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg. 3 vols., 8vo., half
hound 1830-31
Senefelder (Alois). A Complete Course of Lithography. 4to., half
calf 1819
Shakespeare. Remarks on J. P. Collier’s and C. Knight’s editions of
Shakespeare. By Alex. Dyce. 8vo., cloth 1844
-Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in
J. Payne Collier’s annotated Shakspere, folio, 1632. Sm. 4to., sewed
The Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes. A brief
review of singular delusions. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. 8vo., doth
Singer (Samuel Weller). Researches into the History of Playing
Cards ; with Illustrations of the Origin of Printing. 4to., hoards 1816
Skeen (William). Early Typography. 8vo., roxburghe Colombo, 1872
Smith (J.). The Printer’s Grammar. 8vo., calf 1755
• - . (Joseph). Descriptive Catalogue of Friends’ Books. 2 vols.,
rby. 8vo., Large Paper, cloth 1867
-Bibliotheca Anti-Qnakeriana. 8vo., cloth 1873
Sotheby (S. Leigh). Principia Typographica. 3 vols., roy. 4to.,
half morocco, uncut 1858
Speculum Humans Salvationis. Reproduit en facsimile, par J. Ph.
Berjeau. Imp]. 4to., with 63 plates; doth 1861
Stower (C.). The Printer’s Price Book. 8vo., half calf 1814
Sutton (C. W.). Special Collections of Books in Ijanoashire and
Cheshire. Roy. 8vo., sewed Aberdeen, 1900
Tempesta. Four Evangelists. Arabic and Latin. With woodcuts
designed by Antonio Tempesta. 4to., cloth Holbein Soc., 1873
Tewrdannckh. The Adventures and a portion of the Story of the
praiseworthy, valiant, and high-renowned hero and knight, Lord
Tewrdannckh. A reproduction of the edition printed at Augsburg, in
1519. Folio, doth ib., 1884
Thackeray. Bibliography of Thackeray. By R. H. Shepherd. Post
8vo., cloth 1880
Tiele (P. A.). Mernoire Bibliographiqae sur les Journaux des
Navigateurs N6erlandais . . 8vo., sewed Amsterdam, 1867
Timperley (C. H.). Dictionary of Printers and Printing. 8vo., cloth,
12s ; or, half morocco neat 1889
Tobler (Titus). Bibliographia Geographica Palaestintt. 8vo., half red
morocco Leipzig , 1867
Tory. Geofroy Tory, Premier Imprimenr^Royal, par Aug. Bernard.
8vo., half bound 1857
-the same. Deuxieme Edition. 8vo., edition de luxe; sewed 1865
[(Jpcott (W.)]. Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of
Great Britain Tiepin g ] (8vo., half calf, 6s ; ay cg^giW Q -
£ s. d.
0 5 0
0 18 0
0 14 0
0 5 0
0 10 6
3 0 0
4 16 0
1 10 0
1 10 0
0 6 0
0 9 0
0 3 G
2 15 0
0 18 0
0 7 6
1 15 0
0 12 0
7 7 0
2 8 0
0 7 G
0 3 0
0 7 0
1 1 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 15 0
0 7 6
0 10 0
10 0
0 10 0
1825 Uhagon (Francisco de), y Enrique de Leguina. Estudios Blblio-
graficos: La Caza. 8vo., sewed Madrid, 1888
1826 -Los Libros de Cetreria del Canciller Pero Lopez de Ayala, de
Juan de Sant-Fahagnn y de Don Fadriqae de Zufiiga y Sotomayor.
8vo., sewed 1889
1827 Vanderhaeghen (Ferd.). Bibliographie Gantoise. Vols. I—V and
VII. Large 8vo., cloth 1858-69
1828 Varusoltis. Xylographie de lTmprimerie Troyenne pendant le XV*,
le XVI*, le XVII* et le XVIII* siecle. Roy. 4to., with 571 illustrations;
half red morocco 1859
1829 Vdrard. Macfarlane (John). Antoine Verard. 4to., with numerous
facsimiles; sewed Bibliographical Society , 1900
1830 -the same. 4to., half morocco neat 1900
1831 Vlfiaza. Escritos de los Portngueses y Castellanos referentes h las
Lenguas de China y el Japon. 8vo., sewed 1892
1832 Viollet-Leduc. Bibliographie des Chansons, Fabliaux, Contes en Vers
et en Prose, Faceties. 8vo., half morocco 1859
1833 Vries (A. de). Eclaircissemens sur l’Histoire de l’lnvention de
l’lmprimerie. 8vo., half calf 1843
1834 - Arguments des Allemands en favour de leur pretention a 1’Inven-
tion de l’lmprimerie. 8vo., bound 1845
1835 -the same 2 works in 1 vol. 8vo., half morocco 1843-5
1836 Wager (L.). The Life and Repentance of Marie Magdalene. A
morality play reprinted from the original edition of 1566-67, edited by
F. Ives Carpenter. 8vo., cloth 1902
1837 Watkins (G. T.). Bibliography of Printing in America. Roy. 8vo.,
pp. 30; sewed Boston, 1906
1838 Watson (James). History of the Art of Printing. Cr. 8vo., calf;
very scarce Edinburgh, 1713
1839 Watt (Robert). Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vols., 4to., bound 1824
1840 Weigel (T. O.) und A. Zesterman. Anfange der Drnckerkunst in
Bild und Schrift. 2 vols., folio, with 145 facsimiles ; half morocco 1866
1841 Weishaupt (H.). Das Gesammtgebiet des Steindruoks . . . Anweisung
zur Ausiibung der Lithographic. Cr. 8vo., half calf 1875
1842 White. A Bibliography of Gilbert White, of Selborne. By E. A.
Martin. Post 8vo., with frontispiece; buckram (1895 ?)
£ s. d.
0 15 0
0 9 0
10 0
2 2 0
1 l 0
1 5 0
0 9 0
0 7 6
0 4 0
0 3 6
0 7 G
0 3 6
0 2 G
2 12 6
2 5 0
11 11 0
0 8 0
0 3 6
1843 A . . . Catalogue de Tableaux modernes, Aquarelles, par Bonvin,
Daumier, etc. . . Collection de feu M. P. A. . . Roy. 4to., sd. 1897
1844 Angerstein. Catalogue de la Collection celebre de Tableaux de feu
M. Jean Jules Angerstein. Folio, Large Taper, hf. bd., 18*; or, morocco
1845 Bardini. Catalogue of Collection of Pictures and Works of Art... of ■
Signor Stephano Bardini. Roy. 8vo., bds. 1902
1846 -Catalogue des Objets d’Art, provenant de la Collection Bardini
de Florence. Roy- 4to., with a portfolio containing 130 plates; sd. 1902
1847 Barnard. Sale-Catalogue of the Collection of Prints and Books of
Prints of John Barnard. 8vo., with prices; hf.bd. 1798
1848 Basan (P. F.). Catalogue Raisonn6 d'un choix prlcieux de Dessins.
Par L. F. Regnault. Post 8vo., prices in MS., old calf (1797)
1849 Bateman. Catalogue of the first portion of the Collection of Works
of Art and Antiquity. Roy. 8vo., sewed Sotheby's, 1893
1850 Beckett. Catalogue of Old French Deoorative Objects and Furniture
... of Ernest W. Beckett. 8vo., bds. Christie's, 1902
1851 Beckett-Denison. Catalogue of the Pictures, Works of Art ... of
Christopher Beckett Denison. 3 portions in 1 vol., raj. 8vo., bds.
Digitized by GO gfc UNIVERSIlToFMffPlOT
0 7 0
14 0
0 12 0
1 1 0
3 3 0
0 18 0
0 4 0
0 12 0
0 12 0
£ i. d.
1852 Bedford. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Collection of
Pictures at Woburn Abbey. By George Scharf. Roy. 4to., pp. 337 ;
cloth 1890
1853 Bemrose. Descriptive Catalogue of Porcelain and other Art Objects of
William Bemrose. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1898
1854 B4riot. Catalogue des Tableaux Modernes et Aquarelles oompoeant
la Collection de M. Ch. de B6riot. 4to., seized 1901
1855 Berlin. Konigl. Museen zu Berlin. Eatalog der Ornamentatich-
Sammlung des Kunstgewerbe-Museums. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1894
1856 Bernal. Catalogue of the collection of Works of Art from the By¬
zantine Period to that of Louis Seize, of Ralph Bernal. 8vo., cloth 1855
1857 -the same. 8vo., t oith prices and purchasers'names; green morocco
1858 Bernatzky. Katalog der Gemalde-Galerie aus dem Nachlass des zu
Edinburg verstorbenen Herrn Yon Bernatzky. 4to., sewed 1905
1859 Bindley. Catalogue of the Collection of British Portraits ... of the
late James Bindley. 4to., with 4 portraits, prices and purchasers' names
in MS.; leitirs and portraits inserted; half morocco 1819
1860 Blenheim. Catalogue of the Collection of Limoges Enamels from
Blenheim Palace. Roy. 8vo., with 79 plates; cloth Christie's, 1883
1861 B5sch. Katalog der Sammlung Gemalde Alter Meister des verstor-
benen Herrn A. J. Bosch. Roy. 4to., sd. 1885
1862 Bonheur. Atelier Rosa Bonheur. I, Tableaux. II, Aquarelles et
Dessins. Catalogue analytique. 2 vols., roy. 4to., sewed 1900
1863 Bourgeois. Collection Bourgeois freres. Kunstsaclien und Antiquitiiten
des VI. bis XIX. jahrh. Roy. 4to., sewed 1904
1864 Bowdoin. The Bowdoin Collection. Text by Rev. Fred. H. Allen.
Folio, with 20 plates; cloth 1886
1865 Brandes. Catalogue Raisonn6 du Cabinet d’Estampes de feu
M. Brandes. 2 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1793-1
1866 Brett. Illustrated Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures and other
Works of Art of John Watkins Brett. 8vo., cloth 1864
1867 -Catalogue of the Collection of Armour and Arms of Edwin
J. Brett. Roy. 8vo., with 42 plates; bds. 1895
1868 British Museum. The Waddesdon Bequest. 4to., with 55 plates;
cloth , £2. 2 8 ; or, half vellum 1902
1869 Burch. Catalogue of 100 proofs from Gems, engraved in England, by
E. Burch. 4to., unbound 1795
Burlington Fine Arts Club:
1870 Exhibition Catalogues., A Collection of 64. 4to.,«eired 1868-1908 7
1871 Dillon (F.). Drawings by Japanese Artists: Reproduced and
coloured in facsimile by the autotype process. With letterpress
descriptions. Folio, 15 coloured plates; in portfolio - 1880 2
This collection was exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club.
Illustrated Catalogues:
1872 Bookbindings. Exhibition of Bookbindings. Atlas 4to. ( with 113
plates (mostly coloured ) ; buckram, £14.; or, red morocco extra 1891 16
1873 Egyptian Art. Exhibition of the Art of Ancient Egypt. Atlas
4to., with 27 photographs; cloth 1895 4
1874 -the same. Atlas 4to., with 7 plates; unld. 1895 0
1875 English Embroidery. Exhibition of English Embroidery Atlas
4to., with 30 plates (10 coloured) ; buckram 1905 -6
1876 German Art. Exhibition of Early German Art. Atlas 4to., pp.
207, with 72 photographic plates; buckram 1906- • 6
1877 Greek Art. Exhibition of Anoient Greek Art. Atlas 4to., with
114 plates;
Digitized by
Original from 1904
1C 0
10 0
5 0
7 6
5 0
0 0
4 0
16 0
10 0
10 6
2 0
15 0
10 0
7 G
15 0
9 0
12 C
6 0
7 0
2 0
0 0
4 0
9 0
6 0
6 0
6 0
Burlington Fine Arts Club, continued:—
Illustrated Catalogues, continued :—
1879 Mezzotint Portraits. Illustrated Catalogue of English Mezzo¬
tint Portraits. Atlas 4to., with 30 plates; buckram 1902
1880 Persian and Arab Art. Illustrated Catalogue of Specimens of
Persian and Arab Art. Impl. 4to., with 32 plates; sewed 1885
1881 Persian Faience. Exhibition of the Faience of Persia and the
Nearer East. Impl. 4to., 27 plates; doth 1908
1882 Pictures. Exhibition of Pictures, Drawings, and Photographs of
the School of Ferrara-Bologna, 1440-1540. Atlas 4to., with 22 plates;
buckram 1894
1883 -Exhibition of Pictures of the School of Siena. Atlas 4to.,
with 47 plates (2 coloured ) ; buckram 1905
1884 Portrait Miniatures. Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures. Atlas
4to., 36 plates ; buckram 1889
1885 Silver Work. Exhibition of a Collection of Silversmith’s Work
of European Origin. Atlas 4to., with 120 plates; buckram 1901
1886 Steel and Iron Work. Exhibition of Chased and Embossed Steel
and Iron Work of European Origin. Atlas 4to., with 70 plates;
buckram 1900
£ s. d.
6 6 0
4 16 0
4 4 0
6 6 0
6 6 0
31 10 0
7 7 0
7 7 0
1887 Carmichael. Catalogue of the Collection of Works of Art formed by
Sir Thomas Gibson Carmichael. 8vo., boards 1902
1888 Cassel. Yerzeichniss der Hochfurstlich—Hessischen Gemahlde—
Sammlung in Cassel. 4to., red morocco extra 1783
1889 Castellani. Catalogue des Objets d’Art antiques du Moyen Age et
de la Renaissance de Alessandro Castellani. 4to., Illustrated edition,
sewed 1884
1890 -the same. 4to., half green morocco , gilt top, uncut 1884
1891 Catalogue de la Collection de Tableaux Mod ernes de Monsieur P * * •.
4to., with 20 plates ; sewed Amsterdam, 1891
1892 Christie’s Sale Catalogues. A Collection of 17 Sale Catalogues,
illustrated with a large number of photographic plates, from 1884 to
1897, bound in 9 vols., roy. 8vo., half morocco 1884-97
1S93 Clays. Catalogue des Tableaux, Esquisses, Aquarelles, composant
1’Atelier de feu Paul-Jean Clays. 4to., with 15 plates; sewed 1900
1894 Clerk. Catalogue of the . . . Collection of'Pictures, the Property of
the Hon. J. Clerk of Eldin. 8vo., with list of prices; sd. 1833
1895 - the same. 1833. Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. J.
Clerk of Eldin. 1833.—in 1 vol., 8vo., hf. bd. 1833
1896 Cox’s Museum. Descriptive Cataloguo of the . . . Pieces of Mechanism
and Jewellery exhibited in Mr. Cox’s Museum at Spring Gardens,
Charing Cross. 4to., pp. 20; unbound, uncut 1772
1897 De Castro. Catalogue de vente de la succession de feu M. D. Henriques
de Castro, Mz. 4to., with 11 plates; sewed 1899
1898 Derby. Descriptive and historical Catalogue of the Collection of
Pictures at Knowsley Hall. By George Scharf. 4to., doth 1875
1899 Diamants, Perles et Pierreries provenant de la Collection dite des
Joyaux de la Couronne. Folio, with 9 photographic plates; sewed
Paris, 1887
1900 Dore. Catalogue des Dessins, Aquarelles, et Estampes de Gustave Dor6
exposes dans les Salons du Cercle de la Librairie (Mars 1885). Sm.
4to., Papier du Japon, with portrait in 2 states ; sewed (1885)
0 15 0
0 10 6
10 0
1 10 0
0 4 0
9 9 0
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
1901 Doria. Collection de M. le Comte Armand Doria. I. Tableaux
Modernes. II. Aquarelles et Pastels, Dessins, Gravures et Sculptures.
Catalogue analytique. 2 vols., roy. 4to., sewed 1899
1902 Dudley. Catalogue of the Gallery of Pictures of the late Earl of
Dudley. 8vo., with 25 plates, prices and purchasers' names in MS.; bds.
r C^r\ nu> Original fron -1892
1 0
0 10
1903 Doetsch. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures by Old Masters of
Henry Doetsch. Roy. 8vo., with 80 plates; bds. 1895
1904 Dutuit. Collection Auguste Dutnit. Majoliques italiennes, Vases
sicnlo-arabes et persans, Faiences Henry II, Verrerie. Roy. 8vo., with
79 plates; cloth 1899
1905 Dyce. Catalogue of the Paintings, Miniatures, Drawings, Engravings,
Rings, and miscellaneous objects, bequeathed (to the South Kensington
Museum) by Alex. Dyce. 8vo., half red morocco 1874
1906 Egerton (Hon. Wilbraham). Illustrated Handbook of Indian Arms.
Impl. 8vo., with map and 15 plates ; setoed 1880
1907 Fisher. Catalogue of a Collection of Engravings, Etchings, and
Woodcuts [formed by Richard Fisher]. Sm. folio, roiburghe 1879
1908 Forman. Catalogue of the first portion of the Forman Collection of
Antiquities, and Objects of Art. Folio, setoed 1899
1909 Fountaine. Catalogue of the Fountaine Collection of Majolica,
Henry II Ware, etc. 8vo., with 23 plates; bds. 1884
1910 Fowler. Catalogue of the Collection of Modern Pictures and Water-
Colour Drawings of Sir John Fowler. Roy. 8vo., bds. 1899
1911 Franks. Catalogue of a Collection of Oriental Porcelain and Pottery,
lent for exhibition by A. W. Franks. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper; sewed 1876
1912 Gamier. Catalogue de Tableaux modernes, do Henri Gamier. Roy.
4to., with 26 plates; sd. 1894
1913 Gedon. Catalogue der Kunst-Sammlungen des Bildhauers und
Architekten Lorenz Gedon. 4to., sewed 1884
1914 Gigoux. Catalogue d’une remarquable Collection de Dessins Anciens
et Modernes. Roy. 8vo., with 28 plates; half morocco 1882
1915 Goldschmidt. Catalogue des Tableaux modernes, composant
l’importante Collection de feu M. S. Goldschmidt. 4to., sd. 1888
1916 Gott and others. Catalogue of the remaining Pictures of the Gott
Heirlooms ; Family Portraits, the Property of Affleck Fraser; Piotures
of late Tattershall Dodd ; etc. 8vo., Ids. 1897
1917 Gr6au. Collection Julien Greau. Terres cuites grecques, Vases
peints et Marbres antiques. 4to., sd. 1891
1918 -the same. Bronzes antiques, et des Objets d’Art du Moyen-Age
et de la Renaissance. Roy. 4to., half morocco 1885
1919 Gurney. Catalogue of the Collection of Works of Art, formed by J.
Gurney. Roy. 8vo., vrith 16 plates; bds. Christie’s, 1898
1920 Hamilton. Sale-Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Works of
Art, and Decorative Objects, of the Duke of Hamilton. Roy. 8voi,
with 78 photographs; cloth 1882
1921 -Illustrated Priced Catalogue. 4to., cloth 1882
1922 Hartmann. Catalogue de Tableaux modernes composant la Collection
de M. Fr. Hartmann. 4to., sewed 1881
1923 Hefner-Alteneck. Kunstsammlungen des verewigten Herrn.
Geheimrats Dr. Jakob von Hefner-Alteneck. Roy. 4to., bds. 19Q4
1924 Higginson. Descriptive Catalogue of the Gallery of Pictures collected
by Edmund Higginson, Esq., of Saltmarshe. 4to., bds. 1842
1925 Hoffmann. Collection H. Hoffmann. Catalogue des Objets d’Art
. . Seconde Partie. Roy. 4to., sewed Paris, 1888
1926 - Collection H. Hoffmann. Antiquitls, Objets Egyptiens. 4to.,
illustrated edition ; doth 1899
1927 Hope. A Catalogue of the Collection of Pearls and Preoious Stones
formed by Henry Philip Hope. Folio, cloth 1839
1928 -Catalogue of the renowned Collection of Pictures formed by the
late Adrian Hope. Roy. 8vo., bds. 1894
1929 Howard. Catalogue of the collection of Engravings and Drawings
formed by Hugh Howard. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1873
1930 Huybrechts^ Catalogue des Tableaux de M&itres anciens et moderfaes
composa utQajC^di'le utt > i de feu M. E. Huybrecbts. Roy. 4to., sewed 1902
£ *• <*•
1 1 0
10 0
0 5 0
0 7 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
o io «;
0 7 0
0 9 0
0 8 o
0 9 0
0 7 0
0 10 0
0 5 0
1 16 0
1 1J 0
0 0 o
1 4 o
0 6 0
0 4 0
0 12 0
0 1 U
0 7 <i
4 10 <
0 12 0
0 16 0
0 5 0
1 1 0
1931 Ironmongers Hall. Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art,
exhibited at Ironmongers Hall, London, May, 1861. 4to., Large Paper,
brown morocco, gilt edges 1863
1932 Jacque. Catalogue des Tableaux, Etudes peintes, Tapisseries, com-
posant 1’Atelier Charles Jacque. Roy. 4to., sewed 1894
1933 Jaftt. Katalog der hervorragenden und reichhaltigen Miniaturen-
, Sammlung des Herrn Alberti Jaffe. 4to sewed 1905
1934 Japan Society. Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Arms and Armour
of Old Japan, held by the Japan Society, London, in June 1905. 4to.,
with 40 plates; cloth (1905 r*)
1935 Jitta. Antiquites et Objets d’Art. Catalogue de la Collection formee
par feu M. S. W. Josephus Jitta. Impl. 4to., half morocco (1900 ‘t)
1936 Joseph. Catalogue of the Collection of Objects of Art and Decora¬
tion of E. Joseph. Roy. 8vo., with 37 plates; bds. Christie's, 1890
1937 - the same. Roy. 8vo., with 37 plates, prices and purchasers'
names in MS.; bds. 1890
1938 -the same. 4to., Large Paper, with 37 plates ; bds. 1890
Kensington Museum: .
1939 Art. Examples of the Works of Art in the Museum. 2 vols., sm.
folio, with 144 plates; half green morocco 1881
1940 Bronzes. Descriptive Catalogue of the Bronzes of European Origin.
Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1876
1941 Cutlery. Illustrated Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient Cutlery
lent by M. Achille Jubinal. 4to., bds. 1874
1942 Enamels. Catalogue of the Special Loan Exhibition of Enamels on
Metal, 1874. 4to., bds. 1875
1943 Furniture and Woodwork. Ancient and Modem Furniture aud
Woodwork. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1874
1944 Glass Vessels. A Descriptive Catalogue of Glass Vessels. Roy.
r 8vo., with 21 plates; half morocco 1878
1945 - the same. Impl. 8vo., Large Paper; half green morocco 1878
1946 Gold and Silver Smith’s Work (Ancient and Modern). Roy. 8vo.,
half morocco 1878
1947 Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages and Period of the Revival of
Art. 8vo., with 20 plates; cloth 1862
1948 Ivories (Ancient and Mediaeval). Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1872
1949 — (Fictile). With an Account of the Continental Collections of
Classical and Mediaeval Ivories. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1876
1950 -the same. Impl. 8vo., Large Paper, half gretnmorocco 1876
1951 - Photographs of a Selection of Twenty-four Carved Ivories in
the South Kensington Museum. 8vo., boards 1872
1952 Jewellery. Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition of Ancient and Modem
Jewellery and personal Ornaments, 1872. 4to., half calf 1873
1953 Lace. Descriptive Catalogue of the Lace in the South Kensington
Museum. Second edition. Impl. 8vo half morocco 1873
1954 Maiolica. Descriptive Catalogue of the Maiolica. Impl. 8vo., Large
Paper, with 12 coloured plates ; half morocco • 1873
1955 Metal. Illustrated Catalogue of Electrotype Reproductions of Works
of Art, from originals in the South Kensington Museum. 4to., bds. 1873
1956 National Art Library. Classi6ed Catalogue of Printed Books.
Ceramics. 8vo., Thick Paper, sewed 1895
1957 Needlework. Catalogue of the Special Loan Exhibition of Decorative
Art Needlework. 4to., bds. 1874
1958 Portraits. Catalogue of the 1st Special Exhibition of National
Portraits. Roy. 8vo half calf 1866
1959 - Catalogue of the 3rd and Concluding Exhibition of National
Portraits. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1868
1960 Water Colour Paintings. Boy. 8v 0 . 12 coloured plates;
Id. , I„ 3 1877
£ s. d.
1 16 0
0 14 0
0 7 0
1 16 0
0 9 0
0 9 0
3 10 0
10 0
1 1 0
0 12 0
2 0 0
0 17 6
Digitized by
0 10 0
0 10 6
0 15 0
3 0 0
1 1 0
0 6 0
0 15 0
0 3 6
0 3 6
0 16 0
Katalog von Gemalden alter und neuzeitiger Meister, ans verschie-
denem besitz, u. a., aas einem Rheiniscben Schloese. 4to., sewed 1906
Kums. Catalogue des Tableaux de Maitree anciens et modernes,
formant le Mus6e form6 4 Anvers par M. Edouard Kama. Roy. 4to.,
tewed 1898
Legh. Catalogue of tbe Collection of Paintings at High Legh Hall.
The seat of Lt. Col. Henry Cornwall Legh. 4to., cloth (1890 ?)
Londesborough. Fairholt (F. W.). Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue
of the Collection of Antique Silver Plate, formed by Albert, Lord
Londesborougb. Sm. 4to., with 21 plates; hf. morocco 1860
M'Gouan. Sale-Catalogue of valuable Prints and Books of Prints of
John M‘Gouan. 8vo., sewed 1803
Magniac. Catalogue of the Collection of Works of Art chiefly formed
by the late Hollingsworth Magniac. Roy. 8vo., hds. 1892
Mailand. Catalogue de Tableaux anciens, composant la Collection de
feu M. Mailand. Roy. 8vo., sewed, 3s.; or, half morocco 1881
Malcolm. Descriptive Catalogue of Drawings by the Old Masters,
forming the Collection of John Malcolm of Poltalloch. 8vo., cloth 1876
Marlborough. Catalogue of the Marlborough Gems. Roy. 8vo., calf
gilt 1875
-the same. Roy. 8vo., with 14 plates; Ids. 1899
Martin. F. R. Martin’s Sammlungen aus dem Orient in der allge-
meinen Kunst-und-Indnstrie Austelluug zu Stockholm 1897. Roy. 4to ,
pp. 8, with 8 plates ; sewed 1897
Mathilde (la Princesse). Catalogue des 'Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux
Modemes, Objets d’Art et d’Ameublement . . 4to , sewed 1904
-Catalogue des Joyaux, Colliers de Perles, Parures en Perles,
Brillants anciens, Pierres de couleur. 4to., sewed 1904
Mayor. Brief chronological Description of a Collection of Original
Drawings and Sketches belonging to W. Major. Roy. 8vo,
doth 1871
Meissonier. Catalogue des Tableaux, Etudes Peintes, Aquarelles et
Dessinscomposant l’Atelier Meissonier. Roy. 4to., sewed 1893
Metzler. Die Kunstaammlnng Herrn Wilhelm Peter Metzler in
Frankfurt a. M. Folio, cloth 1897
Mi£ville. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures formed by Jean
Louis Mieville. Roy. 8vo., with 25 plates; his. Christie's , 1899
Mildmay. Sale-Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of H. Bingham
Mildmay. Roy. 8vo., hds. ih., 1893
Miles. Catalogue of the Pictures at Leigh Court, near Bristol. Roy.
4to., with 33 plates ; hf. Id. 1822
-and others. Catalogue of Pictures by Old Masters, the Property
of Sir Cecil Miles. 8vo , hds. Christie's , 1899
Moore. Catalogue of tbe Collection of Modern Pictures of Mrs.
Bloomfield Moore. Roy. 8vo., with 8 plates; hds. ih., 1900
—— ■ ■ Catalogue of Old Sevres and other Continental Porcelain. Roy.
8vo., with 4 plates ; sd. ih., 1900
Morrison. Catalogue of the Collection of Camei, Intagli, Gold Rings,
formed by A. Morrison. Roy. 8vo. ih. , 1898
Musgrave. Catalogue of a Collection of English Portraits from Egbert
the Great to the Present Time [formed by Sir W. Musgrave]. 8vo.,
prices and purchasers' names in MS.; red morocco extra 1809
Narischkine. Catalogue des Tableaux anciens et modernes composant
la Collection de M. B. Narischkine. Roy. 4to., sewed 1883
New Zealand International Exhibition, 1906 - 7 . The British
Government Exhibit. Impl. 4to., cloth 1908
Northbrook. Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures
belonging folhe Ear; of Northbrook. Roy. 4to .-telium m 1889
£ *. c
0 3 I
1 0 I
0 10 I
1 1 I
0 5 I
1 1 <
0 5 (
0 8 i
0 5 l
0 10 (
0 6 C
0 10 (
0 7 (
0 5 C
0 16 (
3 0 C
0 5 (J
0 10 C
0 12 (
0 5 0
0 5 C
0 2 t
0 3 (
14 0
0 4 C
0 9 0
2 16 0
£ s. d'
1989 Pacully. Collection Emile Pacully. Tableaux Anoiens et Modernes,
etc. Roy. 4to., with over 40 plates; sewed 1903 0 12 0
1990 Paley. Catalogue of Pictures by Old Masters and Works of the Early
English School, the Property of Mrs. Paley, etc. 8vo., sd. 1900 0 3 0
1991 Parpart. Catalog der Kunst-Sammlungen des vestorbenen Herm
Albert von Parpart. 4to with 4 plates; sewed Cologne, 1884 0 9 0
1992 Poggenbeek. Catalogus van het Atelier-Poggenbeek. 8vo., sewed 1906 0 3 0
1993 Portland. Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to His Grace the Duke
of Portland. Impl. 4to., half morocco 1894 5 5 0
1994 Price. Catalogue of the Collection of Modern Pictures formed by
James Price. 8vo., with 60 plates; bds. Christie's, 1895 0 12 0
1995 -the same. Roy. 8vo., with 59 (of GO) plates; bds. ib., 1895 0 10 6
1996 Queen Charlotte. Sale-Catalogue of the Effects of Queen Charlotte.
i 8vo., with prices and purchasers' names in manuscript; a portrait of
Queen Charlotte, beautifully drawn in indian ink and sepia by 0. P.
Harding, inserted; half red morocco 1819 10 10 0
1997 Rembrandt. Bibliothdque Nationale Exposition d’CEuvres de Rem¬
brandt, dessins et gravures, Mai-Juin, 1908. 8vo., sewed 1908 0 2 6
1998 Robinson. Catalogue of Objects of Art, ohiefly of the 16-18th
centuries . . . the Property of Sir J. C. Robinson. Roy. 8vo., bds. 1902 0 5 0
1999 Rose. Collection of Engraved Portraits, catalogued and exhibited by
James Anderson Rose. 4to., with 102 plates; red morocco extra 1874 5 5 0
2000 -Collection of Engraved Portraits (further Selection) exhibited by
the late James Anderson Rose. 2 vole., 4to , with 104 portraits; half
veUum 1894 2 10 0
2001 Rothschild. A Description of the Works of Art forming the Collection
of Alfred de Rothschild. The photographs by J. Thompson. 2 vols.,
folio, blue morocco super-extra 1884 28 0 0
2002 -Mus6e National du Louvre. Donation de M. le Baron Adolphe
de Rothschild. Catalogue par Emile Molinier. Folio, half morocco 1902 3 0 0
2003 Rustdn. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures and Water-colour
Drawings of J. Ruston. Roy. 8vo., bds. Christie's, 1898 0 3 6
2004 S . . . Catalogue des Tableaux modernes provenant en partie de la
Collection de M. S . . . Roy. 8vo , with 14 plates; sd. Paris, 1881 0 3 6
2005 Sabatier. Catalogue des Tableaux anciens et modernes, Marbres,
oomposant la Collection de feu M. Raymond Sabatier. Roy. 8vo., sd.
ib., 1883 0 3 6
2006 St. Louis Exhibition, 1904 : The British Section. Compiled by Sir
Isidore Spielmann. Impl. 4to., buckram
Issued by the Royal Commission, 1906 0 9 0
2007 Saint- Yves. Catalogae Raisonne du cabinet (Tableaux, Estampes,
etc.) de feu M. Charles L4offroyde Saint-Yves. Post 8vo., hf. bd. 1805 0 3 6
2008 San Donato. Collections de S&n Donato. Tableaux, Marbres, Dessins.
Roy. 8vo., with 42 plates; half morocco 1870 0 18 0
2009 -the same. Objets d’Art et d’Ameublement, Tableaux. Impl.
4to., Whatman Paper; with 54 etchings; cloth 1880 3 3 0
2010 Sec re tan. Catalogue de Tableaux anciens et modernes. 3 vols., folio,
sewed Paris, 1889 1 10 0
2011 -the same. 2 vols., folio, Edition de Luxe sur papier du Japon,
with 119 plates; sewed, £3. 3s; or, half morocco ib., 1889 3 10 0
2012 -Catalogue of the Collection of Modern and Old Masters and
of Water-Colours and Drawings. 2 vols., folio, with 119 plates ; sewed
ib., 1889 2 10 0
2013 -the same. 2 vols. in 1, folio, Large Paper , with 98 plates in
photogravure; morocco extra ib., 1889 4 4 0
2014 ■ - — Catalogue de 17 Tableaux Anciens et Modern ayant recemment
hut partie de la Collection Sectetan. Folio, sewed original fr< 1389 q
2016 Silvestre. Catalogue Raisonne d’Objets d’Arts da Cabinet da fea
M. de Silvestre. Cr. 8vo., half calf (1810)
2017 Smith. Catalogue of the important and valuable Stock of Prints the
property of W. and G. Smith. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper; cloth 1849-51
2018 Soci£t£ d’Aquarellistes Fran^ais. 1879. Premiere Exposition.
Catalogue. Roy. 8vo., with 27 plates; sd. Paris , 1879
2019 Society of Painters in Water Colours. Exhibition Catalogues.
From the first in 1805 to the fifty-fourth in 1858 (two missing, viz.
1806 and 1811)—in 2 vols., 4to., half calf 1805-68
Sondes and others. Catalogue of Early English Pictures from the
Collection of Earl Sondes, etc. 8vo., bds. 1897
Soulages. Catalogue of the Soulages Collection. By J. C. Robinson.
8vo., with 10 photographic plates; morocco 1856
Spiller. Catalogue of the Collection of Armour and Arms formed by
W. H. Spiller. 8vo., with 4 plates ; bds. Christie's, 1901
Stephens. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Porcelain, Objects
of Art of Mrs. Lyne Stephens. 8vo., bds. ib. t 1895
Stowe. The Stowe Catalogue, priced and annotated: by Henry
Rumsey Forster. 4to., brown morocco extra 1848
-the same. 4to., illustrated edition, with frontispiece and numerous
illustrations ; hf. bd. 1848
Tableaux Anciens et Objets d’Art . . . provenant de Diverses
Successions k Harlem et a la Haye. Roy. 4to., sewed 1905.
Tabourier. Catalogue des Tableaux, Aquarelles, composant la Col¬
lection de feu M. L. Tabourier. 4to., sd. ' Paris, 1898
Talleyrand. Catalogue des Tableaux anciens . . . dependant de la
Succession du Due de Talleyrand, Valen 9 ay et Sagan. Roy. 4to., sd. 1899
Thane. British and Foreign Portraits : Catalogue of the extensive
collection of Prints of the late John Thane. 2 parts in 1 vol., 8vo.,
prices and purchasers' navies in MS.; old calf 1819
Thewalt. Katalog der reicbhaltigen, nachgelassenen Kunst-Sammlunj
des Herrn Karl Thewalt in Koln. Folio, sewed 190.'
Titlow. Catalogue of Antique Porcelain, Oak Furniture, Pictures . . .
of the Rev. Samuel Titlow. 8vo., cloth 1871
Vaile. Catalogue of the Collection of French Pjotures of Reginald
Vaile. 8vo., with 20 plates; bds. Christie's, 1903
Walker. Illustrated Catalogue of the Cabinet of Old Fans, the pro¬
perty of Robert Walker. Sm. 4to., with 52 plates; bds. 1882
-the same. Roy. 4to., Large Paper; Ids. 1882
Walpole. ^Edes Walpolian®: or, a Description of the Collection of
Pictures at Houghton Hall. Second edition. 4to., red morocco extra 1752
Wantage. A Catalogue of Pictures forming the Collection of Lord and
Lady Wantage at 2 Carlton Gardens, London, Lockinge House, Berks.,
and Overstone Park and Ardington House. Folio, with 110 plates on
Japanese vellum; buckram 1905
Warneck. Succession de Mme. de Warneck. Catalogue des Objets
d’Art Antique, Marbres, Bronzes. Roy. 4to., with 23 plates; sewed 1905
Wedgwood. Catalogue of a Loan Collection of the Works of Josiah
Wedgwood exhibited 1879. 4to ., sewed 1879
Whitehead. Catalogue of the Collection of Objects of Art of the late
T. M. Whitehead. Roy. 8vo., with 11 plates; bds. Christie's , 1898
Wilson. Collection de M. John W. Wilson, exposes dans la Galerie du
Cercle Artistique et Litteraire de Bruxelles. Roy. 4to., half morocco 1878
- (T.). Catalogue Raisonn6 of the select Collection of Engravings
of an Amateur. 4to., Large Paper, half morocco 1828
-the same. 4to., Large Paper, doth, uncut 1828
— ■ the same. 4to., additionally illustrated with 38 etchings and
engravings loosely inserted, also 33 loose plates ; cloth 1828
Wilton House. A Summary Aooount of the Busts and Marble Statues
©I 5 ?-
MS. on 64 pp.; sd.
£ s. 1
0 4 6
0 18 0
0 4 0
10 0'
0 9 0
1 1 o'
0 4 0
0 14 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
0 6 0
10 0
0 6 0
14 0
0 C 0
0 4 0
0 10 6
0 18 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
1 4 0
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 7 6
1 0 0
5 5 0
4 16 0
7 7 0
0 9 0
£ s. d.
1 10
0 18
1 5
0 12
2046 Almanach derf Gourmands, 8 vols., 1810-12 ; Nouvel Almanach, 3 vols.,
1825-27; L’Art de Diner en Yille, 1810; La Gastronomie, 1819 ; Code
Gourmand, 1829; Physiologic du Gout, 1852—together 15 vols., 16mo.,
uniform half morocco 1810-52
2047 Brillat-Savarin. Physiologic de Gout. Roy. 8vo ., half bound 1864
2048 -Handbook of Gastronomy. 8vo., toith 52 etchings; half vellum 1884
2049 Car£me (A.). Le Pattissier Royal Parisien. 2 vols., 8vo., with
41 plates ; half hound 1828
2050 -Le Patissier Pittoresque. 8vo., xoith 125 plates; hf. hd. 1828
2051 Carter (Charles). The Complete Practical Cook. 4to., with 60 plates;
mottled calf extra by Riviere 1730
2052 Colie. Refvgio over ammonitorio de gentilhuomo. 16mo., calf 1532
2053 Cuisiniere Bourgeoise (La). 12mo., fine uncut copy in red morocco
extra Bruxelles , 1761
2054 Dons (Les) de Comus. 3 vols., 12mo., red morocco extra 1750
2055 -the same. Nouvelle edition. 3 vols., 12mo., old calf 1758
2056 Duncan. Wholesome advice against the Abuse of Hot Liquors. Done
out of French. Post 8vo., old calf 1706
2057 Ellwanger (G. H.). Pleasures of the Table. 8vo., cloth 1903
2058 Farley (J.). London Art of Cookery. 8vo., old calf 1789
2059 -the same. 8vo., half calf 1792
2060 Giegher. Li tre trattati di Messer Mattia Giegher. Oblong 8vo., with
portrait and 48 plates illustrating the dressing, oooking, carving, etc. of
viands; vellum Padua, 1639
2061 -the same. Oblong 8vo., red morocco by Trautz Bausonnet ib., 1639
2062 [-]. Yollstandig Vermehrtes Trincir-Buch, von Tafeldecken
Trinciren . . Oblong 4to., vellum Numb. P. Fiirst, 1652
2063 Gilliers. Le Caunameliste Fran<?ais. 4to., old calf 1768
2064 [Glasse (Mrs. Hannah)]. The Art of Cookery, made plain and easy.
By a Lady. Sm. folio, First edition , original half binding, enclosed in a
linen case 1747
Of this excessively rare first edition, very few perfect copies exist.
2065 Gouff£ (Jules). Le Livre de Cuisine. Roy. 8vo., half bound 1877
2066 Instruction (Nouvelle) pour les Confitures, les Liqueurs, et les Fruits.
12mo., calf extra Paris, Oh. de Sercy, 1692
2037 Melroe (Eliza). An economical and new Method of Cookery. Post
8vo., sewed 1798
2068 Messisbugo (Christoforo di). Banchetti, composition! di vivande, et ap-
parecchio generate. Sm. 4to ., several leaves stained; vellum Ferrara, 1549
2069 -the same. 4to., o fine copy in vellum 1549
2070 -the same. 4to., a fine copy in red morocco extra 1549
11 Trinciante di M. Vincenzo Cerrio, Venice, 1581, is bound in with the above.
2)71 Murrell (John). Two Bookes of Cookerie and Carving. 18mo., blaolc
letter, contemporary calf 1650
20/2 Noble Boke of Cookery. Reprinted verbatim from a MS. in the
Holkham Collection. Sm. 4to., parchment 1882 0 6 0
2073 Rossetti. Dello Scalco del Sig. Gio. Battista Rossetti. Sm. 4to., limp
vellum Ferrara, I). Mamarello, 1584
2074 Ryff. New Kockbfleh. 12mo., Gothic Letter, old stamped pigskin
Franckfort am Meyn, 1564
2)75 Scappi. Opera di M. Bartolomeo Scappi, Cvoco Secreto di Papa
Pio Y. Sm. 4to., First edition, original limp vellum Venice, 1570
2076 Souchay (L£on). Le Bon Cuisinier. 8vo., clo'h 1886
2077 Varenne. Le Cuisinier Francois. Par le Sieur de la Varenne. 12mo.,
vellum 1656
2078 -the same. 12mo., boards Lyon, 1699
2079 -the same. 12mo ., calf ib., 1712
2080 Warner (Richard) /"^Autiqailates Culinaria?. 4to., roxburghe frorrl791
21 0 0
0 7 0
2 10 0
0 5 0
4 4 0
1 10 O
3 0 0
7 7 0
Printed in the XYth, XVIth and XVIIth Centuries
£ s.
2081 Act (An) Declaring and Constituting the People of England a Common¬
wealth and Free State. A single sheet, folio, half calf 1649 3 10 0
2082 jfisop. Barlow’s .Esop. .Esop’s Fables with his Life. Sm. folio, in
English, French, and Latin ; with, besides the 112 plates given in the first
edition, 31 representing the Life of JEsop (a hole mended in plate 17), all
by Francis Barlow ; n d morocco extra 1687
2083 -Ogilby (John). The Fables of .Esop Paraphras’d in Verse, and
adorn’d with sculpture . . Sm. 4t o., old calf, rebacked 1651 15 15 0
2084 Aleman (Matheo). The Rogve : or the life of Gvzman de Alfarache.
2 parts in one volume, sm. folio, old calf 1622-23
First edition in English of this popular work.
2085 -the same. The third Edition corrected. 2 parte in one volume,
sm. folio, the title mended; old calf gilt 1634
2086 Aleyn (Charles). The Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers. Second
Edition. Sm. 8vo., the title a little waterstained; calf 1633
2087 Allot (Robert). Wits Theater of the little World. Sm. 8vo., in
contemporary limp vellum 1599
2088 Anonymous Play. Sir Salomon; or, the Cautious Coxoomb: a
Comedy. Sm. 4to., green morocco extra 1671
6 6 0
2 2 0
2 0 0
12 12 0
4 4 0
Antwerp. An Historical! Discovrse, or rather a tragicall Historic of
the citie of Antwerpe. 8m. 4,to., black letter; green morocco 1586
2090 Arden of Feversham, a Tragedy : reprinted from the edition of 1592.
Sm. 4to., with front. ; roxburghe 1887
2091 Arnold’s London Chronicle. Sm. folio, black letter; a few letters in
the inner corner of the last page skilfully restored in facsimile, otherwise a
good, though rather short, copy ; brown morocco extra, by Riviere
[Antwerp, about 1503]
2092 -the same. Second Edition. 4to , 135 leaves chiefly in double
columns, dark morocco by Bedford [London, Peter Treveris, 1521]
2093 Arthur (King). The most ancient and famous history of the renowned
Prince Arthur King of Britaine. 3 parts in 1 thick vol., sm. 4to.,
black letter; russia 1634
2094 Ascham (Roger). The Scholemaster. Sm. 4to., black letter; some
leaves slightly wormed in the inner margin ; old half russia 1571-70
Second Edition. This copj has the colophon dated 1570, the year when the first
edition was published.
2095 -another issue of the same. Sm. 4to., black letter; brown levant
morocco, double with russia, by Zaehnsdorf 1571-73
2096 [Austin (Samuel) the younger]. Naps upon Parnassus. Sm. 8vo.,
a fine copy in the original sheep binding 1658
2097 [Aylmer (John), Bishop of London ]. An harborovve for Faithfull and
trewe subiectes. Sm. 4to., mottled calf extra 1559
2098 [B. (W.)]. The Trial of the Ladies. Hyde Park, May-Day. Sm.
4to., newly bound in blue calf May the first, 1656
2099 Bacon. The Tvvoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficiencie and
aduancement of Learning. Sm. 4to., headlines of some of the leaves very
slightly shaved; red morocco extra, by Riviere 1605
2100 -The Tvvoo Bookes of . . . Sm. 4to., a fine copy in old calf 1629
2101 -the same, 1629—The Collegiat Suffrage of the Divines of Great
Britaine ;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1629
2102 --The Essaies of S r Francis Bacon Knight. Sm. 8vo. (16mo.),
bound, with the Essaies of Robert Johnson, 1613, in the original limp
vellum 1613
2103 -The Eraayes or Covnsels, Civill and Morall. Newly enlarged \
Sm. 4to., calf ailt, a good copy
Digitized by (jOOQIC
4 4 0
0 15 0
50 0 0
21 0 0
13 13 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
8 S 0
6 6 0
2 2 O
Original from
2 2 0
15 15 0
24 0 0
2104 Bacon (Francis). The Essayes . . . Newly enlarged. Sm. 4to., original
sheep binding 1639
2105 -The Essays or Counsels. Sm. 8vo., mottled calf, re-backed 1691
2106 -Considerations touching a warre with Spain .. . Imprinted 1629.
Sm. 4to., red morocco , by Riviere 1629
2107 -The Histone of the Reigne of King Henry The Seventh. Sm.'
folio, with portrait by W. Marshall; a fine copy in old calf 1641
2108 -De Augmentis Sciontiarum Lib. lA. 12mo., with engraved
title; calf Amsterdam, 1662
2109 -Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning . . . Inter¬
preted by Gilbert Wats. Sm. folio, old English red morocco extra 1674
2110 Bale (John). A brefe 'Chronycle concerning the examination and
death of the Blessed martir of Christ, Sir Iohn Oldecastell. J2mo.,
56 leaves ; blue morocco, gilt edges' ( About 1550)
2111 Barclay (John). Iohn Barclay his Argenis, translated ... By Sir
Robert Le Grys. Sm. 4to., with portrait and 23 plates; old calf 1629
2112 Baret (John). An Alvearie or Triple Dictionarie. Sm. folio, brown
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere [1574]
First Edition of this valuable and carions dictionary.
2113 Barlow (William). The Svmme and Svbstanoe of the Conference . . .
with the Lords, Bishops, and other . . Clergie ... at Hampton Court.
Ianuary 14. 1603. Sm. 4to., a very fine copy, with several uncut leaves,
in black morocco extra , by Riviere 1604
2114 Barret (Robert). The Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres.
Sm. folio, good sound copy in calf; very rare 1598
2115 Bateman (Stephen). The Trauayled Pylgrime, bringing newes from
all partes of the worlde, 1569—A Christall Glasse of Christian Reforma¬
tion, wants title, and leaves E 4 and H 1, 1569 ;—the two works, bound
in one volume, sm. 4to., blue mown 1569
These two books, illustrated with flue designs evidently by the same artist as was
employed for the first edition of Foxe’s Martyrs, are both of extraordinary rarity.
-The Doome warning all men to the Iudgemente. Sm. 4to., some
headlines cut into; blue morocco extra 1581
Beaumont (Sir John). Bosworth-tield. • 12mo., a portrait of
Richard III inserted ; calf gilt 1629
- (Francis) and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies written
by Francis Beavmontand Iohn Fletcher, Gentlemen. Folio, with the fine
portrait of Fletcher and a few margins slightly cut into ; otherwise a good
and sound copy, in a seventeenth century calf binding lt.47
2119 --the same. Folio, a larger copy, one or two margins mended a little,
£ s. d.
1 10
0 10
Majesties Servants at Drury lane. 1635. Sm. 4to., plain bottom margin
of A s restored, otherwise a fine copy ; green morocco 1635
-the same. Sm. 4to., without the first blank leaf; uribd. 1635
-the same. Sm. 4to., the title toiled and some headlines cut into ;
red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1635
-A King and No King. As it is now Acted at the Theatre Royal.
Sm. 4to , one or two plain comers mended; red levant morocco 1676
5 10
4 7
6 6 0
2 2 0
0 7 6
6 6 0
5 0 0
3 10 0
10 10 0
8 8 0
10 10 0
15 0 0
9 9 0
4 4 0
21 0 0
but on the whole in very fine and clean condition; the portrait is not at all
cut into; old calf 1647 35 0 0
The Knight of the Bvrning Pestle. As it is now acted by her
5 0 0
2 0 0
4 4 0
Bellewe. Les Ans dn Roy Richard le Second. 12mo., with the large
woodcut Arms of Lincolns Inn ; limp vellum; very rare 1585 2 12 6
Boaystuau. Theatrum Mandi, The Theatre or rule of the worlde.
l6mo., black letter, a hole through the first 4 ll.; calf repaired 1574
Bourchier (Sir John), Lord Berners. The castell of lone, translated
ont of Spanishe in to Englyshe, by Iohan Bowrchier knyght. Sm. 8vo.,
black letter; one or two letters restored in the outer margin of H lt otherwise
a quite perfect, sound, and clean copy; blue morocco About 1555 84 0 0
An excessively rare edition, probably unique.
Bracton. Henrici de Bracton de Legibns et Consnetudinibns Angliae
Libri qninq ^ by i ?lir, ussia ailt: tine com • 1569
4 4 0
5 0 0
2128 Boccaccio. Amorous Fiammeta. Wherein is sette downe a catologue
of all and singuler passions of Loue and iealosie. Sm. 4to., black letter,
tome headlines cut into and date erased from title-page; purple morocco 1587 45 0 0
2129 Brandt (Sebastian). Barclay (Alexander). Stultifera Nauis . . .
The Ship of Fooles. Translated out of Latin into Englishe by
Alexander Barclay, Priest. Sm. folio, 340 leaves; a fine copy in russia
gilt, gilt edges 1570 26 0 0
2130 -the same. Sm. folio, the first and last leaves mended a
little; brown morocco extra, gilt edges , by Bedford 1570 21 0 0
2131 Brathwait (Richard). A Strappado for the Dinell. Sm. 8vo., green
calf gilt, gilt edges 1615
A peculiarity of this copy, which has not the second part “ Lores labyrinth ”, is
that A fl is blank instead of haring the author’s address on the recto.
2132 - Ar’t asleepe Husband ? a Boulster Lecture. Sm. 8vo., with a
curious copper-engraved title by W. Marshall; a fine copy in blue morocco
extra 1640
2133 Britaine (William de). The Dutch Usurpation. Sm. 4to., calf extra,
gilt edges, fine copy 1672
2134 Browne (Thomas). Hydriotaphia, Vrne-Bvriall. Sm. 8vo., with
Opiates; a fine copy in the original sheep binding 1658
2135 Buckingham (Duke of). The Chances, a Comedy. Sm. 4to., hf. calf
neat 1692
2136 B[ulwer] (J.). Philocophus: or the Deafe and Dumbe Mans Friend.
12mo., engraved title by W. Marshall; old sheep, a fine copy 1648
2137 -the same. 12mo., foremargin of the engraved title a little cut into;
parchment 1648
2138 Bunyan (John). The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, For
the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World. Sm. 8vo., with a portrait
of Bunyan by R. White and a folding plate of the Town of Mansoul, con¬
taining another portrait of Bunyan ; this plate, which had been torn across,
skilfully repaired ; a fine copy in the original sheep binding 1682 125 0 0
First edition ; perfect copies with the portrait and folding plate are of excessive
rarity. In 1902 the Lefferts copy realized 700 dollars, and another copy sold in London
for £149.
2139 - ■ The Acceptable Sacri6ce: or the exoellenoy of a Broken Heart.
Being The last Works of . . . Mr. John Bunyan. 12mo. t a few head¬
lines slightly shaved ; original sheep binding 1689
14 14 0
1 16 0
13 0 O
0 7 G
3 10 O
3 0 0
8 8 0
2140 Burgo (Johannes de). Pupilla oculi oibus presbyteris precipue
Anglicanis summe necessaria: per . . . Iohannem de burgo quonda
alme vniuersitatis Cantabrigien. cancellariu . . . copilata anno a natali
- dominioo. M.ccclxxxv. Sm. folio, Gothic letter; with the woodcut of
the Trinity and the smaller ones of SS. Thomas, Augustine, Gregory, and
Bede, on the title; a icormhole running through severed leaves, otherwise a
good and sound copy in old rough calf; very rare . 1510 28 0 O
2141 [Burleigh (William Cecil, Lord)]. The Execution of Iustice in
England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace, against
oerteine stirrers of sedition . . Secondly Imprinted at London . . 1583
. .—A Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Maiesties Com¬
missioners appointed for the Examination of oertaine Traitours, 1583—
2 rols. in 1, sm. 4to., old English red morocco 1583
2142 [Camden]. Remaines, concerning Britaine. Reviewed, corrected, and
enoreased. Sm. 4to., a few headlines cut into; half bound 1614 0 18 O
2143 -the same. The Seventh Impression, much amended by the
Industry and Care of John Philipot . . . and W. D. Sm. 8vo., with
portrait; old calf 1674 0 10 O
2144 Carlton (Mary). A Historicall Narrative of the German Princess.
Sm. 4to., calf gilt, with bookplate of Mon. Thos. Grenville 1663
2145 Cartwright (William). Comedies, Tragi-Comedies. With other
Poems by Mr. William Cartwright. Sm. 8vo., with a fine engraved
portrait by Pe^ Lmr.baft ^in the original sheep Original from 1651 6 10 O
5 5 0
3 5 0
£ t. d.
2146 Castlglione. Hoby (Thomas). The Covrtyer of Count Baldessar
Castilio . . . done into English by Thomas Hobby. Sm. 4to., black-
letter ; a fine copy in the original limp vellum 15 77 14 0 0
2147 Cataneo (Girolamo). Briefe Tables to knowe redily howe manye
Ranckes of Footemen go to the making of a just Battayle, tourned out
of Italian into English by J. S., 1574—Whitehorne (P.). Certainu
Wayes for the ordering of Souldioura in Battelray, black letter, 1573—
Of the Knowledge and Conducte of Warres, 1578 ;—3 vols. in 1. Sm.
4to., russia extra, gilt edges 1573-8 10 10 0
2148 Catherine de Medicis. A Mervalovs Discourse ypon the lyfe, deedes,
and behauiours of Elatherine de Medicis. 18mo., plain comers of th t
firat few leaves mended, sound copy; crimson morocco extra, gilt edges , by
Bedford; very rare 1575 6 6 0
2149 Caxton’s Mirror of the World. Here begynneth the table of the
rabrices of this presente volume named the Mirrour of the world or
thymage of the same . . . Smallest folio, First Edition, 99 printed
leaves, of which 27 are in facsimile; with initial directors over which are
painted rubricated initials , and signatures; and over 30 woodcuts ami
woodcut diagrams, some of the latter with writing which has been supposed
to be in Caxton's hand; a short copy, but very clean and in sound con¬
dition ; brown morocco, blind-tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere
[ Westminster, William Caxton, 1481] 375 0 0
The firtt English book containing woodcut illustrations.
2150 Cervantes. The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda. Sm. 4to. f a
remarkably fine copy, with some uncut leaves, in the original calf
binding 1619 18 10 0
2151 Chamberlayne (Edward). Anglia; Notitia; or the Present State of
England. The ninth jedition. 12mo., 2 parts in 1 vol., old calf gilt 1676 0 7 6
2152 Charles I. Anthologia in Regis Exanthemata, 1632—Vitis Carolines
Gemma altera, 1633—Lacrymm Cantabrigienses in Obitum Illustrissimm
Principle Henriettfe Caroli l™', 1670—Epicedia Cantabrigiensia in
Obitum lllnstrissimee Principle Ann®, 1671 j—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old
calf 1632-71 2 2 0
2153 - Bibliotheca Regia, or, the Royal Library. Sm. 8vo., with
brilliant impressions of the frontispiece and engraved title; crushed blue
morocco extra 1659 2 10 0
2154 -His Maiesties Last Declaration to All his loving Subjects, espe¬
cially the Inhabitants of the Citie of London. Sm. 4to., hf. calf 1643 0 18 0
2155 -The King’s Cabinet opened. Sm. 4to., Cambridge calf gilt 1645 0 15 0
2156 - The Reign of King Charles. An History, disposed into Annalls.
Second edition. Sm. folio, with an engraved frontispiece; old calf 1656 0 15 0
2157 -A full relation of the Passages concerning the late Treaty for a
Peace, begun at Vxbridge January 30, 1644. Sm. 4to., unbound
Oxford, 1645 0 12 6
2158 Charles II. His Majesties Gracious Letter and Declaration sent to the
House of Peers by Sir John Grenvil, Kt. from Breda. Sm. 4to., red
morocco 1660 1 4 0
2159 -- [Eglesfield (Francis)]. The Life and Reigne of . . . King
Charles the II. 12mo with portrait; original sheepskin 1660 0 15 0
2160 Chaucer. The workes of Geffray Chancer newly printed, with dyuers
workes which were neuer in print before. Sm. folio, 2 leaves (gggl
anti 5) in facsimile, the first leaf neatly repaired, but a generally good
copy; old calf About 1547
2161 -The workes of ovr Ancient and learned English Poet, GefErey
Chavcer, newly Printed. Folio, Hack letter, with portrait; a fine
sound copy in old calf 1602
2162 -- the same. Sm. folio, a taller copy; russia extra, gRt edges 1602
2163 -- the same. Folio, the faicer inner margins of the first feu> leaves
mended, otherwise a
If, gilt edges, by Riviere
2164 Chap Books. A Collection of 8 very rare Romances and Chap Books,
bonnd in 1 vol., sm. 4to., olive morocco extra, by 0. Lewis 1689-1703
2165 Chapman (George). An Epicede or Funerall Song: On the most
disastrous Death, of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry Prince of
Wales, &c. Sm. 4to., without the plate of the Hearse ( as usual) ; calf
gilt 1612
2166 Churchyard (Thomas). A generall rehearsall of warres, called
Churchyardes Choise: wherein is fine senerall sernices of land and sea.
Sm. 4to., some headlines cut into ; unbound n. d. (1579)
Civil War Tracts:
2167 A Declaration of the Lords and Commons concerning the preserva¬
tion of Hull. 1642. Sm. 4to., 4 11.; unbd. 1642
2168 A Plea for the Parliament. Sm. 4to., 6 ll.; unbd. 1642
2169 An Abstract from Yorke of seven dayes passages. Sm. 4to., 4 ll.;
unbd. 1642
2170 An Exact Relation shewing how the Governour of Portsmouth
Castle delivered it up. Sm. 4to., 4 ll. ; unbd. 1642
2171 Exceeding Joyfull Newes from the Earle of Warwick. Sm. 4to.,
4 ll.; unbd. 1642
2172 Five Special Orders of the Lords and Commons. Sm. 4to., \ll.;
unbd. 1642
2173 Observations vpon the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland.
Sm. 4to., 8 ll.; unbd. n. d.
2174 The Character of an Oxford Incendiary. Sm. 4to., 4 ll.; unbd. n. d.
2175 The Declaration of the Lords and Commons . . . For the suppressing
of divers Papists, and other malignant persons. Sm. 4to, 4 ll.;
unbd. 1642
2176 The Kings Maiesties Resolvtion concerning Hvll with his Deter¬
mination concerning Sir John Hotham. Sm. 4to., 4 ll., unbd. 1642
2177 The Parliaments Resolution for the speedy sending an Army into
the North. Sm. 4to., 4 ll., unbd. 1642
2178 Pamphlets. A Collection of 30 Pamphlets relating to the Civil War,
Religions Questions, etc. In 1 vol., sm. 4to, calf 1643-59
2179 C. [ockeram] (H.). The English Dictionarie: or, an Interpreter of
Hard English Words . . . The Second Edition. Sm. 8vo., brown
morocco 1626
2180 -the same. Ninth edition. Sm. 8vo., original sheep 1650
218 L Cokayne (Sir Aston). The Obstinate Lady. Sm. 4to., some head¬
lines shaved, a few pages stained, and 2 small holes in the last 2 leaves ;
unbound 1657
2182 Coke (E.). The first Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England.
Or, a Commentary upon Littleton. Fifth edition. Sm. folio, with
2 portraits ; calf neat 1656
2183 Colet- (John). A ryght frutefull monycion, cocernyng the ordre of
a good chrysten. Sm. 8vo., black letter, 8 leaves, levant morocco extra,
gilt edges, by Riviere R. Copland for John Byddell, Jan. 7, 1534
The extremely rare First Edition of a famous tract written by Dean Colet.
Congreve (W.). A Pindarique Ode, humbly offer’d to the King on
his taking Namure. Folio, First Edition ; s d. 1695
-The Birth of the Muse, a Poem. Sm. folio,6 leaves; sewed 1698
-Love for Love, a Comedy. The Fourth Edition. Sm. 4to., plain
portions of the title, which is mounted, defective; unbound 1704
-The Mourning Bride, a Tragedy. Sm. 4to., the half-title scribbled
on a little; unbd. 169 /
-The Old Batchelour, a Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., foxed copy; boards
2188 Contareno. The Commonwealth and Government of Venice. Trans¬
lated out of Italian into English by Lewes Lewkenor. Sm. 4to., half
calf 1599
2189 — » ^N^RSlToF MICHIGAN 15 "
2185 •
2186 ■
2187 •
s. d.
0 0
0 0
12 0
7 6
5 0
5 0
6 0
5 0
7 6
6 0
6 0
6 0
7 6
7 6
4 0
4 0
10 0
15 0
1 0
0 0
10 0
3 0
6 0
2 0
10 0
13 6
5 0
Cooke. Ivridica Trivm Queestionum ad Maiestatem perfcinentinm deter-
minatio; In Qvarvm Prima et Ultima Processas Iudicalis contra H.
Garnetum institutes, ex Jure Civili A Canonico defenditar . . . Sm.
4to., boards Oxford, 1608
Cooper (Thos.). Thesaurus lingua Romsnae et Britannicae. Folio,
old calf Londini, Henr. Bynneman, 1584
- and Lanquet. An Epitome of Cronioles .. . First by Thomas
Lanqnet . . . Secondely ... by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly ... by
Robert Crowley. 8m. 4to., dark blue morocco gilt 1559
- Coopers Chronicle Contenynge the whole discourse of the
histories as well of thys realme, as all other countreis . . newly enlarged
and augmented. Sm. 4to .,fine copy in panelled calf extra 1565
Cotgrave (Randle). A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongyes.
Sm. folio, with the folding table of verbs ; a fine large copy in seventeenth
century green velvet, gilt edges * 1611
-the same. Sm. folio, a fine copy in brown morocco extra, one of the
covers of the original stamped binding inlaid as a doublure, by Riviere 1611
— — the same. Sm. folio, old calf rebacked 1611
9 «r
[Cotton (Sir Robert)]. A Short View of the Long Life and Raigne of
Henry the Third, King of England. Sm. 4to., 24 leaves; sd. 1627
— ■ ■■ - An Answer to such Motives as were offer’d by certain Military-
Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to Affect Arms more than Peace
Sm. 8vo., with portrait; original sheep 1665-75
Covenant. A Sacred Vow and Covenant taken by the Lords and
Commons assembled in Parliament. Sm. 4to., pp. 6 ; unbound 1643
2200 Cowley. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley . . . now published out of
the Authors Original Copies. Sm. 8 vo., 2 parts in one volume, calf 1681-2
The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Consisting of those which
• •
were formerly Printed : and those which he Design’d for the Press
The Seventh Edition. Sm. folio, with portrait; old calf 1681
-the same. Sm. folio, with a portrait by Faithorne; red morocco
extra Printed by J. M. for Herringman, 1688
-the same. Sm. folio, old calf gilt 1688
Crow (Sir SackviUe). Snbtilty and Cruelty: or a Trve Relation of
the horrible . . . oppressions, exercised by Sir Saokville Crow at
Constantinople . . . Sm. 4to., brown morocco, by Riviere 1646
Crowne (John). Sir Courtly Nice: or, It Cannot Be. A Comedy.
Sm. 4to., unbd. 1685
■ - — City Politiques. A Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., hf. calf neat 1688
- (William). Howard (Thomas Lord). A Trve Relation of all
the Remarkable Places and Passages observed in the Travels of the
right honourable Thomas Lord Howard. By William Crowne. Sm.
4to., vellum; rare 1637
Curio. Pasquine in a Traunce. A Christian and Learned Dialogue.
Sm. 4to., red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere W. Seres, about 1556
Curtius (Quintus). The Historic of Qvintvs Curoius. Sm. 4to.,
limp vellum wrapper, gilt edges 1553
D. (I.) flor. 1598. A Hedgerow of Busshes, Brambles, and Briers : or,
A Field full of Tares, Thistles and Tine. Sm. 4to., 44 leaves; calf neat 1598
Daniel (Samuel). The Collection of the History of England. By S. D.
London, Printed for Simon Waterson. 1626 . . . Sm. folio, bright
calf gilt 1626
Davenant (Sir William). Madagascar j with other Poems. The
second Edition. 12mo., original sheep 1648
-Gondibert: An Heroick Poem. Sm. 4to., half russia 1651
--the same. Sm. 4to., a larger copy ; old calf gilt 1651
Davies (Sir John). Nosce teipsum. Sm. 4to., o very large copy
(187 X 145 mm.), but having the plain margins of the last few leaves
skilfully restored ; r&nq-. o'^ extra origiiTal frc qg08
«. d.
9 0
15 0
10 0
3 0
0 0
12 0
9 0
15 0
18 0
10 6
5 0
18 0
6 0
2 0
15 0
0 0
7 6
3 0
9 0
4 0
4 0
10 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
6 0
Day (John) and Henry Chettle. The Blind Beggar of Bednal-Green.
Sm. 4to., a poor copy , headlines cut into and the date cut off; hf. bd. 1659
Deaf and Dumb. Abecedario Demonstrative. 8 copper-engraved
plates giving the signs of the Alphabet; gilt vellum (XVIIth Cent.)
Dekker (Thomas). Yillanies discovered by Lanthorne and Candlelight,
and the helpeof a new Cryer called 0 Per se O. Newly corrected and
enlarged by the Author. Sm. 4to., a large and fine copy, having the
comer of B 3 made up in facsimile; calf extra 1620
Dennis (J.). A Plot, and no Plot, a Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., half morocco,
gilt top ». d. (1697)
Denny (Sir William). Pelecanicidivm: or the Christian Adviser
against Self-Murder. Sm. 8vo., with plates by Barlow ; a fine copy in
contemporary olive morocco extra 1653
Dialogues of Creatures Moralized. Sm. 4to., black letter, 164 leaves,
with numerous singularly*curious woodcuts; 2 leaves and portions of 4
others (a word only in 1) in facsimile ; olive morocco extra, enclosed in a
morocco pull-off case [7 Paris, T. Kerver, about 1525]
Excessively rare j the first edition in English. The Hope-Edwarden copv sold for
£325 in 1901.
Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. Sm. 4to., 78 leaves, 32 lines
to the page, with several woodcuts; the lower margin of leaves 1-9, and
of leaf 78 mended ; brown morocco extra, gilt edges Wynkyn de Worde , 1528
Amongst the rarest books in old English literatnre are the small quartos printed
by Wynkyn de Worde. There was no copy of this little volume in the Athbnrnham
Digby (Sir Kenelm). A Late Discourse Made ... at Montpellier
. . . Touching the care of Wounds by the Powder of Sympathy. Second
Edition. 12mo. (18mo. size), half calf 1658
Dives and Pauper. Riche and pore haue like cumynge into this worlde
. z lyke outgoyng. Sm. folio, black letter, 238 (of 241) printed leaves,
besides 3 leaves being missing, 16 at the end are defective and mended,
and the book is waterstained throughout; a large copy (Ilf x 8 T \- inches)
in old wooden boards, covered with vellum (R. Pynson, 1493)
Until the discovery of the Doctrinale of Alexander Grammaticus, 1492, this was
supposed to be Pynson’s first dated book. It is, however, bis first dated English book.
[Donne (John)]. Poems, by J. D., with Elegies on the Author’s death.
Sm. 8vo., with portrait; a fine copy in the original sheep binding 1639
- the same. Sm. 8vo., plain corners of the portrait defective; old
calf 1639
- Letters to severall Persons of Honour. Sm. 4to., with portrait
by Peter Lombart; a fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges 1651
- the same. Sm. 4to., without the portrait, some leaves slightly
wormed, old calf 1651
£ s. d.
0 18 0
1 G 0
15 0 0
0 7 6
18 0 0
72 0 0
50 0 0
0 10 0
40 0 0
6 0 0
5 0
and one or two marginal rules being slightly cut into ; in an eighteenth
century mottled calf binding 1622
Poems by Michael Drayton Esquyer. Newly oorrected and
m w x w w
Augmented. 3 parte in 1 yol., sm. 8vo. (12mo.), a good copy in
zed by
4 4 0
2 10 0
Drayton (Michael). Polyolbion. 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, First Edition,
with an allegorical frontispiece, a fine full-length portrait of Prince Henry,
and 30 double copperplate maps; foremargin of one map , owing to careless¬
ness on the part of a binder, very slightly cut into; an exceptionally large
and fine copy in old calf gilt 1622 31 10 0
-the same. Sm. folio, a fine and extraordinarily large copy, with a
fine impression of the portrait of Prinee Henry; the plain margins of
a few leaves skilfully restored; old calf 1622 28 0 0
-the same. Sm. folio, margins of the engraved and printed titles
mended , the portrait mounted, and the map of Cambridgeshire mended;
russia gilt, with the bookplate of Sir William Curtis, Bart. 1622 16 0 0
the same. 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, a sound but short copy, two maps
13 0 0
8 8 0
2234 Westminster-Drollery. Or, A Choice Collection of the Newest
Songs and Poems both at Court and Theaters. By a Person of Quality.
12mo., 63 leaves ; one leaf mended; red morocco extra, gilt edges 1671
2235 Holborn - Drollery. Or, The Beautiful Chloret Surprized in the
Sheets. To which is Annexed Flora’s Cabinet Unlocked. 12mo.,
55 leaves; blue morocco extra, gilt edges 1673
2236 Dryden (John). Annus Mirabilis. Also a Poem on the Happy
Restoration and Return of . . . Charles the Second. Likewise a
Panegyrick on his Coronation . Together with a Poejn to My Lord
Chancellor. Sm. 4to., unbound 1688
First collected edition of Dryden’s poems, but not in a complete form.
2237 -A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness, Oliver, Lord Pro¬
tector of England, Scotland, <fc Ireland. Sm. 4to., 6 leaves; unbd. 1659
2238 -To his Sacred Maiesty, a Panegyrick on his Coronation. Sm.
folio, First Edition; 4 leaves; fine copy in mottled calf extra, by
Riviere 1661
2239 -Of Dramatick Poesy. Sm. 4to., a fine and large copy; brown
morocco extra, by Riviere 1668
2240 -the same. Sm. 4to., second edition ; an eighteenth century por¬
trait of Dryden added; maroon morocco extra , by Zaehnsdorf • 1684
2241 -An Evening’s Love, or the Mock-astrologer. Sm. ^io., cloth 1671
2242 -Marriage a-la-Mode. Sm. 4to., First Edition; half calf 1673
2243 -All for Love : or, the World well Lost. A Tragedy. Sm. 4to.,
unbd., a large copy 1678
22 44 -Absalom and Aohitopbel. A Poem. Sm. folio, a large copy in
mottled calf extra , gilt edges, by Riviere 1681 .
2245 -Religio Laici, or a Lay/tin's Faith. A Poem. Sm. 4to., alittle
waterstained, otherwise a good copy ; unbd. 1682
2246 -The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. Sm. 4to., some con¬
temporary writing on one or two leaves; unbound 1682
2247 -Three Poems upon the Death of the Late Usurper Oliver Crom-
wel. Sm. 4to., 25 pp., a comer ve r y slightly defective; unbound 1682
2248 ■- Annus mirabilis, 1688—Absalom and Acbitophel, 1682—The
Medall, 1682—Religio Laici, 1683—Threnodia Augustalip, 1685—The
Hind and the Panther, 16S7. In 1 vol., sm. 4to., old calf 1682-87
2249 -Threnodia Augustalis. Second Edition. Sm. 4to., unbound 1685
2250 -Albion and Albanius : An opera. Sm. folio, unbd. 1685
2251 - Britannia Rediviva: a Poem. Sm. 4to., some signatures and
catchwords cut into; unbound 1688
2252 -the same. Sm. 4to., with the last leaf containing a list of Dryden's
works , with date 1691; some leaves slightly waterstained in the inner
margin ; unbd. 1688
2253 - The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to His Highness the
Prince of Orange. Sm. folio, 4 leaves; unbound 1689
Extremely rare. Though purporting on the title-page to be by Dryden it was no
doubt written by one of his numerous enemies
2254 -Eleonora: A Panegyrical Poem. Sm. 4to., half bound; a fine
crpy 1692
2255 ——— the same. Sm. 4to., a little waterstained; unbound 1692
2256 -the same. Sm. 4to., the last leaf mended; unbound 1692
2257 -Poems on Various Occasions. Sm. folio, half bound 1701
2258 -and Nat Lee. The Duke of Gnise. A Tragedy. Sm. 4to.,
a large copy in cloth boards 1683
2259 -the same. Sm. 4to., one or two catchwords slightly cut into ; honing
two additional leaves at the end; blue levant morocco, by Riviere 1683
2260 -the same. Sm. 4to., a fine and large copy, also having the two
additional leaves at the end ; blue morocco, by De Sauty 1683
2261 -Oedipns: a Tragedy . . . The Third Edition. Sm. 4to.,
boards OlP 1687
£ «.
Sm. 4to.,
Digitized by
a Tragedy . . .
7 0
5 5
1 1
16 16
17 10
16 16
2 10
2 2
1 1
4 0
7 0
2 0
1 1
0 18
2 10
0 10
5 5
1 15
2 5
15 0
1 5
1 l
0 18
1 16
1 10
3 13
6 0
0 7
£ t. 11.
2262 Doleman (R.). A Conference abovt the next Svccession to the
Crowne of Inglande. 2 parts in 1 vol, 12mo., with the rare folding
Genealogical Table ; a fine copy in blue morocco very neat (1594)
2263 [Dugard.] Marriages of Cousin Germans, vindicated from tho
Censures of Unlawfullnesse and Inexpediency. Sm. 8vo., calf extra 1673
2264 Durfey (Thomas). Sir Earnaby Whigg : or, No Wit like a Womans.
A Comedy. Sm. 4to., with the last leaf (“ Epilogue ”) ; green morocco 1681
2265^Eikon Basilike. The Povrtraictvre of his Sacred Maiestie in his
Solitudes and Sufferings. Sm. 8vo., with a most brilliant impression of
the double-page copperplate by Wm. Marshall, original black velvet
binding 1648
2266 Eirenikon. Eirenikon a Poeme Wherein is perswaded the composing
of the differences of all the faithfnll in Christ Jeans . by-An unworthy
Servant of the Lord. Sm. 4to., engraved title and some marginal
references cut into ; unbd. 1656
2267 Elyot (Thomas). The Image of Governance compiled of the Actes
and Sentences notable, of themoste noble Emperour Alexander Seuemp.
Sm. 4to., blue morocco extra 1543
2268 Evelyn (John). Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Pro¬
gress. Containing a succinct Aooount of Traffick in general . . Post
8vo., old calf; scarce 1674
First Edition. with the rare leaf of errata.
2269 Fanshawe. Guarini (Battista). 11 Pastor Fido . . . with an Addition
of divers other Poems. By Richard Fanshawe. 4to., fine impression
of the portrait; calf 1648
2270 Ferrarius. A VVoorke of Ioannea Ferrarivs Montanos, touching the
good orderynge of a common weale . . . Englished by William Bauande.
Sm. 4to., old calf 1559
2271 Fire of London. Observations upon the Burning of London, September
1666. By Rege Sincera. Sm. 4to., red mcrocco extra 1667
2272 Flatman (Thomas). Heraclitus Ridens. Sm. folio, 82 weekly
numbers complete, in 1 rol., half brown levant morocco, gilt edges 1681-2
2273 Fleetwood. View of the Whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of
Buckingham, at the Isle of Rhee. Sm. 4to., calf gilt 1648
2274 Fletcher (John). The Elder Brother. A Comedy Acted at the
Blackc Friers. Sm. 4to., unbound 1637
First Edition. Dr. Ward mgge&ts that although this play was conceived by John
Flebher, it was revised and partly re-written by Massinger.
2275 Florio’s Montaigne. The Third Edition. Whereunto is now newly
added an Index. Sm. folio, with an engraved title and the rare leaf of
metrical explanation preceding it; old calf 1632
2276 Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Second Edition. 2 vols., folio, a large ,
fine and perfect copy, in brown morocco, by Riviere 1570
2277 Froissart, in English. (Vol. I, fol. I, the title in facsimile ) : Here
begjnneth the first volum of Sir loban Froyssart: of the cronycles of
Englande, Fraunce, Spayne . . . traslated out of frenche into our
maternall englysshe tonge, by loban Bourchier. (Vol. II, fol. 1) : Here
begynneth the thirdc and fourthe boke of Sir Iohn Froissart of tho
cronycles. 2 vols., sm. folio, the title to Vol. I in facsimile; red morocco
extra, gilt edge<, by Riviere Richard Pynsoti, 1523-25
2278 -the same. 2 vols., sm. folio, a larger copy, but having the title of
Vol. I and the laet leaf of Vol. II in facsimile, and plain margins of 2
leaves t'n Vol. I and 9 leaves (including the title ) tn Vol. II skilfully
restored; also a few wormholes; old russia gilt 1523-25
2279 Fullarton (John). The Turtle-Dove, under the absence & presence
of her only choise. Sm. 4to., Irown morocco Edinburgh, 1664
2280 [Fullwood (W.)]. The Enemy of Idlenesse. 12mo ., calf gilt 1621
2281 Gazophylacium Angllcanum. Containing the derivation of English
Word*. 6m.(§v<n sheepskin binding Original from . 1689
17 10 0
1 10 0
2 16 0
5 0 0
1 10 0
10 10 0
5 5 0
2 2 0
6 6 0
2 2 0
8 8 0
1 1 0
7 0 0
6 0 0
52 10 0
65 0 0
60 0 0
12 12 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
£ s. d.
7 0 0
2 2 0
0 8 0
9 0 0
3 3 0
2283 Glapthorne (Henry). The Hollander. A Comedy. Sm. 4to., 35 leaves;
olive morocco extra, by Riviere 1640 3 16 0
2284 Guazzo (Stephen). The ciuile Connersation of M. Stephen Gnazzo,
written first in Italian, diuided into foure bookes, the first three trans¬
lated out of French by G. Pettie . . . the fourth . . . out of Italian
... by Barth. Young. Sm. 4to., black letter; original limp vellum 1586 12 0 0
2285 Guicciardini. The Historic of Guicciardin: containing the warres of
Italie and other parts . . . Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton.
Sm. folio, original English calf, gilt ornaments on back , line-tooled, tides
with crowned fleurs-de-lis at corners and the arms of Queen Elizabeth in
centre 1599 25 0 0
2286 Guild (William). Three Rare Monuments of Antiquitie. 12mo, mor¬
occo Aberdene, Edward Raban, 1624
2287 Gunpowder Plot. True and Perfect Relation of the whole proceedings
againBt the late most barbarous Traitors, Garnet a Jesuite, and bis
Confederates, 1606;—with 3 other Tracts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old
calf 1606-1654
2288 Halifax (Lord) and Mathew Prior. The Hind and the Panther trans-
vers’d to the Story of the Country-Mouse and the City-Mouse . . .
Sm. 4to., hf. morocco, gilt top 1687
2289 Hall (Joseph), Bishop of Exeter. Virgidemiarvm Sixe Bookes—Certaine
worthye manvscript l'oems of great Antiquitie Reserued long in the
Studie of a Northlolke Gentleman. And now first published by J.[oshua]
S.[ylvester]. 1597. 3 vols. in 1, 16mo., the title to the Certaine worthye
Manuscript Poems missing ; straight-grain red morocco, gilt edges
Harrington (James). The Common-Wealth of Oceana. Sm. folio,
First Edition, original calf, neatly repaired 1656
Hartwell. Retina Literata Siue De serenissim® Dominee Elizabeth®
Anglise, Francia & Hibernia? Begins, fidei defensione illnstriss . in
Academian Cantabrigiensem aduentu . <fea. Anuo . 1564 . Aug. 5.
Narratio Abrahami Hartuelli Cantabrigiensis . 12mo., paper covers
William Seres, 1565
2292 Hawes (Stephen). The Pastime of Pleasure. Sm. 4to., wants title
and preliminaries, probably four leaves, some leaves stained and a
wormhole through others, old russia 1554
2293 -The History of graund Amoure and la bel Pucell, called the
Pastime of pleasure. Sm. 4to., the title mended and some leaves supplied
in MS.; black calf gilt 1555
2294 Hayward (Sir John). The First Part of the Life and raigne of King
Henrie the IIII. Sm. 4to., old calf, rebacked 1599
2295 • ■ The Life, and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. Sm. 4to., vellum
wrapper, £3 ; or, in calf extra, gilt edges 1630
2296 ■■■ The Life and Reigne of King Edward the Sixth. With the
beginning of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth. 12mo., old calf re-
backed 1636
2297 Hepwith (John). The Calidonian Forest. Sm. 4to., 14 leaves; citron
morocco 1641
2298 Herbert. Expeditio in ream insulam, authors Edouardo domino Herbert,
Barone de Cherbury in Anglia. 12mo., old calf 1656
2299 - (George). The Temple . Sacred Poems. Second Edition.
12mo., purple morocco extra, by Bedford Cambridge, 1633
2300 -the same. Third Edition. 12mo., the first few leaves very slightly
waterstained; blue morocco extra, by Bedford ibid., 1634
2301 [Hexham (Henry)]. A Ton gye-Com bat, lately happening betweene
two English Souldiers in,the Tilt-boat of Grauesend, Sm. 4to.,
2 2 0
12 12 0
8 8 0
3 16 0
3 5 0
2 2 0
1 1 0
7 7 <»
4 10 0
two English SouMiers in the Tilt-boat o
56 leaves; olive 1<pii$tira, gilt edges
iginai rrom
1 16 0
s. d.
2302 Heylyn (P.). A Help to English History. 12mo., with numerous
woodcuts of coats of arms ; calf 1671
2303 Hey wood (John). The Spider and the Flie. Sm. 4to., black letter,
with numerous fine woodcuts (including a portrait of the author, repeated),
the border-lines of one or two of the large cuts slightly cut into, otherwise a
good copy ; old English red morocco extra 1556
Very rare ; sound and perfect copies of this curious volume of early English poetry
being very seldom met with.
2304 - (Thomas). The Life of Merlin, Sirnamed Ambrosivs. Sm.
4to., top margin of title and dedication mended; calf gilt 1641
2305 Higden (Ranulf). Polycronicon. Sm. folio, black letter; the last leaf
in most admirable facsimile, three headlines slightly shaved, and a few
margins mended, otherwise a good copy ; red morocco extra
Wynkyn de Worde, 1495
2306 -the same. Sm. folio, 398 leaves, printed in double columns, 44 lines
to the column, with woodcuts; a fino copy in old russia gilt Peter Treveris, 1527
2307 -the same. Sm. folio, a larger copy; the title mended a little, also
a few wormholes ; crimson morocco extra 1527
2308 Hobbes (Thomas). Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, & Power of a
Commonwealth. Sm. folio, First Edition, engraved portrait by Faithome
insi rted ; old calf 1651
2309 -the same. [Second Edition.] Folio, o very tall copy, probably
Large Paper, newly bound in morocco extra, gilt edges 1651
2310 Holland’s Collection of English Portraits. Herwologia Anglica.
Sm. folio, icith engraved title and 65 splendid portraits by the Pass family
and one of the two monuments, fine impressions; engraved title and one or
two leaves slightly cut into ; straight-grained olive morocco extra Impensis
Crispini Pass/ei Calcogr, et Janscnii Bibliop. Arnhem, s. a. [1620]
2311 Homer. Chapman (George). Seaven Bookes of the Iliadesof Homere,
Prince of Poets, Translated according to the Greeke, in indgement of
his best Commentaries by George Chapman Gent. Sm. 4to., plain outer
margin of the title mended and 3 letters of the imprint supplied; other
small repairs, chiefly corners, including the last leaf, in which 4 letters are
supplied; otherwise a good copy; brown morocco extra 1598
2312 Howard (Henry, late Earle of Northampton). A Defensative against
the poyson of supposed Prophecies. Sm. folio, old calf 1620
2313 - (Sir Robert). The Dnell of the StagB : a Poem. Sm. 4to., [ii]
and 7 ll.; unbound 1668
2314 Huarte. Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of mens Wits.
Translated out of the Spanish Tongue, by M. C&roillo Camilli.
Englished out of his Italian by R[ichard] C[arew], Sm. 4to., o few
leaves slightly wormed ; original limp vellum 1616
2315 Hugh of Campden. The history of kyng Boccus z Sydracke how he
confoundyd his lerned men . . translatyd by Hugo of Caumpeden out
of frenche into Englyshe. Sm. 4to., not quite perfect; hf. bd. uncut
Thomas Qodfray (1530 ?)
The missing leaves are Al (the title supplied in MS.), AS and 4, sheets D—F
(twelve leaves) ; sheet P (four leaves) ; Q2 and Q3 ; Rl, R4, T2, T3, C2, C3, G four
leaves, Q four leaves, part of S2.
2316 Johnson (Richard). The Famous History of the Seven Champions
of Christendom. 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., hf. calf 1670
2317 Jonson (Ben). The Workes of Beniamin Jonson. Sm. folio, Large
Paper (13 x 8 T B T in.) ; the engraved title out round and mounted, and
signature Lll apparently supplied from an uncut small paper copy ; other¬
wise a very fine copy, in russia 1616
2318 - Catiline his Conspiracy. Sm. 4to., the bottom margin of the last
leaf skilfully restored and a few letters filled in ; blue morocco extra by
Riviere 1635
2319 Joyner (William). The Roman Empress. A Tragedy. Sm.4to., First
Edition; half xiif , Original from 1671
7 6-
0 O
16 0
0 O
0 0
0 O
15 O
4 0
0 0
0 0
10 0
10 0
10 0
5 0
6 0
0 0
6 0
1 0
£ f. d.
James I. To the right High and mightie Prince lames . . . An
hnmble Supplication for Toleration and libertie to enioy and observe the
ordinances of Christ leans . . . 1609. Sm. 4to., calf 1609
- The Declaration of our Soveraigne Lord the King. . . . con¬
cerning the Title of His Majesties most Noble and Dearest Sonne Charles,
to the Duchy of Cornewall. Sm. folio, pp. 42; unbound R. Barker, 1613
Narrative History. Sm. 4to., 147 leaves, folding plate containing
3 3 0
7 7 0
portraits of the Earl and Countess of Somerset; and another plate of the
portrait of Overbury ; original calf 1651
James II. A Tree Account and Declaration of the Horrid Conspiracy
against the late King, 1686.—Copies of the Informations and Original
Papers relating to the Proof of the Horrid Conspiracy, 1685;—
2 works in 1 vol., 8vo., Large Paper, old red morocco gilt 1686-5
Lamberto. Don Joan Lamberto: or, a Comical History of the Late
Times. By Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, Ac. First Part. Second
Edition, 1661—The Second and Last Part, 1661;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to.,
black letter ; morocco extra
Lee (N.). Lucins Jnnins Brntns; Father of his Country.
Sm. 4to., First Edition; half morocco, gilt top
The Princess of Cleve [a tragi-comedy]. Sm. 4to.,
Tn *$i
2 7
0 18
23 36
'igitized by
0 18 0
1661 880
0 10 O
2 10 0
6 6 0
5 5 0
1 5 0
boards 1689
Leland (John). Kvkvcwv Ao-pa. Cygnea oantio. Sm. 4to., old calf,
rebacked [ About 1545]
-Itinerary. First Edition. 12mo., black letter, eleven leaves inlaid;
gilt russia 1549
fLewkener (Sir L.)]. The Present State of Spaine. Translated out
of French. Sm. 4to., calf P[eter~\ S[hort] for Richard Berger, 1594
Lilly (Wm.). Christian Astrology modestly treated of in three
Books ; second edition corrected and amended. Sm. 4to., portrait by
W. Marshall (inlaid) and woodcut horoscopes, etc .; old russia, with
elegant gilt tooling, broad inside borders, joints, g. e. by Roger Payne for
Dr. B. Moseley John Macock, 1659 125 0 O
Inserted is a leaf with the original description of the binding in Roger Payne’s hand¬
writing :—“ Bound in the very best manner in the very best russia of ye true native
colour ; sewed with silk in ye very best manner on bands strong & neat. The back
lined with thin morocco to make it open very easy k strong finished in the most
magnificent manner with Broad Borders of small Tool Work insides & morocco jointa.
The ontaides finished in the highest Taste with ornamental corners of oak leaves and
small tool.”
[Lily (W.)]. A Short Introduction of Grammar. Sm. 8vo., old calf
gilt 1668
-the same. Sm. 8vo., old black morocco, with elaborate tooling in
gold and blind on sides 1668
-another edition. Sm. 8vo., panelled calf gilt 1736
Lithgow (William). The Totall Discourse of . . . nineteene yeares
Travailes from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe,
Asia, and Affrica. Sm. 4to., 6 leaves supplied from a smaller copy, and
some others cut into; vellum gilt 1640
Livy. The Romane Histone written by T. Living of Padna. Translated
by Philemon Holland. Folio, contemporary calf with metal bosses and
a cartouche on side 1600
-the same. Sm. folio, o fine, sound copy in contemporary calf, re-
backed, with the Arms of Queen Elizabeth stamped in gold on the sides 1600
London ’Prentices. A Declaration of the Valiant Resolution of the
Famous Prentices of London, with their Protestation. Who are willing
to adventure their lives and fortunes under his Excellence the Earle of
Essex. Sm. 4to., 4 leaves; half morocco 1642
[Loperus (Christianus)]. Laniena Pasvvalcensis : That is a Tragic&ll
Relation of the Plvndring, Butchering, Ravishing of the Women, and
Fyreing of the Towne of Pasewalke in Pomerland. Sm. 4to., olive
morocco ^, ... Honol P 0riginal from 1631
2 10 0
2 10 0
21 0 0
1 10 0
4 10 0
£ s. d.
3 3
4 4
23 44
2359 ■
Marmion i(Shackerley). The Antiquary. A Comedy, Acted by Her
Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit. Sm. 4to., hf. russia 1641
Marraude. The Judgment of Humane Actions. Written in French
by Mons. Leonard Marraude, and Englished by John Reynolds. Cr.
8vo., with engraved title by Gecill; a fine copy in limp vellum 1629
Marten (Anthonie) flor. 1583. An Exhortation, To stirre vp the
mindes of all her Majesties faithfnll Subjects, to defend their Countrey
in this dangerous time, from the innasion of Enemies. Sm. 4to.,
24 leaves, olive morocco 1588
Marvell (Andrew) and others. A Collection of Poems on Affairs
of State.—A Second Collection.—The Third Part.—A Collection of
the Newest and Most Ingenious Poems.—The Second Part of the
Collection of PoemB on Affairs.—A Third Collection of the Newest and
Most Ingenious Poems.—The Fourth and (Last) Collection of Poems.
2 works, sm. 4to., complete , forming 1 vol.; the parts loosely stitched
together, entirely uncut 1689
Massinger (Philip). The Renegado, a Tragcecomedie. Sm. 4to.,
plain inner margins of a few leaves mended, several headlines cut into, and
a little stained in places ; mottled ccdf extra 1630
-the same. Sm. 4to., one or two headlines slightly cut into , but a
fine copy in half red levant morocco 1630
-A New Way to Pay Old Debts, a Comoedie. Sm. 4to., a few of
the top rules cut into , but not the headlines; red levant morocco,
Riviere 16
the same. Sm. 4to., a rather poor copy, several headlines cut into;
he Great Dvke of Florence. A Comicall Historie. Sm. 4to.,
the foremargin of the title cut into; half calf 1636
-The Bond-man: An Ancient Storie. Sm. 4to., a few headlines
slightly cut into , and the last leaf soiled; half calf 1638
-the same. Sm. 4to., a larqer copy ; cue or two headlines cut into;
Sm. 4to., portions of the blank margins of the title and
blue morocco 1638
Sm. 4to., the title a little soiled and the plain inner
half calf
calf gilt
-the same.
last leaf mended;
the same.
margin restored ; green morocco, gilt top, the other edges entirely uncut 1638
-The City-Madam, a Comedie. Sm , 4to., a few headlines slightly
cut into; hf.bd. 1659
- and Thomas Decker. The Virgin-Martyr, a Tragedie. Sm.
4to., 40 leaves; hf. morocco 1661
Maxwell (James). The Laudable Life, And Deplorable Death, of our
late peerlesse Prince Henry. Sm. 4to., few headlines slightly cut into;
red morocco, gilt edges, with the bookplate of Baron Bolland ial from 1612
18 0
3 13 6
Lloyd. The Consent of Time, deciphering the Errors of the Grecians
in their Olympiads. Sm. 4to., old calf gilt 1590
-The Triplicitie of Triumphes. Sm. 4to., black letter; hf. calf 1591
-The Marrow of History. Corrected by R[ob.] C[odrington].
Sm. 4to , a fine copy in old sheepskin 1653
Lower (Sir William). Horatius: A Roman Tragedie. Sm. 4to., green
levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere 1656
Lydgate’s Siege of Troy. (Title wanting. Fol. 2a :) Tabula . . The
table or rubrysBhe of the Content . . . (Fol. 2 b ;) Here after foloweth
the Troye boke, otherwyse called the Sege of Troye, Translated by Iohn
Lydgate monke of the Monastery of Bury. Sm. folio, 161 leaves printed
in double columns, with many woodcuts; 3 leaves in admirable facsimile,
and one missing ; red morocco extra ■ R. Pynson, 1513 120 0 0
Lyly (John). Pappe with an hatchet. Alias, A figge for my Godsonne.
Sm. 4to., a little waterstained; green morocco, by Riviere [1589]
-Evphves and his England. By Iohn Lilie. Sm. 4to., black letter;
a few plain foremargins a little frayed ; old calf gilt 1636
11 11 0
2 17 6
6 0 0
1 1 0
4 10 0
9 9 0
3 3 0
6 6 0
10 10 0
3 10 0
4 10 0
4 4 0
5 0 0
7 7 0
9 9 0
5 5 0
2 2 0
7 7 0
£ s. d.
1 10 0
5 0 0
Mauger. Claudius Manger’s French Grammar, Enriched with 50. new
short Dialognes. Fourth Edition. 12mo., calf 1662
Mayne (Jasper). The Amorous Warre. A Tragi-Comedy. Sm. 4to.,
a good copy ; unbd. 1648
Melton (Sir John). Astrologaster, or, the Figvre-Caster. Sm. 4to.,
with a curious woodcut on the title of a man consulting an astrologer, and a
folding table; a fine clean copy in old hf. calf 1620
- the same. 1620.—True Coppie of a Prophesie found in (an
ancient house of Master Truswell, 1642—Holwell (J.). Catastrophe
Mnndi, 1682—Kelway (T.). Astronomical Discourse. Several leaves
mended, 1593;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., purple morocco extra, inlaid with red
morocco, richly tooled, g. e. 1593-1682 13 13 0
18 18 0
[Meriton (G.)
Yorkshire Dia
The Praise of Yorkshire Ale. To which is added a
ogue. Third Edition. 12mo ., old calf 1697
Mervin. The most Famous and renowned Historic, of that woorthie
and illustrious Knight Meruine ... by I. M. Gent. 2 parts in 1 vol.,
sm. 4to., black letter; one or two plain margins mended, red [morocco
extra, by W. Pratt 1612
Michaelis (S.). The Admirable Historic of the Possession and
conversion of a Penitent woman. Sedvced by a Magician that made
her to become a Witch. Translated into English by W. B. 2 parts in
1 vol., sm. 4to., calf gilt 1613
Middleton (Thomas). Michaelmas Terme. As it hath beene svndry
times acted by the children of Pavles. Newly corrected. Sm. 4to.,
hf. morocco 1630
and William Rowley. A Faire Quarrell. As it was Acted
2 15 0
15 15 0
5 5 0
2 16 0
before the King. Sm. 4to., the four leaves of signature 11 supplied in
MS. of the period (about 1617) ; hf. morocco 1617 3 16 0
Milton. Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, First Editions.
Paradise Regain’d. To which is added Samson Agonistes. 12mo., a
fine and large copy; blue morocco extra, by Bedford 1671 36 0 0
- the same. 12mo., one or two headlines slightly cut into; red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1671 28 0 0
the same. 12mo., o tall copy, having the first two and the last
leaves skilfully enlarged, and a few marginal numbers cut into; red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1671
The History of Britain, that part especially now called England.
20 0 0
Sm. 4to., engraved portrait by Faithome; a very fine and clean copy in
contemporary sheep 1671
Minsheu (John). A Dictionarie in Spanish and English, first published
into the English Tongue by Ric. Percivale, Gent. Now enlarged and
amplified ... all done by Iohn Minsheu. Folio, limp vellum 1599
- The Guide into the Tongues. Folio, first and best edition,
wormed; old rough calf, with the arms of James 1 on sides 1617
Mirror for Magistrates. Newly Enlarged. Sm. 4to., plain inner
margin of title restored; brown morocco extra 1610
--the same. Sm. 4to., some leaves a little water-stained, lut never¬
theless an extraordinarily fine and very large copy; calf 1610
Montague (Walter). The Shepheard’s Paradise. A Comedy. Sm.
8vo., one leaf having a few letters in facsimile ; half morocco 1659
Montaigne. Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. New rendered
into English by Charles Cotton. 3 vols., 8vo., sprinkled calf, by
F. Bedford 1685-6
-the same. Third Edition. 3 vols., 8vo., old calf 1700
Montemayor (Jorge de). Diana of George of Montemayors Trans¬
lated out of Spanish into English bv Bartholomew Yong. Sm. folio,
calf . _ ’ 1598
Moryson (Fynes'. An Itinerary, containing his ten Yeeres Travel.
Folio, axmnd fr^kevy «JoW rough calf 1617
the rcbackcd UN|VERS|TY 0F M|CH
7 7 0
6 6 0
2 0 0
12 12 0
21 0 0
4 0 0
4 10
1 1
7 17
6 16
10 10 o
6 -
a i.
More (Sir Thomas). The VVorkes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght,
sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the
Englysh tonge. Sm. folio, nearly 1500 pages, black letter, printed in
double columns ; a fine, large copy in a seventeenth century calf binding 1557 42 0 0
First Edition of More’s English works.
Moxon (Joseph). Mechanick Exercises. 2 vole, in 1, sm. 4to., with 53
copperplates, including portraits of Quthenberg and Koster ; very fine copy
in sound contemporary calf, with the dated bookplate of Charles, Viscount
Bruce of Ampthill 1683 25 0 0
[Neade (W.)]. The Double-armed Man, by the New Innention : Briefly
shewing some famous Exploits atchieued by our British Bowmen. Sm.
4to., with 7 full-page spirited woodcuts; original limp vellum gilt 1625 10 10 0
Neubrigensis (Gulielmus). Rerum Anglicarum libri quinque. 12mo.,
modem calf, carmine edges Antuerpiae, Q. Silvius, 1567 0 15 0
-idem opus, cum notis Jo. Picardi. 12mo., modem calf, carmine
edges Parisiis, 1610 0 18 0
Newcastle (Margaret Lucas, Duchess of). Plays, Never before
Printed. Sm. folio, with frontispiece ; a fine copy in contemporary calf 1668
Newes from the New Exchange. Or the Commonwealth of Ladies,
Drawn to the Life, in their severall Characters and Concernments.
Sm. 4to., blue morocco extra 1650
Nobody and Somebody. Sm. 4to., sewed (1606 ?) reprint, 1877
Offices of Sheriffs, etc. In this Booke is contayned t/ offices of
Sheryffes, Bailliffes of liberties, Escheatours Costables and Coroners.
Sm. i jVO., printed in black letter ; good copy in old calf
Robert Redman, «. d. (about 1535)
Otway (Thomas). Friendship in Fashion. A Comedy. Sm. 4to.,
First Edition; a fine copy in brown levant morocco, gilt edges 1678
-The Orphan or, the Unhappy Marriage. A Tragedy . . .
Sm. 4to., hf. calf neat 1696
-Heroick Friendship. A Tragedy . . . Sm. 4to., hf. morocco, gilt
top, fine copy 1719
Overbury (Sir Thomas). Sir Thomas Overburie his Wife. With
additions of New Characters. Thirteenth Impression. l2mo., the
title mounted; calf 1628
■-Observations Upon the Provinces United. And On the State of
France. Sm. 8vo., green calf gilt 1651
Ovid. Onids Metamorphosis Translated Grammatically [By John
Brinsley]. Sm. 4to., First Edition; the title soiled, and plain corners of
that and one or two other leaves mended; mottled calf gilt 1618
-Ovids Metamorphosis Englished by Geo: Sandys. The 3 d - Edition.
12mo., old sheep 1638
- Ovids Festivalls, or Romane Calendar, Translated into English
verse equinumerally, by John Gower. Sm. 8vo., mottled calf extra 1640
-Ovid’s Epistles, translated by several Hands. The Becond
Edition. 8vo., old red morocco extra 1681
Oxford. Musarum Oxoniensium Charisteria pro Serenissima Regina
Maria recens e nixus Laboriosi discrimine recepta. Sm. 4to., hf. bd. 1638
Pacquet (A) of Advices and Animadversions, sent from London to the
men of Shaftesbury. 1676—A Second Pacquet, 1677;—together 2
pieces, sm. 4to., unbound 1676-7
Palingenius (Marcellus). The Zodiake of life. Translated out of
Latine into English, by Barnabie Googe. Sm. 4to., 135 leaves, fine copy
in blue morocco extra 1588
Palmerin de Oliva. Translated by A. M. . . 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to.,
date cut off the second title; russia extra, symbolically tooled, gilt edges ,
with the arms of Lewis Qoldsmid on the sides 1637
Parismus. The Most Famous, Delectable and Pleasant History of
Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. Twelfth Impression.
2 parts in 1 v^Lafclfc■ %> > black letter; russia extra Rs | T y 0F ' **>84
7 0 0
7 7
0 7
10 10 0
5 5 0
0 8 6
0 10 0
1 15 0
1 0 0
7 0 0
0 15 0
2 10 0
3 7 6
2 2 0
0 15 0
7 7 0
9 9 0
3 3 0
2407 Palmerin of England. Translated oat of French, by A. M. 2 vols. in
1, sm. 4to., wanting four leaves (A 8, D l, K i in Vol. I, and Dd 8 in
Vol. II) ; old calf 1616
The translator was the industrions and well-known Anthony Monday.
2408 Parliament. The hnmble Petition and Advice of both Houses of
Parliament, with, XIX Propositions, and the Conclusion sent auto
His Majestie the second of June, 1642. Sm. 4to., calf ■ (1613)
2A')9 Pastime (The) of People. The Cronycles of dyuere realmys and most
specyally of the real me of Englond breuely copy lyd z empryntyd in
chepeeyde at the sygne of the mearemayd next to pollys gate. Folio,
Gothic letter, 66 (of 68) leaves, with 18 full-page woodcuts of the Kings,
besides a number of smaller woodcuts, and genealogical diagrams; some
leaves stained and two missing ; old ca'f John Rastcll (1529)
The rarest and most curious of the English Chronicles, probably only fonr or fire
copies being now extant. This copy in the British Museum is, in the catalogue, described
as being the only perfect copy known.
2410 [Penry (John)]. A Treatise containing the Aeqvity of an Humble
Svpplication which is to be exhibited vnto hir Graciovs Maiesty and
... in the behalfe of the Conn trey of Wales, that some order may be
taken for the preaching of the Gospell among those people. Sm. 8vo.
(16mo. size), levant morocco extra, by Riviere 1587
2411 -An Exhortation vnto the Gouernours, and people of hir Maiesties
eountrie of Wales, to labour earnestly, to haue the preaching of the
Gospell planted among them. 12mo , a few leaves a little mended, other¬
wise a fine copy in purple morocco extra by Bedford (East Molesey), 1588
2412 Pepys (Samuel). Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy.
Sm. 8vo., with a portrait by R. White; original calf 1690
2413 -the same. 12mo., the portrait inlaid; calf 1690
2414 -the same. Sm. 8vo., red morocco extra , by Riviere 1690
The latter copy is one of the few intended for presentation. In place of the
imprint is simply tne notification, 1 Printed Anno mdcxc.’
2415 -the same. 12mo., Large Paper, with portrait on thick paper;
contemporary calf, with bookplate of King William IV when Duke of
Clarence 1690
Presentation copy from the author, with inscription.
2416 Phillips (Edward). Theatrum Poetarum. 12mo., original sheep 1675
2417 [- (John)]. A Satyr against Hypocrites. Smallest 4to., First
Edition , 14 leaves; hf. bd. 1655
2418 Pinder (The) of Wakefield. Being the merry History of George a
Greene the lusty Pinder of the North. Sm. 4to., portions of two leaves
in facsimile, otherwise a good copy ; green morocco extra, by Riviere 1633
First edition, or at all events the first known edition.
2419 Plautus. Plautus’s Comedies Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Rudens, Made
English : [by Laurence Echardj. Sm. 8vo., English red morocco 1694
2420 Plutarch. The Lives of the noble Grecians and Romaines. Translated
out of Greeke into French . . . and out of French into English, by
Sir Thomas North, 1612—The Lives of Epaminondas. Translated into
English by Sir Thomas North, 1610;—together 2 vols. in 1, folio, old
calf 1612-10
2421 [Polmon (John)]. The second part of the booke of Battailes, fought
in our age. Sm. 4to., 98 leaves; cut in the headlines; doth 1587
2422 Polyglot Dictionary. New Dialogves or Colloqvies, and, A little
Dictionary of eight Languages. Oblong sm. 8vo., original sheep 1639
2423 Prynne (William). Histrio-Mastix. The Players Scovrge, or, Actors
Tragaedie. Sm. 4to., part of the imprint cut into, and plain top margins
of several leaves at the end a little ink-stained ; old calf 1633
2424 -Brief Register, Kalendar and Survey of the several Kinds,
Forms of all Parliamentary Writs. 4 vols. in 2, sm. 4to., russia extra,
by 0. Lewis 1659-64
2425 -Prynne’s Collection of Records. 3 vols., folio, a beautiful copy in
old red morocco ex#fd,full gi^fyicks OriginJ. 666-65-70
s. d.
10 0
5 0
96 0 0
10 10 0
12 12 0
0 0
8 0
0 0
35 0 0
5 5 0
1 16 0
45 0 0
16 0
16 0
3 0
10 0
10 0
8 8 0
40 0 0
2t26 Primaudaye (P. de la). The French Acadamie. Newly translated
into English by T. B. Sm. 4to., old calf 1614
2427 Procter (Thomas). Worthy YVorke Profitable to this whole king-
dome. Concerning the mending of all high-waies, as also for waters
and Iron workes. 8m. 4to., levant morocco extra 1607
2428 [Quarles (Francis)]. Divine Poems. Sm. 8vo., old calf 1638
2429 - - The Shepheards Oracle. Sm. 4to., 8 leaves ; newly bound t'n calf
gilt, gilt edges 1644
Very rare. This is the first instalment (eleventh eclogue) of what appeared in 1646
under the title of “ The Shephearde’s Oracles."
2430 Quin (Walter). The Memorie of the most Worthy and Renowned
Bernard Stvart, Lord D’Aubigni renewed. Sm. 4to., 34 leaves, besides
two folding tables of Acrostics ; very fine copy in morocco 1619
Rainoldes (D.). The overthrow of Stage-playes. Sm. 4to., a very
fine copy in red morocco extra, by Lortic 1599
-the same. Sm. 4to., o fine and very large copy ; in the original
limp vellum wrapper, enclosed in a case 1599
-the same. The second Edition. Sm. 4to., calf n^at 1629
Raleigh (Sir Walter). Jndicions and Select Essayes and Observa¬
tions. Sm. 8vo., with portrait; original sheep 1650
Randolph (Thomas). Poems with the Mvses Looking-glasse: and
Amyntas. Sm. 4to., old calf; rare 1638
-the same. Fifth Edition, with several Additions. Sm. 8vo.,
with the half-title; contemporary calf 1668
[Rawlins (Thomas)]. Tom Essence: or, the Modish Wife. A
Comedy. Sm. 4to., half morocco, gilt top 1677
Ray (John). A Collection of English Words not generally used.
Sm. 8ro. (18mo. size), First Edition; old sheep 1674
Recorde (R.). The Castle of Knowledge. Sm. folio, title-page partly
remargined, otherwise a fine copy; mottled calf extra 1556
Relation of the most remarkable Transactions of the last Campaigne in the
Confederate Army in the Spanish Netherlands. SmAto.,half vellum 1693
Richworth. The Dialogues of William Rich worth; or, “The Judgment
of common sense in the choise of Religion.” 12mo., calf 1640
Rochester (John Wilmot, Earl of). Valentinian: a Tragedy. Sm.
4to., unbd., a fine copy 1685
First Edition. It is an adaptation of Beanmont and Fletcher’s play.
2443 Rolle of Hampole (R.) Ac. Speculum spiritualiu. Sm. folio, Gothic
letter; with the cut of the Trinity flanked by the smaller ones of SS.
Gregory, Bede, Thomas, and Augustine, on the title, besides a large woodcut
of the Crucifixion on fol. 106, and a smaller one of the same with another
of Christ with the Instruments of the Passion on fol. 218a; some leaves
slightly wormed, original binding ( febacked ) of oaken boards covered with
stamped leather 1510
2444 [Ruggle (George)]. Ignoramus. Secunda editio auctior A emendatior.
12mo., old calf 1630
2445 -Ignoramus: a Comedy. Written in Latine by R. Ruggles and
translated into English by R. C[odrington]. Sm. 4to., hf. calf 1662
2446 [Ryves (Bruno)]. Mecurius Rusticus. Sm. 8vo., the engraved title is
missing; old calf 1685
2447 St. Albans Chronicle. Caxton’s Description of England etc. . . .
Fynyssbed and enprynted at Templebarre be me Iulyan Notary Dwel-
lynge in Saynt Clement £ parysse, the yere of oure lorde a. m. ccccc
and .iiii. 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, with woodcuts; a few headlines cut
into; blue morocco gilt Julian Notary, 1504
This copy wants the preliminary leaves (three or four?), leaf a 1, a 3, a 4, b 2-6,
c 1-6, and d 1-4, of the Chronicle. The Description is perfect. The copy has therefore
129 leaves of 161 (?).
2448 St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. The ordre of the Hospital of St. Bar-
tholomewes in weet-Smytbfield in London. 16mo., black letter; a very
fine copy in th&wriginah bin ding of rough calf Original from 1553
Digitized by boogie
£ s.
2 5
2 18
1 1
9 9
10 10
10 10 i
31 10 i
2 10 i
2 2 (
10 10 <
3 3 <
0 8 <
1 5 (
7 7 (
0 10 (
2 16 (
4 4 (
42 0 t
1 4 C
3 16 0
0 5 0
52 10 0
42 0 0
ii9 Scot (Thomas). .Vox Populi, or Newes from Spayne. Sm. 4to.,
unbound 1620 1
150 -the same, 1620—The second part of Vox Popvli, 1624—The
Spaniards perpetvall Designee, 1624—3 vols. in 1., sm. 4to., entirely
uncut 1620-24 9
1451 -An experimental Discoverie of Spanish Practises or the Covnsell
of a well-wishing Soaldier. Sm. 4to., unbd. 1623 2
1452 - the same, 1623—The Belgick Sovldier, 1624—The French
Heravld sent to the Priuoes of Cbristendome, 1622—Englaods Ioy, for
Svppressing the Papists, MDCXXIV—A second part of Spanish Prac¬
tises, M.DC.XXIV;—5 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., calf gilt 1623-4 4
1453 - Vox Coeli, or, Newes from Heaven, 1624—Vox Dei (1624)—Vox
Populi, 1620—Second Part, 1624, etc.;—7 pieces in L vol, sm. 4to.,
half bound v. y. 6
1454 Scottish Laws. The Lavves and Actes of Parliament, maid be King
lames the First, and his successors Kinges of Scotland. 1597. ( With
a folding genealogy tf the Kings of Scotland; engraved title and leaf
explaining it missing , as usual) —The Lavves and Acts, reprinted by
Evan Tyier, 1647—The XXIII Parliament of James, extracted foorth
of the Registers and the Bookes of the Aotsof Parliament by Sir George
Hay, of Kinfawns, 1621 ;—in 1 vol., sm. folio, in a finely preserved
binding of old purple morocco , the Royal Arms impressed in gold on the
sides * Edinburgh , 1597-1647 32
1155 Settle (E.). The Empress of Morocco. A Tragedy. Sm. 4to., foxed;
hf. calf neat 1698 0
1456 Shadwell (Thomas). The Royal Shepherdess. A Tragi-Comedy.
Sm. 4to., a little foxed ; brown morocco 1691 1
2457 -The Sqnire of Alsatia, a Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., stained copy ; hf.
calf neat J693 0
2458 -Epsom Wells. A Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., hf. calf neat 1704 0
2459 Shakespeare. The Second Folio. London, printed by Tho. Cotes for
„ Robert Allot, 1632. Sm. folio, a very fine, genuine copy , perfect and
sound throughout (121$ X 8f in.) ; in an early nineteenth century binding
of calf gilt 1632 350
This copy is believed to bate been the property of William Pitt, and afterwards of
his niece, Lady Hester Stanhope.
24-30 -The Third Folio. London, printed for P. C., 1664. Sm. folio,
i a very tall copy (13$ x 8$ in.) ; the portrait and title in facsimile, blank
margins of the preliminary leaves mended, and a few letters filled in,
otherwise a very fine copy; crimson morocco super-extra, gilt edges, by
Riviere 1664 250
2461 -The Fourth Folio. Printed for H. Herrirgman, E. Brewster,
and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, the Crane in St.
Pauls Church-Yard, and in Russell-Street, Covent-Garden. 1685.
Folio, portra t inlaid and mounted, title and list leaf backed , a few plain
comers weak, but generally a good sound copy (13§ x 8| ins.) ; the portrait
and title ruled in red; old calf 1685 80
2462 - the same. Folio, portrait and title mended a very little and last
leaf backed , but generally a good sound copy (13® X 8$$ *»*#.) ; old straight-
grain red morocco gilt , gilt edges 1685 90
2463 - Titns Adronicus, or the Rape of Lavinia. Alter’d from Mr.
Shakespeare Works, By Mr. Edw. Ravenscroft. Sm. 4to., calf 1687 3
2464 Shakespeareana. Friderich Hertzog zur Wiirtemberg Vnnd Teckh.
Warhaffte Beschreibnng Zweyer Raison, welcher Erste . . . im Jnhr
1592. Von Miimppelgart ansz, in das weitberhiimbte Kttnigreich
Engellandt . . znsamen in Truck gefertiget Durch M. Erk. Cellium.
Sm. 4to., portrait; vellum 1603 16
A volume of great Shakespearian interest as in the Kerry Wires of Windsor (Act IV)
there are references to the visit of a Duke of Jarmany, to three cousins German or
Garmumbles, and the requisitioning of horses by Germans at inns. Garmnmbles is
evidently Miimpelgart. • .
s. d.
0 0
9 0
2 0
0 0
6 0
32 0 0
0 7 6
1 15 0
8 6
10 0
0 0
0 0
80 0 0
90 0 0
3 3 0
16 16 0
Digitized by
£ i. d.
9 9 0
3 3 0
8 8 0
8 18 6
2465 Seneca. Seneca his tenne Tragedies. Sm. 4to., plain inner margin of
title restored; brown morocco, by Riviere 1581
2466 -Medea; a Tragedie. Written in Latine. Englished by E(dw.)
S(herbnrne). Sm. 8vo., old calf 1648
2467 Shirley (James). The Trivmph of Peace. A Masque. Sm. 4to., one
corner slightly defective, and a small ink-stain in the lower margin of some
of the leaves; half bound 1633 4 10 0
2468 -The Grammar Warre, or The eight Parts of Speech. 12mo.,
several headlines and catchwords out into; unbd. 1635 1 16 0
2469 -The Lady of Pleasure. A Comedie. Sm. 4to., slightly cut into;
hf. morocco neat 1687 2 2 0
2470 -The Schoole of Complement. Sm. 4to., the date cut away; hf.
morocco 1637 2 2 0
2471 -The Coronation a Comedy. Sm. 4to., blue levant morocco, gilt
edges, by Riviere 1640 12 12 0
First Edition. Though assigned to Fletcher on the title-page, we learn from the
list of Shirley’s plays appended to The Cardinal that be was the author.
2472 -(HO* The Martyr’d Souldier. Sm. 4to., short and used copy;
boards lt)38 1 12 0
2473 Siden (Captain). The History of the Sevan tea or Sevarambi: a Nation
inhabiting . . . Terras Australes Incognitas. 2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo., old
calf 1675-1G79
Very rare. The real authorship of this volnme is uncertain, but it was perhaps
written by Denis Vairasse d’Alais, who was an accomplished English scholar and who
calls himself the * author ’ of the French edition. The work is a political tract criticising
contemporary government and religion.
2474 Sidney (Sir Philip). The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. Sm.
folio, corner of the title and portions of Lby and Tl x in facsimile; scored in
pencil throughout, olive morocco extra 1605
Though announced as the fourth edition on the title-page, this is really the fifth.
2475 -Arcadia der Graffin von Pembrook vom Herrn . . . Pbilippsen
von Sidney . . . erstlich Teutsch gegeben dnrch Valentinvm
Theocritvm von Hirschberg. Sm. 8vo., vellum 1638
2476 Smectymnuus. An Answer to a Booke entitvled, An Hvmble Remon¬
strance. Sm. 4to., 53 U.; unbd. 1641
2477 Smith (Sir Thomas). The Common-Welth of England and Manner
of Government thereof. Sm. 4to., with portrait inserted; vellum 1589
2478 -the same. Sm. 4to., very fine copy in old calf 1609
2479 -the same. Sm. 4to., fine copy in original vellum • 1621
2480 Smythe (Sir John). Certain Discourses . . . Concerning the formes
and effects of diners sorts of weapons. Sm. 4to., vellum wrapper 1590
2481 Spain. A Packe of Spanish Lyes, Sent Abroad in the World: First
printed in Spaine in the Spanish tongue, and translated out of the
Original!. Sm. 4to., morocco extra, by F. Bedford 1588
2482 Spanish Armada. The Copie of a Letter Bent out of England to Don
Bernardin Mendoza AmbasBadovr in France for the King of Spaine,
declaring the state of England. Sm. 4to., black letter; morocco extra, by
Bedford 1588
2483 - Trivmphalia de Victoriis Elisabethae Anglorvm, F rancor vm,
Hibernorvmqne Reginae . . . Contra Classem Instrvotissimam Philippi
Hispaniarvm Regis . . . Sm. 4to., old calf 1588
2484 Spenser (Edmund). Colin Clovts Come home againe. Sm. 4to.,
first edition; foremargin of last leaf but one mended, a few letters being
restored in facsimile, also portion of the inner margin of the last leaf; calf
gilt, gilt edges 1595 16 0 0
2485 -The Shepherd’s Calendar. Sm. 4to., a few bottom margins cut
into ; red morocco extra, by Riviere 1597
2486 -The Faerie Queen. Sm. folio, russia, gilt edges 1611 (-1613)
2487 Stanley (Sir William). A Briefe Discoverie of Doctor Allens
2 2 0
10 0
6 6
1 10
1 5
5 5
seditions drifts, contained in a Pamphlet written by him, concerning
the yeelding yp of the toWne of Deuenter vnto the king of Spain, by
ir Wiiliam fetabky.Q Sm. 4to., morocco extra, gilt edges p MICHIGAV®88
10 10 0
8 8 0
6 6 0
35 0 0
1U 10 U
5 0 0
7 7 0
5 5 0
£ s. d.
2469 Stanford (Sir William). An Exposicion of the kinges prerogative
collected oat of the great abridgement of Iustice Fitzherbert and other
olde writers. Sm. 4to., original calf 1567 1 10 0
2490 Statham (Nicholas). Abridgment of Cases to the end of Henry VI
(in Norman Law French). Sm. folio, printel mostly in a peculiar
minute secretary type; a small hole in the first leaf , the plain foremarg'n
of which has been restored , and a few leaves a little waterstained , but on
the whole an excellent and large copy (306 x 216 mm.) ; in an eighteenth-
century calf binding
[Rouen, Guillaume Le Talleur for Richard Pt/nson, about 1490] 96 0 0
First Edition of the famous abridgment of cases believed to have betn written by
Nicholas Statham.
2491 Statutes of Henry VIII. Sm. folio, 14 leaves , printed in black letter
with headlines in Roman capitals ; hf. bd., a fine copy
[? Thomas Berthelet, about 154'']
Apparently unmentioned by any bibliographer.
2492 Stevenson (M.). Poems: or, a Miscellany of Sonnets, Satyrs, etc.
12mo., a few letters missing from D. 4, old calf 1673
Containing Poems on the principal Norfolk Families. Some copies bear the title
“ The Norfolk Drollery.”
2493 Stubbe (Henry). The Miraculous Conformist. Sm. 4to., red morocco.
gilt edges Oxford, 1666 2 2 0
2494 -Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands.
Sm. 4to., calf extra , gilt edges 1G72 0 12 0
2495 Suckling (Sir John). Fragment* Avrea. A Collection of all tl.'e
Incomparable Peeces, written by Sir John Svckling. Sm. 8vo., with the
portrait by W. Marshall, one headline slightly cut into and an inner corner
of one le af mended; otherioise a fine and largecopyin green morocco extra 1616 32 0 0
2496 -the same. Sm. 8vo., with portrait by W. Marshall (mended a very
little ); a few headlines cut into; old English red morocco extra 1646 28 0 0
2197 -the same. The Third Edition. Sm. 8vo., portrait missing; old
calf, rebacked 1658 1 15 0
2498 Symmons (Edw.). Vindication of King Charles from . . a scan¬
dalous Libel, Entituled The Kings Cabinet Opened. Sm. 4to., original
binding 1648
2499 Tate (Nahum). The Ingratitude of a Commonwealth. Sm. 4to,
First Edition; some leaves slightly stained; blue morocco 1682 6 6 0
2500 -The Historyof King Lear. SmAto.,redlevantmorocco,giltedgesl6&9 6 6 0
2501 -The Sicilian Usurper : A Tragedy. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco 1691 0 8 6
2502 Thomas (William). The Historye of Italye. A boke exceding
0 7 6
6 6 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
4 4 0
1 1 0
profitable to be red. Sm. 4to., black letter; calf gilt Thomas Marshe, 1561
- Principal Rvles of the Italian Grammer, with a Dictionarie.
Sm. 4to., a comer of the last leaf mended ; morocco antique 1567
2504 - the same. Sm. 4to., the foremargin of one leaf a little frayed and
discoloured ; original limp vellum wrapper 1567
25C5 Thornborough (John). A Discourse plainely proving the euident
vtilitie and vrgent necessitie of the desired happie Vnion of . . .
England and Scotland. Sm. 4to., olive morocco , by Riviere 1601
2506 TindalL Tuuo Prophecies Full of Wonder and Admiration . made by
Humphrey Tindall. Sm. 4to., calf gilt 1644
2507 Tooke (George). The Belides, or Eulogie of that honorable Souldier
Captain William Fairefax, 1660—The History of Cales Passion, 1654
—The Deplorable Tragedie of Floris the fift—Anmr-Dicata—-Tho
Belides Elegie, by G. T., 1659—5 parts in 1 vol., sm. 4to., with 3 frontis¬
pieces and 2 portraits; in the original black morocco gilt 1654-60 10 0 0
Torquemeda. The Spanish Mandeville of Myracles. First written in
Spanish, and translated out of that Tongue into English. Sm. 4to., old
calf 1618
-the same. Sm. 4to., a large copy ; russia 1618
(~ or» 0 lp Original 70*
2 10 0
2 15 0
Digitized by
£ s. d.
Tragicum T heat rum Actorum & Casnum Tragicornm Londini Pablice
celebratoram . . . Sm. 8vo., with a folding plate of Whitehall and 8
portraits {including that of the Earl of Holland, usually missing) ; a fine
copy in contemporary vellum 1649
-the same. Sm. 8vo., a very fine and large copy in crimson morocco
extra, double with morocco of the same colour, gilt edges 1649
Trotter (Catharine). Fatal Friendship. A Tragedy. Sm. 4to.,
unbd. 1698
Tunstall (Cuthbert). De arte supputandi. Sm. 4to., 204 leaves; a
very large copy (228 x 157 mm.), with several leaves uncut in the lower
margin; British Museum duplicate sale stamp on title ; old calf
Richard Pynson, 1522
Tbe very rare first edition of the First Book on Arithmetic published in England.
Turberville (George). Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets.
12mo., imperfect, in the original calf {Henrie Denham, 1570)
122 leaves out of 160. A perfect copy would be worth over £100.
-The Booke of Falconrie or Hawking. 1611—Tbe Noble Art of
Yenerie or Hunting. 1611. 2 works in 1 vol., sm. 4to., black letter; a
few of the larger woodcuts slightly cut into ; calf 1611
-the same. 2 works in 1 vol., sm. 4to., the imprint of both cut into,
but none of the woodcuts; red morocco extra, gilt edges 1611
-the same. 2 works in l vol., sm. 4to .,fine and exceptionally large
copies, none of the leaves being cut into ; orange morocco extra 1611
the same. 2 works in 1 vol., sm. 4to., a large copy (185 x 148
• r IT A ^ ^
mm.) ; a few leaves a little waterstained, but very fine and sound copies, in
the original limp vellum wrapper 1611
Turner (William). The Old Learnyng and the New, oompared together.
Sm. 8vo., black letter; in an old vellum wrapper 1548
Excessively rare. So far as I can trace, this is the only copy which has occurred for
sale since 1881. Collation : A—H in eights, the last leaf blank.
- The Huntyng of the Romjshe Vuolfe. 16mo., black letter, blue
morocco, leather joints, gilt edges [6'ine nota ] about 1554
This very rare little volume was probably printed at Zurich about the year 1654.
[Udall (Ephraim)]. Noli me Tangere is a thinge to be thonght on.
Sm. 4to., unbd. 1642
-the same. Sm. 4to., newly bound in calf gilt 1642
Valentine and Orson, The Two Sons of the Emperour of Greece. Sm.
4to., black letter, short copy; old calf; rare (? 1675)
- the same. Sm. 4to., black letter; a couple of leaves near the end
slightly shaved in the bottom margin; calf About 1690
-another edition, with the same imprint as the preceding. Sm.4to.,
Roman Lettsr ; calf extra, by Bedford About 1690-92
Vaughan (henry). Olor Iscanus. A Collection of some select
Poems, and Translations. Sm. 8vo., old russia 1651
[Vega (Lope de)]. The Pilgrime of Casteele. Sm. 4to., a very fine,
large, and clean copy in the original limp vellum gilt 1621
First English edition ; very rare. Others appeared in 1623 and 1628. It is a trans¬
lation of El peregrine en suapatria. Such another copy as this, it would probably be
almost impossible to find. There is no indication of the translator, nor even of the
Verstegan (Richard). A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence. Sm.
4to., First Edition ; calf or limp vellum 1606
- - - another edition. Sm. 4:to., fine copy in the original calf 1628
Voragine. The Golden Legend. Legenda Aurea. Sm. folio, black
letter, double columns, 44 lines, with signatures, small woodcuts, and black
ornamental initials; wanting all before folio iii, (a Hi), and after cccovi
(d d iii) ; also folios vii-ix, xvi, cxxxiii, clxxx, ocxviii, cccxliv, a few
leaves stained, but gentrally sound ; four leafes supplied from a smaller
copy; modern morocco gilt
[Finished at Weatmyster, 1493, by me Wyllyam Caxton ]
Tbe third and last of Caxton’s Editions of the Qolden Legend ; to which Wynkyn
de W orde contributed tbs CcJ jnhon. Only one perfect copv is kjuwu (the Ky lands J .
5 0
3 0
10 0
0 0
0 0
15 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
18 0
10 0
0 O
16 O
3 O
10 o
3 O
10 o
4 O
5 O
18 O
0 0
2532 Voragine. The Golden Legend. (Fol. 37 a :) . Here begynneth the
legende named in latyn legends anrea That is to saye in Englysshe the
golden legende. Sm. folio, black letter, 292J ( of 296) leaves, double
columns, 55 line* to the column, with foliation and signatures ; numerous
little woodcuts and woodcut initials ; some leaves shorter than others, and
the frontispiece a little torn; maroon morocco, gilt edges, from the Tite
collection Julian Notary, 1503(-1) 90
Foil. 79, 80 (Fi, Fii). half of fol. 149 (Or), and fol. 296 (Li 0 ), miaaiog.
Thia is one of the least imperfect of the few known copies of the book The one in the
British Museum is described as about equivalent to this ono, aud aa wanting four leaves.
2533 - (Fol. 438a, marked Fo. cco. lxxx iiii:) Thus endeth the
legende, named in latyn Legeda anrea that is to saye in englysshe the
golden legende. Sm. folio, 438 leaves,printed in double columns, with many
small woodcuts; a very fine and large copy in brown morocco extra, gilt
edges Wynkyn de Worde, 1527 140
2534 W. (J.). The Valiant Scot. By J. W. Gent. Sm. 4to., 40 leaves; the
title mended, otherwise a fine copy »» maroon morocco gilt 1637 4
2535 Ward,(E<lward). The London Spy. 12 parte, forming l'vol, sm.
folio, contemporary calf (jilt 1698 6
Six more parts, forming a second volume, were subsequently published.
2536 Waring (Robert). Amoris Effigies Sive Quid sit Amor Efflagitanti
Reeponsnm Londini Exon debat R. Daniel. 24mo., First Edition;
veUum gilt n. d. 2
Very 'are. The only other copy I can trace is that in the Bodleian library, which
has part >hc title (excudeb.it K. Dauiell) cut into.
2537 Watreraan (William). The Fardle of facions containing the aunoiente
manors, cnstomes, and Lawes of the peoples enhabiting . . Affrike and
Asie. 12mo., 182 leaves, fine copy in the original calf 1555 12
2538 Westminster School. Institutio Greecce Grammatioes Compendiaria,
in Usum Regiie Schol® Westmonasteriensis. Sm. 8vo., contemporary
sheep • 1641 2
2539 Westmoreland (Mildmay Fane, Earl of). Otia Sacra Optima Fides.
Sm. 4to., with 2 engraved titles (the plain inner margin of the first restored)
and emblematic copperplates by W. Marshall; russia extra, gilt edges 1648 20
2540 Whitehall (Robert). Te'xyr]-IloXj.poyapi a : or the Marriage of Armes
and Arts, July 12, 1651. Sm. 4to., 4 leaves; red morocco extra 1651 4
2541 Whitehome (Peter). Certain Waies for the orderyng of Sonldiers in
battelray . . . how to make Saltpeter, Gnnpoulder, and diners sortes of
Fire worses. S m. 4to., black letter; limp vellum 1562 5
2542 Willis. Times Whirligig, or, The Blew-new-made-Gentleman mounted.
Sm. 4to., newly bound in calf antique 1647 4
2543 Winchelsea (Earl of). A True and Exact Relation of the late Pro¬
digious Earthquake & Eruption of Monnt Etna. Sm. 4to., with folding
plate; calf gilt 1669 1
2544 [Wise (T.)]. Animadversions vpon Lillies Grammar, or Lilly Scanned.
Sm. 8vo., with the rare leaf of errata; calf, entirely uncut 1625 2
2545 Withals (John). [A shorte Diotionarie for yonge begynnersj Sm.
4to., First Edition, black letter; wanting four leaves (A t Pj U 8 Zj), and
1 leaf (Z 3 ) defective; hf. morocco [Thomas Berthelet, 1533] 7
Only one other copy known, which is in Mr. Huth’s library.
2546 Wither (George). A Satyre : Dedicated to his Most Excellent
Maiestie. 18mo. (sm. 8vo.), blue morocco extra 1615 5
2547 -Abvses Stript, and Whipt or Satyricall Essayes. Reuiewed and
enlarged. Sm. 8vo., a few leaves a little wormed; calf 1617 4
2548 -Fragments Propbetica. Or, the Remains of George Wither.
Sm. 8 vo., the portrait of Wither in armour inlaid, and the foremargin of
the title mended and filled in ; calf 1669 10
2549 Wit of a Woman. The Wit of a Woman as it is now acted at the New
Theatre in Little Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. Sm. 4to., unbound 1705 0
2550 Women’s Advocate (The). Or, Fifteen Real Comforts of Matrimony.
Second Edition. vEm. 8ro.. half bound UNIVERSITY OF MlCh^l^^sl ^
t. d.
0 0
0 0
10 0
6 0
0 0
0 0
10 0
0 0
4 0
5 0
4 0
10 0
0 0
7 0
5 0
4 0
0 0
6 0
7 0
2551 Wortley (Sir Francis). Characters and Elegies. Sm. 4to., 38 leaves;
a very fine copy in olive morocco extra, gilt edges 1646
-•'>■02 -Mercurius Britanicns His Welcome to Hell. Sm. 4to., a poem
of 8 pp.; newly bound in calf antique 1647
2553 Wright (Abraham). Parnassus Biceps. 12mo old calf 1656
Very rare. Among the poems is one by Ben Jonton.
2554 Wycherley (William). The Plain-dealer. A Comedy. Sm. 4to.,
unbd. 1677
-•"’55 Zouch (R.). The Sophister. A Comedy. Sm. 4to., the title partly
remargined ; polished calf gilt 1630
£ s. i.
• ^
4 4 0
5 0
6 0
3 3 0
5 5 0
Printed in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries
Abercrombie (John). Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers
and the Investigation of Truth. 12mo., calf gilt 1857
Acland (A. II. D.) and C. Ransome. Handbook of the Political
History .if England. Cr. 8vo., half morocco 1901
Acworth (W. M.). Railways of Scotland. 8vo., half morocco 1890
Addison (Joseph). Works. 4 vole.,4to. First collected Edition, with
portrait; half morocco, uncut 1721
-Works (edited by Thos. Tickell). 4 vols., roy. 4to., with portrait;
calf gilt, £5. 5s ; or, a fine copy in russia-gilt John Baskervdle, 1761
- the same. 6 vola., roy. 8vo. t calf 1804
-Life of Joseph Addison. By Lucy Aikin. 2 vols., post Svo.,
doth 1843
2503 Adventures (The) of Elizabeth in Riigen. Post 8vo., half vellum 1904
25C4 /Csop. Fables. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, with 110 plates by
Blake, etc.; calf gilt „ Stockdale, 1793
Aikin (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Qneen Elizabeth. 2 vols.,
Svo., half calf 1819
-Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols., 8vo.,
calf 1822
Ainsworth (W. H.). Old Saint Paul’s. 3 vols., post 8vo., First
Edition; original cloth 1841
- Windsor Castle. First Octavo Edition, half red morocco, gilt top,
s uncut 1843
A Kempis (Thomas), see Kempis.
Akenside (Mark). Poetical Works. 12mo., Aid in e Edition; (no
portrait ), morocco Pickering, 1835
- The Pleasures of Imagination. 4to., First Edition; a fine copy
in mottled calf extra 1744
2571 Alison (Sir Archibald). History of Europe to 1815. 10 vols. 1839-
35-42.—History of Europe to 1852. 8 vols. and Index, 1852-59.—
Atlas ;—together 19 vols., 8vo., and 1 vol. oblong, half calf 1833-35-59
2572 Allingham (William). Day and Night Songs. 12mo., cloth 1860
2573 Anacreon. The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Girdleatone.
12mo,cuZ/ 1804
2574 Anstice (J.). Selections from the Choric Poetry of the Greek Dramatio
Writers. Translated. Post 8vo., cloth 1832
2575 Arabian Nights. Translated by Edward William Lane. 32 parts
forming 3 vols., roy. 8vo., best edition for family use; original green
wrappers 1838-41
2576 - the same. 3 vols., roy. 8vo, doth, £2. 10*; or, green morocco
2 565
25 ; 0
2577 -
pared for Household Reading. 6 vols., 8vo., cloth
- Tran^Jiayne— see Villon Society.
3578 Arbuthnot (IvJFQv Mysteries of Chronology, j^vo?,
0 5 0
0 8
0 6
3 10 0
7 7
1 12
0 6
0 7
4 1 0
0 1 * 0
0 15 0
4 4 0
2 S 0
0 5 0
2 2 0
4 10
1 1
0 4 0
0 4 6
3 3 0
i. Pre-
• »
25 S3
Archalca, a Reprint of scarce Old English Prose Tracts, by Sir S. E.
Brydges. 2 vols., 1815—Heliconia, a Selection of English Poetry of
the Elizabethan Age, edited by T. Park. 3 vols., 1815;—together
5 vols , 4to., cloth , uncut 1815
Arnold (Thomas). Leo to res on Modern History, 1842—Life and
Correspondence. By A. P. Stanley. 2 vols., 1844—History of Rome.
H vols., 1857—History of the Later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols.,
1857 ; together 8 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1842-57
-Miscellaneous Works. 8vo., cloth 1815
-Life and Correspondence. By A. P. Stanley. 2 vols., 8vo., calf
giU 1877
Aubrey. Letters written by eminent persons in the XVHth and
XVIUth centuries. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1813
Auckland. Journal and Correspondence of William, Lord Anokland.
4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1861
Augustus. Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. By Thomas
Blackwell. 2 vols., 4to., russia 1753
Austen (Jane). Novels. Winchester Edition. 10 vols., 8vo.. cloth 1898
- Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion. 4 vols., 12mo., First
Edition; obi calf 1818
Austin (Alfred). The Garden that I Love. Post 8vo., cloth 1898
- (Gilbert). Chironomia. 4to., with 12 plates; half morocco 1806
Bacon (Francis, Lord). Works. 4 vols., folio, old calf, rebacked 1730
-Works. Edited by Basil Montagu. 16 vols. in 17,8vo., original
hoards , uncvt, £4. 10* ; or, half russia Pickering, 1825-34
-Works, collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and
D. D. Heath. 7 vols., 8vo., Best Edition; cloth 1857-59
- The Two Books of the Proficipnce and Advancement of Learning.
12mo., calf gilt 1808
-the same. Post 8vo.. Pickering's Wreath Edition; cloth 1825
- Essays: with Annotations by Richard Whately. 8 jo., cloth 1856
Bagehot (Walter). Biographical Studies. 1889—Economic Studies.
1888—Literary Studies. 2 vols., 1891;—together 4 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1888-91
Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. A Complete Set from
the commencement in 1860 to 1896 inclusive, forming Vols. I—LXVI.
8vo., half red roan 1860-96
[Baker (Thomas)]. Tunbridge Walks: or, the Yeoman of Kent; a
Comedy . . . Sm. 4to., First Edition; foxed copy ; hf. calf 1703
-An Act at, Oxford. A Comedy. Sm. 4to., unbound 1704
3 vols., 12mo., with copperplates ,
Sm. 4to., hf. calf
Ballads. A Collection of Old Ballads.
including the Swimming Lady; russia
Banks (John). The Albion Queens.
Bannister. Memoirs of John Bannister, comedian. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1839
Barham (R. H.). The Ingoldsby Legends. 3 vols., post 8vo., original
cloth , £3. bs; or, half calf , £2. 2s ; or, calf gilt 1852
-the same. Edited by R. H. Dalton Barham. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1876
-the same. Post 8vo., half moro'.co 1879
-the same. 3 vols., 8vo., half green morocco 1894
Barlng-Gould (S.). Lives of the Saints. 15 vols. and Index, post 8vo.,
cloth 1872-77-98
-The Tragedy of the Csesars. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half vellum 1892
Barton (Bernard). Poems. 12mo., boards 1S25
-- Selections from the Poems and Letters of. Edited by his
Daughter. Post 8vo., cloth 1849
Basse (W.). Poetical Works. Edited by R. Warwiok Bond. Roy. Svo.,
cloth Digitized by \jOOQlC UNIVERSITY OF
1893 0
s. d.
0 0
3 0
4 6
5 6
9 0
17 0
12 6
12 0
4 0
4 6
16 0
10 0
0 0
16 0
8 0
15 0
5 0
10 0
14 0
8 6
7 6
5 0
7 6
10 6
16 0
12 6
15 0
10 0
16 0
1 0
5 0
1 0
12 6
2613 Becconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl ofj. Letters of Runnymede.
8vc., First Edition; clcth 1836
2614 Beattie (James). Poetical Works. Edited by Alexander Dyce.
l2mo., calf , 6s; or, mcrocco 1831
2615 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works. With notes by Dyce. 11 vola.,
8vo., calf gilt „ 1843-46
2616 Beckett (Gilbert A. A’). Comic History of England. 2 vola.,
MP'i. 1847-48—The Comic History of Rome. 1 vol., n. d.; —together 3
vola., 8vo., First Editions; green morocco extra 1847-48
2617 -Comic History of England. 2 vols., First Edition, half calf 1847-8
2bl8 -Comic History of Rome. 8vo., First Edition , original doth
n. d. (1818)
2619 Beckford (W.). Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries ot‘
Alcoba^a and Batalha. 8vo., boards, 7s 6d; or, half calf 1835
Behn (Mrs. Aphra). Plays, Histories, and Novels. With Life and
Memoirs. 6 vols., post 8vo., half morocco 1871
-the same. 6 vols., 8vo , Large Paper; boards, £5. 10*; or, half
morocco 1871
Bentham (Jeremy). Works. Edited by John Bowring. 11 vola.,
8vo., cloth, £0. 9s ; or, half morocco 1843
2623 Besant (Walter). Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer.
Second edition. Post 8vo., hf. calf 1883
2624 Binyon (Laurence). Persephone. Sm. 4to., original wrapper 1890
2625 Blackmore (R. D.). Lorna Doone. 3 vols., post 8vo, First Edition,
half morocoo 1869
2626 Blackwood. Some Records of the Life of Stevenson Arthur Blackwood.
8vo., cloth 1896
2627 Bladen (Capt. Martin). Solon: or, Philosophy No Defence against
Love. Sm. 4to., boards 1705
2628 Blake. Poetic Books of William Blake. Collected and explained, by
Edwin John Ellis and William Bntler Yeats. 3 vols., large 8vo.,
doth 1893
2629 -the same. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper, half morocco 1893
2630 • Songs of Innocence and Experience. Edited by Edward John
Ellis. 2 parts in l vol., 4to., with Blake's illustrations ; cloth 1893
2631 -Poetical Sketches, by W. B. 8vo. 1783
Griggs’s facsimile reprint of SO numbered copies.
2632 -Gilchrist (A.). Life of William Blake. 2 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1880
2633 -Swinburne (Algernon Charles). William Blake. 8vo., cloth 1868
2634 Blessington. The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess
of Blessington. By R. R. Madden. 3 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1855
2635 Bloomfield (Robert). Poems. 12mo., half morocco 1845
2636 Boccaccio. The Decameron. A Revised Translation by W. K. Kelly.
Post 8vo., half morocco 1869
2637 -the same. Translated by John Payne. 3 vols., sm. 4to., r ellum
2638 Bodley (John E. C.). France. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1898
2639 Bohn (H. G.). Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets.
8vo., cloth 1867
2840 Boigne. Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne, 1781-1830. Edited by
M. Charles Niooulland. 3 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1907-3
2641 Bolingbroke (Henry 5t John, Viscount). Works. 8 vols., 8vo,
tree-calf It 09
2642 -Remarks on the History of England. 8vo., calf 1743
2643 Borrow (George). Works. 5 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1900-1
2644 -The Zincali. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1843
2645 -The Bible in Spain. 3 vols., post 8vo., doth 1843
2646 -— LavenfSb^ 3 rols^ First Edition, cloth Original from 1851
S. tl.
12 6
10 0
13 0
12 0
16 0
4 0
10 6
6 0
15 0
12 0
4 0
4 0
10 0
6 0
6 0
10 0
14 6
10 0
16 0
2 0
5 0
17 6
7 6
18 0
4 0
14 U
5 0
12 0
2 O
1 0
10 0
12 0
12 0
10 0
Borrow (George). Wild Wales. 3 vols., poet 8ro., First Edition,
original cloth with paper labels, scarce 1862
-The Turkish Jester. Post 8vo., original wrapper 1884
-Targum. Svo^, boards, uncut (1889)
£ t. d.
The Death of Balder. Poet 8vo., cloth
Bourne (Viscount). Poetical Works. Poet 8vo., calf gilt
Pickering, 1826
Bowen. Lord Bowen. Biographical Sketch. By Sir Henry Stewart
Cunningham. 4to., half bound 1896
Boyle (Charles), Earl of Orrery. As Yon Find it. A Comedy. Sm.
4to., First Edition; hf. morocco, giU top 1703
Braithwait (Richard). Barnab® Itinerarium. 2 vols., square 16mo.,
citron morocco extra, ly G. Lewis 1820
-the same. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. New edition, revised
by W. Carew Hazlitt. 2 vole., 8vo., Large Paper; boards 1876
Brassey (Lady). In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties.
8vo., half morocco 1885
Brewer (J. S.). Reign of Henry VIII. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth, £4. 10 *;
or, half brown levant morocco 1884
Bridges (John Henry). Essays and Addressee. 8vo., cloth 1907
Bright (John). Speeches. Edited by J. E. Thorold Rogers. 2 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1868
British Poets. The Aldine Edition of the British Poets. 53 vols.,
12mo., doth, £30; or, uniformly bound in calf extra, contents lettered
W. Pickering, 1830-53
British Theatre. Bell (John). The British Theatre. 21 vols., sm.
8vo., with 100 portraits; a fine copy in old green calf, fully gilt 1780-81
-the same. Sm. 8 vo., large paper; proof impressions of the portraits;
a fine set uniformly bound in straight-grain green morocco gilt 1791-95
-the same. 34 vols., 12mo., with portraits ; old calf 1797
-Inchbald’s (Mrs.) Collection of Plays. The British Theatre.
25 vols. 1808—Farces. 7 vols. 1809—The Modern Theatre. 10 vols.
1811; together 42 vols., l2mo., with 125 plates and 31 portraits; calf
Brome (Richard). Dramatic Works. 3 vols., 8vo., Large Paper;
boards, £1. 12®; or, half morocco 1873
Bronte. Novels of the Sisters Bronte. Edited by Temple Scott.
12 vols., 8vo , Thornton Edition; cloth 1905
- (Charlotte). The adventures of Ernest Alembert. Edited by
Thomas J. Wise. Sm. 4to., boards 1896
Brooke (Henry). The Fool of Quality. 5 vols., 12mo., old calf 1770
Brougham (Henry, Lord). Statesmen ... of the Time of
George III. 4 vols.—The British Constitution;—together 5 vols., post
8vo., doth 1855-61
2670 -Speeches. 4 vols., 8vo., doth, 12®; or, half calf 1838
2671 -Letters to William Forsjth. 12mo ., doth 1872
2672 Brown (John). Hor® Subseciv®. 3 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1897
2673 -(Thomas). Works. 4 vols., 12mo., old calf 1730
2674 -the same. 4 vols., 12mo., calf gilt 1760
2675 Browne (Sir Thomas). Works. 4 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper;
red morocco extra by Bedford . 1835-36
2676 -Religio Medici. Edited by Henry Gardiner. 12mo., cloth 1845
2677 Browning (Mrs.). Poems. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., First Edition; a fine cpy
in the original cloth 1844
2678 -Poetical Works. 6 vols., 12mo., half vellum 1890
2679 — Prometheus Bound. 12mo., a fine copy in the original blue cloth
with paper label, enclosed in case 1833
2680 -Sonnets tfonvthe Rcktuguese. 24mo., lambskin^' 9 inal from 1908
5 15
0 18
0 12
0 12
5 0
0 7
0 10
1 10
0 15
0 12
0 15
0 5
0 8
1 10
2 2
15 15
0 4
3 10
2 7
10 10
0 3
0 7 0
0 12 6
0 10 0
3 10 0
1 10 0
0 10 6
31 10 0
10 10 0
17 17 0
3 3 0
7 15 0
2 5 0
1 12 0
26S 5
2(5! >8
Browning: (Robert). Poetical Works. 6 vols., 12mo., cloth 1868
-the same. 17 vols., post 8vo., half vellum gilt , £6. 6s; or, tree-
calf extra, fully gilt 1889-94
-Paracelsus. 12mo., First Edition , original hoards 1835
-Bordello. 12mo., First Edition, original hoards, uncut, £3. 3$ ;
or, polished blue morocco, gilt top * 1840
-Dramatis Personas. Post 8vo., First Edition, original cloth 1864
-The Ring and the Book. 4 vols., 12mo., First Edition; cloth ;
or, broicn morocco extra, gilt edges 1868-69
- Pauline. A Reprint. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Post 8vo.,
boards 1886
Bryce (James). The American Commonwealth.. 3 vols., 8vo., Original
Library Edition, cloth, £4. 4*; or, half morocco 1888
Buckle (H. T.). History of Civilization in England. 2 vols., 8vo.,
second Edition, doth 1858-61
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., half red morocco 1858-61
-History of Civilization. 2 vols., 8vo. 1858-61.—Miscellaneous
nnd Posthumous Works. 3 vols., 8vo., 1872 ;—together 5 vols., 8vo.,
doth 1858-72
Bullen (A. H.). Carols and Poems from the XVth Century. 8vo.,
parchment 1885
- Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo.,
buckram 1889
-Poems, chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose—Tracts of the
Elizabethan Age. 8vo., buckram 1890
— the same. 8vo., Large Paper, half bound 1890
- the same. l2mo., cloth 1891
Bunyan (John). The Pilgrim’s Progress. 8vo., calf 1830
-the same. 8vo., calf antique Pickering, 1849
-The Holy War. 12mo., contemporary calf 1752
Burke (Edmund). Works and Correspondence. 8 vols., 8vo., Best
IAbrary Edition; a fine copy in calf gilt 1852
-Works. 12 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1899
-Speeches. 4 vols., 8vo., half calf 1816
[Burnaby (Charles)]. The Modish Husband: a Comedy. Bra. 4to.,
hf. morocco 1702
- Love Betray’d. A Comedy. Sm. 4to., stained copy; hf.
morocco 1705
Burnet (Bishop). History of the Reformation. 6 vols., 8vo., calf 1820
- History of his Own Time. Edited by Osmund Airy. 2 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1897-1900
Burney (Fanny). Cecilia. Sm. 8vo., First Edition; fine copy in con¬
temporary calf, £5. 5 s; or, a remarkably fine copy t'n calf extra by Riviere,
gilt tops, other edges entirely uncut 1782
- Camilla. 5 vols., post 8vo., First Edition, old calf, £1. 16s; or,
a remarkably five ccpy in calf extra by Riviere, gilt top, other edges
uncut 1796
The Wanderer. 5 vols., sm. 8vo., First Edition ; half calf 16s ;
or, original boards (new paper backs), with the edges entirely uncut,
£12. 12s; or, blue levant morocco extra, by David, gilt tops, uncut 1814
-Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay. Edited by her Niece.
7 vols., post 8vo., original cloth, uncut, £3; or, half calf 1842-46
-the same. 7 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1854
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth, uncut 1876
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo., re-issue, cloth 1876
Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialeot. 8vo., First
London Edition, original boards with leather back, entirely uncut 1787
the same. New edition. 2 vols., post 8vo., russia neat
~ ’ Edinburgh, 1800
Digitized by
X. (f.
1 o
0 o
10 o
16 O
3 0
2 O
10 6
10 O
5 O
0 O
12 O
10 (>
10 O
10 O
1 0
2 0
12 6
10 0
7 6
10 O
15 0
14 0
8 6
8 6
1 0
17 6
0 0
13 0
0 0
3 0
0 0
5 0
15 0 *
15 O )
2716 Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 12mo calf
gilt Sharpe, 1824
2717 -the same. 8vo., reprint of the firet edition; boards
Kilmarnock, 1786 (1870)
2718 -Poetical Works, with his Life. 2 vols., 12mo., with woodcuts by
Bewick; straight-grained morocco, by F. Bedford Alnwick, 1608
2710 -the same. With a complete Glossary and Life of the Author.
2 vols., 12mo., with engravings; cloth 1810
mororco, gilt backs
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo , calf gilt
Montrose, 1816
8 vols., 12mo.,
polished calf extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford
-the same. 8 vols., 12mo., polished calf extra, fully gilt, by Zaehns-
dorf; enclosed in a box 1834
-Poetical Works. . With a Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. 3 vols.,
12mo., calf gilt Pickering , 1839
-Poetical and Prose Works. Edited by W. Scott Douglas. 6 vols.,
8vo., Best Library Edition ; cloth Edinburgh, 1895
2726 Burton (J. H.). History of Scotland. 8 vols. and Index. Post8vo.,
cloth ■ . 1873
- (Sir Richard F.). Scinde; or, the Unhappy Valley. 2 vols.,
poet 8vo., First Edition; original cloth 1851
-The K&sidah (couplets) of Haji ' c u el-Yezdi. Translated and
Annotated. 4to., First Edition; cloth (1880)
- The Carmina of Cains Valerius Catullus. 8vo., boards 1894
- (Robert). Anatomy of Melancholy. 3 vols., 8vo., doth 1905
- (Thomas). Diary of Thomas Burton. Editec
Rntt. 4 vols., 8vo., calf neat , 15s; or, calf gilt
Butler (Samuel). Poetical Works. 2 vols., 12mo., original issue;
cloth Pickering'8 A
-Hudihras. 12mo., old calf
-the same. Corrected and amended, by Zachary Grey. 2 vols.,
8vo., with numerous plates by Hogarth, calf antique
-the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper; Cambridge calf 1744
-the same. 3 vols., 12mo., calf
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt
the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large and thick Paper, old English
2 734
2 735
red morocco with broad gilt borders
- the same. Post 8vo., Large Paper; contemporary straight-
grained morocco
—-the same. 2 vols., 8vo M boards, uncut
Byron (Lord). Works. 8 vols., 12rno., calf gilt
-the same. 5 vols., 12mo., half calf neat
-the same. 4 vols., l2mo., original boards, uncut
-the game. 6 vols., 12mo., half calf
- the same. With his Letters and Life by Thoi
17 vols., 12mo., cl th, £1. 16*; or, half red morocco
-the same. 17 vols., 12mo., straight-grained morocco
-the same. 17 vols., 12mo., grein levant morocco extra 1832-33
-Poetical Works. 6 vols., 8vo., Library Edition, cloth, £1. 8*; or,
half blue morocco , by Boot 1879
-Hours of Idleness. Post 8vo., First Edition, half calf 1807
-Poems, Original and Translated. 12mo., Second Edition; calf 1808
- Lara, a Tale.— [Rogers (S.).] Jacqueline;—the 2 works in
1 vol., post 8vo., First Editions ; original boards, uncut 1814
-the same. 2-^orks in.1 vol., post 8vo., half calf 1814
-The Corssdr.Cj^, SJM^Edition ; brown paper wrapper.
£ 8 . d.
0 10 0
0 10 0
4 10 0
0 5 0
6 6 0
1 16 0
2 2 0
18 0
3 3 0
2 2
0 16
0 18
is Moore.
1832 33
13 13
3 1G
6 6
0 16
0 14
0 8
1 15
nal issue ;
5 oc/s, 1835
0 16
t f
2 vols..
calf 1744
d English
' straight-
0 -
Byron (Lord). The Prisoner of Chillon. 8vo., First Edition; paper
wrapper, uncut 1816
-Manfred. 8vo., First Edition; paper wrapper, uncut 1817
-Mazeppa. 8vo., First Edition; paper wrapper, uncut 1819
- Don Juan. 1 vol., 4to., and 5 vols. in 3, 8vo., First Edition of
each part; polished calf extra, by Bedford 1819-24
-Marino Faliero.—The Prophecy of Dante. 8vo., First Edition,
original boards, with paper label 1821
- Sardanapalns.—The Two Foacari.—Cain. 8vo., First Edition,
original boards, with paper label 182 L
-Werner. 8vo., First Edition; paper wrapper, uncut 1823
-Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1841
-the same. Roy. 8vo., vellum gilt 1841
Calderon’s Dramas. Now first translated folly by Denis Florence
MacCarthy. Post 8vo., cloth 1873
Camden (William). Annales Reram Anglicaram . . . Erait ediditque
Tho. Hearnius. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, old red morocco extra 1717
Campbell (John, Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors. 7 vols.—
Lives of Lord Lyndhnrst and Lord Brougham.—8 vols., 8vo., cloth
- (Thomas). * Poetical Works. 8vo., with engravings by Goodall
after Turner ; green levant morocco 1837
-the same. 8vo., blue moro 1854
-the same. With notes by *2». Rev. W. A. Hill. 12mo., with 37
woodcuts; green morocco 1854
-Specimens of the British Poets. Boy. 8vo., calf gilt 1841
-Life and Letters. 3 vols , 8vo., cloth 1849
Campe (J. H.). The New Robinson Crusoe. 4 vols. in 2, 12mo., half
ccdf 1788
Campion (Dr. Thomas). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo.,
handmade paper, boards Privately printed, 1889
Canning (George). Speeches. With a Memoir by R. Therry. 6 vols.,
8vo., Best Edition, calf gilt 1828
-Political Life of George Canning. Second Edition, 3 vols., 8vo.,
half calf 1831
Capgrave (John). The Book of the illustrious Henries. Translated
from the Latin. Roy. 8vo., half bd. 1858
Carlyle (Thomas). Works. 23 vols., post 8vo., half calf, gilt backs,
marbled edges 1857-69
-the same, Ashburton Edition. 20 vols., tree calf extra 1894-95
-the same. 30 vols., Centenary Edition, Large Paper, half morocco
-The Life of Schiller. Roy. 8vo., First Edition, boards, uncut 1825
-Chartism. Post Bvo., First Edition; cloth, uncut 1840
— ■ On Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History. Post 8vo.,
First Edition ; half calf 1841
-Past and Present. Post 8vo., First Edition; calf gilt or original
cloth 1843
- Latter Day Pamphlets. No. 1. The Present Time—Shooting
Niagara: and After ?—in 1 vol., post 8vo., First Editions; calf
-Sartor Besartus. 8vo., half vellum 1896
-the same.—On Heroes, Hero-Worship. 8vo., Ashburton Edition ;
cloth 1885
-New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Annotated
by Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1903
Thomas Carlyle: History of his Life, 1795-1835. 3 vols., 1882
History of his Life, 1834-81. 2 vols., 1884;—together 4 vols., 8vo.,
tized by
t. i*.
16 0
10 «
16 0
0 0
5 0
12 0
b) o
8 0
10 0
12 0
0 0
1(5 0
12 (5
18 U
10 (5
7 0
15 0
1 0
5 0
3 0
12 6
5 0
12 6
11 0
12 0
16 0
8 0
4 0
13 0
10 0
5 0
4 (>
1 0
5 0
Carew (Thomas). Poems and Masque. Edited by J. W. Ebs worth.
8vo., boards 1893
Carlisle (Earl of). Viceregal Speeches and Addresses. 8vo., cloth 1866
Caroline (Queen). The Legislatorial Trial of. 8vo., fine copy in
original boards, uncut 1820
-A Queen of Indiscretions. Translated from the Italian of
Graziano P. Clerici. 8vo., cloth 1907
Castiglione. The Book of the Courtier. Translated from the Italian.
4to., with 71 portraits (52 coloured by hand) ; vellum 1902
Caxton. The Recnyell of the Historyes of Troye. The first English
printed book, now reproduced by H. Oskar Sommer. 2 vols., 8vo.,
boards 1894
Centlivre (Susannah). Works. With a new Account of her Life.
3 vols., 12mo., with portrait, old calf 1761-60
-the same. 8vo Large Paper; half morocco 1872
-Love’s Contrivance, or Le Medecin malgre Lni. Sm. 4to., First
Edition, a few leaves a little waterstained; unbound 1703
Cervantes (Miguel de). Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by
Charles Jarvis. 2 vols., 4to., old russia gilt 1742
Extra illustrated by the insertion of the SI illustrations (26 of which are by Coypel)
from the Paris edition of 1746.
-the same. 4 vols., 16mo., calf 1809
- the same. Edited by J. W. Clark. 4to., with 118 full-page
•plates by Gustave Dore ; calf (1880)
- the same. A new Translation by A. J. Dnffield. 3 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1881
the same. Translated by Mottenx. Edited by John G. Lockhart.
£ s. d.
1 4
0 7
1 10
2 15
4 vols., post 8vo., with 16 etchings, extra illustrated by the insertion of the
complete set of 15 etchings by George Ci'uikshank; half morocco 1881
2803 - the same. A new English Translation, with Life, by H. E.
Watts. 5 vols., sm. 4to., half vellum 1888-89
2801 Cessares. Account of the First Settlement, Laws, Form of Govern¬
ment, and Police, of the Cessares, a People of South America. 8vo.,
calf 1764
2805 Chambers (Robert). Cyclopsedia of English literature. 2 vols., roy.
8vo , half calf 1858-60
2806 Chapman (George). Dramatic Works. 3 vols., 8vo., Large Paper ,
half green morocco, gilt backs 1873
2,807 - Works (Plays, Poems, and Translations). Edited by Richard
Herne Shepherd. 3 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1874-75
2 J 08 Charles II. Gesprache in dem Reiche derer Todten, aohtzehnde entre-
vue, zwischen Uarolo II. Konig von Engeland, und der, wegen ihrer
Sohonbeit beriihmt gewesenen Moliere. 4to., sewed Leipzig, 1720
2809 Chatterton (Thomas). Works. 3 vols., 8vo., half bound 1803
2810 -Poetical Works. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth 1842
2811 [Chatto (W. A.)]. A Paper of Tobacoo. 12mo , half calf 1839
2812 Chaucer. Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by Walter
W. Skeat. 6 vols. and Supplement;—together 7 vols., 8vo., cloth
2813 - The Canterbury Tales. Edited by Thomas Wright. 3 vols.,
post 8 vo , calf extra, by Rayd \y 1847-51
2811 - the same. Edited by Alfred W. Pollard. 2 vols., 12mo., parch¬
ment 1886
2815 - the same. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1894
2816 - Todd (H. J.). Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer.
8vo , with 3 plates; blue morocco, gilt edges 1810
2817 Churchill (Charles). Poems. 2 vols., 4to., old red morocco, with broad
gold borders on the sides 1763-65
2818 --Poetical Works, with Life of the Author, by W. Tooke. 3 vols.,
12mo., morocco Pickering's Aldine Poets , 1844
0 10
1 16
0 9
0 9
0 7
0 5
0 16 0
0 7 6
2 16 O
1 1 0
0 12 0
4 10 0
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
1 16 0
2 0 0
0 7 6
0 15 0
2 5 0
0 12 6
3 15 0
2 17 6
0 12 0
14 0
9 9 0
£ x. d.
Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of) Miscellaneous
Works. 2 vols., calf gilt 1777
-Letters to his Son, Philip Stanhope. 4 vols., 8vo., calf 1774
- the same. 4 vols., 12mo., old calf 1787
—-the same. Published from the Originals by Mrs. Eugenia Stan¬
hope. 4 vols., roy. 8vo., old straight-grained red morocco 1800
-the same. Edited by the Earl of Carnarvon. 8vo., Best Edition;
cloth Oxford , 1890
- the same. Edited with an Introduction by C. Strachey and
Notes by A. Calthorp. 2 vols., post 8vo., doth 1901
Churchyard’s Chips concerning Scotland. Post 8vo., half calf 1817
Cibber (Colley). The Careless Husband. A Comedy . . . Sm. 4to.,
First Edition; hf. morocco, gilt top 1705
- An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian. Fourth
Edition. 2 vols., 12mo., calf extra, by Bedford 1756
Clarendon (Edward, Earl of). Religion and Policy. 2 vols, roy.
8vo., half russia Oxford, 1811
-History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 8 vols.—
Life of Clarendon. 3 vols. 1827 ;—together 11 vols., 8vo., Best
Edition; calf gilt 1826-27
- Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1857
[(Clarke (J.).] Glances at Character. 8vo., 8 humourous plates
coloured by hatid, polished calf extra, uncut, by lliviere 1814
Cobden (Richard). Speeches on Questions of Pnblic Policy. 2 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1870
Cockbum (Henry, Lord). Memorials of his Times, 1856—Journal.
2 vols., 1874 ;—together 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1856-74
Colchester. Diary and Correspondence of Charles Abbot, Lord Col¬
chester. Edited by his Son. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1861
Coleridge (S. T.). Works in Verse ami Prose. Aldine Edition, 18
vols., 12mo., calf gilt Pickering, 1836-50
-Poetical Works. 3 vols., post 8vo., Pickering's “ Wreath ” Edi¬
tion; half blue morocco 1828
-the same. 3 vols., 12mo., half morocco 1836
-the same. 12mo., cloth Pickering, 1848
-Poetical and Dramatic Works. 3 vols., 12mo., morocco, gilt
edges, Rugby prize copy Pickering's Aldine Poets, 1847
-the same. 4 vols., post 8vo., Large Paper; orange morocco, by
J. Larkin 8, a fine copy Pickering, 1877
-“ Blessed are ye that sow beside all Waters ! ” 8vo., cloth 1817
-The Friend. Second edition ; 3 vols., post 8vo., boards 1818
-On the Constitution of the Church and State. Post 8vo., cloth 18:10
-the same. 12mo., doth Pickering, 1839
-Aids to Reflection in the Formation of a Manly Character.
Post 8vo., cloth ibid., 1836
-Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive Theory of
Life. Edited by Seth B. Watson. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1848
-Notes on English Divines. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth Moxon, 1853
-Osorio, a Tragedy. l2mo., boards 1873
-Literary Remains. 4 vols., 8vo., red morocco 1836-39
-The Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by Richard
Garnett. 12mo., cloth 1898
The late I)r. Garnett’s own copy with several corrections and notes.
- (Hartley). Poems. 2 vols.—Essays and Magnalia. 2 vols.;—
together 4 vols., 12mo., cloth Moxon, 1851
-Life and Correspondence of John Duke, Lord Coleridge, Lord
Chief Justice of England. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1904
Collins (William). Poetical Works, with a Memoir. 12mo., original
doth Pickering's Aldine Poets, 1830
-the same. 12mo. calf gilt 0riainal from ib., .1830
Original from
1 10 0
1 5 0
0 18 0
7 7 0
0 12 6
0 12 0
0 7 6
0 12 6
2 16 0
0 10 0
4 15 0
l 2 0
4 4 0
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 12 6
1 11 0
2 2 0
1 10 0
0 10 0
2 5 <i
4 4 0
0 8 O
0 7 6
0 8 (i
0 5 0
0 5 <)
0 6 <>
0 8 o
0 4 0
2 10 O
0 12 6
0 15 0
0 1 ) 0
0 7 6
0 6 o
‘28 6 2
£ I. d.
1 18 0
1 10 0
9 9 0
1 JO 0
Edition, 1820—In Search of a Wife. First Edition, 1821—The Three
Series (complete). 3 vole.,roy. 8 vo .,darkgreen levant morocco extra 1819-21 12 12 0
Congreve (William). Works. 3 vols., 8 vo., First Collected Edition,
large type; old calf 1710
-the same. 3 vols , roy. 8 vo., old English red morocco
Printed by John Baskerville, 1761 14 11 0
r2855 [Collier (John)]. Miscellaneous Writings of Tim Bobbin. 12mo.,
with portrait and 10 plates; half morocco Manchester, 1775
2856 -An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting. New Edition.
12mo., 5 coloured prints; mottled calf 1808
2857 Combe (W.). The Dance of Life. Roy. 8 vo., First Edition, with 21
coloured plates; original boards, uncut Ackermann, 1817
.2858 -The Tonr of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. Ninth
edition. Roy. 8 vo., boards, uncut 1819
2359 -the same. Eighth Edition, 1819—in Search of Consolation. Firrt
2 2 0
Constable. Diana: The Sonnets and other Poems of Henry Constable.
Edited by Hazlitt. 8 ro., red morocco 1859
Cooper (James Fenimore). Works. The Mohawk Edition, 33 vols.,
8 vo., cloth 1896
-A Collection of Novels by James Fenimore Cooper. 21 vols.,
post 8 vo., all first editions, with exception of “ The Spy ” 1827-46
The Prairie. 3 vols., red morocco, 1827 ; Red Rover. 3 vol*., calf, 1827 ; Tho
Spy. 3 vols., fourth edition, red morocco, 1828 ; The Borderers. 3 vols., red morocco,
1829 ; The Water Witch. 3 vols., red morocco, 1830 ; The Bravo. 3 vols., red morocco,
1881 ; Ravensnest. 3 vols., boards, 1840.
The Deerslayer. 2 vols., post 8 vo., First Edition, original cloth 1841
1 1 0
4 15 0
4 4 *0
•2865 -
2866 Coryat (T.). Crudities. Reprinted from the edition of 1611. 3 volt-..
8 vo., calf 1776
2867 Costello (L. S.). The Rose Garden of Persia. Post 8 vo., red morocco
with an oriental design in gold on the sides and back 1845
2868 Cotton. Genuine Poetical Works of Charles Cotton. 12mo., calf 1765
2869 Cowley (Abraham). Works. 3 vole., post 8 vo., with portraits; calf
gilt, fully gilt backs, fine copy 1707-8
2870 -the same. 3 vols., post 8 vo., calf neat 1707-8
2871 -Select Works. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo ,,fine copy in old russia 1772
2872 -the same. 2 vols.—Supplement;—together 3 vols., post 8 vo.,
calf gilt .1777
2873 Cowper (William). Poems. 2 vols., 1800.—Homer, translated into
English, 4 vols., 1802.—Life and Posthumous Writings, 4 vols., 1806.
—Private Correspondence, 2 vols., 1824 ;—together, 12 vols., roy. 8 vo.,
fine set in calf 1800-2 b
2874 - — — Poems. 2 vols., 12mo., calf gilt 1800
2875 -Works, with a Life of the Author by Robert Southey. 15 vols.,
12mo., original cloth, £1. 10s; or, half blue morocco 1835-3/
2876 -Poems, translated from the French of Madame de la Motho
Onion. 12mo., tree-calf 1803
2877 -Poetical Works. 2 vols., 8 vo., blue morocco extra, a fine copy
Pickering, 1853
2878 Crabbe (George). Works. 5 vols., 8 vo., cloth, lbs; or, half morocco 1823
2879 -the same. 8 vols., I2mo., straight-grained green morocco 1823
2880 -Works. With his Letters and Journals. 8 vols., 12mo., cloth,
£1. 1#; or, calf, £1. bs ; or, calf gilt 1834
2881 - ; -the same. 8 vols., 12mo., old calf 1834
2882 -the same. 8 vols., 12mo., calf gilt • 1847
2883 Creevey Papers (The). 1768-1838. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1904
2884 Creighton (Mandell). History of tho Papacy during the Period of
the Reformation. 5 vols., 8 vo., Library Edition, cloth , £4. 15*; or, blue
levant morocco 1882-91
2885 Crowquill (Alfred^ The Tournament. 16mo., calf original from *839
1 5 0
6 6 0
0 10
0 7
4 0
1 16
0 15
1 4
0 7
2 5
4 4
1 1
1 10
2 2
1 5
2 10
1 1
6 (5
*>. •>
0 10 0
0 3 G
289 J
Croker (John Wilson). Correspondence and Diaries. Edited by
Louis F. Jennings. 3 vols , 8 vo , Firtt Edition , half calf 1881
-the same. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1885
Cromwell (Oliver). Letters and Speeches: with Elucidations by
Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols., 8 vo., First Edition; cloth 1848
Crowne (John). Dramatic Works. 4 vols., 8 vo., Large Paper ; tree-
calf extra, fully gilt 1873-74
Cruikshank (George). The Humourist. 4 vols., 12mo., very fine
copy in calf extra, gilt backs by Bedford 1822, 19, 19, 20
-Points of Humour. 2 pts. in 1 vol., roy. 8 vo., with 20 full-page
coloured etchings and 20 woodcuts; blue morocco 1823-4
- (George and Robert). A collection of 17 humorous pieces
illustrated by G. and R. Cruikshank, bound in 1 vol., 12mo., half
morocco Kidd, etc., 1830, etc.
Cunningham (Peter). Story of Nell Gwyn. Edited by Henry B.
Wheatley. Roy. 8 vo ., Large Paper; cloth 1892
Dargaud(J. M.). Histoiro d’Elisabeth d’Angleterre. 8 vo., sewed 1866
Davidson (John). Ballads and Songs. 12mo., cloth 1895
Davies (Sir John). Complete Poems. Edited by Alexander B.
Grosart. 2 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1876
Davison (Francis). The Poetical Rhapsody; with Notes by Sir N.
Harry Nicolas. 2 vols., post 8 vo., cloth Pickering, 1826
Defoe (Daniel). A True Collection of the Writings of the Author of
the True Born Englishman. 1703.— A second volume. 1705;—2 vols.,
8 vo., calf 1703-5
-The Storm. 8vo., First Edition; old calf 1704
-Moderation display’d. Post 8 vo., unbound 1709
-The Life, Adventures, and Piracies, of the Famous Captain
Singleton. Post 8 vo , First Edition; russia 1720
-Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell. 8 vo., First
Edition ; calf 1720
-Religious Courtship. 8 vo., First Edition ; old calf 1722
-The Fortunate Mistress. 8 vo., First Edition, portion of the plain
inner margin of frontispiece neatly restored; polished calf extra, by
Bedford . 1724
-Conjugal Lewdness : or, Matrimonial Whoredom. Post 8 vo.,
first issue of the Firtt Edition; calf 1727
-Memoirs of an English Officer who served in the Dutch War.
By Capt. G. Carleton. 8 vo., First Edition; calf 1728
-Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton. 8 vo., half russia 1808
-the same. 8 vo., new hf. calf 1809
-Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 2 vols., roy. 8 vo ,rrith
22 illustrations by Stothard; russia Cadell, 1820
-the same. 2 vols., 12mo., illustrated by O. Cruikshank; boards,
uncut Major, 1831
Dekker (Thomas). Dramatio Works. 4 vols., post 8 vo., boards 1873
Delane. John Thaddeus Delane. His Life and Correspondence. By
Arthur Irwin Dasent. 2 vols., 8 vo., half red morocco 1908
De Quincey (Thomas). Works. 14 vols., post 8 vo., half morocco, by
Riviere 1853-60
-the same. Including all his Contributions to Periodical Litera¬
ture. 16 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1862-74
- Confessions of an Opium-Eater. 12mo., First Edition, calf
neat 1822
Dennistoun (James). Mehaoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. 3 vols.,
8 vo., half blue morocco, a fine copy 1851
Desclozeaux (Adrien). Gabriel D’Estr4es. Translated from the
French. 8 vo., sewed, 10s 6d; or, half vellum gilt 1907
Devonshire. Anecdotes and Biographical Sketches. By Elizabeth,
Duchess of Devonshire.] poet 8 vo., doth Original from 1863
£ s. d.
15 0
0 9 6
0 16 0
2 2 0
26 0 0
8 8 0
3 3 0
0 15 0
0 3 6
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 17 6
1 1 0
15 0
0 6 0
0 8 0
1 l 0
1 12 0
15 15 0
9 9 0
1 0 0
0 6 0
0 10 6
5 10 0
3 0 0
3 12 6
15 0
5 5 0
l 16 0
3 5 0
6 15 0
0 16 0
0 17 6
£ t. d.
Dickens (Charles). Complete Works. Illustrated Library Edition.
30 vols., 8 vo., cloth, £8 ; or, half red morocco gilt n. d. 16 16 0
— Works. Edition de Laze. 30 vols., impl. 8 vo., cloth, £17; or,
half green morocco, gilt backs, contents littered 1881-82 28 0 0
- - The Village Coquettes: A Comic Opera. Roy. 8 vo., First
Edition ; folded ready for binding ; entirely uncut ; in a cloth case 1836
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 20 parts in 19,
6 15 0
6 6 0
5 0
with all the wrappers and advertisements, enclosed in a morocco case 1846
-the same. 8 vo., cloth 1846
-another edition. 8 vo., cloth 1863
-Nicholas Nickleby. 8 vo., First Edition; half calf 1839
-the same. 8 vo., cloth 1857
-Master Humphrey’s Clock. 3 vols., impl. 8 vo., First Edition;
original cloth 1840-41
-The Chimes. 12mo., first issue of the First Edition; original
doth • 1845
-The Battle of Life. 12mo., First Edition (third issue ) ; original
doth 1846
-The Cricket on the Hearth. 12mo., First Edition; original
cloth 1846
-Pictures from Italy. 12mo., First Edition; a fine copy in the
original blue cloth with the leaves of advertisement 1846
-Dombey and Son. 8 vo., First Edition; bound from the original
parts in half red morocco, uncut 1848
-the same. 8 vo., calf extra , by Riviere • 1848
- The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain. 12mo., First
Edition ; original cloth 1848
- David Copperfield. 8 vo., First Edition; newly bound in half red
morocco by Root 1850
- Bleak House. 20 parts in 19. 8 vo., First Edition; with all the
original wrappers ; enclosed in a case 1853
-the same. 8 vo., half red morocco 1853
-Hard Times. Post 8 vo., First Edition ; original doth 1854
-A Child’s History of England. 3 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1854-53-55
-Little Dorrit. 20 parts in 19. 8 vo., First Edition; with all the
original wrappers, enclosed in a case 1857
-the same. 8 vo., First Edition; half morocco 1857
-A Tale of Two Cities. 8 vo., First Edition; a clean copy in the
original doth 1859
-the same, ftwo., calf extra by Root Original from 1859
Digitized by 1^0 gLC UNIVERSITY OF Mfc
1 16
1 18
2 18
l 16
0 18
1 4
2 10
1 10
4 4
4 10
m a 9
8 ro., First Edition ; in the original green paper wrappers , enclosed in a
morocco box 1836-37 30 0 0
-the same. 8 vo., First Edition; extra illustrated by the insertion of
the complete set of 32 plates by T. Onwhyn ; half morocco, uncut 1837
-the same. Roy. 8 vo., with illustrations by Onwhyn and Forrester ,
original cloth ( repaired ) Philadelphia: Garey, Lea and Blanchard, 1838
A very early American edition. Probably the first published in Philadelphia.
■■ the same. Roy. 8 vo., original cloth Philadelphia, n. d. (1850)
-the same. 2 vols., post 8 vo., doth 1886
-Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Edited by “ Boz.” 2 vols., post
8 vo., first issue of the First Edition; original pink cloth 1838
-the same. 2 vols., post 8 vo., First Edition; original brown
cloth 1838
-the same. With Notes and Additions, revised by C. Whitehead.
12mo., cloth 1853
-Oliver Twist. 3 vols., 8 vo., First Edition; a clean copy of the
first issue with cancelled “ fireside ” plate; original cloth 1838
the same. First octavo Edition ; a very fine clean copy in 10 parts
9 0 0
6 0 0
0 4 0
12 12 0
18 18 0
2 16 0
0 10 6
2 10 0
0 15 0
0 18 0
1 16 0
0 7 6
0 12 0
1 4 0
0 6 0
1 15 0
£ *. d
2953 Dickens (Charles). The Story of Little Dombey. 12mo., green p>
wrapper; very fresh copy 1862
This is the version of “ Dombey and Son ” which wm nsed by Dickens for his public
2954 -Onr Mutual Friend. 2 vols., 8 vo., First Edition; half calf 1865
2955 -Sam Weller’s Scrap Sheet, a large sheet (2?| x 18^) consisting of
40 illustrations of characters in “ Pickwick Papers ” n. d.
2956 -The Life of Charles Dickens. 3 vols., 8 vo., doth 1872-74
2957 Digby (Kenelm Henry). Mores Catholici. 11 vols., 12mo half blue
morocco, gilt edges 1831-42
2958 -the same. 11 vols. in 9, half morocco, with lacks fully gilt, giU
tops, by Larkins 1831-42
2959 -Compitom. 7 vols., 12mo., half red morocco, fully gilt 1851-54
2960 -The Broad Stone of Honour. 5 vols., post 8 vo., cloth, £2; or,
newly bound in half red morocco gilt 1876-77
2961 -the same. 5 vols., 8 vo., Large Paper, half morocco 1876-77
2962 Dilke (Sir C. W.). Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth,
15s; or, half morocco 1890
2963 D’lsraeli (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature. 3 vols., calf. 1793-
1817—Second Series. 3 vols , half calf. 1823 ;—together 6 vols.,
8 vo. 1793-1823
2964 -Amenities of Literature. 2 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1859
2965 Dixon. A Collection of the Works of William Hepworth Dixon. 16
vols., 8 vo., original cloth 1869-79
2966 - History of Two Queens. 4 vols., 1873-74—Royal Windsor.
4 vols., 18/9-80;—together 8 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1873-80
2967 Dobson (Austin). Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 4to., First Edition,
Large Hand-made Paper; half parchment 1892
2968 - Collected Poems. Post 8 vo., with portrait; cloth 1898
2969 [Dodgson (Charles Lutwidge)]. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
By Lewis Carroll. Post 8 vo., First Edition ; red cloth, a fine copy 1866
2970 -Through the Looking-Glass. Post 8 vo., First Edition; original
cloth 1872
2971 -Sylvie and Bruno. Post 8 vo. 1889—Sylvie and Bruno con¬
cluded. Poet 8 vo. 1893;—together 2 vols., post 8 vo., First Editions;
original cloth 1889-93
2972 Dodsley (R.). Select Collection of Old Plays. 12 vols., l2mo., olive
morocco, contents lettered, gilt edges 1744
2973 -the same. New Edition : with additional Notes and Corrections.
12 vols., Large Paper 1825-27—A Supplement to Dodsley’s Old
Plays. 4 vols., 1853;—together 16 vols., 8 ro., tree calf, gilt backs,
contents lettered 1825-53
2974 -the same. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. 15 vols., 8 vo., cloth,
£ 6 . 6 s; or, half vellum gilt 1874-76
2975 - -the same. 15 vols., 8 vo., Large Paper; cloth 1874-76
2976 Dodsworth (Anna). Fugitive Pieces. Post 8 vo., old calf 1802
2977 Doran (Dr.). Their Majesties’ Servants. 2 vols., 8 vo., First Edition,
morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere 1864
2978 Dorman (Marcus R. P.). History of the British Empire in the
Nineteenth Century. 2 vols., 8 ro., cloth 1902
Doves Press:
2979 The English Bible. 5 vols., folio, limp vellum 1903-5
2980 Browning (Robert). Men and Women. 2 vols., sra. 4to., vellum 1908
2981 -the Bame. Printed on vellum 1908
2982 Cobden - Sanderson (J. T.). Credo. 12mo., pp. 6 ; niger morocco,
gilt edges 1908
2983 Emerson (R. W.). Essays. With Preface by Thomas Carlyle.
Sm. 4to, vellfrfi ^ cs\c> Original from 1906
10 0
15 0
10 0
16 0
5 0
10 0
13 6
3 0
4 0
5 0
16 0
7 0
10 0
10 0
14 0
3 6
16 0
7 G
8 0
15 0
13 0
8 0
10 0
15 0
5 0
7 6
12 0
4 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
£ s. d.
Doves Press, continued :—
2984 Milton (John). Paradise Lost. 1902—Paradise Regain’d, to which
is added Samson Agonistes and Poems. 1905;—together 2 vols.,
sm. 4to., printed on vellum; limp vellum 1902-5 60 0 0
2985 -Paradise Regain’d, to which is added Samson Agonistes and
Poems. Sm. 4to., limp vellum 1905
2986 Ruskin (John). Unto this Last. 8 vo., vellum 1907
2987 Tacitus. Cornelii Taciti de Vita et Moribns Julii Agricolce liber.
Sm. 4to., velium 1900
29?8 Drake (Nathan). Essays. 3 vols., 12mo., calf 1805
29^9 Drama. Companion to the Play-House: (by D. E. Baker). 2 vols.,
cr. 8 vo., half calf, 10s 6 d; or, old calf 1764
2990 -The Thespian Dictionary. Cr. 8 vo., old calf 1805
299L Drayton (Michael). Works. 4 vols., 8 vo., Best Edition, old calf ,
rehacked, £4. 15s; or, a fine copy in calf gtlt
-Selections from the Poems of Mic
ichael Drayton. Edited by
A. H. Bnllen. Sm. 4to., sewed
2993 Dryden (John). Works. With Notes and a Life of the Author by
Sir Walter Scott. 18 vols., 8 vo., Second (and best ) Edition, with portrait,
calf neat £ 11 ; or, a fine copy in calf gilt 1821
- Poetical Works. 5 vols., 12mo., Original Aldine Edition, original
cloth Pickering, 1832-3
-the same. Re-issue. 5 vols, 12m o., original cloth ih., 1843
-the same. 5 vols., l2mo., calf gilt ib. t 1852
-The 16 Satires of Decimns Junius Juvenalis. Translated into
English Verse. 8 vo., calf, rehacked 17' 2
2998 --the same. 12mo., calf 1754
2)99 Duchesne (Mgr. L.). Christian Worship: its origin and Evolution.
Translated by M. L. McClure. 8 vo., cloth 1904
3000 Dumas (Alexandre). Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burn¬
ham. 8 vols., 8 vo., with illustrations; cloth 1895
3001 -the same. 3 vols., post 8 vo., cloth Boston, n. d.
3002 [Duncombe (John)]. An Evening Contemplation in a College. 4to.,
12 pages ; half levant morocco, uncut 1753
3003 Dunlop (John). History of Fiction. 3 vols., poet 8 vo., Second (and
best) Edition ; calf extra, by F. Bedford 1816
3004 D’Urfey (T.). Wit and Mirth ; or, Pills to Purge Melancholy. 6 vols.,
12mo., old calf 1719-29
3005 Dyer (Thomas H.). History of Modern Europe. 4 vols., 8 ro., doth
3J06 [Edwards (Thomas)l. The Canons of Criticism, a Supplement to
Warburton’s edition of Shakespear. 8 vo., calf 1758
3007 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 8 vo., First Edition; a fine copy in red
morocco extra, uncut edges , by Root 1821
3'J< 8 -the same. Roy. 8 vo., half russia, a clean bright copy 1821
30'-9 -the same. Roy. 8 vo., half calf gilt 1821
3010 -the same. Roy. 8 vo., Large Paper, red morocco extra, uncut edges,
by Riviere 1821
Digitized by
5 15 0
1 1 0
13 13 0
0 10 0
3 3 0
2 16 0
4 15 0
0 18 0
0 5 0
16 16 0
The engraved title has been inserted from a shorter copy, hence the low price.
-another copy. Roy. 8 vo., a very fine uncut copy in the original
bds., with woodcuts on sides, enclosed in a cloth case 1822 16 16 0
6 6 0
r the same. Roy. 8 vo., Large Paper; brown levant morocco extra,
gilt top 1822
-Real Life in London. 2 vols., 8 vo., First Edition, with coloured
plates by Henry Aiken, etc.; green levant morocco 1821-22 14 0 0
Written in the style of Egan’s “ Life in London ” and usually attributed to him,
although the authorship is uncertain.
-Anecdotes of the Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage. 8 vo M
First Edition, xoith 13 coloured plates; calf extra, by Biviere 1827
-Boxiana. 5 vols., 8 vo., half red levant morocco, gilt tops
- Origin ( 18 S&- 29 )
13 13 0
15 0 0
3016 Edgeworth (Maria). Works. 16 vols., 12mo., First Editions, except
one ; contemporary calf 1802-14
Contents Moral Tales, 3 vols.; Popular Tales, 3 toIs. ; Tales of Fashionable
Life (third edition), 6 vols. ; Patronage, 4 vols.
3017 -Tales and Novels. 18 vols., 12mo., calf extra, fully gilt, contents
lettered; a fine copy 1832-33
3018 -the same. 10 vols., post 8 vo., Longford Edition; cloth 1893
3019 -the same. 12 vols., post 8 vo., Large Paper; buckram 1893
3020 -Leonora. 2 vols., post 8 vo., First Edition; old calf 18t>6
3021 -Comic Dramas in three acts. Sm. 8 vo , First Edition; boards 1817
3022 - (Richard Lovell and Maria). Essay on Irish Bulls. Post
8 vo., FirU Edition; calf 1802
3023 Eldon (Lord Chancellor). Public and Private Life. 3 vols., 8 vo,
calf gilt 1844
3024 Elegant Extracts from the most eminent British Poets. 6 vols.—
Prose Writers. 6 vols.—Elegant Epistles. 6 vols.;—together 36
parts in 18 vols., l 6 mo., morocco extra Sharpe (1810)
3025 Eliot (George). Complete Works. 10 vols., 8 vo., Library Edition;
half blue morocco, gilt backs, by Boot 1901
3026 -the same. 10 vols., 8 vo., cloth 190 L
3027 -Novels. 8 vols. in 7, post 8 vo., half calf (1896)
3028 -Adam Bede. 3 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1849
3029 - Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols., post 8 vo., Fint Edition, original
cloth, scarce 185S
3030 -Silas Marner: the Weaver of Raveloe. Post 8 vo., First Edition,
cloth, uncut 1861
3031 -Felix Holt the Radical. 3 vols., post 8 vo., First Edition, cloth,
uncut 1866
3032 - Daniel Deronda. 4 vols. in 8 parts, post 8 vo., First Edition,
original wrappers 1876
3033 - the same. 4 vols., post 8 vo., cloth, uncut 1876
3034 Elizabethan Sonnet-Cycles. Edited by M. F. Crow. 4 vols., 12mo.,
cloth 1898
3035 Elizabeth (Queen). The Mirror of the Sinful Soul. A prose trans¬
lation from the French. 8 vo ., photographic facsimile ; half calf 1897
3036 Ellis (Henry). Original Letters, the three series (complete). 11 vols.,
post 8 vo., half morocco, uncut 1825-46
3037 Elton (C. 1.). Origins of English History. 8 vo:, Best Edition, cloth,
10« 6d ; or, half morocco 1889
3038 Elyot (Sir Thomas). The Boke named the Gouernour. Edited from
the first edition. 2 vols., sm. 4to., half morocco 1880
3039 Emerson (Ralph Waldo). Works. 12 vols., post 8 vo., Riverside
Edition; half calf neat 1894-1903
3010 - the same. 6 vols., post 8 vo., newly bound in half red calf, by
Riviere 1905
3041 - Representative Men. Seven Lectures. Post 8 vo., cloth 1850
3012 Encyclopaedia Biblica. Edited by T. K. Cheyne and J. Sutherland
Black. 4 parts, impl. 8 vo., boards 1899-1903
3043 England and France in the Fifteenth Century. Presumed to have
been written by Charles, Duke of Orleans : translated. 8 vo., cloth 1870*
3044 English Dialect Dictionary (The). Edited by Joseph Wright.
Complete. 7 vols., roy, 4to., in parts, £ 8 . 8 s; or, 6 vols., half morocco,
and the Grammar unbound 1896-1905
3045 -the same. Printed on Handmade Paper ; as issued 1896-19J5
3046 English Lyrics from Spenser to Milton. 8vo., Large Paper, printed
on Japanese Paper; cloth 1898
3047 Erasmus. The Apophthegmes of Erasmus. Translated by Udall.
Reprinted fr 6 ln-the edition of 1564. 8 vo., cloth Original from 1877
£ i. d.
10 10 0
7 7
0 18
2 15
0 16
0 15
0 12 G
0 110
3 3 0
6 6 0
2 17 6
1 16 0
0 9 0
10 0 0
0 9 0
0 16 0
0 IS 0
0 15 0
0 9 0
0 10 0
3 3
1 4 0
1 18 o
3 5 0
2 10 0
0 12 G
3 5 0
0 6 0
10 10 0
15 15 0
0 17 0
0 7 0
Essayists: # £
3049 The British Essayists. With Prefaces by Alexander Chalmers.
45 vols., 12m o., calf neat 1803 8
3050 - the same. With Prefaces by Lionel Thomas Berguer.
45 vols., 12mo., half calf 1823 7
3051 -the same. With Prefaces by James Fergnson. Second (and
best edition). 40 vols., 12mo., purple morocco extra, contents lettered ; a
fine set 1823 11
3052 Spectator (The). 8 vols. 1718-17—'The Tatler. 5 vols. 1720—The
Guardian. 2 vols. 1714—The Englishman. 1714;—together 16 vols.,
post 8 vo., contemporary English, red morocco, Harleian style
J. Tonsort , 1714-20 9
3053 - the same. 8 vols.—The Tatler. 4 vols. The Guardian.
2 vols.;—together 14 vols., 8 vo , Library Edition, contemporary mottled
calf extra 1789 14
3 )54 -the same. 14 vols., Large Paper , contemporary straight-grained
red morocco, a remarkably fine set 1797 18
3055 - tho same. 14 vols., Large Paper; old sprinkled calf by
KaWueber 1797 4
3056 -the same. 12 vols. With Prefaces by Alexander Chalmers.
8 vo., contemporary calf 1822 2
3057 Adventurer (The). A complete set of 140 numbers. 2 vols., sm.
folio, half bound,'uncut 1753-4 10
3058 -the same. 4 vols., 12mo calf, fully gill backs 1806-7-5 0
3059 Looker-on (The). By the Rev. Simon Olive-Branch, A.M.
(William Roberts). 86 nos. in 1 vol., folio, half calf 1792-3 1
3060 Mirror (The). 1779 and 1780. 2 vols., 1792-3—The Lounger.
1785 and 1786. 2 vols., 1794 ;—together 4 vols., 8 vo., calf 1792-94 0
3061 Rambler (The). 2 vols., sm. folio, comprising the complete set of 208
numbers; half calf 1750-2 3
This in bonnd up from the parts and consequently does not contain the titles and
contents leaves.
3062 -the same. 2 vols., sm. folio, half calf 1753 2
First edition issued in volume form. This has a title-page, dated 1753, and lists of
contents and mottoes in each volume.
3063 Rambler (The). 4 vols., 12mo., green morocco gilt 1826 0
3064 Spectator (The). 548 (of 555) numbers. Sm. folio, bonnd in 1 vol.,
a few numbers shaved; old calf, rebacked 1711-12 15
Missing noe. are 280, 403, 482-485, and 556. Several nos. of The Tatler bound in.
3065 -Numbers 1-391. Sm. folio, bound in 1 vol., contemporary calf
1711-12 6
3066 -the same. 8 vols., 8 vo., a very fine copy in contemporary
English blue morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges 1747 7
3067 -the same. 8 vols., 8 vo., calf 1775 0
3068 -the same. 8 vols., 12mo. calf (1800) 0
3u69 Tatler (The). Nos. 1-271, all published by Sir Richard Steele.
Original issue. 2 vols., folio, panelled calf 1710-11 15
3u70 World (The) . . . By Adam Fitz-Adam. The Complete Set of 209
Numbers, forming 3 vols. in 2, sm. folio, half calf gilt 1753-55 3
3071 --the same. 3 vols., 12mo., calf 1770 0
3072 Etherege (Sir George). Works. 12mo calf extra, by Bel ford 1735 1
3073 Etonian (The). A complete set from the beginning in October 1820
to the end in August, 1821. 10 parts forming 2 vols., 8 vo., a fine copy
in half morocco extra Windsor, 1820-1 5
3074 Evelyn (John). Memoirs. Edited by William Bray. Second edition.
2 vols., 4to., half calf 1819 1
3075 -the same. With a Life of the Author by Henry B. Wheatley.
4 vols., 8 vo., boards 1879 3
3076 - 7 - the same 4 vols., 8 vo., half red calf, gilt backs 1906 2
3077 Excerpta Historieai^.Roy.B^o., roxburghe Original from 1833 0
s. d.
8 0
0 0
11 0
0 0
0 0
18 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
12 6
0 0
10 0
3 0
2 0
15 0
0 0
6 0
10 0
18 0
12 0
0 0
3 0
6 0
1 0
5 0
8 0
16 0
2 0
7 6
Fairfax Correspondence (The). Memoirs of the' Reign of Charles
the First. 2 vols.—Memoirs of the Civil War. 2j vols.;—together
4 vols., 8vo., half calf 1848-49
Faraday. Life and Letters. By Dr. Bonce Jones. 2 vols., 8vo., half
Farquhar (Ferdinand). The Relics of a
Works. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo., old calf
2 vols., 12mo., a five copy in old calf gilt
2 vols., 12mo., old calf
the same,
the same,
the same.
2 vols., 12mo., a very fine copy bound in calf extra,
fully gilt, contents lettered, by Bedford 1772
-The Twin-Rivals. Sm. 4to foxed copy, hf. morocco 17( 3
" W M r r
Fenelon. The Adventures of Telemachus. From the French, by John
Hawkesworth. 2 vols., 12mo., calf gilt 1800
Fergusson (Robert). Poems on various Subjects. 12mo ,,old calf 1796
Fielding (Henry). Works. 12 vols., 12mo., calf 1767
-the same. With the Life of the Author (by Arthur Murphy).
8 vols., 8vo., old calf gilt 1771
-the same. A new Edition edited by James P. Browne. 11 vols ,
8vo., doth 1902
■■ tho Bamc. Edited by Leslie Stephen. 10 vols., roy. 8vo., Edition
de Luxe; buckram, £3; or, half brotcn levant morocco 1882
-the same. Edited by George Saintsbury. 12 vols., post 8vr.,
Large Paper; buckram 1893
-the same. With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse. 12 voIr.,
8vo., half polished calf 1898-99
- the same. 12 vols., 8vo., cloth 1698-99
-The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling. 6 vols., 12mo., First
Edition (second issue ) ; a fine copy in old calf 1749
— - - the same. 4 vols., 8ro., old French green morocco extra, gilt backs
and borders Paris: Printed by Dtdot, 1780
- the same. 2 vols., 1831.—History of Amelia. 2 vols., 1832.—
Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 1832;—together 5 vols., 12mo., half
red morocco 1831-32
- - An Enquiry into the causes of the late Increase of RobberR.
8vo., half calf neat 1751
-Amelia. 4 vols., 12mo., First Edition; a fine copy in calf gilt 1752
- Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. 12mo., First Edition , a fit <•
copy in contemporary calf, scarce 1755
-the same. With Notes by Austin Dobson. Post 8vo., boards 1892
— (Sarah)]. Adventures of David Simple. 2 vols., 12mo.,
First Edition, a fine copy in contemporary calf 1744
Finlay (George). History of Greece, b.c. 146 to a.d. 1864. New
edition. Edited by the Rev. H. F. Tozer. 7 vols., 8vo., cloth 1877
Fitzgerald (Edward). Euphranor. 12mo., First Edition; original
green cloth 1851
-Six Dramas of Calderon. 12mo., First Edition, original cloth 1853
— -RnbaiyAt of Omar Khayyam. Third Edition. Sm. 4to., half
bound 1872
-the same, and the Saldman and Abe&l of J6mi. Square post8vo.,
Fourth Edition, with frontispiece; half bound 1879
the Rub6iy6t. English, French, German, Italian, and Danish
_ 00 0
Translations comparatively arranged. Edited by Nathan Haskell Dole.
2 vols., 8vo., doth 1898
— ■■■ Readings in Crabbe. 12mo., cloth 1883
-Letters and Literary Remains. Edited by W. Aldis Wright.
3 vols., cr. 8vo., doth 1889
■ the same. 7 vols., 8vo., Edition de Luxe; fancy doth 1902-3.
-the same.-- 7 vola. 8vo., half blue levant morocco ial from 1902-3
s. </.
4 O
12 6
8 0
14 0
0 «•
19 0
12 6
10 u
10 0
16 O
10 0
10 O
10 0
10 0
16 0
15 0
12 6
0 0
12 0
15 O
18 0
6 0
2 0
7 6
3 O
15 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
10 0
16 0
16 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
Fletcher (Giles). Complete Poems. Edited by Alex. B. Grosart.
Post 8vo., cloth 1876
Foote (Samuel). Dramatic Works. 2 vols., 12mo half calf 1797
Ford (John). Dramatic Works, with Notes, by W. Gifford. 2 vols.,
8 vo., calf extra, by Bedford 1827
-the same. 3 vols., 8vo., Large Paper; cloth, £1. 16s; or, half
red morocco 1869
3117 Foster (Birket). Piotnres of English Landscape. 4to., o very fresh
copy in the original cloth gilt 1863
— : -Beauties of English Landscape. 4to., morocco gilt 1874
Fox. Early History of Charles James Fox. By George Otto Trevelyan.
8vo., Library Edition, newly bound in half red morocco 1880
Foxe. The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe. Revised and corrected
by the Rev. Josiah Pratt. 8 vols , 8vo., cloth n. d.
Freeman (Edward A.). Comparative Politics. 8vo., cloth 1873
-History of the Norman Conquest. 5 vols.—Index, 1 vol.j—
6 vols., 8vo., cloth 1877-79
-The Reign of William Rufus. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1882
-Norman Conquest, 6 vols., 1877-79—William Rufns, 2 vols.,
1882 ;—together 8 vols., 8vo., half calf neat 1877-82
-History of the Federal Government in Greeoe and Italy. Edited
by J. B. Bury. 8vo., cloth 1893
- Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman. By W. R. W.
Stephens. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1895
Freer (Martha Walker). Henry III. King of France and Poland.
3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition; doth 1858
-Married Life of Anne of Austria. 2 vols., 1864—The Regency
of Anne of Austria. 2 vols., 1866 ;—together, 4 vols., 8vo., half blue
morocco 1864-66
Frere (John Hookham). Works. 2 vols., 8vo , cloth 1872
-the same. Second edition. 3 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1874
-the same. 3 vols., 8vo., tree-calf extra 1874
Froissart (Sir John). Chronicles. Translated by Thomas Johnes.
4 vols., 4to., russia gilt 1803-5
-the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., calf 1842
-the same. 2 vols., 1868—Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart.
By H. N. Humphreys. 2 vols. in 1, 72 plates illuminated in gold and
colours, 1844-45 ;—together 4 vols. in 3, roy. 8vo., text in calf, plates in
russia 1844-1868
the same. 2 vols., 1849.—Monstrelet. Chronicles. 2 vols.,
w ~
1840;—together 4 vols., roy. 8vo., two vols. in levant morocco, the others
in half levant morocco 1840-49
[Froude (J. A.)]. Shadows of the Clouds. By Zeta. 12mo., First
Edition; original cloth; scarce 1847
-The Nemesis of Faith. Poet 8vo., First Edition; original cloth,
scarce 1849
-History of England. 12 vols., 8vo., Library Edition, cloth, £5 ;
or, levant morocco extra, by Holloway 1862-70
-Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 vols., 8vo., Library Edition ;
tree-calf extra 1868-83
—— The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols.,
8vo., cloth, £\. 16* ; or, green levant morocco extra 1872-74
-Oceana. 8vo., cloth 1886
Fyffe (C. A.). History of Modem Europe. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1891-92
Gaily (Henry). Considerations upon Clandestine Marriages. 8vo.,
red morocco 1756
Gammer Gurton’s Garland: or, the Nursery Parnassus. (Edited bv
Joseph Ritoon.) 8vo., tree-calf extra 1810
Gay (John). Poetical Worlds. 2 vols., poet 8vo., dothr iginai from 18**3
3 16
0 16
0 16
2 10
0 15 0
1 10
0 7
£ t. d.
3146 Gardiner (Samuel Rawson). Prince Charles and the Spanish
Marriage: 1617-1623. 2 vole., 8vo., Original Edition , cloth 1869 4
- History of England nnder the Duke of Buckingham and
Charles I, 1624-1628. 2 vols., 8vo., doth • 1875 1
- The Personal Government of Charles I, 1628-1637. 2 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1877 1
-The Great Civil War, 1642-1619. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1888-91 5
-History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660.
With the Supplementary Chapter. 4 vols., 8vo., doth 1894-1903 2
3151 Garrick (David). The Lying Valet. Post8vo., First Edition; calf 1742 1
3152 -Lethe. A Dramatic Satire. Post 8vo., First Edition ; calf 1749 • 1
3153 -The Male-Coquette. Post 8vo., First Edition; calf 1757 1
3154 -Cymon. A Dramatic Romance. Poet 8vo., First Edition; calf
neat 1792 1
3155 [Genest (John)]. Some Account of the English Stage, 1660 to 1830.
10 vols., 8vo., cloth, £11; or, half morocco Bath, 1832 14
3156 Gibbon (Edward). Essai sur l’Etude de la Litterature. Sm. 8vo.,
morocco, gilt edges; very scarce Londres , 1761 2
Gibbon’s first published work.
-Memoires Litteraires de la Grande Bretagne, pour l’An 1767
[et 1768]. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo., russia 1768-69 12
Very rare. A copy fetched £22. in 1902.
-the same. Vol. I (1767) only. 12mo., half morocco, uncut 1768 4
- Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 6 vols., 4to., calf 1781-8 0
-the same. 12 vols., 8vo., sound old calf 1813 2
-the same. 12 vols., 8vo., contemporary calf 1816 2
-the same. With Notes by Dean Miltnan and M. Guizot. New
Edition, with Notes by William Smith. 8 vols., 8vo., cloth 1903 1
-Miscellaneous Works. 5 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper; half
morocco, gilt tops 1814 1
3164 Gildon (C.). The Patriot, or the Italian Conspiracy. Sm. 4to., hf.
calf 1703 0
3165 Giles (H. A.). Chinese Poetry in English Verse. 8vo., half levant
morocco 1898 0
166 Giustiriian. Four Tears at the Conrt of Henry VIII. Translated by
Rawdon Brown. 2 vols., post 8vo., doth 1854 0
3167 Gladstone (W. E.). Studies Subsidiary to the Works of Bishop
Butler. 8vo., cloth 1896 0
3168 -Life of William Ewart Gladstone. By John Morley. 3 vols.,
8vo., Library Edition; doth 1904 1
3169 Glapthorne(Henry). Plays and Poems. 2 vols., 8vo., Large Paper;
russia super-extra, by Bedford 1874 5
3170 Glover (Richard). Leonidas. 4to., First Edition; calf 1737 0
3171 Goethe (J. W. von). Translated by Various Hands. 14 vols., 8vo,
with 61 illustrations; buckram 1903 5
3172 Goldsmith (Oliver). Works. Edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols.,
8vo., original issue; cloth 1854 2
3173 -the same, re-issue. 4 vols., 8vo.; cloth , £1. Is; or, half calf 1854 2
3174 -Poems and Plays. Edited by Austin Dobson. 2 vols., post 8vo.,
Large Paper; crimson morocco 1889 1
3175 -Poetical Works. Edited by Bolton Corney. Sm. 4to., with
76 woodcuts; green morocco extra 1846 2
3176 -the same. Sm. 4to., red straight-grained morocco gilt 1846 1
3177 --The Bee. 12mo., First Edition; mottled calf, by Bedford 1759 3
3178 -The Citizen of the World. 2 vols., 12mo., a fine copy in the
original calf 1762 4
3179 -Life of Richard Nash of Bath, Esq. 8vo., First Edition ; old
calf, rebacked, £2» 2s; or, .calf extra Original from 1762 3
4 0
16 0
1 0
0 0
12 6
10 0
10 0
10 0
10 0
0 0
12 6
12 O
4 0
18 0
0 0
0 0
12 0
18 0
7 6
17 6
6 0
6 0
5 0
10 0
16 0
5 0
7 6
10 0
10 0
8 0
15 0
3 0
15 0
3 0
3181 Goldsmith (Oliver). The Beauties of English Poesy. 2 vols., 12mo.,
First Edition ; original calf 1767
3182 -An History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 8 vols., 8vo.,
First Edition ; a fine copy in contemporary calf 1774
3183 -Scarron. The Comic Romance of Monsienr Soarron, translated
by Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols., 12mo., original calf 1775
3184 -The Vicar of Wakefield. Post 8vo., contemporary calf 1792
3185 -the same. Roy. 8vo., with, 24 coloured plates by Thomas Row¬
landson; a tall and clean copy in calf extra 1817
3186 -the same. Sq. 8vo., with 22 illustrations by William Mulready;
cloth , a fresh copy 1843
3187 -the same. With a Preface by Austin Dobson. Roy. 8vo., Large
Paper; brown Levant morocco by Morrell 1890
3188 -the same. Edition Jouast. 2 vols., 12mo., with etched portrait
and plates by A. Lalauze; blue morocco extra 1893
3189 -the same. Traduction nouvelle et complete par B.-H. Gausseron.
Roy. 8vo., with coloured illustrations ; half morocco 1885
3190 -The Traveller, a Poem. Roy. 8vo., with etchings on steel by Birket
Foster; cloth gilt n. d. (1860 ?)
3191 -A Prospeot of Society. Being the earliest Form of his Poem
“ The Traveller,” now first reprinted. Post 8vo., buckram 1902
3192 - and Parnell. Poems. Roy. 8vo., with numerous woodcuts by
T. Bewick ; straight-grained morocco extra 1804
3193 -the same, 1795—Somerville. The Chase. 1795—Hobbinol.
1813;—together 3 vols., 4to., with plates and vignettes by T. Bewick;
contemporary straight-grained red morocco
Shakespeare Printing Press, 1795-1813
3194 -Life of Oliver Goldsmith. By James Prior. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1837
3195 Gordon (Adam Lindsay). Poems. Post 8vo., cloth Melbourne, (1885)
3196 [- (Thomas)]. The Independent Whig, complete , 53 Nos. iD 1 vol.,
8vo., red morocco extra, the sides and back elaborately covered with fine
gold tooling 1721
3197 -the same. 4 vols., 12mo., old English red morocco 1753
3198 Goupil’s Historical Monographs. A set of the English Regal
volumes, forming 7 vols., 4to., printed on Japanese vellum , with a dupli¬
cate set of the plates in each vol. ; uniformly bound in crushed pink levant
morocco extra, uncut, by Root 1893-1902
Contents: Mary Stuart, 1893; Queen Elizabeth, 1896; Queen Victoria, 1897 ;
Charles I, 1898; Oliver Cromwell, 1899 ; Charles II, 1901 ; Henry VIII, 1902.
3199 Charles Edward (Prince). By Andrew Lang. 4to., sewed 1900
3200 Josephine, ImpAratrice et Reine. By FrAdAric Masson. 4to.,
tewed 1899
3201 Gower (John). Works. Edited by G. C. Macaulay. 4 vols., 8vo.,
Confessio Amantis. Edited by Dr. Reinhold Pauli.
8vo., cloth
3203 Graham. Life and Times of Sir James R. G. Graham.
McCullagh Torrens. 2 vols., 8vo. f half calf
3204 Grant-Duff (Sir Mountstuart E.). Studies in European
8vo., cloth
3205 - Elgin Speeches. 8vo., cloth
3206 - Miscellanies, Political and Literary. 8vo., cloth
3207 - Some Brief Comments on Passing Events, 1858-1881. 8vo.,
boards Printed for private distribution, Madras, 1881
3208 - Ernest Renan. In Memoriam. Post 8vo., cloth 1893
3209 - Notes
3 vols.,
By T.
years 1851
tes from a Diary. Series 1, 2, 3 and 5 (dealing: with the
L-1886 and > 1889-1901J. 8 vols., post 8vo., cloth ginl897-1901
f. d.
15 0
15 0
3 0
16 0
16 0
16 0
2 0
18 0
15 0
7 6
3 0
3 0
0 0
7 6
5 0
4 0
3 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
14 0
8 0
10 6
5 0
4 0
5 0
10 6
2 6
16 0
3210 Grammont. Memoirs. New EditioD, to which are prefixed a Bio¬
graphical Sketch of Count Hamilton, and a Translation of the Epistle
to Count Grammont. 2 vols., 8vo., with 64 portraits engraved by Edward
Scrxven; blue morocco, by Root 1811
3211 — . the same. Edited with Notes by Sir Walter Scott. Impl. 8vo.,
Large Paper ; half green morocco 1889
3212 Granville (Mary) [Mrs. Delaney]. Autobiography and Correspond¬
ence. Edited by Lady Llanover. 6 vols., 8vo., half morocco gilt 1861
3213 - Letters of Harriet, Countess Granville, 1810-1845. Edited by
her son, the Hon. F. Leveson Gower. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1894
3214 Gratian (Baltasar). The Compleat Gentleman. Translated into
English by T. Saldkeld. 8vo., English red morocco extra 1730
3215 Gray (Thomas). Works in Verse and Prose. Edited by Edmund
Gos8e. 4 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1884
3216 • — Odes by Mr. Gray. 4to., First Edition; 11 leaves; the lower
half of the last page mended so that the word “finis" has been restored in
facsimile; mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere Strawberry Hill, 1757
Rare. First work issued by the Strawberry Hill Press.
3217 - Poems by Mr. Gray. Post 8vo., First Collected Edition, old calf
Dodsley, 1768
3218 Green (John Richard). Stray Studies from England and Italy.
Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1876
3219 -History of the English People. 4 vols., 8vo., doth 1877-80
3220 - The Making of England. 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1881
3221 -the same. 8vo., half calf 1885
3222 -The Conquest of England. 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1883
3223 -the same. Second Edition. 8vo ., half calf 1884
Edited by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss Kate Norgate. 4 vols., roy. 8vo.,
Original Issue ; cloth, £2. 5 s; or, half calf 1892-94
3225 -Letters of John Richard Green. 8vo., cloth 1%1
3226 [- (5.)]. Private History of the Court of England. 2 vols,
12mo., bright calf extra, gilt tops, by F. Bedford
Printed for the Author, 1803
3227 Greene (Robert). Dramatic Works and Poems. With Notes by the
Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2 vols., 8vo., polished calf extra, by Bedford
Pickering, 1831
3228 Gregory (5ir William). Autobiography. 8vo., portrait missing;
cloth 1891
3229 Greville Memoirs (The). By C. C. F. Greville. Edited by Henry
Reeve. Three Series, complete, 8 vols., 8vo., Original Edition; cloth
Complete sets of the original issue are scarce. In later issues of the first series some
passages were omitted.
-the same. 3 Series, 8 vols., 8vo., cloth 1875-87
the same. Original edition, 8 vols., 1874-87—Leaves from the
Diary of Henry Greville. Both Series. 2 vols., 1883-4;—together 10
vols., 8vo., calf extra 1874-87
Grey (Earl). The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell’s Administra¬
tion. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1853
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1853
Gronow (Captain). Reminiscences and Recollections, 1810-1860.
2 vols., impl. 8vo., Large Paper ; half vellum gilt 1889
Grote (George). History of Greece. 12vols., 8vo., cloth 1846-5 *
-Seven Lectures on the Recent Politics of Switzerland. Po»t
8vo., Fint Edition, original cloth 1847
-Minor Works of George Grote. By A. Bain. 8vo., cloth 1873
-Personal Life of George Grote. By Mrs. Grote. 8vo., doth 1873
- (Mrs.)* Collected Papers, in Prose and Verse, 1842-1862.
8vo cloth /'"> r\\r> Original from 1862
e. d.
3 0
15 0
i> <;
2 0
11 o
12 u
3 O
8 0
2 <»
14 0
10 6
12 t>
10 6
15 <»
7 •;
15 <•
6 0
3 U
0 0
15 0
9 0
10 0
14 (l
15 0
10 U
7 6
5 0
4 0
6 0
[Grose (Francis)]. Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 8vo.,
First Edition; calf 1785
-Provincial Glossary. 8vo., First Edition ; calf 1787
Guest (Edwin). Origines Celticae. 2 vols., 8vo. f cloth 1883
Guizot (M.). History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of
Charles II. Translated by A. R. Scoble. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1856
Haggard (Lieut.-Col. A.). The Real Louis XV. 2 vols., 8vo.,
doth 1906
Haliburton (Thomas Chandler). Letter Bag of the Great Western.
Post 8vo., First Edition , 1840—The Attache. 4 vols., 1846 ;—together
5 vols., post 8vo., half morocco • 1840-46
Hall (S. C.). The Book of Gems: The Modern Poets and Artists of
Great Britain. 8vo., niger morocco gilt 1846
-The Book of British Ballads. First Series. Roy. 8vo., with
illustrations by J. Tenniel and others ; blue morocco 1849
-Pilgrimages to English Shrines. Sq. 8vo. f rod levant morocco,
fully gilt back, with a fine fore-edge painting of Stoke Regis Church with
the monument to Thomas Cray 1853
Hallam (Henry). View of the State of Europe. 3 vols., 1819—
Literature of Europe. 3 vols., 1854—The Constitutional History of
England. 3 vols., 1854;—together 9 vols , 8vo., cloth and boards 1819-54
- the same. 8 vols., 8vo., Library Edition, brown morocco 1846-48
-the same. 9 vols., 8vo, tree-calf extra , by Riviere 1854-56
-the same. 9 vols., 8vo., calf 1853-54
Halliwell (J. O.). Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, from
the 14th Century. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 186u
Halsted (Caroline A.). Richard III as Duke of Gloucester and King
of England. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt. 1844
Hamilton Papers. Letters and Papers illustrating the Political Rela¬
tions of England and Scotland in the XVIth Century, a.d. 1532-1590.
Edited by Joseph Bain. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., cloth 1890-92
Hannay (James). Essays from “ The Quarterly Review.” 8vo,
cloth " 1861
Hare (Augustus J. C.). Walks in Rome. 2 vols., poet 8vo., cloth 1871
-(J. C. and A. W.). Guesses at truth by Two Brothers. First
Series, 1847—Second Series, 1848; —2 vols., 12mo., red morocco gilt
Hay (Marie). A German Pompadour : the Extraordinary History of
Wilhelmine von Gravenitz. 8vo., cloth ' 1906
Hayley (W.). The Triumphs of Temper. 12mo., calf 1801
-the same. 12mo., with plates engraved by William Blake; con¬
temporary morocco gilt Chichester, 1803
Hayward (Abraham). Biographical and Critical Essays. Three
Series (complete), 5 vols., scarce. 1858-73-74—Sketches of Eminent
Statesmen and writers. 2 vols., 1880—A Selection from the Corre¬
spondence of, from 1834-1884. 2 vols., 1886 ;—together 9 vols., 8vo ,
original cloth, uncut 1858-80
-Biographical and Critical Essays. Three Series (complete).
5 vols., 8vo., half morocco, 1858-73-74
-Selected Essays. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1878
-Sketches of Eminent Statesmen and Writers. 2 vols.. Hvo.,
cloth 1880
Hazlitt (W.). A Collection of the Works of William Hazlitt. 37 vols ,
8vo. and 12mo., all First Editions, in the original boards, uncut, t nth
the exception of four volumes which have been bound 1807-89
A list of the books contained in this set will be sent upon application.
-— Lectures on the English Poets. 8vo., First Edition, original
irds, uncut 1818
— Memoirs oTWillu m (Hazlitt. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth ri 9 inal from 1867
Hi It
*. d.
5 0
18 0
7 0
8 6
9 0
1 0
1 0
5 0
4 0
16 0
0 0
10 0
8 0
10 0
18 0
0 0
4 0
10 6
14 0
8 o
5 ii
10 <)
8 0
7 0
10 6
4 0
0 o
17 6
5 0
3 1 72
[Head (Richard) and F. Kirk man]. The English Rogue. The Life of
Meriton Latroon. 4 vols., post 8vo., half calf (1881)
Helps (Arthur). The Spanish Conquest in America. 4 vols., 8vo.,
calf 1855
Henry VIII. Lettres de Henry VIII k Anne Boleyn, avec la traduction.
Roy. 8vo., half morocco Paris (1840 ?)
Henry Benedict Maria Clement, Cardinal York. Letters from the
Cardioal Borgia, and the Cardinal of York, 1799-1800. 4to., calf neat
Herbert (George). Works. 2 vols., 12mo., newly bound in half red
calf Pickering, 1836-38
-the same. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth 1848-50
-The Temple. Sm. 4to., cloth 1904
Hey wood (Thomas). Dramatic Works. With Life by J. Payne-
S 284
Collier. 2 vols., 8vo., russia super-extra, gilt edges, contents lettered, by
Bedford Shakespeare Society, 1850-51
-the same. 6 vols., 8vo., Large Paper, contents lettered, by Bedford,
a very fine copy 1874
Hohenlohe. Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe Schillingsfurst.
Edited by Friedrich Curtins. Translated by G. W. Chrystal. 2 vols.,
8vo., half morocco 1906
Holmes (Oliver Wendell). Prose Works. 10 vols.—Poetical Works.
3 vols.;—together 13 vols., 8vo., cloth 1891
-Our Hundred Days in Europe. Post 8vo., cloth 1887
Homer. Iliad of Homer. Rendored into English blank Verse. By
Edward, Earl of Derby. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth, 6s; or, tree calf 1864
Hone (W.). Ancient Mysteries described. 8vo., half morocco 1823
- the same. 8vo., boards, uncut 1823
-The Every-day Book. 2 vols.—The Tablo Book and Year Book.
2 vols.;—together 4 vols., 8vo., clbth 1864
- the same. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1866
Hood (Thomas). Works. 11 vols., 8vo., cloth (1880)
Hook (Theodore), precepts and Practice. 3 vols., 8vo., First Edition,
calf extra, original covers bound up 1840
-(William Farquhar). Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury.
12 vols., 8vo., cloth 1861-76
Horner (Francis). Memoirs and Correspondence. Edited by Leonard
Horner. 2 vols., calf gilt. 1843
[Hort (Lt.-Gen. J. J.)]. The Horse Guards, by the Two Mounted
Sentries. Post 8vo., with 12 coloured plates; half morocco gilt 1850
Howell. Epistol® Ho-elian®. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1890-92
Howitt (Mary). Sketches of Natural History. 8vo , cloth 1873
Hughes (Thomas). Tom Brown’s Schooldays. Post 8vo., First
Edition, original blue cloth, scarce 1857
-The Scouring of the White Horse. Sm. 4to., First Edition, a fine
copy in the original cloth 1859
-Tom Brown at Oxford. 3 vols., post 8vo ., First Edition, original
cloth, scarce 1861
Hume and Smollett. The History of England, to the Revolution of
1688. By David Hume. 8 vols.—The History of England, to the
Death of George II. By T. Smollett. 5 vols.;—together 13 vols., 8vo.,
calf neat
the same,
the same,
the same,
the same.
15 vols., 16mo., calf, gilt backs 1809-10
13 vols., 8vo., calf neat Edinburgh, 1818
13 vols., 8vo., half calf 1822
Oxford English Classics Edition, 13 vols., roy. 8vo.,
Large Paper, with India Proof portraits ; a very fine copy bound in maroon
morocco extra Oxford, 1826-27
- Life and Correspondence of David Hume. Edited by J. H.
Burton. 2 v(fl£ v 8ve„^lo£& Original from 1846
». d.
10 0
10 0
9 0
2 0
4 0
15 0
15 0
5 0
15 0
2 6
2 0
4 6
14 0
9 0
7 6
1 0
1 0
10 0
12 0
10 0
15 0
5 0
1 0
3 6
0 0
7 6
10 0
5 0
1 0
1 o
10 0
18 0
7 6
Hugo (Victor). Novels, Complete and Unabridged. Translated into
English. 28 vols., 12mo., and a 4>to. volume containing 70 etchings
enclosed in a morocco portfolio; red levant morocco extra 1895
Humboldt. Life of Alexander von Humboldt. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1873
Hunt (Leigh). Poetical Works. 8vo., First Edition , original hoards
(rehacked ) Moxon, 1832
-the same. 8vo., newly hound in half blue morocco 1832
-The Story of Rimini. 12mo., original hoards 1817
- Amyntas; from the Italian of Torqnato Tasso. 12mo., First
Edition , original boards , uncut 1820
-Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries. 2 vols., 8vo., with
portraits; cloth 1828
-Essays. The Indicator—The Seer. Roy. 8vo., cloth Moxon, 1841
-Imagination and Fancy. Post 8vo., cloth or board* 1846
-Stories from the Italian Poems. 2 vols., post 8vo., First Edition
( half-titles missing ) ; half calf 1846
-Wit and Humour. Post 8vo., cloth 1848
A Saunter Through the West End. Post 8vo., First Edition ;
-The Book of the Sonnet. 2 vols., l2mo., cloth 1867
—-Correspondence of Leigh Hunt. 2 vols., post 8?o., cloth 1862
Huskisson (William). Speeches. 3 vols., 8vo., a fine copy in calf
gilt 1831
Huth. Collection of Seventy-nine Black-Letter Ballads and Broad¬
sides, 1559-1597. Second issue. Post 8vo., half morocco 1870
Inquisition. Account of Mr. Archibald Bower's Motives for leaving his
Office of Secretary to theCourtof Inquisition. Post 8vo., unbound 1751
Ireland (Alexander). The Book-Lover’s Enchiridion. 12mo cloth 1884
Irving (J.). Annals of Our Time. With Supplement. 2 vols., 8vo.,
half red morocco 1876-81
- (Washington). Life of George Washington. 4 vols., post 8vo.,
green morocco, gilt edges 1855-57
Italian (and French) Novelists: —Rabelais (Francis). Gargantaa,
and his Son Paotagruel. 2 vols., 1892.—Boccaccio (Giovanni). The
Decameron, 1893.—Straparola (Giovanni Francesco). The Nights.
2 vols., 1894.—Masuccio. The Novellino. 2 vols., 1895.—Ser Giovanni.
The Pecorone, 1897;—together 9 vols., impl. 8vo., forming a complete
set, with 82 plates; cloth 1892-97
-the same. 9 vols., impl. 8vo., Special Edition, printed on
Japanese vellum; with 91 plates; original binding 1892-97
Jackson (Lady). Old Paris; Its Courts and Literary Salons. 2 vols.,
post 8vo., First Edition, cloth 1878
James (William). Naval History of Great Britain. New Edition.
6 vols., 8vo., calf 1837
Jameson (Mrs.). Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols., 1848 —
Legends of the Monastic Orders, 1850.—Legends of the Madonna, 1852.
—The History of our Lord. 2 vols., 1864;—together 6 vols., square
8vo., all First Editions; a fine set in oalf extra, by Riviere 1848-64
-the same. 6 vols., sm. 4to., various editions; a fine uniform, set
in broum morocco, gilt edges 1865-70
-Legends of the Monastic Orders. First Edition. Square 8vo.,
brown morocco extra 1850
-the same. Third Edition. Square 8vo., crimson morocco extra 1863
- - The History of our Lord. 2 vols., square 8vo., First Edition;
brown morocco extra 1864
-Legends of the Madonna. Square 8vo., red morocco extra, fully
gilt 1864
Japp (A. H.). German Life.and Literature. 8vo., cloth nai from n. d.
*. (I-
0 0
8 0
18 0
5 0
7 6
16 0
1 0
10 0
3 6
15 0
3 6
10 0
18 0
1 0
4 0
12 6
5 0
7 Q
4 0
L 0
9 0
0 O
15 0
10 0
14 0
10 0
5 0
5 0
10 0
10 0
7 0
Jeffrey (F.). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 4 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1844
Jeffrey of Monmouth. The British History; translated into English
from the Latin. 8vo., Large Paper; old calf 1718
Jenkins (Sir Henry). British Rule and Jurisdiction beyond the Seas.
8vo., roxburghe Oxford, 1902
Jerrold (D.). A Man Made of Money. 8vo., First Edition; in parts as
issued, enclosed in a solander case 1849
-The Brownrigg Papers. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1860
Jesse (John Heneage). English Historical Memoirs. 30 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1901
This is (he only nniform illustrated edition of Jesse’s Works. Each volume is
illustrated with etchings and photogravures.
- Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the
Stnarts. 4 vols., 8vo., First Edition; cloth, uncut 1840
-Memoirs . . . from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George
IJs 3 vols., 8vo., half morocco gilt 1843
-Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George III. 3 vols.,
8vo., original edition ; cloth 1867
-the same. 3 vols., 8vo., First Edition, half morocco 1867
-the same. Second Edition. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1867
-Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. 2 vols., 8vo., First Edition;
half morocco 18/5
-Life of George Brummell. 2 vols., 8vo., with 40 portraits in
colour; half brown morocco 1886
Johnson (Captain Charles). General History of the Lives and Adven¬
tures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers,
etc. Folio, urith 26 plates; red morocco extra 1734
-the same. Sm. folio, a large fine copy in old calf, blind tooled,
with gibbets at the comers and gilt with skulls on the back 1736
- (Samuel). Works. 9 vols.—Parliamentary Debates. 2 vols.;
— together 11 vole., roy. 8vo., Best Edition; half russia 1825
-London : a Poem, in imitation of the third Satyre of Juvenal.
Sm. folio, First Edition , 10 ll.; unbound 1738
-Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols., large folio, in the
original half binding, uncut, cloth cases 1755
First Edition. It was evidently issued as bound, in half calf, uncut.
- Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting the Falkland
Islands. 8vo ., boards, 10*; half morocco 1771
-Voyage to Abyssinia, by Father Jerome Lobo. 8vo., old calf 1789
- Lives of the most Eminent English Poets. 2 vols., extra illus¬
trated by the addition of a large number of portraits; brown morocco, gilt
edges 1H51
-the same. With Notes by Peter Cunningham. 3 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1854
-The Life of Samnel Johnson. By Sir John Hawkins. 8vo.,
calf 1787
-Boswell (James). Life of Samnel Johnson. 2 vols., 4to., First
Edition; half calf 1791
-the same. Sixth Edition. 4 vols., 8vo., russia gilt 1811
-the same. 5 vols., 12mo., boards 1824
-the same. 10 vols., 12mo., cloth, 30s; or, half calf 1835
-the same. With numerous Additions and Notes by John Wilson
Croker. 10 vols., 12mo., half calf 1839
-the same. To which are added two supplementary volumes.
10 vols., 12mo., half morccco gilt 1846
-the same. 4 vols.—Johnsonians. Edited by Robina Napier;
—together 5 vols., 8vo., cloth 1884
-the same. The Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Edition. 5 vols., roy. 8vo.,
with 22 vortradts 6 v Reynolds; cloth original from 1885
£ M. d.
0 15 *0
0 12 0
0 10 0
4 4 0
0 10 6
11 0 0
4 15 0
4 10 0
3 10
2 18
2 2
4 10
2 10
0 7
2 0
16 0
2 5 0
23 0 0
21 0 0
10 10 0
2 2 0
22 10 0
0 15 O
0 12 0
5 5 0
0 12 6
0 8 O
2 2 0
6 6 0
1 16 0
2 15
£ t. d.
3364 Johnsonlana ; or, Supplement to Boswell. (Edited by J. B. Croker.)
4to., Large Paper ; diced calf 183(5
33(5.'» -Piozzi (Hester Lynch). Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson.
12mo., First Edition ; contemporary half calf 1786
3366 Johnston (A. K.). Royal Atla3 of Modern Geography. Roy. folio,
56 large coloured maps; half morocco * 1902
3367 Jones (Mrs. Herbert). The Princess Charlotte of Wales. An Illus¬
trated Monograph. Sm. 4to ., half morocco 1885
3368 Jonson (Ben). Works. With Notes by W. Gifford. 9 vols., 8vo.,
Best -Edition; a fine copy in russia super-extra , gilt edges, by Bedford 1816
3369 • - - the same. 9 vols., 8vo., old calf gilt 1816
3370 -the same. 9 vols , 8vo., calf gilt (Joints repaired) 1816
3371 -the same. 9 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper; half green levant
morocco by de Ooverly 1816
3372 -the same. Edited by Lt. Col. Francis Cunningham. 3 vols.,
post 8vo., cloth Hotten, (1872)
3373 • the same. 9 vols., impl. 8?o., Best Edition, Large Paper; half
morocco 1875
3374 -Yolpone: or the Foxe. New edition by Vincent O’Snllivan,
frontispiece and initial letters by Aubrey Beardsley. 4to., vellum 1898
3375 Junius. The Political Contest: a Series of Letters between Junius and
Sir William Draper. Also . . . Part II. —in 1 vol., 8vo., cloth (1769)
3376 -the same. 2 vols., 12mo., First Authorised Collected Edition;
original half calf 1772
3377 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., old russia gilt 1799
3378 -the same. 2 vols., post 8vo., Large Paper; with 10 portraits;
tree calf, gilt backs 0. Whittingham, 1800
3379 -the same. 2 vols., 8vo., with 21 portraits; mottle 1 calf 1805
3381 -The. Handwriting of Junius. Investigated by Charles Chabob.
With a Preface by the Hon. Edward Twistleton. 4to., blue morocco
extra 1871
3331 Kalender of Shepherdes. Edition of Paris 1503 in photographic
facsimile—a reprint of R. Pynson’s edition 1506. Edited by H. Oskar
Sommer. 3 vols. in 1. Roy. 8vo., boards . 1892
3382 Kant (Immanuel)- Metaphysical Works, translated by John
Riohardson. 3 vols. 1836—Critick of Pure Reason. Translated by
Francis Heywood. 1 vol. in 2. 1848—The Metaphysics of Ethics.
Translated by J. W. Semple. 1 vol. in 2. 1836 ;—together 5 vols. in 7,
8vo., calf antique, by Riviere 1836-48
3333 Kean. Life of Edmund Kean. By Hawkins. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1869
3384 Keats (John). Poetical Works. With a Memoir by Richard Monckton
Milnes. 8vo., green levant morocco . 1854
3385 -the same. Revised edition. Poet 8vo., morocco 1871
3386 - Poetical Works and other Writings. Edited by H. B. Forman.
4 vols. 1883—Supplement. 1890 ;—together 5 vols., 8ro., Best
Edition; cloth 1883-90
3337 -the same. 4 vols., 8vo., calf extra, £10. 10»; or, brown morocco
extra 1883
Kelmscott Press:
3 J88 Caxton (Wm). The Golden Legend. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 3 vols.,
folio, half holland 1892
3389 -The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye. Edited by H. Halliday
Sparling. 2 vols., folio, vellum 1892
3390 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Folio, with
87 woodcut illustrations designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones ; half holland 1893
3391 -The Flowro and the Leafe, & the Boke of Cupide, God of Love,
or the Cuckow and the Nightingale. 8vo., boards 1896
3392 Keats (John). Poems. 8vo., vellum 1894
3393 Laudes Beatae Marine Virgin!*. Folio, half holland inal from 1896
8 0
3 O
12 0
io <;
10 o
10 0
5 0
15 0
10 6
7 0
8 0
7 0
12 6
15 0
4 0
6 0
15 0
16 0
10 0
12 6
7 6
10 0
0 0
15 O
15 0
9 0
0 O
16 0
0 0
10 0
Kelmscott Press, continued :—
3394 Mackail. Biblia Innocentium. 8vo., vellum
(W.). Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. 16rao., half
The Wood beyond the World. 8vo., vellum 1894
The Well at the World’s End. Folio, vellum 1896
The Earthly Paradise. 8 vols., 8vo., vellum 1896-97
Note by William Morris on his Aims in Founding the
Kelmscott Press, a short Description of the Press, and an annotated
List of the Books printed. 8vo., half holland 1898
3400 Shakespeare, Poems of, printed after the original copies of Venus and
Adonis, 1593; The Rape of Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, 1609; and The
Lover’s Complaint. 8vo., vellum 1893
3401 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Poems. 3 vols., 8vo., vellum 1894-95
3402 Spenser (Edmund). The Shepheardes Calendar. Edited by F. S.
Ellis. Sm. 4to., half holland 1896
3403 Kemble (John Mitchell). The Saxons in England. Revised by
Walter de Gray Birch. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1876
3404 Kemble. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemblo. By James
Boaden. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1825
3105 Kempis (Thomas A). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated
from the Latin. With an Introduction and Notes by Thomas Frognall
Dibdin. 8vo., doth 1828
3406 King. A Selection from the Speeches and Writings of Lord King.
8 vo., cloth 1841
3407 Kinglake (A. W.). The Invasion of the Crimea. 8 vols., Svo., Library
Edition , cloth, £3. 5 s; or, half morocco 1863-87
3408 - the same. 8 vols., post 8vo., Cabinet Edition; cloth 1877-78
3409 Kingsley (Charles). Works. 29 vols., post 8vo., with numerous
illustrations; half blue morocco, gilt backs 1887-95
3410 -Lifo and Works. Edition de Luxe, 19 vols., 8vo., cloth 1902-3
King’s Library (The). Edited by Israel Gollancz. The Folio Series:
3411 Dekker’s Gull’s Hornbook. A Book of “ Characters ” of Shake¬
speare’s Age. Japanese vellum • 1904
3412 Eikon Basilike. With title printed in red and black , and a portrait;
boards 1903
3413 -the same. Printed on vellum, with hand-illuminated initials;
in portfolio 1903
3414 Mirrour (The) of Vertue in Worldly Greatness ; or, the Life of
Sir Thomas More, Knight. With title printed in red and black , and
a portrait; boards 1902
3415 -the same. One of ten copies printed on vellum, with hand-
illuminated initials; in portfolio • 1902
3416 Percy Folio (The) of Old English Ballads and Romances.
4 vols., boards 1905-7
3417 Shakespeare’s Ovid. Being Arthur Golding’s Translation of the
Metamorphoses; boards 1904
3418 -the same. One of twelve copies printed on vellum; in port¬
folio 1904
3119 Kipling (Rudyard). Barrack Room Ballads and other Verses. 8vo.,
First Edition, Large Paper ; doth 1892
3420 -The Jungle Book. 1894—The Second Jangle Book. 1895—
together 2 vols., post 8vo., first editions; cloth 1894-5
-The Seven Seas. Post 8vo., doth 1896
-Departmental Ditties and other Versos. 8vo., Edition de Luxe,
cloth 1898
— From Sea to Sea 2 vols., post 8vo., First Edition; doth 1900
— The Five Nations. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1903
— and Wolcott BeJestier. The Naulahka. Post 8vc., cloth 1892
£ s. i.
7 10 0
1 16 0
5 15 0
7 10 0
12 12 0
3 10 0
7 0 0
14 H 0
4 0 0
1 10 0
0 12 6
0 18 0
0 7 6
5 5 0
1 12 0
5 10 0
6 6 0
1 1 0
1 1 0
15 15 0
1 1 0
10 10 O
4 10 0
1 1 0
25 0 0
1 1 0
0 15 0
0 6 0
0 12 0
0 10 ♦;
0 5 0
0 4 0
Ladies Calling: (The). By the author of the Whole Duty of Man.
Eighth impression. Post 8vo., old English red morocco * 1705 0
La Fontaine (J. de). Tales and Novels in Verse. 2 vols., 8vo., with
85 plates by Eiten; cloth Paris, 1884 2
Lamb (Charles). Works of Charles Lamb. 2 vols., 12mo., First
Collected Edition; original cloth, with printed label; very scarce 1818 6
-Prose Works. 3 vols., 1836—Letters. 2 vols., 1837 ;—together
5 vols., post 8vo.; cloth 1836-37 1
-Poems, Plays, and Miscellaneous Essays—Letters. 2 vols.—
Tales from Shakespeare;—together, edited by Alfred Ainger. 4 vols.,
post 8vo., cloth 1887-88 0
-Mrs. Leicester’s School. 12mo., First Edition; crimson morocco
extra , with inside dentelle border, by Lortic 1807 21
-The Adventures of Ulysses. Post 8vo., First Edition; red
morocco extra, by Riviere, top edge gilt, and the other edges entirely uncui,
a very fine copy 1808 31
-Elia. Essays which have appeared under that Signature in the
London Magazine. 1823—The Last Essays of Elia. 1833 ;—together
2 vols, post 8vo, First Edition, wanting the half-title*; calf extra 1823-33 20
-tne first series separately. Post 8vo., wanting the half-title ; calf
gilt 1823 3
-The Essays of Elia. With an Introduction by E. V. Lucas.
8vo., with 74 illustrations by A. Garth Jones; cloth 1902 0
-Satan in Search of a Wife. 12mo., First Edition ; calf gilt, by
J. Larkins Moron, 1831 3
-Rosamund Gray: Recollections of Christ’s Hospital; and Essays,
etc. 8vo., olive levant morocco extra ib., 1835 1
-the same. 12mo., cloth ib, 1849 0
-Letters of Charles Lamb. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1837 0
-the same, 1837—Final Memorials. 2 vols., 18484 vols., post
8vo., calf 1837-48 1
-Sidelights on Charles Lamb. By Bertram Dobell. Post 8vo.,
Landor (Walter Savage). Works. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., doth Moron, 1846
-the same, with Life by John Forster. 8 vols., 8vo., doth 1874-76
-Imaginary Conversations. With Notes by Charles G. Crump.
6 vols., 8vo., Large Paper; vellum 1891
-Pericles and Aspasia. Folio, boards 1903
Lang (Andrew). Rhymes a la Mode. 12mo., cloth 1885
-Fairy Books (Blue, Red, Green and Yellow). 4 vols., roy. 8vo.,
Large Paper; boards 1889-94
• Pickle the Spy. 8vo., half calf 1897
-The Magic of Religion. 8vo., doth 1898
-Magic and Religion. 8vo., cloth 1901
-The Secret of Totem. 8vo., cloth 1905
Langland (William). Tho Visftra of William concerning Piers Plow¬
man. Edited by Walter W. Skeat. 4 vols. in 5, 8vo., half morocco
Early English Text Society, 1867-85 3
Lappenberg (J. M.). History of England under tho Anglo-Saxon
Kings. Translated by Benjamin Thorpe. 2 vols., 8vo , cloth 1845 0
Lead ham (J. S.). History of England (1702-1760). 8vo., half
morocco 1909 0
Leake (W. M.). Works. 11 vols., 8vo., half calf neat 1824-46 7
Contents: —Tour in Asia Minor. 1824; Travels in ihe Morea. 3 vols. 1830;
Travel* in Northern Greece. 4 vols. 1836 ; Topography of Athens and the Demi.
2 vols. 1811; l’eloponeaus. 1816.
Lennox (Lady Sarah). Life and Letters, 1745-1826. Edited by the
Countess of Ilchester and lord Stavordale. 2 vols., 8vo., doth n 1901 0
-the same. v2*S4>:s.S«Mo., half red morocco UNIVERSITY OF MIcJOOlN 1
«. d.
7 6
8 0
6 0
0 0
12 0
0 0
10 0
0 0
3 0
9 0
16 0
0 0
5 0
10 0
4 0
3 6
12 6
6 0
18 0
16 0
12 0
0 0
10 6
5 0
9 0
9 0
3 0
12 0
15 0
10 0
9 0
1 0
Lecky (W. E. H.). Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. 1866—History
of European Morals. 2 vols. 1869—History of England in the
Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. 1879-90;—together 12 vols., 8vo.,
library editions ; polished calf, gilt, a fine set 1866-90
History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism
8 vols., 8vo.,
£ *. d.
in Europe. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt
-History of European Morals from Augustus to
2 vols., 8vo., First Edition; cloth
History of England in the Eighteenth Century.
Best Library Edition; cloth , £5. 10s; or, half morocco
—— - Poems. 12mo., First Edition; cloth
— ■ - Democracy and Liberty. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
- - the same. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
To this oopy the separately printed Introduction (55 pages) has been added.
-The Map of Life, Conduot and Character. 8vo., First Edition,
cloth 1899
[Leigh (Percival)]. Comic English Grammar. Post 8vo., First
Edition ; original cloth 1840
-the same. Post 8vo., portrait of Lord Prendergast added ; original
doth 1840
— the same. Post 8vo., levant morocco extra by Riviere, with the
original doth cover bound in, uncut 1840
Bonnd up in this copy is the original drawing by John Leech for the frontispiece.
Lemon (Mark). Tom Moody’s Tales. Sm. 4to., original cloth 1864
Le Sage. Adventures of Gil Bias. Translated from the French by
T. Smollett. 3 vols., 8vo., russia, rebacked 1802
—— - ■ the same. 3 vols., or. 8ro., half morocco 1881
Letters from Eliza to Yorick . . 1775—Stern j’s Letters to his friends.
1775 j—2 vols. in 1,12mo., old calf 1775
These appear to be fabrications.
— - of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain from the Com¬
mencement of the Twelfth Century to the Close of the Reign of Queen
Mary. Edited by Mary Wood. 3 vols. post 8vo., half morocco 1846
Lever (Charles). Novels. 27 vols., 8vo., including several First Editions,
numerous plates by H. K. Browne and George Cruikshank, half calf v. y.
— -- Novels. Edited by his Daughter. 37 vols., 8vo., with all the
original illustrations; cloth 1897
— --The O’Donoghue. 8vo., First Edition; original cloth Dublin, 1845
-Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., First
Edition ; original cloth 1848
-Confessions of Con Cregan. 2 vols., post 8vo., First Edition;
original cloth (1850)
-The Fortunes of Glencore. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition;
doth 1857
— - - Tony Butler. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition; cloth (binding
shabby) 1865
Lewes. History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte. Fifth edition.
2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1880
Lewis (Sir George Cornwall). Essay on the Government of De¬
pendencies. 8vo., boards 1841
-Essay on the Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion.
8vo., boards 1849
— . (M. G.). Tales of Wonder. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., First Edition;
a fine copy in modem boards, unout 1801
Lilly (John). Dramatic Works. With Notes by F. W. Fairholt.
2 vols., post 8vo., Large Paper ,• polished calf extra, oontents lettered,
Bedford 18
-the s*me. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth 1892
Lieven, Correspondence of Prinoess LieYQO and Earl Gray, Edited
by Guy Le vote-, 8 yo., doth UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA&890
14 14 0
2 2 0
2 5 0
2 5 0
7 10
0 7
1 4
1 5
0 12
1 5
0 15 0
2 5 0
3 3 0
12 0 0
0 8 0
0 15 0
0 16 0
14 0 0
13 13 0
2 7 0
2 16 0
4 0 0
2 0 0
2 5 0
17 0
0 18 0
0 15 0
3 16 0
3 3 0
0 5 6
0 12 0
Lingard (John). History of England. 10 vols., 870 ., cloth, £2 . 5s;
or, half calf, gilt hacks 1883
Locke (John). Works. 3 vols., folio, First OoUected Edition; with
portrait; calf, neatly rstacked 1714
-the same. 9 vols., 8 vi>., calf extra, gilt backs 1824
Lockyer (Frederick). London Lyrics. Post 8 vo., hf. morocco 1868
From the library of the late Dr. Garnett with an inscription in hia autograph
'* Richard Garnett from the Author, August 11th, 1868.”
Lodge (T.). The Margarite of America. Edited by J. O. Halliwell.
sm. 4to., half hound 1859
Loggon (Samuel). History of the Brotherhood, or Guild of the Holy
Ghost, near Basingstoke. Dissolved by King Edward VI. 8 vo., calf
Beading, 1742
Longfellow (H. W.). Poetical Works. Sra. 4to., with portrait and
174 woodcuts by Sir John Gilbert; morocco 1867
-the same. Post 8 vo., half vellum 1907
-Saggi de’ Novellieri Italiani d’ ogni Secolo. Post 8 vo., original
doth Boston, 1832
-Kavanagh : a Tale. 8 vo., cloth 1858
Lowell. James Rnssell Lowell; a Biography by Horaoe E. Sondder.
2 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1901
-Letters of James Rnssell Lowell. Edited by Charles Eliot
Norton. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1894
Lucas (C. P.\ Historical Geography of the British Colonies. 5 vole.,
post 8 vo., half morocco Oxford, 1888-1901
Lyrics. English Lyrics from Spenser to Milton. 8 vo., cloth 1898
Lyttelton (Lord) and Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Translations
[from and into Greek, Latin, etc.]. Sm. 4to., morocco 1861
Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord). Works. 53 vols., post 8 vo., o com¬
plete set of the Library Edition ; half morocco 1852-73
Complete set* seldom occur for sale owing to the scarcity of some of the volume*.
-Novels. Edition de Lnxe. 32 vols., 8 vo., with 226 illustrations
printed on Japanese vellum; cloth (1891)
-Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1852-54
— - Weeds and Wildflowers. Roy. 8 vo., sd., as issued; rare
Pam, privately printed, 1826
-Rienzi. 3 vols., post 8 vo., half calf 1837
-The Pilgrims of the Rhine. 8 vo., half rustia 1840
-What will he do with it ? 4 vols., post 8 vo., half calf 1859
-Life, Lotters, and Literary Remains of Edward Bnlwer, Lord
Lytton. By his Son. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth * 1883
-(Lady). Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton. By Louisa Devey. 8 vo.,
doth 1887
- (Earl of). Glenaveril. 2 vols., post 8 vo., First Edition;
boards 1885
Macaulay (Lord). Complete Works. Edited by Lady Trevelyan.
8 vols., 8 vo., tree-calf extra; a fine set 1866
-the same. 12 vols., Albany Edition, Large Paper; with portraits ;
half crimson levant morocco 1898
-History of England. 5 vols. 1819-61—Critical and Historical
Essays. 3 vols. 1844—Speeches. 2 vols. 1853—Life and Letters.
2 vols. 1876;—together 12 vols., 8 vo., Library Editions; cloth 1844-76
-History of England. 5 vols.— Essays. 3 vols.;—together 8 vols,
8 vo., Library Editions; cloth 1850-60
-History of England. 5 vols., 8 vo., doth 1850
-the same. 5 vols., 8 vo., extra illustrated, half morocco, gilt edges
1856-6 L
-Lays of Ancient Rome. Sm. 4to., blue morocco • 1888
Life and Letters oLLqrd Macaulay. By his nephew George
Otto Trevelyan. jMtbra., cloth, 7« 6d; or, half calf 5 ITY O MM I (18 76 an 0
s. d,
18 0
10 0
5 0
4 0
16 0
4 0
1 0
4 6
10 0
5 0
8 0
9 6
0 0
18 0
16 0
10 0
0 0
2 6
10 0
10 6
5 0
12 0
13 0
8 0
8 0
10 0
8 0
12 6
15 0
5 0
0 0
5 0
12 6
3522 McCarthy (Justin). History of Our Own Times. 5 vols., 8vo.,
Library Edition ; half red levant morocco 1879-97
3523 -the same. 5 vols., 8vo., Library Edition ; cloth 1880-97
3524 -History of Onr Own Times, from the Accession of Qneen Victoria
to the Berlin Congress. 4 vols., 8vo., half calf 1879
3525 -the same. 4 vols., 8ro., cloth 1881
3526 -England under Gladstone, 1880-1884. 8vo., half vellum 1884
3527 Mackintosh (Sir James). Miscellaneous Works. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth,
12 s ; or, half brown morocco 1846
3528 -History of England from the Earliest Times to the final Establish¬
ment of the Reformation. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1853
3529 McLennan (John Ferguson). Studies in Ancient History, 1886.—
Second Series ;—together, 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1886-96
3530’-the same. Second Series (only). 8vo., cloth 1896
3531 Macready’s Reminiscences, and Selections from his Diaries and
Letters. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1875
3532 Mahon (Lord). History of England, 1713-83. 7 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1836-54
3533 Maitland (5. R.). Essays on Subjects oonnected with the Reformation
in England. 8vo., cloth 1849
3534 Malefactors Register (The); or, the Newgate and Tyburn Calendar.
1700 to 1779. 5 vols., 8vo., calf (1778-80)
3535 [Mallet (David) and James Thomson]. Alfred: a Masque. Repre¬
sented at Clieffden, First of August, 1740. Sm. 8vo., a fine copy in the
original wrapper, uncut 1740
3536 -Alfred : a Masque. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane
. . 8vo., blue moiocco, gilt edges 1751
3537 Malory (Syr T.). Le Morte Darthur. Edition of Caxton reprinted
and edited by H. O. Sommer. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., sewed 1889-91
.... _ - - ‘ ‘ 1703
3538 [Manning (Francis)]. All for the Better. Sm. 4to., boards
3539 Mansel (H. Longueville). Letters, Lectures, and Reviews.
doth 1873
3540 Marlowe (Christopher). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols.,
8vo., Best Edition; cloth
3541 -the same. 3 vols., large 8vo., Large Paper; cloth
3542 Marryat (Captain). Mr. Midshipman Easy. Post 8vo., cloth
3543 Marston (John). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols., 8vo.,
calf gilt 1887
3544 -the same. 3 vols., 8vo., Large and Fine Paper ; cloth, £2. 16s; or,
half red levant morocco , gilt*lacks, by J. Larkins 1887
3545 Martin (Theodore). Life of the Prince Consort. 5 vols., 8vo.,
doth 1875
3546 Marvell (Andrew). Complete Works. Edited by Grosart. 4 vols.,
sm. 4to., Large Paper; half bound 1872-75
3547 Massinger (Philip). Plays. With Notes by W. Gifford. Second
(and best) Edition. 4 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1813
3548 -the same. 4 vols., 8vo., a very fine copy in russia super-extra, by
Bedford 1813
3549 Masuccio. The Novellino, now first translated by W. G. Waters. 2
vols., roy. 8vo., with 18 plates ; cloth 1895
3550 Max Muller (Friedrich). Chips from a German Workshop. 4 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1868-75
3551 May (Thomas Erskine). Constitutional History of England, 1760-
1860. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1863
3552 May hew (Augustus). Paved with Gold. An Unfashionable Novel.
8vo., First Edition , complete in the 13 original parts with all the wrappers
and advertisements 1857-58
3553 —■■■ (Henry & Horace). Whom to Marry and How to Get Married 1
PMt 8to - *e»K#e*«ir«y univer”^^ 7 )
£ *. d.
3 3 0
1 14 0
2 0 0
18 0
0 6 6
1 1 0
0 10 0
1 10 0
0 8 0
0 15 0
2 8 0
0 8 0
11 11 0
7 7 0
2 2 0
1 18 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
5 0 0
5 10 0
0 2 6
1 18 0
3 10 0
0 10 6
4 10 0
3 0 0
8 8 0
1 10 0
1 1G 0
0 18 0
3 16 0
0 17 0
Medici. Memoirs of the House of Medioi. By Tenhove. 2 vols., 1797
—Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici. By W. Roscoe. 2 vols., 1796—Life of
Leo the Tenth. 4 vols., 1805;—together 8 vols., 4to., russia
gilt ' 1796-1805
Memoirs of the Love and State-Intrigaes of the Court of H-; From
the Marriage of the Princess Z to the Death of Count K. Written
in High-German by the Countess of K. 8vo., russia J 743
Mendoza. Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes. Translated by Thomas
Roscoe—Adventures of Guzman d’Alfarache. From the French, by
John if. Brady. 2 vols., post 8vo., half morocco 1881
Meredith (George). Complete Works. 32 vols., 8vo., Edition de Luxe,
handmade paper; cloth 1896-98
-Modern Love and Poems of the English Roadside. 12mo., First
Edition; original cloth 1862
-One of our Conquerors. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition;
doth 1891
-Emilia in England. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition; original
doth . 1864
-Jump to Glory Jane. With 44 designs by Lawrence Hons man.
Post 8vo., First Edition; hoards 1892
-Poems : The Empty Purse. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1892
-The Amazing Marriage. 2 vols., post 8vo., First Edition; cloth
(covers soiled) 1895
M6rim£e (Prosper). The Love Letters of a Genius. Translation by
E. A. S. Watt. 4to., hoards 1905
Merivale (Charles). History of the Romans under the Empire. 7 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1850-62
-the same. New Edition. 8 vols., or. 8vo., half calf 1865
-The Conversion of the Roman Empire. 8vo., morocco 1865
Merritt. Henry Merritt; Art Critioism and Romance. By Anna Lea
Merritt. 2 vols., post 8vo., doth 1879
Merz (John Theodore). History of European Thought in the 19th
Century. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1903-4
[Miller (Mrs. Hugh)]. The Water Lily by Harriet Myrtle. Post
8vo., First Edition; mottled calf extra hy Riviere 1854
Milman (H. H.). Anne Boleyn. 8vo., First Edition; hoards 1826
-History of Latin Christianity. 6 vols., 8vo., cloth 1854-55
-Annals of S. Paul’s Cathedral. 8vo., cloth 1863
-Savonarola, Erasmus, and Other Essays. 8vo., First Edition;
half calf scarce 1870
Milton (John). Poetical Works. 1695— Historical, Political, and
Miscellaneous Works;—together, 2 vols., folio, old calf gilt 1695-1698
-Works in Verse and Prose. With life of the author by J.
Mitford. 8 vols., 8vo., cloth 1863
-Poetical Works. New Edition, by Thos. Newton. 4to., with
3 portraits and 17 plates; olive morocco extra 1775-1752
-the same. With a Life of the Author by William Hayley. 3 vols.,
impl. 4to., with engravings after R. Westall; half morocco 1794-5-7
-the same ... by the Rev. Henry John Todd. Second Edition.
7 vols., 8vo., calf 1809
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo., Library Edition; morocco 1842
-the same. With Remarks by James Montgomery. 2 vols , post
8vo., with 120 woodcuts after Harvey; morocco 1859
-the same. Edited by David Masson. 3 vols., 8vo., brown levant
morocco , gilt tops 1890
-- the same. Edited by William Aldis Wright. Post 8vo.,
cloth 1903
£ s. d.
2 0 0
0 8 0
Poems upon several occasions, with Translations by Thomas
Warton. Ro
uncut Original from
0 16 0
16 16 0
2 12 6
1 1 0
1 10 0
1 1 0
0 12 6
0 10 6
0 12 0
1 16 0
15 0
0 10 6
0 9 0
10 0
0 17 6
0 6 0
12 6
0 9 0
1 15 0
5 5 0
3 15 0
3 10 0
3 3 0
2 2 0
2 10 0
1 l 0
4 4 0
0 4 0
0 16 0
0 4 6
8586 Milton. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and other Poems. 2 vols.,
roy. 8vo., old calf Birmingham , John Baskerville, 1758
3587 " 1 '■ the same. 2 vols., 4to., original boards , uncut ib., 1759
3588 -Comus. A Mask. Sm. 4to., cloth 1858
3589 -the same. Reproduced in facsimile from the First Edition of
1637. Sm. 4to., cloth Neio York, 1903
3590 -L’Allegro and 11 Penseroso. Sm. folio, doth 1858
3591 Mitchell. Poems. By Langdon Elwyn Mitchell. P< st 8vo., doth
Boston, Mass., 1894
3592 Mommsen (Theodor). History of Rome. Translated by William*!*.
Dickson. 4 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1881-80
3693 Monstrelet. Chronicles. Translated by Johnes. 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1840
8594 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley). Letters and Works. Edited by
Lord Wharncliffe. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth, £2. 12* 6d; or, a fine copy in
half blue morocco 1837
3595 --Elizabeth Montagu, The Queen of the Blue-Stockings. Her
Correspondence from 1720 to 1761. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1906
3596 Montague (F. C.). History of England (1603-1660). 8vo., half
morocco 1907
8597 Montaigne. Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. Now rendered
into English by Charles Cotton. 3 vols., 8vo., calf extra, by F.
Bedford 1685-6
3598 — the same. New Edition by William Carew Hazlitt. 4 vols.,
8vo., Edition de Luxe ; vellum 1902
3699 Montesquieu (Baron de). The Temple of Gnidus. With a Preface
by Octave Uzanne. Roy. 8vo., cloth Vizftelly (1889)
3600 [Moore (John)]. Mordaunt. 3 vols., 8vo., calf neat 1800
3601 ■ (Thomas). Poetical Works. 10 vols., 12mo., cloth, £1.12s; or,
purple morocco 1844
3602 --Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Moore. Second
edition. 2 vols., 12mo., red straight-grained morocco 1802
3603 — ■ — Lalla Rookh. 8vo., russia extra 1822
8604 -the same. Sm. 4to., with illvstrations by Birket Foster, etc., cloth 1860
8605 —i— Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence. Edited by Lord John
Russell. 8 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1853
8306 More (Sir Thomas). Utopia. Translated by Raphe Robinson, a.d. 1551.
A new edition. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 2 vols., l2mo., half
morocco 1808
3607 - the same. Printed from Sir H. Ellis’s oopy. Impl. 8vo., Largest
Paper ; half parchment Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878
3608 — — the same . . . added the Life of the Author by William Roper.
Folio, boards Chiswick Press, 1903
8609 Morgan. Lady Morgan’s Memoirs. Edited by W. Hepworth Diion.
2 vols., 8vo., half blue morocco 1862
3610 Morier (James). Adventures of Haiji Baba of Ispahan. Edited by
C. J. Wills. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1897
3611 Morley (Henry). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. 8vo., cloth 1859
8612 Morris. A Series of the WorkB of William Morris. Printed with tbe
Golden Type of the Kelmscott Press in black and red, on handmade
paper. 8 vols., 4to., boards Chiswick Press, 1901-2
It was Mr. Morris’* intention to print the foil series of his works at the Kelmscott
Press, bnt his death led to the closing of the Press before the project was finished. Tho
above eight volumes form tbe completion of tbe work.
3613 -The Life and Death of Jason. A Poem. Fourth Edition.
Square 8vo., doth F. 8. Ellis, 1869
-the same. Eighth Edition. Square 8vo., cloth 1882
the same. l<
Bitwise. A Poem. 4 vols,«,
•arts, l?mo., cloth
r( ^1872
3 5 0
4 4 0
0 9 0
0 10 6
0 10 6
0 4 6
12 6
1 1 0
3 5 0
1 0 0
0 12 6
4 0 0
3 15 0
0 12 6
1 0 0
2 17 6
0 15 0
0 7 6
0 10 6
14 0
1 12 0
3 3 0
0 17 6
1 8 0
0 8 0
0 10 6
8 8 0
0 5 0
0 4 0
0 18 0
0 7 6
Morris. Love is Enough.. Sm. 4to., First Edition;
cloth 1873
The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. Square 8vo.,
-The ASneids of Virgil. Done into English Verse. Square 8vb.,
First Edition; cloth 1876
■ the same. Edition de Luxe. Sm. folio, boards
Chiswick Press, 1902
-The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblings.
Square 8ro., First Edition; cloth 1877
-the same. Second Edition. Square 8vo., cloth 1877
-the same. Fourth Edition. Sm. 4to., Large Paper; half parch¬
ment 1887
-The Odyssey of Homer dono into English Verse by William
Morris. Square 8vo. f First Edition; doth 1887
-■ Signs of Change. Seven Lectures. 8vo., First Edition, printed
on handmade paper; buckram 1888
-Tale of the House of the Wolfings, and all the Kindreds of the
Mark. Sm. 4to., First Edition; buckram 1889
-the same. Impl. 8vo., First Edition, Largs Paper; buckram 1889
-The Hall and the Wood. The original proof sheets (4 pp.)
printed on one side only. 4to., bds . 1889
-The Roots of the Mountains. Sm. 4to., First Edition ; doth 1890
-Letters on Socialism. 8vo., parchment 1894
Some Hints on Pattern Designing. The original galley proofs
printed on one side only. Oblong sm. 4to., bds. (Ohiswick Press , 1898)
•-The Hollow Land and other contributions to the Oxford and
Cambridge Magazine. 8vo., boards 1903
Motley (J. L.). Collected Works. 9 vols., 8vo., calf 1856-74
Content*: The Riie of the Dutch Republic. 3 yoIs. 1866; Hiitory of the
United Netherlands. 4 toIs. 1860-67; The Life and Death of John of Barneveld.
2 toIs. 1874.
-the same, including Correspondence, 2 vols.;—together, 11 vols.,
8vo., Original Library Editions; half morocco by Riviere 1856-89
-the same. 11 vols., 8vo., Library Editions; calf gilt, by Riviere
-Life and Death of John of Barneveld. 2 vols., 8vo., Original
Edition ; cloth 1874
Mure (W.). Critical History of the Language and Literature of
Antient Greece. 5 vols., 8vo., doth 1850-57
-the same. 5 vols., 8vo., calf, gilt backs 1850-57
Musa Pedestris : Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes
[1536-1896], Collected by John S. Farmer. Sm. 4to., bds. 1896
Napier. Selections from the Correspondence of Macvey Napier. Edited
by his son, Macvey Napier. 8vo., half calf 1877
Napoleon. Sloane (W. Milligan). Life of Napoleon Bonaparte.
4 vols., sm. folio., Original Edition; doth 1896
Neal (Daniel). History of the Puritans. 3 vols., 8vo., calf 1732
- the same. 3 vols., 8vo., calf, gilt backs 1837
Nelson. Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton. 2 vols., 8vo.,
boards, £2. 12« 6d; or, calf extra, by Riviere 1814
■ Life of Nelson the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great
Britain, by Capt. A. T. Mahan. 2 vols., 8vo., half blue morocco, gilt
backs, by J. Larkins 1897
Newgate Calendar (The). By Andrew Knapp and William Baldwin,
4 vols., 8vo., half calf 1824
Newman (J. H.). Apologia pro Vita Sua. 8vo., First Edition; half
Calf i Oriqinalimm
Nichols (J .). Pi4gi&%^n3 Public Processions of Queen Elisabeth.
3 unlfl . . M.lf
1823 a
s. d.
10 6
7 6
15 0
12 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
10 0
12 0
10 6
18 0
18 0
12 -6
10 0
16 0
5* 0
12 0
18 0
9 0
2 0
2 0
12 6
17 6
16 G
16 0
10 6
12 6
0 0
15 0
15 0
5 0
l 0
Nicolas (Sir N. H.). - Observations on tbe State of Historical Litera¬
ture. 8 vo., cloth 1830
Northcote (James). Fables, Original and Selected. Both Series.
2 vole., roy. 8 vo., First Edition, Large Paper; red morocco extra, by
Holloway, a fine copy 1828-33
Northcote. Note Book of Sir John Northcote. Post 8 vo , cloth 1877
O’Keeffe (John). Dramatic Works. 4 vols., 8 vo., tree-calf extra, fully
gilt, contents lettered, by J. Clarke 1798
Ossian. Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson. 2 vols.,
8 vo., old calf neat
O’Sullivan (Vincent). Book of Bargains. Post 8 vo., cloth
Otway (Thomas). Works. 3 vols., 12mo., old calf gilt
-the same. 3 vols., 12mo., old calf gilt
-the same. 2 vols., 8 vo., boards
Plays. 2 vole., 12mo., calf
Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250 - 1900 . Edited by A. T. Quiller-
Conch. 12mo., half vellum, gilt back, 16*; or, half levant morocco, gilt
back 1906
Oxford Book of French Verse, Xlllth Century—XIXth Century.
Chosen by Sir John Lucas. 12mo., half morocco, by Riviere 1907
Oxford English Classics. Hume (David) and Tobias Smollett.
History of England. 13 vols. 1826-27—Johnson (Samuel). Works
and Life. 15 vols. 1825-26 —Robertson (Wm.). Works. 8 vols.
1825 ;—together 36 vols., roy. 8 vo., Ijarge Paper, with India proof
portraits; russia super-extra, gilt edges, by Bedford; a very fins set 1825-27
This is probably the finest set in existence.
Painter (William). Palace of Pleasnre. Edited by J. Haslewood.
2 vols., sm. 4to., red morocco extra, by Bedford 1813
Palgrave (F.). Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth:
Anglo-Saxon period. 2 vols., 4to., half morocco 1832
-Golden Treasury of the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in tho
English Language. Selected by F. T. Palgrave. Sm. 4to , Library
Edition; blue calf 1890
Palmerston. Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston. By
Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1870
Panizzi. Life of Sir Anthony PaDizzi. By Louis Fagan. 2 vols., 8 vo.,
half red morocco 1880
Pardoe (Julia). Historical Memoirs. 9 vols, 8 vo., half green levant
morocco, gilt tops 1847-90
Parnell (Thomas). Poems on Several Occasions. Post 8 vo., a fine
copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges 1722
Paston Letters (The). 1422-1509 a.d. New Edition. Edited by
James Gairdner. 3 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1872-75
Pater (Walter). Works. 9 vols., 8 vo., Edition de Luxe; half green
levant morocco, gilt tops 1900-0 L
- The Renaissance. Post 8 vo cloth 1877
-Greek Studies. Post 8 vo., First Edition; cloth 1895
-Gaston de Latour. Post 8 vo., First Edition; doth 1896
- Essays from the “Guardian.” Post 8 vo., a fresh copy in the
original boards Chiswick Press, 1896
Patmore (Coventry). Poems. With an Introduction by Basil
Champneys. Post 8 vo half vellum 1906
Pearson (Charles H.). National Life and Character. 8 vo., cloth 1893
Peele (George). Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols., 8 vo.,
Large Paper, cloth 1888
Pegge (5.). Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times. 8 vo.,
cloth 1818
Perceval. Lif&.of the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, including his Corre¬
spondence. by k$y,^j> si (Walpole. 2 vols., , qf
£ *. d.
0 5 0
9 0 0
0 3 6
3 7 6
0 14 0
0 5 0
0 15 0
12 6
0 18 0
0 10 6
l 1 0
0 16 6
58 0 0
5 15 0
4 14 G
1 11 6
0 8 0
0 18 0
13 0 0
4 0 0
0 10 6
18 0 0
0 8 0
0 18 0
0 12 6
8 8 0
0 15 0
0 5 0
16 0
0 7 6
0 7 6
Pepys (Samuel). Memoirs, comprising his Diary, and a selection from
his Private Correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke.
.5 vols., 8 vo., cluth 1828
-the same. 4 vols., large 8 vo., Large Paper; half green levant
morocco , gilt tops 1887
-the same, with additional notes by Mynors Bright. 10 vols.,
8 vo., Large Paper; half brown morocco New York, 1884
-the same. Edited, with additions, by Henry B. Wheatley. 10
vols., 8 vo., Best Edition, Original Issue; cloth 1893-99
-the same. 10 vols., large 8 vo., Large Paper, printed on hand¬
made paper; half vellum 1893-98
This large paper issue is the finest edition of Pepys’ Diary erer printed.
Percy (Thomas). Reliqnes of Ancient English Poetry. 3 vols., post
8 vo., sound copy in old blue calf J. Dodsley, 1767
-the same. Fourth Edition. 3 vols., sm. 8 vo., morocco 1794
-the same. Fifth Edition. 3 vols., post 8 vo., boards 1812
-Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript. Ballads and Romances.
3 vols., and Loose and Humourous Songs. 1 vol.;—together 4 vols.,
in 7 parts 8 vo., sewed, £2. 16s; or, Large Paper, calf gilt 1867-68
-the same. (Without the “ Loose and Humourous Songs.”)
3 vols. in 4 parts, 8 vo., sewed 1867-8
Percy Society : Reprints of Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular
Literature of the Middle Ages. Complete in 96 parte, including the
suppressed tracts;—bound in 32 vols., sm. 8 vo., brown levant morocco
extra, fully gilt, contents lettered, by Hayday; a fine set 1840-60
3691 Philipps (J. T.). History of the Princes of Saxony, viz. Ernestus the
Pious, and Bernard the Great. 8 vo., calf 1740
3692 Phillipps (Sir Thomas). The Grand Serio-Comic Opera, of Lord
Bateman, and his Sophia, by J. H. 8 . late J. H. P. Sm. 4to., pp. 37 ;
' bds. 1863
3693 Phillips (Stephen). Paolo A Francesca. A Tragedy in Four Acts.
Post 8 vo., First Edition; cloth 1900
3694 -Marpessa. Sq. 16mo., cloth 1900
3695 Pindar. The Works of Peter Pindar (John Woloott). 4 vols., 16mo.,
with frontispieces; calf 1816
3696 Pinkerton (John). Rimes. Post 8 vo., half morocco, uncut 1782
3697 Pitt (William, First Earl of Chatham). Letters written to his
nephew Thomas Pitt. Post 8 vo., half morocco 1804
-Speeches. 3 vols., 8 vo., half calf 1809
■-Life of William Pitt. By Earl Stanhope. 4 vols., post 8 vo.,
half olive levant morocco, gilt tops 1862
-the same. 3 vols., 8 vo., half calf 1879
-Pitt: Some Chapters of his Life and Times. By Lord Ash¬
bourne. 8 vo., cloth 1898
3702 Plato. The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English by B. Jowett.
4 vols., 8 vo., tree-calf 1871
3703 Plutarch's Lives. Translated by Langhorne. 6 vols., 12mo., half
green morocco 1826
3704 -the same. 5 vols., 8 vo., Oxford Edition, doth 1902
3705 Poe (Edgar Allan). Poetical Works. Sm. 4to., cloth n. d.
3706 -• Tales and Poems. 4 vols., post 8 vo., newly bound in half purple
levant morocco, gilt backs 1884
3707 -the same. 4 vols., 8 vo., Large Paper; cloth 1884
3708 Poetry. Two Centuries of Song. With Critical and Biographical
Notes by Walter Thornbury. Square 8 vo., half morocco 1867
3709 Poggio. The
Lifefof Ppggipl Bracciolini. By William Shepherd. 4to.,
U NIVE R SLiverpool,Ci8Q2
s. d.
16 0
5 0
5 0
15 0
18 0
2 0
8 0
15 0
5 0
12 0
0 0
8 0
7 6
5 0
3 6
10 0
5 0
6 6
9 0
16 0
4 0
6 0
16 0
18 0
10 0
9 0
15 0
10 0
7 6
5 0
Pope (Alexander). Works. With Commentary and Notes by Mr.
Warburton. 9 vols., 1752—Essay on the Genius and Writings of
Pope (by J. Warton). 2 vols., 1772-82;—together 11 vols., 8vo.,
English red morocco 1752-82
-the same. Complete Works. Edited by Joseph Warton and
Gilbert Wakefield. 20 rols., 8vo., old calf 1760-70
-the same. 20 vols., 8vo., sprinkled calf gilt 1796
-Works. 12mo., calf Edinburgh , 1767
-Works in Verse and Prose. 10 vols., 8vo., calf rebacked, £1. 5 s;
or, a fine copy in old calf gilt 1806
-the same. 10 vols., 1806—Iliad of Homer. New Edition, by
Gilbert Wakefield. 11 vols., 1796;—together, 21 vols., 8vo., with 'll por¬
traits and 73plates (71 of which are “proofs before letters ) ; calf 1796-1806
-Poetical Works. 6 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, proofs before
letters; contemporary straight-grain blue morocco extra, gilt edges
Printed for F. J. Du Rover ay, 1804
Poetical Works. 6 vols. in 3. 1804—The Iliad of Homer.
Translated by A. Pope. 6 vols. in 3. 1805—The Odyssey of Homer.
Translated by A. Pope. 6 vols. in 3. 1806;—together, 18 vols. in 9,
roy. 8 vo., Large Paper; proofs before letters; russia gilt, a fine set
-New Edition, including several hundred unpublished Letters,
collected by John Wilson Croker. With notes by Rev. Whitwell
Elwin [ana William John Courthope]. 10 vols., 8 vo., doth , £2. 10s;
or, half morocco 1871-89
-Windsor-Forest. Second Edition. Sm. folio, 10 U. ; unbound 1713
-The Iliad of Homer. 6 vols. in 3. 1715-20—The Odyssey of
Homer. 5 vols. in 2;—together, 11 vols. in 5, sm. folio, old calf
Bowyer, 1715-20, Lintot, 1720-25
-Of Taste, an Epistle to , , . Richard Earl of Burlington. Sm.
folio, 8 leaves , unbd. 1731
-Of False Taste. An Epistle to . . . Richard Earl of Burlington.
Third Edition. Sm. folio, unbound 1731
-Of the use of Riohes. Sm. folio, First Edition; 11 leaves; a very
tall copy; bds. 1732
-The first Satire of the Second Book of Horace. Sm. folio, First
Edition; 10 leaves; bds. 1733
-Of the Knowledge and Characters of Men. Sm. folio, unbd. 1733
-the same. Sm. folio, a very tall copy ; bds. 1733
-An Essay on Man in Epistles to a Friend. 4 parts in 1 vol., sm.
folio, complete; half calf [1733-34]
Tbe above comprises the second odition of the first part and the first edition of the
other parts.
— Sober Advice from Horace. Sm. folio, unbound n. d. [1734]
- An Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. Sm. folio,
12 leaves; unbound 1734
-the same. Sm. folio, a very tall copy; bds. 1734
Of the Characters of Women : an Epistle to a Lady. Sm. folio,'
the same. Sm. folio, a very tall copy; bds.
The First Epistle of the first book of Horace imitated.
folio, First Edition ; 10 leaves ; unbound
The Sixth Epistle of the first book of Horace imitated.
folio, First Edition ; 14 leaves; unbound 1737
——— The Second Epistle of the Second Book of Horace. Sm. folio,
First Edition; 10 leaves; unbound _ 1737
. . - 0 0
folio, First Edition ; 10 leaves, including half-title ; unbound
The First Epistle of the second book of Horace
£ «. d.
6 6 0
4 16
4 4
0 18
2 2
2 0
2 7
2 10
2 17
2 2
2 12
4 4 0
5 10 0
7 7 0
14 14 0
5 5 0
0 7 6
2 5 0
2 10 0
0 7 6
2 5 0
3 3 0
0 7 6
10 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
15 0
1738 2 2 0
Pope (Alexander). A Collection of twenty-three satires and poems,
including fonr poems by Pope. Sm. folio, half hound 1733-1743
- Letters of the late Alexander Pope, Esq., to A Lady. Never
before published. 8vo., half calf\ uncut 1769
Popeiana. Verses Address’d to the Imitator of the First Satire of the
Second Book of Horace. By a Lady. Sm. folio, unbound (1733)
-The State Dances. [By Paul Whitehead]. Sm.folio ,unbound 1733
- A Collection of Six Poems, mostly satirizing or containing
references to Pope. In 1 vol., sm. folio, contemporary half binding
Post Boy (The). [A newspaper conducted by John Dunton]. A series
from Saturday May 16, 1696 to May 20, 1699, forming nos. 161-642
(wanting nos, 339-341, 370, 380, 395, 431, 447, 495, 497, 524-32, 534-5,
570, 573-4, 583, 585, 6 9 and 629). Sm. folio, nearly every number
having a corresponding News-Letter in Manusciipt ; an interesting and
scarce collection , bound in 3 vole., modern calf (worn), uncut 1696-99
Prescott (W. H.). Complete Works. Edited by John Foster Kirk.
12 vols., 8 vo., half calf, gilt backs 1896-7
- Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. 1850—Reign of Ferdinand and
Isabella. 2 vols. 1851—Reign of Philip the Second. 3 vols. 1855-59
—Conquest of Mexioo. 2 vols. 1865;—together 9 vols., 8vo., with
portraits; cloth 1850-65
-History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols , 8vo., calf 1847
-History of the Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. fc 8vo., calf 1850
-History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain.
3 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1855-9
-History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth. 2 vols., post 8vo.,
First Edition ; original cloth 1857
Prior (Matthew). Miscellaneous Works. 12mo., old calf Dublin, 1739
Poems on Several Occasions. 8vo., old calf
the same. 12mo., old calf
the same. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf , rebacked
the same. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf
the same. 2 vols., 12mo., portrait, calf
A Book of Verse.
Procter (Adelaide Anne). Legends and Lyrics.
2 vols., 12mo., First Edition , original cloth
Punch : or, The London Charivari. A complete set from the com¬
mencement in 1841 to the end of the year 1906. 131 vols. in 66, 4to.,
half green straight-grained morocco, gilt tops, a fine set 1841-1906
Quevedo Villegas (Francisco de), The Visions of . . . Made English
by Sir R. Lestrange, and Burlesqu’d. Cr. 8vo., morocco 1702
Rabelais (Francis). Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds, and
Sayings of Gargantua. Translated by Sir T. Urquhart and P. A.
Motteux. 2 vols., with 15 plates; cloth, £1. 12*; or, half morocco 1892
- The Five Books, and Minor Writings. New Translation by
W. F. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1893
Raikes. Correspondence of Thomas Raikes with the Duke of Welling¬
ton and Contemporaries. 8vo., cloth 1861
Raleigh. Sir Walter Raleigh : a Biography. By W. Stebbing. 8vo.,
bds. Oxford, 1891
Ranke (Leopold). History of the Popes of Romo. Translated by
Sarah Austin. 3 vols., 8vo., Library Edition, half morocco 184!
■^Memoirs of the Honse of Brandenburg and History of Prussia.
Translated by Sir Alexr. and Lady DufE Gordon. 3 vols., 8vo., clean
copy in original boards, uncut 1849
Raumer (Frederick von). Contributions to Modern History. Post
8 vo ., half calf 1836
Oolleofidnof Eiifldiah Proverbs. 8vo., calf Driginal from 1737
R*y (JO
the same
eqtibn of English Pr
. '8 Vo:, rebacked
£ «• d.
3 3 0
1 8 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
1 1 0
15 15 0
3 17 6
6 0 0
1 10 0
18 0
1 10 0
0 7 6
0 7 6
1 16 0
15 0
0 10 0
0 12 6
0 9 0
0 7 6
36 0 0
0 15 0
3 5 0
1 4 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
2 5 0
3 10 0
0 4 6
0 9 0
0 7 6
Reade (Charles). Peg Woffington. 2 vols., cr. 8 vo., gilt linen;
scarce New York, (holier Club, 1887
Reeve. Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve. 2 vols., 8 vo.,
cloth 1898
Reresby. Travels and Memoirs of Sir John Reresby. Roy. 8 vo., with
forty portraits and views (10 coloured), morocco 1813
Rhymes and Roundelayes in praise of a Country Life. Sm. 4to.,
cloth (1857)
Richardson (Samuel). Works. With Life by Edward Mangin.
19 vols., post 8 ?o., Best Edition; calf gilt, £8. 15 s ; or, half morocco,
uncut 1811
-the same. With a Prefatory Chapter by Leslie Stephen. 12
vols., 8 vo., half green morocco 1883
- the same. With an Introduction by Ethel M. M. McKenna.
20 vols., post 8 vo., cloth 1902
- History of Sir Charles Grandison. 7 vols., 1781—Pamela.
4 vols., 1785 ;—together 11 vols , post 8 vo., old calf 1781-85
- Sir Charles Grandison. 7 vols., 1781—Clarissa Harlowe.
8 vols., 1785 ;—15 vols., 12mo., old calf 1781-85
- Clarissa Harlowe. 8 vols., post 8 vo., old style calf, gilt backs, by
Zaehnsdorf 1792
- Correspondence, . . . prefixed a Biographical account by Anna
L. Barbauld. 6 vols., post 8 vo., boards, uncut 1804
Richter (Jean Paul Friederich). Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces.
Translated by E. H. Noel. 2 vols., post 8 vo., morocco 1845
[Ridley (James)]. Tales of the Genii. Translated from the Persian
by Sir Charles Morell. 2 vols., roy. 8 vo., Large Paper; straight-
grain red morocco extra 1805
Ritson (Joseph). English Anthology. 3 vols., post 8 vo., old russia
gilt, 16s ; or, bright calf gilt, by Bedford 1793-4
- Select Collection of English Songs. 3 vols. post 8 vo., calf 1813
Robin Hood. A Lytell Geste of Robin Hode, with other Ballads re¬
lating to this Yeoman. Edited by J. M. Gutch. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1847
W. C. Hazlitt's copy with several corrections and notes in his autograph.
Rochester (John, Earl of). Works containing Poems on Several
Occasions. Fourth Edition. 12mo., red morocco gilt 1732
Rock (Daniel). The Church of our Fathers, with Dissertations on
the Belief and Ritual in England. 3 vols. in 4, 8 vo., cloth 1849-53
Rockingham. Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and his Con¬
temporaries. 2 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1852
Roebuck (John Arthur). History of the Whig Ministry of 1830.
2 vols., 8 vo., cloth , 5«; or, half calf 1852
Rogers (Samuel). Poetical Works. 12mo., cloth Mozon, 1856
- Human Life. 12mo., First Edition; half calf 1819
-Italy* a Poem. 1830.—Poems. 1834;—2 vols., 8 vo., First
Editions, with numerous vignettes; red morocco extra 1830-4
-the same. 2 vols., 8 vo., green morocco extra 1852
Presentation copy with inscription in Rogers’ autograph.
-Italy, a Poem. 8 vo., the earliest issue, with proof impressions
before letters of the engravings; bright calf gilt; presentation copy from
the author 1830
-the same. 8 vo., blue levant morocco 1836
-Poems. 8 vo., First Edition; green levant morocco 1834
-The Pleasures of Memory. 12mo., calf 1796
Rose. Diary and Correspondence of the Right Hon. George Rose.
Edited by L. Y. Harcourt. 2 vols., 8 vo., calf 1860
Ross (J.). Book of Scottish Poems. 2 vols., sq. 8 vo., cloth 1882
Roumanla. Baminisoencea, of the King of Ronmania. Edited by
Sidney Whitman? Q>v<& IMf morocco UNIVERSITY OF MICHlSfflP
£ s. d.
4 5 0
0 6 6
1 10 0
0 10 0
11 0 0
7 7 0
1 7 6
2 2 0
2 5 0
5 5 0
8 3 0
1 10 0
4 10 0
12 0
0 18 0
2 2 0
2 15 0
0 15 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 8 0
6 16 G
3 3 0
6 6 0
15 0
2 16 0
0 10 0
0 15 0
0 7 6
0 12 6
3799 Rossetti (Christina). New Poems. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. Post
8 vo., cloth 1896
3800 -(Dante Gabriel). Collected Works. Edited by W. M. Rossetti.
2 vols., cr. 8 vo., doth 1890
3801 -The Early Italian Poets from Cinllo D’Aloamo to Dante
Alighieri. Together with Dante’s Vita Nuova. Translated by D. G.
Rossetti. Post 8 vo., First Edition, doth 1861
Later editions were called “ Dante and his Circle.”
3802 -Poems. Post 8 vo., First Edition; cloth 1870
3803 -the same. Post 8 vo., doth 1881
3804 -Poetical Works. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. Post 870 ., cloth 1891
3805 -the same. Post 8 vo., with portrait; cloth 1895
3806 -Ballads and Sonnets. Post 8 vo., First Edition; cloth 1831
3807 -the same. Seoond Edition. Post 8 vo., cloth 1881
3808 — ■ — Lenore, by Gottfried August Burger. Translated by Dante
Gabriel Rossetti. Sm. 4to., cloth, 5 s; or, Large Paper, 4to., cloth 1900
3809 Rousseau. Confessions of Jean Jacque Rousseau. Translated into
English, without Expurgation. 2 vols., 8 vo , buckram 1896
3810 Rowe (Nicholas). Works. 2 vols., 12mo., calf 1747
3811 . —■ the same. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf gilt 1756
3812 -the same. 2 vols., 12mo., calf extra, by Bedford 1766
3813 -The Fair Penitent. A Tragedy. Sm. 4to., First Edition; foxed
copy; half morocco, gilt top 1703
3814 -The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray . . . Sm. 4to., First Edition;
hf. morocco 1715
3815 Rowlandson. The English Dance of Death. 2 vols., roy. 8 vo. f First
Edition; original cloth, uncut 1815-16
3816 -the same. 2 vols., roy. 8 vo., olive-green levant morocco extra, gilt
edges , by Riviere, a fine copy
8817 -the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., contemporary calf
8818 [Ruffin! (Giovanni)]. Doctor Antonio. Post 8vo., First
3819 Ruskin (John). Works. Complete Authorized Library
rail; KUSKin {jonnj. wonts. uompiete Autnonzea mDrary j^aiuon.
Edited by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. 38 vols., large 8vo.,
cloth 1903
3820 -Poems. J. R. Collected, 1850. Post 8vo., a fine copy in the
original purple cloth, enclosed in a red levant morocco case (1850)
3821 Russell (John, Earl). History of the English Government and Con¬
stitution, 1865.—Rise and Progress of the Christian Religion, 1873—
together, 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1865-73
3822 - (William). History of Modern Europe. 4 vols., 8vo., calf 1837
3823 -the same. 4 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1842
382 b St. Albans. Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans. By Mrs.
Cornwall Baron-Wilson. 2 vols., post 8vo., half calf 1840
3825 St. James’s : a Satirical Poem. In six Epistles to Mr. Crockford.
4to., First Edition, boards, uncut, scarce 1827
3826 St. Ursula. The Legend of Saint Ursula and her Companions. Roy.
4to., with 22 full-page illuminated miniatures; red morocco extra 1869
3827 Schiller (Friedrich). Works. Translated by Various Hands. 10
vols., 8vo., buckram 1903
3828 Schlegel (A. W.). A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and
Literature. Translated by J. Black. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth 1840
3829 Schlosser (F. C.). History of the Eighteenth Century, and of the
Nineteenth till the overthrow of the French Empire, translated by
D. Davidson. 8 vols., 8vo., cloth 1843-52
3830 Secundus. Kisses: a Poetical Translation of the Basin of Johannes
Secundus Nicolaius. With the original Latin. Roy. 8vo., contemporary
red morocco extra, fine copy 1778
3831 Seebohm z (Frederic). oThe Oxford Reformers of 1498. 8vo..
doth ^ UNlvERblTY OF Ml Cloggy
£ s. d.
0 5 0
14 0
2 16 0
4 4 0
0 10 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
1 18 0
0 10 6
1 1 0
2 8 0
0 12 6
0 15 0
3 5 0
0 12 6
0 10 0
16 10 0
15 0 0
13 0 0
0 4 0
28 0 0
52 10 0
0 16
0 8
0 12
1 4
1 ll
4 4
4 4
0 7
15 0
5 5 0
ERSITY OF MlCtjjgjjffl Q 10 0
£ i. d-
Scott (Sir Walter). Waver ley Novels. 48 vols., 1829-34—Poetical
Worka. 12 vols. (1833)—Prose Works. 28 vols., 1834-6—History of
Scotland. 2vols.,1830—MemoirsoftheLifeof Sir Walter Scott. 10 vols.,
1839 ; —together 100 vols., 12mo., mottled calf , a fine uniform set 1829-39 31 10 0
■■ ■ — Waverley Novels. 48 vols., full red morocco , gilt, 1829—Poetical
Works. 12 vols., half red morocco (1830)—Prose Works. 28 vols.,
half red morocco, 1834-40;—together 88 vols., the backs of the volumes
being fully gilt in a uniform style 1829-40
(1830) ;—together 60 vols., 12mo., half calf
-Waverley Novels. Abbotsford Edition. 12 vols.,
roy. 8vo., half
calf, gilt backs
- the same.
48 vols., 12mo., half morocco
1851-50-5 L
" ■ the same.
48 vols., 12mo., calf gilt
-the same.
25 vols., 8vo , Library Edition; cloth
4 15
-the same.
25 vols., 8vo., half green morocco
-— the same.
Re-issne. 25 vols., 8vo., cloth
-the same.
25 vols., 8vo., half calf
the same. With Introductory Essays and Notes by Andrew
48 vols., 8vo., Original Border Edition ; cloth 1892-94
the same. 48 vols.—Journal. 2 vols.;—together 50 vols., 8vo.,
Border Edition, Edition de Luxe; half pinlc levant morocco, gilt tops, a
beautiful set 1891-94
-Poetical Works. 12 vols., 12mo., half calf (1830)
-the same. 12mo., morocco gilt 1852
-the same. 12mo , morocco 1859
-Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 3 vols., 8vo., calf 1803
- Sir Tristrem. Edited by (Sir) Walter Scott. 8vo., First
Edition; calf 1804
- The Vision of Don Roderick; a Poem. 4to, First Edition,
original boards, uncut 1811
-Quentin Dnrward. 3 vols., post 8vo., First Edition, black calf
extra, by Root, gilt edges 1823
Seeley (J. R.). Lectures and Essays. 8vo., Original Edition; cloth 1870
Senior (Nassau W.). Biographical Skotohes. Post 8vo., doth 1863
Shadwell (Thomas). Dramatic Works. 4 vols., 12mo., calf neat,
£2. 18s; or, a very fine copy in calf extra, by Bedford 1720
Shaftesbury (Anthony, Earl of). Charactcristicks of Men, Manners,
Opinions, Time*. 3 vols., 8vo., Thick Paper; a fine copy in green
morocco, by J. Olark _ . 1727
Shakespeare. Works. (Edited by Sir Thomas Hanmer; Preface, by
Pope: Life, by Nicholas Rowe.) 6 vols., 4to., original half calf
( shabby) Oxford, 1744-43-44
-Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare, being the whole number
printed in Quarto, during his Lifetime. Edited ny George Steevens.
4 vols., 8vo., calf, £3. 3s; or, red moroc'o extra 1766
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo., Thick Paper, in a beautiful contemporary
red morocco binding, with dentiUe border on sides 1766
-Plays. Notes by Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, and Isaac
Reed. 15 vols., 8vo., in old mottled calf 1793
Works. 7 vols , roy. 8vo., calf 1797
Dramatic Works. Revised by George Steevens. 9 vols., folio,
10 0 0
42 0 0
2 2 0
0 12 0
0 7 6
0 18 0
0 15 0
0 18 0
1 15
0 9
0 4
Steevens, with Glossarial Notes, 10 vols., post 8vo., contemporary
calf 1803
■-the garner 10 yols^ 12 m 0 ., straight-grained citron maroooo, gilt ,
5 0 0
3 18 0
3 3 0
5 15 0
8 0 0
3 3 0
1 16 0
Boyd ell's beautifully printed edition, with 100 fine plates, red straight
grained morocco extra, gilt edges, by Benedict 1802 3L 10 0
Plays, Printed from the Corrected Copy left by the late George
1 16 0
Shakespeare. Plays. Revised and Augmented by Isaac Reed. 21 vols.,
1803—Remarks upon the Plays. By E. H. Seymour. 2 vols. 1805
■—Illustrations of Shakespeare. By Francis Douce. 2 vols. 1807;—
together 25 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1803-7
-Plays. (Edited by Malone.) Notes by Samnel Johnson and
George Steevens. Revised by Isaac Reed. 21 vols., roy. 8vo., Large
Paper ; purple morocco gilt; a very fine copy 1813
-Plays and Poems. Edited by James Boswell. 21 vols., 8vo.,
calf gilt 1821
-the same. 11 vols., sm. 8vo., Pickering's “ Wreath ” Edition;
half brown levant morocco 1825
Works. Notes by Samuel Weller Singer, Life by Charles
w • m
Symmons. 10 vols., 12mo., half morocco extra , fully gilt backs, by
Riviere, a fine set Chiswick, 1826
-the same. With a Life, and Glossarial Notes, edited by A. J.
Valpy. 15 vols., l2mo., cloth, £3. 16*; or, half vellum 1832-34
-the same. Edited by Charles Knight. 8 vols., roy. 8vo.,
Pictorial Edition ; half morocco (1839-43)
-Works. Knight’s Cabinet Edition. 11 vols., 16mo., half
morocco 1843
-the same. Edited by Alexander Chalmers. 8 vols, 8vo., calf
gilt 1847
-Works. With Notes by Samuel Weller Singer, and Life by
William Watkiss Lloyd. 10 vols., 12mo., cloth 1856
Works. The Text Revised by Alexander Dyco. Third Edition,
‘ “ - - - 1875
by Dr. W. Aldis Wright. 40 vols., impl. 8vo., cloth 1891-94
■ the same. Third Cambridge Edition. 9 vols., 8vo., half green
levant morocco 1894-95
' Works. Eversley Edition. Edited by C. H. Herford. 10 vols.,
post 8vo., doth 1899
• ■ ' The Vale Shakespeare. Edited by T. S. Moore. 39 vols., 8vo.,
cloth Vale Press, 1900-3
Only 310 copies of this beautiful edition were printed.
-Historical Plays, Roman and English. With Notes by Charles
Wordsworth. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1893
Poems. With Capell’s History of the Origin of Shakespeare’s
edited by John Forster. 9 vols., 8vo., cloth
-the same. 10 vols., 8vo., cloth
Works. Edited by W. Aldis Wright. 9 vols., 8vo.
Cambridge Edition], cloth
the same. Edition de Luxe of the Cambridge Edition.
Fables. Roy. 8vo. # straight-grained blue morocco extra with gilt borders,
a fine copy (1798)
A Midsommer Nights Dream. Edited by Dr. Horace Howard
Furness. Roy.8vo.,Note Variorum Edition, vol.X, cloth Philadelphia, 1895
-Songs and Sonnets. Post 8vo., cloth 1863
-the same. Edited by F. T. Palgrave. 12mo., half morocco 1902
3885 Arnold (Cecil). Index to Shakespearian Thought. 8vo., cloth 1880
3886 Ayscough (S.). Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words in
Shakespeare. 8vo., calf 1827
3887 Bay ley (H.). The Shakespeare Symphony. 8vo., doth 1906
3888 Boaden (James). Inquiry into the Authenticity of Various Pictures
and Prints. 8vo., half morocco, £1. Is; or, boards 1824
3889 Bohn (Henry G.). Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare.
8vo., vellum Philobiblon Society, 1863
3890 Bradley (A. C.). Shakespearean Tragedy. 8vo., cloth 1905
3891 Canning (H9n«/5> G.}» Shakespeare studied in eight Plays, 8vo.,
cloth Digitized by VjOOglC UNIVERSITY OF
£ s. d.
4 4 0
17 17 0
15 15 0
5 10 0
10 10 0
7 7 0
3 3 0
0 18 0
4 4 0
1 16 0
2 2 0
1 17 6
3 0 0
9 0 0
6 6 0
15 0
10 10 0
0 14 0
4 12 6
0 13 0
0 6 0
0 9 6
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 12 6
18 0
4 15 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
Shakespeariana, continued :—
3892 Clarke (C. Cowden). Shakespeare-Characters. 8vo., cloth 1863
3893 - (Mrs. Cowden). Complete Concordance to Shakespeare.
Roy. 8vo., cloth n. d. (1865)
3894 -the same. New and Revised edition. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1881
3895 Green (Henry). Shakespeareand the Emblem Writers. 8vo., cloth 1870
3896 Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.). Oatlines of the Life of Shakespeare.
Fourth Edition. Impl. 8vo., cloth 1884
3897 -the same. Fifth Edition. Impl. 8vo., doth 1885
3898 -tho same. 2 vols, roy. 8vo., cloth 1886
3899 Hazlitt (William). Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays.—Lectores on
Dramatic Literature. 2 vols., 12ino., cloth 1838-40
3900 Hunter (G.). New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of
Shakespeare. 2 vols., 8vo. f cloth, 15«; or, calf 1845
3901 Ingleby (C. M.). Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse. Roy. 8vo., half
calf 1879
3902 Jackson (Zachariah). A Few Concise Examples of Seven Hundred
Errors in Shakespeare’s Plays. 8vo., sewed 1818
3903 Jacox (Francis), Shakespeare Diversions, Second Series. 8vo.,
cloth 1877
3904 Kinnear ( Benjamin Gott). Cruces Shakespearian®. Post 8vo.,
cloth 1883
3905 Massey (G.). The Secret Drama of Shakespeare’s Sonnets unfolded.
8vo., cloth 1872
3906 Nares (Robert). Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, eto. New
Edition. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1876
3907 Shakespeare’s Library. Second Edition, revised and enlarged
(by William Carew Hazlitt). 6 vols., 8vo., Large Paper; half red
morocco, by J. Larkina , scarce 1875
3908 -the same. 3 vols. in 6—Fairy Tales illustrating Shakespearo.
1 vol.;—together 7 vols., post 8vo., boards, uncut 1875
8909 -Simpson (Richard). School of Shakespeare. 2 vols., post
8vo., cloth 1878
3910 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs.
Shelley. 4 vols., 12mo., half morocco • Moxon, 1839
-the same. Complete in one volume. Post 8vo., green morocco
Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. 4 vols., 8vo.,
2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1882
4 vols., 1882—Life, by Dowden. 2 vols., 1886;—
together 6 vols., 8vo., green levant morocco 1882-86
-the same. Second Edition. 2 vols., in 4 parts, buckram 1886
the same.
the same,
the same.
3917 -
3920 -
-Complete Poetical Works, with Notes, by W. M. Rossetti. 3
vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1885
- the same. Centenary Edition. Text newly revised by G. E.
Woodberry. 4 vols , post 8vo., cloth 1893
-Poems. Sm. 4to., printed on Whatman paper; three quarter
morocco , gilt back, by Boot Edinburgh, 1903
-The Masque of Anarchy. 12mo., First Edition, a fine copy in the
original boards, enclosed, in a morocco box 1832
Original Poetry by Victor and Caziie. Edited by Richard
Garnett. 8vo., bds. 1698
-The Cenci. Roy. 8vo., printed on handmade paper; boards
Elston Press, New York, 1903
-Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Hogg. 2 vols., post 8vo.,
original cloth Moxon, 1858
-Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With an introductory Essay
by Robert Browning. Post 8vo., calf gilt, by Bedford 1852
Lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works. froArranged and
edited by RjDuilgJClmpl. 8vo., cloth UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1892
£ s. ,
0 10
0 16
1 1
0 9
0 9
0 12
0 16
0 7 •
1 0 '
0 18 <
0 5 (
0 5 (
0 4 (
1 1 (
0 18 (
7 7 <
4 15 i
0 7 (
4 15 (
0 14 (
3 18 (
1 1 (
9 0 (
0 18 (
2 16 (
0 17 (
l 0 (
4 16 (
0 4 C
1 5 C
2 2 C
5 5 C
0 10 C
[Shelley (Mrs. Mary Woolstonecraft)]. Frankenstein. 3 vols,
post 8vo., half morocco, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut 1818
Shenstone (William). Works, in Prose and Verse. 3 vols., 12mo.,
contemporary calf 1768-69
Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). Works. 2 vols., 8vo, morocco extra,
by Rivv-re 1884
-The Rivals, a Comedy. 8vo., pp. xvi and 102 ( including half-
title and ‘ Epilogue ’ leaf at end) ; sd. 1775
First Edition of Sheridan’s fine comedy.
-The School for Scandal, a Comedy. 12mo plain fore-margins
of the last two leaves skilfully mended ; blue morocco extra, gilt edges,
by Riviere Dublin, 178 L
-— the same. 12mo., blue morocco extra, unout, by Riviere ibid., 1785
-Speeches of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1842
- Memoirs of the Life of Sheridan. By Thomas Moore. 4to., half
russia 1825
-the same. 2 vols., 8vo., boards 1827
3934 Shirley (James). Dramatic Works and Poems; with Notes by W. Gifford
and additional Notes by the Rev. A. Dyce. 6 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1833
3935 Shorthouse (J. H.). John Inglesant. A Romanoe. 2 vols., 8vo.,
half morocco 1881
3936 Siddons. Life of Mrs. Siddons, by Thomas Campbell. 2 vols, 8vo.,
boards 1831
3937 Sidney (Sir Philip). The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. With
notes by Hain Friswell. 12mo , cloth 1867
•3938 Singer (S. W.). Works edited by, as detailed below. 5 vols., 12mo.,
citron morocco extra, by F. Bedford C. Whittingham, 1818-21
ContentsLovelace (K.). Lncasta, two pts., 1818; Jxnlge (T.). Glnucus and
Silla. 181‘J ; Chalkhill (J ). Thealma and Clearchns, 1820 ; Marmion (S.). Cupid
and Psyche, 1820; Marlow (C.) and G. Chapman. Hero and Leandcr, 1821.
3939 Smedley (F. E.). Lewis Arundel. 8vo., cloth 1867
3940 -Harry Coverdale's Courtship. 8vo., First Edition; half red
morocco, £2. 2s; or, green morocco extra, uncut n. d. (1885)
-the same. 8vo., cloth n. d.
Smiles (Samuel). Lives of the Engineers. 3 vols.—Lives of Boulton
and Watt. 1 vol.;—together 4 vols., 8vo., cloth, £2 ; or, half red
morocco 1862-65
Smith (Albert). Straggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole.
8vo., a fine copy in 16 farts, with all of the wrappers; in a half-green
morocco pull-off case 1848
-- A Pottle of Strawberries. !2mo., First Edition; fine copy in the
original coloured wrapper 1848
--The Story of Mont Blanc. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1853
--(G. Barnett). Hittory of the English Parliament. 2 vols.,
roy. 8vo., cloth 1892-94
- (Horace and James). Rejected Addresses. 16mo., calf gilt 1813
-- (L.) and H. Hamilton. International English and French
Dictionary. 1896—Hamilton (H.) and E. Legros. Dictionnaire Inter¬
national Fran^ais-Anglais. 1901together 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half red
levant morocco 1896-1901
.-(Philip). History of the Ancient World. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1873
-(Rev. Sydney). Works. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1839-40
Somers (Lord). Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts. Second
Edition, by (Sir) Walter Scott. 13 vols., roy. 4to., half russia 1809-15
-the same. 13 vols., roy. 4to., russia extra 1809-15
Somervile (William)*. Hobbinol, or the Rural Games. A Burlesque
Poem. 4to M First EAY&s pfuuf morocco UNIVERSITY gf f
£ s. d.
5 5 0
0 12 0
4 4 0
15 15 0
4 4
3 3
0 17
0 15
0 5
4 10
0 7
0 10
0 15
0 7
0 4
0 18
0 10
0 15
8 0
12 12
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 1 0
6 16 6
0 7 6
2 15 0
10 10 0
^ * 0
2 vols., 1807together 4 vols., 12mo., calf gilt
-The Life of Nelson. 2 vols., 12mo., First Edition; calf
— The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo. 12mo., half calf
Southey’s Common Place Book. Edited by J. W.
Smollett (Tobias). Miscellaneous Works. 6 vols., 8vo., half calf 1798
-the same. 6 vols., 8vo., old calf Edinburgh, 1817
-Works. 6 vols., 8vo., half calf 1890-92
-the same. Edited by George Saintsbury. 12 vols., post 8vo.,
handmade paper, with 36 plates; buckram 1895
— - the same. With Introduction by W. E. Henley. 12 vols., 8vo.,
half calf, £4. 15s; or, half morocco 1899-1901
- Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. 2 vols., 1831—Roderick
Random. 1831—Humphrey Clinker—Sir Launcelot Greaves;—together
5 vols. in 4, 12mo., half morocco 1831-32
South Sea Bubbles. By the Earl and the Doctor. (The Earl of Pem¬
broke anl G. H. Kingsley.) 8vo., First Edition; half morocco 1872
Southey (Robert). Poetical Works. 10 vols., 12mo., doth, £1. 1#;
or, half vellum gilt 1837-8
-the same. 10 vols., 12mo., calf gilt, by Bedford; a fine copy 1844-8
-the same. 10 vols., 12mo., calf gilt 1852-51
-Thalaba the Destroyer. 2 vols., First Edition, 1801—Madoo.
War ter.
4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1849-51
-The Doctor, etc. Edited by John Wood Warter. 8vo., cloth 1862
-Amadis of Ganl; by'Vasco Lobeira. Translated by Robert
Southey. 8 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1872
Spanish Libertines (The) : Newly translated from the Spanish. Post
8vo., old calf 1709
[Spedding (James)]. Evenings * ith a Reviewer. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
Printed for private circulation, 1848
Speeches. An unusually complete Series of the Speeches of the most
eminent British Statesmen, Oratory etc. 71 vols. in 69, 8vo., etc., half
calf neat 1777-1880
A list of the contents of this set will be sent upon application.
Spence (Joseph). Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books
and Men. Post 8vo., Large Paper, with portrait; cloth 1858
Spencer (Herbert). A Collection of Herbert Spencer’s Works, as
detailed below. 9 vols., 8vo., calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1S58-1881
Contents Essays, 1858 ; Education, 1861 ; Principlesof Biology. 2 vols., 1863-80 ;
Principles of Sociology. Vol.I, 1877 ; The Data of Ethics. Second Edition, 1879 ;
Principles of Psychology. Third Edition. 2 vols., 1881.
- — ■ The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1881
-Political Institutions. 8vo., cloth 1882
-Ecclesiastical Institutions. 8vo., cloth 1885
5penser (Edmund). Works. With a Glossary by Mr. Hughes. 6 vols.,
post 8vo., English red morocco 1715
-the same. 6 vols., post 8vo., Large Paper; a fine copy in contem¬
porary calf; or, a fine copy in mottled calf gilt, by Rivilre 1715
-the same. [With a Life of the Author.] Edited by J. Payne
Collier. 5 vols., 8vo., the Best Edition; calf ( joints neatly mended),
£3. 3 8 ; or, blue morocco extra 1862
-Complete Works in Verse and Prose. Edited, with a New Life,
by Alexander B. Grosart and others. 9 vols., post 8vo., doth 1882-4
-Poetical Works. From the Text of J. Upton. 8 vols., 16mo.,
calf 1778
•-Poetical Works. 5 vols., post 8vo., morocco, gilt backs, £3. 3x;
or, a fine copy in calf extra Pickering's “ Wreath ” Poets, 1825
-the same. 5 vols., 12mo., original issue, original cloth
. Pickering's Aldinc Poets, 1839
-the saifeoC&L*^)42mp., oalf, or half momcd yy OF Ml
t. d.
10 0
0 o
8 0
16 0
0 0
15 0
18 0
2 0
It 6
2 0
16 0
1G 0
6 0
5 0
7 G
7 6
16 0
1 0
0 0
10 0
17 G
16 0
5 0
3 0
4 0
3 0
7 0
10 0
16 0
4 0
3 0
0 0
Spirit Lamp (The). Edited by Lord Alfred Douglas. From the com¬
mencement to vol. 4 part 2 (all published). 13 parts 8vo., and 2 parts
4to., bound in two vols., half yellow morocco 1892-93
Stanley (A. P.). Historical Memoirs of Westminster Abbey. Second
Edition. 8vo., cloth 1808
Stebbing (William). Some Verdicts of History Reviewed. 8vo.,
doth 1887
Steele (Sir Richard). Dramatic Works. 1734-55—Poetical Miscel¬
lanies. 12rao., 1727; —together, 2 vols., 12mo., old calf ., rebarked 1727-55
-Dramatic Works. 12mo., contemporary calf (1735-47)
-The Crisis. Sm. 4to., First Edition; olive levant morocco, gilt
edges, by T)e Sauty 1714
-The Lover. To which is added, The Reader. 12mo., calf neat 1715
-Letter from tho Earl of Mar to the KiDg. Post 8vo., pp. 19 ;
sewed 1715
Stephen (Sir James). Lectures on the History of France. 2 vJs.,
8vo., half calf 1857
- (Sir Leslie). History of English Thought in the Eighteenth
Century. 2 vols., 1881—The English Utilitarians. 3 vols., 1909—
Studies of a Biographer. 4 vols., 1898-1902—English Literature and
Society. 1904;—together 10 vols., 8vo., cloth 1881-1904
Sterne (Laurence). Works. With a Life of the Author. 10 vols.,
post 8vo., mottled calf, gilt backs 1788
-Works. 4 vols., 12mo., calf rebacked 1815
-the same. Edited by George Saintsbury. 6 vols., 8vo., Large
Paper; buckram 1891
-A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. 2 vols., ■
12mo., First Edition, a fine tall copy in contemporary calf gilt 1768
-Voyage Sentimental. Traduction Nouvelle par M. J. Janin.
Roy. 8vo., Large Paper, half morocco Paris, n. d. (1841)
Stevenson (Robert Louis). Collected Works. 30 vols., cr. 8vo., half
polished green calf, gilt tops 1892-99
- A Child’s Garden of Verses. 12rao., First Edition; cloth, a very
fine fresh copy ; scarce 1885
-Some College Memories. 12mo., First Edition , a clean copy in
the original wrapper * Edinburgh, 18S6
-Kidnapped. Post 8vo., original doth 1886
-An Object of Pity; or, The Man Haggard, Square 12mo., First
Edition, original parchment wrapper. Amsterdam (1892)—An Object
of Pity. 8vo., Second Edition, unbound. Edinburgh, 1898—Objects
of Pity. Square 12mo., parchment wrapper. Amsterdam, (1892)
together, 3 pieces, in a cloth box 1892-98
Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). Songs of the Holy Land. Sm. 4to.,
boards, scarce 18 48
Stockmar. Memoirs of Baron Stockmar. Translated by G. A. M.
2 vols., post 8vo., do*h 1872
Straparola (Giovanni Francesco). The Nights, now first translated
by W. G. Waters. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., with 1 "d plates; cloth 1894
-the same. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Japanese vellum Edition, with 21
plates by E. 11. Hughes ; half parchment 1894
Strickland (Agnes). Lives of the Queens of England. 12 vols., calf
extra, fully gilt 1842-48
-the same. Library Edition. 8 vols., 8vo., doth 1851
-the same. 12 vols., 1814-48—Lives of the Queens of Scotland.
8 vols., 1852-59 ;—together 20 vols , cr. 8vo., half morocco 1844-59
Stubbs (William). Constitutional History of England. 3 vols., poBt
8vo., cloth 1875
the same. -Vvols-i 8vO|, Library Edition, tree-calf extra, fully giU,
-tne same, -vvois., »vo , l
by B»Wr*g'tized by VjOOgLC
188 9ak 3
*. d.
U 0
6 0
14 0
8 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
0 0
4 0
5 0
1G 0
5 0
9 0
15 0
12 0
10 0
5 0
18 0
15 0
18 0
8 0
2 0
4 0
10 0
15 0
0 0
4 0
10 0
£ *. d.
4016 Stubbes (Ph.). The Anatomie of Abases. Edited by W. B. D. D.
Turnbull. 8vo., Large Paper , morocco 1836
4017 Suckling (Sir John). Poems, Plays and other Remains. 2 vols., 12mo.,
boards 1874
4018 - - - the same. 2 vols., 8vo., one of 25 copies on Large Paper; boards
4019 Sue (Eugene). Works. 12 vols., 8vo., with 59 fine etchings on Japanese
vellum; cloth 1903
4020 Surrey and Wyatt. Poetical Works. 2 vols., post 8vo., Aldine Edition ,
Ijarge Paper ; red morocco 1831
4021 Surtees (R. S.). Sporting Novels. Library Edition. 7 vols., 8vo.,
uniformly bound in half brown morocco , gilt backs 1888
4022 Swift (Jonathan). Works. With Notes by Sir Walter Scott. 19
vols., 8vo., Second ( and best) Edition , calf gilt 1824
4023 -Poetical Works. (With a Life of Swift by John Mitford.) 3 vols.,
12mo., calf gilt Pickering, 1833
4024 —-Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel
Gulliver. 2 vols., 8vo., panelled calf 1726
4025 -History of the Four Last Years of the Queen. 8vo., First
Edition, old calf 1758
Swinburne (A. C.). Poetical Works. 6 vols., post 8vo., half pink
levant morocco 1904
The Queen Mother and Rosamond. 12mo., First Edition (second
issue), original cloth
-the same. 12mo., Second Edition, cloth
-Atalanta in Calydon. Sm. 4to., First Edition;
Moxon, 1860
Uotten , 1868
original cloth
Moxon , 1865
ib., 1865
Uotten, 1866
-the same. (Second Edition.) 12mo., cloth
-the same. Post 8vo., cloth
-Chastelard ; A Tragedy. 12mo., red cloth
-the same. Post 8vo., cloth
-Notes on Poems and Reviews. 8vo., half calf
- A Song of Italy. Post 8vo., First Edition ; green cloth 1867
-Songs before Sunrise. Post8vo., First Edition; originalcloth 1871
-the same. Post 8vo., cloth 1875
-Le Tombeau de Theopbile Gautier. Sm. 4to., a very clean copy
in the original paper wrapper Paris, 1873
-Bothwoll: a Tragedy. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth, 10s 6d;
or, half blue morocco 1874
-Auguste Yacquerie. Roy. 8vo., original wrapper Paris, 1875
-Songs of Two Nations. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1875
-— Erectheus: a Tragedy. Post 8vo., cloth 1876
-Note of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crusade. 8vo.,
4044 -A Note on Charlotte Bronte. Post8vo., First Edition; cloth 1877
4045 -Songs of the Springtides. Post 8vo., First Edition ; cloth 1880
4046 -The Heptalogia. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1880
4047 -A Study of Shakespeare. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1880
4048 -- A Century of Roundels. Sm. 4to., cloth 1892
4049 - Love’s Cross Currents. A Year’s Letters. Post 8vo., First
Edition; buckram 1905
4050 - (Henry). The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century.
2 vols., 8vo., cloth • 1895
4051 6ybel (Heinrich von). History of the French Revolution. Translated
by Walter C. Perry. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1867-69
4052 Symonds (John Addington). Miscellanies. Selected and Edited by
bis son. 8vo., cloth 1871
4053 - (John Addington, jun.). Studies of the Greek Poets. Both
Series. 2 vols., post 8yo., First Editions ; original cloth 1873-75
4054 8vo.. KH
10 0
1 0
15 0
0 0
16 0
7 0
0 0
8 0
14 0
16 0
15 0
16 0
15 0
8 0
10 0
4 0
12 6
3 6
8 0
6 0
15 0
6 0
2 0
16 0
9 0
10 6
G 0
4 0
4 6
7 0
18 0
5 0
5 6
7 0
10 0
10 0
12 0
3 0
18 0
Symonds (John Addington). Renaissance in Italy. 7 vols., 8vo.,
Library Edition ; original cloth 1880-6
-Animi Figura. 12mo., First Edition; doth . 1882
- Shakespere’s Predecessors in the English Drama. 8vo., First
Edition; cloth 1884
— : - Vagabunduli Libellas. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1884
- Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 2 vols., post 8vo., Second Edition;
cloth 1888
- Essays. 2 vols., 8vo., First Edition; cloth . 1890
- The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. New Edition. 2 vols.,
8vo., half vellum 1901
- Walt Whitman : A Study. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1893
-Frazer’s Magazine. New Series. No. 153 containing “ A Venetian
Medley ” by J. A. Symonds. 8vo., as issued 1882
- (John Addington and Margaret). Onr Life in the Swiss
Highlands. Post 8vo., xoith portrait; cloth 1892
Tasso (T.). Godfrey of Boulogne. Done into English by Edward
Fairefax. Post 8vo., calf 1726
- the same. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo., morocco gilt 1817
- Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by John Hoole. Roy. 8vo.,
straight-grained morocco gilt ' 1811
[Taverner (William)]. The Artful Husband; a Comedy . . . Sm. 4to.,
First Edition; hf. morocco, gilt top n. d. (1716)
Taylor (Jeremy). Rules and Exercises of Holy Living and Holy
Dying. 2 vols., 8vo., calf antique Pickering , 1847
- (W. Cooke). Memoirs of the House of Orleans. 3 vols., 8vo.,
half red morocco, by Boot 1849
Temple (Sir William). Works. 4 vols., 8vo., old calf 1814
- Miscellanea, 1681—Miscellanea, the Seoond Part, 1690;—in
1 vol., 12mo., a fine copy in old calf 1681-90
Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Works. 10 vols., post 8vo., red levant
morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, a fine set 1884-93
-Works. Edited by Hallam, Lord Tennyson. Eversley Edition.
9 vols., post 8vo., half morocco 1908
-Life and Works. 12 vols., large 8vo., the beautiful Edition de
Luxe: cloth. £6. lbs; or, newly bound in half red levant morocco by
Boot 1898
- — Poems. 2 vols., 12mo., Fourth Edition; cloth Moxon, 1846
-the same. 12mo., green calf gilt 1850
Sm. 4to., with numerous illustrations; red levant
8vo., with illustrations ; cloth Moxon, 1860
Sm. 4to., with illustrations; cloth 1862
the same.
-the same.
-the same.
-The Death of (Enone, Akbar’s Dream, and other Poems. 8vo.,
Large Paper ; buckram 1892
-Poems by Two Brothers. 8vo., Large Paper; buckram 1893
-Poems. 8vo., with illustrations by Bossetti and others ; cloth 1893
-The Princess—In Memoriam ;—in 1 vol., 12mo., calf 1850-51
-The Princess. 8vo., cloth Moxon, 1860
-Maud, and other Poems. 12mo., First Edition; cloth 1855
-Idylls of the King. Post 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1859
-the same. Post 8vo., calf 1863
-The Holy Grail and other Poems. 12mo., First Edition; cloth
- Gareth and Lynette, etc. 12mo., First Edition; cloth 1872
-The Lover’s Tale. 12mo., red morocco 1879
-Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, etc. 12mo., calf 1886
-In Memoriam. Pott 8vo., Large Paper , with 19 illustration ? by
Alfred Garth Jone^half vellum Original from \SSi
-In Metnondje,C )I 2 tibljJnorocco extra , gilt, edges QF M | c tflGAN
s. d.
0 0
10 6
10 0
0 0
1 0
15 0
18 0
18 0
2 0
14 0
7 6
0 0
10 0
10 0
17 0
5 0
15 0
2 0
8 0
7 6
13 0
4 0
6 0
4 0
15 0
15 0
12 6
15 0
10 0
5 0
12 6
10 6
10 0
5 0
6 0
4 6
8 0
5 0
12 0
i 15 0
£ *. d.
Tennyson (Charles). Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces. 12mo., First
Edition ; original green cloth Cambridge , 1830
Thackeray (W. M.). Works. Library Edition, original issue, 24 vols ,
8vo., original green cloth 1867-86
-the same. 26 vols., 8vo., Standard Edition ; new half polished
green morocco , fully gilt backs, by Morrell 1883-86
--— Works. Biographical Edition. 13 vols., 8vo., doth 1898-99
•-the same. 13 vols., 8vo., half polished crimson calf, £6; or, half
morocco - 1901-3
~-The Irish Sketch Book. 2 vole., post 8vo., First Edition , half
morocco 1843
-Mrs. Perkins’s Ball. Sm. 4to , First Edition; a fine copy in calf
gilt with the original pink cover bound in 1847
--Vanity Fair. 8vo., First Edition; red morocco extra 1848
This copy is of the earliest issue with the rustic type heading on page 1 and the
woodcut of the Marquess of Steyne on page 3-36.
--the same. 8vo., First American Edition; half morocco, the original
cloth covers bound in New York, 1848
--Rebecca and Rowena. Sq. 8vo., First Edition; original boards
(back broken) 1850
--- The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Sm. 4to., Second Edition, original
boards , rebaclced 1851
-Ballads. Sm. 4to., cloth 1879
-- Contributions to “ Punch.” 8vo., cloth 1886
--Simple Melodies. Sm. 4to., facsimile of an autograph MS.
(7 leaves) with a drawing on each page; half bound
“ Choisy le Roi. Printed for Edward Torre, 1832” ( facsimile 1896)
-Taylor (Theodore). Thackeray. Post 8vo., cloth 1864
Theobald (Lewis). The Perfidious Brother: a Tragedy. Sm.4to.,
hf. morocco, gilt top 1715
Thiers (L. D.). History of the French Revolution, 1789-1800. Trans¬
lated by Frederick Shoberl. 5 vols. - 1895—History of the Consulate
and the Empire of France. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell.
20 vols. in 10. 1845-62;—together 25 vols. in 15, half calf 1845-95
-French Revolution. Translated by Frederick Shoberl. 5 vols.,
8vo., half green calf, gilt backs 1838
Thoms (William J.). A collection of Early Prose Romances. 3 vols.,
post 8vo., morocco extra, by G. Lewis 1828
Thomson (James). Works. 4 vols., 12mo., calf 1762
- Poetical Works. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth 1847
-The Seasons. 8vo., Large Paper; contemporary red morocco 1811
-the same. 8vo., Large Paper, morocco extra 1814
-the same. With Introduction by Allan Cunningham. 8vo., red
morocco gilt 1841
- the same. Edited by B. Corney. 8vo., cloth, 7s 6d; or, half
morocco 1842
Thornton (Percy M.). The Brunswick Accession. 8vo., cloth 1887
Tocqueville (Alexis de). Democracy in America. Translated by
Henry Reeve. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1875
-Memoir, Letters, and Remains. 2 vols., post 8vo., doth 1861
Torrens (W. McCullagh). Twenty Years in Parliament. 8vo.,
cloth 1893
Torrent of Portugal. An english metrical romance. Edited by J. O.
Halliwell. Post 8vo., cloth 1842
Tourneur (Cyril). Plays and Poems. Edited by John Churton
Collins. 2 vols., 12mo., boards * 1878
Traherne (Thomas). Poetical Works. Edited by Bertram Dobell.
Sm. 4to., Large Paper; cloth 1903
Trapp (Joseph)* Abra-jMule : or, Love and Empire. , c jA Tragedy. Sm.
4to., partly whter&h:*.Q\Oialf red morocco UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGi?P4
12 0
0 0
0 0
12 6
10 0
10 0
12 6
8 0
3 0
5 0
4 0
n o
G 0
2 0
12 6
8 6
4 0
12 0
2 0
7 6
9 0
5 0
1 0
14 0
10 0
5 0
12 0
10 0
4 6
5 0
12 0
7 6
15 0
4129 Trevelyan (Sir George Otto). Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay.
2 vols. 1876—The Early History of Charles James Fox. 1880—The
American Revolution. Part I, 1766-1776. 1899—the same.- PartII.
2 vols. 1903—the same. Pari III. 1907 ;—together 7 vols., 8vo.,
Original Library Editions; crimson levant morocco , a fine set 1876-1907
4130 - Early, History of Charles James Fox. 8vo., Original Edition ;
half calf, scarce 1880
4131 Trollope (Anthony). Orley Farm. 20 parts forming 2 vols., 8vo.,
First Edition; a fine copy with all the original wrappers and advertise¬
ments, enclosed in a cloth case 1862
4132 —— Can You Forgive Her ? 20 parts forming 2 vols., 8vo., First
U A V w
Edition; a fine copy with all the original wrappers and advertisements ,
enclosed in a cloth case 1864-5
The Last Chronicle of Barset. 32 parts forming 2 vols., 8vo.,
First Edition; a fine copy with all the original wrappers and advertise¬
ments, in a cloth case 1867
He Knew He Was Right. 32 parts forming 2 vols., 8vo., First
u A V r r
Edition; a fine copy with dll the original wrappers and advertisements;
enclosed in a cloth case 1869
4135 -Phineas Finn, the Irish Member. 2 vols., 8vo., First Edition; a
fine copy in the original cloth 1869
Tudor Translations:
4136 Apuleius. The Golden Ass, translated by William Adlington, anno
1566. Introduction by Charles Whibley. Sm. 4to., doth 1893
4137 Bandello. Certain Tragical Discourses. Translated into English by
Geffraie Fenton, anno 1567. Introduction by Robert Langton Douglas.
2 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1898
4138 Comines. The History of Comines. Englished by Thomas Danett,
anno 1596. Introduction by Charles Whibley. Sm. 4to., cloth 1897
4139 Heliodorus. An .Ethiopian History. Englished by Thomas Under¬
wood, anno 1587. Introduction by Charles Whibley. Sm. 4to., cloth
4140 Mabbe (J.). Celestina. Englished from the Spanish of Fernando de
Rojas, by James Mabbe, anno 1631. Introduction by James Fitzmaurice-
Kelly. Sm. 4to., cloth 1894
4141 Montaigne. Essays of Montaigne. Done into English by John
Florio, anno 1603. Introduction by George Saintsbury. 3 vols., sm.
4to., cloth ' 1892-93
4142 Plutarch’s Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North, anno 1579.
Introduction by George Wyndham. 6 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1895-96
4143 Rabelais. Translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart and
Peter Le Motteux 1653-1694. Introduction by Charles Whibley.
8 vols., sm. 4to., half buckram 1900
4144 Suetonius. History of Twelve Cresars. Translated into English by
Philemon Holland, anno 1606. Introduction by Charles Whibley.
2 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1899
4145 Turberville (George). Tragical Tales, and other Poems. Reprinted
from the edition of 1587. 4to., blue morocco extra 1837
4146 Turner (Sharon). History of England. 10 vols., 8vo., calf neat 1820-27
4147 -the same. 12 vols., 8vo., calf neat 1820-9
4148 -the same. 10 vols., 8vo.,fine copy in mottled calf gilt 1828-36
4149 Tytler (P. F.). History of Scotland. 9 vols., 8vo., cloth 1841-43
4150 -the same. 7 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1845
4151 Uchard (Mario). My Uncle Barbaasou. [Impl. 8vo., engravings by
Paul A vril; half blue morocco _ 1888
4152 Vemey. Memoira^of the Verney Family. 4 vols., Q 8vo., Library
Edition^ newly IjoiurifaiJ&h'd/reen morocco ;nIVERSITY OF
£ t. d.
7 7 0
14 0
2 2 0
1 18 0
1 18 0
1 16 0
1 15 0
3 8 0
1 10 0
14 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
7 10 0
7 7 0
4 4 0
2 10 0
2 16 0
18 0
2 2 0
2 5 0
1 15 0
2 10 0
1 l 0
5 15 0
Vale Press Publications:
4153 Apuleius de Cupidinis et Psyches Amoribus. Edited by C. J.
Holm* s. Folio 1901
4151 Coleridge. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Post 8vo. 1899
4155 Ecclesiastes ; or, The Preacher, and the Song of Solomon. Folio.
4156 Field (Michael). Julia Domna. 8vo. 1903
4157 Flaubert (Gustave). Herodias. 12mo., boards 1901
4158 -La Legende de St. Julien L'Hospitalier. 12mo., boards 1900
4159 - Un Cocur Simple. 12mo., boards 1901
4160 James I. (King of Scotland). The Kingis Quair. 8vo. 1903
4161 Meinhold (William). The Amber Witch. Folio 1903
4162 Milton (John). Areopagitica. Reprinted from the First Edition
(1644). 4to.
4163 Moore (T. Sturge). Danae, a poem. 8vo.
4164 -Brief Account of the Origin of the Eragny Press.
8vo., with
8 vo. 1903
16 woodcut illustrations
4165 Perrault (Charles). Histoire de Peau d’Ane. 8 vo.
4166 Ricketts (C.). Bibliography of the Vale Press. 8 vo.
4167 Ronsard (Pierre de). Abrege de l’Art Poetique Francois.
4168 Shakespeare. The Vale Shakespeare. Edited by T. S. Moore. 39
• vols., 8 vo., cloth 1900-3
41 f9 Shannon's Lithographs (a Catalogue of). 870 . 1903
4170 Tennyson (Alfred Lord). Poems. Edited by C. J. Holmes. 8vo.
1900—In Memoriam. Edited by C. J. Holmes. 8 vo. 1900;—together
2 volumes. 8 vo. 1900
4171 Verhaeren (Emile). Les Petits Vieux. Oblong 12mo. 1901
4172 Villon. Antres Poesies de Maistre Francis Villon et de son Ecole.
Post 8 vo. 1901
4173 Vanbrugh (Sir John). Plays. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf 1759
4174 -the same. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf 1776
4175 -the same. 2 vols., 12mo., a very fine copy in sprinkled calf extra ,
by Bedford, gilt top, uncut 1776
4176 Vestris. Memoirs of Madame Vestris. Post 8 vo., a very fine copy in’
the original boards, uncut 1826
Madame Vestris was the daughter of Gaetano Stefano Bartolozzi (son of Francesco
B. Bartolozzi, the engraver).
4177 Victoria. Queen Victoria. Biography by Sidney Lee. 8 vo., doth 1902
Villon Society:
4178 Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp. Done in English by John Payne.
8 vo., parchment 1889
4179 Arabian Nights. Now first completely done into English Prose and
Verse by John Payne. 9 vole., roy. 8 vo., parchment 1882-4
4180 Boccaccio. The Decameron. Now first completely done into Eng¬
lish Prose and Verse by John Payne. 3 vols., sm. 4to., parchment 1886
4181 Omar Khayyam. The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. Now first
completely done into English Verse by John Payne. Roy. 8 vo.,
parchment 1898
4182 - the same. Large Paper. Sm. folio, half parchment 1898
4183 Tales from the Arabic. Now first done into English by John Payne.
3 vols., roy. 8 vo., parchment 1884
4184 Villon. The Poems of Master Francis Villon. Now first done into
English Verse in the Original Forms by John Payne. Sm. 4to.,
parchment . 1878
4185 Waagen (G. F.). Treasures of Art in Great Britain. 3 vols., 1854—
Supplemental Volume, 1857;—together 4 vols., 8 vo., half vellum 1854-57
4186 -- the same. 4 vols., 8 vo., a very fine copy in calf extra, fully gilt ,
by Bedford 1854-57
4187 Waldle (Charlotte Anne). Narrative of a Residence in Belgium
..... ... n ma 1817
during the C{xn|@ijjiig4$815. 8vo. f half morocco op
£ *■ d. I
0 '
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 j
0 1
0 l
0 ?
1 18 0
0 15 0
1 5 0
0 14 0
0 15 0
2 2 0
8 8 0
0 6 0
1 4 0
9 15 0
4 4 0
2 0 0
2 2 0
3 0 0
5 10 0
2 10 0
7 7 0
0 15 0
Wallace (William). Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and
Ethics. Edited by Edward Caird. 8vo., cloth 1898
Wallack (Lester). Memories of Fifty Years. 8vo., Edition de Luxe;
in portfolio New York, 1889
Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in England. 4 vols ,
1765-71—A Catalogue of Engravers. 1 vol., 1763;—together 5 vols.,
sm. 4to., calf, by Lewis 1763-71
-- Anecdotes of Painting in England. With considerable additions
by James Dallaway. 5 vols., roy. 8vo., with a double set of the portraits,
one being proof before letters on India paper; blue morocco extra
Major, 1826-28
- Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard III. 4to.,
calf 1768
- The Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. 4to., calf 1770
The Castle of Otranto. Translated by William Marshal from
the original Italian of Onnphrio Muralto. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper;
contemporary English red morocco
Parma, Printed by Bodoni, for J. Edwards, 1791
Catalogue of the Royafand Noble Authors of England, Scotland,
i 9 _ kj
and Ireland. Enlarged by Thomas Park. 5 vols., roy. 8vo., with 150
engraved portraits; original cloth, £1. 15 s; or, a fine copy in morocco 1806
- the same. 5 vols., 4to., Large Paper; brown morocco extra 1806
Memoirs of the Reign of George 111. Edited by G. F. R. Barker.
4 vols., 8vo., cloth
-Letters. Edited by Peter Cunningham. 9 vols., 8vo., citron
morocco extra; a very fine set 1857-59
-the same. 9 vols., 8vo., doth 1880
-- Letters. Arranged and edited by Mrs. Paget Toynbee. 16 vols.,
8vo., cloth 1903-5
Horace Walpole’s Marginal Notes, written in Dr. Maty’s Misoel-
_____ A * W
laneous Works and Memoirs of the Earl of Chesterfield, 1777. Sm.
4to., calf gilt (Philobiblon Society ), ». d.
Walton (Isaac). Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr.
Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson.
12mo., red morocco gilt 1858
-and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler. With Notes by
Sir Harris Nicholas. 2 vols., impl. 8vo., Pickering's beautiful original
issue, Large Paper, with a duplicate set of the portraits and other
illustrations, one being on India paper; green morocco super extra, by
Bedford 1836
Ward (John). Experiences of a Diplomatist. 8vo., cloth 1872
-— (Robert Plumer). Memoirs of the Political and Literary Life
of. By the Hon. Edmund Phipps. 2 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1850
Warton (Thomas). History of English Poetry. 3 vols.,8vo., calf 1840
Watts (Dr.). Horse Lyric®. The Eighth Edition. 12mo., rel morocco
extra, gilt edges 1743
Weedon (Cavendish). The Oration, Anthems and Poems, spoken and
sung at Stationers-Hall, Jan. 31, 1701—The same ... at Stationers-
Hall, May, 1702—The same ... at Chelsea-Colledge-Hall, May 21,
1702 ;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to., calf 1702
[Westmacott (W.)]. The English Spy. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., First
Edition, a fine copy in green levant morocco extra, by Riviere 1825-6
— ■ ■ the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., First Edition , calf neat 1825-6
Whistler (James McNeill). The Baronet and the Butterfly. 4to.,
Special Edition printed on Van Gelder paper; boards Paris , n. d.
White (Gilbert). Natural History of Selborne. Edited by Grant
Allen. Poet 8vo., half morocco 1902
- (James). /^Ongixmli Letters, Ac., of Sir John Falstaff. l2mo.,
original boards, iAic*P UNIVERSITY OF MIC^W
£ s. d.
0 7 6
14 0
6 6 0
15 15 0
0 12 0
0 16 0
3 3 0
8 8 0
12 12 0
1894 ICO
16 16
4 10
0 7 6
0 10 6
42 0 0
0 4 0
0 18 0
0 16 0
3 16 0
0 12 6
34 0 0
28 0 0
1 10 0
0 12 6
2 16 0
4214 Whitelock (Sir Bulstrode). Memorials of the English Affairs. Folio,
Best Edition ; new half calf 1732
4215 Whitman (Walt). Complete Works. With Bibliographical and
Critical Material by Oscar Lovell Triggs. 10 vols., 8vo., Camden
Edition, printed on old Stratford paper, with engraved titles and 40 mag¬
nificent photogravures and etchings on Japanese vellum, half vellum
New York, 1902
4216 Whitney’s “Choice of Emblemes.” A facsimile reprint (Leyden, 1856).
4to., cloth • 1866
4217 Whittier (John Greenleaf). Complete Works. 7 vols., post 8vo.,
cloth 1888-89
4218 -Poetical Works. Post 8vo., half vellum (1907)
4219 Wiel (A.). The Romance of the House of Savoy, 1003-1519. 2 vols.,
post 8vo., cloth 1898
4220 Wilde (Oscar). Works. 14 vols., 8vo., printed on handmade paper;
doth 1907-8
4221 -Ravenna. 8vo., Original Edition, original paper wrapper
Newdif/ate Prise Poem, Oxford, 1878
4222 -Poems. Second Edition, post 8vo., half green levant morocco 1881
4223 -The Happy Prince and Other Tales. Square 8vo., First Edition;
parchment 1888
4224 -the same. Sq. 8vo., half morocco 1889
4225 -- A House of Pomegranates. Sm. 4to., First Edition; original
fancy cloth 1891
4226 -Intentions. 8vo., First Edition; cloth 1891
4227 -the same. 8vo., half green levant morocco 1894
4228 -The Picture of Dorian Gray. Post 8vo., First Edition; original
hoards, fine copy Ward , Lock Sf Co., n. d. (1891)
4229 -the same. Post 8vo., hoards, 15s ; or, half morocco (1894)
4230 - Lady Windermere’s Fan. Sq. 8vo., First Edition; cloth, or half
green levant morocco 1893
4231 -The Chameleon. Vol. T, No. I (allpub.). 4to., original wrapper;
scarce (December, 1894)
This item contains the first edition of the “ Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of
the Yonng ”; also “ The Priest and the Acolyte,” the anthorehip of which has been much
. A Woman of No Importance. Sq. 8vo., First Edition ;
doth 1894
- An Ideal Husband. Sq. 8vo., First Edition; doth 1899
- The Importance of being Earnest Sm. 4to., First Edition;
cloth ' 1899
- De Profundis. Post 8vo., First Edition; doth (1905)
-the same. 8vo., First English Edition, Large Paper, printed on
handmade paper; buckram 1^05
4237 Wilkins (W. H.). Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1905
4238 Wordsworth (William). Poetical Works. 6 vols., 12mo., cloth Moxon, 1838
- the same. 6 vols., 12mo., morocco ibid., 1858
-the same. 6 vols., 12mo., half calf ibid., 1864
-the same. Edited by William Knight. 11 voIb., 8vo., Library
Edition; cloth 1882-89
the same. Edited with Memoir by Edward Dowden. Aldine
" _ A. a t *
Edition, Large Paper, 7 vols., post 8vo., boards, £1. 8«; or, half red
morocco 1892
-Lyrical Ballads. 2 vols., 12mo., blue morocco extra _ 1802-05
-Yarrow Revisited and other Poems. 12mo., First Edition; half
blue levant mofoCep.giltJpn, uncut Original from *°35
-■ MemoinfcJxry I'kiibiopher Wordsworths 2:Vols., 8vo., doth 1851
s. d.
14 0
0 0
12 0
4 0
4 6
8 0
0 0
15 0
16 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
18 0
16 0
15 0
1 0
0 0
10 0
15 0
12 0
5 0
5 0
18 0
14 0
10 0
10 0
3 0
0 0
0 0
5 0
0 0
7 6
4246 William of Malmesbury. History of the Kings of England and the
Modern History of William of Malmesbury. Translated by John
Sharpe. Roy. 4to., Large Paper; calf 1815 2
4247 Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury). Works. With Notes by Horace
Walpole, Earl of Orford. 3 vols., post 8vo., half morocco 1822 0
4248 Woburn Library (The). Edited by the Duke of Bedford. 5 vols.,
4to., with coloured plates ; half green levant morocco 1902-04 5
4249 Wolsey. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. By George Cavendish. With
Notes by S. W. Singer. 8vo, boards 1827 0
4250 Wraxall. Memoirs of Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall, 1772-1784.
Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. 5 vols., 8vo., polished calf extra 1834 3
4251 Young (Edward). Works. 3 vols, 8vo, boards 1813 0
4252 -Night Thonghts. • With a Life of the Author. Roy. 8vo.,
contemporary maroon morocco C. Whittingham, 1798 1
4253 Zola (Emile). Novels. Translated into English. 12 vols., 8vo.,
printed on handmade paper; tree-calf extra, fully gilt 1894-5 10
4254 Art (L’) de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Inscriptions,
des Chroniqnes, et antres anciens Monnmens, Avant l’Ere Chr£tienne.
1820—Depuis la Naissance de J6sus-Christ jusqu’4 1769, 5 vols., 1818-19
—Depais 1770 jusqu’il nos jours. 5 vols. in 4, 1821-38;—together
11 vols. in 10, roy. 4to., mottled calf gilt , red edges , by Hayday 1818-38
4255 — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ avant l’fire Chr^tienne . . . mis en ordre parM' de Saint-Allais.
Folio, calf rebacked 1820
4256 • depuis la naissance de Notre Seignenr. Troisi&me Edition.
3 vols., folio, russia gilt 1820
4257 Auerbach (B.). Narrative of Events in Vienna, from Latour to
Windischgratz. 1849—Gaullier. La Suisse en 1817. 1848—Neate(C.),
Dialogues des Morts Politiques. Paris, 1849—Kossuth : his Speeches
in England (1849 ?) ;—together in 1 vol., 12mo., half ca\f 1848, etc.
4258 Bright (R.). Travels from Vienna throngh Lower Hungary. 4to.,
red morocco gilt 1818
At the end is • Lift of Words used by the Gypeey, GiUno, and Cygani.
4259 Evans (Arthur J.). Through Bosnia and the Herzegdvina on foot,
August and September, 1875. 8vo., cloth 1876
4260 Qermar (E. F.). Reise nach Dalmatien und in das Gebiet von
Ragusa. Post 8vo., hf. bd. 1817
4261 Hall (Mrs. Newman). Through the Tyrol to Venice. Poet 8vo.,
cloth 1860
4262 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). Don John of Austria, or Passages
from the History of the Sixteenth Century, 1547-78. 2 vols., folio,
half morocco, gilt tops 1883
4263 Traitls, Conventions et Actes Diplomatiques conoernant l’Autriche
et lTtalie. 8vo half calf 1859
4264 Valentinelli (G.). Bibliografia della Dalmazia e del Montenegro.
8vo., interleaved, with many MS. additions, hf. morccco 1855
4265 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.). Dalmatia and Montenegro. 2 vols., 8ro.,
hf. calf 1848
4266 Beaumont-Vassy (Vicomte de). Histoire des Etats Europeans
depuis le Congrds de Vienne. 6 vols., 8vo., half calf 1843-53
4267 Brown (Edward). Brief Account of some Travels in divers Parts of
Europe . . . Second Edition. Folio, calf 1685
4 268 Canciani. Barbarorum Leges Antiques, cum notis et Glossariis, collegit
plura notis et adnotafeipuibnS jllostravit F. Paulus Canciani, fro5 vols.,
folio, ca// gitlzed b V 'gLC - UNIVERSITY OF 178t-$&
s. d.
2 0
15 0
0 0
16 0
5 0
10 0
0 0
10 0
9 0
10 0
4 0
4 0
1 0
2 6
10 0
4 0
0 0
6 0
10 0
15 0
12 0
18 0
10 0
4269 Chevalier (U.). Repertoire des Sources Historiqnes du Moyen-Age.
Bio-Bibliographie. Roy. 8vo. f with supplement; half morocco
Paris, 1883-8
4270 - the same. Topo-Bibliographie. Roy. 8vo., in 6 pis. as issued
Montbeliard, 1894?-1903
4271 Clarke (E. D.). Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and
Africa. 6 vole., 4to., half calf 1810
4272 Corsica. Boswell (J.). Account of Corsica. Third Edition. 8vo.,
calf 1769
Crusades (The):
4273 Gesta dei per Francos, sine Orientalivm Expeditionvm, et Regni
Francorvm Hierosolimitani Historia [per Jac. Bongarsium]—Liber
Secretorvm Fidelivm Crvcis super Terr® Sanct® . . . Cujus Auctor
Marinvs Sanvtvs;—together 2 vols. in 1, stout folio, calf
4 274 Michaud. Histoire dos Croisades. G vols., 8vo., bd.
4275 -the same. Sixieme Edition, par M. Ponjoulat.
6 vols., 8vo.,
les soins de
427G Recueil des Historiens des Croisades, public par
l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-LettresHistoriens Occidentaux,
4 vols.— Historiens Orientaux, 3 vols. in 5—Historiens Grecs, 2 vols.—
Documents Armeniens, tome I;—together 11 vols., half morocco (“ Docu¬
ments Armeniens ,” unbound) 1869-77
4277 Cesnola (L.). Cyprus: its ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples.
8xo., cloth J _ 1878
4278 - Salaminia. History, Treasures, and Antiquities of Salamis.
Second Edition. Impl. 8vo., cloth 1884
4279 Chamberlayne (T. J.). Lacrim® NicossienEes. Recueil descriptions
funeraires, la plnpart Francises, existent encore dans I’ll© de Chypre,
suivi d’un Armorial chypriote. Tome I. Roy. 4to., id. 1894
4280 Cyprus. Munro (J. A. R.) and H. A. Tubbs. Excavations in Cyprus,
1889. Poll's tes Chrysochou.—Limniti. Roy. 8vo., sexced
Soc. of Hellenic Studies, 1890
4281 -the same, 1890. Salamis. Roy. 8vo.., sewed ib., 1891
4282 Ohnefalsh-Richter (M.). Kijpros : die Bibel und Homer. 2 vols.,
roy. 4to., half morocco 1893
4283 Albertus Stadensis. Chronicon Alberti Abbatis Stadensis . . . qvo
Opere cvm aliia in partibvs vetvs historia imprimis vero res
Germanicae illuetrantur, turn Saxonire & Metropol Crancian® funda-
menta aperiuntur. Sm. 4to., First Edition ; white stamped goatskin 1587
4284 Klopstocks Oden. 2 vols., 8vo., bine calf extra 1798
4285 Kohlrausch (Frederick). History of Germany. 8vo., calf 1844
4286 Leuckfeld (J. G.). Antiquitates Walckenredenses; oder, Historisclie
Beschreibung der vormahls beriihmten Kayserle Freyen Reichs-
Abtey Walckenried. Sm. 4to., bds. 1705
4287 Monumenta Paderbornensia, ex Historia Romana, Francica,
Saxonica eruta . . Editio altera priori auctior. 4to., Large Paper,
russia extra 1872
4288 Petri de Dusburg. Chronicon Prussi® . . . auctore et colleotore C.
Hartknoch. Sm. 4to., old red morccco 16/9
4289 Ranke (L.). Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg and History of
Prussia. Translated by Sir Alexr. and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vols.,
8vo , original boards, uncut 1849
4290 Schilteri (Joannis) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Teutonicarum . .
3 vols., folio, Fine and Large Paper; vellum 1727-28
4291 Gibraltar. Driakwateri(J.). History of the late Siege Gibraltar.
4to , cashed by VjOOgLc UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .
£ s. d.
2 1G 0
2 10 0
2 10 0
0 6 0
3 16 0
0 9 0
1 5 0
14 14 0
0 10 0
0 15 0
1 1 0
0 3
0 5
4 4 0
1 10 0
14 0
0 7 0
0 15 0
1 10 0
0 12 0
3 10 0
3 3 0
0 18 0
4292 Cousin£ry. Voyage dans la Macedoine. 2 vols. in l,4to., hf. bd. 1831
4293 Leake (W. M.). Works, as detailed below. 11 vols., 8vo., half calf
neat 1824-46
Contents : Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, 1934; Travels in the Mores. 3
vols., 1830 ; Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vols., 1835 ; Topography of Athens and
the Demi. 2 vols., 1841; Peloponnesiaca, 1846.
4294 Pausanias. Description of Greece. 3 vols., 8vo., calf 1791
4295 Wordsworth (Christopher). Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and
Historical. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1839
4296 Havard (H.). Amsterdam et Venise. Roy. 8vo., with 7 etchings ;
cloth 1876
4297 Koch (M.). Tableau des Revolutions del’Europe. 4 vols., 8vo., calf 1807
4298 -Nouvelle Edition. 4 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1814
Low Countries:
4299 DaVies (C. M.). History of Holland from the beginning of the tenth
to the end of the eighteenth century. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 184L-4
4300 Delices des Pais-Bas, contenant la Description des XVII Provinces.
4 vols., 12mo., old calf gilt 1743
4301 Fisher (Payne). Epinioion vel Elogium Ludovioi XUIIti, do
nuperio passim victoriis, in Flandria, praecipue pro . . reductions
Duukirki . . Folio, with portraits of Louis XIV and Mazarin ; vellum
4302 Harei (F.) Annalee Ducum sen Principum Brabanti® totiusque
Belgii. 3 vols. in 2, sm. folio, calf 1623
4303 Aleteren. L’Histoiro des Pays-Bas d'Emanuel de Meteren. Traduit
de Flamenden Francoys par I. D. L. Folio, old calf 1618
4304 Nobiliare des Pays-Bas et du Comte de Bourgogne. 2 vols. 1760—
Melanges de Genealogio et de Chronologie, pour servir de Corrections
au Nobiliaire. 1771—Le Vrai Supplement. 1774—Supplement au
Nobiliaire. 1775-79 ;—together 10 vols., 12mo., boards 1760-79
4305 Sanderi Flandria Illustrata, sive Descriptio comitatus istius per
totum terrarum orbem celeberrimi . . 2 vols., roy. folio, fine early
impressions of the numerous plates; vellum gilt 1641-41
4306 -Chorographia Sacra Brabanti® sive Celebrivm aliquot in ea
Provincia Ecclesiarnm et Ccenobiorum Descriptio. Thick large folio,
with plates mounted on guards; old Dutch calf 1656-95
4307 Smithers (H.). Observations made during a Tour through the
Netherlands. 8vo., calf (1820?)
4308 Vredii (Olivarii) Histori® Comitum Flandri®. 1650—Genealogia
Comitum Flandri®. 1642-3—Sigilla Comitum Flandri®. 1639—
Histori® Flandri® Christian® ;—bound in 3 vols., folio, hf. bd 1639-50
4309 Witt. Lettres et negociations entre M. Jean de Witt et Messieurs
les Plenipotentiares des Provinces Unies des Pais-Bas. 1652-1669.
4 vols.—Resolutions importantes do leurs nobles et grandes puissances
les Efats de Hollands et de West-Frise pendant le Ministeredo M. Jean
de Witt;—together 5 vols., 12mo., calf. Count Hoym's copy 1725
4310 Patin (Charles). Relations historiques et curieuses de Voyages en
Allemagne, Angleterre, etc. 12mo., old calf 1695
4311 Picart (B.). Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses. 8 vols. in 9.
1723-43—Superstitions Anciennes et Modernes. 2 vols., 1733-36;—
together 11 vols., large folio, Large Paper , with 265 engravings; French
calf gilt ’ 1723-43
Russian Empire:
4312 Algarotti. Letters from Count Algarotti to Lord Hervey concerning
the State of the Russian Empire. 2 vols. in 1, 16mo., calf 1769
4313 Boulitchov (N. de). Fouilles de la Russie Centrale: Kourgans
et Gorodietz. Recherches Archeologiques sur la ligue de part&ge des
eaux de la Volga et du Dni6per. Impl. 4to., sewed 1900
4314 British Diplomatic Correspondence with the Coart of Russia.
1762-17C9 j tizRoy. \&fQ*ef$l£English anl Russian)y OF
s. d
10 0
10 0
4 0
7 6
10 0
7 6
10 0
12 0
10 0
15 0
16 0
10 0
15 0
16 0
0 0
G 0
0 0
2 0
5 0
4 0
5 0
16 0
2 f
Russian. Empire, continued :—
4315 Cardonne (C. de). L’Empereur Alexandre II. Vingt-six ana de
Regne 1855-1881. Roy. 8vo. f half morocco . 1883
4316 Catherine II. Memoires de . . 6orits par elle-meme. 8vo., sd. 1859
4317 [Comeyras (V.)]. Tableau g£n£ral de la Rnssie raoderne. 2 vole.,
8vo., calf 1802
4318 Coxe (W.). Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark.
2 vols., 4to., bound 1784
4319 -Account, of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America.
8vo., calf, rebacked 1804
4320 Daschkaw. Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, Lady of Honour to
Catherine II. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1840
4321 Demidoff. Voyage dans la Russie Meridionals et la Crimee, exiScutd
en 1837 sous la direction de Anatole de Demidoff. [Album] Folio,
100 portraits, views , etc., by Faffet; morocco (1843)
4322 Dunczewskiego. Herbarz wielu Demow Korony Polskiey y W. X.
Litewskiego. 2 vols. in 1, folio, old calf 1757
Good «onml copy, bat title and frontispiece slightly injured.
4323 Finland in the Nineteenth Century. By Finnish Authors. Roy.
4to., with numerous illustrations by Finnish artists; cloth
Helsingfors,' 1894
4324 Gerrare (Wirt). Greater Russia. Roy. 8vo , cloth 1903
4325 Johnston (R.). Travels through part of the Russian Empire and
Poland. 4to., with coloured plates ; red morocco gilt 1815
4326 Le Clerc. Histoire de la Russie Ancienne [et Moderne]. 6 vols.,
4to., calf 1783
4327 Levesque (P. C.). Histoire de Russie. 8 vols., 8vo., with ito. album
containing 60 portraits ; vol. VI lacking the title; hf. bd. 1800-12
4328 Livoniee Antiques Monumenta. Sammlung von Chroniken,
Berichten, Urkunden der Geschichte Liv-, Ehst-, und Kurlands. 5 vols.,
4to ., half calf 1835-47
4329 Margaret (Capt.). Estat do l’Erapire de Russie. 18mo., hf. bd.
4330 Marnius (C.) et J. Aubrius. Rerum Moscoviticarum Auctores
varii; unum in corpus nunc prunum congesti. Folio, urith 6 plates and
a genealogical table; a fine copy in vellum 1600
4331 Niesiecki (K.). Korona Polska przy Zlotey Wolnosci ... [A
Genealogical History of the Polish Nobility]. 5 vols. in 4, folio, bound;
excessively rare 1728-43
4332 Norman (H.). All the Russiaa. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1902
4333 Okolski (S.). Orbis Polonus ... in quo Antiqua Sarmatarum Gen-
tilitia, Pervetustm Nobilitatis Poloneo Insignia . . . speciBcantur <fc
relucent. 3 vols., sm. folio, red morocco extra Cracow, 1641-[45]
4334 Pallas (P. S.). Travels through the Southern Provinces of the
Russian Empire, 1793 A 1794. 2 vols., 4to., calf 1802-3
4335 -the same. Second Edition. 2 vols., 4to., calf 1812
4336 -Voyages en Siberie. 2 vols., 8vo., If. cf. 1791
4337 Perry (John). State of Russia under the present Czar. 8vo., calf 1716
4338 Porter (R. K.). Sketches inRussiaand Sweden, 1805-1808. 2 vols.
in 1, 4to., with plates, many of which are coloured; calf 1813
4339 Siestrzencewicz de Bohusz (S.). Precis des Recherohes Hist-
oriques sur 1’Origine des Sclaves ou Esclavons et des Sarmates—
Histoire du Royaumede la Chersonese Tanrique—in 1 vol.,4to.,ra// 1824
4339*-Histoire du Royaume de la Chersonese Tanrique, separately.
4to., hf. bd. 1824
4340 Strykowski (M. O.). Kronika Polska, Litc-wska, Zmodska, etc.
Folio, First Edition, 1 l. very slightly defective; contemporary oaken
boards covered with stumped calf, with clasps, repaired 1582
*341 Sandwich. Voyage performed by the late Ewl of Sandwich round
the Mediterranean, \7SB-9. Roy. 4to., bds. original from 1799
£ s. d.
0 8 0
0 3 6
0 1 6
0 10 0
0 7 G
0 12 6
3 3 0
4 0 0
2 0 0
0 2 6
4 4 0
0 17 G
0 5 0
2 10 0
0 10 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
0 2 0
8 8 0
0 14 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
1 1 0
0 7 6
0 3 0
21 0 0
Scandinavia: £ s. d.
4342 Acerfoi (Jos.)* Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland.
2 vols., 4to., bound 1802 0 5 0
4343 Carr(J.). A Northern Summer; or, Travels round the Baltio. 4to.,
hf. bd. 1805 0 5 0
4344 Clarke (E. D.). Travels in various Countries ot Scandinavia.
2 vols., 4to., cloth 1838 0 3 0
4345 Faroe Islands. Debes. A Description of the Islands and In¬
habitants of Foeroe. Englished by J. S[terpin]. 12mo., old calf 1676 0 15 0
4346 -Landfc(G.). Description of the Feroe Islands. 8vo., bound 1810 0 5 0
4347 Finn! Johannaei Episcopi Dioeceseos Skalholtinae in Islandia, His-
toria Ecclesiastics Islandiae. 4 vols., 4to., Latino et Islandice , Fine
Paper; hf. morocco 1772 5 10 0
4348 Forbes (C. S.). Iceland. Post 8vo., red morocco, by Holloway 1860 0 7 0
4349 Horrebow (N.). Natural History of Iceland. Folio, half calf 1758 0 18 0
4350 Mackenzie (Sir G. S.). Travels in the Island of Iceland ... in
1810. Second Edition. 4to. bound, 10*; or, calf neat 1812 0 11 0
4351 Troil(Uno von). Letterson Iceland. Second Edition. 8vo.,hf.bd. 1780 0 5 0
4352 Magnus (Johannes). Historia Ioannis Magni . . . Archiepiscopi
Vpsalensis de Omnibvs Gothorvm Svenovmqve Regibvs. Sm. folio,
old calf Borne , 1554 1 15 0
4353 -the same. Sm. folio, a larger copy; hf.bd. vellum 1554 2 0 0
.This book is a necessary companion to Olaos Magnus.
4354 -(Olaus). De gentium septentrionalium variis conditionibus
statibusve etde morum, ritoum, superstitionum . . . mirabili diversitate.
Folio, without the map, another being substituted; vellum Basileae, 1567 1 10 0
4355 Martini&re. New Yoyago into the Northern Countries 12mo.,
newly bound in calf gilt 1674 0 15 0
4356 Messenii (J.) Scondia Illustrata. Ed. J. Peringskiold. 2 vols.—
Historia Wilkinensium. Ed. Peringskiold;—together 3 vols., folio,
fine copies in contemporary red morocco 1700-1715 3 10 0
4357 Resenii (P. J.) Descriptio et Illustratio Samsoro insulin mans
Balthici. Folio, Large. Paper; a fine copy in old calf gilt 1675 2 2 0
4358 Scheffer (John). History of Lapland. Sm. folio, old calf 1674 0 12 0
4359 - Histoire de la Laponie. Traduites du Latin. 4to., calf 1678 0 10 0
4360 Spender (A. Edmund). Two Winters in Norway. 8vo., cloth 1902 0 2 6
4361 Stephens (Prof. George). The Old-Northern Runic Monuments of
Scandinavia and England, now first Collected and Deciphered. 3 vols.,
folio, half morocro 1866-84 2 10 0
4362 - Handbook of the Old-Northern Runio Monuments of Scandi¬
navia and England. Roy. 4to., cloth 1884 0 5 0
4363 Swedish Intelligencer (The). 6 parte and a Supplement, 1632-34
—The seventh part, 1635—The eighth part, 1635—Certain Miscellany
Relations, 1635—The Swedish Discipline, 1632, 3 parts —Short Survey
of the Kingdomeof Sweden, 1632—Genealogie of the Kings in Sweden,
1632—King of Swethens Progresse, 1632—Continuation of the Actions
in Upper Germanie, 1637—Diatelesma: The Fifth Part, 1639. Sm.
4to., one vol. old calf, one vol. calf neat, uncut , and 3 parts unbound
1632-9 28 0 0
An extremely rare collection of the chief events of the Thirty Tears’ War in
4364 Thomson (Thos*). Travels in Sweden. 4to., calf 1813 0 3 6
4365 Torfaeus (Thormodus). Orcades sive rerum Orcadensium historiae
libri tres. Folio, old calf; ra re 1697 0 18 0
4366 -Historia Reram Norvogicarum. 4 vols., folio, old calf 1711 2 2 0
'4367 Wormius (O.). Danicorum Monumentorum libri YI. 1643—
Regum Daniro, 1642—Fasti D.tuici, 1643—Danica Literatur Antiquis-
sima, 1651—Specimen lexioi Ruuici, 1650;—together in 2 vole., am.
folio, coi/gitizea by VjOOQIC UNIVERSITY OFWfeW&AN 1 8.0
£ t. d.
4368 Servia. Ranke (L.). History of Servia and the Servian Revolntion.
. 8vo., cloth 1847 0 10 0
4369 Sismondi (C. S, S. de). De la Litterature dn Midi de l’Europe.
4 vols., 8vo., calf 1813 0 7 6
4370 Smyth (W.). Lectures on Modern History. Two series. 5 vols.,
8vo., calf gilt 1840 1 0 0
4371 Spencer (E.). Travels in Enropean Turkey ... 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
1853 0 3 6
4372 L’Etat et lea Delices de la Suisse. 4 vols., 12rno., calf 1730 1 16 0
4373 Gilbart-Smith (J. W.). The Cradle of the Hapaburgs. Post 8vo.,
cloth 1907 0 2 6
4374 Grote (G.). Seven Letters on the Recent Politics of Switzerland.
Post 8vo., cloth 1847 0 7 6
4375 Tfipffer (R.). Premiers Voyages en Zigzag, 1855—Non veaux Voyages,
1854 ;—together 2 vols., imp]. 8vo , hf. morocco 1854-55 0 16 0
4376 Theiner. Codex Diplomaticus Dominii Temporalis S. Sedis. Recneil
de Documents pour servir k l’Histoire du Gouvernement Temporel des
Etats du SaiDt-Sidge. 3 vols., folio, tewed 1861-2 2 10 0
0 4
0 15
0 5
0 0
Polyglotts, Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology
4377 Akerman (J. Y.). Archaeological Index to Remains of Antiquity. 8vo.,
cloth 1847 0 6 0
4378 Annales Arch£oIogiques, ditigecs par Didron. 28 vols., 4to., complete;
half maroon morocco , gilt tops 1844-81 20 0 0
4379 Bateman (T.). Ten Years’ Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills,
Derby, Stafford, and York, 1848-58. 8vo., cloth 1861 0 18 0
4380 Baudry (l’Abb6 Ferdinand) et LAon Ballereau. Puits Funerairea
Gallo-Romains du Bernard (Vendee). Roy. 8vo., half bound 1873 0 7 6
4381 Blumenbach. Anthropological Treatises. Translated and edited by
T. Bendjshe. 8vo., cloth Anthrop. Soc ., 1865 0 4 0
4382 Bonstetten (Baron G. de). Essai sur Icb Dolmens. 4to., doth 1865 0 15 0
4383 Boutell (C.). Manual of British Archaeology. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1858 0 5 0
4384 Brugmann (Karl) und Berthold Delbruck. Grundriss der Ver-
f leichenden Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen. 5 vols. in 8,
vo., sewed 1886-1900 4 0 0
4385 Comenii (J. A.) Janua Linguarum reserata quinque-linguis. Cr. 8vo.,
vellum 1661 0 12 6
4386 Crania Helvetica. Sammlung schweizerischer Schadelformen in
gemeinschaft mit Ludwig Rutimeyer, bearbeitet von Wilhelm His.
Roy. 4to., with 82 plates; in a dpth box 1864 l 16 0
4387 Dawkins (W. Boyd). Cave Hunting. 8vo., half morocco 1874 1 IS 0
4388 -Early Man in Britain, and his place in the Tertiary Period. 8vo.,
cloth 1880 3 3 0
4389 Douglas (James). Nenia Britannica. Folio, 36 plates, bound 1793 I 10 U
4390 -the same. Folio, Large Paper, 36 coloured plates; russia 1793 4 0 0
4391 Eichhoff (F. G.). Tableau de la Literature du Nord an Moyen Age.
8vo., calf gilt 1853 0 7 6
4392 Engelhardt (C.). Denmark in the Early Iron Age. R6y. 4to., cloth or
hf. bd. 1866 1 1 0
4393 Evans (Sir John). Flint Implements in the Drift. 4to., sewed
Arch teologia, 1860 0 3 6
439* -The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of
; Great Britain. 8vo., cloth 1872 0 12 0
4395 i-Petit Album de l’Age du Bionze de la Grande Bretagne. Roy.
8vo., with SGrpTales; elith Original from 1876 0 6 0
0 12
l 16
1 IS
3 3
I 10
3 0
0 U
0 0
3 6
0 12
0 6
4396 Fergusson (James). Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries. 8vo.,
doth 1872
4397 Finska Kranier jamte nagra Natur- och Literatur-Stndier inom andra
omradem af Finsk Antropologi skildrade af Gnstaf Retzius. Impl. 4to.,
with 42 plates; bdr. Stockholm, 1878
4398 Fouilles de Dolmens. A roy. 8vo. volume containing 12 Tracts by
MM. Gustave de Closmadenc, Rene Galles, etc. Half bound v. y.
4399 [Hall]. The Treasury of Languages. A rudimentary Dictionary of
Universal Philology. Post 8vo., bds. 1873
4400 Keller (F.). Die Keltischen Pfahlbauten in den Schweizerseen. 6 pts.
in 1 vol., 4to., with 53 plates; half calf 1857-66
4401 Kemble (J. M.). Horce Ferales. Edited by R. G. Latham and A. W.
Franks. Roy. 4to. f cloth 1863
4402 Lartet (E.) and H. Christy. Reliquro Aquitanicee. Edited by T. R.
Jones Roy. 4to., cloth 1875
4403 Laurant (Auguste). Etude sur les differents Niveaux du Lit de la
Loire appreciates depuis le commencement de l’Ere Chreti£nne. Roy.
8vo., bound up in a roy. 4to. vol. with obituary notices ; doth 1884
4404 Lisle (Pitre de). Dictionnaire Archeologiqne de la Loire-Inf6rieure.
Roy. 8vo., half calf 1887
4405 -Les Haches 4 Tete de la Bretagne et du Bocage. 8vo, half
morocco 1880
4406 Madsen (A. P.). Antiques Prebistoriqnes du Danemark. L’Age de
la Pierre: L’Age du Bronze. 2 vols.;—together 3 vols., folio; bds.
4107 -- the same. L’Age de la Pierre. Folio, bds. 1872
4408 Miln (J.). Excavations at Carnac (Brittany). 2 vols.,4to., cloth 1877-81
4409 Muller (F. Max). Biographies of Words, and the Home of the Aryas.
Post 8ro., cloth 1888
4410 Nicholas (Thomas). Pedigree of the English People. 8vo., cloth 1874
4411 -the same. Fifth Edition. 8vo., chth 1878
4412 Nott (J. C.) and G. R. Gliddon. Types of Mankind. Impl. 8vo., hf.
calf 1854
4413 Oppert (G.). On the Classification of Languages. 8vo., sewed 1879
4414 Parenteau (Fortune). Inventaire Archeologiqne, precede d’une
Introduction & l’Etnde de Bijoux. 4to., half morocco 1878
4415 Paris Exhibition, 1878 . Catalogue de l’Exposition Arcbeologique du
Departement de la Savoie. Roy. 4to., hf. bd. 1878
4416 Perthes (M. Boucher de). Antiquites Celtiques et Ant6diluviennes.
3 vols., 8vo.; half calf 1847-64
4417 -the Bame. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth 1847-64
4418 Pictet (A.). Les origines Indo-Europeennes, on les Aryas primitifs.
2 vols., impl. 8vo., half bound 1859-63
4419 Pouchet (G.). The Plurality of the Human Race. Translated by
H. J. C. Beavan. 8vo., chth Anthrop. Soc , 1864
4420 Prichard (J. C.). Researches in the Physical History of Mankind.
5 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut, £1. 16*; or, hf. calf gilt 1836-41
4421 -the same. 5 vols., 8vo., calf extra, gilt top, by Hodge 1836-44
4422 Ratzel (F.). Volkerknnde. 3 vols., roy. 8vo , half morocco 1887-88
£ t. d.
0 16 0
1 10 0
0 9 0
0 1 6
1 5 0
1 12 0
2 2 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
2 16
1 8
1 5
0 7
0 4
0 6
0 9
0 8
1 1
0 17
2 5
2 10
1 4
1 4 0
0 14 0
0 10 0
0 3 0
1 1 0
4423 Rochebrune (Raoulde). Les Troglodytes de la»Gartempe. Fouilles
de la Grotte des Cottes. Roy. 4to., with 26 etched plates; hf.bd. 1881
4424 Stoll (Otto). Das Geschlechtsleben in der Volkerpsychologie. Roy.
8vo., sewed Leipzig, 1908 0 Id 0
4425 Tooke (J. H.). Ema Urepocvra : or, the Diversions of Purley. Revised
and corrected by Richard Taylor. 8vo., cloth 1857 0 G
4426 Tylor (E. B.). Primitive Culture : Researches into the development of
Mythology . . . Mid Custom.^ 2 vols., 8vo., doth Original fram ^
14 0
4427 Vogt (C.). Lectures on Man. Edited by J. Hunt. 8vo., cloth
Anthrop. Soc., 1864
4428 Vulli£ty (H.). La Suisse a travers les Ages. Histoire de la Civil¬
isation, depuis les temps prehistoriques. 4to., sewed (190-?)
4429 Whitney (W. D.). Language and the Study of Language. Post 8vo.,
cloth 1867
4430 Worsaae (J. J. A.). The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark applied to
the illustration of similar Remains in England by W. J. Thoms. 8vo.,
cloth 1849
4431 -Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and
Ireland. Post 8vo., doth 1852
4432 -Nordisko Oldsager i Det Kongeligi Museum i KjObenhavn. 8vo.,
half morocco 1859
4433 Wright (T.). The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. Post 8vo.,
cloth 1852
4434 -- A volume of Vocabularies, illustrating the Condition and
Manners of our Forefathers, and of th$ Languages spoken in this
island, from the 10th Century to the 15th. Roy. 8vo., doth 1857
4435 Bible Saindua. La Sainte Bible, traduite pour la premiere fois en
langue Basque du Labourd, par le Capitaine Duvoisin, editee par le
Prince Loois-Lucien-Bonaparte. Roy. 8vo., 1379 pp., double columns, in
5 parts; sewed 1859-65
Onlj 251 copies were printed : it is entirely out of print.
4436 Testament (Old). Testamen Qaharreco eta Berricohistorioa . . .
12mo., calf Bayonan , 1775
4437 Testament (New). Jesus-Christo guro Jaunaren Testament berria.
Lapurdico escuararat it^ulia. 8vo., calf ib., 1828
4438 (Darrigol). Dissertation oritique et apologetique sar la langue Basque.
8vo., sd. ib. (1827)
4439 Dodgson (E. S.). Tho Construction of Eya with tho conjunctive
verb in Old Basque. 8vo., pp. 11; sewed Philol. Soc., 1898
4440 -The Leifarragan Verb. An Analysis of the 703 verbal forms
in the Gospel according to Matthew. Roy. 8vo., sewed (pub. 15s)
Oxford, 1907
4441 Kempis. Jesusen Imitacioco edo Berari jarraitcen eracusten duen
libruba . . . eta Jose Cruz de Echeverria. 12mo., a few leaves of Index
missing; red morocco extra Tolosan, 1829
4442 Nicoleta (R.). Modo breve de aprender la lengua Vizcayna. Sm. 4to.
sd. 1653 ( reprinted 1897)
4443 Ripalda (Geronlmo de). Exposioion breve de la doctrina Christiana,
Basque and Spanish. A facsimile Reprint of the rare original edition
of Bilbao 1656. 12mo., sd. Vizuen, 1898
4444 Vinson (Julien). Essai d’une Bibliographic de la Langue Basque.
1891—Complement et Supplement, 1898 ;—together 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
12 facsimiles; cloth 1891-98
4445 Yztueta (J. Y. de). Guipuzcoaco Provinciaren oondaira edo Historia
Cenetan jarritzen diraden arguiro beraren Asieratic orain-arte dagoz-
quion barri gogoangarriac. 8vo., hf. calf Donostian, 1847
Celtic Languages and Archeology:
4446 Guest (E.). Origines Celtic®, and other Contributions to the History
of England. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1883
4447 Johnstone (J.). Antiquitates Celto-Scandic®. 1786—Antiquitates
Celto-Normannic®, 1786—2 vols. in 1, 4to., Thick Paper , red morocco
extra 1786
4448 Zeuss (I. C.). Grammatica Celtica. Editio altera, cur. H. Ebel.
Roy gyp. hff p Origine Petolini, 1871
£ t. d.
0 6 0
1 0 0
0 2 6
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 4 0
0 15 0
8 0 0
0 7 0
0 6 0
0 3 0
0 1 0
0 9 0
0 10 0
0 l 6
0 2 0
1 10 0
0 S 0
1 7 0
1 5 0
1 12 0
4464 O’Begley (Conor) and Hugh M‘Curtin. The English Irish
Dictionary. [With an Irish Grammar]. 4to., calf; scarce Pai-ie, 1732
4465 [O’Brien (J.)]. Focaloir Gaoidhilge-Sax-Bhearla; or, an Irish-
English Dictionary. 4to ., half calf; scarce ib., 1768
4466 -Irish-English Dictionary. 2nd edition. 8vo., cloth . 1832
4467 O’Reilly (Edward). Irish-English Dictionary ... to which is
annexed, a compendious Irish Grammar. 4to., bound 1817
4468 -the same. 4to., bound 1821
4469 ——— the same. New Edition. With a Supplement by John
O’Donovan. 4to., cloth (1864 P)
4470 Petrie. Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language. Chiefly
collected and drawn by George Petrie, and edited by M. Stokes. 2 vols.,
4to., 6ewed , £3. 3 s ; or, cloth 1872-8
4471 Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus. A Collection of Old-Irish Glosses,
Scholia, Prose, and Verse, Edited by Whitley Stokes and John
Strachan. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1901-3
4472 Vallancey (Charles). Grammar of the Iberuo-Celtic, or Irish
Language. 4to., calf neat
Gaelic of Scotland:
4473 Bible. Leab
nndh Nuadh, 1 vo£
Celtic Languages and Archaeology, continued :— £
4449 Halleguen (E.). l’Armoriqne Bretonne, Celtique, Romaine et
Chretienne, on les Origines Armorioo-Bretonnes , . . Tome I.—
l’Armoriqne Romaine et Religieuse. 8vo., half morocco 1864 0
4450 Levr ar Psalmon. Lekeed e brezonnek hervez ar vam-skrid hebrA
16mo., bds. 1873 0
4451 Luzel (F. M.). Veilh5es Bretonnes; Mceurs, Chants, Contes . . .
des Bretons-Armoricains. 12mo half calf 1879 0
4452 Jago (F. W. P.). English-Cornish Dictionary. 4to., cloth 1887 1
4453 Meriasek. The Life of Saint Meriasek. A Cornish Drama.
Edited by Whitley Stokes. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1872 0
4454 Pryce (W.). Archteologia Cornu-Britannica; containing . . .
a Cornish Grammar, and Cornish-English Vocabulary. 4to, half
calf 1790
4455 Williams (Robert). Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum. 4to., doth
Llandovery, 1865
4456 - the same. 4to., the author's own copy , interleaved , with a
large number of MS. annotations ; half calf 1865
Gaelic of Ireland:
4457 Bible. Seintiomna: Books of the Old Testament translated into
Irish by William Bedell. 4to., old calf 1685
4458 Caitecism na Heaglaise . . . The Churoh Catechism explain’d
by way of Question and Answer: Collected by John Lewis. Render’d
into Irish by J. Richardson. 18mo., old calf 1712
4459 Common Prayer. Leabhar na Nornaightheadh Ccomhchoitchion
. . ris an TSaltair no Psalmuibh. Post 8vo., old calf • 1712
4460 Irische Texte, mit Uebersetzungen und Worterbuch. Heraus-
gegeben von Whitley Stokes und Ernst Windisch. Series I—IV,
heft 1. 8vo., in parts 1880-1900
4461 Irish Texts Society. Vols. I—IV. 8 vo., cloth 1899-1902
The Society is instituted for the purpose of promoting the publication of Texts in the
Irish Language, accompanied by such Introductions, English Translations, Glossaries,
and Notes, os may be deemed desirable.
4462 Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book, otherwise styled Leabhar Mor
Doighre. 2 parts, folio, 270 pages of facsimile; bds. (worn) 18726
4463 —:-the same. Part II. Folio, with pp. 145-270 of the facsimile;
bds. 1876
4-Seann Tiomnaidh, 2 vols., 1807; Tiom-
ether 3 vols., am. 8vo.,'ea*/rY I807-17UG-
6 0
2 6
3 0
1 0
7 6
18 0
15 0
0 0
3 0
0 0
10 0
7 6
16 0
16 0
18 0
18 0
16 0
10 0
1 ) 6
10 6
15 0
10 0
16 0
12 0
10 0
Celtic Languages and Archaeology, continued: —
Gaelic of Scotland, continued: —
4474 Dlctionarium Scoto-Celticum. Compiled by the Highland
Society. 2 vols., roy. 4to., Large Paper; russia 1828
4475 Jamieson (John). Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Lan-
gnage. New Edition, carefully revised by Longmuir and Donaldson.
4 vols., 1879-82.—Supplement, by David Donaldson, 1887 ;—together
5 vols., 4to., cloth 1879-87
4476 Nicholson (Edward W. B.). The Vernacular Inscriptions of the
Ancient Kingdom of Alban, transcribed, translated, and explained, by
E. W. B. Nicholson. Sm. 8vo., doth 1896
4477 Cumming (J. G.). Runic and other Monumental Remains of the
Isle of Man. 4to., bds. (1857)
4478 Kelly. Practical Grammar of the ancient Gaelio . . . usually
called Manks, Edited by W. Gill. 8vo., cloth 1870
4479 Manx Note Book (The). Edited by A. W. Moore. 12 parts
complete, 8vo., sewed Douglas, 1885-87
4480 Aneurin. T Gododin. A poem on the Battle of Cattraeth, by
Aneurin, a Welsh bard of the Vlth century, with an English trans¬
lation. 8vo., cloth 1852
4481 Davies (J.). Antiquae linguae Britannicae, nunc vulgo diotae
Cambro-Britannicae, a suis Cymraecae vel Cambrioae ab aliis Wallioae,
et linguae latinae Dictionarium Duplex. Sm. folio, half calf 1632
4482 -the same. Sm. folio, a fine tall copy in old calf 1632
4483 -(W.). Gwaith y Parch. Walter Davies (Gwallter Meohain).
Dan olygiad y Parch. D. Silvan Evans. 3 vols., 8vo., doth 1868
4484 Evans (D. Silvan). English and Welsh Dictionary. 2 vols., 8vo.,
cloth 1852-8
4485 Gambold (W.). A Compendious Welsh Grammar. 12mo., bds. 1833
4486 Hengwrt MSS. Selections from the Hengwrt Manuscripts pre¬
served in the Peniarth Library. Edited and translated by the Rev.
Robert Williams and the Rev. G. Hartwell Jones. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth
(pub. at £2. 16a) 1874-92
4487 Homilies in Welsh: Pregethawa osodwyd allan trwy awdurdod i’w
darllein ymhob Eglv ys blwyf aphob oapel er adarladaeth i’r bobl
annyscedig . . . Edward James. Sm. 4to., imperfect as detailed below;
in the original calf Rob. Barker , 1606
The pages missing are as follows : Book I, title, and pp. 17-24 ; Book 111, pp. 1-2,
103-104, 215-216, 233-240, 251-252, and all after 270.
4488 Jones (T.). Dictionary of Welsh and English. 12mo., bds. 1777
4489 -English and Welsh Dictionary. Third Edition. 12mo.,
old calf 1826
4490 Mabinogion (The), from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest, and other
ancient Welsh MSS., with an English Translation and Notes; by Lady
Charlotte Guest. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., vellum, or half morocco gilt 1849
4491 -the same., 3 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, red levant
morocco 1849
4492 Myvyrian (The) Archaiology of Wales, being a collection of His¬
torical Documents from ancient MSS. (edited by Williams and W. O.
Pughe). New issue, in 1 vol., roy. 8vo., doth 1870
4493 Owen (W.). Abridgment of the Welsh and English Dictionary.
Cr. 8vo .,hf.bd. ... 1806
4494 Pughe (W. Owen). National Dictionary of the Welsh Language,
-with English and Welsh equivalents. Third Edition. Edited and
enlarged by R. J. Pryse. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth (1866 ?)
4495 Revue Celtlque. Fond6e par H. Gaidoz. A complete set from
the beginning in 1870 to 1898 inclusive, forming Vols. I—XIX. 8vo.,
in parts as issued , n> Paris, 1870-1898
4496 Rbya (.
* --~
fores on Welsh Philology, Syo., cloth ^1877
£ s. d.
2 2 0
4 4 0
0 7 G
0 16 0
0 5 0
1 12 O
0 16 0
14 0
1 16 0
1 1 0
15 0
0 1 6
1 10 0
4 4 0
0 3 0
0 3 0
4 14 6
9 9 0
15 0
0 3 0
10 0
14 0 0
0 9 0
Celtic Languages and Archaeology, continued :—
Welsh, continued :—
4497 Richards (T.). A British, or Welsh-English Dictionary. 8vo.,
several ll. stained ; calf 1753
4498 -(W.). English-Welsh Dictionary. Cr. 8vo., old calf 1798
4499 5alesbury (Wyllam). Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe. 4to. f
Large Paper, black letter, cloth
Imprynted by John Waley, 1547, reprinted (1877)
4500 Walters (J.). English-Welsh Dictionary. Third Edition, 2 vols.
in 1, roy. 8vo., bd. 1828
4501 -another copy. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half morocco gilt 1828
Welsh Manuscripts Society:
4502 Barddas; or Bardism, a collection of original documents, with
translations and notes by J. Williams ab Ithel. Vol. I. 8vo., cloth 1862
4503 lolo Manuscripts. A selection of Ancient Manuscripts in Prose
and Verse, with English Translation and Notes. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1848
4504 -another edition. Roy. 8vo., with 2 plates; cloth 1888
4505 Rees (W- J.). Lives of the Cambro British Saints, of the Vth
and immediate succeeding centuries, from ancient Welsh and Latin MSS.
. . with English translations and notes. Roy. 8vo., doth 1853
Welsh Texts, edited by J. Gwenogvryn Evans:
4506 The Red Book of Hergest. Edited by John Rhys and J.
Gwenogvryn Evans. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Patron’s Edition on hand-made
paper; half red morocco 1887-90
4507 Black Book of Carmarthen. Facsimile. . . reproduced by the
Autotype Mechanical Process. With a palaeographical note by
J. Gwenogvryn Evans. Roy. 8vo., half red morocco 1888
4508 Brutieu (Y.). The Text of the Bruts from the Red Book of
Hergest. Roy. 8vo., Library Edition , half morocco gilt 1890
4509 Liber Landavensis. The Text of the Book of Llan D&v, repro¬
duced from the Gwysaney MS. Roy. 8vo., Patron’s Edition, half
morocco gilt
Germanic Languages:
A. The Teutonic Branch:
4510 Cox (G. W.) and E. Hinton Jones.
Cr. 8 vo , hf. calf
4511 Cummings (A. H.). Grammar of
12mo., cloth
4512 Grimm (W.). Die Deutsche Heldensage. 2 U ausgabe. 8vo., with
pencil annotations by Karl Blind; cloth 1867
4513 - (Jac. and Wilh.). Deutsches Worterbucb, complete so
Tales of the Teutonic Lands.
the Old Friesic Language.
far as published. Impl. 8vo., 6 vols., hf. bd., remainder in parts 1859-1907
4514 -the Bame .complete so far as published. 6 vols., half morocco,
gilt tops, the remainder in parts 1859-1907
4515 Lucas (N. J.). Dictionary of the English and German and German
and English Languages. 4 vols., roy. 8vo., hf. caif 1854
4516 Nibelungen. Zu den Nibolungen und zur Klage. Anmerkungen
von Kail Lachmann. 8vo , sewed 1836
4517 —-Kiirenberg und die Nibelungen. Eine gekronte preisschrift
von D r K. Vollmoller. 8vo., sewed 1874
0 12
0 14
0 10 0
15 0
2 12 6
6 6 0
3 3 0
1 11 6
1893 3 13 6
0 6 0
0 l 6
0 4 6
9 0 0
10 0 0
2 8 0
0 5 0
0 2 6
4518 Tristan. Die Nordischp und die Englische Version der Tristan
Sage. Herausgegeben von Eugen Kolbing. 2 vols., 8vo , sewed 1878 0 10 6
4519 Ihre (J. ab). Scripta Versionem Ulphilanam et Linguam Mceso-
Gothicam illustrantia . . . edita ab A. F. Busching. 4to., bds. 1773 0 7 6
4520 Skeat (W. W.)* A Moeeo-Gothic Glossary, with an Outline of
Moeso-Gothic Graifiihar, Aft)., cloth Original from 1868 0 4 0
Germanic Languages, continued :—
A. The Teutonic Branch, continued :
Anglo-Saxon and Early English:
4521 iClfric Society. Publications. 15 parts, complete. 8vo., tewed
1813-56 1
Contents: Scrmones Catholid, or Uomilies of JKlfric, Anglo-8amnn and English,
by Benj. Thorpe, 10 parts forming 2 rols.; Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, Anglo-
Saxon and English, by J. M. Kemble, 2 parts ; the Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnns,
with introduction by Kemblo.
4522 - The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnns, 1818—Poetry of
the Codex Vercellensis, 2 parts, 1843-56;—together 3 parts, 8vo.,
sewed 1843-56 0
4523 Beowulf. The Deeds of Beowulf: an English Epic of the VUIth
Century done into modern prose by John Earle. Post 8vo., cloth 1892 0
4524 Birch (Walter de Gray.). Cartularium Saxonicum : a Collection
of Charters relating to Anglo-Saxon History. 3 vols., 4to., doth 1883-93 3
4525 Bdddeker (K.). Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253.
Mit grammatik und glossar. 8vo., sewed 1878 0
4526 Boethius. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius de
Consolatione Philosophies, with an English Translation and Notes by J.
S. Cardale. 8vo, cloth 1829 0
4527 Bosworth. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Roy. 8vo., doth 1838 0
4528 -the same. With the long Preface. Roy. 8vo., doth, 12s; or,
hf. calf 1838 0
4529 -Anglo-Saxon Dictionary based on the MS. Collections of J.
Bosworth. Edited and enlarged by T. Northcote Toller. 4 pts. in 5,
4to., tewed 1882-98 3
4530 Caedmon’s Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures, in
Anglo-Saxon, with an English translation by B. Thorpe. Roy. 8vo.,
calf neat 1832 2
4531 Chronicon Vilodunense; sive, de vita et miraculis Sanctre Edithse,
regia Edgari filiae. Carmen vetus anglicnm ; e codice unico Cotton-
iano in Museo Britannico asservato, nunc demum in lucem editum :
cura Guil. H. Black ; sumptibus R. Colt Hoare. Roy. folio, sewed 1830 1
4532 Cockayne (O.). Seinte Marherete. The Maiden ant Martyr. In
old English. 8vo., sewed 1862 0
4533 Collectanea Anglosaxonica. Manuscript Copies and Extracts
from old Manuscripts respecting Early English History, written by two
different hands, on Paper. Folio, russia ; from the library of Sir Richard
Colt-Hoare About the end of the XVIIth Century 4
4534 Early English Text Society. A Complete Set of the Publications
of the Early English Text Society from the commencement in 1864 to
1905, forming 227 volumes as detailed below. 8vo., sewed as issued
1864-1906 55
Contents:—Original Series. Vols. 1*131, 1861-1906; Extra Series. Vols. 1-96,
4535 Ellis (Alex. J.). On Early English Pronunciation. 5 vols., 8vo.,
newly bound in half light calf Philological Soc., 1869-89 2
4536 Epinal Glossary (The), Latin and Old English of the VIIIth
Century. Photo-lithographed, and edited by Henry Sweet. Folio, bds.
1883 0
4537 Erdmann (A.). History and modern Use of the Verbal Forms in
-Ing in the English Language. L—Old Anglo-Saxon Period. 8vo.,
sewed 1871 0
4538 Ettmiiller (L.). Lexicon Anglosaxonicnm ex poetarum scriptor-
nmque prosaicorom operibus nec non lexicis anglosaxonicus collectnm,
cum synopsi grammatica . . 8vo., half calf 1851 0
4539 Genesis and Exodus. An Early English Song, about a.d. 1250.
Edited by R. Morris. 8vo., hf. bd. 1865 0
4539*-the same, 1865.—Romans of Partenay. Edited by W. W.
Skeat, 1866; in_J vol., 8va, calf 0riginalfrom ^65-6 0
s. d.
17 6
12 0
4 6
0 0
7 6
18 0
7 0
15 0
0 0
2 0
12 0
5 0
10 0
0 0
16 0
9 0
2 0
4 0
4 0
8 0
Germanic Languages, continued: —
A. The Teutonic Branch, continued :—
Anglo-Saxon and Early English, continued:—
4540 Haigh (D. H.). The Anglo-Saxon Sagas. 8vo cloth 1861
4541 Horstmann (C.). Altenglische Legenden. 8vo., sewed 1875
4512 Kemble (J. M.). Anglo-Saxon Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn.
3 parts, 8vo., sewed JUlfric Soc., 1845-8
4543 Kissner (Alfons). Chaucer in seinem Beziehungen zur Italienischen
Literatur. 8vo., sewed 18G7
4544 Kleinert (Gustav). Ueber den Streit zwischen Leib und Seelo.
Ein beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschicbte der Yisio Fulberti. 8vo.,
sewed 1880
4545 K6lbing (E.). Beitrage zur vergleichenden Geschichte de Roman -
tischen Poesie und Prosa des Mittelaltera, unter besonderer beriicksich-
tigung der Englischen und Nordiachen Litteratur. 8vo., sewed 1876
4546 -Arthour and Merlin. Nach der Auchinleck HS. nebst zwei
beilagen herausgegeben . . Cr. 8vo., sewed 1890
4547 L£o (Heinrich). Treatise on the Local Nomenclature of the Anglo-
Saxons. Post 8vo., boards 1852
4548 Matzner. Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Worterbnche.
• Vols. 1 and 2, pts. 1-5, 8vo., half calf and parts 1867-78
4549 OrmuluQi (The). Now first edited from the original MS. in the
Bodleian, by R. Meadows White. 2 vols., 8vo., calf extra 1852
4550 Perrett (W.). The Story of King Lear from Geoffrey of Mon¬
mouth to Shakespeare. 8vo., sewed 1904
4551 Rask. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Translated by Thorpe. 8vo.,
calf 1830
4552 Sandras (E. G.). Etude sur G. Chaucer considers comme imita-
teur des trouveres. 8vo., sewed 1859
4553 Saxon Chronicle (The), with an English Translation . . . by J.
Ingram. 4to., bds. 1823
4554 Schofield (W. H.). The Story of Horn and Rimenhild. 8vo.,
sewed 1903
4555 Schulz (F.). Die Englische Gregorlegende nach dem Auchinleck
MS. mit anmerkungen und ausfiihrlichem Glossar. 8vo., sewed 1876
4556 Sharpe (Lancelot). Remarks on the Towneley Mysteries. 4to.,
sowed 1837
4557 Sievers (E.). Der Heliand und die Angelsachsische Genesis.
8vo., sewed 1875
4558 Stephens. King Waldere’s Lay (Two leaves of) . . . now first
publisht from the Originals of the 9th Century. Roy. 8vo., cloth (1860)
4559 Stratmann (F. H.). Middle-English Dictionary. New Edition,
revised by Henry Bradley. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco 1891
45C0 Thorp. Codex Exoniensis: with an English translation. Roy.
8vo., cloth 1842
4561 - Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Boxburghe
binding m 1861
4562 Wissmann (T.). King Horn. Untersuchungen zur Mitteleng-
lischen Sprach-und-Litteraturgeschichte. 8vo., sewed 1876
4563 Wyatt (A. J.). Elementary Old English Grammar (Early West
Saxon). Cr. 8vo., cloth 1897
B. The Scandinavian Branch:
4564 Anderson (R. B.). Norse Mythology. Post 8vo., doth 1875
4565 Craigie (W. A.). Scandinavian Folk-Lore. Post 8vo., cloth 1896
‘ 4566 Gbransson (J.). De Yfverborna Atlingars eller Suiogotars Edda,
s. d. —Patriarkaliska Lara, 1750—Bicorner (E. J.) de Gcographia Scan-
dinaviee veteri, s. d— Cogitationes de Orthographia lingura Suis
Gothicao tam runica quam vulgari, 1742—4 tracts in 1 vol.,
- n lf 1742-1750
co v Original from
£ s. d.
0 4 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 3 0 ‘
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 10 0
0 4 0
2 4 0
1 1 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 14 0
0 2 6
0 3 6
0 16
0 2 6
0 5 0
15 0
0 10 6
0 13 0
0 3 0
0 2 6
0 7 0
0 5 0
0 8 0
Germanic Languages, continued :—
B. The Scandinavian Branch, continued :—
4567 Grdnlands historiske Mindesmaerker, ndgivDe af det kougc-
lige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 3 vols., 8vo., hf. morocco 1838
4568 Mallet. Northern Antiquities; or, a Description of the Manners,
Customs, Religion and Laws of the Ancient Danes. 2 vols., 8vo.,
calf 1770
4569 Mobius (Th.). Analecta Norroena, auswahl aus der Islandischen
und Norwegischen Litteratur deB Mittelalters. 8vo., sewed 1877
4570 Peringskiold. Historia Hialmari regia Biarmlandise, atque Thule-
markim. 4to., sewed (1710)
4571 Pitt (Ruth J.). Tragedy of the Norse Gods. 8vo., cloth 1893
4572 [Rafn (C. C.)]. Antiquit^s Russes d’aprea les Monuments
Historiques des Islandais et des Anciens Scandinaves. 2 thick vols,
folio, Large Paper; uncut 1850-52
4573 - Nordiske Fortids Sagaer, efter den ndgivne Islandske eller
gamle Nordiske Grundskrift oversatte afC. C. Rafn. 3 vols, 870.,
bds. 1829-30
4574 Samfund til Udgivelse af Gammel Nordisk Litteratur. A
Collection of the publications from the beginning in 1879 to 1888
inclusive (no. XIV of the year 1885 missing). 26 parts, 8vo.,
sewed 1879-88
4575 Thorpe (Ben.). Northern Mythology comprising the principal
Traditions and Superstitions of Scandinavia, North-Germany, and the
Netherlands. 3 vols., 8vo., roxburghe 1851-52
4576 [Weber (H.) and R. Jamieson]. Illustrations of Northern
Antiquitiep, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances.
4to., half morocco 1814
Norwegian and Danish:
4577 Danmarks Kronike af Saxe Rnnemester, fordanstet ved N. F. S.
Grundtvig. Anden udgave. 8vo., sewed 1855
4578 Oehlenschlaeger (Adam). The Gods of the North. Translated
from the Danish into English, by W. E. Frye. 8vo., half calf 1845
4579 Ott6 (E. C.) How to learn Danish. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1879
4580 - Grammar of the Danish Language. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1884
4581 Prior (R. C. A.). Ancient Danish Ballads. Translated from the
originals. 3 vols., post 8vo., cloth • 1860
4582 Saxonis Grammatici Historiro Danicse Libri XVI., Stephanus
lollaniiis Stephanius summo studio recognovit. 2 pts. in 1 vol.,
sra. 'olio, / if. vellum, 18* ; or, a fine copy in vellum Sorce, 1644-5
4583 Zeland’s Low. Hter begynnes then Zelands low paa riot dansk
och oor skifFt i sy w bogher och . . . Sm. 4to., interleaved throughout by
an old possessor, vellum binding Copenhagen , 1576
4584 Andersen (Carl). Islandske Folkesagn. Cr. 8vo., bds. 1862
4585 Anderson (R. B.). Viking Tales of the North. Fourth Edition.
Cr. 8vo., cloth 1901
4586 Asgrimsson (E.). Lilja (The Lily). An Icelandic Religious
Poem. Edited, with a Translation, by E. Magnusson. 12mo., cloth 1870
4587 Bergmann (F. W.). Des Hehren Spriiche (Hava Mai) und
Altnordische Spriiche, Ethische und Magisohe Gedichte aus der
Sffimunds-Edda kritisch hergestellt, uebersetzt und erklart. Cr. 8vo.,
sewed 1877
4588 Biskupa S6gur, gefnar ut af hinu Islenzka Bokmentafelagi.
Vol. II., 2 parts. 8vo., sewed 1862-7
4589 Edda Islandorum, anno Christi 1215, Islandice conscripta per
Snorronem Sturlse Filiam opera P. J. Resenii. Sm. 4to., old veau
fauve 1665
45U0 Edda Saemundar hinns froda. Herausgegeben von T. Mobius.
8vo. ? cloth ^Original from I860
£ *. I
2 2 0
0 8 0
0 0 0
0 4 0
0 3 6
0 16 0
0 15 0
18 0
2 16 0
0 15 0
0 3 G
0 12 0
0 3 0
0 2 0
0 15 0
1 4 0
2 2 0
0 2 G
0 10 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 G 0
1 4 0
0 4 G
Germanic Languages, continued: —
B. The Scandinavian Branch, continued: —
Icelandic, continued :—
4591 Egils-Saga, sive Egilli Skallagrimii Vita. Islandice et Latine.
4to. t calf neat 1809
4592 Fornaldarsagan, islenzkud og aukin eptir Sogubok H. G. Bohrs
af Pali Melsted. 8vo., sewed 1864
4593 Hagen (F. H. von der). Lieder der alteren oder Samundischen
Edda. 8vo., sewed 1812
4594 Hjaltelin («!.)• Docent Paijkulls “ en Sommer i Island.” 8vo.,
sewed 1867
4595 Islenzkar Pjodsdgur og >€fintyri, safnad kefir Jon Arnason.
4 vols., 8vo., sewed 1862-5
4596 Jonsson (Erik). Oldnordisk Ordbog. 8vo., bound 1863
4597 Jonssyne (Arngrime). Gronlandia ednr Gncnlandz Saga . . a
Norncnu utlogd af Einare Eiolfssine. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco 1688
4598 [Landnama Bok Islendinga]. Sm. 4to., title missing. 1688—
Schedto ara Prestz froda om Island. 1688—2 vols. in l, sm. 4to., slightly
damaged by use; old vellum Skalhollte, 1688
4599 Laxdsela-Saga, sive Historia de Rebus gestis Laxdolensium. Ex.
MSS. Legati Magna?ani cum Interpretations Latina. 4to., bd. 1826
4600 Magnusson (E.). Anmoerkninger til I, “ Fornyrdadrapa ” og til
II, “ Islandsk Ordsprogsamling,” 1866. 8vo., sewed 1889
4601 Midaldasagan eptir Pal Melsted. 8vo., sewed Reykjavik, 1866
4602 Munch (P. A.) og C. R. Unger. Det Oldnorske Sprogs eller
Norronaaprogets Grammatik. 8vo., sewed 1847
4603 Nials Saga. Sumtibus Snbmii et Arna-Magneani. Sm. 4to.,
bds. 1809
4604 Nokkur Blod nr Hanksbok og Brot ur Gndmnndarsogu gefin ut af
Joni Thorkelssyni. 8vo., sewed Reykjavik , 1865
4605 Saga Library (The). By William Morris, with the assistance of
Eirikr Magnusson. Vol. 1: Story of Howard the Halt; 2. Story of
the Banded Men ; 3. The Story of Hen Thorir. In 1 vol., cr. 8vo.,
roxburghe 1890
4606 - Vol. 2 : The Eyrbiggia Saga. Cr. 8vo., roxburghe 1891
4607 -Vols. 3-6: The Heimskringla. 4 vols., cr. 8vo., roxburghe
4608 Scripta Historica Islandorum de Rebus gestis veterum Borealium,
latine reddita. 12 vols., 8vo., calf gilt 1828-46
4609 Snorre Sturleson’s Heimskringla; Historia Regum Norvegi-
corum, novo editio aucta, Islandice, Danice et Latine, oper& G. Schoning.
6 vols., folio, hf. bound 1777-1826
4610 - Heimskringla (The). Translated from the Icelandic by
Samuel Laing. Second Edition, revised, with notes, by Rasmus B. Ander¬
son. 4 vols., 8vo., cloth 1889
4611 Stoll. Kennslubok i Godafrwdi grikkja og romverja eptir H. W.
Stoll. Steingrimur Thorsteinson hefir islenzkad. 8vo sewed 1871
4612 Storm (Gustav). Sigurd Ranessons Proces, udgivit efter haand-
skrifterce. 8vo., sewed 1877
4613 Sturlunga Saga edr Islendinga—Saga bin mikla. 4 vols. in 2,
4to., cloth 1817-20
4614 -Sturlunga Saga, including the Islendinga Saga. Edited by
Dr. Gudbrand Vigfusson. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1878
4615 Swedenborg. Visdomur Englannaum hina Guddomlegu Elsku og
hina Guddomlegu Speki, eptir Emanuel Swedenborg. 8vo., bds. 1869
4616 Viga Glums Saga, sive Vita Viga-Glumi (Icelandic and Latin)
• • - e manuscriptis Legati Magnieani. 4to ., half morocco 1786
4617 Wilken (E.). Untersuchungen zur Snorra Edda. 8vo ., sewed 1878
4618 --Die Prosaische Edda im Auszuge, nebst Volsunga-saga und
Nornageste-th&ttr. (2 paTt^lv©., sewed original 1878-83
£ t. d.
0 15 0
0 3 6
0 5 0
0 16
l 4 0
0 12 0
1 15 0
14 0
0 12 6
0 16
0 3 6
0 3 0
0 6 0
0 2 6
0 7 6
0 7 6
1 15 0
2 5 0
3 5 0
2 16 0
0 3 6
0 2 6
0 9 0
14 0
0 4 6
0 9 0
0 3 0
0 7 6
Germanic Language*, continued :—
B. The Scandinavian Branch, continued
4619 Alexandri Magni Historia pa Swenska Rijm. Sm. 4to., bine
morocco extra 1672
4620 Engelsk-Svensk Ordbok, med Walker’s Uttalsbeteckning. 8vo.,
hf. bd. 1891
4621 Handlingar Rdrande Skandinaviens Historia. 20 vols., post
8vo., hf. calf 1816-35
4622 Oman (V. E.) Svensk-Engelsk Hand-Ordbok. Cr. 8vo., hf. bd.
Post 8vo., cloth 1903
Simplified Grammar of the Swedish Language.
Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon. Sm. 4to., calf 1788
the same.
4624 Ott 6 (E. C.).
Cr. 8vo., cloth
4625 Widegren (E.).
Romance Languages and Literature:
4626 Ashton (J.). Romances of Chivalry told and illustrated in facsimile.
8vo., cloth 1887
4627 Bartsch (Karl). Chrestomathie de l’ancien Fran<jais (VIII 0 —XV®
siecles). 3 ,6m ® Edition. 4to, half morocco 1875
4628 -Chrestomathie provenyale. 5'* ,ne Edition. 8vo., hf. calf 1892
4629 Baudoin (A.), La vraie Chanson de Boland. 8vo., sewed 1884
4630 Beauvois (E.). Histoire Legendaire des Francs et des Burgondes
aux III® et IV« siecles. 8vo., sewed
4631 Bienfaisance (La) de Louis XVI, vo leis feetos de la Pax, drame
lyriqne . . . melee de Franfais et de ProvenQal. 8 vo., hf. vellum 1814
4632 Bossert (A.). Tristan et Iseult. Poeme de Gotfrit de Strasbourg,
compart a’d’autres pocmes sur le memo sujet. 8 vo., sewed 1865
4633 Brede (R.) und E. Stengel. Das Anglonormannisohe Lied vom
Wackern Ritter Horn. 8 vo., sewed 1883
4634 Chatelaine of Vergi. A 13th Cent. French Romance done into
English by Alice Kemp-Welch. 12mo., sewed 1903
4635 Dermot and the Earl. The Song of Dermot and the Earl. An
old French poem from the Carew MS. no. 596 in Lambeth Palace.
Edited by G. H. Orpen. Cr. 8 vo., doth 1892
4636 Dietrich (O.). Ueber die Wiederbolungen in den altfranzosischen
Chansons de geste. 8 vo., sewed 1881
4637 Diez (F.). Grammatik der romanischen Sprachen. 3 vols., 8 vo.,
half calf 1836-41
4638 -the same. 3 vols., 8 vo., half calf 1856-38-44
4639 -Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. 8 vo.,
half calf 1853
4640 -Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages; chiefly
from the German of F. Diez. By T. C. Donkin. 8 vo., cloth *1864
4641 Douce (Francis). Dissertation on the Life and Writings of Mary,
an Anglo-Norman Poetess, by Mons. La Rue. 4to., sewed 1797
1642 [Fabre]. Lou Sieche de Cadaroussa, pou&ma patois, slguit d’aou
sermoun de Moussn Sistrl. 8 vo., hf. vellum (oirc. 1820)
4643 Fiebiger (E.). Ueber die Sprache der Chevalorie Ogier von Raim-
bert von Paris. 8 vo., sewed 1881
4644 Gautier (Lion). Les Epop4es Fran 9 aises. Etude sur les Origines
et l’Histoire de la Litterature Nationale. Seoonde Edition, entierement
refondue. 5 vols. in 6 , roy. 8 vo., sewed Paris, 1878-97
4645 Guillaume le Marlchal. Poeme Fran 9 &is publie . . . par Paul
Meyer. 2 vols., 8 vo., sewed 1891-4
4646 Herbert (J. A.). New MS. of Adgar’s Mary-Legends. 8 vo., sewed 1903
4647 Histolrieu ag en eu Testamand, ancien ha nehue. 12mo., hf. morocco
Quened, n. d.
4648 Hofmann (K.) und K. Vdllmoiler. Der Munchencr Brut. Gottfried
von Monmoi^^ 0 fr^s['^i 8 chen vereen. 8 vo., sewed 1877
£ ». d.
3 16 0
0 6 0
1 16 0
0 3 6
0 5 0
0 2 0
0 6 0
0 10 0
1 1 0
0 9 0
0 1 6
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 3 6
0 3 0
0 3 6
0 5 0
0 16 0
0 7 6
1 10 0
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 2 6
3 3 0
0 10 0
0 2 6
0 3 0
0 5 0
Romance Languages and Literature, continued: — £
4649 Jenrich (C.). Die Mandart des Mdnchener Brat. 8vo., sewed 1831 0
4650 Kelham (Robt.). Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language.
8vo., bound 1779 1
4651 Kdlbing (E.) und E. Koschwitz. Hue de Rotelande’s Ipomedon.
Bin franzosischer abentenerroman des 12. jahrh. 8vo., sewed 1889 0
4652 Lewis (Sir E. C.). Essay on the Origin and Formation of the
Romance Languages. Second Edition. Post 8vo., cloth 1862 0
4653 Littr£ (E.). Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran^ais. 2 vols. in 4,
1863-72—Supplement, 1 vol., 1897—5 vols., 4to., hf. bd. 1863-97 3
4654 [Lorris (O. de) and Jean de Meung]. Le Rommant de la Rose.
Reproduction facsimile de l’edition publiee par Jehan du Pr6 vers la fin
du XY C siecle. 4to., hf. morocco 1878 1
4655 Mani&re (La) de Langage qui enseigne h parler eta ecrire le Fran$ais.
Modeles de conversations composes en Angleterre a la fin da XV® siecle.
8 vo., sewei 1873 0
4656 Meraugis de Portlesguez. Roman de la Table Ronde. Pablie pour
le premiere fois par H. Michelant. 8vo., sewed 1869 0
4657 Meyer (Paul). Documents Manuscrits de l’Ancienne Litterature
de la France conserves dans les Bibl. de la Grande-Bretagne. I. 8vo.,
sewed 1871 0
4658 -Alexandre le Grand dans la Litterature Franfaise du Moyen
Age. Histoire de la Legende. 8 vo., Large Paper; sewei 1886 0
4659 -Notices sur quelques MSS. Fransais de la Bibl. Phillipps h
Cheltenham. 4to., sewed 1891 0
4660 Michel (Francisque). Charlemagne, an Anglo-Norman Poem of the
twelfth century. Now first published by Franoisque Miohel. 12mo.,
doth 1836 1
4661 -The Black Prinoe. The Life and Feats of Arms of Edward the
Black Prince, by Chandos Horald. Chronicle in Old French, with an
English translation. 4to., roxburghe 1883
4662 Moisy (H.). Dictionnaire de Patois Normand. Roy. 8vo., sd. 1887
4663 Paris (Paulin). Le Romancero Francois. Histoire de quelques
anciens Trouvdres. Post 8vo., half morocco 1833
4664 Raynaud (G.). Un nouveau MS. du Petit Jean de Saintre. 8vo.,
sewed 1902
4665 Raynouard (M.). Choix des Poesies Origiuales des Troubadours.
6 vols., 8vo., papier velin, half morocco (worn) ; scarce 1816-21
4666 -Lexique Roman, ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours,
comparee avec les antres Langues de l'Europe Latino. 6 vols., 8vo., half
morocco (tcom) 1838-44 4
4667 -the same. 12 vols., 8vo., uniformly bound in polished calf fully
gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford 1816-44 20
4668 Roland. La chanson de Roland, Podme de Theroulde. Texte critique
avec une traduction par F. Genin. 8vo., sd. 1850 0
4669 Schoetensach (H. A.). Beitrag zu einer wissenschaftl. Grundlage
fur etymologische Untersuchungen auf dem gebiete der franzosisohen
Sprache. 8vo., sewed Bonn, 1883
4670 Stengel (E.). Das Altfranzdsische Rolandslied. 8vo., sewed 1878
4671 Thierkopf (P.). Der stammhafte Wechsel im Normannischen.
8vo., sewed 1880
4372 Tristan. Recueil de ce qui reste des Poeraes relatifs a ses Avent-
ures, composes en Francois, en Anglo-Normand, et en Grec dans les
XII et XIII Si&cles. Public par Francisqne Michel. 2 vols., 12mo.j
thick coloured paper ; green morocco extra 1835 2
4673 Vaux-de-Vire of Maistre Jean Le Houx. Edited and translated by
Jas. P. Muirhead. 8vo., cloth 1885 0
4674 Victor (W.). Die Biandschriften der Geste dea Loherains. 8vo.,
towed Digitized by y -i
ginai rrom
1875 0
«. d.
2 0
10 0
4 0
7 0
5 0
12 0
3 0
12 0
6 0
9 0
7 -6
1 0
15 0
10 6
4 0
2 0
0 0
10 0
0 0
10 0
5 0
4 6
1 6
2 0
10 0
2 0
Normand et Gaston
Romance Languages and Literature, continued
5ocl£t£ des Anciens Textes Fran^ais : 8vo., cloth
Sold separately:
4675 Aiol. Chanson de geste. Par MM. J.
4676 Brun de la Montaigne. Par Paul Meyer
4677 Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel (1343-1468). Par S. Luce.
Tome I. 1879
4678 Daurel et Beton. Par Paul Meyer 1880
4679 Debat (Le) Des Herauts d’Armes de France et d’Angleterre.
Commencee par L. Pannier et acheveo par M. Paul Meyer 1877
4680 Deschamps. CEuvres Completes d’Eustache Deschamps publiees
par Le Marquis Dc Queux de Saint-Hilnire. Tomes I et II. 1878-80
4681 Eliede Sainte Gille. Par G. Raynaud 1879
4682 Guillaume de Palerne public . . . par H. Michelant 1876
4683 Miracles de Nostre-Dame. Par Gaston Paris et Ulysse Robert.
Tomes 1-5 1876-80
4681 Mist£re (Le) du Vieil Testament, public par Le Baron James de
Rothschild. Tomes I et II 1878-9
4685 Saint (Le) Voyage de Jh6rusalem du Seigneur d’Anglure, publitS
par Francois Bonnardot et Auguste Longnon 1878
4686 Wace (Robert). Le Roman de Rou et des Dues de Normandie,
publie pour la premiere fois par Pluquet. 2 role., roy. 8vo., Large
Paper, sd. 1827-9
Romansch of the Engadine:
4687 Martineau (R.). On the Romonsch or Rhsetian Language in tbo
Orisons and Tirol. 8vo., sewed Philol. Soc ., 1884
4688 Riolano (C.). Martyrologium magnum; oder, il Cudesch grand dels
Martyrs. Sm. 4to., vellum Stampa in Strada in Engadina Bassa, 1718
The work contains the History of the English Martyrs in Kom&nsch.
Romaic, Modern Greek:
4689 Anastassion (N.). Greek Self-Taught (Modern). 12mo., cloth 1904
4690 Contopulos (N.). Lexicon of Modern-Greek-English and English-
Modern Greek. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1875
4691 -- Lexicon Aggloellenikon. 1892 — Greek-English Lexicon.
1900;—together, 2 vols., roy. 8vo., sd. 1892-1900.
4 C 92 Kyriakides (A.). Greek-English Dictionary, with an Appendix of
Cypriote Words. 8vo., hf. bd. Nicosia, 1892
4693 Lascarides. English — Ancient and Modern Greek Lexicon.
Founded upon a Manuscript of G. P. Lascarides and compiled by
L. Myriantheus. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., cloth 1882
4694 Lowndes. Modern Greek and English Lexicon. 2 vols., 8vo., hf.
morocco Corfu , 1827-37
Sclavonic Languages:
4695 Baranowskiego (J. J.). Anglo-Polish and Polish-English Diction¬
ary. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth 1883-84
4696 Kancyonal Piesni Naboznych, Wedlug obrxedow Kosciola
Swietago Katolickiego. Oblong 24mo , old calf, gilt edges Cracow, 1721
Russian :
4697 Alexandrow (A.). English-Russian Dictionary. Second Edition,
enlarged. Roy. 8vo., cloth St. Pttersburgh , 1891
4698 Reiff (C. P.). Englisb-Russian Grammar. 8vo., cloth 1862
4699 -■-Russian-French-German-English Dictionary. 8vo., hf. bd.
4700 -English-Russian-French-German Dictionary. 8vo., sewed
4701 Thompson_^(A. R.L Dialogues, Russian and English. Cr. 8vo.,
d °‘ k “itized bv GoOgle UNIVERSITY OFMICHIGAN ® 2
£ s. d.
0 6 0
0 3 0
0 6 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 12 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
15 0
0 10 0
0 5 0
1 1 0
0 2 6
1 1 0
0 2 6
0 12 0
l 4 0
0 6 0
0 12 6
0 10 6
0 5 0
1 1 0
0 10 6
0 2 6
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 16
Ugrian Languages:
4702 Eliot (C. N. E.)* A Finnish Grammar. Cr. 8vo., limp morocco 1890
4703 Renvall (Oust.)* Lexicon Linguae Finnic© interpretations Latin6
et Germanice. 2 vols. in 1, 4to., hf. calf 1826
4701 Magyar. Bowring (John). Poetry of the Magyars (translated)
preceded by a sketch of the Language. l2mo., bds. 1830
4705 Gipsey. Hoyland (John). Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits,
and Present State of the Gypsies. Post 8vo., half bound 1816
Bonaparte (Prince Louis Lucien). Philological Works and Tracts by,
or Produced under the direction of Prince L. L. Bonaparte.
These important contributions to Philology were only produced in
very small numbers—in no case were more than 256 copies produced.
4706 Bonaparte (Prince L. L.). Sped- ) 4723 Jonah. Profezia di Giona. in
men Lexid Comparativi omnium Lin-
goarum Europaarum. 4to., 9* 1847
4707 -Dialogues basques : Guipus-
coans, par A. P. Iturriaga, Biscaiens
par le r. I. A. du Uriarte, Labourdins
par M. de Cap. J. Duvoisin, Souletina
par M. l’Abb4 Inchauspe, avec traduc¬
tions Espagnole et Fraufaisc. Obi.
Svo., hf. bd. ; rare, 17s 6d 1857
4708 -Canticum trium puerorum in
XI Vaacouicae linguae dialectoa
versum. 4to., hf. bd., 6* 1868
4709 - - in septera praecipnaa
Vasconicae Linguae dialectoa versum.
4to., hf. bd., 5s 1868
4710 -Catalogues des Ouvrages de
Linguistique Kurop6ennc, edit6s par lo
Prince L. L. Bonaparte. 16mo., sewed,
8s; or, red morocco, 6s 1858
4711 - Catalogue (Deuxi&me) des
Ouvrages destines a faciliter l'Ltude
des Languca Europ4ennes. 16mo.,
4s 6d 1862
4712 -Langne basque et langnes
finnoises. 4to., 7s 6d 1862
4713 -Formnlaire de prone conserve
dans I’6glise d’Arbonne, re-6dito par
L. L. Bonaparte. 8vo., Ss 1866
4714 - en langue basque snivi des
observations sur les sous-dialectes bas-
navarrais et navarro-soulctins, par
L. L. Bonaparte. 8vo., 4s 6 d 1866
4715 -Nouvelles Observations sur les
dialectes de la Corse. 8vo., Is 6d 1877
4716 -Neuter Neo-Latinsubstantive*.
8ro., Is 6d 1880
4717 -Postscript to the above. 8vo.,
Is 1883
4718 Gbne 8!8. Storia di Giuseppe
Ebreo : Capi 37 e 39-46 della Genesi,
in dialelto Sardo Logudorese da Spano.
8vo., 4s 1861
4719 -in dialetto Sardo Cag-
laritano, da Abis. 8vo., 10s 1861
4720 -in dialetto 8ardo Tem-
piese, da Porqueddu. 8vo., 10s 1862
4721 -in dialetto sardo sassarese
dal can. Giovanni Spano. 8vo., 58pp.,
10s 1863
4722 Inchauspe. Le Verbe Basque.
4 to., sewed, £1 Bayonne, 1858
4723 John (Saint). Jesucristoren Evan-
gelio Sandua Jnanec Dacarran Guisara.
4 to., sewed, 15s 1868
4724 Jonah. Profezia di Giona, in dto-
letto Sardo Oagliaritano, dai Abis,
16mo .,2s zed by QL0861
in dialetto Venesiano, da
lCmo., 10s 1859
in dialetto Bergamaseo,
1 C mo., 10s 1860
in dichetto Genovese, da
16mo., 5s 1860
in dialetto Friulano, dal
dialetto Sardo Logudorese, da C. G.
Spano. 16mo, 2s 1861
4726 -in dialetto Sardo Tem-
piese, da P. Porqueddu. lttroo., 2s 1862
4727 -in dialetto Bardo sossor-
ese dal Can. G. Spano. lGmo., 2s 6d
4728 Matthew (Saint). Evangciii
Matthici Capi I, Neo-Fritici, & Hal-
bertama. 16mo.,3s 1837
4729 -Evangelie van Mattheus ver-
taald in Land-Frieich, door Halberts-
ma. 4to., £1 1858
4730 -«EI Evangeliosegon San Mateo,
traducido al Vascuence, dialecto Gui-
puzcoano por el P. Fr. Jose Ant. de
Uriarte para el Trine. Luis-Luciano
Bonaparte. 8vo., 15s 1858
4731 -Vangelo di S. Mat too in dia¬
letto Milanese, da Ant. Pioozzi. lCmo.,
G. Fontana.
4733 -
da Locatelli.
G. Olivieri.
Conte P. dal Pozzo. 16mo., 10s 1860
4736 -in dialetto Sardo Cag-
liaritano, da Abis. 16mo., 10s 1860
4737 - indialettoNapoletano,da
on letteratodi Napoli. 16mo., 10s 1861
4738 -in dialetto Sardo Gall-
urese di Tempio, dal Mundula. 16mo.,
10s 1861
4739 - - in dialetto Sieiliano, da
Scalia. 16mo., 10s 1861
4740 -in didletto Cor so. 16mo..
10s 1861
4741 -in dialetto Romana, da
Catcrbi et L. L. Bonaparte. 16mo.,
5s 1861
4742 - - in dialetto Piemontese.
16mo., 6* 1861
4743 -in dialetto Calabrese
Cosentino, da Lucenle. 16mo , 10 s 1362
4744 -in dialetto Bolognese, da
Pepoli. 16mo.. 10s 1862
4745 -tr&duit en normand de
Quemesey d’aprta la version fran$aiso
de Lemaitre de Sacy, par Georges
M6tivier. 16mo., 8s 1863
4746 -traduit en picard ami6-
nois d'apr^s la version fran^aise de
i Lemaistre de Sacy, par Edouard Paris.
, 16mo., » 0 « UN|VERS|TY 0F M | C |*jfg^ N
£ s. d.
0 3 G
0 14 0
0 7 G
0 5 0
Bonaparte (Prince Louis Lucien), continued:
& i. d.
4747 Mattokw (Saint). Evangelium in
den ostlichen Dialect des Livischen zum
ersten Male iibersetzt Ton dem Liven
N. Polmann, durchgesehen von F. J.
Wiedemann. 16mo., 10s
in den westlichen Dialed
des Livischtn iibersetzt von dem Liven
J. Prinz und dessen Solinen P. Print
and J. P. Prinz, durchgesehen von
F. J. Wiedemann. 16mo., 10s 1863
4749 - - i coljakisch, mit Hiilfe
eines eingeborenen Wotjaken redigirt
von F. J. Wiedemann. IGmo , 10s 1863
4760 -en dialect franc-eomtois
de la valine basse de Doubs, par Ch.
Thnriet. 16mo., 10s 1864
4761 -in siidkarelischer Mun-
dart von F. J. Wiedemann. 16mo.,
8s 1864
4762 - syrjiinisch. IGmo., 10s
4763 - ersa-mordwinisch, rcvid-
irt von Wiedemann. 16mo., 10s 1865
4764 -in diaUtto romagnuolo
faentino dal 8ig. Antonio Morri.
16mo., 6s 1865
4755 -in dialetto sardo sassa-
reie, dal can G. Spnno. 16mo., 6s 1866
4756 -d’aprds la version fran-
<;aise de Lcmaialre de Sacy, traduit
en provenral marsexUais tnodeme par
Feraud. 16mo., 5s 1866
4757 --in den nordlichen Dia¬
lect d(s rermischen zum ersten Male
ubcrsetzt von Popov. 16mo., 8s 1866
4768 - tscheremissisch (so gen-
onnter Berg-dialekt des rechten Wol-
gauftrs) nach der Ausprache eines
Kosmodemianskischen Tscberemissen
revidirt von Wiedemann. 16mo., 10s
4759 *-(in dialetto albanese di
Piana de’ Greci in Sicilia da un nativo
di qnesto loogo, rivednto e corretto da
Don Demetrio Carmarda. 16mo., 8s
4760 -- in dialetto calabro-
albanese di Frascineto dal V. Dorsa,
riveduto c corretto da Don Demetrio
Carmarda. 16mo., 8s 1869
4761 --in den Dialect der kon-
dischen Wogulin im Gonvernement
Tobolsk, iibersetzt von G. Popov.
16mo., 10 s 1868
4762 -in den Dialect der
Obdorskischen Ostjakcn, iibersetzt von
Wologodski. IGmo., 68 1868
4763 -in dialetto Albanese
ghego scutarino dal Fr. Rossi da Mon-
talto, rivednto da G. Crasnicb. If mo.,
8s 1870
4764 Matthew (Saint). Kvangelinm
tscheremissich in den so genannten
Walddialekt des liiiiton Wolgaufers
mit Hiilfe eines wjntkaschcn
Tscberemissen iibertragen von F. J.
Wiedemann. 16mo., 8s 1870
4765 Notb sur l’Orthograpbie picarde
par Paris. 16 mo., 2s 1862
4766 Parabola de seminatore cx evan-
gelio Matthoei in LXXH Europaeas
linguas ac dialectos versa et Romanis
characteribus expiessa. By 1’iince
L. L. Bonaparte. 8vo., sewed, 7s 6i ;
or, red morocco gilt, gilt top; scarce,
15s 1867
4767 - another copy. 8vo., russio
gilt, edges red and gill gouffri. £1
4768 Ruth. Libro di Rat, in dialetto
Bar do meridionals, da Abis. 32mo.,
2s6d 1860
4769 - in dialetto Siciliano, da
Scalia. 32mo., 2s 6d 1860
4770 -in dialstto Bardo cen¬
trals. 32mo., 3s C d 1861
4771 -in dialetto Bardo Bette n-
trionale Tempiese, da Spano. 32mo.,
2s 6d 1861
4772 -in dialetto sardo sassar
tee dal Can. G. Spano. 32mo., 2s 1863
4773 Solohoii. The Song of Solomon
in Lowland Scotch. From the autho¬
rized version by Henry Scott Riddell.
4to., hf. bd.,4s 6d 1858
4774 - Canticum Canticomm Salo¬
mons tribns Vasconicao linguae dia¬
lectic in Unpania vigentibns versum
opera et studio Jos. A. do Uriarte.
4to., 6a 1858
4775 -Piesni Piesnei tsara Solomona
(the Seng of Solomon in Russian"),
16mo.,2s 1858
4776 -Salomo'8 Hobe Lied in Sis-
benburgischsiichsischer Bprache, von
Scivert. IGmo., 2s 1839
4777 - Cantico de’ Cantici di Sal-
mone, in dialetto Siciliano, da L.
Scalia. 16mo.,2s6d 1860
4778 -in dialetto Sardo meri-
dionale, da Abis. 16mo., 2s 1860
4779 -in dialetto Sardo centrals.
16mo., 2s 1861
4780 -in dialetto Sardo Setten-
trionale Tempiese. IGmo., 2s 1861
4781 - Song of Solomon, in Scucon-
English, by G. M. Green. 16mo.,
2s 6d 18G2
4782 Specimen d’ortbcgi apbe applicable
anx dialectes de la langne d’oil. IGmo.,
16 pp., 2s 1967
4783 AUonville. M6moires tires des papiers d’nn Homme d’Etat, sur lea
causes seerdtes qui ont determine la politique des cabinets daus les
guerres de la Revolution. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., half calf 1838-41
4784 Archives de 1’Empire. Inventaires et Documents publics par Ordre
de l’Empereur. Monuments Historiques, par Jules Tardif. 4to., sewed
0 7 0
0 7
Anacreon, Sapho, Bion, et Moschus. Traduotion nouvelle en Prose,
suivie de la Veillee des F6tes de Yenus, et d’un choix des Pieces de
differens Auteurs. Par M. M[outonnet] C[lairfons]. Large 8vo., calf,
gilt back, in a morocco case 1773
Anselme. Histoire Qeuealogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale
de France, des Pairs, Grands Officiers de la Couronne A de la Maison
du Roy : & des anciens Barons du Royaume . . . Par le P. Anselme
. . . continues par M. du Fourny. Troi3i6me Edition. 9 vols., folio,
Large Paper, mottled calf gilt 1726-33
- The same. 9 vols., folio. Large Paper, the arms in Vol. I. being
carefully coloured ; fine copy in veau fauve with coronet and monogram on
back and rides, from the libraries of the Due de Valentinois and Sir Robert
Peel 1726-33
Bailly (A.). Histoire Financiers de la France. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1830
Balzac (H. de). (Euvres Completes. 20 vols., 8vo., hf. blue morocco
neat, the contents lettered 1855
-Lettres Familieres de Monsieur de Balzac & Monsieur Chapelain.
Sm. 8vo., vellum 1656
Barante. Histoire des Dues de Bonrgogne de la Maison de Yalois,
1364-1477. Troisidme Edition. 11 vols. in 10, 8vo., calf neat 1825
- The same. 12 vols. in 6, 8vo., and an atlas containing 14
maps; tree calf gilt, the atlas half calf, uniform 1817-8
- Histoire de la Convention Nationals. 6 vols., 1851-3.—Histoire
dn Directoire de la Republique Frangaise. 3 vols., 1855;—together
9 vols., large 8vo., half morocco neat 1851-5
B4ranger (P. J.). Oeuvres Completes. 4 vols., 8vo., with portrait
and 103 plates; hf. calf 1834
-Another edition. 2 vols., post 8vo., with 44 engravings after
Johannot, a fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford 1843
Another edition. 2 vols., 8vo., with 53 plates; hf. bd.
Bernard (P. J.). CEuvres. 4to , Papier Volin, with proofs before letters
of the 4 plates by Prud'hon; red morocco 1797
4798 Berquin. Idylles, par M. Berquin. II 0 Edition. 2 vols. in 1, 16mo.,
with 24 plates by Manllicr; green morocyo extra (1755 ?)
4799 Bertrand de Moleville (A. F.). Private Memoirs relative to tho
last year of the reign of Lewis the Sixteenth. 3 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1797
4800 Biographie Generate (Nouvelle). Publiee sous la Direction do
M. le Dr. Hoefer. 46 vols., 8vo., sewed 1852-62
4801 Biographie Universelle, ancienne et moderne. 52 vols.—Mytho-
logie. 3 vols. (53-55)—Supplement, 30 vols. (A-Vil, all published);
—together 85 vols., 8vo., half vellum 1811-62
4802 Blondeau (N.). Dictionnaire Erotique Latin-Franoaise. Edite . . .
aveedes Notes et Additions de F. Noel. Post 8vo., hf. bd. 1885
-the same. Post 8vo., sewed, £1. 8s; or, half morocco 1885
4808 --
Boileau-Despr6aux (Nicholas). CEuvres, avec des 'Eclaircissemens
historiques, donnez par lui-meme. Nouvelle Edition (par Brossette).
2 vols., folio, a very fine copy in old French morocco; gilt edges 1718
The lower side of tne binding of vol. II has been slightly scratched.
-the same. Nouvelle Edition . . avec des remaraues et des
dissertations critiques par M. de Bt. Marc. 5 vols., 8vo., blue morocco
extra by Courteval 1747
Bonne (M.). Atlas Maritime, ou Cartes reduites de toutes les C6tes de
France. 12mo., old French morocco gilt (1762)
Bouquet (Dom Martin). Rerum Galliearum et Francicarum
Scriptores ; Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et do la France, par
Horn M. Bouquet et autres Religieux de St. Maur, avec les Continua¬
tions. g2 vols., folio, twenty-one vols. whole calf, the l&st vol. sewed
—- j^^cueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Nouvelle
FditiQ^' 19 vols , folio, half rnorocco Original
£ 8 . d ,
8 8 0
17 17 0
18 18 0
0 5 0
7 7 0
0 12 0
10 0
2 0 0
1 5 0
1 15 0
6 10 0
0 16 0
5 5 0
4 0 0
0 15 0
5 5 0
15 0
1 11 6
22 10 0
16 16 0
0 15 0
21 0 0
18 18 0
4809 Bouchet. Les Serees de Guillaume Bouchet, Sieur de Broncourt.
3 parts in 1 vol., sm. 8vo., Best Edition; calf 1614
4810 Brantome. CEuvres . . . nouvelle Edition [par Le Duchat, Lancelot
et P. Marchand]. 15 vols., 18mo., yellow morocco extra 1740
4811 -the same. 15 vols., sm. 8vo. (12mo.), calf 1779
4812 -Les Vies des Dames Galantes . . . augmentees des Notes critiques,
par E. Vignon. 3 vols., 12mo., half morocco 1879
4813 -the same. 3 vols., 12mo., half morocco, gilt tops , uncut 1879
4814 Broglie (A. de). Question de Religion et d’Histoire. 2 vols, 8vo.,
half calf 1860
4815 Bussy-Rabutin (Cte. de). Histoire AmoureuEe des Gaules. 2 vols.,
12mo., half calf 1857
4816 Capefigue (J.). Charlemagne. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1842
4817 -Histoire de la Restauration et des Causes qui ont amene la chute
• de la branche ain^e des Bourbons. 4 vols., 12mo., half calf 1842-1
4818 -Histoire de France au Mojen Age depuis Philippe-Auguste
jusqu’A la fin du regne de Louis XI. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo., half calf 1843
4819 -L’Europe depuis l’avenement du roi Louis-Philippe. 16 vols. in
8, 16mo., half calf 1845-7
4820 Caraccioli (Antoine, Marquis de). Le Livre de Quatre Couleurs.
Aux Quatre-eleraents, de lTmprimerie des Quatre-Saisons. 4444.
12mo., printed in four colours ; calf 1757
4821 -Le Livre k la Mode. A Vert-Feuille, de lTmprimerie du Prin-
temps, au Perroquet. I/Annee nouvelle. Printed in green (1759)
— Le Livre & la Mode. Nouvelle Edition, marquet6e, polie et verniss^e.
En Europe, chez les Librairos, 100070060. Printed in red (Paris,
1760) ;—in 1 vol., 12mo., russia gilt 1759-60
4822 Carisarye des Artisans (La), on recueil nouveau des plus agreables
Chansons, 1862—Recueil des Chansons du Savoyard, 1862;—2 vols.
in 1, 12mo., red morocco 1862
4823 Carn£ (Count Louis de). Etudes sur l’Histoire du Gouvernement
Representatif en France de 1789 k 1848. 2 vols., 8vo., calf 1855
4824 Caron (P. S.). Collection de differens Ouvrages anciens poesies et
faceties, r6imprimes par soin. Bound in 3 vols., 12mo., russia extra,
yellow edges (Paris, 1798-1806)
4825 Casanova (J.). Memoires. 8vo., 12mo., buckram n. d.
4826 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles (Les). 2 vols., 12mo., with 100 plates by
Bomain de Hooge; green morocco extra 1701
4827 Chateaubriand (Le Vicomte de). GSuvres Completes. 36 vols.,
8vo., with portrait and plates; half calf 1837
4828 Choiseul (Due de). Memoires. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., hf. bd. 1790
4829 Collection des Auteurs Classiques Francois et Latins. 9 vols., post
8vo., Papier Velia; old French red morocco by Derome le Jeune, with
the arms of the Duke of Sutherland on sides 1784-89
Collections of Memoirs, Chronicles, etc.:
4830 Archives Curieuses de l’Histoire de France. Premiere s6rie. 15
vols. 1834-7. Deuxieme Serie. 12 vols. 1837-40;—together 27 vols.,
8vo , half morocco, each series in a distinctive colour 1834-40
A supplement to the collections of Guizot, Bnchon, and Petitot.
4831 Buchon. Collection des Chroniques Nationales Franchises, avec
Notes et Eclaircissements, par J. A. Buchon. 47 vols., 8vo., hf. bd.,
£3. 3s; or, calf neat 1826-28
4832 Collection de Documents inedits sur l’Histoire de France, publies
par Ordre du Roi et par les soins du Ministre de l’lnstruction Pupliquc.
A collection of 75 vols. 73 vols. 4to., and 2 vols. atlas folio, half calf
4833 Guizot. Collection des Memoires r^latifs a l’Histoire de France.
31 vols., 8vo., half calf, £4; or, calf 1823-35
4834 -the ifaShe* 31 |v©ls., 8vo , half morocco neat iginal from 1823-35
mi\/pdcitv nr mi
LiU 1
s. d.
16 0
0 0
12 0
5 0
12 G
5 0
4 O
4 O
8 0
5 O
12 0
10 0
12 0
10 0
5 0
2 0
12 O
10 O
10 0
7 6
11 0
13 G
10 0
16 0
0 0
0 0
Collections of Memoirs, Chronicles, etc., continued :—
4835 Leber. Collection des meilleors Dissertations, notices et trails
particuliers relatifs a l’histoire de France, par C. Leber. 20 vols., 8ro.,
half morocco neat 1838
4836 Michaud et Poujoulat. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires pour
servir k l’Histoire de France, depnis le XIII 0 siecle jusqu’a la tin dn
XVIII. 32 vols., roy. 8vo., half morocco; or, bound in 34, hf. calf 1836-9
4837 Perrin. Collection Universelle des Memoires. Partioaliers relatifs a
THistoire de France [Redigee par Perrin]. Vols. 1-62. 1785-90—
Table Generate, 1790-1;—64 vols., 8vo., calf
4838 Petitot. Collection des Memoires relatifs a 1’
Premiere Serie]. 52 vols. 1820-27—[Seconde
,820-29;—together 130 vols. in 131, 8vo., calf -
4889 -the same. Second Series separately. 78
de France
Serie]. 78 vols.
vols , 8vo., half
4840 Commines. Les Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines . . . 18mo.,
mottled calf neat Jacques Ohouet, 1593
4841 Cond£. Histoire des Prinoes de Cond6 pendant les XVI° et XVII®
sieclos, par M. le Dnc D’Aamale. 7 vols. and Index, 8vo., with folio
atlas, sd. 1885-96
4842 Constitution Franfaise (La), presentee an Roi le 3 Septembre
1791, et acoeptee par sa Majesty le 14 da mSme mois. 12mo., printed on
vellum, half morocco 1791
4843 Corneille (T.). Pofimes Dramatiqaes. 3 parts in 2 vols., sm. 8vo.,
with 2 frontispieces, in the original calf, repaired Bourn, 1661-6
This first edition of T. Corneille is extremely rare.
4844 -Theatre, avec des Commentaires (par Voltaire). 12 vols., 8vo.,
with portraits and plates ; half morocco, uncut 1764
To this copy has been added several portraits and a set of unlettered proofs of a series
of plates by Morean le Jeune.
-Oenvres. 12 vols., 8vo. 1854-5—Moliere. Oeuvres. 6 vols.,
8vo. 1845—Racine (J.). Oenvres Completes. 6 vols., 8vo. 1844 ;
together, 24 vols., 8vo., uniformly bound in calf, backs fully gilt; a fine
set 1844-55
4846 Courtaulx. Memoires et Recherches de Franoe, et de la Ganlle.
Acquitanique da Siear Jean de la Haye, Baron des Conrtaulx. 16mo.,
veau fauve 1581
48 47 Cousin (V.). Madame de Sable: Etudes sar les femmes illnstres et
la societe da XVII* sifecle. 8vo., hf. calf 1854
4848 Cr£billon (J. de). CEavres Complettes. 3 vols., 8vo., Large Paper,
with brilliant proofs of the portrait and 9 plates by Marillier; fine copy,
with some rough uncut edges, in old French red morocco gilt 1785
To this copy has been added a superb portrait by Ficqnet.
4849 Crebillon-fils. Contes Dialogues. 8vo., sd. 1879
4850 D'Artagnan. Memoires . . contenant quantity de choses qui se sont
pass6es sons le Regne de Loais le Grand. 3 vols., 12mo., crimson
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford 1700-01
M&noires ... 3 vols., 12mo., calf ' 1715
De la Borderie (A.). Lutte des Bretons Insalaires contre les Anglo-
Saxons du V® an VII* siecle. 12mo., half morocco 1867
Delavigne (Casimer). GSavres Completes. 6 vols., 8vo., straight-
grained olive morocco, gilt edges 1854
Delilfe (Jacques). L’Homme des Champs, on Les GSorgiques Fran¬
coises. Roy. 8vo., with 4 plates and 8 vignettes, proofs before the
inscriptions, printed in colours, and a portrait; original half morocco,
uncut 1805
Delvau (Alfred). Le The&tre Erotique Fran^ais eous le Bas-Empire.
Cr. 8vo., half calf (1883?)
_Dictionnaire Erotique Moderne. post 8vo., half morocco n - d.
D’Eon. Lettres, Memoires, et Negotiations P&rticulieres da Chevalier
D’Eon. 2 vols., 12mo., old calf *765
~ Original frl2
£ *. d.
4 10 0
7 10 0
2 10 0
21 0 0
10 0 0
1 16 0
1 10 0
6 6 0
21 0 0
21 0 0
13 10 0
0 16 0
0 5 0
32 0 0
0 6 0
7 15 0
2 5 0
0 3 6
l 16 0
5 5 0
0 6 0
1 10 O
0 8 0
t. d.
4858 Denon (Vivant). Point de Lendeman: oonte illustrl de treize com¬
position do Paul Avril. 8vo., with portrait and plates; citron morocco
super-extra, with a rich Watteau decoration on the sides, broad inside
dentdle, brocade* doublures and linings, gilt edges, in a half morocco
chemise enclosed in a case by Rubin 1889
One of 12 copies printed on Japanese yellum with the plates in three states.
4856 Description des Festes donnees par la Ville de Paris, a l’Oocasion da
Manage de Madame Louise Elisabeth de France, & de Dom. Philippe.
Infant & Grand Amiral d’Espagne, les vingt-nouvieme & trentilme
Aout mil sept cent trenteneuf. Atlas folio, with 13 beautiful plates (8
folding ) ; fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Padeloup, with the
City Arms in gold on the sides 1740
4860 Deshoulieres (Mme.). Oeuvres choisies. 18mo., half morocco 1795
4861 des-Rues (Francois). Description contenant toutes les singularitez
des plus oelebres Villes et places du Royaume de France. Sm. 8vo.,
vellum a Troyes (1610 P)
4862 Domene. Cartnlare Monasterii beatornm Petri et Pauli de Domina.
8vo., green morocco extra 1859
4863 Dorat (C. J.). Les Malheurs de l’lnconstanoe. 2 pts. in 1 vol., sm.
8vo ., calf gilt 1772
4864 -Lettre d’Alcibiade k Glicere, 1764—Lettre de Zl'ila, a Valconr,
1764—Rlponse de Yalcour & Zeila, 1766—Lettre de Cain aprls son
Crime, 1765—Epitre a Catherine II., 1765—Malfilatre (J.-ch.-L.). Nar-
cisse dans l’lsle de Venus, ». d. together in 1 vol., 8vo., with fine
impressions of the plates and vignettes, citron morocco, super-extra 1764-5
4865 Du Bartas. Commentaires sur la Sepmaine (et la Seconde Sepmaine)
de la Creation dn Monde, de Guillaume de Saluste, sieur du Bartas. 2
vols., 12mo., original vellum a Rouen, 1597-6
4866 Du Deffond (Mme.). Correspondanoe inedite. 2 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1859
4867 Dupin. Memoires de M. Dupin. 4 vols., 8vo., half morocco, gilt
tops 1855-61
4868 D’Ussieux. Le Dlcamlron Francois. Par M. d’Ussieuz. 2 vols.,
8vo., with plates, vignettes, and tail-pieces, by Caresme, Eisen and others ;
blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Masson-Debonelle 1783
4869 Erasmus. Eloge de la Folie d’Erasme. Tradnit par V. Develay, et
acoompagnl des dessins de Hans Holbein. Roy. 8vo., red morocco
extra 1872
4870 Eug&ne (Prince). Memoires et Correspondence politique et militaire.
Publics, annotes et mis en ordre par A. Du Casse. 10 vols., 8vo., half
morocco 1858-60
4871 Faclties, Raretls et Curiosit6s Litteraires: Les Joyeusetez Faoecies et
Folastres Imaginacions de Carsesme Prenant, Gauthier Garguille, eto.
16 vols., 1829-37—Lyon Merchant: Satyre Francoise, 1541—Disoours
Joyeux des Friponniers et Friponniereres. Rouen, n.d.; —in 1 vol.,
reprints, 1831—Nicodemi Frischlini Balingensis Facetiae Selections,
1603 ;—together 18 vols., 16mo., olive morocco gilt 1829 etc.
4872 Favre (M. de). Les Quatre Heures de la Toilette des Dames, poeme
erotique. Roy. 8vo., frontispiece, four plates and tail-pieces, by Le Clerc,
brown morocco, uncut edges 1780
4873 Flaubert (Gustave). Herodias. Compositions des Georges Roche-
gross e gravies a l’eau-forte par Champollion. Preface par Anatole
France. 8vo., brown morocco super-extra, inlaid with various coloured
moroccos to a very handsome design, differing on each side ; gilt edges, in a
half morocco chemise, enclosed in case, by Meunier 1892
Edition de grand luxe, printed on a specially made paper, with the plates in three states.
4874 Francisque-Michel et Edouard Fournier. Histoire des Hotelleries,
Cabarets, Courtilles, et des anoiennes Oommunautls et Confreries. 2
vols. in 1, i ( ftorocco .._. r ^' n l _ r °™ 1859
0 O
0 0
18 O
1 0
6 O
12 G
0 0
1 0
8 0
16 0
10 0
4 0
4 0
12 0
12 0
0 0
6 0
£ s. d.
0 14 0
2 2 0
0 14 0
Flasson (M. de). Histoire Gen6rale et Raisonnee de la Diplomatie
FransaiBeB. 7 vols., 8vo., half calf 1811
Gavarni. Le Diable & Paris. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., with numerout plates by
Qavarni; half morocco 1845-6
- Les Etrangers a Paris. Roy. 8vo., with numerous plates by
Qavarni; half calf 8 . d.
[Genlis (Comtesse de)]. Adele et Theodore. 3 vols., 8vo., old French
red morocco gilt, with the arms of George III 1782 12 0 0
The escutcheon on the binding was undoubtedly added by the French binder, as the
design, although correct, is thoroughly French in character.
Gibert de Montreuii. Histoire de . . Prince Gerard Comte de
Nevers et de la . . Princesse Enriant de Savoye sa mye. 2 vols. in 1,
Bm. 8vo., calf . (1727) 0 15 0
Gondar (J.). Ghroniques Francises, publieea par F. Michel. Post
8vo., cloth [I860?] 1 1 0
Reprinted from a XVth century MS.
Grammont. Memoires dn Comte Grammont. Nouvelle Edition, aug-
mentee des notes par M. Horace Walpole. 4to., calf 1783 0 10 0
Gr£court. (Envres Completes de Gr6oonrt. 4 vols., 8vo., papier velin ,
with a set of proofs before letters and fine impressions of the plates by
Fragonart fils; red morocco super-extra 1796 14 14 0
Gresset. Le Parrain Magnifique, Poeme en Chants. Roy. 8vo., printed
on vellum, with 2 plates designed by Moreau in 2 states: proofs before
letters and etchings; half calfuncut 1810 15 15 0
Grimm et Diderot. Correspondance Litfceraire. 15 vols., 1829-31—
Correspondance inedite. 1 vol.;—together 16 vols., 8vo., red calf 1829-31
Guizot. Histoire de la Civilisation en Franoe depois la chnte de
1’Empire Romain. 4 vols., 8vo., half calf 1840 0 3 0
-Histoire de la Revolution d’Angleterre. 6 vols. 1856—Monk:
Chnte de la Republiqne et Retablissement de la Monarchic en Angle-
terre en 1660. 1851—Etudes Biographiques sur la Revolution
d’Angleterre. 1851—Histoire des Origens du Gouvernement Represen-
tatif en Europe. 2 vols., 1851;—together 10 vols., 8vo., calf extra 1851-6
-Corneille et son Temps—Shakspeare et son Temps ;—2 vols., 8vo.,
hf. calf ' 1852
Etudes sur les Beaux-Arta en general. 1852—Meditations et
2 8 0
1 10 0
0 4 0
Etudes Morales. 1852—L’Eglise et la Societe Chr£tiennes en 1861.
1861;—together 3 vols., 8vo., half calf 1852-61
- Memoirs pour servir a 1'histoire de mon temps. 8 vols. 1858-
67—Histoire Parlementaire de France. 5 vols. 1863-4;—together
13 vols., 8vo., mottled calf gilt and half calf uniform 1858-67
-L’Histoire de France . . . racontoes 4 mes petits-enfants. 4 vols.,
roy. 8vo., hf. calf 1873-5
L’Amour dans le Marriage: Etude historique. Post 8vo., calf 1879
0 5 0
1 16 0
0 10 0
0 6 0
3 3 0
3 3 0
0 3 6
[Hubert (F.)]. Description poetique de l’Histoire du beau Narcissus.
18mo., old French red morocco extra 1550
This copy realised £8. 8i at the Beckford sale.
Hannon (T.). Rimes de Joie. Avec un Preface par J. K. Huysmans.
Poet 8vo., with frontispiece and 3 etchings by F>'licien Kops; sd. 1881
Haussonville. Histoire de la Politique Kxt£rienre du Gouvernement
Franfais, 1830-48. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., hf. bd. 1850
Henri HI et les Guises. (MS. Title:) Collection des Pieces interres-
santes relatives a Henry III et aux Guyses, Ac. 1587-9. 23 pieces
bound in 2 vols., morocco gilt, gilt edges; scarce 1587-9
Henry IV. Histoire des Amours de Henry IV, avec diverses lettres
escrites a ses maitresses, et autre pieces curieuses [par Louise de
Lorraine, Princesse de Conti]. 16mo., vellum 1663
Heros (Les) de la France sortans de la Barque de Caron, s’entretenans
aveo Mm. LouvoispColbert] e£ Seignelai. 18mo., witho plates, yellow
morocco gr zed by UNIVERS Cologne, 1693 . 1 10 0
l<> •
15 0 0
0 10 0
4898 Hfetoire Literaire de la France. Par des Religieux Benedictins n
la Congregation de 8. Maur. Vole. I—XX. 4to., fine set in mott±~
calf gilt 1733-1**)
4899 -the same. Yols. I—XIY, in 15, 4to., thirteen vols. in old calf c YV
two vols. in doth 173_ i
4900 Hotoman. Franco-Gallia, or an Acoount of . . . France. TraniSa.:. r
into English. 8vo., calf ^
4901 Houssaye (Henry). Aspasie, C16opatre, Theodora, par Henry Hd^\n<
saye. Illustrations de A. Giraldon. 8vo., with frontispiece and vignetF\\ «
printed in green and heightened with gold , half morocco extra 1899*
This copy formerly belonged to M. Paillet, who has inserted in it a aet of the illustrations
on Chinese paper; a beautiful water-colour Drawing by F. Th6venot; thirty studies and
designs by A. Giraldon, which were intended for this edition bnt not used; forty auto¬
graph letters relating to the production of the volume.
Hugo (Victor). CEnvres Completes. Edition d6finitive d’apr&s les
mannscrits originaux. 49 vols., roy. 8vo., half calf 1890^35
4903 Huysmans (J. K.). Croqnis Parisiens. 8vo., with etchings by Forain
and Raffaelli ; sd. 1880
4904 Imbert (B.). Les Egaremens de l’amour, on Lettres de Fan61i et de
Milfort. 2 vols., 8vo., with 4 plates, after Moreau, with etchings of two
of the plates; sewed, uncut 1776
4905 Jamym. Les GSnvres Po4tiqnes d’Amadis Jamyn. 1579—Le Second
Volume. 1584;—together 2 vols. in 1, 12mo., red morocco extra, by
Trautz-Bauxonnet 1579-84
4906 Jerome. Metnoires et Correspondance du Roi Jerome et de la Reine
Catherine. 7 vols., 8vo., half calf 1861-6
4907 Joan of Arc. Heroines Nobilissimee Joann® D’Aro Lotharing® Vnlgo
Anrelianensis Puell® Historia, ex Variis. . . Scriptoribns excerpta.
Authore Joanne Hordal. Sm. 4to., vellum , rare 1612
4908 Joinville (Jean Sire de). Histoire de Saint Louis, credo et Lettre 4
Louis X. Texte Original, accompagn6 d’nne Traduction par Natalis de
Wailly. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1874
4909 Joseph. M^moires et Correspondance politique et militaire du Roi
Joseph. 10 vols. 1853-4—Histoire des Negotiations diplomatiques
relatives aux Trait4s de Mortfontaine, de Lun6ville et d’A miens pour
faire suite aux Memoires. 3 vols. 1855 ;—together 13 vols., 8vo.,
calf 1853-5
4910 Julien (A.). La Nidvre 4 travers lo PassA Topographie historique
de ses prinoipales Villes. Roy. folio, with 33 plans, views, etc., many on
india paper ; half morccco 1883
4911 Jusserand (J. J.). A French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the
Second, Le Comte de Cominges. 8vo., red morocco 1892
4912 Kock (Paul de). CEuvres Completes. Bound in 70 vols., 12mo., hf. bd.
contents lettered n. d.
La Fontaine (J. de). CEuvres Diverges. 6 vols., 12mo., old French red
morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, scarce 1758
-CEuvres Complettes. 6 vols., 8vo., papier velin, with proofs before
letters of the plates by Moreau; calf 1814
CEuvres, nouvelle edition, revue par C. A. Walckenaer. 6 vols..
large 8vo., portraits and plates after Moreau, proofs before letters. Large
vellum Paper ; red morocco extra 1822
Contes et Nouvelles en vers. 2 vols. in 1,12mo ., papier fort, with
fine impressions of the 60 etchings after Romain de Hooghe; in the original
old calf Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 1685
First edition with these plates.
— ■ the same. 2 vols., 8vo., with portrait, frontispieces and 80 plates by
Eisen, printed on thick paper; old calf 1777
the same. 2 vols., 12mo., sd. 1879
vols., 12mo., half green morocco from 1879
Digitized by
rcn 1
ra V;32
j flotf'
fortr i»-**
ora iff ^25
.. v ii26
La Fontaine (J. de). Fables Choisies, mises en vers. 4 vols., folio, with
frontispiece and 276 plates, Oudry's designs, brilliant original impressions,
the plate of “ Le Singe et le Leopard ” being before the addition of the
inscription on the hanging picture of the Tiger; russia 1765-59
-Fables. 2 vols., 16mo., green morocco extra 1862
-Les Amoura de Psyche et de Cupidon. Edition ornee de Figures
imprim6es en Couleurs, d’apr£s les Tableaux de M. Schall. Impl. 4to.,
with 4 beautiful plates ; russia 1791
the same. 2 vols., sm. folio, with 26 engravings by Vigna-
£ s. d.
•u :•
V 18
' 'W ’,Q
1^ -50
li 3»
foil* •
Eli 2
1:74 '4
- CB
S#*? 3 5
•:>. mm
' 7
hs** 8
f -
> ’
‘ IT*)
- $
i lb - r
en noovel ordre, par M. Amelot de la Houssaye. Nouvelle edition,
corrigee et augmentee de MaximeqChretiennes. 16mo., morocco extra 1754
— ■— the same. Edition Louis Lacour. 8vo., newly bound in half
red morocco, gilt top, uncut 1868
[La Salle (A.)]. Les Quinze Joyes de Mariage. Extraiote d’un vieil
exemplaire escrit k la main, paesez sont quatre cens ans. 12mo., olive
morocco, gilt edges; very rare Rouen, Raphael du Petit Val, 1606
Le Grand D’Aussy. Fabliaux on Contes . . . 5 vols., roy. 8vo., Large
Paper, with a duplicate set of the plates, viz., proofs before letters on india
paper, and prints; morocco, gilt edges 1829
Le Monnier (L’Abbe). Fables, Contes, et Epitres. Large 8vo.,
Large Paper; Spanish calf gilt, entirely uncut 1773
Le Roux](P.-J.) Dictionnairc Comiqne, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque,
Libre et Proverbial. 2 vols., 12mo., calf 1787
Le Sage. (Euvres. 12 vols., 8vo., with portrait; calf 1821
-Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 4 vols., 8vo., papier velin,
with portrait and 28 plates, proofs before letters, half calf, entirely
uncut Van IV (1796)
Roy. 8vo., bound 1836
Galant et Litteraire. Nos. 1-24 (all published).
Brussels , Kistemaechers, 1887-8
Le Llvre Rouge, ou Liste des Pensions Secrettes sur le Tresor Public;
contenant les Noms et Qualit6s des Pensionnaires, etc. 8vo., 11 livraisons
in 1 vol., printed in red; bound Paris, 1790
Lorris (G. de) et J. de Meung. Le Roman de la Rose. Edition
faite sur celle de Lenglet Dufresnoy, corrigee avec soin, et enrichie . . .
par J. B. Lantin de Damerey. 5 vols., 8vo., Large Paper, russia gilt (1800)
-the same. 4 vols., 8vo., brown morocco extra, gilt edges, the sides
elegantly ornamented with a bunch of Roses, a fine specimen of Petit's
binding • 1814
Louvet de Couvray. Les Amours du Chevalier Faublas. 8 vols. in 4,
sm. 8vo., red morocco extra, gilt edges 1821-2
the same. 4 vols., 8vo., half green morocco . 1869
the same. 4 vols., 16mo., calf Paris, 1884
the same.
Le XVIII® Siecle.
8vo., half morocco
Mably (L’Abb£ de). Observations sur l’Histoire de France. 3 vols.,
8vo., mottled calf extra 1823
Mackinnon (James). Growth and Decline of the French Monarchy.
8vo., doth (pub. £1. Is) 1902
Magnin (C.). Les Origines du Theatre antique et du Theatre moderne.
8vo., half red morocco 1868
[Malfilatre.] Narcisse dans Tile de Venus—Imberfc. Le Jngement de
Paris;—j vol., 18mo., maroon morocco extra Chaignieau aim!, 1797
Marcellus (Comte de). Politique de la Restauration en 1822 et 1823.
oyo., hf. bd n . c\r\cs\c> Original from 1863
9 9 0
Vigneron after the drawings by Borel, the plates in three states, outline,
bistre, and colour.printed; bds., uncut 1899 24 0 0
Lamartine (A. D.). Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols., half calf
gilt 1847 1 0 0
-Histoire de la Restauration. 8 vols., l2mo., hf. calf 1851-2 0 18 0
- 1789, Les Constituants. 4 vols., 12mo., hf. bd. 1854-5 0 8 0
La Rochefoucald. Reflexions, Sentences, et Maximes Morales. Mises
1 10 0
1 10 0
6 6 0
6 6 0
3 10 0
1 10 0
2 10 0
4 4 0
12 12 0
0 15 0
0 10 0
4 4 0
0 2 6
Marguerite de Valois. Les Marguerites de la Marguerite des Prin¬
cesses, tresillnstre Royne de Navarre. 2 parts in 1 vol., 16mo., green
morocco extra Paris, 1558
-Contes et Nouvelles. 2 vols., 12mo., with numerous engravings;
old French red morocco extra 1740
- 1 L’Heptameron. Nonvelle Edition. 3 vols., 8vo., Grand Papier
Fin; red morocco extra, gilt tops, by Niedree 1853-54
£ s. d.
6 6 0
2 10 0
3 0 0
Marie Leczinska. Office de la Semaine Sainte, en Latin A en Fran¬
cois A l’nsage de Rome & de Paris. 8vo., red morocco, the sides covered
with an elaborate gilt mosaic design, gilt edges, floreated end-papers in gold
and colours; with the arms of Marie Leczinska on sides 1728 16 16 0
Martial d’AuvergnA Les arrets d’amour, accompagnes des commen-
taires de Ben de Court. 12mo., calf gilt, with the arms of the Marechal
de Puysegur 1731 2 IG 0
Mercure Galant (Le Nouveau) contenant tout ce qui s’est passe de
curieux. Jan.-Aug., 1678. 8 nos. bound in 2 vols., 12mo., vellum 1678
Mille et une Nuits (Les). Contes Arabes, par Galland, reimprimes
sur l’edition originale avec une preface de Jules Janin. 10 vols. in 5,
8vo., with 21 etchings by Lalauze; half red morocco, uncut 1881 52 10 0
One of 20 copies printed on China paper containing the illustrations in four states.
Moli&re (J. B. P .). (Eavres. 5 vols., 12mo., with the Sphere on the
title-pages; calf Paris, 1681 2 10 0
-the same. Nouvelle edition. Augmentee . . . par M. De
1 1 0
Voltaire. 6 vols. in 3, 12mo., a fine copy in red morocco extra, fully gilt
backs, gilt edges ; the Hamilton Palace copy 1765
the same. Avec des Remarques grammaticales; des Avertisse-
16 0 0
mens et des Observations sur chaque Pi4ce, par M. Bret. 6 vols., 8vo,
Best Edition; with the earliest impressions of the numerous plates by
Moreau le Jtune; fine copy in contemporary olive morocco extra 1773 36 0 0
-the same. Precedees d’une Notice sur Ba Vie et ses Ouvrages par
Sainte Beuve. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., half red morocco 1835
-CEuvres Completes. 3 vols., 12mo., hf. calf 1861
the same. Nouvelle Edition, collation^ scr les Textes originaux
1 8 0
0 5 0
avec lours Variantes. Pr6ced4 de l’Histoire de sa Vie et de ses Ouvrages
par M. J. Tascherau. 6 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1863
-the same. Avec Notes et Variantes par A. Pauly. 8 vols.,
12mo., with portraits and plates after Boucher; calf gilt (1875)
Theatre, collatione sur les premieres editions et sur celles des
4 10 0
3 3 0
annees, 1666, 1674, and 1682. 8 vols., 8vo., with numerous etchings;
morocco extra 1864-70
-the same. Large handmade paper edition. 8 vols., roy. 8vo., red
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1864-70
-Bibliographic Molieresque. Par Paul Lacroix. Seconde edition,
8vo., brown morocco super-extra, by R. Petit 1875
Montaigne. Les Essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne. Edition
nouvelle. Folio, a very fine and large copy in morocco extra, by Travtz-
Bauzonnet, in a morocco pull-off case Paris, chez Abel VAngelier, 1595
-Essaies. Nouvelle edition. 3 vols., 12mo., blue morocco, gilt
edges, by Bozerian Bruxelles, 1659
-Montaigne: 1’Homme et l’CEuvre. Par Paul Bonnefon. 8m.4to.,
half calf 1893
8 8 0
12 12 0
2 10 0
36 0 0
9 9 0
0 12 0
Montausier. La Gnirlande de Julie, offerte h M lle - de Rambouillet,
Julie-Lucine d’Angenes, par M. le Marquis de Montausier. Post 8vo.,
First Edition, beautifully printed throughout on vellum; in an eighteenth
century binding of French red morocco, gilt panelled sides, double in blue
silk; from the Bibliothequc du Roi, Veuilly 1784 35 0 0
Montesquieu (C. S.). Le Temple de Gnide. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper,
engraved throughout, with brilliant impressions of the plates by Le Mire
after Eisen; refine copy in red morocco super-extra 1772
L 'ttr js nof v - Edition Louis
18 18 0
0 10 0
4971 Montfaucon (Bernard de). Monumens de la
5 vols., folio, Large Paper; old calf
4972 -the same. 5 vols., folio, Large Paper; a fine copy in
bright old
French calf gilt
4973 Montmartre. Memoires Litteraires de Montmartre. 12mo., calf 178$
4974 Moreau. (Hegesippe.) Le Myosotis. Nouvelle Edition illustr6e de
cent trente-quatre compositions de Robandi, gravees snr bois par
Clement Bellenger. Preface par Andre Theuriet. Roy. 8vo., green
morocco super-extra, the back and borders inlaid with forget-me-nots in
blue and pink morocco, inside dentelles, brocade doublures and linings,
gilt edges, by Mercier, s r ■ de Ouzin 1893
One of 46 copies on J apanese paper with a duplicate set of the plates. The binding
is one of Cnzin’s masterpieces.
49 75 [Morel de Vind£]. Primerose. Par M. El de V-de. 18mo., icith 6
engravings after Lefebvre by Oodefroy; red morocco 1797
4976 Morgan (Lady). France. 2 vols., 8vo., russia neat 1817
4977 Motteville (Madame de). Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire d’Anne
d’Autriche, epouse de Louis XIII, roi de Franoe. Nouvelle Edition,
6 vols., l2mo., bright calf gilt 1783
4978 Musee des Archives Nationales. Documents originanx de l’Histoire
de France exposes dans 1’Hotel Soubise. 4to., with 1200 facsimiles of
autographs; sewed 1872
4979 Musset (Alfred de). (Euvres completes. 10 vols., 8vo., with portrait
and 28 plates; half morocco neat 1877
4980 Bourrienne. Memoires sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat,
l’Empire et la Restauration. 10 vols., 8vo., cloth 1829
the same. 10 vols., 8vo., calf 1829
Memoires of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols., 8vo., Best Edition ;
another copy. 4 vols., 8vo., half brown morocco 1836
another copy. 4 vols., 8vo., a working copy, half bound 1836
4983 -
4984 -
4985 Charras (Lt.-Col.). Histoire de la Campagne de 1815 : Waterloo.
8vo., half morocco 1857
4986 Hinard (D.). Dictionnaire-Napol£on. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1854
1987 Horne. History of Napoleon. Edited by R. H. Home. 2 vols., roy.
8 vo., with illustrations by Raff et and Horace Vernet; cloth 1840-41
4988 Lanfrey (P.). Histoire de Napoleon l*. 4 vols., 12mo., calf 1867-70
4989 Laurent de l’Ard&che. Histoire de l’Empereur Napoleon. Roy. 8vo.,
with woodcuts by Horace Vernet; half morocco 1840
4990 -the same. Roy. 8vo., with the series of coloured plates depicting
the costumes; bound 1840
4991 - the same. Roy. 8vo., half morocco neat 1840
4992 Masson (Frederic). Napoleon et les Femmes. L’Amour. Post 8vo.,
sewed 1897
4993 Ropes (J. C.). The First Napoleon. Post 8vo., cloth (1895)
4994 Rovigo (Due de). Memoires pour servir k V histoire de l’Empereur
Napoleon. 8 vols. 8vo., calf gilt, by Hexing 1828
4995 51oane (W. Milligan). The Life of Napoleon Bonajrttrte. 4 vols.
sm. folio. Original Edition; cloth 1896
4996 Napoleon III. Posthumous Works and Unpublished A.utographs of
Napoleon III. in Exile. Collected by Count A. de la Chapelle. 8vo.,
cloth 1873
4997 Necker. CEuvres Completes de M. Necker, pobliges par M. le Baron de
Stael. 15 vols., 8vo., mottled calf extra 1820-21
4998 Nicholson (W.). History of the Wars occasioned by the French
Revolution. Folio, with coloured portraits of famous soldiers; calf 1817
4999 Nisard. Ammien Marcellin, Jornandes, Frontin (les Stratagemee),
Vexbce, Modestus, avec la traduction en Francais. Roy. 8vo., half
'I . Original from 1878
0 0
10 0
15 0
0 0
18 0
2 0
2 0
7 6
0 0
12 0
15 0
10 0
10 0
12 6
3 0
6 0
15 0
8 G
15 0
1 0
10 0
2 0
3 6
5 0
16 0
3 6
10 0
3 0
10 0
1 0 0
£ #. d.
Noblliaire de Picardie (par N. de Villers Sieurd# Rousseville). Atlas
folio, 448 sheets, with the numerous coats of arms finely coloured; old calf
Paris Amiens, 1708-17 18 0 0
Excessively rare. There is considerable variety in the number of leaves in different copies.
Brunet gives it as ranging from 427 to 453. This copy, however, is believed to be perfect.
Nouvion (Victor de). Histoire da Regne de Lonis-Philippe 1" Roi
des Francais, 1830-48. 4 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1857-61 1 10 0
Palmerin de Oliva. L’Histoire de Palmerin d’Oliue, filz da roy
Florendos de Macedone, et de la belle Griane, fille de Remioius
Emperear de Constantinople . . . tradnit iadis par vn Autear incertain
de Castilian en Fran^oys, mis en lnmiere, et en son entier, selon nostre
vnlgaire, par Ian Mangin. Folio, calf gilt 1553 14 0 0
Palsgrave. L’Eclaircissement de la Langne Francaise, suivi de la
Grammaire de Giles du Gney. Pablie par F. Genin. 4to., hf. oalf 1852
Parent-Duchatelet (A. J. B.). De la Prostitution dais la Ville de
Paris. Deuxi&me Edition. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf neat 1837 0 C 0
Paris. Plan de la Ville de Paris, dessine par Louis Bretez, et grav6
par Claude Lucas. 20 fine folding plates, giving bird's eye Views of Paris
of the time. Atlas folio, bright old French morocco, with Arms of the City
of Paris on sides (1734-9) 21 0 0
Pascal (Blaise). Lettres Provinciales, 1657—Lettre au R. P. Annat,
1657—a Messieurs les Vicaires Generaux, ». d. —Factum pour les
Cnrez de Paris, n. d. —Response des Curez de Paris, n. d. —Troisieme
[Quatrieme, Seizieme, Septi5me, Huitieme, et Neuvieme], Escrit des
Cnrez de Paris, 1658-9—Decret de N. S. P. le Pape Alexandre VII, 1659—
Responsio ad Epistolam contra Censures Episcoporum Gallia*, 1659;—
together in 1 vol., 4to., blue morocco, by Bauzonnet-Trautz 1656-9 8 8 0
-Lettres Provinciales, 1657—Advis de Messieurs les Curez de
Paris, 1656—Suite de l’Extrait . . . 1656—[Lettre de MM. les Curez
Ronsse et Du Pays a l’Assemblee de MM. les Curez de Paris . . . 1656—
Extrait de Plusieurs Dangereuses Propositions, n. d. —Lettre d’un Cur6
de Rouen, 1656—Lettre deM. Amauld, 1657—Seconde Lettre, 1657 ;—
together in 1 vol., 4to., morocco, gilt edges 1656-7
Pensees de M. Pascal sur la Religion et sur quelques antreB sujets
5 5 0
5018 -
ft ft w
qui ont e«t6 trouvees apr^s sa mort parmy see papiera. 12mo., First
Edition; a fine copy in morocco, by Thompson 1670
Pichot (A.). Charles Quint. 8vo., sewed 1854
Piron (A.). Poesies Choisies et pieces inedites. 12mo., sd. 1879
Provost (L’Abb£). Histoire de Manon Lescaut—Me moires d’un
Homme de Qualite. 3 vols.—Histoire de M. Cleveland. 6 vols.—Le
Doyen de Killerine. 4 vols.;—together 14 vols, 12mo., old straight¬
grained red morocco 1808
-Manon Lescaut. 8vo., morocco gilt 1875
Princes Rivaux (Les). 12mo., morocco extra 1699
Privileges (Les) du Cocuage: ouvrage necessaire tant aux Cornards
actuels qu'aux Cocos en herbe. 18mo., citron morocco 1712
Rabelais (F.). (Euvres. Angment5es de la vie de 1’Auteur. 2 vols.,
J6mo., green morocco gilt a la Sphere ( Elzevier ), 1663
-the same. ’2 vols., 24mo., old French red morocco ib., 1666
-(Euvres. Edition variorum, par Esmangart et Eloi Johanneau.
9 vols., 8vo., half calf 1823
— the same. 9 vols , roy. 8vo., Large Paper, half red morocco extra,
top edges gilt, by David 1823
Racine (J.). (Euvres Completes. Qnatrieme Edition publics par L.
Aime-Martin. 7 vols., 8vo., Grand Papier Velin, with numerous plates
inserted, including proofs before letters and proofs on India paper, polished
red morocco extra, by Lortic 1825
-Oeuvres, nouvelle edition par P. Mesnard. 8 vols., 8vo., with
plates after half morocco Original from 1865-73
Raguse (Difc-ft*). ^^moires. 9 vols., 8vo., half bound, MICHIGAfJ.857
4 4 0
0 6 0
0 7 0
11 11 0
1 6 0
0 16 0
1 16 0
4 10
1 5
3 10 0
8 8 0
16 16 0
5 5 0
0 18 0
5022 Ravanne. Memoires da Chevalier de Ravanne, Page de S. A. R. le
Due Regent, et Mousquetaire. 3 vole., 12mo., calf 1752
5023 R£camier. Souvenirs et Correspondance tires des papiers de Madame
Becamier. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1859
5024 Recueil des qnelques Pieces Nouvelles et Galantes, tant en Prose qu’en
Vers. 2 parts in 1 vol., 18mo., green morocco extra 1667
5025 Reeve (Henry). Royal and Republican France. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1872
5026 Regnard. Les (Euvree de Mr. Regnard. 2 vols., 12mo., red morocco , by
David 1714
This copy has only the engraved title and 6 plates to vol. I.
5027 Renart. Le Roman du Renart, public par D. M. Meon. 4 vols.,
1826—Supplement, par P. Chabaille, 1835—Roth (A.). Les Romans du
Renard examines, 1845;—together 6 vols., 8vo., calf extra 1826-45
5028 Retz (Cardinal de). M£moirea adresses a Madame de Caumartin.
Nouvelle Edition . . . par Aim6 Champollion Figeac. 4 vols., 12mo.,
half calf 1873
5029 Bastille (The). Remarques historiques sur la Bastille, sa demolition,
et Revolutions de Paris en Juillet, 1789. 8vo., hf. bd. 1789
5030 Biblioth&que Historique de la Revolution FraD^aise: Journal de la
Montagne. Redige par J. Ch. Laveaux. 498 numbers, forming 4 vols.
in 7. 4to., half bound 1806
5031 Biographie Nouvelle des Contemporains. Par MM. A. V. Arnault,
A. Jay, E. Jony, J. Norions, et autres. 20 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1820
6032 Blanc (Louis). Revolution Fransaise. Jlistoire de Dix Ans 1830-40.
5 vols., 8vo., calf 1843-4
5033 Buchez (B. J. B.) et P. C. Roux. Histoire Parlementaire de la
Revolution Franchise. 40 vols., 8vo., half calf 1834-38
5034 Collection des Mlmoires relatifs h la Revolution FranQaise, par
MM. Berville et Barridre. 51 vols.,*8vo., half calf 1820-26
5035 Dunoyer (C. B.). La Revolution du 24 Fevrier [1848]. 12mo.,
half calf 1849
5036 Dulaure. Esquisses Historiques des principaux Evenemens de la
Revolution Fnu^aise. 5 vols., 8vo., calf 1823-25
5037 Lacretelle. Precis historique de la Revolution FranQaise. 1801—
Convention Nationale. 2 vols. 1803;—together 3 vols, 16mo., vean
fauve 1801-3
5038 Liste G£n6rale et tres exacte des Noms, Qualites et Demeures de
tons les Conspirateurs, qui ont 6t6 condamnes 4 mort par le Tribunal
revolutionnaire etabli a Paris par la loi du 17 aout 1792, et par le seoond
Tribunal. 8vo., 9 livrasions , supplement to livr. IX.; hf. bd. 1793
5039 Marat. Plan de Legislation Criminelle. 8vo., sewed 1790
5040 -Leben und Tod Joh. Paul Marats nobst einer kurzen Geschiohte
seiner Morderin Charlotte Corday. 12mo., half morocco 1794
5041 -A Remarkable Collection of Portraits and other Illustrations,
Relics, etc., concerning Jean Paul Marat and Charlotte Corday, including
Oil-Paintings, Engravings, plain and coloured, Medals, Casts, Medallions,
etc. (A detailed list on application)
5042 Marie Antoinette. Accusation, etc., of Marie Antoinette. 8vo.,
pp. 77, without title-page ; half calf (1794)
5043 - The Trial at large of Marie Antoinette. Cr. 8vo half calf 1794
5044 Mirabeau. Collection Complette des Travaux de M. Mirabeau 1’aine
6 T Assembles Nationale. 5 vols., 8vo., calf 1791-2
5045 - Correspondance entre le Comte de Mirabeau et le Comte de la
Marck pendant les annees 1789-1791. 3 vols., 8vo. f calf 1851
5046 Prudhomme. Histoire generate et impartiale des Erreures, des
Fautes et des Crimes commis pendant la Revolution Francaise. 6 vols.,
8 vo., calf 1797
5047 - Dictionijaire'do^rfidividus envoyes h la Mort judiciarement,
pendant la Revolution. £ vols., 8vo., calf 1786
£ *. d.
Revolution, continued :—
5048 Robespierre. Life of Maximilien Robespierre. By G. EL Lewes.
Post 8vo., half red morocco 1849
5049 Thiers (A.) et F. Bodin. H is to ire de la Revolution Francaise.
10 vols., 8vo., calf 1823-7
5050 -the same. 10 vols., 1828-9—Memoires de Mirabeau, 8 vols.,
1834-5—Memoires du Due de Rovigo, 8 vols., 1828—Bausset (L. J. F. de).
Memoires sur lTnt6rieur du Palais, 4 vols., 1827—Guerres desVend^ens
et des Chouans, 4 vols, 1824—Memoires d’un Homme d’Etat, 13 vols.,
1828-38—Berville et Barriere. Memoires du Marquis de Nerrieres,
3 vols., 1822—Memoires de Bailly, 3 vols, 1822 ; and others relating to
the French Revolution;—together 98 vols., 8vo , half calf 1822-38
5051 Tribune Nationale. Cboix de Rapports, Opinions et Disoours
prononces depuis 1789 jusqnA ce jour; reoueillis [par Guill. Lallement].
20 vols., 1818-22—Table Gen6rale. 1825—2™ Sene, Tome l« r . 1823
together 22 vols., 8vo., half calf 1818-25
5052 Revue Chronologique de l’histoire de France 1787-1818. 8vo.,
calf 1823
5053 R^vue Retrospective. 31 nos. complete in 1 vol., roy. 8vo., half calf 1848
5054 Rousseau (J. J.) The Discourse which carried the prmmium at
Academy of DijoD in 1750. Post 8vo., unbound 1751
5055 - Les Confessions, avec une preface par Marc Monnier. 4 vols.
in 2, 8vo., with portrait and 30 exquisite etchings by Ed. Hedouin ; half
red morocco 1881
One of 20 copies printed on China Paper containing the plates in four states.
5056 Rutebeuf. CEuvres completes de Rutebeuf, trouv&re du XIII® Si&ole.
Recueillies et mises an jour pour la premiere foie par Aohille Jubinal.
3 vols., 12mo., printed on vellum; half morocco 1874-5
5057 Saint-Allais et De la Chabeaussiere. Nobiliaire Universel de France.
2 f vols., 8vo., lif. red morocco extra . 1872-77
5058 Saint-Amant. CEuvres completes. Publiee par Ch. Livet. 2 vols.,
12mo., red morocco extra by Lortic 1855
6059 Saint-Arnaud (Marshal). Lettres. 2 vols., 8vo., mottled calf 1855
5060 Saint-Pierre (Jacques-Henri Bernardin de). Paul et Virginia.
Large 4to., with portrait and 6 plates in three states, viz., etchings,
proofs before letters, and printed in colours; green morocco super extra,
gilt edges 1806
There are inserted in this copy two sets of proofs before letters (first state) of the
four plates published in 1792, in 8ro. size, after the designs of Moreau le jenne ; one set
being beautifully coloured by hand.
5061 Saint-Simon (Due de). Memoires completes et authentiques sur le
Si&cle de Louis XIV et de la R^gence. 20 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper,
calf extra 1856-8
-the same. 13 vols., 12mo. 1856
Sainte-Beuve (C. A.). CEuvres. 36 vols., 12mo., half calf 1850-75
Scarron. Roman Comique. 3 vols., large 8vo., Grand Papier velin,
with proofs before letters of the portrait and 15 plates; straight-grained
blue morocco, gilt edges (1796)
5065 Sdgur (Comte de). Politique des Cabinets de l’Europe. 3 vols., 8vo.,
calf 1824
5066 -Memoires on Souvenirs et Anecdotes. 3 vols., 8vo., calf 1824
5067 -Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande Armt'e pendant l’ann£e
1812. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1825
5068 Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de). Histoire des Fran^ais. 22 vols.,
roy. 8vo., calf extra 1836-46
5069 Solari. Letters of the Marchioness Broglio Solan, one of the Maids of
Honour to the Princess Lamballe. 12mo., cloth 1845
6070 Soult (Marshal). Memoires. 3 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1854
071 Spectacles de^Paris (Les), ou Calendrier historique et chronologique
Lmw«,17fi9 19mn . ««Mm malfrom 1789
des Theatres (^QponmAnnee 1789. 12mo., morocco
£ t. d.
0 16 0
2 2 0
14 14 0
3 10 0
0 3
0 4
5 5
4 8
0 4
0 10
0 10
0 5
1 1
0 10 6
47 0 0
6 10 0
45 0 0
20 0 0
0 16 0
7 7 0
12 0 0
0 7 6
3 3 0
0 6 0
5evign4 (Madame de). Recueil des Lettres de Madame la Marquise
de Sevigne a Madame la Comtesse de Grignan. 8 vols., l2mo., bright
old calf gilt 1754
-the same. Precedees d’une nouvelle Notice biographique . . . par
M. Gault-de-Saint-Germain. 12 vols., roy. 8vo., with two sets of the
portraits by Deveria—proofs before letters and prints; green morocco
extra 1823
-the same. RecueilHes et annotees par M. Monmerque. 14 vols.,
8vo., and albnm (Portraits, Views, and Facsimiles), 4to. f half blue
Levant morocco 1862-68
-the same edition. 14 vols., 8vo., and 1 vol., sm. 4to., full green
morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1862-68
the same. 14 vols.—Lettres ineditee, par Ch. Capmas. 2 vols.;
• A &
16 vols. and album, Large Vellum Paper ; bound in 18 vols., half brown
Levant morocco, gilt tops, by Zahnsdorf 1862-76
Staal (Mme. de). Memoires de Madame De Staal—De Launay. Avcc
nne preface par Mme. la Baronne Double. 2 vols., 8vo., Large Paper,
with a double set of the 41 etchings ; half morocco 1890
Sully (Due de). Memoires. 12mo., calf 1788-87
Tabourot (E.). Les Biggarures du Seigneur des Accordz. 12mo., red
morocco extra 1583
- the same. 3 vols., 12mo., calf extra 1866
Talleyrand. The Correspondence of Prince Talloyrand and King
Louis XVIII. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1881
Thi£bault (D.). Mes Souvenirs de vingt ans de sejour a Berlin.
5 vols., 8vo., calf 1804
Thierry (Augustin). (Euvres Completes. 10 vols., 12mo., mottled
calf gilt 1846-56
- Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire. 20 vols. in 10. 8vo., half
His to
>ry of the
8vo., doth
Tilly (Comte A. de).
de la fin du 18° siecle.
Tocqueville (A. de).
Consulate and the Empire of France under
by D. F. Campbell and J. Stebbing. 12 vols.,
Memoires, pour servir a l’histoire des moeurs
3 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1828
GSuvres completes. 9 vols., 8vo., mottled calf
Uzanne (Octave). Contes de la Vingtieme Annee. Roy. 8vo.,*d. 1896
One of 40 copies on Japanese vellum.
— - The Frenchwoman of the Century. Roy. 8vo., with 10 coloured
plates, half morocco 1886
Vad6 (G.). Poesies et Lettres Facetieuses. 12mo., sd. 1879
Villeraarqul (le Vicomte Hersart de la). Les Bardes Bretons.
Poemes du VI® Siecle; traduits pour la I i4re fois en Franyais. 8vo., half
calf 1860
-- Les Romans de la Table Ronde et les Contes des anciens Bretons.
8vo., half calf 1861
- Myrdhinn, on l’Enchanteur Merlin, son histoire, ses oeuvres, son
influence. 8vo., half calf 1862
4to., Papier Velin, with portrait and 21 plates, in two states—proofsbefore
letters and prints ; blue morocco extra, by Petit 1795
To this copy has been added :— A set of the 21 plates by Moreau le Jenne ; set of
21 pretty plates, without artist or engraver’s name ; Portrait of Voltaire engraved by
Laugloia ; Portrait of Jeap D’Arc byR. Delvaux j Portrait without signature inscribed
- La Pucellr, DOrlean
Jean D’Arc by
2 2 0
18 18 0
8 8 0
14 0 0
14 14 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
1 10 0
1 10 0
2 12 6
0 10 0
0 9 0
0 6 0
0 9 0
Voltaire. Romans et Contes de M. de Voltaire. 3 vols., 8vo., fvne
impressions of the portrait and 57 plains ; contemporary French straight¬
grained red morocco, gilt edges 1778 21 0 0
A very choice copy of this beautiful book ; the Ber.kford copy realised £44.
■ ■■ - Romans. 5 vols., 16mo., sd. , 1878 1 16 0
La Pucelle d’Orleans. Poeme en vingt-un Chants. 2 vols., roy.
21 0 0
5097 Villemain (M.). Souvenirs Contemporains d’Histoire et de Litterature.
Two parts, 1854-5—M. de Chateaubriand, sa vie, 1858 ;—3 vols., 8vo.,
half calf 1854-8
5 r 98 Villeroy (M. de). Memoires d’Etat. 7 vols., 24mo., calf 1725
5099 Villon (F.). CEuvres. Pnbli6es par P. Lacroix. 8vo., rd. 1877
5100 Weiss (C.). Histoire des Refugies Protestants de France depuis la
Revocation de l’edit de Nantes. 2 vols, 12mo., hf. bd. 1853
5101 Wicquefort. L’Ambassadeur etses Fonctions. 2 vols., 4to., calf 1681-80
£ $. d.
0 8
O 12
0 lu
0 6
0 10
I. Genealogy and Heraldry
Almanach de Gotha. A consecutive series from 1838 to 1902 inclusive.
65 vols., 12mo., in cloth and bds. 1838-1902
Ancestor (The) : Quarterly Review of County and Family History,
Heraldry and Antiquities. Complete set of 12 vols., with Indexes.
Irapl. 8vo., bds., the 3 Indexes tewed 1902-5
Ancient Coats of Arms. A folio Manuscript containing upwards of
1000 drawings of Coats oE Arms, the majority of which are coloured ;
old calf XVIIIth Century
This volume has been badly injured by damp, hence the low price.
Anderson (James). Royal Genealogies. Roy. folio, old calf 1732
Annuaire H^raldique Universel. 8vo., doth 1899-1900
Argamasilla de la Cerda y Bayona (J.). Nobiliario y Armeria
general de Nabarra. 2 vols. in 1. Impl. 8vo., half roan 1899-1902
Armorial. Le novveav Armorial Vniversel; ContoDant les armes et
blazons Des Maisons Nobles et Illu6tres de France, et autres Royaumes
et Estate de l'Europe. Sm. folio., calf (rebathed ) 1663
Armorial Historlque de la Noblesse de France. Public p«r Henri J. G.
de Milleville. 4to half morocco (1845?)
Armory. An Eighteenth Century MS. (4to.) of 62 leaves containing
nearly 200 Coats of Arms, a Dictionary of Heraldic Terms, etc.; bound
in vellum, (1750 ?)
Armory Eedes, Collectanee. A 4to. volume [so lettered containing
numerous genealogical notes extracted from various sources, neatly
written ; vellum n. d.
Arms in Churches. A cr. 8vo. volume so lettered, containing 44 pages
of manuscript drawings and descriptions of Arms in Churches, etc. at
Banbury, Markwortb, Arbury, etc.; half calf 1686
Banks (T. C.). The Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England.
4 vols., 4to., half russia 1807-37
-Baronia Anglica Concentrata. 2 vols., roy. 4to., Large Paper;
cloth 1844
Bara (Hierome de). Le Blason des Armoiries. Sm. folio, a fine copy
in mottled calf gilt , gilt edges 1597
Barret. Genealogies, Copies of Original Grants, Confirmation of Anns,
Visitations, Ac. by Joseph Barret. Folio, 160 pages , neatly written ,
with arm8 in trick; vellum XVIII Cent.
Battle Abbey Roll ; with some account of the Norman Lineages. By
the Duchess of Cleveland. 3 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1889
Beatson (R.). Political Index to the Histories of Gt. Britain and
Ireland. 3 vols., 8vo., hf. bd. 1806
Behr (Kamill). Genealogie der in Europa regierenden Fiirstenhauser,
nebst der reihenfolge sammtlicher Papste. Roy. 4to., morocco 1854
Berry (William). Encyclopedia Heraldica, with the Supplement.
4 vols., roy. 4t affine copy in red morocco , gilt edges , by Wright 1838-40
-— Genea^^yv.i.^i<i. Second Editioq. Folio, cloth 1840
7 10 0
2 2 0
5 5 0
1 10
0 12
C 6
1 8
0 12 0
4 4 0
0 18 0
1 4 0
0 16 0
0 9 0
2 12 6
0 16 0
3 16 0
6 10 0
3 10 0
0 15 0
1 4 0
Betham (Sir William). Baronetage of England. 5 vols., 4to.,
calf 1801-5
- the same. 5 vols., 4to. (plate 27 missing), water-stained; half
hound 1801-5
Blasone Bolognese oioe Arme Gentilizie di Famiglie Bolognesi, Nobili,
Cittadinesohe, e Aggregate, oon annotazioni. 5 vols. in 3, roy. folio,
Coats of Arms and 43 plates of the Costumes of Trade and Religious
Corporations, all coloured by hand; two vols. old calf neat, one hf.
hound 1791-93
Complete copies of this Armorial, such ns the above, and having all the plates
coloured, are very scarce.
Blount (T.). The Art of making Devises: Treating of . . . Armes,
Blazons . . First written in French by Henry Estienne. Sm. 4to.,
hds. 1650
Boddington (5. R.). Extracts from Parish Registers, etc. 4to.,
sewed 1879
Boisseau. Promptuaire Armorial et G6n6ral, divis5 en qnatre parties.
Par Jean Boisseau. Folio, old calf 1658
[Bolton (Edmund)]. Elements of Armories. 1610—A Discoverie of
certaine Erronrs published in Britannia, 1594. By York Herault, n. d .—
Leigh (Gerard). Accedence of Armorie. 1612;—3 works in 1 vol.,
sm. 4to., old calf 1610-12
Bonietskl (Adam). Poczet Roddw w Wielkiem Ksietstwie] Litew-
skiem w XV i XVI wiekn. 4to., half red morocco 1887
Bossewell (John). Workes of Armorie, douyded into three bookes,
ent-itnled, the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor, and of
Coates and Creastes. Sm. 4to., fine and very large copy (217 x 160 mm.)
in brown levant morocco extra, by Rivibe 1572
-— the same, 1572—[Leigh (Gerard)]. Accedence of Armorie.
With numerous woodcuts and the rare folding plate. 1568 ;—in 1 vol.,
sm. 4to., fine tall copies, measuring 192 x 144 mm.; half bound 1568-72
Bouly de Lesdain (L.). Les Variantes dans les Armoiries. Cr. 8vo.,
half calf 1897
Boutell. Heraldry: ancient and modern. Edited by 8. T. Aveling.
Post 8vo., cloth 1873
Bouton (V.). Nouveau Trait6 de Blason. Post 8vo., half morocco 1863
Bridger (Charles). Index to printed Pedigrees. 8vo., doth 1867
Brooke (Raphe). Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes,
Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Viscounts of this Realme of England,
since the Norman Conquest. Sm. folio, title mended; old calf 1619
Brydson (T.). Observations respecting Precedence. Second Edition.
4to., half morocco 1814
Burke. Genealogical and Heraldio History of the Commoners of Gt.
Britain and Ireland. 4 vols., roy. 8vo., doth 1834-8
- Genealogical and Heraldic History of Extinct and Dormant
Baronetcies of England. 8vo., cloth 1838
-the same. Second Edition. 8vo., cloth 1841
The second edition includes the Baronetcies of Ireland and Scotland.
-General Armory of England, Scotland and Ireland. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth (worn) 1842
-the same. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1878
-the same. Roy. 8vo., 4 ll. mutilated ; cloth 1878
Heraldic Illustrations, comprising the Armorial Bearings of
the principal Families of the Empire. With 146 plates, 1844-4G
Illuminated Heraldic Illustrations, 16 coloured plates, 1857;— together
2 vols. in 4, roy. 8vo., hf. morocco 1844-57
- Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, with Supplement. 8 vols.,
roy. 8vo., hf. bound 1846-48
- Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, and their
descendants. 2 voteVunpl^Syp., cloth (worn) Original f l848-5l
s. d.
2 0
15 0
10 0
12 0
2 6
3 0
16 0
12 0
10 0
9 0
2 6
5 0
7 6
3 6
4 0
5 0
2 0
8 0
10 0
0 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
0 0
12 0
5147 Burke. Anecdotes of the Aristocracy, and Episodes in Ancestral Story.
2 vols., or. 8vo., cloth (room) 1849
-the same. Series I and II. 4 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1849*50
-the same. 4 vols., post 8vo., doth 1849-51
-Heraldic Register, 1849-50. 8vo., half calf or cloth 1850
- Reminiscences, Ancestral and Anecdotal. Post 8vo., pp. 380
(without a title-page) ; half calf n. d.
— — Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentle-
£ i. d.
men of Great Britain. Series I and II. 4 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1852-5
- Family Romance; or, Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the
Aristocracy. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1853
Vicissitudes of Families and other Essays. 3 vols., post 8vo.,
the same. 3 Series. Post 8vo., cloth 1861-3
Series I, fifth edition ; II and III second edition,
the same. New Edition in 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth 1883
Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Bar-
_ ar
onetage of the British Empire. Twenty-fourth edition. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1862
-the same. 57th Edition. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1895
-Selection of Arms Authorized by the Laws of Heraldry. With
annotations by Sir Bernard Burke. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1863
-Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders’ Kin. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1864
-The Rise of Great Families, other Essays and Stories. Second
Edition. 8vo half calf 1873
- (Ashworth, P.). Family Records. Impl. 8vo., cloth (pub.
£2.2$) 1897
5163 Carlisle (Nicholas). Inquiry into the place and quality of the Gentle¬
men of H.M’s. most honourable Privy Chamber. Roy. 8vo., Large
Paper; half morocco 1829
5164 -Account of the several Foreign Orders of Knighthood, and other
marks of Honourable Distinction. Roy. 8vo., half red morocco 1839
5165 Carter (Matt.). Honor Redivivus: or, the Analysis of Honor and
Armory. 12mo., old calf 1655
5166 -the same. Third Edition. 12mo., old calf 1673
0 8
0 16
0 16
0 10
0 14
0 14
0 6
0 9
1 0
0 10
0 9 0
2 16 0
0 10 0
0 10 6
15 0
0 18 0
0 7 6
0 9 0
0 9 0
1 l 0
5 5 0
0 9 0
5 0
3 6
5167 Challoner (Thomas). Heraldic Manuscript: I.—The Order of all the
Nobilitie in Englande. II.—An Ordinary of Arras. A folio MS. of
384 leaves, with many hundred tricks and emblazoned coats; old
calf XVIth Cent.
5168 Chronicon Mirabile ; or, Extracts from Parish Registers (Durham and
Northumberland). 8vo., calf 1841
5169 Clark (Hugh). Short and easy Introduction to Heraldry. 12mo., half
calf 1827
5170 Coleman’s General Index to Printed Pedigrees. 8vo., cloth 1866
5171 Collectanea. Registers, Pedigrees, etc. 2 folio volumes, so lettered,
containing MS. Pedigrees, Wills, Genealogical Notes, Transcripts,
Extracts, etc. etc., icith autograph letters , old deeds , etc.; half bound v. y. 10 10 0
5172 Collins (Arthur). Peerage of England, augmented by Sir Egerton
Brydges. 9 vols., bvo., Best Edition , calf gilt 1812
5173 -the same. 9 vols., 8vo., half morocco 1812
5174 Courthope (W.). Extinct Baronetage of England. Post 8vo., cloth 1835
Crisp (F. A.). Parish Registers and other Genealogical Works, edited and
privately printed in small editions :
5175 Essex. Registers of Ongar, Essex.—Baptisms, Marriages and Burials,
1558 to 1750. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1886
5176 Gloucestershire. Registers of Marshfield, Gloucestershire. Impl.
8vo., half vellum lb93
5177 -Registers of Berkeley, Gloucestershire.—Baptisms, Marriages
and. Burials, (6§©77 g{@pl. 8vo., half vellum V ERSITY Of'mICK 1897
3 13 6
3 3 0
0 3 6
14 0
0 12 0
Crisp (F. A.). Parish Registers, etc., continued: —
5178 Howard (Joseph Jackson) and Frederick Arthur Crisp. Visi¬
tation of England and Wales. Vols. I—XIV. Impl. 8vo., half
vellum 1893-1906
5179 -the same. Vols. 1—VII. Impl. 8vo., J. J. Howard's annotated
and extra-illustrated copy ; half vellum 1893-9
The extra matter inserted includes Bookplates, Autographs, Autograph Letters, etc.
5180 -the same. Vols. I—VI. Impl. 8vo., half vellum; scarce 1893-8
5181 -the same. Vols. I—V. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1893-7
5182 -Visitation of Ireland. 4 vols., imnl. 8vo., half vellum 1897-1904
5183 Lincolnshire. Register of Irby-npon-Humber, co. Lincoln. Impl.
8vo., half vellum 1890
5184 London. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church of St. Olave’s,
Jewry. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1887
5185 Middlesex. The Parish Registers of Staines, Middlesex, 1644-1694.
Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1886
5186 Somersetshire. Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, etc., copied from
the Manuscript Collections of the late Rev. Frederick Brown. 6 vols.,
impl. 8vo., half vellum 1887-90
5187 Suffolk. Registers of Carlton, Suffolk.—Baptisms, Marriages and
Burials, 1538 to 1886. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1886
5188 -Registers of Chillesford, Suffolk.—Baptisms, Marriages and
Burials, 1740 to 1812. Impl. 8vo , half vellum 1886
5189 -Registers of Culpho, Suffolk.—Baptisms, Marriages and Burials,
1720 to 1886. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1886
£ a. d.
to 1791
Registers of Ellough, Suffolk.—Baptisms, Marriages and
1545 to 1812. Roy. 8vo., half vellum 1886
Registers of Frostenden, Suffolk.—Baptisms and Burials, 1538
; Marriages, 1538 to 1754. Impl. 8 vo., half vellum 1887
Registers of Kelsale, Suffolk.—Baptisms, 1538 to 1812; Mar-
1538 to 1886 ; Burials, 1538 to 1812. Impl. 8vo., vellum
Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, 1444-1600. Roy. 8vo., half
Marriage Licence Bonds in the Suffolk Archdeaconry Registry
at Ipswich, 1663-1750. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1900
5195 Surrey. Catholio Registers of the Woburn-Lodge Chapel and Wey-
bridge. Impl. 8vo., vellum 1888
5196 Warwickshire. Baptisms in the Private Chapel of Sir William
Sheldon of Weston, 1763-84. Impl. 8vo., half vellum 1898
5197 Worcestershire. Catholic Registers of the City of Worcester, 1685
to 1837. Impl. 8vo., vellum gilt 1887
5198 Dallaway (James). Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the
Scienoe of Heraldry in England. 4to., bd. 1793
5199 Davenport (Cyril). The English Regalia. Roy. 4to., buokram 1897
5200 Debrett’s Genealogical Peerage. Revised and correoted by Henry
Collen. 8vo., red morocco 1847
5201 De Divitiis (R.). Dizionario del Predicati della Nobilta Italiana. 8vo.,
cloth 1903
5202 D’Eschavannes (Jouffroy). Armorial Universel. 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
half morocco 1844-8
5203 - Traite completde la Science du Blason. Post8vo half calf 1885
5204 De Laigne (A. L.). Les Families Francises consid6r5es sons le
Rapport de leurs prerogatives honorifiques hereditaires. Post8vo., half
calf 1815
5205 De Vissac (Marc). Le Monde Heraldique. 8vo., half morocco 1870
5206 Discours de I’Origine des Armes. 1658 —Estienne de Cypre. Les
Genealogies de soixante et sept tres-nobles et tres-illustres Maiaons,
1586—Les Droicts, Autoritez et Prerogatives que pretendent an Royaume
de Hieruealem, 1586 J—together 3 works in 1 vol., sm. 4to., old
calf Digitized by CjO glC UNIVERSITY 0^
13 13 0
8 8 0
6 6
5 10
4 16
1 1
0 10
1 1
0 6
0 3
0 8
1 1 0
0 8 0
2 2 0
6 6 0
0 16 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 10 0
1 1 0
2 16 0
2 10 0
0 16 0
1 10 0
0 S 0
2 2 0
0 8 0
0 4 0
15 0
Dorst (J. G. L.). Wiirttembergisches Wappenbuch. 4to., with 117
coloured, plates , half morocco 1846
Douglas (Sir Robert). Peerage of Scotland. Second Edition, with a
continuation by J. P. Wood. 2 vole., folio, half morocco 1813
-the same. 2 vols., folio, o sound copy in russia 1813
-the same. Large Paper. 2 vols., roy. folio, russia gilt 1813
Doyle (J. E.). Offioial Baronage of England. 3 vols., roy. 8vo.,
roxhurghe 1886
Dubuisson. Armorial des principales Maisons et Families du Royaume.
12mo., old calf • 1757
Dugdale (Sir William). Origines Judiciales. Second Edition. Folio,
with 32 plates and 6 portraits engraved by Faith orne, W. Hollar , and
D. Loggan , old calf lb7l
- - A brief Discourse touching the Office of Lord Chancellor of
England. Written by John Selden. Sm. folio, an interleaved copy with
MS. additions; calf 1672
- The Baronage of England. 3 vols. in 2, folio, red calf , by
Tout 1675-76
the same. 3 vols. in 1, folio, blue straight-grained morocco
8 vo., cloth 1878
vols., folio, old
the samo. 3 vols. in 1, folio, red morocco extra
Durrie (D. S.). Bibliographia Genealogies Americana.
Edmondson (J.) Complete Body of Heraldry. 2
-the same. 2 vols. in 1, folio, half bound
-Companion to the Peerage. 8vo., unbound
Entries of Certificates, all done by Phillipps except Lincoln and
Rutland by W. Grymes. A folio MS. of 325 leaves neatly written; half
calf . XVII Gent.
Fairbalrn’s Book of Crests of the Families of Great Britain and
Ireland. New Revised Edition by A. C. Fox-Davies. Fourth Edition.
2 vols., 4to., buckram 1905
Fairholt. Catalogue of a collection of works on Pageantry bequeathed
to the Society of Antiquaries by F. W. Fairholt. 8vo., half calf 1869
[Fenton (R.)]. Tour in quest of Genealogy, through eoveral partB of
Wales, Somersetshire, and Wiltshire. By a Barrister. 8vo., calf 1811
Feme (Sir John). The Blazon of Gentrie. Sm. 4to., old calf or
vellum 1586
Foster (Joseph). The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, of the
British Empire for 1881. Roy. 8vo. f cloth 1881
- Some Feudal Coats of Arms from Heraldic Rolls 1298-1418.
Roy. 8vo., with 830 illustrations , cloth 1902
- - Some Feudal Coats of Arms, and others, illustrated with 2000
zinco etchings. Roy. 4to., cloth 1902
-Members of Parliament, Scotland, 1357-1882. . . with genealogical
and biographical notices. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1882
Fox-Davies (A. C.). Armorial Families. A complete Peerage,
Baronetage, and Knightage. 4to., buckram 1895
-the same. Edition de Luxe. 4to., morocco neat 1895
-The Art of Heraldry. An Encyclopaedia of Armory. Folio,
buckram gilt 1904
An English Edition of the “ Heraldischer Atlas ” by H. Strfihl.
Fuller (Thomas). The Worthies of England. First printed in 1662.
New Edition, by John Nichols. 2 vols., roy. 4to., half russia 1811
Gelbke (C. H. von). Abbildungen der Wappen saemmtlicher
Europajischen Sonveraine, der Republiken und freien Staedte. Folio,
59 plates, heightened with gold and silver; red morocco extra (1840 ?)
-the same. Oblong folio. 58 (o/59) coloured plates, hf. bd.
Original from (1840?)
£ s. d.
1 8 0
4 4 0
5 0 0
6 6 0
1 5 0
4 4 0
2 2 0
0 12 0
4 4 0
7 7 0
5 0 0
0 7 G
3 10 0
3 3 0
0 10 C
2 10
15 0
0 2 6
0 9 0
3 3 C
0 10 6
0 12 0
1 10 o
0 10 G
1 1G 0
2 12 G
5 5 0
2 2 0
2 2 C
1 5 0
5237 Genealogies. An Extensive Collection of Pedigrees of old Roman
Catholic and other Families deduced from the earliest times, beauti¬
fully drawn out by Michael Jones. Folio, a MS. of about 300 pages
neatly written ; red morocco extra 1820
5238 Genealogist (The), edited by George W. Marshall, 7 vols., 1877-83
—The Genealogist, New Series, 24 vols., 1884-1908—Cokayne’s Com¬
plete Peerage. Vols. IIIt-VIII, 1890-8 ;—37 vols., 8vo , in the original
cloth and bds. 1877-1908
Vols. 1 and 2 of Cokayne'a Peerage are contained in the first fire roltunes of the
Genealogist, New Series.
5239 -the same. A Consecutive Series from the beginning in 1877 to
July 1899, forming 24 vols. and 1 part. 8vo., 4 vols. in blue doth, the
rest in parts as issued 1877-99
Cokayne’s Complete Peerage, Vols. I and II, A—C, appear in the first 5 vols. of the
New Scries.
5240 -the same. First Sories, 7 vols. 1877-83—New Series, Vols. I.—
XII, 1884-95 together 19 vols., 8vo., ha'fcalf, gilt 1877-95
Vols. 1 and 2 of Cokayne’a Peerage aie not included in the abore set
5241 Gibbon (J.). Inlroductio ad Latinam Blasonian : an Essay to a more
correct Blason in Latine. Post 8vo., old calf 1682
5242 Glossary of Terms used in British Heraldry. 8vo., cloth 1817
5243 Glover's Roll of the Reign of King Henry III. Edited by G. J. Army-
tage. Sm. 4to., half calf 1868
5244 Goethals (FAlix-Victor). Dictiounaire Gcnealogique des Families
Nobles du Royanmo de Bclgiqne. 1849-52—Table Alphabetique par
Alphonse Herry, 1883;—togethor 5 vols., roy. 4to., Large Paper, half
morocco 1849-83
Miroir des Notability Nobiliaires de Belgiqne, des Pays Baa et du
£ i. d.
7 7 0
32 0 0
14 14 0
10 10 0
pp. xii and 543, with frontispiece, 20 plate-, and numerous illustrations
in the text ; hf. morocco Ttoxburghe Club, 1905
This second part is now yu blished for the first time from the MS. in the British
0 6 0
4 4 0
3 3 0
0 3 0
0 9 0
1 0 0
12 0 0
Nord do la France. 2 vols., roy. 4to , Large Paper, half morocco 1857-62
Gourdon dc Gcnouillac (H.). Grnmmaire Hcraldique. Nouvelle
Edition. Cr. 8vo., half vellum (1857)
Gras (L. Pierre). Repertoire Heraldiquo; on, Armorial General du
Fnrez. 8vo., half morocco 1874
Guillim (John). A Display of Heraldrie . . . Socond Edition. Sm.
folio, old calf 1632
-the same. Fifth Edition, folio, Large Paper, with portraits
coloured, and the Coats of Arms emblazoned; old calf 1G79
-the same. Sixth Edition. Folio, with numerous portraits and
plates , including the scarce Dummer plate ; calf 1724
-the same. Folio, panelled calf neat 1724
-the same. Folio, Large Paper, a very fine copy in crimson irwrocco
extra, gilt edges 1724 21 0 0
-the same. Folio, the "Dummer” plate in facsimile; neatly
bound 1724 4 10 0
Hampson (R. T.). Origines Patricife; or, a Deduotion of European
Titles of Nobility and dignified Offices 8co., half calf 1846 0 9 0
Harbin. Historical, Genealogical and Miscellaneous Collections (MS.)
in the autograph of Goo. Harbin, the eminent Antiquary. 2 vols., sm.
4to., with 8 engravings, tooled rvssia XVII-XVI1I Cent. 3 10 0
Hauterive. Armorial General de France. Public d’apres les rnanu-
scrits de la Bibl. Nat. Par M. Borel d’Hauttrive. 3 vols., roy. 8vo.,
half morocco 1856-78 2 8 0
Holme (Randle). The Academy of Armory, or, a Storehouse of
Armory and Blazou. Folio, Charles Hurles'on of Pictons subscription
copy, with a leaf containing his arms at beginning; fine copry in the
original calf, with the bookplate if Horace Wa'polc 1688 24 0 0
-- the same. Second Volume. Edited by J. H. Jeayes. Folio,
15 0 0
Harleian Society: A complete set of the Visitations, Registers, etc.
issned to its members by this Society from its foundation in 1869 to
1905 inclusive, being Visitations, Vols. I—LIII, and Registers, Vols.
I—XXXH ; in all 85 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1869-1905
Vols. X LIV—X LIX.—Musgrave’s Obit-
nary. Edited by Sir George J.
Armytage, £4. 14s 6d 1899-1901
Vols. L—LII.—Lincolnshire Pedigrees,
vols. 1-3, £3. 1902-4
Vol. LIII.—Visitations of the County of
Sussex, 1530 and 1633-4, £1. 3s 1905
Vol. I.—Rcgisler of Saint Peters upon
Cornhill, part I, 16s 1877
Vol. II.—The Register of Christchurch,
Canterbury, £1. Is 1878
Vol. III.—Register of St. Denis Back-
church, 16s 1878
Vol. IV.—Register of Saint Peter’s upon
Cornhill, part II, 16s 1879
Vol. V.—The Registers of St. Mary
Aldermary, London, 16s 1880
Vol. VI.—The Registers of St. Thomas
Apostle, London, £1. Is 1881
Vol. VII.—Registers of St. Michael,
Cornhill, £1. Is 1882
Vol. VIII.—Registers of St Antholin,
Budge Row, London, 1538-1754, and
of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook,
1682-1754,£1. Is 1883
Vols. IX, X, XIII, XVII, XIX, and
XX.—St. James, Clerkenwell,6 vols.
£4. 16s 1884-94
Vols. XI, XIV, XXII, and XXIV.—St.
George’s, Hanover Square, 4 vols.
£2 1886-97
Vol. XII.—Stourton, Co. Wilts, £1. Is
Vol. XV.—St. George’s Chapel, May-
fair, 16s 1889
Vol. XVI.—Kensington, £1. Is 1890
Vol. XVIII.—Registers and Monumental
Inscriptions of Charterhouse Chapel
Vol. XXI.—Registers of Christ Church,
Newgate, 1538-1754, £1. Is 1895
Vol. XXiII.—Registers of the Cathedral
Church, Durham, 1609-1896, £1. Is
Vol. XXV.—Register of St. Martin’s in
the Fields, £1. Is 1898
Vol. XXVI.—Registers of St. Paul’s
Cathedra], £1. Is 1899
Vols. XXVII and XXVIII.—Registers
of the Abbey Church of SS. Peter
and Paul, Bath, £1. 15s 1900-1
Vols. XXIX—XXX.—Registers of St.
Vedast and St. Michael le Quern,
Foster Lane, 2 vols. £ 2 .10s 1902-3
Vol. XXXI.—Register of St. Helen’s,
Bishopsgate Street, £1. 3s 1904
Vol. XXXII.—Registers of St. Martin
(Jatwich, London, £1. 3s 1905
£ *. d.
Vol. I.—London, 1568, £2. 2s 1869
Vol. II.—Leicestershire, 1619, £2. 10s
Vol. III.—Rutland, 1618, £1. 15s 1870
Vol. IV.—Nottingham, 1614, £2. 10s
Vol. V.—Oxford, 1574 and 1634, £2. 2s
Vol. VI.—Devonshire, 1620, £2 1872
Vol. VII.—Cumberland, 1615, £2 1872
Vol. VIII.—Le Neve’s Catalogue of
Knights, 10s 1873
Vol. IX.—Cornwall, 1620, £1. Is 1874
Vol. X.—Westminster Abbey Registers,
10s 1875
Vol. XL—Somerset, 1623, 12s 6d 1876
Vol. XII.—'Warwick, 1619, £1. Is 1877
Vols. XIII and XIV.—Essex, 1552,
1558, 1570, 1612 and 1634, 2 vols.
£1. 16s 1878-79
Vols. XV and XVII.—London, 1633-34,
£1. Is 1880-84
Vol. XVI.—Yorkshire, 1564,12s 6c' 1881
Vol. XVIII.—Cheshire, 1580, 12s 6d
Vol. XIX.— Bedfordshire, 1566, 1582,
and 1634, 12s 6d 1884
Vol. XX.—Dorset, 1623, 12s 6d 1885
Vol. XXI.—Gloucester, 1623, 12s 6 d
Vol. XXII.—Hertfordshire, 12s 6d
Vola. XXHI—XXVI—Marriage Licen¬
ces, £2
Vol. XX VII.—Worcester, 1569, 12s 6d
Vols. XXVIII and XXIX.-Shropshire,
1623, 2 vols. £1. 10s
Vols. XXX and XXXI.—Marriage
Licences: Vicar-General of Arch¬
bishop of Canterbury, 1679-94,
2 vols. £ 1
Vol. XXXII.—Visitations of Norfolk,
1563, 1589, and 1613, £1. Is
Vols. XXXIII and XXXIV.—Marriage
Licences : Vicar-General of Arch¬
bishop of Canterbury, 1660-79, £1
Vols. XXXV and XXXVI.—Hamp¬
shire Allegations for Marriage
Licences, 2 vols. £1. 5s
and XL.—Hunter's Fatnilitc Min-
orum Gentinm, 4 vols. £6. 6s
Vol. XLI.—Visitation of Cambridge,
1575 and 1619, £1. Is
Vol. XLII.—Visitation of Kent, 1619-21,
£1. Is 1898
Vol. XLIII.—Visitations of Surrey,
1530, 1572, and 1623, £1. 3s 1899
Harleian Society. A complete set of the Registers from the beginning
in 1877 to 1900, forming Vols. I—XXVII. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1877-1900
Haydn (J.). Book of Dignities. 8vo half calf 185L
Heraldic Exhibition, Edinburgh. Memorial Catalogue, MDCCCXCI.
4to., Illustrated Edition , with 118 facsimiles ; roxbnrghe 1892
—- Burlington House. Illustrated Catalogue. 4to., icify hO plates;
roxburgho binJi&sO glC UNIVERSITY OF MICHI
50 0 0
21 0 0
0 3 0
3 16 0
2 2 0
Hildebrandt (A. M.). Heraldische Meisterwerke yon der inter-
nationalen Ausstellung fur Heraldik za Berlin im Jahre 1882. Folio,
with 100 photographic plates; in portfolio 1882
Hubback (J.). Treatise on the Evidence of Succession to Real and
Personal Property and Peerages. 8vo., half morocco 1844
Index Society. Report of the 1st Annual Meeting . . . with Indexes
of Portraits in the European Magazine. Sm. 4to., cloth 1879
Kent (S.). The Banner Display’d: or, an Abridgment of Guillim.
2 vols., post 8vo., half calf 1726-8
- the same. 2 vols., post 8vo., old calf 1755
Kossakowskiego. Monografie Historyczno-Genealogiczne niektorych
rodzin Polskich, przez Stan. Kazi. Hr. Kossakowskiego, z przypisami
Jul. Bleszczynskiego. Tom. I. Roy. 8vo., half calf 1876
Lawrence-Archer (J. H.). Monumental Inscriptions of the British
West Indies from the earliest date. 4to., roxburghe 1875
[Leigh (Gerard)]. The Accedence of Armorie. Sm. 4to., with the rare
folding plate ; vellum Richard Tottell, 1591
- the same. Sm. 4to., title neatly remargined ; bd. 1591
- the same. Sm. 4to., with numerous woodcuts ( coloured ) and the
folding plate ; old calf Henrie Ballard , 1597
Le Neve (John). Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Corrected by T. Doff us
Hardy. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth Oxford, 1854
Lexicon over Adelige Familier i Danmark, Norge og Hertugdomene:
Udgivet af det Kongelige Danske genealogiske og beraldiske Selskab.
2 vols., 4to., with 108 plates; bds. (1790-1830)
Libro D’Oro della Nobilita Veneta. A copy of the Libro d’Oro as it
stood in 1645-1716. 2 vols., square folio, MS. on paper with about 4C0
splendidly emblazoned escutcheons ; in the original brown leather binding ,
with bosses and clasps 1645-1716
Life-Rent Peerages. Letter to Lord Lyndhurst. By John Fraser
Macqueeu. 1856—Substance of the Speech of Lord Campbell, 1856—
Substance of the Speech of Lord St. Leonards, 1856—Substance of the
Speech of Lord Brougham, 1856 ;—in 1 vol., 8vo., calf 1856
Litta (Pompeo) Famiglie Celebri Italiane : A series of pedigrees,
with several thousand engravings, the portraits beautifully coloured
and all the coats of arms emblazoned, complete from the beginning as
far as Dispensa 137, the Monographs alphabetically arranged in 7 vols.,
roy. folio, and having specially printed titles and a general index; half
olive morocco extra 1819-56
- A volume lettered Vol. X, containing Pedigrees T—V. Roy.
folio, portraits coloured , and Coats of Arms emblazoned; red morocco
super-extra 1820-51
the same. (Seconda Serie.) Proprieta Litteraria ed Artistica
X * &
dell’ Editors, Luciano Basadouna. Nos. I—XXVI. Roy. folio, sewed
(pub. £10. 8«) 1902-7
Livre d’Or de 178 families nobles des royaumes de Belgique et de
Holland. 4to., 16 coloured plates; half morocco (1850 ?)
Lodge (John). The Peerage of Ireland. Revised by Mervyn Archdall.
7 vols., 8vo., panelled calf gilt 1789
Lyndsay (Sir David). Facsimile of an ancient Heraldic Manuscript
emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount: Lyon King of Armes,
1542. Edited by D. Laing. Folio, with 144 coloured plates; cloth 1878
A reprint of the 1822 edition.
Madox (T.). History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings
of England. Folio, old calf (relacked) 1711
Manuscript Armorial. Ces sunt les nosmes et les Armes abatnes
des Graund Seigneiurs d’Angleterre-—Ces sunt les -nosmes des Comites
et grand Seig’s et BaroDs d’Augleterre [temp. Edw. I» 1272]. 4to.,
a MS. of 2 1 leaves of paper containing 632 coloured Coats of Arms,
with index; limp v(liuvc\ .rjlp Xylth Cent.
s. d.
10 0
10 0
3 6
14 0
14 U
9 0
0 0
2 0
16 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
0 0
6 0
10 0
4 0
6 0
5 0
5 0
10 0
1 0
-8 0
£ s. d.
5286 Mapy. Nouveau Traits historique et aroheologique de la vraie et
parfaite Science dee Armoiries. Par M. le M u De Magny. Vol. I.,
4to., morocco (1846)
5287 -Le Nobiliaire Universel, ou Recneil General des Genealogies
historiques et veridiques des Maisons Nobles de l’Europe. Vol. I—VI,
roy. 4to., half morocco 1854-60
5288 - La Science du Blason—Dictionnaire Heraldique;—bound in
3 vols., roy. 8vo., half blue morocco 1858
5289 - Armorial de la France, 1874 et 1875. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., with
9 plates; half blue morocco 1874-5
5290 Maigne (W.) Abr£g6 methodique de la science des Armoiries.
Cr. 8vo., sewed 1860
5291 Marshall (G. W.). Index to the Pedigrees contained in the Printed
Heralds Visitations. 8vo., cloth ' 1866
5292 -the same. 8vo., green morocco extra by Petit 1866
5293 -The Genealogist’s Guide. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised
and enlarged. 8vo., latest, and Best Edition ; cloth 1903
5294 Menestrier (F. C.). L’Origine des Armoiries. 12mo., calf 1675
5295 -Abrege Methodique des Principes Heraldiques, ou du veritable
Art du Blason. 12mo., half red morocco 1681
5296 -La Science de la Noblesse. 12mo., vellum 1691
5297 -La nouvelle Methode raisonnee du Blason, pour l’aprendre d’une
maniere ais£e. 12mo., old calf 1701
5298 -the same. Cr. 8vo., old calf 1770
5299 Milles (Thos.). The Catalogue of Honor, or Tresnry of true Nobility
peculiar to the Isle of Great Britaine. Folio, with many Ooats of Arm*;
old calf 1610
With the correct leaf 493 : the natural l children of Charles Blount by Penelope.
5300 -the Bamo. Folio, slightly stained, several leaves mended, ami the
leaf of errata defective; half russia 1610
5301 -the same. Folio, engraved title by Elstrackc (backed), and numerous
Ooats of Arms, emblazoned, the Blount pedigree intact, MS. notes in
margins; old calf, rebacked 1610
5302 Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Complete from the com¬
mencement in 1868 to 1908, forming 18 vols., roy. 8vo., two vols. half
calf, the rest in publisher's cloth 1868-1908
5303 -the same. New Scries, 4 vols.; Second Series, 5 vols.; Third
Series, Vol. Itogether 10 vols., roy. 8vo .,four vols. half calf, the rest
in half morocco 1877-95
5304 -the same. 10 vols., roy. 8vo., publisher's cloth 1877-95
5305 Morgan (Sylvanus). The Sphere of Gentry ... an Historical and
Genealogical Work of Arms and Blazon. Sm. folio, engraved title,
portraits and engravings by Qaywood, including the rare Howard Pedigree,
and the two unpaged leaves in book IV; purple morocco extra, gilt edges,
by Mackenzie 1661
5306 -the same. Large Paper. Folio, handsomely bound in russia, gilt
edges, joints, etc. 1661
5307 -the same. Folio, red morocco super-extra, gilt edges, by Bedford 1661
5308 -The Uses of Armes as they are delivered in the printed Book of
Scotland written by Sir George Mackenzie intituled Scotland’s Nobility.
Sm. folio, a MS. of 156 pages with a large number of Coats of Arms,
written by Sylvanus Morgan ; old rough calf (1691 ?)
5309 Moule (T.). Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnes Britannia. 8vo„ with
front.; hf. bd. 1822
5310 -the same. Large Paper. Roy. 4to., calf extra 1822
5311 -Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the principal families bearing fish
in their arms. 8vo., hal f morocco 1842
5312- -the st^nA-v Roy.j 8vo., Large Paper; cloth original from 1S42
10 0
8 0
8 0
16 0
3 0
2 6
10 0
10 0
6 0
5 0
6 0
5 0
12 0
4 0
16 0
10 0
18 0
5 0
15 0
10 0
0 0
0 0
3 0
10 0
1 U
10 0
12 0
10 ?
5313 Nicolas (Nicholas Harris). Notitia Histories: containing Tables,
Calendars . . . for the use of Historians. . . Post 8vo., russia gilt 1824
5314 -Catalogue of the Heralds’ Visitations in the British Museum.
Second Edition. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper; hf. morocco 1825
5315 -Testaments Vetusta 2 vols. in 1, roy. 8vo., half bound, 9 s; or,
2 vols., cloth 182*5
5316 -The Siege of Carlaverock in the XXVIII Edward I.a.d. MCCC ;
with the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights; with a Translation.
4to., cloth, £1. 16s; or, half red morocco, marbled edges 1828
5317 O’Gilvy (G.). Nobiliaire de Normandie. Vol. I. A—B (all pub¬
lished). Roy. 8vo , half calf 1864
5318 Bath: Order of the Bath. Statutes. 1840—-Statutes, printed on
vellum paper. 1848;—in 1 vol., 4to., red morocco 1840-8
5319 Dambreville (E.). Abrege chronologique de l’Histoire des Ordres
de Chevalerie. 8vo., calf Paris, 1807
5320 Elvin (C. N.). Hand-Book of the Orders of Chivalry, War Medals
and Crosses, with their Ribbons and other Decorations. 4to., cloth 1892
Garter (Order of):
5321 Armorial Register of the Sovereigns and Knights of the Most
Noble Order of the Garter. 4to., 15 printed pages of Armorial Registry,
2 illuminated title-pages, 3 water-colour drawings and a coloured lithograph
of Edward III, a Knight of the Order , the Royal Arms, and St. George
and the Dragon, and 784 Coats of Arms, emblazoned in colours and
heightened with gold, the whole beautifully executed by A. P. Harrison
and Sons ; red morocco extra 1844-67
5322 Ashmole (Elias). Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the most
noble Order of the Garter. Folio, old calf rebaoked 1672
5323 -the same. Folio, Large Paper; a very fine copy in russia
extra, gilt edges, from the Hamilton Palace library 1672
5324 - the same. Folio, Large Paper; a fine copy in eld russia
(rebacked) 1672
5325 -the same. Folio, old russia rebacked 1693
5326 Beltz (G. E.). Memorials of the most noble Order of the Garter.
Roy. 8vo., bound 1841
5327 Manuscript. A folio Heraldic Manuscript containing 302 coats-of-
arms of Garter holders from the institution of the Order in the time of
Edward III down to 1577. Elegantly illuminated on 10 leaves of
vellum, size 17} by 13} in .; old calf,rebackel
The arms are each encircled by the Garter, and each bears the name of the holder
with dates of his election and death, except in certain cases marked “ living AO 1577.”
They are nrranged in groups according to rank, in the order of election, thus : 12
Souveraignes, 7 Emperours, 17 Kings, 7 Princes, 88 Earles, 6 Viscoants, 73 Barons,
13 Baharets, 79 Knights — total 302.
5328 Register of the most noble Order of the Garter, from its oover in
black velvet, usually called the Black Book; with notes and an intro¬
duction by John Anstis. 2 vols., folio., old calf 1724
5329 -the same. 2 vols., folio, old gilt russia 1724
5330 Stall Plates of the Knights of the Order of the Garter, 1348-1485
A series of 90 full-sized colonrod facsimiles, with descriptive notes, by
W. H. St. John Hope. Roy. 4to., half morocco 1901
5331 Statutes. 4to., with 2 coloured Coats of Arms on vellum paper,
inserted; blue morocco extra 1766
5332 - 4to., blue morocco extra 1840
Golden Fleece (Order of the):
5333 Amounet de Hailly (C. F.). Les Mjstores de la Toison d'Or.
Velleris aurei mysteria. Sm. 4to., vellum 0rjginal from * 659
0 7 6
0 7 0
0 10 0
2 2 0
0 7 6
0 9 0
0 9 0
0 12 6
10 10 0
2 16 0
9 0 0
11 11
3 16
0 10
0 10
0 10 0
16 0 0
4 10 0
1 16 0
Orders, continued :—
Golden Fleece (Order of the), continued :—
5334 Chifflet (J. J.). Insignia Gentilitia Eqnitnm Ordinis Velltris
Aurei, fecialium verbis ennntiata: latine et gallice products . . . Le
Blason des Armoiries le tons les Chevaliers de l'Ordre de la Toison d’Or.
4to., with a beautifully engraved frontispiece, vean fauve , red edges, gilt
back, with the arms and monogram of President de Thou and his wife
Gasparde de la Chastre in gold 1632
5335 Institution de l’Ordre du Toison d’Or. A manuscript (on paper)
of the early part of the sixteenth century, with the arms finely em¬
blazoned ; with coloured portrait of Philip Duke of Burgundy, 1431.
4tio.,pp. 334; ruesia XVI Oent.
Knights of Malta :
5336 Bibliographie M6thodique de l’Ordre Souv. de St. Jean de Jeru¬
salem. Par Ferdinand de Hellwald. 4to., cloth Rome, 1885
5337 Binckes (F.). Sketch of the History and Persecution of the
Knights Templar. Sm. 4 to., cloth 1864
5338 Caravita. Abrege d’un Traite sur les constitutions et Privileges
do l’Ordro de Malte. Compose en Italicn par Frere Jean Caravita,
Prieur de Lombardio, adresse a tous les Chevaliers du memo ordre, ct
traduit en Francis. A neatly written Manuscript of 920 pages, bound
in 2 vols., folio, calf extra, gilt edges XVII Gent.
5339 CoIIezione di Monumenti e Lapidi Sepolcrali dei Militi Gcro-
solimitani nella Chiesa di San Giovanni in Malta. Disegnati in
contorno litografico da Rafaelle Caruana. 3 vols. — Iscrizioni ne'
Mausolei de* gran Maestri—Pianta del Pavimento della Chiesa;—
together 370 plates in 3 vols., folio, half brown morocco extra 1838-40
5310 Du-Puy (Pierre). Histoire (de la Condamnation) de l’ordre
militaire des Templiers ou Chevaliers du Temple de Jerusalem. 4to.,
• calf" 1751
5311 Flandin (Eugene). Histoire des Chevaliers de Rhodes depuis la
creation de l’ordre A Jerusalem jusqu’a sa capitulation a Rhodes. Roy.
8vo., cloth (used copy ) Tours, 1864
5342 Ruolo Generate del sov. mil. Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerasa-
h mme ovvero di Malta. 8vo., sewed 1900
5343 Statuta hospitalis Hierusalem. [Edidit I. B. Bondinollus.] Sm.
folio, limp vellum (1586)
5344 Vertot. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jeru¬
salem, appelez depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes, ot aujourd’hui les
Chevaliers de Malte. Par M. l’Abbe de Yertot. 4 vols., 4to., calf
gilt 1726
5345 Lawrence-Archer (J. H.). Orders of Chivalry. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1871
5346 Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). History of the Orders of Knight¬
hood of the British Empire ; of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover
and of the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses conferred for Naval and Military
Services. 4 vols., irapl. 4to., half morocco 1842
5347 Perrot (A. M.). Collection historique des Ordres de Chevalerie.
4 to., with 40 coloured plates; morocco 1820
5348 St. Esprit (L’Ordre de). Les Statute de l’Ordre du St. Esprit
estably par Henry III ,ne . 4to., ruled throughout, a fine copy in old
French red morocco, with the arms of Louis XV on sides 1724
5349 — the same. 4to., in a similar but better preserved binding 1740
5360 -Morin. Les Armes & Blasons des Chevaliers de l’Ordre du
Sainct Esprit creez par Louys XIII Roy de France et de Nauarre.
Par Jacques Morin escuier Sieur De la Masserie. With engraved title
and 78 plates of coats-of-arms, 1623—Les Statvts et Ordonnances do
l’Ordre dv Benoist Sainct Esprit, 1629;—together 2 vols. in 1, sm.
!• • • t t __ii.. t a r\ aa
folio, original QTq g j ^
Original from 1623-29
£ I. d.
5 5 0
12 0 0
l 15 0
0 3 6
5 5 0
7 10 0
0 12 6
0 7 0
0 4 0
3 16 0
2 16 0
5 0
6 6 0
1 0 0
12 12 0
14 14 0
6 6 0
•6351 Paprockiego (B.). Herby Rycerstwa Polskiego . . . Wydanie Kazi-
mierza Jozefa Tarowskiego. 4to., a reprint of the 1584 edition, cloth
5352 Paris. Armorial des Officiers de la Ville de Paris . . . gravees par
Beaumont. Large folio, with engraved title and 1852 Coats of Arms and
a MS. Index; calf 1735[—86]
5353 -Les Armoiries de la Ville de Paris. Ouvrage commence par feu.
le Comte A. de Coetlogon, refondu et complete par L. M. Tissorand et
le Service Historique de la Ville de Paris. 2 vols., roy. 4to., bds. 1874-5
5354 Peacock (Edward). Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers.
Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1863
5355 - the same. Second Edition, revised. Sm. 4to., roxburghe 1874
5356 Pedigrees. A folio volume of 75 leaves of paper, containing 79 Pedi¬
grees, with Index, neatly written, bds., old vellum back (1715-93)
5357 -Miscellaneous Pedigrees. Harl. MSS., 1551. A 4to. volume
so lettered containing numerous Pedigrees, neatly written, with several
tricks of arms ; vellum n. d.
-Collectauea. Eodes. A 4to. volume so lettered containing num¬
erous pedigrees, 100 pp., neatly written; vellum neat n. d.
-of British Noble Families. A folio MS. on paper, 320 pp. with
Index ; original vellum XVII Cent.
£ s. d.
0 16 0
3 3 0
] 16 0
0 5
0 7
5367 Catalogue MS5. Antonii a Wood ; being a minute Catalogue of eaoh
particular contained in this collection in the Ashmolean Museum at
Oxford. Folio, 53 j)p. 1824
5368 -of Knights made by Charles I, 1624-1646. Folio, 8 pp. 1853
5369 Catalogus Manuscriptorum Magnae Britanni<e, per D. Thomam
Phillipps. Pars I. Folio, pp. 66 ; bds. 1850
5370 Cornwallis (Sir C.). Index to his Writings. Folio, 6jpp.
5371 De Conquestu Anglire per Hispanos, temp. Elizabeths), 1588. Ex
MSS. Phillipps. Cura Dni. Thomaa Phillipps. Folio, bds. 1869
5372 Denbighshire. The Sheriffs of Denbighshire and Merionethshire.
Folio, cloth; scarce n. d.
5373 Devonshire. Chronicon Abbatiro Sci. Nicholai de Exonie. Folio,
22 pp.
5374 - Visitation of Devonshire, 1620. Folio, pp. 4; sewed n. d.
5375 Dorset. An ancient Confirmation Deed, relating to certain Lands,
formerly possessed by the Abbey of Shaftesbury. 4to.,pp. 42; 5ds.l8l8
5376 Fagfel. Letter co ncerning the Repeal of the Test and the Penal Laws,
1687. Folio, _ rs\c> Original from
0 15
0 6
1 10
0 3
0 7
0 7
3 3 0
0 18 0
0 12 0
3 16 0
14 0
Pelletier (Ambrose). Nobiliare, on Armorial general de la Lorraino
et du Barrois, en forme de Dictionnaire. Tome I, contenant les
Annoblis, A-Z. Folio, old ccdf gilt 1758 12 0 0
A fine copy, possessing the Supplement and Errata, of a very rare book.
5361 Philadelphia. Records of the Inscriptions on the Tablets and Grave¬
stones in the Burial-Grounds of Christ Church, Philadelphia. By
Edward L. Clark. Post 8vo., half morocco 1864
Phillipps’ (Sir Thomas) Privately Printed Books:
5362 Berkshire Visitations . . 1566, 1623 and 1644. Folio, half
morocco (1840)
Comprises Aldworth to Cantrell.
5363 Cambridgeshire. Visitation ... by Henry St. George, 1619. Edited
by Sir T. P. Bart. Folio, half bound 1840
5364 Cartularium Abbatiee de Fontanis, 4 pages—Cartularium de Flaxley,
7 pages—Registrum Abbatiaa de Malmesbury, 4 pages—Cartularium
Saxonicum Scireburnense, in agro Dorset, 4 pages;—in 1 vol., folio,
bds. v. y.
5365 -S. Johannis Bapt. de Caermarthen, longo tempore perditum,
nuper repertum inter MSS. Hengwrt. Folio, bds. 1865 1 4 0
5366 -Saxonicum Malmesburicnse. Folio, 25 pp. -026
0 16 0
2 16 0
0 16 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
0 7 6
0 3 0
Phillipps’ (Sir Thomas) Privately Printed Books, continued: —
5377 Glamorganshire Monuments. Collected by John Rowlands, 1865,
pp. 4—Sheriffs of Denbighshire, pp. 4—Sheriffs of Merionethshire,
pp. 4—Pembrokeshire Collections, pp. 2—Pembrokeshire, Names of
Places in the Parishes, pp. 7 ;—in 1 vol., folio, sewed v. y.
5378 Gloucestershire. Cartnlarinm Monasterii de Winchcombe in Com.
GIoqc. abbreviatum per Joh. Prynne, Arm. Impensis Dni. Thomro
Phillipps. Folio, pp. 225 ; bds. 1854
5379 -Excerpta ex Registris Parochialibus in Com. Gloucester
(Parishes of Ashton, Quienton, Todenham, Stoughton, Bengewortb,
Breutforton, Bnckland,Childswickbam, Sedgberrow, Snowsbill, Alcester,
Alveston, Stanton, Beckford, Bishampton, and Weston sub Edge).
Folio, pp. 106 lithographed; bds. 1854
5380 -(Parishes of Bnckland, 25 leaves; Childswickham,
1 leaf; Saintbnry, 1 leaf; Weston Sub-edge, 4 haves). Folio, litho¬
graphed; bds. 1854
5381 -Index Pedum Finium pro Com. Glonc. temp. Geo. I. Impensis
Dni. Thomse Phillipps, Bt. Folio, 115 pp., lithographed; bds.
5382 -Gloucester Subsidy Roll. 1 Edward III. a.d. 1327. Foli\
pp. 52 ; sewed n. d.
5383 - Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569. Folio, 58 pedigrees , 12
pp. 1854
5384 Grants of the Forfeited Lands of Edward Duke of Somerset, etc.
etc., temp. Philippi et Mnriee. Folio,pp. 55; sowed 1866
5385 Index Nominum in libris dictis Cole’s Escheats, inter Harl. MSS. no.
410-11, and 756, 7, 8, 9, GO. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1852
5386 Index of Leases of Manors and Landa in England, granted since the
Reformation. From the original MS. formerly in the possession of
Craven Ord. Folio, pp. 31, hf. mor. t 9s 1832
5387 Index to Particulars for Grants, temp. Ed. VI. 28 pp.; Philip and
Mary (by John Cayley). 14 pp.; in 1 vol., folio
5388 London. Part of the Visitation of London, 1634. Folio, pp. 6
5389 Middlesex. Visitation of Middlesex, began in 1663 by William Ryley
and Henry Dethick. Folio, pp. 53 ; bds. 1820
5390 Northumberland. Pedigrees from the Heraldic Visitation . . .
laken by Richard and Henry St. George, 1615. Folio ; cloth 1858
5391 Oxfordshire Monumental Inscriptions, from the MSS. of Antony
a Wood, Dr. Hutton, and Mr. Hinton. Folio; bds. 1825
5392 - Parochial Collections for the County of Oxford, pp. 96
—Oxfordshire Pedigrees. Harl. MSS., pp. 4 . Folio, sewed (182*)
5393 Tizon de Espana, 6obre los Linages de los Senores de Espaiia. Folio,
15 pp. 1818
5394 Wiltshire. Abbreviation of Pedes Finium 7 Ric. I to 11. Hen.
3 and Inqnis. post mort. 27 H. 3 to 12 E. I. for Wiltshire. By Sir
Thomas Phillipps. Folio, pp. 22; bds. (1840 ?)
5395 - Index to the Pedoi Finium for Wiltshire, 1 Geo. 1 to 11
Geo. 2. 2 parts in 1, folio, pp. 134; bds. 1853
5396 - Institutiones Clericorum in Comitatu Wiltoniae, 1297-1810.
3 parts complete, forming 1 vol., folio, 341 pp. 1825
5397 -North Wiltshire Musters, anno 30 Henry \I1I. Folio 1834
5398 -Pipe Rolls temp. Henrici 2. Ann. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, and 12-25.
a.d. 1159-1179. Folio; bds. 1853
5399 - Visitation of Wiltshire, 1677, ox MSS. Phillipps. Folio,
pp. 23 ; bds. 1854
5400 Winchester. Warton (T.). Notes and Corrections to his History of
Winchester. Folio, 4 pp.
5401 Worcestershire. Index to the Pedes Finium for Worcestershire,
1649-1714. Folio, 434 pp. Original from 1853
£ s. I
1 12 C
2 0 0
18 0
0 15 0
0 10 0
1 1 0
0 15 0
1 1 0
1 0 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
0 7 0
1 4 0
0 15 0
1 10 0
1 10 0
0 7 6
0 18 0
0 12 0
2 2 0
0 2 6
1 10 0
1 0 0
0 2 6
1 10 0
Phillipps’ (Sir Thomas) Privately Printed Books, continued :—
5402 Worcestershire. Index Pednm Fininm pro Com. Wigorn. ab 1 Edw.
Ill ad Hen. VI. Impends Dni. T. P. B&rti. Folio, 13 pp. 1865
5403 -Index to Worcester Wills, 1510-63. Folio, pp. 23; sewed n. d.
5404 -Marriages at Bretforton, in Co. Wigorn, 1538-1752, 8vo., bds.
5405 -Visitation, 1683-4. Folio, pp. 4
5406 Planch£ (J. R.). The Pursuivant of Arms. 8vo., cloth 1859
5407 Pollard (R.). Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, including the
extinct. Vol. I (all published). Roy. 4to., half morocco 1793
5408 Porny (M. A.). The Elements of Heraldry. 8vo., calf 1765
5409 •- the samo. Fifth Edition. Post 8vo., half calf 1795
5410 Reibisch (F. M. von) und F. Kottenkamp. Der Rittersaal. Eine
gcschichte des Ritterthums, seines Entatehcns uud Fortgangs, seiner
Gebrauche und Sitten. Artistisch erliiutert von Friedrich Martin von
Reibisch; historisch beleuchtet von Dr. Fianz Kottenkamp. Oblong
4to., with 62 coloured plates ; sewed 1848
5411 Renesse (le Comte Theodore de). Dictionnaire des Figures
Heraldiques. 7 vols., 8vo., sewed 1894-1903
5412 Resenha das Familias Titularese Grandes de Portugal. Por Albano
da Silveiro Pinto, continuada pelo Visconde de Sanohes de Baona
2 vols., impl. 8vo., hf. bd. 1883-90
5413 Right (The) to bear Arms. By “ X.” Post 8vo., cloth 1900
5414 Roman Catholic Families of England. Edited by J. J. Howard, and
others. 4 parts. Roy. folio, boards (1887-92)
5415 Rosny (Lucien (de). Des Nobles Rois de l’Epinette. Oblong 4to.,
48 coloured plates, including 354 Goats of Arms; bds. (1888 ?)
5416 Round (J. H.>. Studies in Peerage and Family History. 8vo.,
cloth 1901
5417 Salisbury (E. E.). Seventeen Pedigrees from “ Family Memorials.”
Impl. 4to., cloth New Haven , Conn., 1885
5418 Sandford (Francis). Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens
of England . . from the Conquest . . continued. By Samuel Stebbing.
Folio, Large Paper; russia extra 1707
5419 Sanford (J. L.) and M. Townsend. The Great Governing Families
of England. 2 vols., 8vo., doth 1865
5420 Schlegel (B.) och C. A. Klingspor. Svensk Heraldik. 8vo., half
morocco 187 4
5421 Scots Compendium, cr Rudiments of Honour. Containing the succes¬
sion of Scots Kings from Fergus. 2 vols. iu 1, 16mo , half calf 1752
5422 Segar (Simon). Honores Anglicani. PoBt 8vo., bds. 1712
5423 Segoing (C.). Mercure Armorial, cuseignant les Principes et Elemens
du Blazon des Armoiries, selon l’ordre et leB termes qui se practiquent
en cette Science. Sm. 4to., with numerous coloured Coats of Arms;
morocco extra 1652
5424 Seton (George). The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland. 8vo.,
cloth 1863
5425 Shaw (W. A.). The Knights of England: a Complete Record from
the earliest time. 2 vols., cr. 4to., roxburghe 1906
£ s. d.
0 15 0
2 12 6
10 0
0 7 6
0 7 6
0 9 0
0 9 0
0 6 6
8 8 0
8 8 0
3 3 0
0 3 6
3 5 0
5 5 0
0 16 0
0 18 0
8 8 0
0 7 6
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 3 6
4 4 0
2 8 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
5426 Sicily. Gravina. 11 Blasone in Sicilia ossia Raccolta Araldica. Per
V. Palizzolo Gravina, Barone di Ramiono. Folio, hf. morocco 1871-75
An Alphabetical Historj of the groat families of Sicily.
5427 Siebmacher’s Grosses und vollstandiges Wappenbuoh. 6 vols. and 12
Supplements, complete. Folio, with all the rare Indexes , a fine copy
bound in 3 vols., russia extra - 1777
5428 Simmonds (P. L.). The British Roll of Honour. 8vo., cloth 1887
5429 Simon (Henry). Armorial Gen6ral do l’Empire Franfaise. Tome I.
Large folio, with 70 plates; bds., uncut 1812 1 12 O
5430 Sinclair (Alexander). Historical, Genealogioal, and Miscellaneous
Traot8. 8vO., Olothr^ I Original r( 1875 ? )
0 18 0
5431 Sims (R.). Index to the Pedigrees and ArmB contained in the Heralds
Visitations, and other Genealogical MSS. in the British Moseom. 8 vo.,
doth ' 1849
- Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, and Legal
Professor. 8 vo., bd. 1856
Solly (E.). Index of Hereditary English, Scottish, and Irish Titles of
Honour. Sm. 4to., cloth 1880
Star Club of London, Memorials of. Folio, portrait and 38 coloured
plates; cloth (1855?)
Stodart (R.‘ R.). Scottish Arms, being a Collection of Armorial
Bearings, 1370-1678, reproduced in facsimile from contemporary MSS.
2 vols., folio, cloth 1881
5436 Surnames. Anderson (W.). Genealogy and Surnames: with some
Heraldic and Biographical Notices. 8 vo., cloth 1865
5437 -A volume containing several Tracts, Newspaper-cuttings, etc.,
relating to the Law on the Change of Surnames. Cr. 8 vo.,
hf. bd. (1860-6)
5438 -Bowditch (N. J.). SufFolk (Massachusetts) Surnames. 8 vo.,
cloth Boston, 186 L
5439 -Lower (M. A.). English Surnames. 2 vols., post 8 vo.,cZoM 1875
6440 Taylor (A.). The Glory of Regality: an Historical Treatise on the
Anointing and Crowning of the Kings. 870 ., hf. bd. 1820
5441 Thyselius (C.). Observations circa Originem Insignium Nobilitatis
8 vecan». Sm. 4to., pp. 14 ; sewed 1787
5442 Townsend (F.). Calendar of Knights, containing Lists of Knights
Bachelors, British Knights of Foreign Orders, also Knights of the
Garter . . . from 1760 to the present time. Post 8 vo., half morocco 1828
5443 Tyroff. Wappenbuch des hoheren Adels dor dentschen Bundestaaten.
Band 1. Roy. 8 vo., 100 coloured plates; half morocco 1846
5444 Verzeichniss der seit dem Bestehen des Kgl. Preuss. Herold-
samtes (1855) erfolgten Standeserhohungen, Adelsbestatigungen und
NamensvereiniguDgen, nebst Beschreibung der verliehenen Wappen.
4to., cloth 1875
5445 Vulson. La Science Heroique, traitant de la Noblesse. Aveo la Genoa-
logie sucoincti de la Maison de Rosmadec en Bretagne. Par Maro de
Vvlson. Folio, old calf 1644
5446 Wagner. Collectanea Genealogico-Historica illustrium Hungariae
Familianun. Decas I—IV, in 1 vol., 8 vo., bds. 1802
Walford (W. S.) and C. S. Perceval. Three Rolls of Arms of the
latter part of the XIHth century. 4to., half morocco 1864
Wappen -Almanach der Souverainen Regen ten Europa’s. 4to., with
50 plates; bds.
Wheatley (H. B.). What is an Index ? Sm. 4to., cloth
Whitmore (W. H .). Handbook of American Genealogy.
- The American Genealogist. 8 vo., cloth
Sm. 4to.,
The Graveyards of Boston. Vol. I, “ Copp’s Hill Epitaphs.
8 vo., cloth 1878
Willement (Thos.). Regal Heraldry. 1821—Heraldic Notices of
Canterbury Cathedral. . 1827—Roll of Arms of the reign of Richard II,
1834—Facsimile of the contemporary Roll of the Names and the Arms
of the Sovereign and Peers in the reign of King Henry VIII, in 1515.
1829;—4 vols. in 3, roy. 4to., Large Paper; calf gilt 1821-29
• ■ - Regal Heraldry. 4to., half calf 1821
— the same. 4to., Large Paper ; blue morocco 1821
- Arms, Banners, and Standards of the Royal Family and of the
Nobility and Gentry temp. Henry VIII, from a contemporary MS. in
the College of Arms, ^London. With 270 tracings from the original
MS. 3 vols£ folio, ^alfmorocco anginal from 1831
£ s. d.
0 16 0
0 10 0
0 4 6
1 11 6
4 4 0
0 4 0
0 6 0
0 12 0
0 7 6
0 8 0
0 3 0
0 6 0
2 10 0
0 5 0
1 5 0
1.16 0
0 7 6
0 7 t*.
0 2 6
0 12 0
0 10 0
0 6 0
8 15 0
0 18 0
1 16 0
9 9 0
5457 Wills from Doctors’ Commons. A selection from the Wills of
eminent persons, 1495-1695. Sm. 4to., cloth 1863
5158 Woodward (John). Treatise on Heraldry, British and Foreign.
2 vols., 8?o., the author's own copy with numerous manuscript annotations
and additions; half calf Edinburgh, 1896
5459 - Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry. 8vo., cloth 1894
5460 Yorke (James, of Lincoln, Blacksmith). The Union of Honour.
Sm. folio, calf
5161 Young (C. Q.).
Boy. 8vo., cloth
Order of Procedure, with authorities and remarks.
II. Special Genealogies
5462 Adams. Genealogical History of Henry Adams, of Braintree, Mass.,
and his descendants. Compiled and edited by Andrew N. Adams.
8vo., cloth 1898
5163 Andrews. Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews, who
settled in Farmiugton, Conn., 1640. 8vo., cloth 1872
5461 Annesley. Trial in Ejectment (at large) between Campbell Craig,
Lessee of Jaiyes Annesley and others, plaintiff ; and the Rt. Hon.
Richard Earl of Anglesey, 11 Nor., 1743. Folio, sewed 1744
5165 Appleton. Memoir of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass., with genea¬
logical notices. By Isaac Appleton Jewett. Roy. 8vo., vellum 1850
5466 Archer. Brief Memorials of English Families of the name of Archer.
4to., limp cloth 1856
5167 Arundell. Edited by J. J. Howard and H. Seymour Hnghes. Roy.
folio, bds. (1890)
5468 Ayres. Record of the Descendants of Captain John Ayres, ofBrook6eld,
Mass. By William Henry Whitmore. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1870
5469 Bartholomew. Record of the Bartholomew Family. By George Wells
Bartholomew, jun. 8vo., cloth 1885
5470 Bartlett. Papers on the subject of St. Mary Church, in the County of
Devon ... by the Rev. Canon Brownlow, together with Pedigrees of
the Family of Bartlett, and Notes on that and the Salter Families,
compiled by William Bartlett. 8vo., cloth 1886-98
5471 Bartow. Bartow Genealogy. Part I, containing every one of the name
of Bartow descended from Dr. Thomas Bartow, who was living at
Crediton, a.d. 1672. By E. B. New Edition. 8vo., half morocco (1878)
5472 Benson. The Benson Family of Newport, Rhode Island. 8vo., hf.
morocco, 7 s 6d ; or, morocco 1872
5473 Berkeley. Narrative of the minutes of evidence respecting the Claim
to the Berkeley Peerage. 8vo., half calf 1811
5474 -The Berkeley Manuscripts. By T. D. Fosbroke. 4to., bds. 1821
5475 Bethune. History of the Betbune Family. Translated from the French
of Andre Chesne, with additions. By Mrs. John A. Weisse. 4to., an
interleaved copy, half vellum 1884
5476 Bicknell. The Bioknells and the Family Re-Union, at Weymouth,
Mass., Sept. 22, 1880. 8vo., half morocco 1880
5477 Bisbee. Family Records of some of the Descendants of Thomas
Besbedge (Bisbee) of Soituate, Mass., in 1634. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo.,
half morocco 1876
5478 Bisse. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Bisse. By
Francis Grigson. 4to., sewed 1886
6479 Bohun. The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, by
S. Wilton Rix. 4to., bds. Beetles, privately printed, 1853
5480 Bontecon. The Anoestry of Daniel Bontecon, of Springfield, Mass. A
Record of 40 successive generations. By J. E. Morris. 8vo., an
interleaved copy in half morocco 1887
5481 Borlaae. The Descent, Name and Arms of Borlase of Borls.se in the
County of Cornw«bQ3vj^i&4!A UNIVERSITY OF
«. d.
5 0
6 10 0
1 16 0
1 10 0
0 G 0
1 1 0
0 18 0
5 0
1 0 0
0 12 0
0 18 0
0 9 0
1 8 0
0 18 0
1 0 0
0 9 0
0 3 G
0 12 0
0 14 0
0 8 0
0 6 0
0 10 0
0 12 0
0 12 6
0 G 0
5182 Botfield. Stemmata Botevilliana. By Beriah BotGeld. 4fo., half
morocco 1858
5483 Bowdoin. Some Account of tbe Bowdoin Family. 8vo., int-rlcavcd
■ copy, half morocco 1887
5484 Bower. Rev. John Bower, first Minister at Derby, Conn. 8vo., half
vellum n. d.
5185 Brabazon. Genealogical History of the family of Brabazon, from its
origin. By H. Sharp. 4to., half morocco 1825
5486 Brad lee. History of the Bradlee Family. Collected and arranged by
Samuel Bradlee Doggett. 8vo., half morocco Boiton , 1878
5187 Brainerd. Genealogy of tbo Brainerd Family, in the United States.
8vo., cloth 1857
5488 Breck. Genealogy of the Breck Family, descended from Edward of
Dorchester and bis brothers in America. By Samuel Breck. 8vo ,
cloth 1889
5489 Briggs. A partial Record of the Descendants of Walter Briggs of
Westchester, N.Y. Compiled by Sam. Briggs. 4to., half morocco 1878
5190 Bright. The Brights of Suffolk, represented in America by the Descen¬
dants of H. Bright jun. 8vo., half morocco 1858
5491 Brocas. The Family of Brocas of Beaurepairo and Roche Court. By
Montagu Burrows. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1886
5492 Brown. Family Record of Silas Brown, jun. 8vo., half morocco 1879
5493 - Biographical Sketch of Capt. Oliver Brown, an officer of the
revolutionary army, who commanded the party which destroyed the
statue of George III, in New York, 9th July, 1776. By the Rev. Horace
E. Hayden. 8vo., interleaved copy , half vellum 18S2
5494 Bruce. The Bruces of Aiith and their Cadets. By Major William
Bruce Armstrong. 4to., buckram Edinburgh, 1892
5195 - and Cumyn. Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns.
By M. E. Cumming Bruce. Roy. 8vo., cloth, £1. Is; or, half red
morocco extra 1870
5496 Burchard or Birchard (1595-1876 ?). 4to., 33 pages stylographically
written ; half calf 1887
5497 Burhans. Burhans Genealogy. Descendants from tho first ancestor
in America, Jacob Burhans, 1660, and his son, Jan Burhans, 1663 to
1893. t Compiled by Samuel Burhans, jun. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1894
5198 Burke and Alvord. Genealogical Account of the Descendants of
Richard Burke of Sudbury, Maes., and Alex. Alvord of Windsor, Conn.
Compiled by John A. Boutelle. 8vo. f cloth 1864
5499 Burleigh. Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family of America.
By Charles Burleigh. 8vo., half morocco 1880
5500 Burns. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and of
the Scottish House of Burns. By Chas. Rogers. 8vo., cloth 1877
5501 Butler. Memoir of the Butlers; Dukes, Marquises, and Earls of
Ormonde (by Bernard Burke). Folio, a MS. of 80 U., with numerous
loose papers, including a drawn plan of Dublin Castle ; in a cloth
portfolio (1879)
5502 -Butleriana, Genealogica ot Biographies; or, Genealogical Notes
concerning Mary Butler and her Descendants. By J. Davie Butler.
8vo., cloth 1888
5503 Butters. Genealogical Registry of tbe Butters Family, including the
Descendants of William Butter, of Woburn, Mass., 1665. By Geo.
Butters. 8vo., clo'h * 1896
5504 Caldwell. Caldwell Records. John and Sarah (Dillingham) Caldwell,
Ipswich, Mass., and their descendants. Collected and arranged by
Augustine Caldwell. 8vo., half morocco 1873
5505 Casamayor. Descent of the Family of Casamayorga or Casamayor
from the Royal Houses of Castile and Leon. 4to., interleaved copy,
half vellum fn 0 Ip Original from 1071
£ 8. d.
3 3 0
0 10 0
0 3 6
3 3 0
0 G 0
0 16 0
0 14 0
0 12 6
2 2 0
0 10 6
0 6 0
0 6 0
1 8 0
16 0
14 0
3 3 0
0 12 0
0 14 0
0 4 0
3 3 0
0 8 0
10 0
0 10 0
0 6 6
£ t. d.
5506 Cairnes. History of the Family of Cairnes or Cairns, and its connec¬
tions. By H. C. Lawlor. 4to., cloth 1906 0
5507 Cavendish. Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish. By White Kennet.
Cr. 8vo., half calf 1708 0
5508 - and others. Historical Collections of the Noble Families of
Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle. By Arthur Collins.
Folio, with 12 plates, mostly portraits engraved by 0. Vertue; old calf
rebacJced 1752 5
5509 -the same. Large Paper. Folio, fine impressions of the portraits;
morocco extra, gilt edges 1752 12
This copy hai the U learee of Addenda inserted from the small paper issue.
5510 -Sketch of the Life of the Sixth Dnke of Devonshire. Third
Edition. 4to., half green morocco 1870 0
5511 Cavrois. Biographie des Gen£raux Cavrois. Par Louis Cavroix.
8vo., sewed 1881 0
5512 Chatterton. New facts relating to the Chatterton Family gathered
from manuscript entries in a 1 History of the Bible ’ which once be¬
longed to the parents of Thomas Chatterton. 4to., half morocco 1883 0
5513 Chester. Genealogical Memoirs of the extinct Family of Chester of
Chicheley, their Ancestors and Descendants. Attempted by Robert
Edmond Chester Waters. 2 vols., 4to., cloth 1878 1
5514 Cheverel. The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor. By Lady Newdigate-
Newdegate. 8vo., cloth 1898 0
5515 Chichele. Stemmata Chicheleana. 4to., hf. bd. 1765 0
5516 -the same. With Supplement;—in 1 vol., 4to., old calf 1765-75 1
5517 Chittenden. William Chittenden of Guilford, Conn., and his descend¬
ants. Compiled by Alvau Talcott. 8vo., doth (1883) 0
5518 Clark. Record of the Descendants of John Clark, of Farmington,
Conn. By Julius Gay. 8vo half morocco 1882 0
5519 Clarke. Genealogical Statement of the Clarke Family of Boston.
Muss., 1731. By Isaac J. Greenwood. 8vo., half vellum 1879 0
5520 -Genealogy of the descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newberry,
Mass. By George K. Clarke. 8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco
neat 1883 0
5521 Cleaver and Peach. Pedigree of the Families of Cleaver and Peach.
4to., hf. bd. 1871 0
5522 Cleveland. Genealogy of Beniamin Cleveland, a great-grandson of
Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass. By Horaoe Gillette Cleveland.
8vo., cloth 1879 0
5523 Coc^burn. The House of Cockburn of that Ilk and the Cadets thereof.
By Thomas H. Cockburn-Hood. 4to., cloth 1888 1
5524^Coit. The Coit Family ; or the Descendants of John Coit, who appeals
among the settlers of Salem, Mass., in 1638. By Rev. F. W. Chap¬
man. 8vo., cloth 1874 0
5525 Colby and others. Pedigrees of 5 Devonshire Families : Colby,
Coplestono, Reynolds, Palmer, and Johnson. Compiled by F. T.
Colby. 4to., cloth 1884 1
5526 Cole. Genealogy of the Family of Cole, of the County of Devon. By
James Edwin-Cole. 8vo., cloth 1867 0
5527 Colt and Coutts. Genealogical Memoir of the families of Colt and
Contts. By Chas. Rogers. 8vo., cloth 1879 0
5528 Conant. History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and
America, 1520-1887. By F. Odell Conant. 8vo., cloth 1887 1
5529 Condit. Genealogical Record of the Condit Family. By Jotham H.
Condit and Eben Condit. 8vo., cloth 1885 0
5530 Constable. Historical Anecdotes of the Genealogy of the Constables
Lords Viscounts Dunbar and of all the houses married into that family
down to William Constable of Holderness. By John Burton. Imp.
4to ,fin« MS. on vellum, with numerous illuminated escutcheons ; old russia
9*^ Original from
14 0
18 0
5 0
12 0
C 0
2 6
3 C
1 0
5 0
14 0
10 0
14 0
10 0
5 0
10 0
10 0
12 0
11 6
15 0
1 0
18 0
3 G
1 0
12 6
0 0
5531 Convers. Family History in the line of Joseph Convers of Bedford,
Mass., 1739-1828. Compiled and edited by John Jay Pntnam. Roy.
8vo., cloth 1897
5532 Converse. Family Record of Deacons James W. Converse and Elisha
S. Converse. By William G. Hill. 8vo., cloth 1887
5533 Cooke. The Seize Qaartiers of the Family of Bryan Cooke, of Owston,
Hafod-y-Wern, and Gwysaney, and of Frances his Wife. Sm. 4to., red
morocco extra , by Riviere 1857
5534 Coote. Historical and Genealogical Record of the Coote Family. By
the Rev. A. de Vlieger. Roy. 4to., bdt. 1900
5535 Copinger. History of the Copingers, or Coppingcrs. By Walter
Arthur Copinger. 8vo., doth 1882
5536 Corral. Don Diego de Corral y Arellano y los Coralles de Valladolid.
Apnntes historicos, por L. de Corral. 8vo., sewed 1905
5537 Corwin. The Corwin Genealogy (Corwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the
United States. By E. Tanjore Corwin. 8vo., cloth 1872
5538 Courtenay. Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee of Privi-
liges, to whom the petition of William Visconnt Conrtenay . . . pray¬
ing that his right to the Earldom of Devon . . . was referred. Folio,
bdt. 1831
5539 Craft. Genealogical and Biographical History of the descendants of
Griffin and Alice Craft, of Roxbury, Mass., 1630-1890. Compiled by
Jas. M. and Wm. F. Crafts. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1893
5540 Crane. Genealogy of the Crane Family. Vol. I. By Ellery Bicknell
Crane. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1895
5541 Cromwell. Memoirs of the Protectorate-House of Cromwell. By
Mark Noble. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf 1784
5542 Crosby. Josiah Crosby, of Billerica, Mass. (1730-93), and Sarah Fitch,
of Bedford, Mass. (1732-1825), and their descendants. By Nathan
Crosby. 8vo , cloth 1877
5543 Culcheth and Risley. Genealogies of the Families of Cnlcheth of
Culcheth, and Risley of Risley, Co. Lancs. By J. Paul Rylands. 4to.,
sewed, 6s ; or, an interleaved copy, half vellum 1876
5544 Cushman. Historical and Biographical Genealogy of the Cushmans,
the Descendants of Robert Cushman, the puritan, 1617-1855. By H.
Wyles Cushman. 8vo., cloth 1855
5545 Cutcliffe. Account of the Family of CutclifFe of Damage of Devonshire.
By Sir Wm. R. Drake. Sm. folio, sewed 1876
5546 Dade Family Pedigree. A neat transcript, with drawings of Coats,
of Arms, and rubbings. Folio, half vellum (1870 ?)
5547 - Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Dade, of
Suffolk. Roy. 4to., with 3 autograph letters of Thos. Dade to Tho.
Pengelly of Norwich, dated April and July 1662, inserted ; bds. 1888
5548 -A Collection of Autograph Letters, Manuscript Notes, etc., relat¬
ing to the Dade Family. 8vo., half vtllum (1885)
5549 Davis. Dolor Davis. A sketch of his life, with a record of his earlier
descendants. By Horace Davis. 8vo., hf. bd. 1881
5550 - Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis, of Dudley,
Mass., and their descendants. By George F. Daniels. 8vo., vellum 1884
5551 Dawson. Collection of Family Records, with biographical sketches and
other memoranda of various families and individuals bearing the name
Dawson. By Chas. C. Dawson. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1874
5552 Deane. Biographical Sketch of John G. Deane. Memoranda about
members of the family. By Llewellyn Deane. 8vo., interleaved copy ,
half morocco 1887
5553 d’Este. Papers elucidating the Claims of Sir Augustus d’Este. 8vo.,
calf 1831
With autograph inscription, from Sir Augustas D’Esto to his cousin, Lord Augustus
£ *. d.
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 10
1 5
0 14
0 5
0 15
0 7
1 1
0 7
0 8
0 7 0
0 8 0
1 1 0
0 6 6
15 0
1 5
0 15
0 5
1 8
1 5 0
0 14 0
Q 5 0
Devereux. Lives and Letters of the Pevereux, Earls of Essex, in the
reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., 1540-1646. By the Hon.
Walter Bourchier Deverenx. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1853
- of Deerpark and allied families. Collected and arranged by W.
M. Hnrbnrgh. 1901—Supplement, Part I (without the plates), 1902;—
in l vol., 4to., sewed Tasmania , 1901-2
D’Hervart, de Cerjat, and Winn, Pedigree of. 4to., pp. 6; unbound
n. d.
Dickerman. Families of Dickerman Ancestry, Descendants of Thomas
Diokerman, an early settler of Dorchester, Mass. By E. Dwight
Dickerman and E. Sherwood Dickerman. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1897
Diodate. Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven from 1717 to 1751) and
his Italian Ancestry. By E. E. Salisbury. Roy. 4to., cloth 1876
Douglas. The Donglas Book. By William Fraser. 4 vols., 4to., red
cloth, with morocco backs Edinburgh , 1885
-Synopsis of the Genealogy of the most antient and most noble
Family of the Brigantes or Donglas. By Peter Pineda. Post 8vo., half
morocco 1754-
Drake. Genealogical and biographical Account of the Family of Drake
in America. Post 8vo., hf. bd. 1845
Earle. Ralph Earle and his Descendants. By Pliny Earle. 8vo., half
morocco 1888
Eaton. Report of the 5th Annual Reunion of the Eaton Family
Association held at Boston, 31 October, 1881. 8vo., interleaved copy;
half morocco 1888
Eberhart. History of the Eberharts in Germany and the United
States, a.d. 1265-1890. By Rev. Uriah Eberhart. Post 8vo., cloth 1891
Egerton. Short Account of the Possessors of Oulton, from the
Acquisition of the property until the Accession to the Baronetcy on the
Death of Thomas, 1st Earl of Wilton. Compiled by Sir Philip de
MalpaB Grey-Egerton. Sm. 4to., bound 1869
Ellis, Pemberton, and others. Early New England People. By
Sarah Elizabeth Titcorab. 8vo., cloth 1882
Ely. History of tho Ely Re-Union held at Lyme, Conn., 10 July, 1878.
8vo., half morocco 1878
Emerson. The English Emersons. By P. H. Emerson. 4to., cloth 1898
Erskine. The Erskine-Halcro Genealogy. The Ancestors and
Descendants of Henry Erskine, Minister of Chirnside. By Ebeu.
Erskine Scott. Sm. 4to., cloth 1895
Est6. The History of the House of Est4, from the time of Forrestus
until the death of Alphonses, the last Duke of Ferrara. Cr. 8vo., half
morocco 1681
Evelyn. ' A MS. copy of “An actual Survey of some Land belonging to
Sayes Court in the Parish of Deptford . . . being part of the Estate of
John Evelyn jun. Surveyed by Joel Gascoyne, 1692.” A large sheet of
linen, the plan dra'jon in red and black 1875
-A MS. List of Original Correspondence of the Evelyn Family of
Wotton, from 1634 to 1824 found at the British Museum, by John
Robt. Taylor. 11 leaves of foolscap (1876)
-Memoir and Letters of Captain W. Glanville Evelyn . . . from
£ t. d.
North America, 1774-1776. Edited and annotated by G. D. Scull. 8vo.,
cloth 1879
Exelby. Genealogy of the Family of De Eskelby or Exelby, of the
North Riding . . . By Henry Douglas Eshelby. 8vo ., cloth 1891
Falkiner. Pedigree, with personal sketches, of the Falkiners of Mount
Falcon. Post 8vo., cloth Dublin, 1894
Fauconberge. The Faueonberge Memorial: an Account of Henry
Fauconberge of Beccles. By S. Wilton Rix. 4to., bds. 1849
Felt. The Felt Genealogy. A Record of the descendants of George
' Felt of Casco Bay. (pSY«k EoB&prris. 8vo., cloth 1893
0 12 6
0 6 0
0 2 C
10 0
0 10 0
32 0 0
0 16 0
0 10 6
1 16 0
0 7 G
0 7 6
0 10 0
0 9 0
0 7 G
1 1 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
1 8 0
0 10 0
0 5 0
0 12 6
0 14 0
Fenner. Genealogy of the Fenner Family. By J. P. Root. 2 papers
in 1 vol., 8vo., interleaved copy ; half morocco 1886
Fermor and others. Fermor, with Wainman, Petre, with Galdeford.
Edited by S. Tacker and J. J. Howard. Roy. folio, bds. (1887)
Field. Genealogical Sketch of the family of Field, of the West Riding
of Yorkshire, and of Flushing and Newtown in Long Island, N.Y. By
Osgood Field, r863—Consanguinity of the Families of the Gibbses and
Mitchells. By B. Gibbs Mitchell, 1865;—with three other papers
relating to the Holbrook, Lee, and Shelton families, in 1 vol., 8vo., half
morocco v. y.
Fisher. Genealogy of Joseph Fisher, and his descendants, and of the
allied families of Farley, Farlee, Felterman, Pitner, Reeder and
Shipman. By Clarence Woodward Fisher. 8vo., cloth 1890
Fitts. Genealogy of the Fitts or Fitz Family in America. By Jas.
Hill Fitts. 8vo , half morocco 1869
Flanders. Lts Genealogies et anciennes Descentes des Forestiers et
Comtes de Flandrcs . . . par Cornille Martin. Sm. folio, half calf 1598
Fletcher. Pedigree of the Family of Fletcher, connecting with families
of Bracebridge and Keeling, Pickering and Keen, Blakemore, Best and
Russell, and others. 4to., interleaved , with 2 coats of arms emblazoned in
colours ; half morocco 1882
Folkard. Monograph of the Family Folkard of Suffolk. By Arthur
Folkard. 2 parts in 1 vol., 4to., half morocco 1890
Fordyce. Family Record of the name of Dingwall Fordyce, in Aber¬
deenshire. By Alex. Dingwall Fordyce, 1885—Addenda and Appeudix,
1888 ;—together 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1885-8
Fortescue. History of the Family of Fortcscue in all its Branches.
By Thomas Lord Clermont. Second Edition. Roy. 8vo., roxburghe 1S80
Fraser. Historical Account of the Family of Friscl or Fraser, par¬
ticularly Fraser of Lovat ... By John AndersoD. 4to., hds. 1825
-History of the Frasers of Lovat. By Alexander Mackenzie.
4to., Large Paper; roxburghe 1896
French. John French, of Braintree, Mass. Notes on the Frenches in
connection with France, England, Ireland, Scotland, and the United
States. By A. D. Weld French. Parti. 8vo., interleaved copy; half
morocco 1885
•-Index Armorial to an Emblazoned Manuscript of the Surname
of French, Franc, and others. By A. D. Weld French. 8vo., cloth 18j2
-Notes on the Surnames of Francus, Fx-ancois, French, etc., in
Scotland. By A. D. Weld Fi’ench. 8vo, cloth 1893
-County Records of the Surnames of Francos, Fi-anceis, French,
in England, a d. 110C-lc50. By A. D. Weld-French. 8vo cloth 1896
Fynmore. Memorials of the Family of Fynmorc. By W. P. W. Philli-
moro. 8vo., cl t'i 1886
Qarvey and others. Genealogical Memoianda relating to the Families
of Garvey, Blennerhasset, Shortall, and De Ponjade. Part I. 4to.,
sewed 1883
Gedney and Clarke. Tbo Gedney and Clarke Families of Salem, Mass.
By H. Fitzgilbert Waters. 8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco 1880
Gerould. Genealogy of the Family of Gamaliel Gerould, son of Jacques
Jerauld, of Languedoc. By S. L. Gerould. 8vo., cloth 1885
Gonzaga. The Pedigree of Her Royal and Most Sex-ene Highness the
Duchess of Mantua, Montferrat, and Ferrara; in which is traced her
Descent from King David. Compiled by tbo late John Riddell, tbo
Comte de Chambord, M. Berryer, and J. Montgomery. New edition,
4to., cloth 1885
Grace. Memoirs of the Family of Grace. By Sheffield Grace. Roy.
8vo., calf _ 1823
uncut 0ri 9 inal from 1823
the si(ineQ Fgj gvo., Ids.
£ «. d.
0 7 G
0 14 O
0 1C 0
0 9 0
111 G
0 10 0
2 2 0
1 0 0
18 0
0 9 0
1 0 0
0 7 6
0 10 6
1 1 0
0 16 0
0 3 6
0 3 0
0 12 0
0 6 0
2 2 0
1 12 0
1 17 6
5601 Glover. Account of John Glover of Dorchester and his descendants.
By Anna Glover. 8vo., cloth 1867
5602 Grant. Grant of Rotliiemurchus. A Memoir of the services of Sir
John Peter Grant. By Walter Scott Seton-Karr. Sm. 4to., cloth 1899
5603 Granville. History of the Granville Family. Traced back to Rollo.
By Roger Granville. Impl. 8vo., cloth 1895
5604 Graves. Genealogy of the Graves family in America. Vol. I. By
J. Card Graves. 8vo., cloth 1896
5605 Green. Diary of Ezra Green, surgeon under John Paul Jones, 1 Nov.
1777 to 27 Sept. 1778. By Commo. G. H. Preble, and W. C. Green.
Roy. 8vo , interleaved copy; half morocco 1875
5606 Greenleaf. Genealogy of the Greenleaf family, 1574-1896. By J. E.
Greenleaf. 8vo., cloth 1896
5607 Grevllle. Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of
Greville. [By Joseph Edmondson.] 8vo., calf or half morocco 1760
5608 Grose. Grant of Arms and Pedigree of the family of Grose. 4to.,
sewed 1881
5609 Gwysaney. Genealogical History of the House of Gwysaney. By
J. Bernard Burke. Folio, cloth 1847
5610 Haines. Ancestry of William Shipley Haines. By W. Francis Cregar.
Roy. 8vo., interleaved copy ; half calf 1&87
5611 - A complete Memoir of Riohard Haines (1633-1685), a forgotten
Sussex Worthy. By C. R. Haines. 8vo., cloth 1899
5012 Hall Ancestry. A Series of sketches of the lineal ancestors of the
children of Samuel Holden Parsons Hall and his wife Emeline
Bulkeley, of Binghamton, N.Y. By Chas. S. Hall. 8vo., cloth 1896
5613 Halsey. Thomas Halsey of Hertfordshire, England, and Southampton,
Long Island, 1591-1679. By Jacob Lafayette Halsey, and E. Drake
Halsey. 8vo., cloth 1895
5614 Handerson. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Handerson
Family. By Dr. H. E. Handerson. 8vo., interleaved copy; half
morocco 1885
5615 Hartwell. Hand-Book of Hartwell Genealogy, 1636-1887. By L. W.
Densmore. 8vo., cloth 1887
5616 Harvard. John Harvard and his ancestry. By Henry F. Waters.
8vo., interleaved copy; half vellum 1885
5617 Haste wood. Genealogy of the family of Haslowood: Shropshire
Branch. By Francis Haslewood. 4to., half morocco , 9 s; or, an inter¬
leaved copy; half vellum 1875
Hastings. The Huntingdon Peerage ; prefixed a Genealogical History
of the House of Hastings. By H. Nugent Bell. 4to., half calf 1820
- the same. 4to., a fine copy in russia extra 1820
-the same. Second Edition. 4to., hf. hd. 1821
Haven. Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Haven, of Lynn,
Mass., who emigrated from Eugland about 200 years ago. By Josiah
Adams. 8vo., half morocco Boston , 1843
5622 Hawley Record. By Elias S. Hawley. Folio, morocco 1890
5623 Hayden. Records of the Connecticut Line of the Hayden Family. By
Jabez Haskell Hayden. 8vo., cloth 1888
5624 Haye. Genealogie of the Hayes of Tweeddale. By Father Richard
Augustin Hay. 4to., Large thick Paper; half morocco 1835
5625 -the same. — Sainteclaire. Genealogie of the Sainteclaires of
Rosslyn. Sm. 4to., half morocco extra 1835
5626 Hazelton. Genealogical Sketches of Robert and John Hazelton, and
some of their descendants. By W. B. Lapham. 8vo., cloth 1892
5627 Heane Pedigree. 4to., 4 pages, printed on vellum; bds. (1887 ?)
5628 Hills. The Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin T. Hills, at
Crawfordsville, In@ 0 . 1878. 8vo.,
Si s. d.
0 16 0
0 9 0
0 8 0
1 1 0
0 7 6
1 0 0
Oli 0
0 2 0
2 2 0
0 16 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
011 0
0 8 0
0 6 0
0 10 6
5 0
18 0
1 0
6 0
2 0
1 0 0
1 10 0
2 10 0
0 16 0
0 7 0
0 5 0
5629 Herrick. Genealogical History of the Name and Family of Herriok,
from the settlement of Henerie Hericke in Salem, 1629-1846 ... by
Gen. Jedediah Herrick. Revised by Luoius C. Herrick. Sm. 4to.,
cloth 1885
5630 Hoare. Some Account of the Early History and Genealogy, with
Pedigrees from 1330. Collected by Edward Hoare. 4to., cloth 1883
5631 Hobart. William Hobart, his Ancestors and Descendants. By L.
Smith Hobart. Cr. 8vo., doth 1886
5632 Hollister. The Hollister Family of America. Lient. John Hollister of
• Wethers6eld, Conn., and his descendants. By Lafayette Wallace
Case. 8vo., half morocco 1886
5633 Hopkins and Probyn. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the
families of Hopkins of Llaufihangel Ystern Llewern, oo. Monmouth;
and Probyn. Impl. 4to., printed on vellum; bds. 1889
Hord. Genealogy of the Hord Family. By Rev. Arnold Harris Hord.
8vo., cloth 1898
Hornes. Histoire G6n6alogique de la Maison de Hornes. Par F. Y.
Goethals. Roy. 4to., red morocco 1848
Homyold. Lords of the Manor of Hanley Castle, co. Worcester.
Edited by J. J. Howard. Roy. folio, bds. (1892)
Horton. Proceedings of the Horton Family Gathering aod Social Re-
Union, Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo., sewed 1876
Howard. Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family. Post
8vo Large Paper; calf , or cloth uncut 1769
- the same. New Edition. Post 8vo., bds. 1817
-The Howard Papers : with a Biographical Pedigree and criticism.
By H. Kent Staple Causton. 8vo., doth (1862)
Hutchinson. Memoirs of tht life of Col. Hutchinson, representative of
the Co. of Nottingham in the Long Parliament. 4to., russia 1808
Irving. The Irvings, Irwins, Irvines, or Erinveines. By John Beaufin
Irving of Bonshaw. Roy. 4to., roxburghe 1907
Janes. The Janes family. A Genealogy of the descendants of William
Janes, the emigrant ancestor of 1637. By Frederic Janes. 8vo.,
cloth 1868
5644 Jaquett. Genealogy of the Jaquett family. By Edwin Jaquett Sellers.
Roy. 8vo., cloth 1896
5645 Jordan. Family Records of the Rev. Robert Jordan, and his descendants
in America. By Tristram Frost Jordan. 8vo., doth 1882
5646 Kemp. General History of the Kemp and Kempe Families of Gt.
Britain and her Colonies. By Fred. Hitcbin-Kemp, assisted by D. W.
Kemp, and J. Tabor Kemp. 1902—The Kemp(e) Families of Thanct
(A Supplement to the General History). 1903 j—together 2 vole., 4to.,
cloth 1902-3
5647 Kilbourn. History and Antiquities of the name and family of Kilbourn.
By Payne Kenyon Kilbourne. 8vo., cloth 1856
5648 Kinsman. Genealogical Record of the descendants of Robert Kinsman,
of Ipswich, Mass., 1634-18/5. By Luoy W. Stickney. 8vo., doth 1876
5649 Kip. Historical Notes of the family of Kip of Kiptibury and Kip’s Bay,
New York. 8vo., half morocco 1871
5650 Kitchell. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Kitcbell.
4to., sewed 1883
5651 Knox. Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox and of the family of Knox.
By Chas. Rogers. 8vo., doth Grampian Club, 1879
5652 Lane. Lace Families of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Memorial
Address at the Reunion of descendants and kindred of William Lane,
Boston, 1651, William Lane, Hampton, 1685, Dea. Joshua Lane,
Hampton, 1 Sept. 1886. By James P. Lane. 8vo., interleaved copy;
half morocco neat 1886
e. John Lee, of Farmington, Hartford Co., Conn., and his
descen<}antar'> By Saiiah Marsh Lee. 4to., morocco ginal from 1878
£ t. i
5653 L
l 2 6
0 14 0
0 9 0
15 0
0 12 C
0 16 0
3 16 0
0 18 0
0 1 C
0 14 0
0 10 0
0 8 0
0 12 6
2 10 0
0 16 0
0 12 0
1 1 0
1 12 0
1 0 0
0 16 0
0 6 0
0 3
0 3 <<
0 12 0
0 9 0
5654 Lapham. Family Register, or Records of some of the Descendants of
Thos. Lapham of Soitnate, Mass., in 1685. By ffm. B. Lapham. 8 vo.,
hf. calf 1873
Lawrence. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the
National Portrait Gallery, by Wm. H. Prescott. 4to., cloth
( Boston ?), 1856
-Historical Sketches of some members of the Lawrence family.
By Robert M. Lawrence. 8 vo., cloth 1888
Leete. The Family of Leete. Collected by Charles Bridger, and
edited by J. Corbet Anderson. Sm. 4to., bd. 1881
-the same. Sm. 4to., doth ( title stamped) 1881
Lefferts. Genealogy of the LefFerts family, 1650-1878. By Teunis G.
Bergen. 870 ., half morocco 1878
Leighton. Account of the descendants of Oapt. William Leighton, of
Kittcry, Maine. By Tristram Frost Jordan. 8 vo., interleaved copy;
half morocco neat 1885
5661 Leonard. Memorial : Genealogical and Biographical, of Solomon
Leonard, 1637, of Dnxbury and Bridgewater, Mass. By Manning
Leonard. 8 vo., cloth • (1895?)
5662 Leslie. Historical Records of the Family of Leslie from 1607 to 1868-9.*
Collected by Colonel Leslie. 3 vols., 8 vo., cloth 1869
5663 Leverett. Report of the Heraldic Committee of the New-England
Historic, Genealogical Society, on the question “ Was John Leverett a
Knight.” 8 vo., interleaved copy; half vellum 1881
5664 Levinge. Jottings for Early History of the Levinge Family. By Sir
Richard G. A. Levinge. Part I. Sm. 4to., cloth , 16s; or, half
morocco Dublin, 1873
5665 -Jottings of the Levinge Family. Set forth by Sir Richard
G. A. Levinge. Sm. 4to., cloth ; very scarce ib., 1877
5666 Ligonier. Pedigree of Ligonier. By Henry Wagner. A folio sheet,
unbound n. d.
5667 Little. Descendants of George Little, who came to Newbury, Mass.,
1640. By George T. Little. Post 8 vo., doth 1877
5668 Lloyd. Sir Charles Lloyd, of Leighton. By W. Y. Lloyd. 8 vo., pp. 32,
unbound 1890
56i»9 Locke. Genealogical and Historical Record of the descendants of
William Locke. By J. Goodwin Locke. Roy. 8 vo., doth 1853
5670 Lockwood. Descendants of Robert Lockwood. Colonial and Revolu¬
tionary History of the Lockwood Family in America, from a.d. 1630.
By F. A. Holden and E. Dundar Lockwood. 8 vo., doth 1889
5671 Loomis. Descendants of Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, in
1638, and settled in Windsor, Conn., 1639. By Eliah Loomis. 8 vo.,
cloth 1870
5672 Lorimer. Sootland. By R. R. Stodart. Imp]. 8 vo., sewed n. d.
5673 Luther. Genealogia Lntherornm ; oder, historische Erzehlung von D.
Mart. Latheri I. . . . von M. Davide Riohter . . 12mo., with 11 por¬
traits and plates; vellum , scarce 1733
5674 Macgregor, Grierson, and Greer. Pedigree. By Thos. Greer. A
large folding sheet, with 27 coats of arms ; iropl. 8 vo., roan (1888 ?)
5675 Macnamara. The Story of an Irish Sept. By N. C. Macnamara.
8 vo., buckram ’ 1896
5676 Macy. Genealogy of the Macy family, 1635-1868. By Silvanus J.
Macy. 4to., cloth 1868
5677 Malet. Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family. By Arthur
Malet. 4to., doth 1885
5678 Mar (Earldom of). Are there two Earls of Mar. 8 vo., half
morocco 1876
5679 -Crawford and Balcarres (Alexander Earl of). The Earldom of
Mar in Sunshine ^n^Jy, S^aj^e. 2 vols., 8vo., djejj^ FRSITY^f 41
£ «. d.
0 6 0
0 16 0
0 15 0
2 2 0
1 10 0
0 12 0
0 16 0
1 1 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
1 0 0
2 2 0
0 16
0 9 0
0 2 6
1 10 0
1 11 6
0 11 0
0 l 6
3 3 0
0 18 0
0 7 0
14 0
0 12 0
0 3 6
0 18 0
5680 Mann. Record of the Mann Family in America. Genealogy of the
descendants of Richard Mann, of Scitnate, Mass. By George S. Mann.
8vo., cloth 1884
5681 Marchmont and the Humes of Polwarth. By Margaret Warrender.
Roy. 8vo., cloth 1894
5682 Markham. History of the Markham Family. By David Frederick
Markham. 8vo., doth 1854
5683 Marmyun. History of the ancient noble Family of Marmyun. By T.
C. Banks. 8vo., bds. 1817
5684 Marsh. Genealogy of John Marsh of Salem and his descendants,
1633-1888. By Col. Lucius B. Marsh. Revised by Dwight W. Marsh.
8vo., cloth 1884
5685 - -— Genealogy of the family of George Marsh, who came from
England in 1635, and settled in Hingham, Mass. By E. J. Marsh. 8vo.,
cloth 1887
5686 -Some notice of various families of the name of Marsh. Compiled
by G. E. Cokayne. 8vo., cloth 1900
5687 Martin. Notices, genealogical and historical, of the Martin family, of
New England, who settled at Weymouth and Hingham in 1635. By H.
J. Hartin. 8vo., cloth 1880
Mather. Lineage of the Rev. Richard Mather. By Horaoe E. Mather.
Sm. 4to., oloth 1890
Mauleverer. Genealogy of the family of Mauleverer of Amcliffe. Rov.
8vo., sewed 1869
Maxwell. Farnham Descents from Henry III and the subsequent Kings
of England. 3 parts. Impl. 4to., half morocco 1860
Meares. The Pedigree of the family of Meares long seated in the
county of Westmeath. Roy. 4to., morocco 1901
25 copies only printed.
5692 Middleton. A sm. 4to. volume containing Letters and Extracts from
the Pariah Registers of Denbigh and Heullan, relating to the pedigree
of the Middleton Family ; half bound 1872
5693 Minshull. Pedigrees, from the Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire, 1613
and 1663, in the College of Arms. 4to., interleaved copy; half vellum
5694 Morris. Genealogical and historical Register of the descendants of
Edward Morris of Roxbury, Mass. By Jonathan Flint Morris. 8vo.,
cloth 1887
Morton. Memoranda relating to the Ancestry and Family of Hon.
Levi Parsons Morton. By J. Granville Leach. 8vo., half morocco 1894
Mowry. Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, of Rhode Island. By W. A.
Mowry. 8vo., cloth 1878
Munson. Proceedings of the first Munsou Family Reunion held in
New Haven, Conn., 17 August, 1887. 8 vo., half morocco 1887
Neale. Charters and Records of Neales of Berkeley, Yato and Corsham.
By John Alexander Neale. Impl. 8vo., sewed 1907
Neff. Chronicle, together with a little Romance regarding Rudolf and
Jacob Niif, of Frankford, Penn., and their Descendants. By Elizabeth
Clifford Neff. 8vo., cloth 1886
5700 Nelson. Descent of John Nelson and of his children. 8vo., interleaved
copy; half morocco New York, 1886
5701 Newhall. The Newhall family of Lynn, Mass. By H. F. Waters.
Parti. 8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco 1882
5702 Nevill. De Nova Villa: or, the House of Nevill in sunshine and shade.
By Henry J. Swallow. 8vo., with 11 plates ; cloth 1885
5703 Newsome. An impl. 4to. memorandum book containing 150 pages
of MS. Genealogical matter relating to the Families of Newsome,
Greame, Robinson, Shakespeare, etc.; bds. (1875-80 ?)
5701 Nicoll. The Niooll Family of Orange County, New York. [By W. L.
Nicoll.J SnvrAta, interleaved copy; half morocco Original from (1886?)
£ s. d.
10 0
0 8 0
0 12 0
0 15 0
0 14 0
0 10 6
0 4 0
0 14 0
0 18 0
0 2 6
3 10 0
1 16 0
0 10 6
0 6 0
1 0 0
0 10 C
0 14 0
0 4 0
1 1 0
0 16 0
0 9 0
0 14 0
0 16 O
1 10 0
0 9 0
5705 Norris. Lineage and Biographies of the Norris Family in America,
1640-1892. By Leonard A. Morrison. 8yo., cloth 1892
5706 O’Carroli. Stemmata Carrollana, the true version of the Pedigree of
Carroll of Carrollton. By F. J. O’Carroll. 8vo., cloth 1883
5707 .O’Connor. Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the O’Connors,
KiDgs of Connanght, and their descendants. l2mo., half calf 1861
5708 Ogden. The Ogdens of South Jersey. The descendants of John
Ogden of Fairfield, Conn. 8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco (1894)
5709 O’Madden. Genealogical, Historical, and Family Records of the
O’Maddens of Hy-Many. By T. M. Madden. Post 8vo., doth 1894
5710 Op Dyck. Genealogy, containing the Opdyclc, Opdyoke, Opdyke,
Updike American descendants of the Wesel and Holland Families.
By C. Wilson Opdyke. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1889
5711 O’Toole. Los O’Toole. Notice snr le Clan on la Tribu des O’Toole
dans la province de Leinster. Folio, half vellum 1864
5712 Otter. Pedigree of the family of Otter of Welham, co. Notts. By
Capt. A. E. Lawson Lowe. 4to., an interleaved copy ; half vellum 1880
5713 Paine Genealogy. Ipswich Branch. By Alb. W. Payne. 8vo.,
cloth 1881
£ i. d.
0 12 0
0 2 6
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 6 0
0 16 0
2 0 0
0 7 0
0 9 0
5714 Palgrave Family Memorial*. Edited by C. J. Palmer and Stephen
Tucker. 4to., with 33 plates; ids. Norwich , 1878
5715 Palmer. Some Account of the Palmer family of Rahan, co. Kildare.
By Temple Prime. Third Edition. 8vo., cloth 1900
5716 Parthemore. Genealogy of the Parthemore Family, 1744-1885. By
E. W. S. Parthemore. 8vo., cloth 1885
5717 Payne and Gore. Genealogy of the Families of Payne and Gore.
Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. Sm. 4to., cloth 1875
5718 Peck. Genealogical History of the descendant* of Joseph Peck, who
emigrated with his family to this country in 1638. By Ira B. Peck.
8 vo., cloth 1868
5719 Penn. Pedigree and Genealogical Notes of the family of Penn, of
England and America. By J. Coleman. Sm. 4to., bound 1871
5720 Percy. Extract of the History and Genealogy of the noble Families
of tho Earl and Countess of Northumberland. By Rich. Griffith.
Cr. 8vo., old calf 1764
5721 - Annals of the House of Percy from the Conquest to the oponing
of the nineteenth Century. By E. B. dc Fonblanqne. 2 vols., roy. 8vo.,
vellum neat 1887
5722 - History of tho House of Percy. By Gerald Brenan. Edited by
W. A. Lindsay (Windsor Herald). 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1902
5723 Peters. A Peters Lineage, five generations of the descendants of Dr.
Charles Peters of Hempstead. By Martha Bockce Flint. 8vo., cloth 1896
5724 Philbrick. Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook families,
descended from the emigrant Thos. Philbrick, 1583-1667. By Jacob
Chapman. 8vo., cloth 1886
5725 Phillips Genealogies ; including the family of George Phillips, first
minister of Watertown, Mass. 8vo., cloth 1885
5726 Pitkin family of America. Genealogy of the descendants of Wm.
Pitkin, from his arrival from England in 1659 to 1886. By A. P.
Pitkin. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1887
5727 Play ter s. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Playters Family.
Folio, a neatly written MS. with autograph letters , etc.; cloth (1860 r)
5728 Plimpton. Genealogy and historical notices of the family of Plimpton
or Plympton in America. By Levi B. Chase. 8vo., cloth (1884)
5729 Porter. Genealogy of the descendants of Richard Porter, who settled
at Weymouth, Mass., 1635 . . . also of John Porter, who settled at
Hingham, Mass., 1635. By J. W. Porter. 8vo., cloth 1878
5730 Potts. Memorial of Thomas Potts jun., who Bottled in Pennsylvania.
By Mrs. Thos. Potta^James. Sm. 4to., cloth original froi^ 74.
10 0
0 3 6
0 12 0
0 10 0
1 4 0
0 8 0
0 7 6
6 15 0
0 10 6
0 12 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
1 5 0
0 16 0
0 18 0
0 12 6
0 16 0
5731 Rawlins. Records of Families of the name Rawlins or Rollins, in the
United States. By J. R. Rollins. 8vo cloth 1874
5732 Rawson. Revised Momoir of Edward Rawson. By E. B. Crane. 8vo.,
Genealogical History of the Redfield Family in the United
By J. Howard Redfield. 8vo., cloth 1860
The Redmans of Levens and Harewood. By W. Greenwood.
5733 Redfield.
5734 Redman.
8vo., cloth
5735 Reed. History of the Reed Family in Enrope and America. By Jacob
Whittemore Reed. 8vo., doth 1861
5736 Rhind. Memoir of the late Alex. H. Rhind, of Sibster. By John Stuart.
Sm. 4to., half morocco 1864
5737 Rickards, or formerly Ricards of Evenjob, Co. Radnor. Pedigree, 1596-
1896. Neatly written on 2 large folio sheets of linen n. d.
5738 Ricker. Records of some of the Descendants of George and Maturin
Ricker, who were early at Dover, N.H., and who were killed by
Indians, 4 June, 1706. By Wm. B. Lapham. 8vo., half morocco 1877
5739 Robinson. William and Anne Robinson of Dorchester, Mass.; their
ancestors and descendants. By E. Doubleday Harris. 4to., interleaved
copy; half morocco 1890
5740 Rock wood. Historic and Genealogical Record of the Descendants of
Timothy Rockwood. By E. L. Rockwood. Cr. 8vo., doth 1856
6741 Roger and Playfair. The Scottish Branch of the Norman House of
Roger, with a genealogical sketch of the family of Playfair. By Chas.
Rogers. 8vo., cloth 1872
6742 Roger and others. Four Perthshire Families: Roger, Playfair,
Constible, and Haldane of Barmony. By Charles Rogers. Sm. 4to.,
cloth 1887
6743 Row. Memorials of the family of Row. Sm. 4to., sewed 1828
5744 Rowell. Biographical Sketch of Samuel Rowell, and Notices of some of
his descendants. By Roland Rowell. 8vo., doth 1898
5745 Rutherford. The Rutherfords *of that Ilk, and their Cadets. [By
Thomas Hood]—Additions and Corrections by C. H. E. Carmichael—
Supplementary Additions mostly byjJames Tait. 4to., cloth 1884-[99 ?]
5746 Sage. Genealogical Record of the descendants of David Sage . . .
one of the first settlers of Middletown, Conn., 1652. 8vo., interleaved
copy; half morocco neat 1878
6747 Sahler. Genealogy of the Sahlers of the United States, and of thoir
kinsmen, the Gross family. By L. Hasbronck Sahler. Roy. 4to.,
cloth 1895
6748 St« Paul. The Counts of St. Paul. By W. Frewen Lord. 8vo,
cloth 1904
6749 Salisbury. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Salisbury.
4to., 4 pages, with tioo coats of arms; printed on vellum; bds n. d.
5750 Savery. Genealogical and biographical record of the Savery families
(Savory and Savary), and of the Severy family, descended from early
immigrants to New England. By A. W. Savary, and Lydia A. Savary.
8vo., cloth 1893
5751 Schenck. The Rev. Wm. Schenck, his Ancestry and his Descendants.
By A. D. Schenck. 8vo., cloth 1883
5752 Schwenkfelder. Genealogical record of the descendants of the
Schwenkfelders, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1733, 1734, 1736 and
1737. 8vo , doth 1879
5753 Scott. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
By Charles Rogers. 8vo., cloth 1877
5754 Scrope. The Controversy between Sir Richard Scrope and Sir Robert
Grosvenor. Sm. folio, title in MS .; bds. 1832
6755 - A great histone peerage, the Earldom of Wiltes. By J. H.
igirid, i.u... - 1Q99
X i. i.
0 15 0
0 14 0
0 16 0
1905 0 9 0
1 L 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 12 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 16 0
1 11
0 12 6
0 12 0
0 6
0 6 0
0 10 0
0 7 0
0 14 0
0 4 6
0 10 0
0 6 0
576 1
Scripps. History of the Scripps Family. By J. E. Scripps. 8vo.,
half calf 1882
Shepard. Genealogical History of William Shepard, of Fossecnt,
Northamptonshire, and some of his descendants. By G. L. Shepard.
8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco 1886
Shirley. Stemmata Shirleiana. [By Evelyn Philip Shirley.] Second
Edition. 4to., cloth 1873
- another copy, 4to., with the Arms emblazoned in colours; cloth 1873
Skene. Descent of the Family of Skene. A large folding sheet
mounted on linen. 4to., cloth (1885 ?)
Smith. Notices relating to Thomas Smith, of Campden, and Henry
Smith, of London. By 0. Perkins Gwilt. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1836
Somerville. Memoric of the Somervilles. By James, eleventh Lord
Somerville. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper ; blue morocco extra 1815
Only fifty copies on large paper were produced.
Spalding. Memorial: a Genealogical History of Edward Spalding, of
Massachusetts, and his descendants. By S. J. Spalding. 8vo., cloth 1872
Spooner. Memorial of William Spooner, 1637, and of his descendants
to 1871. By Thos. Spooner. 8vo., cloth 1871
Spurgeon. The Spuigeon Family: being an account of the descent
and family of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. By W. Miller Higgs. 4to.,
bds. 1906
Stafford. Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford family in
America. By H. Marvin Benedict. 8vo., doth 1870
Stanley. Memoirs, containing an acconnt of the house of Stanley, from
the conquest to 1735. 4to., hf. bd. 1783
-The House of Stanley. By Peter Draper. 8vo., doth 1864
Stewart. View of the evidence for proving that the present Earl of
Galloway is the lineal heir-male and lawful representative of Sir Wm.
Stewart of Jedworth. 4to., calf (1800)
-Abstract of the evidence adduced to prove that Sir Wm. Stewart,
of Jedworth, was the socond son of Sir Alex. Stewart. 4to., calf 1801
Stirling. Comments in refutation of pretensions advanced for the 6rst
time, and statements in a recent work “ The Stirlings of Keir and their
family papers.” By J. Riddell. 4to., doth 1860
Stoddard. Anthony Stoddard, of Boston, Mass., and his descendants.
By C. Stoddard and E. W. Stoddard. Revised by Elijah W. Stoddard.
8vo., half morocco 1865
Strachan. Memorials of the Strachans, Baronets of Thornton, and of
the Family of Wise of Hillbank. By C. Rogers. Sm. 4to., doth 1873
Strobridge. Genealogy: Strobridge, Morrison or Morison, Strawbridge.
By Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild. 8vo., cloth 1891
Stuart. Memoires of the Family of the Stuarts, and the remarkable
Providences of God towards them . . . Cr. 8vo., calf neat 1683
- the same. Cr. 8vo., calf 1683
- The Descendants of the Stuarts. By W. Townend. Second
Edition, with additions. 6vo., half morocco 1858
- Chronological, Genealogical and Historical Dissertation of the
Royal Family of the Stuarts. By Mathew Kennedy. Post 8vo., old
calf gilt, £2. 2 s ; or, o very fine copy in russia extra Printed in Paris, 1705
-- A Genealogical and Historical Account of the Illustrious Name
of Stuart. By David Symson. Post 8vo., calf 1712
- the same. Post 8vo., blue morocco extra, gilt edges 1726
-Remarks upon a Scandalous Book lately published, oalled the
History of the Royal House of Stuart. Post 8vo., half bound 1731
--An Essay on the Origine of the Royal Family of the Stewarts.
By Richard Hay of Drumboote. 4to., calf neat (Reprinted 1793)
--Genealogical-History of the Stewarts from the earliest Period.
By Andrew StnaiVj (rebacked) UNIVERSITY OF Ml 0*^8
£ '*■
0 4 0
0 8 0
1 10 0
2 12 6
0 4 0
0 10 6
7 10 0
0 18 0
0 15 0
0 6 0
0 4 6
0 18 0
0 10 6
0 8 0
0 8 0
0 10 0
0 18 0
0 14 0
0 16 0 •
0 10 0
0 12 6
0 7 6
2 12 6
10 0
1 16 0
0 9 0
1 10 0
0 16 0
Stuart. The Royal House of Stuart, illustrated by a series of 49 plates
in colours, drawn from Relics of the Stuarts, by William Gibb. Folio,
hf. morocco 1890
-The Stuarts : Being Illustrations of the Personal History of the
Family. By J. J. Foster. 2 vols., folio, Author's Edition ; the plates
U} on handmade paper ; cloth 1902
5umner. Record of the Descendants of William Sumner, of Dor¬
chester, Mass., 1636. By W. Sumner Appleton. Roy. 8vo., doth 1879
Sutherland. Gordon (Sir Robert). Genealogical History of the Earl¬
dom of Sutherland, from its origin to the year 1630. Folio, old qilt
rusria 1813
-The additional Case of Elisabeth, claiming the title and dignity
of Countess of Sutherland, by her Guardians—Douglas. The Case of
Archibald Douglas against the Duke of Hamilton;—in 1 vol., 4to.,
calf ^ (I 77 — ?)
-Memoir of George Granville, late Duke of Sutherland. By
James Loch. Sm. folio, doth 1834
Taintor. Extracts from the Records of Colchester (Conn.), with some
transcripts from the recording of Michaell Taintor, of “ Brainford,”
Conn. Transcribed by Chas. M. Taintor. Cr. 8vo., cloth 1864
Temple. Some account of the Temple family. By Temple Prime.
First and Second Editions, in 1 vol., 8vo., half morocco 1887-94
Titus family in America. By Anson Titus, jun. Roy. 8?o., cloth , 3«;
or, an interleaved copy , half vellum 188 L
Todd Genealogy, or Register of the Descendants of Adam Todd. By
R. H. Greene. 8vo., half calf 1867
Torrey. Memoir of Major Jason Torrey, of Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa.
By David Torrey. 8vo., cloth 1885
-Contribution toward a Genealogy of all Torreys in America.
By D. Torrey. 8vo., cloth 1890
Tracy. Genealogy of the Family of Lt. Thomas Tracy, of Norwich,
Conn. By Mrs. .Matilda O. Abbey. 8vo., morocco 1888
Trolle. Genealogico historicum, illustrum Trollorum gentem exhibens ...
Ericns L. Hydren. Sm. 4to., pp. 52 ; sewed 1751
Trowbridge. The Trowbridge Family, or the Descendants of Thomas
Trowbridge, one of the first Settlers of New Haven, Conn. By Rev.
F. W. Chapman. 8vo., cloth 1872
Trubee. History of the Trubeo Family, 1275-1894. By Harriet Trubee
Garlick. Sm. 4to., hf. morocco 1894
Tuck Genealogy. Robert Tuck, of Hampton, N. H., and his Descend¬
ants, 1638-1877. By Jos. Dow. 8vo., cloth 1877
Tufton. Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Earls of Thanet. 8vo.,
hds. 1800
Tyndale. Genealogy of the Family of Tyndale. By B. W. Greenfield.
Royal lolio, bound 1843
(Jpham Genealogy. The Descendants of John Upham, of Massachusetts,
1635. By F. K. Upham. 8vo., cloth 1892
Valentine. The Valentines in America, 1644-1874. By T. W. Valen¬
tine. 8vo., half morocco 1874
Van der Noot. Table Gonealogique de la Famille de Van der Noot.
Par J. F. A. F. de Azevedo Coutino y Bernal. Folio, half bound, uncut ,
but with several leaves supplied from a cut copy s. 1. 1771
Van Voorhis. Notes on the ancestry of Major W. Roe Van Voorhis,
of Fishkill, Duchess Co., N.T. By Elias W. Van Voorhis. 8vo.,
cloth 1881
Vilas. Genealogy of the Descendants of Peter Vilas. By C. H. Vilas.
8vo., cloth 1875
Vinton. Genealogy of ltke Descendants of John Vinton, of Lynn, 1648.
£ *. d.
3 3 0
5 5
0 15
0 12 0
4 4 0
0 10 U
0 10 0
0 6 0
0 18 0
0 5 0
0 9 0
0 8 0
0 9 0
0 10 G
0 5 0
0 16 0
0 14 0
0 10 0
0 18 0
1 0 0
0 19 0
2 8 0
0 12 0
0 14 0
0 14 0
5809 Waldo. Genealogy and Biography of tho Waldos of America, 1650 to 1883.
By Jos. D. Hall, juD. Sm., 4to., doth 1883
5810 Warham. Genealogie or Pedigree of the ancient flourishing Familie
of Warham. A roll of vellum , with Coat of Arm* (1800 ?)
5811 Warren. Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, and
their descendants to the present time. By John Watson. 2 vols., 4to.,
with portrait and 50 'plates ; russia gilt 1782
5812 Warren-Clarke Genealogy. A Record of persons related within the
sixth degree to the children of Samuel Dennis Warren, and Susan
Cornelia Clarke. By C. W. Huntington. Roy. 4to., buckram. 1694
5813 Washbourne. The Washbourne Family of Little Washbonrne and
Wichenford, oo. Worcester. By J. Davenport. Roy. 8vo., with 16
plates; cloth (pub. £1. 1*) 1907
5814 Washington. Pedigree and History of the Washington Family:
derived from Odin, the founder of Scandinavia, b c. 70. By Albert
Welles. Roy. 8vo., cloth * 1879
-Examination of the English Ancestry of George Washington.
By H. F. Waters. 8vo., interleaved copy; half morocco 1889
Wauchope. History and Genealogy of the Family of Waucbope of
Niddrie-Merschcll. By James Paterson. 4to., half morocco 1858
Way. George Way and his descendants. Their connection with the
early Penobscot Grants . . . 1628-1821. 8vo., interleaved copy; half
morocco 1887
5818 Weitzel. Historical and Genealogical Record of the Descendants of
Paul Weitzel, of Lancaster, Pa., 1740. By H. E. Hayden. 8vo half
morocco 1883
5819 Wetmore. The Wetmore Family of America, and its collateral
branches. By J. Carnahan Wetmore. Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1861
5S20 White. The Descendants of William White, of Haverhill, Mass. . . .
Genealogical Notices by Hon. Daniel Appleton White. 1863. Addi-
tional Notices, by Annie Frances Richards. 8vo., cloth , 12« 6d; or,
morocco 1889
5821 Whitmore Tracts. Collection of Essays on matters of interest to
persons bearing the name. By Wm. H. Whitmore. 8vo., cloth 1875
5822 Wilcox Family. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo., interleaved copy; half
vellum 1875
5823 Willey. Isaac Willey, of New London, Conn , and his descendants. By
Henry Willey. 8vo., half morocco 1888
5824 Williams. The Grove?, and Lappan ; (Monaghan Co., Ireland). An
account of a pilgrimage thither, in search of the Genealogy of the
Williams family. By J. Fletcher Williams. 8vo., interleaved copy;
half morocco neat 1889
5825 Winchell. Genealogy of the Family of Winchell in America. By
Alex. Winchell. 8vo., cloth 1869
5826 Wingfield. Muniments of the ancient Saxon family of Wingfield.
Compiled by Mervyn Edward, seventh Viscount Powersconrt. Impl.
4to., with 58 plates; cloth; scarce 1894
5827 Wlnkley. Documents relating to the Winkley Family. Collected by
W. Winkley. 8vo., cloth [1863]
5828 Winthrop. Notes on the Winthrop Family, and its English connections
before its emigration to New-England. By W. H. Whitmore. 8vo.,
interleaved copy ; half vellum 1864
5829 -Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Governor of the Massa-
chnsetts-Bay Company at their emigration to New England, 1630. By
R. C. Winthrop. 8vo., cloth 1864
5830 Wood. Descendants of the brothers Jeremiah and John Wood. By
Wm. S. Wood. 8vo., cloth 1885
5831 Woodbridge. The Woodbridge Record: being an Account of the
of Newbury, Mass. Com-
Original from jggj
descendants of the Rev. John Woodbridge
piled by Lonis }litoh?u Roy. 4to., half me
£ «. d.
0 9 0
0 7 6
4 4 0
1 l 0
0 16 0
0 18 0
1 8 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
0 7 6
0 18 0
0 16 0
0 9 0
0 3 6
0 12 0
0 12 6
0 6 0
6 6 0
0 5 0
0 4 6
0 12 0
0 16 0
1 11 6
5832 Woodroffe. Pedigree of Woodroffe, of Plusterwine, co. Gloucester.
4to., sewed 1876
5833 - Pedigree of Woodrooffe, with memorials and notes. By S. M.
Woodrooffe. 4to., cloth 1878
5834 Wordsworth. Genealogioal Memoranda relating to the family of
Wordsworth. By E. Jackson Bedford. 4to., sewed 1881
5835 Wray. History of the Wrays of Glentworth 1523-1852. By Charles
Dalton. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1880-1
5836 Wren. Parentalia : or, Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens . . . but
chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren . . . compiled, by his son Christopher;
now published by his grandson, Stephen Wren. ' Folio, with a fine
mezzotint portrait by Faber , and 11 plates; old calf 1750
A very tall copy (probably large paper); 2 leaves are supplied from a shorter copy.
5837 - Sir Christopher Wren and his Times. By J. Elmes. 8vo., half
calf 1852
5838 Yarker. Genealogy of the surname Yarker; with the Loyburn, and
several allied families. By J. Yarker. 4to., cloth 1882
5839 Yerkes. Chronicle of the Yerkes Family. With notes on the Leech
and Rutter Families. By Josiah Granville Leach. 4to., with pedigree
and 27 (of 45) portraits and plates ; cloth Philadelphia , 1904
III. Topography
Addy (5. O.). Household Tales with other Traditional Remains.
Collected in the Counties of York, Lincoln. Derby, and Nottingham.
8vo., cloth 1895
Anderson (John P.). The Book of British Topography. 8vo.,
doth V * F J 1881
- the same. 4to., Large Paper; cloth 1881
Antiquarian Repertory (The) : a Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topo¬
graphy, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners. Chiefly compiled
by Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, and eminent Antiquaries. New
Edition. 4 vols., impl. 4to., Large Paper; russia extra 1807
Beattie (William). The Castles and Abbeys of England. 2 vols.,
impl. 8vo., half red morocco (1850 ?)
Beeverell (James). Les Delices de la Grand’ Bretagne et de l'lrlande.
8 vols., 12mo., with 235 plates; calf 1707
Birch (W. de Gray). Fasti Monastici ^Evi Saxonici. 8vo., doth 1872
British Museum. Index to the Charters and Rolls in the Department
of MSS. Vol. I.—Index Locorum. 8vo., cloth 1900
Burke (J. Bernard). The Historic Lands of England. Roy. 8vo., with
10 plates; cloth 1849
Camden (W.). Britannia, sive florentissimorum regnorum, Anglise,
Scotia;, Hibernia, et Insularum adiacentinm ex intima antiquitate
Chorographica descriptio. 12mo., vellum 1587
-- Britannia: or, a Chorographical Description of the flourishing
Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Translated and enlarged
by Richard Gough. 3 vols., folio, calf, £2. 10 s ; or, a fine copy in russia
gilt 1789
“ the same. Second Edition. 4 vols., folio, hf. vellum, £1. 16s;
or, o sound copy in gilt russia 1806
Cardonnel. Monumental Antiquities etc., sketched from nature, by
Adam De Cardonnel ... in 1803. Copied from the orgin&l drawings in
the possession of R. W. M. Nesfield of Bakewell, by Thomas Bateman.
4to., 15 water-colour drawings ; half calf 1854
Churton (E.). The Railroad Book of England. Roy. 8vo., half
morocco n , Original from (1851)
CobbeD (WiHiAm;, Rides. Post 8vo., J aif calf OF MICH 1853
£ s. d.
0 6 0
0 12 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
7 7 0
0 4 0
0 8 0
0 10 0
0 4 0
0 8 0
0 10 0
6 6 0
0 16 0
4 4 0
0 5 0
1 15 0
0 14 0
10 0
3 15 0
3 10 0
4 10 0
0 9 0
0 3 0
5855 Commelinus. Rerum Britannicarnm. Folio, calf, rebacked 1587
5856 Dibdin (C.). Observations on a Tour through England and a part of
Scotland. 2 vols., 4to., calf (1801)
5857 Domesday; or, an Actual Survey of South Britain, faithfully translated
hv S. Henshall and J. Wilkinson. The Counties of Kent, Sussex, and
Surrey. 4to., bd*. 1799
5858 - Translation of the Record as far as relates to the Counties of
Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester. By William
Bawdwen. 4to., bds. 1812
5859 - Recherches sur le Domesday, on Liber Censualis d’Angleterre,
ainsi quo sur le Liber de Winton ct le Boldon-Book . . . Par MM.
Lechaude-d’Ainsy et de Ste. Marie. Tome I (all published). 4to., hf.
bd. 1842
5860 - Kelham (R.) Domesday Book Illustrated: containing an
Account and a Translation of the difficult Passages. 8 vo., bd. 1788
5861 Domesday Commemoration, 1086 - 1886 . Domesday Studies : Being
the Papers read at the meetings of the Commemoration, 1886, with a
Bibliography of Domesday Book. Edited by P. Edward Dove. 2 vols.,
4to., buckram 1888
5862 Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-1518, being the extant Returns to
Chancery for Berks., Bucks., Cheshire, Essex, Leicestershire, Lincoln¬
shire, Northants, Oxon, and Warwickshire . . . Edited by J. S. Leadam.
2 vols., 8 vo., cloth Roy. Hist. Soc., 1897
5363 Douglas (James). Nenia Britannica; or, a Sepulchral History of
Great Britain. Folio, bound 1793
5864 Downman (E. A.). Ancient Church Bells in England. 4to., cloth\898
5865 Dugdale (William). The History of Imbanking and Drayning of
divers Fenns and Marshes, both in Foreign Parts, and in this Kingdom,
and of the Improvements thereby. Folio, Original Editionold gilt
russia, gilt edges 1662
5866 -the same. Folio, title-page neatly mended; old calf 1662
5867 -Monasticon Anglioanum. New Edition, enriched with a large
accession of materials ... by John Caley, Sir Henry Ellis, and the
Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel. 8 vols., folio; purple morocco extra, gilt
edges 1817-30
5868 -the same. Large Paper. 8 vols., with Proof Impressions of the 250
large and beautiful engravings by John Coney —History of St. Paul s
Cathedral in London, with continuation and additions by Sir H. Ellis,
Proof Impressions of the portraits and plates ;—together 9 vols., roy.
folio, Large Paper, purple morocco super-extra, broad gold tooled borders,
by J. Mackenzie 1817-30
Magnificent copy of this work, of which only 60 copies were printed on large paper.
Dury (A.). A Collection of Plans of the principal cities of Gt. Britain
and Ireland : with Maps of the Coast of the said Kingdoms. 12mo., 39
coloured maps ; old calf (1790?)
Ecton (John). Thesaurus Reram Ecclesiasticaram. Second Edition,
with additions, by Browne Willis. 4to., old calf 1754
Eyton (R. W.). Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II.
4to., cloth 1878
Fen and Marshland Churches. A Scries of Photographs with notes.
Series I-III. 3 vols., 4to., cloth (1869 ?)
Fosbroke (T. D.). Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, and Elements of
Archaeology. 2 vols., 4to.; diced calf neat 1825
- the Bame. 2 vols., roy. 8 vo , doth 1843
Gale et Fell. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres. 3 vols., folio,
russia 1684-91
-the same. 3 vols., folio, old calf, rebacked 1684-91
Gray (Thos.). Traveller’s Companion in a Tour through England and
Wales. By the IftieCKr.tCllrfty. New Edition.; 12iap., se.icel
£ *.
1 15
0 17 0
0 12 0
0 9 0
0 15 0
1 0 0
1 10 0
0 18 0
1 10 0
0 7 6
8 10 0
7 7 U
31 10 0
5878 Gilpin (W.). A Complete Set of the Works of W. Gilpin. 12 vols.,
8vo., with 176 plates; bds., uncut 1800-9
5879 -Observations on the Western parts of England, relative chiefly to
Picturesque Beauty. 8vo., Ids. 1798
5880 Grose (Francis). The Antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vols.—
Supplement, 2 vols.—Scotland, 2 vols.; —together 8 vols., roy. 4to.,
calf 1773-91
5881 -the same. 10 vols., impl. 8vo. f old English red morocco 1783-89
5882 Guide to the Victoria History of the Counties of England. By H.
Arthur Doubleday and W. Page. Impl. 8vo., bd$. (1900?)
5883 Hassell (J.). Pictnresque Rides and Walks, with Excursions by
Wat or, 30 miles rouud the British Metropolis ; illustrated in a Series
of Engravings, coloured after Nature. 2 vols., 8vo., with 120 coloured
plates ; calf, marbled edges 1817-18
5884 -Tour of the Grand Junction. 8vo., with 24 coloured plates; diced
calf 1819
5885 -the same. 8vo., morocco extra , gilt edges 1819
5886 Hoare (Sir Richard Colt), i Catalogue of Books relating to the
History and Topography of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Sm. 4to., Large Paper; bds , uncut 1815
5887 Horsley (J.). Britannia Romana. Folio, old calf 1732
5888 —-the same. Folio, Large Paper, with fine impressions of the plates ;
rusbia (rebacked ) 1732
5889 Household Books of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, 1507—
The Karls of Northumberland, 1512—The Lestranges of Hunstanton,
1519-1578—James V, of Scotland, 1538—Thomas Cony, of Bassing-
thorpe, 1545—Lord North, 1575—and other tracts, [chiefly excerpts
from “ Arcbwologia” ;—in 1 vol., 4to., half morocco v. y.
5890 Howard (Joseph Jackson). A collection of 61 Manuscript Note-
Books, containing Extracts from Parish Registers and Memoranda made
by Dr. Howard during his researches in Heraldry, Family History, and
kindred subjects during many years
5891 Hiibner. Inscriptiones Britanniae Christianas cdidit Acmilius Hiibncr.
4to., with 2 maps; bds. 1876
Index Library:
5892 I.— Calendar of Wills relating to the Counties of Northampton and
Rutland, 1510-1652. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1888
5893 II. — Calendar of Chancery Proceedings. Bills and Answers filed
in the Reign of King Charles I. Vol. I. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1889
5894 -the same. Vol. II. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1890
5895 III.— Index Nominum to the Royalist Composition Papers. First
and Second Series. Vol. I. AtoF. Roy. 8vo ., doth 1889
5896 IV.— Index to Bills of Privy Signet, 1584 to 1596 and 1603 to
1624, with a Calendar of Writs of Privy Seal, 1601 to 1603. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1890
5897 VIII.— Index to Wills proved and Administrations granted in the
Court of the Archdeacon of Berks, J 508-1652. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1893
5898 Index Locorum to Chancery Proceedings temp. Eliz. Roy. 8vo.,
pp. 182; half morocco neat; scarce (1810?)
Not published, bat printed for private distribution only, by S. I.ysons.
5899 Ireland (S.). Picturesque Views on the River Wye. Sm. 4to., with
31 plates; old calf 1797
5900 Jones (Edward). Index to Records called, the Originalia and Memo¬
randa on the Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer’s Side of the Exohequer.
Extracted from the Records. 2 vols., folio, old calf 1793-5
5901 Leland. Joannis [Lelandi Antiquarii de Rebus Britannicis Colleotanea,
cum Th. Hearnii praafatione, notis, et Indice ad editionem primam.
Editio altera. 6 vols., 8vo., calf 1774
5902 - Lives of the Antiquaries, John Leland, T. Hearne, and Anthony
a Wood. 2 Paper; red morocco 1772
£ t. d.
5 5 0
0 10 0
3 3 0
10 10 0 -
0 5 0
7 7 0
1 10 0
1 16 0
0 15 0
5 0 0
17 17 0
0 10 6
3 16 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 7 0
0 7 0
0 6 0
0 7 0
0 6 0
3 10 0
0 14 0
1 16 0
3 3 0
1 8 0
5903 Lambarde (W.). An Alphabetical Description of the Chief Places in
England and Wales. 4to., calf 1730 0
5904 LeNeve (John). Monumenta Anglicana. 5 vols., 8vo., Large Paper,
interleav&l; old calf 1717-19 4
5905 Lewis (Samuel, Jun.). An Acoount of the Rivers of England and
Wales. 12mo., cloth 1855 0
5906 Lysons (Daniel and Samuel). Magna Britannia. 6 vols., 4to., calf
gilt, marbled edges 1806-22 5
5907 Mackenzie (Sir Jas. D.). The Castles of England. 2 vols., 4to., with
40 plates, 70 plans, and 153 illustrations in the text, buckram 1897 2
5903 Marshall (G. W.). Printed Parish Registers. 8vo., interleaved copy;
hf. bd. 1884 0
5909 Martin. Index to various Repertories, Books of Orders, and Deorees,
and other Records preserved in the Court of Exchequer. From the
MS. of Adam Martin. Roy. 8vo , cloth 1819 2
5910 Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana; or a select Collection of curious
Tracts, illustrative of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography
of the English Nation. Yol. I (all published). 4to., half bound 1815-21 1
Monumental Brasses and Inscriptions:
5911 Blore (Edward). Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent
Persons. Impl. 8vo., with 30 plates •, half morocco 1826 0
5912 Boutell (C.). Monumental Brasses and Slabs of the Middle Ages.
Roy. 8vo., oloth 1847 1
5913 -Monumental Brasses of England. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1849 1
5914 - the same. Folio, Large Paper, with 147 plates; half morocco
1849 2
5915 Cutts (Edward L.). Manual for the Study of Sepulohral Slabs and
Crosses of the Middle Ages. 8vo., with 88 plates; cloth 1849 1
5916 [Gough (Richard)]. Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain.
2 vols. in 3, impl. folio, old russia 1786-96 14
5917 - the same. 2 vols. in 5, impl. folio, calf neat 1786-96 16
5918 [Haines H.)]. Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses. 8vo.,
cloth 1848 1
5919 - Manual of Monumental Brasses—List of the Monumental
Brasses in the British Isles ;—together 2 pts., 8vo., cloth 1861 2
5920 Illustrations of Monumental Brasses. Published by the Cambridge
Camden Society. 4to., half calf 1846 1
5921 Monumental Brass Society’s Portfolio. Parts I—YIU. Folio,
with 48 plates; sewed (1894)-97 0
5922 Oxford Portfolio of Monumental Brasses. Parts I—Y. Folio,
with 31 plates; sewed 1898-1901 0
5923 Stothard (C. A.). The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. Roy.
folio, Large Paper, with portrait and 144 plates; half morocco 1817 4
5924 -the same. Roy. folio, Large Paper; the plates coloured in a
superior manner ; a unique copy with the two cancelled plates of Sir Bernard
Brocas and 68 additional Goats of Arms beautifully emblazoned in their
proper colours; half morocco 1817 8
5925 Thornely (James L.). Monumental Brasses of Lancashire and
Cheshire. 8vo., with numerous coloured plates; cloth 1893 0
5926 Morgan (T.). Romano-British Mosaic Pavements. 8 vo., 33 coloured
and plain plates; doth 1886 1
5927 Neale (J. P.). Yiews of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen, in
England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 11 vols., 1818-29—Yiews of the
most interesting Collegiate and Parochial Churches in Great Britain.
2 vols. in 1, 1824-25 ;—together, 13 vols., in 12, roy. 4to., Large Paper,
with choice india proof impressions of the 83d plates ; half green morocco
extra rs\o Original frol818-29 27
s. d.
10 0
4 0
3 6
15 0
12 6
3 0
2 0
1 0
19 0
4 0
10 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
16 0
0 0
10 0
16 0
12 0
7 6
10 0
8 0
7 G
4 0
0 0
£ t. d.
5928 Nichols (John). Bibliotheca Topographica Britannia. 8 vols.—
Supplement called “ Miscellaneous Antiquities.” 2 vols.—10 vols. in 12,
4to., russia , gilt edges 1780-1819
The eight volumes are common enough, but the two volumes of additions are extremely
- Illustrations of the Manners and Experiences of Antient Times in
England, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,
deduced from the Aecompts of Churchwardens, and other authentic
Document?. 4to., red morocco extra; scarce 179 7
- Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. New
Edition. 3 vols , 4to., calf gilt, marbled edges 1823
- (John Bowyer). Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica.
8 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper; a vry fine set in calf extra 1834-43
Owner* of Land (Return of) in England and Wales. 2 vols.—Ireland.
1 vol.;—together, 3 vols., folio, half calf 1875-6
5933 Parish Registers. List of Parish Registers, etc. 8vo., interleaved
copy; cloth (1892 ?)
5934 Paterson (Lt.-Col.). New and accurate Description of the direct
and principal Cross Roads of England and Wales. Remodelled by
Edward Mogg. Eighteenth Edition. 8vo., bds. 1826
5935 -the same. 8vo., hf. calf 1826
5936 Pedrick (Gale). Borough Seals of the Gothic Period. 4to., with 50
plates; bds., vellum back 1904
5937 Pennant (Thomas). A Tour from Alston Moor to Harrowgate and
Brimbam Crags. Roy. 4to., Large Paper; calf 1804
5933 Poll Books. A Collection of 21 early Poll Boohs. 12mo. to sm. folio,
in various bindings; very scarce 1710-1857
No more trustworthy source of information for the genealogist exists.
5939 Railway Views. Oblong folio, 6 lithographic plates; cloth (1850?)
Record Commissioners (Publications of):
5940 Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turn Londinensi. Folio,
bd. 1802
5941 - Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod Damnum. Folio, bd. 1803
5942 NevilL Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii.
Temp. Hen. Ill <fe Edw. I. Folio, old calf 1807
5943 Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum
Abbreviatio. Temp, regum Ric. I, Johann, Hen. Ill, Edw. I, Edw. II.
Folio, with 3 facsimiles; russia 1811
5944 Public Records. Appendix to Reports respecting the Public Records
of the Kingdom, etc. Engraved facsimiles inserted in the several
works printed under the Commission. Folio, half bound 1819
5945 Hardy (T. F.). Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turn Londinensi
asservati, temp, regis Joh. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1835
5946 Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of H.M.’s Ex¬
chequer, together with other documents. Collected and edited by Sir
Francis Palgrave. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1836
5947 Rotuli Curiae Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the
King’s Justiciars. Vol. II., the first year of King John. Edited by
Sir Francis Palgrave. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1835
5948 Rotuli Normanniae in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico
V Anglia) regibus. Accuranto T. Duffus Hardy. Vol. I. de Annis
1200-1205, necnon de anno 1417. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1835
5949 Rotuli de Liberati ac de Misis et Praestitis, regn. Johanne. Cura T.
Duffus Hardy. Roy. 8vo half calf 1844
5950 Great Rolls of the Pipe for the second, third, and fourth years of the
reign of Henry II, a.d. 1155-8. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1844
5951 Rimmer (A). Ancient Stone Crosses of Eugland. 8vo., cloth 1875
5952 Robertson (Archibald), Topographical Survey of the Great Road
from Londocfto/Br.t Vend Bristol. 2 vols. in 1, evo., russia 1792
0 0
16 0
10 0
16 6
10 0
7 6
5 0
1 0
1 0
15 0
n 6
7 6
0 0
1 0
8 0
1 0
12 0
12 6
8 0
10 (5
9 0
6 0
4 t»
7 «
10 0
Rogers (W. H. H.). The Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors
in the West. 8vo., cloth 1890 0
Savile (Henry). Rernm Anglicaram Scriptores post Bedam praecipui,
ex vetnstissimis codicibas manasoriptis nunc primnm in lacem editi.
Folio, old calf 1601 1
Smith (Charles Roach). Collectanea Antiqaa. 7 vols., 8vo., complete,
with 300 archaeological plates, half calf 1848-80 6
-A Bronze Medal (by John Pinches) with the inscription, “ To
Charles Roach Smith, F.S.A., from fellow antiquaries and friends in
recognition of lifelong services to Archmology, 1890.” 0
-Retrospections, Social and Archaological. Vols. II and III.
8vo., cloth 1886-91 1
Speed (John). The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain. New
Edition. Large Folio, with maps; calf 1676 5
Spelman. English Works of Sir Henry Spelman. By Edmund Gibson.
Second Edition. Folio, old calf 1727 0
Stow. A Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles . . . diligentely collected
by John Stow. 12mo., calf 1565 1
Strutt (John). The Chronicle of England. 2 vols., roy. 4to., Large
Paper, with proof impressions of the plates ; calf , £6. 6#; or, a fine copy
in russia extra, gilt edges 1777-8 7
Stukeley (William) the famous Antiquary. Common-place Book.
Folio, hi8 autograph MS., containing a large number of Drawings of ~
British and Irish remains, many of them bearing upon his'worlcs in relation
to Stonehenge and Abury, besides representations of various objects of
mediaeval art: Brasses, S taint d Glass Windows (in colours), Architectural
remains ; bound in vellum 1717-1748 48
A most interesting volume, which contain* signatures of Stukeley dated 1717, 1721,
and 1748. The matter it comprises represents his minor work daring thirty years.
-Itinerarium Curiosum ; or, an Account of the Antiquitys and re¬
markable Curiositys in Nature or Art, observ’d in Travels thro’ Great
Britain. Centuria I, 1721—Centuria IT, to which is added, the Itinerary
of Richard of Cireucester, 1776 together 2 vols , folio, old English
red morocco 1724-76
-the same. Second Edition. 2 vols., folio, calf gilt 1776
Surtees Society’s Publications. A Complete Set from the Com¬
mencement in 1834 to 1905. Ill vols., 8vo., cloth 1835-1905
Tanner (T.). Notitia Monastica ; or, a Short History of the Religious
Houses in England and Wales. Cr. 8vo., interleaved copy, with annota¬
tions ; half calf 1695
-the same. Published by John Tanner. Folio, old calf 1744
-the same. Reprinted with many additions by James Nasmith.
Folio, neatly bound 1787
Topographer (The). (By Sir S. E. Brydges and S. Shaw.) 4 vols.,
1789-91;—Vol. V, part l (all published), by Sir Thomas Phillipps,
1821;—together 5 vols., 8vo ., four vols. hf. bd., the other in bds. 1789-1821
The filh volume contains the Herald 'b Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574.
Twisden (Roger). Eistori® Anglican® Scriptores X ... ex vetustis
mannscriptis, nunc primnm in lucem editi. Folio, old calf 1652
Willis (Browne). Notitia Parliamentary ; or, an History of the
Connties, Cities, and Boroughs in England and Wales. 3 vols., sm.
8vo., calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford • 1716-50
The author’s own copy, with MS. note*.
-History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual
Cathedral Churches. 2 vols., post 8vo., russia 1718-19
-the same. 2 vols., post 8vo., with numerous MS. annotations;
old calf 1718-19
■ (~*Original from
s. d.
3 6
4 0
10 0
10 0
16 0
5 0
18 0
10 0
7 0
0 0
7 0
10 0
0 0
5 0
2 0
10 0
16 0
16 0
0 0
0 0
12 0
£ t. d.
0 18 0
2 1G 0
0 1G 0
5 0 0
1 10 0
Topographical History arranged according
5974 Illustrations of Bedfordshire Antiquities, Monumental Heraldry
and Inscriptions. Original Manuscript. 5 vols., imp], folio, 422 leaves
comprising many large and richly emblazoned Coats of Arms and copies of
Inscriptions, arranged in alphabetical order; brown morocco super-extra;
by Holloway 1868 G3 0 0
“ Herein are represented delineations of all inscriptions and Heraldic Devices engraved
on Tombs and Sepulchral Memorials of a date anterior to the year 1700, as at present
known to exist in those Churches of the County of Bedford, whose names are indicated
in the Table. The Legends are carefully reduced to a givco scale, but the blazonry is
generally an exact counterpart of the Originals. Its compilation has occupied the leisure
hours of ten years.”— Extract from Prefixes.
5975 North (T.). The Church Bells of Bedfordshire. 4to., with numerous
illustrations; bds. 1883
5976 Shaw (H.). History and Antiquities of the Chapel at Luton Park.
A Seat of the Most Honourable the Marquees of Bote. Irapl. folio.
Large Paper, with 20 India Proof engravings ; russia (x'ra [1830]
5977 Victoria History of the Counties of England. Bedfordshire.
Vol, I. Impl. 8vo,, doth (pub. at £1. 1 la 6d) 1904
5978 Ashmole (Elias). The Antiquities of Berkshire. 3 vols., poet 8vo.,
without the plates ; old calf 1723
5979 -the same. 3 vols , 8vo.; Large Paper; a fine copy , old purple
morocco , gilt edges 1719 3G 0 0
Excessively rare on Large Paper.
5980 Hakewill (J.). History of Windsor and its Neighbourhood. Folio,
Large Paper; half calf 1813
5981 Jesse (E.). Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies ; including visits to
spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. Post 8vo.,
doth 1847
5982 Journey-Book of England. Berkshire. Cr. 8vo., bds. 1840
5983 King (Lt.-Col. Cooper). History of Berkshire. 8vo., cloth 1887
5984 Reading. The Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parish of St. Mary’s,
Reading, 1550-1662. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1893
5985 Reading Abbey. By J. B. Hurry. Sm. 4to., cloth 1901
5986 Rocque (J.). Topographical Survey of the County of Berks, in 18
Sheets . . . with the main and cross Roads ... to which is added a
Geographical and Historical Index. Roy. folio, hf. bd. 1761
Thifl copy has not sheet 15 (a blank leaf).
5987 Visitation, 1566, by Willinm Harvey, 1885—Visitation, 1664-6, by
Elias Ashmole for Sir Edward Bysshe, 1882—Visitation of Bucking¬
hamshire, in 1566, by W. Harvey, 1883—Pedigrees contained in the
Visitations of Derbyshire, 1569 and 1611, with MS. Index—Visitation
of Dorsetshire, 1565. Edited by W. C. Metcalfe, 1887 ;—in 1 vol.,
roy. 8vo., half calf 1882-7
5988 Wise (Francis). Letter to Dr. Mead concerning some Antiquities
in Berkshire, particularly showing that the White Horse ... is a
Monument to the West Saxons. 4to., with 2 plates; unbound 1738
5989 Berwick-upon-Tweed. The Charter granted to the town of Berwick-
upon-Tweed, by James I, 1604. 12mo.. half calf (1830)
5990 Charters and grants relating to the Borough of Chopping Wycombe.
4to., hf. bd. 1817
5991 Cocks (A. H.). The Church Bells of Buckinghamshire. Roy. 8vo.,
uith 33 plates; cloth 1897
5992 Great Hampden. Parish Registers of Great Hampden, 1557-1812.
Edited by E./A: Ebblesfhife. Impl. 8vo , hf. bd. Original from 1888
6 0
2 0
3 C
10 fi
9 0
2 5
2 16 0
0 9 0
0 3 6
1 1 0
0 10 0
1 0 o
Buckinghamshire, continued :—
5993 Lipscomb (G.). The History and Antiquities of tho County of
Buckingham. 4 vols., impl. 4to, Large Paper; olive morocco extra,
broad gilt borders, panelled sides 1847
5994 Memorials of Old Buckinghamshire. £dited by P. H. Ditohfield.
8vo., cloth 1901
5995 Smyth. Addenda to the ./Edes Hart well iante. By Admiral W. H.
Smyth. Roy. 4to., morocco extra 1864
5996 Stowe : A Description of the magnificent House and Gardens of the
Right Honourable Richard Grenville Temple. New Edition. 8vo.,
with 20 plates and plans ; half calf • 1773
5997 -tho same. 8vo., calf gilt, by Zaehnsdorf 1776
5998 -the same. 8vo., bds., uncut 1788
5999 -the same. 4to., Large Paper, with engraved tide and 32 plate t
and plans; hadf red morocco 1797
6000 - the same. 4to., with 31 plates and plans; ru sia extra, or red
morocco extra 1820
6001 Willis (Browne). History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred,
and Deanry of Buckingham. 4to., old calf 1755
6002 Ackermann (R.). History of the University of Cambridge, its
Colleges, Halls, and Publio Buildings. 2 vols., impl. 4to., with colour' d
plates, including portraits of the Founders, etc.; straight-grained
morocco 1815
6003 Addenbrooke's Hospital. A Sermon preached before the Governor’s
of Addenbrooke’s Hospital, 28 June, 1770, in Gt. 8t. Mary’s Churoh,
Cambridge. By Samuel Halkfax. 4to., unbound 1771
6004 Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Luard Memorial Series II.
Grace Book B. Part I, the Proctor’s Accounts for the years 1488-1511
8vo., bucl-ram 1903
6005 - Octavo Publications. No. XLIII.—The Riot at the Great
Gate of Trinity College, Feb. 1610-11. By J. W. Clark. 8vo., sewed 1906
6006 -No. XLIV.—Outside the Trumpington Gates before
Peterhonse was founded. By H. P. Stokes. 8vo., sewed 1908
6007 - Proceedings. Nos. XLVI—LII. 8vo, sewed 1906-9
6008 - Quarto Publications. New Series, No. I. —The Dual Origin
of the town of Cambridge. By Arthur Gray. 4to., sewed 1908
6009 -No. II.—King’s Hostel, Trinity College, Cambridge.
By W. D. Caroe. 4to., sewed 1909
6010 Charters of the Borough of Cambridge. Edited by Frederic
William Maitland and Mary Bateson. 8vo., cloth 1901
6011 Gardiner (F. J.). History of Wisbech, 1848-98. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1898
6012 Harraden. Cantabrigia Depicta: A Series of Engravings. From
drawings by R. B. Harraden, jun. Impl. 4to., with 35 plates; russia
gilt 1809 (1811 '()
6013 Le Keux. Memorials of Cambridge : a Series of Views . . . engraved
by J. Le Keux, with descriptive Accounts by T. Wright and H. L.
Jones. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth, 12 s 6 d; or, morocco neat 1817
6014 Raven (J. J.). Church Bells of Cambridgeshire. 8vo .,with 9 plates;
doth 1869
6015 Wilson (J.). Memorabilia Cantabrigi®: or, an Account of the
different Colleges in Cambridge. Post 8vo., bde. 1803
Channel Islands:
6016 Ansted (D. T.) and R. Gordon Latham. The Channel Islands.
8vo., with map and numerous illustrations ; cloth 1862
C017 Plees (W.). Aoeount.of the Island of Jersey. fr 1817
- ■ —
. t. d.
10 0
10 6
12 0
8 0
16 0
10 6
1 0
0 0
10 0
0 0
5 0
5 0
2 6
5 0
4 0
a 6
10 6
5 0
9 0
2 0
0 0
7 C
15 0
i 10 0
) 9 0
6018 Barlow (T. W.). Cheshire. 8vo., doth 1855
6019 Cheshire Pedigrees. A Collection of Pedigrees relating to Cheshire
Families. 2 vols., folio, half morocco n. d.
From the Library of Joseph Jackson Howard.
6020 Domesday Book. Facsimile of the part relating to Cheshire and*
Lancas hire. Folio, with 17 pp. of photographic facsimile; cloth 1861
6021 -A literal extension and translation of the portion relating to
Cheshire and Lancashire, by William Beamont. Folio, doth 1863
6022 Earwaker J. P. Fast Cheshire: Past and Present. 2 vols., folio,
cloth . 1877-80
6023 Manuscript Armorial. The Names of all the gentlemen and free¬
holders in ye Conntie Pallatine of Chester, and the Armes of all such
gentlemen, as now do dwell, or heretofore have dwelled therein. Sm.
4to., o MS. of 40 leaves of paper, containing 467 coloured Coats of Arms;
limp vellum XVIth Cent.
6024 Ormerod (George). History of the County Palatine and City of
Chester. Second Edition, enlarged by Thomas Helsby. 3 vols., folio,
bds. (pub . £20) 1882
6025 -the same. 3 vols., roy. folio, Large Paper; half green morocco
6026 Scott (S. Cooper). Lectures on the History of St John Baptist
Chnroh and Parish, in the city of Chester. 8vo., cloth 1892
6027 Blight (J. T.). Ancient Crosses and other Antiquities of West
Cornwall. Sm. 4to., doth 1866
6028 Boase (George Clement), and William Prideaux Courtney.
Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. 3 vols., impl. 8vo., doth 1874-82
6029 BorLase (W.). Observations on the antientand present State of the
Islands of Scilly. 4to., calf 1756
6030 ——- (W. T.). The Natural History of Cornwall, 1758.—
Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of Cornwall, 1754—together,
2 vols., folio, calf 1758-54
6031 -Antiquities of Cornwall. Second Edition. Folio, old calf 1769
6032 Britton (J.) and E. W. Brayley. Devonshire and Cornwall illus¬
trated, from original drawings by T. Allom, W. H. Bartlett, etc. 4to.,
cloth 1832
6033 Coats of Arms. A folio volume containing 361 Pen and Ink Draw¬
ings of Coats of Arms of Buckinghamshire, Cornwall, Derbyshire and
Surrey Families. Ef. morocco (1700?)
Contents:—Cornwall. 177 Coats from the Visitation of 1620 ; Derbyshire. 97 Coats
from the Visitation of 1662-4 ; Buckinghamshire. 48 Coats from the Visitation of 1623
and 1634 ; Snrrey. 39 Coats from the Visitation of 1623.
6034 Cotton (W.). Illustrations of Stone Circles, Cromlehs, and other
Remains of the Aboriginal Britons, in the West of Cornwall. 4to.,
olive morocco extra 1827
6035 Domesday Book. Facsimile of the Part relating to Cornwall. Folio,
doth 1861
6036 Gilbert (Davies). The Parochial History of Cornwall. 4 vols.,
8vo., mororco 1838
6037 [Hals (W.)\ The Compleat History of Cornwal, part II. Being
the Parochial, History. Folio, all published ; Al, A 2, and p. 1 a
little defective, these with other leaves being very neatly mended, pp. 151-
160 supplied in MS.; red morocco extra , rough gilt edges, by Riviere
[ Exeter ], circa 1750
The first part of this, the rarest of all the County Histories, was never printed ; the
work has therefore no title-page. The Hartley copy fetched at Sotheby’s, Jane 1,
1886, £70.
6038 Hammond (J.). A Cornish Parish : being an Account of St. Austell.
8vo., doth 1897
6039 Jfigi? (F, V(j^ (Aji^English-Comieh Dictionary. 4to.,, cloth 1887
1 . i.
6 0
10 0
6 0
10 0
2 0
11 0
5 0
9 0
3 6
10 0
2 0
10 i>
10 0
2 0
12 0
7 0
10 0
4 . 0
12 6
0 0
5 0
l 0
Cornwall, continued :—
6040 Jewers (A. J.). Heraldic Church Notea from Cornwall. Roy. 8yo.,
tewed (1887 ?)
6041 Langdon (A. Q.). Old Cornish Crosses. Roy. 4to., Large Paper;
roxKnrghe 1896
6042 Maclean (Sir. J.). Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of
Trigg Minor, in the County of Cornwall.. 3 vols, 4to., cloth 1873-9
6043 Madron. First Book of the Parish Registers of Madron. Edited by
G. B. Millett.. 4to., bd. 1877
6044 Polperro. History of Polperro ... by the late Jonathan Couch.
With an account of the life and labours of the author . . . by T. Q.
Couch. 8vo., cloth 1871
6045 Quiller-Couch (M. and L.). Ancient and Holy Wells of Cornwall.
Cr. 8vo., cloth 1894
6016 St. Columb (Major). Registers of the Parish of St. Columb Major,
1539-1780. Edited by A. J. Jewers. Roy. 8vo., doth 1881
6047 Visitation, l6ao. Roy. 8vo., calf Harleian Soc. t 1874
This copy has been bound without the title-page.
6048 Whitaker (John). The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall historically
sureeyed. 2 vols. in 1. 4to., half bound 1804
6049 Calverley. Notes on the Early Sculptured Crosses, Shrines, and
Monuments in the present Diocese of Carlisle. By W. S. Oalyerley
Edited by W. G. Collingwood. 8vo., cloth 1899
8vo n
£ *.
0 7
1 16
3 15
0 12
0 9
0 10
0 18
1 0
0 18
0 10 0
0 3 6
1793 0 6 0
6050 Carlisle. Some Municipal Records of the city of Carlisle.
R. S. Ferguson and W. Nanson. 8yo., cloth
6051 Parker (C. A.). Ancient Crosses at Goeforth, Cumberland..
6052 West (Thomas). A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, West
land, and Lancashire. Post 8vo., calf
6053 Chesterfield. Records of the Borough of Chesterfield: collected by
Pym Yeatman. Roy. 8 to., hf. bd. 1884
6054 Cox (J. C.). Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire. Vol. IV. The
Hundred of Morleston and Litchurch. 8vo., cloth 1879
6055 Croston (James). On Foot through the Peak. Post 8vo., cloth 1868
6056 Derbyshire Archsological and Natural History Society.
Journal, vols. I—XXIV. 8vo., cloth 1879-1902
6057 Pendleton (J.). History of Derbyshire. 8vo., cloth 1886
6058 Visitation of Derbyshire, taken in 1662. By Wm. Dugdale. Roy.
8vo., cloth 1879
6059 Barlng-Gould (S.). Devonshire Characters and strange Events.
8vo., with 55 plates; cloth 1908
6060 Blewitt (Octavlan). The Panorama of Torquay. Cr. 8vo., doth 1832
6061 Crossing (W.). Ancient Crosses of Dartmoor. 8vo., cloth 1887
6062 Davidson (James). Biblicthcca Devoniensis. Sm. 4to., cloth 1852
6063 Devonshire Pedigrees recorded in the Herald’s Visitation of 1620,
with Additions ... By John Tuckett. 2 vols, 4to., half morocco (1856)
6064 Domesday. The Devonshire Domesday and Geld Inquest. Exten¬
sions, Translations, and Indices. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1884-92
C065 Drake (Sir William R.). Devonshire Notes and Notelets, princi¬
pally Genealogical and Heraldic. 4to., cloth (1888?)
6066 Dredge (John Ingle). Devon Booksellers and Printers in the 17th
and 18th Centuries. With 2 Supplements. Sm. 4to., half calf 1885-6
6067 - A Collection of Papers relating to Devonshire. Sm. 4to., half
calf 1886-96
6068 - A few Sheaves of Devon Bibliography. Parts 1 and 2. Sm.
4to., tewed 1889-90
6069 EUacombe (H. Bella bf>the Church : a Supplement to “ Church
Bells of Devon. 1 ’ plates j boards ERSITY OF fv $872 -aNI
0 7 6
2 2 0
1 15 0
0 17 6
3 3 0
0 18 0
14 0
0 7 6
1 0
Devonshire, continued :—
6070 Exeter. Essays, by a Society of Gentlemen, at Exeter. Vol. I in 2
parts. 8vo., Large Paper; calf 1796
6071 -Gleanings from the Munioipal and Cathedral Records relative
to the History of Exeter. By W. Cotton and the Ven. Henry Wooll-
combe. 8vo., cloth 1877
6072 -Original Manuscript of John Hooker, Chamberlain of the City
of Exeter, 1555. Now in possession of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter
Cathedral. With coloured illustrations, descriptive notes and intro¬
duction by H. E. Reynolds. Oblong folio, doth "(1890 ?)
6073 Harding (Lt.-Col.). History of Tiverton. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1847
6074 Hyett (W.). Description of the Watering Places on the S.E. Coast
of Devon. 12mo., sowed ' (1805)
6075 Izacke. Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter. Third
Edition. Enlarged by Samuel Izacke. Post 8vo., old English red
morocco 1734
6076 -Alphabetical Register of divers persons who .. . have given
Tenements, Rents, Annuities, and Monies, towards the relief of the
Poor of Devon. Post 8vo., calf 1736
6077 Notes and Gleanings: a Monthly Magazine devoted chiefly to
subieots connected with the Counties of Devon and Cornwall.
by William Cotton and Jas. Dallas. 2 vols., 4to., cloth 1888-92
6078 Oliver (G.). Historv of Exeter, 1820—Historic Collections relating
to the Monasteries in Devon, 1820in 1 vol., 8vo., half russia 1820
6079 -History of the City of Exeter. 8vo., cloth 1861
6080 Page (J. L. W.). The Rivers of Devon from source to sea. 8vo.,
Large Paper ; hf.bd. 1893
6081 Plymouth. Catalogue of the Plymouth Municipal Records. By
R. N. Worth. 8vo., cloth . 1893
6082 Plympton : the Borough and its Charters. By J. Brooking Rowe.
8vo., cloth 1887
6083 Pulman (G. P. R.). The Book of the Axe. Royal 8vo., with a large
folding map mounted on linen , doth extra 1875
6084 RLsdon (Tristram). Survey of the County of Devon, printed from
the Original Manuscript with considerable Additions. 8vo calf 1811
6085 Rogers (W. H. Hamilton). Antient Sepulchral Effigies and Monu¬
mental and Memorial Sculpture of Devon. 4to., bds. 1877
6086 Shortt (W. T. P.). Sylva Antique Iscana, Numismatica . . or,
Roman and other Antiquities of Exeter. 8vo., cloth (1840 ?)
6087 Visitation of Devonshire, 1620. Roy. 8vo., bound without the title
page, in calf; scarce Harleian Soc., 1872
6088 Western Antiquary. Edited by W. H. K. Wright. Vols. I—XI.
Sm. 4to., half bound 1881-92
6089 Williams (T. H.). Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire and Corn¬
wall. Part I. Devonshire. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper; calf 1804
6090 Worth (R. N.). History of Devonshire. 8vo., cloth 1886
6091 Barnes (W.). Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect. Post
8vo., doth 1879
6092 Coker. A Survey of Dorsetshire. Containing the Antiquities and
Natural History of that County. Folio, Large Paper; original
calf 1732
6093 Eyton (R. W.). Key to Domesday . . . specially exemplified by
an Analysis and Digest of the Dorset Survey. 4to., cloth 1878
6094 Hutchins (John). History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset
. . . Third Edition, corrected, by William Shipp and James Whitworth
Hobson. 4 vols., folio, half morocco 1861-70
6095 Lydlinch. The Registers of Lydlinch, Co. Dorset. From 1559 to
18l2. iZ( Tra^sg^rd fcjjg. H. Mayo and F.^jr, 8vo.^setrei 1899
I. i
15 0
4 0
6 0
12 0
4 0
16 0
10 0
10 6
12 6
7 6
6 0
7 G
3 0
2 0
12 0
18 0
6 0
4 0
10 0
14 0
3 6
3 0
5 0
8 0
13 0
0 5 0
Dorsetshire, continued :—
6096 Nightingale (J. E.). The Church Plate of the County of Dorset.
Roy. 8vo., half morocco 1889
6097 Robinson (C. E.). A Royal Warren, or Picturesque Rambles in
the Isle of Pur beck. 4to., with etchings ; buckram 1882
6098 Sturminster Marshall. Registers, 1563-1812. Translated by Miss
Edith Hobday. 8vo., cloth 1901
6099 Visitation. Addenda to the Visitation of Dorsetshire, 1623 ; with a
Collection of Dorsetshire Pedigrees. Edited by P. T. Colby and J. P.
Rylands. Roy. 8vo., sewed 1888
6100 Warne (Chas.). Ancient Dorset. The Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and
Danit-h Antiquities of the County. Sm. folio, cloth 1872
6101 Woodward (Ida). In and around the Isle of Purbeok. Cr. 4to.,
with 36 coloured plates by J. W. O. Bond; doth 1908
6102 Dodd (J.). History of the Church of Chester-le-Street. Roy. 4to.,
doth 1856
6103 Foster (Joseph). Pedigrees recorded at the Visitation of the
County Palatine of Durham, made by William Flower, 1575, Richard
St. George, 1615, and by William Dugdale, 1666. 8vo., cloth 1837
6104 Gainford. Index to the First Volume of the Parish Registers of
Gainford in the County of Durham. 8vo., cloth 1889-90
6105 Hutchinson (W.). History and Antiquities of the County Palatine
of Durham. 3 vols., 4to., old calf 1785-94
The title-pages bear inscriptions of ownership, hence the low price.
6106 - the same. 3 vols., 4to., calf 1785-94
6107 - the same. 3 vols., 4to., diced calf, rebadced with morocco 1785-94
This copy contains the author’s rery rare “Address to the Subscribers” and an
extra plate, a portrait of Edward Chandler, Bishop of Durham, engraved by Vertue.
6108 Sanderson (P.) Antiquities of the Abbey Churoh of Durham.
Cr. 8vo., hf. bd. 1767
6109 Surtees (R.). History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of
Durham. 4 vols. 1816-40—Raine (J.). History and Antiquities of
North Durham. 1852together 5 vols., roy. folio, Large Paper;
morocco extra , uncut 1816-52
6110 Visitation. Heraldio Visitation of ye Countyo Palatyne of Durham,
1575. Folio, bd.; scarce 1820
6111 - the same. A MS. copy, without the Coats of Arms. Folio,
half morocco n. d.
6112 Audley End. A Collection of Engraved Views, Drawings, and
Portraits, to illustrate a History of Audley End and Saffron Waldon.
About 140 pieces; in a portfolio about 1600-1840
6113 Barnes (H. E.) and P. Morant. The Register of Baptisms,
Marriages and Burials at St. Margaret’s, Toppesfield Parish, Essex,
1559-1650. Edited by G. F. Dow. 8vo. sewed Topsfield, Mass., 1905
6114 Barrett (C. R. B.). Essex : Highways, Byways, and Waterways.
2 vols., 4to., cloth 1892-3
6115 Beaumont (G. F.). History of Coggeshall, in Essex, with an
Aocount of . . . the Family of Coggeshall. 8vo., cloth 1890
6116 Berry (W.). Pedigrees of Essex Families. Sm. folio, printed in
lithography; calf gilt n. d. (1833?)
This copy is offered at a low price, pages 125-128 are missing.
6117 Bishops Stortford. Miserere Seats in St. Michael’s Church, Bishops
Stortford. 18 photographs mounted on cardboard, in an album ». d.
6118 Braybrooke (Lord). The History of Audley End. Folio, Large
Paper; a fine copy in russia extra, blind tooled 1836
6119 Buckler (George). Twenty-two of the Churches of Essex, architect¬
urally described and illustrated. Roy. 8vo., bd. 1856
6120 -(E. H.). The Abbey of Waltham Holy Cross. Roy. 4to., W*.
6121 Christy (Miller©t e ®rf\de Signs of Essex. 8vo.. cloth _ rc 1837
s. d.
12 6
12 6
10 0
7 6
1 0
12 6
9 0
15 0
4 6
16 0
13 6
10 0
7 6
0 0
10 0
0 0
0 0
3 6
1 0
3 6
15 0
10 0
5 0
7 0
4 6
3 0
. continued :— £
6122 Colchester. The Red Paper Book of Colchester. Transcribed and
translated by W. Gurney Benham. 4to., cloth 1902 0
6123 Dale (Samuel). History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover-
court. First collected by Silas Taylor, alias Domville . . . and now
muoh enlarged . . . Roy 4to., Large Paper; blue oalf, gilt edges 1730
6124 -the same. 4to. (no portrait) ; old calf 1730
6125 -the same. Second Edition. Sm. 4to., old calf 1732
6126 Domesday Book. Photo-Zinoographed Facsimile of the part relating
to Essex. 4to., doth 1862
6127 Dyke. Two Sermons preached in 1622 and 1628, by the Rev.
Jeremiah Dyke, Vicar of Epping. Roy. 8vo., doth 1896
6128 Essex Archaeological Society : Transactions. A complete set from
the beginning in 1852 to 1903 inclusive, with General Index;—together
14 vols. and 1 part, 8vo., half calf neat 1858-1993 14
6129 -the same. Complete from the beginning in 1852 to 1900 in¬
clusive;—together 12 vols., 8vo., half calf 1858-1900 12
Complete seta of the First Series are difficult to obtain, the stock haring been
destroyed by fire in the year 1874.
6130 Glasscock (J. L. jun.). Records of St. Michael's Parish Church,
Bishops Stortford. 8vo., cloth • 1882 0
0111 [Gough (R.)]. History and Antiquities of Pleshy. 4to., the author's
copy with numerous notes and corrections; calf neat 1803 7
0132 Kennedy (John). History 7 of the Parish of Leyton, Essex. Roy. 4to.,
with maps and plates ; half vellum 1894
6133 Morant. History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. 2 vols.,
folio, calf or rusbia gilt 1768
6134 -the Bame. Large Paper. 2 vols., folio, gilt ruesia 1768
6135 Palin (William). Stifford and its Neighbourhood, 1871—More
about Stifford, 1872;—together, 2 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth 1871-2
6136 -the same. Large Paper. 2 vols., 4to., cloth 1871-2
6137 Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552 ; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570 ;
Raven, 1612 ; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 Edited by W. C. Metcalfe.
2 vols., rov. 8vo., cloth Harleian Soc., 1878-9 1
6138 -the same. 2 vols. in 3, roy. 8vo., interleaved; cloth 1878 1
6139 - Begun 1664, finished 1668, by Sir Edward Bysshe. Edited by
J. J. Howard. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1888 1
6140 ■ the same. Roy. 8vo., printed on vellum ; vellum neat 1888 3
This, the only copy on vellum, wu printed for F. A. Crisp.
6141 Watney (John, jun.). Somj Account of St. Osyth’s Priory, Essex,
and its inhabitants. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1871 0
6142 Winstanley (H.). [Plans, Elevations, and Particular Prospects of
Audley End]. Large folio, with 3 engraved dedications and 22 plates {of
24) all , with one exception , bting superb proofs before the numbers;
excessively rare in this state; olive morocco extra n. d. 18
Thie is an original copy, printed before the proprietors of Kip’s View* 'acquired the
greater portion of the coppers from which the platee of the above were taken.
6143 Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones post mortem, returned
into the Court of Chancery in the Reign of Charles I. Edited by W. P.
W. Phillimore and G. S. Fry. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., tree calf 1893-5 0
6144 Bird (C.). Picturesque Old Bristol. 2 vols., folio, with 52 fine
etchings , proofs before letters; morocco extra 1885 6
614£ Bristol. The Little Red Book of Bristol. Edited by Francis B.
Bickley. 2 vols., 4to., buckram 1900 1
6146 Bristol and Gloucestershire Archeological Society. Trans¬
actions. Vols. I—XXIV, with General Index, and 3 extra publications.
8 ro., in parts 1876-1901 8
6147 Charlton Kings. Extracts from some of the Registers of Charlton
Kings. 1538-1^5, g/j. MS. of 100 pages, sm. 4fco., Kf.ld< m 1875 0
t. d.
18 0
16 0
8 0
18 0
16 0
6 0
L0 0
10 0
4 0
7 0
16 0
14 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
16 0
16 0
0 0
3 0
15 0
0 0
16 0
10 0
1 0
8 0
10 0
Gloucestershire, continued: —
6148 Cirencester. History and Antiquities of Cirencester. Cr. 8vo.,
cloth 1842
6149 Corbet (John). An Qistoricall Relation of the Military Government
of Gloucester. Sm. 4to., calf neat 1645
6150 Crawley - Boevey (A. W.). Cartulary and Historical Notes of the
Cistercian Abbey of Flax ley. 4to., cloth 1887
6151 Ellacombe (H. T.). The Church Bells of Gloucestershire. 4to.,
bds. 1881
6152 Evans (J.). Beauties of Clifton. 16mo., half calf (1815 ?)
6153 Gloucestershire Notes and Queries. Vols. I—IX. 8vo. f hf.
calf 1881-1902
6154 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. Marriages. Edited by W. P.
Phillimore. Vols. I—IX. 8vo., cloth 1896-1903
6155 Hervey. Letter Books of John Hervey, first Earl of Bristol. With
Sir Thomas Hervey’s letters, 1651 to 1750. 3 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1894
6156 - The Diary of John Hervey, first Earl of Bristol. Sm. 4to.,
cloth 1894
6157 Hyett (Francis A.) and W. Bazeley.. Bibliographer’s Manual of
Gloucestershire Literature. 3 vols.,4to., Large Paper ; buckram 1895-7
6158 Lysons (5.). Account of Roman Villas discovered at Woodchester.
Impl. folio, with 40 plates (mostly coloured) ; bds. 1797
6159 -the same. Impl. folio, without the dedication ; bds. 1797
6160 - A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities. Impl. folio, with
110 plates (some coloured) ; half green morocco 1804
6161 - ■■■ the same. Impl. folio, one of twelve copies printed on Large
Paper and entirely coloured; blue morocco 1804
6162 Morgan. Col. Morgan Governor of Glocester’s Letter to the Hon.
William Lenthal . . . concerning the total Routing and Taking of Sir
Jacob Ashley and his Army at Stow upon the Wold . . Sm. 4to., pp. 8;
calf neat 1645
6163 Nicholls (J. F.) and J. Taylor. Bristol: Past and Present. 3 vols.,
4to., with numerous illustrations; cloth 1881-2
6164 Pooley (C.). Notes on the Old Crosses of Gloucestershire. Roy.
8vo., cloth 1868
6165 Records of Gloucester Cathedral for 1863-4. Edited by W.
Bazeley. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf n. d.
6166 Rental of all the Houses in Gloucester, a.d. 1455. Compiled by
Robert Cole, edited by W. H. Stevenson. Roy. 4to., Large Paper;
vellum 1890
6167 Skelton’s Etchings of the Antiquities of Bristol from Original
Sketches by Hugh O’Neill. Large folio, Large Paper , with about 60
fine plates, Proofs on India Paper; half morocco [1825]
6168 Visitation, 1682-83 . . . With Additions. Edited by T. Fitzroy
Fenwick, and Walter C. Metcalfe. Impl. 8vo., cloth 1884
6169 Wadley (T. P.). Notes or Abstracts of the Wills contained in the
Great Orphan Book and Book of Wills in the Council House at Bristol.
8vo., half calf 1886
6170 [Washboum (John)]. Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis. 4to., Large
Papir; half calf 1825
Hampshire :
6171 Domesday Book. Extension of the Latin Text, and an English
Translation. With notes, by Henry Moody. Folio, doth 1862
6172 Englefield (Sir Henry C.). A Walk through Southampton. Seoond
Edition. 4to., hf. bd. 1805
6173 Ferrey (B.) and E. W. Bray ley. Antiquities of the Priory of
Christ-Chnrch, Hampshire. 4to., cloth 18 ll
6174 Gilbert (H. M.) and G. N. Godwin. Bibliotheca Hantoniensis: A
List of Books relating to Hampshire. 8vo., roxburghe 1891
6175 -the same^-Large Paper. Roy. 8yo., roxburghe gina | from 1897
£ s.
0 5
1 10
1 1
0 16
0 3
3 3
2 5
0 10
0 5
1 16
3 16
3 8
4 4
12 12
1 10
0 15
0 10
0 7
0 15
2 2
1 8
0 7
1 1
0 10
0 7
0 10
0 3
0 5
Southampton, King's
Hampshire, continued :—
0176 Hampshire Antiquary and Naturalist. Vols. I and II. 4to.,
cloth 1891-2
Isle of Wight:
6177 Barber’s Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle of Wight.
Accompanied by Historical and Topographical Descriptions. 8vo. t
cloth (1842 ?)
6178 James. Letters Archaeological and Historical relating to the Islo
of Wight. By the late Rev. E. Boncher James. Collected by his
Widow. 2 vols., cr. 8vo., cloth 1896
6179 Price (J. E.) and F. G. Hilton. Description of the remains of
Roman Buildings at Morton, near Brading, Isle of Wight. 4to.,
cloth 1881
6180 Stone (P. G.). The Architectural Antiquities of the Isle of Wight,
from the Xlth to the XVlIth centuries inclusive. 2 parts in 1 vol.,
folio, half red morocco 1891
6181 Lymington. Records of the Corporation of the Borough of New
Lymington. By C. St. Barbe. Roy. 8vo , doth
6182 Municipal Records of the Corporations of
Lynn, and Reading. 8vo., hf. Id. Histor. MSS. Comm., 1887
6183 Parish Registers of Priors Dean and Colmer to 1812. Edited by
Rev. Thomas Hervey. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1886
6184 Portsmouth. Extracts Irom Records in the possession of the Muni¬
cipal Corporation of the Borough of Portsmouth. By R. J. Murrell,
and R. East. 4to., half calf 1884
6185 Shore (T. W.). History of Hampshire. 8vo., cloth 1892
6186 Victoria History of the Counties: Hampshire and the Isle of
Wight. Vols. I and II. Edited by H. Arthur Doubleday. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1900-3
6187 Warner. Collections for the History of Hampshire and Bishopric
of Winchester. 6 vols. in 3, 4to., russia [1795]
6188 White (G.). The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne.
4to., First Edition ; half morocco 1789
6188*-the same. 4to., original calf, repaired 1789
6189 Winchester. Transcripts from the Municipal Archives of Win¬
chester. By Charles Bailey. Cr. 8vo., doth 1856
6190 - Liber Vitao: Register and Martyrology of New Minster and
Hyde Abbey, Winchester. Edited by Walter de Gray Birch. 8vo.,
cloth 1892
6191 - The Pipe Roll of the Bishopric of Winchester for the fourth
year of the Pontificate of Peter des Roches, 1208-9. Transcribed and
edited by the Class in Palaeography of the London School of Economics.
Folio., cloth 1903
6192 Archaeological Survey of Herefordshire. [Part I]. By J. O.
Bevan, J. Davies, and F. Haverfield. 4to., tewed 1896
6193 - the same. [Part II.] Medieeval Period. By J. Davies and
J. O. Bevan. 4to., sewed 1897
6194 Beavan (W. L.) and H. W. Phillott. Medieeval Geography: an
Essay in illustration of tbo Hereford Mappa Mundi. 8vo., sewed 1874
6195 Duncumb (John). Collections towards the History and Antiquities
of the County of Hereford. Vol. I and part 1 of vol. II (all published
by John Dunoumb). 2 vols., roy. 4to., hds., uncut 1804-12
6196 Johnson (R.). Lecture on the ancient enstoms of the City of
Hereford. 12mo., cloth 1845
6197 Map of the County of Hereford. A coloured map on a large sheet
26 by 21 inches 1819
6198 Monumental. Inscriptions in the Cathedial Church of Hereford.
By Francis Tvjfctw^-liC Sm. 4to., parchment ^RSITY OF
1881 0
8. d.
6 0
9 0
10 6
6 0
16 0
10 6
2 6
0 0
15 0
3 6
2 0
8 0
9 0
0 0
3 6
5 0
9 0
2 6
2 6
3 6
10 0
4 0
3 0
15 0
Herefordshire, continued :—
6199 Marden. [Collections concerning the Manor of Marden, co. Hereford].
By Thomas Earl Coning3by. Folio, russia gilt, uncut; very tare 1722-7
Those collections were privately printed by Earl Coningsby, and at bis expense, to
support his right to the lands of Amberley, etc., and contain copies of the various
original Papers and liecords connected with the Manor, affording also much valuable
information relative to other Manors and Lands in Hertfordshire.
As this copy differs in collation from thAt given in Lowndes, it will be sold not
subject to return. Many MS. additions in margins, probably by the noble author.
6200 Stanhope (Hon. Berkeley Scudamore) and H. C. Moffat. Church
Plate of the County of Hereford. 4to., buckram 1903
6201 Visitation made by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, 1569. Edited by
F. W. Weaver. Impl. 8vo., cloth Exeter, 1836
6202 Webb. Memorials of the Civil War between Charles I and the
Parliament, as it affected Herefordshire. By the late John Webb.
Edited by T. W. Webb. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1879
6203 Aldenham. Parish Registers of Aldenham, Herts, 1559-1659.
Transcribed by K. F. Gibbs, edited by W. Brigg. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1902
6204 Berry. Pedigrees of Hertfordshire Families. Collected by William
Berry. Folio, lithographed, with Coats of Arms; bds. (1833)
6205 Chauncy (Sir H.). The Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire.
Folio, a fine tall copy in old red morocco 1700
6206 - the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper; calf 1826-7
6207 - the same. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., Large Paper, with map mounted
on linen; half morocco 1826-7
6208 Clutterbuck (Robert). History and Antiquities of the County of
Hertford. 3 vols., folio ; russia extra 1815-27
6209 Cussans (John Edwin). History of Hertfordshire. 3 vols., roy.
folio, Large Paper; in parts as issued {pub. £33. 12«) 1870-81
6210 Newcombe (Peter). History of the ancient and royal foundation,
called the Abbey of St. Alban. 4to., calf, rebacked 1795
6211 Norden (John). Speculi Britanise Pars. A Description of Hart-
fordshire, 1« 98. Reprinted by W. B. Gerish. Sm. 4to., sewed 1903
6212 St. Albans. The Corporation Records of St. Albans, with Lists of
Mayors, etc. By A. E. Gibbs. Cr. 8vo. 1890
6213 Salmon (N.). The History of Hertfordshire. Folio, hf. calf 1723
6214 -the same. 1728—Newcome (P.). History of the Ancient and
Royal Foundation, called the Abbey of St. Alban, in the County of
Hertford. 4to., mounted to folio size, uniform with the preceding.
1795;—together, 2 vols., folio, extra illustrated by the insertion of over
100 scarce portraits and views, including 11 very fine mezzotint portraits;
old russia 1728-95
6215 Turnor (Lewis). History of the ancient town and borough of Hert¬
ford. Roy. 8vo., Large Paper; bds. 1830
6216 Owen (T. M. N.). Church Bells of Huntingdonshire. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1899
6217 Visitation of the County of Huntingdon, under the authority of
William Camden, 1613. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Sm. 4to., cloth
Camden Soc. 1849
Isle of Man:
6218 Cumming (J. G.). Runic and other Monumental Remains of the
Isle of Man. 4to., bds. (1857)
6219 Kermode (P. M. C.). Manx Crosses; or, the Inscribed and
Sculptured Monuments of the Isle of Man from aboat the end of the
fifth to the beginning of the thirteenth Century. 4to., buckram 1907
6220 Manx Note Book* (The).] Edited by A. W. Mooreo r 12 parts com¬
plete. [ 8yo. z , sewd&JO QIC UNIVERSITY OF 1885-8?
£ s. d.
18 0 0
0 18 0
1 4 0
0 18 0
0 12 6
3 10 0
18 10 0
15 0
1 1 0
17 10 0
6 6 0
1 1 0
0 2 6
0 3 0
1 12 0
24 0 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
3 3 0
1 12 0
Idle of Man, continued: —
Manks Society’s Publications. 8vo., cloth 1859-79
6221 Vol. 1.— Sacheverell’s Account of the Isle of Man. Edited by
J. Camming 1859
6222 Vol. III.— Legislation of Three of the Thirteen Stanleys, Kings
of Man. Edited by W. Mackenzie 1860
6223 Vols. IV, VIT, IX.— Oliver’s Monumenta Insulae Mannice. 3
vole. 1860-2
6224 Vol. V.— Oswald’s Vestigia Insulae-Mannite antiquiora; Ar¬
morial Bearings of the Isle of Man. 8 vo. 1860
6225 Vol. VI.— Feltham’s Tour through Man in 1797 - 8 . Edited by
B. Airy 1861
6226 Vol. VIII.— Harrison's Bibliotheca Monensis 1861
6227 Vol. X.— Chaloner’s Treatise of the Isle of Man, in 6 chapters
(1656). Edited, with notes, by J. Camming 1864
6228 Vol. XI.— Waldron’s Description of the Isle of Man, printed in
1731. Edited by Harrison 1865
6229 Vol. XII.— Parr’s Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordin¬
ances of the Isle of Man. Vol. I, edited by Gell 1867
6230 Vol. XV. — Cumming. Collection of Memoirs on the Antiquities of
the Isle of Man 1868
6231 Vol. XVI.— Mona Miscellany. Collected by W. Harrison 1869
6232 Vol. XXI. -the same. Seoond Series 1873
6233 Vol. XVIII.— Old Historians of the Isle of Man. Edited by
Harrison 1871
6234 Vol. XIX.- -Records of the Tynwald and St. John’s Chapels in
the Isle of Man, by Harrison 1871
6235 Vol. XXIX.—Harrison (W.). Account of the Diocese of Sodor
and Man 1879
6236 Moore (A. W.). The Surnames and Place-Names of the Isle of
Man. With an Introduction by Prof. Rhys. 8 vo., cloth 1890
6237 Robertson (D.). Tour through the Isle of Man. Roy. 8yo., calf,
10,; or, bds. 1794
6238 Woods (G.). Account of the past and present State of the Isle of
Man. 8 vo., bds., uncut 1811
6239 Archseologia Cantiana. A Complete Set from the beginning in 1858
to 1902, forming 25 vols., 8 vo., blue cloth 1858-1902
6240 -the same. Vols. I—XXIV. 6 vo., blue doth 1858-1900
6241 -the same. Vols. I—XXIII. 8 vo., blue doth 1858-1898
6242 Brayley (E. W.). Delineations, historical and topographical, of the
Isle of Thanet and the Cinque Ports. 2 vols., 12mo., bds. 1817-8
6243 Brent (J.). Canterbury in the Olden Time. Roy. 8 vo., cloth 1879
Canterbury Registers. Edited by J. Meadows Cowper. Roy. 8 vo.,
cloth 1887-1903
6244 Register Booke of Christeninges, MariageB, and Burialls in
Saint Dunstan’s, Canterbury. 1559-1800 1887
6245 Booke of Regester of the Parish of St. Peter in Canterbury for
Christninges, Weddinges and Buryalls. 1560-1800 1888
6246 Regyster Booke of Chrystenynges, Maryages, and Buryalls of
the Parish of St. Alphaege in the Cyttye of Canterburye. 1558-
1800 1889
6247 Names of them that were Crystened, Marryed and Buryed in
the Paryshe of Saynt Mary Magdalene in Canterbury. 1559-1800 1890
6248 Register Booke of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, within the
Citie of Canterburie of Christenings, Manages, and Burials. 1538-
1800 . . 1891
6249 Register Book of Christenings, Marriags, and Burialls in the
parishe of St. Paule without the walles of the citie of Canterburie.
1562-18u0 1893
6250 Roll of t^ejfyeom in of the City of Cantt^tlil^ 1392-1800 1903
£ ». d.
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 12 0
0 7 6
0 6 0
0 4 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 5 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 7 6
0 7 6
0 4 0
0 12 0
0 5 0
10 10 0
10 0 0
9 y 0
0 14 0
0 6 0
0 12 6
0 15 0
0 12 6
0 12 6
0 12 6
0 12 6
0 15 0
Kent, continued :—
6251 Canterbury* Historical Memorials of Canterbury. By Arthur P.
Stauley. Post 8vo., cloth 1857
6252 Cave-Browne (J.). History of the Parish Church of All Saints,
Maidstone. 8vo., with 10 plates; cloth 1889
6253 -the same. 4to., Large Paper; cloth (1889)
62)4 Cruden (Robert Pierce). History of Gravesend. Roy. 8vo.,
cloth 1843
6255 Dart (J.). History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Canterbury. Folio, old calf 1726
6256 Denne (Samuel) and W. Wildash. History and Antiquities of
Rochester. Second Edition. Post 8vo., old calf 1817
6257 Domesday Book of Kent. With Translation, Notes, and Appendix.
By Lambert B. Larking. Folio, half hmnd 1869
6258 Faussett ( Bryan l. Invontorinm Sepulchrale. Edited from the
original MS., by C. Roach Smith. 4to., cloth 1856
6259 Gavelkind. History of Gavelkind. By C. Sandys. 8vo., cloth 1851
6260 Goatling (W.). Walk in and about the City of Canterbury. Second
Edition. 8vo., calf 1777
6261 Harris (John). The History of Kent. Vol. I (all published).
Folio, with portrait and 43 maps and plates ; old calf gilt 1719
6262 Haslewood (F.). The Parish of Chislet, Kent: its Monuments,
Vicars, and Parish Officers. Roy. 8vo , with portrait; cloth 1887
6263 Hasted’s History of Kent, corrected, enlarged, and continued. . . .
Edited by H. H. Drake. Part I.—The Hundred of Blackheath.
Folio, cloth ( svh-cription price £5) 1886
6264 Kilburne (R.). A Topographic or Survey of the County of Kent.
Sm. 4to., with portrait (1 leaf mended) ; old calf 1659
6265 Lambard (W.). A Perambulation of Kent. Sm. 4to., First Edition ,
with map; old calf rebacked 1576
6266 - the same. Sm. 4to., Second and Bed Edition, with 2 maps;
a few leaves water-stained , otherwise a fine large interleaved copy in old
a fe
the same. Sm. 4to., vellum
the same. Sm. 8vo., old calf
Fifth Edition. The only one containing the Charters of the Cinque Ports.
6669 Lee. Register of all the Marriages, Christenings and Burials in the
Church of S. Margaret, Lee, 1579 to 1754. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1888
6270 Lewisham. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard
of 8. Mary, Lewisham. Edited by H. C. Kirby and L. L. Duncan.
Roy. 8vo., cloth 1889
6271 - Register of Marriages, Christenings, and Burials in the Church
of Saint Mary, Lewisham, Kent (Being such portions of the Registers
as were saved from the fire of 1830) from 1558 to 1750. Edited by
L. L. Duncan. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1891
6272 Martin (C. W.). History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent.
Folio, with fine photographic plates ; cloth 1869
6273 Philipott (T.). Villare Cantianum : or, Kent surveyed and illus¬
trated. Second Edition. Folio, uu'M 2 plates (map missing) ; hf. bd. 1776
6274 Puckie (J.). Church and Fortress of Dover Castle. 8vo., cloth 1864
6275 Registers. A Collection of Transoripts from various Kentish
Registers, neatly written on 142 leaves of foolscap, and bound in 1 vol.,
folio, half calf v. y.
From the library of the late J. J. Howard.
6276 Routledge (C. F.). History of St. Martin’s Church, Canterbury.
Post 8vo., cloth 1891
6277 Smith (C. R.). Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lyxnne,
in Kent. Sm. 4to., cloth 1850
6278 -- the same, 1850—Report on Excavations made on the site of
the Roman Castrnm atLyrane, in Kent, 1850. 1852 ;—in 1 vol., sm. 4to.,
■' ~ ’ < v iainal from •-*
cloth Digitized by
rum at tyrant
£ s. d.
0 3 6
0 5
0 9
0 18
0 12
1 1
0 5
0 9 0
1 10 0
0 7 6
2 2 0
0 12 6
4 10 0
0 12 0
1 1 0
2 0 0
3 16 0
3 3 0
3 16 0
3 10 0
10 0
0 7 6
0 18 0
0 10 6
5 5 0
0 2 6
0 10 0
1850-2 1 4 C
Kent, continued ;— £ *. d.
6270 Stahlschmidt (J. C. L.). The Church Bells of Kent: theft Inscrip¬
tions, Founders, Uses and Traditions. Cr. 4to., cloth 1887 0 16 0
6280 Thorpe (John). Registrant Roffense: a Collection of Antient
Records and Instruments of divers kind, necessary for illustrating the
Ecclesiastical History of Rochester. Folio, neatly bound 1769 4 16 0
6281 - the same. Folio, newly bound in half calf, uncut 1769 5 10 0
6282 - Registrant Roffense. 1769.—Custamale Roffense. 1788—
together, 2 vols., folio, fine copies in russia extra 1769-88 10 0 0
6283 Vine (F. T.). Csesar in Kent: the Landing of Julius Ctesar and his
battles with the Ancient Britons. Sm. 4to., calf 1886 0 5 0
6284 Visitation of the County of Kent, taken in the year 1619 by Jobn
Philipott. Folio., a neatly written MS., with numerous autograph letters,
old deeds, etc., inserted; half red morocco (1860?) 6 16 6
6285 - Some Pedigrees from the Visitation of Kent, 1663-68.
Annotated by Joseph J. Howard, and R. Hovenden. Boy. 8vo., with
numerous Goats of Arms ; half vellum 1887 0 12 6
6286 Woolnoth (W.). Graphical Illustrations of the Metropolitan
Cathedral Church of Canterbury; accompanied by a History and
Description. Folio, Large Paper ; straight-grained blue morocco extra 1816 1 16 0
6287 Aikin (J.). Description of the Country from 30 to 40 miles round
Manchester. 4to, neatly bound 1795 1 5 0
6288 Annales Fumesienses. History and Antiquities of the Abbey of
Furness. Roy. 4to., with 26 plates; roxburghe binding 1.844 3 16 0
6289 Baines (Edward). History of the County Palatine and Duchy of
Lancaster. New Edition. 2 vols., 4to., cloth 1868 1 10 0
6290 Bury (T. T.). Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester
Railway, with Plates of the Coaches, Machines, &c. Roy. 4to., First
Edition, with 13 beautiful coloured plates ; bds., rare Ackermann, 1831 16 1G 0
6291 Chetham Society’s Publications. A complete set from the com¬
mencement in 1844 to 1898, being [Old Series] 114 vols., with General
Index, 2 vols.; and New Series, Vols. 1-39—155 vols., sm. 4to.,
doth 1844-98 16 1G 0
6292 Clarke (S. R.). New Lancashire Gazetteer, or topographical
Dictionary. 8vo., calf neat 1830
6293 Earwaker. The Constables’ Accounts of the Manor of Manchester,
from 1612 to 1647, and 1743 to 1776. 3 vols., roy. 8vo., half vellum 1891-2
6294 Fishwick (Lt. Col. H.). History of Lancashire. 8vo., cloth 1894
6295 Foster (Joseph). Pedigrees of the County Families of England.
Lancashire. Roy. 4to., cloth 1873
6296 -the same. Imp], 4to., Largest Paper, the folding pedigrees
mounted on linen ; half red morocco 1873
6297 Gregson (Matthew). Portfolio of Fragments, relative to the
History and Antiquities of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster,
1817—the same, Second Edition, with additions, 1824;—in 1 vol.,
sm. folio, with MS. and other additions ; morocco extra, gilt edges, from
the Bateman library 1817-24
6298 -the same. Third Edition, with Additions and Improvements,
con'aining a copious General Index, and a special Index to the Coats of
Armp. Edited by J. Harland. Folio, cloth 1869
6299 Harrison (W.). Archseological Survey of Lancashire. Aio., sewed 1896
6300 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Transactions.
Vols. I—L. 8vo., twenty-four vols. in twelve, half morocco, the rest
unbound 1848-1900
6301 Leigh (Charles). The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and
the Peak, in Derbyshire. Folio, Large Paper, old calf, £1. Is 1700
63 r 2 - Register* of the P*ush of Leigh, from Feb. 1558 to March 1625.
Eli ted by J. H.(g 4 ^uvig.[CRoy. 8vo., hj. id. UNIVERSITY OF MICHlIW
0 3 C
0 15 0
0 3 6
2 2 0
3 5 0
3 1G 0
l 5 0
0 2 6
8 8 0
1 12 6
0 16 0
Lancashire, continued :— x
6303 Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society. Pro¬
ceedings. Yol. I. Sessions 1848-9 and 1849-50. 4to., bds. 1852 0
6304 Longridge. History of Longridge and district By Tom C. Smith.
Sm. 4to., cloth 1888 0
6305 Manchester. Court Leet Reoords of the Manor of Manchester,
from 1552 to 1686, and 1731 to 1846. 12 vols., roy. 8vo., half vellum
neat 1884-90 2
6306 Ulverston. Registers of Ulveraton Parish Church. Edited by C. W.
Bardsley and L. R. Ayre. 4to., bound in 2 vole. ; half morocco neat 1886 3
6307 Procter (R. W.). Memorials of Manchester Streets. 4to., Large
Paper; cloth 1874 0
G308 -Memorials of Bygone Manchester. \bo., Large Paper; cloth 1880 0
6309 Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating
to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vols. I—XXXVII. 8ro cloth 1879-98 9
C310 Ribchester. History of the Parish of Ribchester, in the County of
Lancaster. By Tom C. Smith and Jonathan Shortt. 8vo., doth 1890 0
6311 Registers of the Parish Church of Rochdale, 1582-1641. Edited by
H. Fishwick. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1888-9 0
6312 Towneley Manuscripts: English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and Satires,
eto. Edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 4to., Large Paper , cloth 1877 0
6313 Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year
1567, by Wm. Flower. Edited by F. R. Raines. Sm. 4to., cloth 1870 0
C314 Visitation of . . . 1613, by Richard St. George. Edited by F. R.
Raines. Sm. 4to., cloth 1871 0
6315 Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 1664-5, by Sir William
Dugdale. Edited by F. R. Raines. 3 vols., sm. 4to., cloth 1872-3 1
6316 Whalley Abbey. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley
Abbey. Edited by W. A. Hnlton. 4 vols. in 2, 4to., cloth 1847-9 1
6317 Burton (William). Description of Leicester Shire. Sm. folio, with
map (mounted), engraved title (mounted), fine portrait by Delaram
(mounted), and woodcute, several ll. discoloured; russia 1622 4
6318 -the same. Second Edition. Folio, Large Paper; bds. 1777 2
6319 Hill (John Harwood). History of the Parish of Langton. Folio,
bds. 1867 1
6320 Nichols’ Leicestershire. 4 vols. in 8, roy. folio, a remarkably fine
copy in the original boards, unout 1795-1811 120
This copy has the second edition of the History of Hinckley, issued in 1813, and of
which only 60 copies were printed, it includes a separate title-page and dedication to
John Ward, of Hinckley, which are not mentioned by Upoott.
It has also the original Hundreds of West Goscote and Gathlaxton, nearly all the
copies of which were burnt in Nichols’ fire.
I have also added facsimiles of the reprinted pages 465, 466, and 466* of Vol. I,
pt. 2, which are rarely seen. They are not in any of the three copies of the book possessed
by the British Moscam.
6321 North (Thomas). Church Bells of Leicestershire. 4to., cloth 1876 1
6322 -Accounts of the Churchwardens of S. Martin’s, Leicester, 1489-
1844. 4to., cloth 1884 0
6323 Trollope (Andrew). An Inventory of the Church Plate of Leicester¬
shire. 2 vols , 4to., doth 1890 1
0324 Visitation, taken a.d. 1619 by Sampson Lenn&rd. Roy 8vo., calf
Harleian Soc., 1870 1
This copy has bean bound without the title-page.
6325 Agriculture. General View of the Agricnlture of the County of
Lincoln. 8vo, hf. bd. 1799 0
6326 Fenland Notes and Queries. Edited by W. H. Bernard Saunders.
Vols. I and II. 8vo., one vol. hf. 62., the other in 12 parts 1889-94 1
6327 Gibbons (A.VT' l(et«aia,tho Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1834. 8vo.,
cio/A 9 yVjUVJ c$ lV ^ UNIVERSITY OF MICHI&888 0
«. d.
7 6
G 0
12 6
3 0
8 0
8 0
9 0
15 0
18 0
10 6
10 0
10 0
4 0
4 0
4 0
16 0
1 0
0 0
15 0
10 0
0 0
1G 0
6 0
5 0
Lincolnshire, continued :—
6328 Harrod (W.). Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martin’s. 2 vols.,
12mo., calf 1785
6329 Ingulph. The Chroniole of Croyland Abbey by Ingnlph. Edited
by Walter de Gray Birch. Roy. 8vo , cloth 1883
6330 Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. Vols. I— V. 8vo, neatly half
hound in green morocco; a fine set 1889-98
6331 Louth. Old Corporation Records. Compiled by R. W. Goulding.
Roy. 8vo., doth 1891
6332 Lysons. Figures of Mosaic Pavements discovered at Horkstow in
Lincolnshire. Impl. folio, uith 7 coloured plates; bds. 1801
6333 Mirehouse (John). History of the Charch of St. John the Baptist,
at Colsterworth. Sm. 4to., bds. 1902
6334 Scrivelsby, the Home of the Champions. 4to., cloth 1893
6335 — the same. Second Edition. 4to., cloth 1894
6336 Thompson (Pishey). History and Antiquities of Boston, and the
villages of Skiibeck, Fishtoft. Folio, Large Paper; russia 1856
6337 Wild (C.). The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of
Lincoln. Second Edition, by J. Britton. 4to., cloth 1837
London and Middlesex:
6338 Agas (Ralph). Plan of London ( circa 1560-1570). A large map on
8 sheets • 1905
6339 Aungier (G. J.). History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, the
Pariah of Islewortb, and the Chapelry of Hounslow. Roy. 8vo., Large
Paper ; half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut l u 40
6340 Austin Friars. Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers, 1571-
1874, and Monumental Inscriptions of the Dutch Reformed Charch,
Austin Friars. Edited by W. J. C. Moens. Sm. 4to., cloth 1884
6341 Bay ley (J.). History and Antiquities of the Tower of London.
2 vols., roy. 4to., half morocco 1821
6342 -the same. Large Paper. 2 vols., impl. 4to., with proof plates on
India Paper; red morocco extra 1825
6343 Bell (D. C.). Notices on the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel
of St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London. 8vo., cloth 1877
6344 Bellamius Enervatus: or, a full Answer to a book entitled A Plea
for tho Commonalty of London. Sm. 4to., unbound 1645
6345 Bermondsey. Parish Registers of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey,
1548-1609. Svo., cloth 1894
6316 Birch. Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City
of London. By Walter De Gray Birch. Roy. 8vo., cloth 1887
6348 Blanch (W. H.). Ye Parish of Camerwell. A brief Acoount of
the Parish of Camberwell. Large 8vo., doth 1877
6349 Boulton (W.). The Amusements of Old London. 2 vols., 8vo., with
12 hand-coloured illustrations; cloth 1901
6350 Brayley (E. W.) and J. Britton. History of the ancient Palace
and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster. 8vo., calf 1836
6351 Brooke (J. M. S.) and A. W. C. Hal!en. Transcript of the
Registers of the United Parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary
Woolchurch Haw, London, 1538-1760. Roy. 8vo., doth 1886
6352 Brownlow (J.). History and Design of the Foundling Hospital,
with a Memoir of the Founder. 8vo., cloth 1858
6353 Calendar of the Letter Books of the City of London. A — H, temp.
Edw. I to Richard II, 275-1399. Edited by Reginald R. Sharpe.
8 vols., roy. 8vo., doth 1899-1907
6354 -the same. Letter Books A—G., 1275-1374. 7 vols., roy. 8vo.,
doth 1899-1905
6355 - the same. Letter-Book B. circa a.d. 1275-1312. Roy. 8vo.,
doth rs\o Original from 1900
£ i. i
0 15 0
1 15 0
2 15 0
0 5 0
1 10 0
0 5 0
0 6 0
0 9 0
1 4 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
0 6 0
2 2 0
1 16 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 14 0 i
08 0
1 1 o
2 16 0 1
0 7 0 j
0 4 6
0 10 0
0 6 0
0 6 0
0 16 0
0 16 0
London and Middlesex, continued :—
6356 Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Hasting,
London, a.d. 1258 —a.d. 1688. Edited by Reginald R. Sharpe. 2 vols.,
roy. 8vo., cloth 1889-90
6357 Cansick (Frederick T.). A Collection of Curious and Interesting
Epitaphs. 3 vols., cr. 8vo., cloth 1869-75
6358 Cary. Cary’s Actual Survey of the Country fifteen miles round
London. On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile. Post 8vo., with 51 maps;
calf 1786
6359 Cave-Browne (J.). Lambeth Palace and its Associations. Cr. 4to.,
doth 1882
6360 Chamberlain’s Accounts. The Chamberlain of London (Treasurer)
in account with the Corporation of London, in respect of the City’s
Estate. A set from 1888 to 1898 inclusive, forming 11 vols., folio, half
bound 1889-99
6361 Charter. Abridgement of the Charter of the City of London.
Exactly Translated from the Original Record . . Sm. 4to., unbound 1680
6362 -the same. Sm. 4to., without the title-page; unbound 1680
6363 -Forfeiture of London’s Charter. Sm. 4to., unbound 168£
6365 Chester (Col.). London Marriage Licences, 1521-1869. Edited by
Joseph Foster. Roy. 8vo., cloth ( pub. £3. 3s) 1887
6366 Chronicle of London, 1089-1483; written in the 15th Century, and
now printed from MSS. in the British Museum. 4to., bds. 1827
6367 City Guilds. The Ancient Halls of the City Guilds. Drawn in
lithography by Thos. R. Way. 4to., cloth 1903
6368 City- Law (The), or the course and practice in all manner of jpridi-
call proceedings in the Hastings in Guild-Hall. Englished oat of an
ancient French MS. Sm. 4to., pp. 69 ; unbound 1647
6369 Clinch (G.). Bloomsbury and St. Giles’s. Roy. 4to., half morocco 1890
6370 -Marylebone and St. Pancras. 4to., doth 1890
6371 Colquhoun (P.). Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the
River Thames. 8vo., half calf 1800
6372 Crosby Hall. Historical and Antiquarian Notices of Crosby Hall.
By E. I. Carlos. 12mo., hf. bd. 1832
6373 Dart (J.). Westmonasterium, or the History and Antiquities of the
Abbey Church of St. Peters Westminster. 2 vols., roy. folio, Large
Imperial Paper ; old English red morocco ea.tra, rebacked [1723 ?]
6374 Domesday Book. Facsimile of the part relating to Middlesex.
Folio, doth 1861
6375 -A Literal Extension of the Latin text; and an English Trans¬
lation. Folio, doth 1862
6370 Dugdale (William). History of St. Paul’s Cathedral from its foun¬
dation. Folio, old calf neatly repaired 1658
6377 -the same . . . with a Continuation and Additions by Henry
Ellis. Folio, half bound 1818
6378 Faulkner (Thomas). Historical and Topographical Account of
Fulham ; including Hammersmith. 8vo .> half calf 1813
6379 -History and Antiquities of Kensington. 8vo., hf. cf., 12 s 6d;
or, bds., uncut 1820
6380 -History and Antiquities of Hammersmith. 8vo., bds. 1839
6381 -History and Antiquities of Brentford, Ealing, and Chiswick.
8vo., a little water-stained in places , half morocco 1845
6382 F&ret (C. J.). Fnlham Old and New. 3 vols., 4to., with nearly 500
illustrations; doth (pub. £3. 3s) 1900
6383 Fitz- Stephen’s Description of the City of London, newly translated
. . . with a Commentary. By an Antiquary (Samuel Pegge). 4to.,
unbound 1772
6384 -the same. 4to., half calf _ 1772
6385 Fleet Reglsters.^ ^Comprising the History of Fleet Marriages . . .
with Extracts fivm thfcAVjgjutera. By J. S. Burn. 8vn,,ncJof&
£ s.
1 1
0 7
0 H
0 8
2 2
0 7
0 5
0 5
l 5
0 10
1 1
0 9
0 7
0 7
0 4
0 7
4 4
0 6
0 9
2 2
4 10
0 9
0 16
0 9
0 7
1 16
0 6
0 7
0 7
London and Middlesex, continued :—
6386 Fisher (Major Payne). The Tombs, Monuments, Ac., visible in
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Compleatly rendred in Latin and English . . .
Sm. 4to., old calf From, the Fleet (1684)
6387 -the same. Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. Sm. 4to., half
vellum Printed 1684, 'privately reprinted , 1885
G388 -the same. 1885 — Catalogue of the Tombs in the C